The Santiam news. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1897-1917, November 05, 1897, Image 1

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S' ltl, LINN COI N rv,
Where fowls have swelling» on
henil« and feet, l-athu the aff»x't*»l
part» wilt« Arabian tMl»am,«mi Into
every twoqonrta r»f drinking waler
put one t»»i»p«»nlul of the following
misture: One ounce rech oil
fra», jam Ira ginger, tincture »t Iren
anti alcohol.
»• *
Notbiitg so trie« ti«r «siurag«» iu* in
u:iki ■> a n «tnnger: an adventure f»»r
which no pressslent exist«. Wor>lco
tat ing tbw “Monitor" «Own the l»«y
to tight th*« "Alabama,” gave mi ex
ample uf «»rur«g»' of thia rare kind.
Had be . -r/i • trill" l.mi»l, a li'tle
•nun* p'udent. It is »;uitv poasitge
11» »t tin 4 IV« I War might havt> h»»l
« <«I|T> rent l»»ue. II«» »t>»-l that day,
done, la in» vn union at «l di»uui«>n;
«nd this nation ha» vevi-r forgotten
him, ami i«cv«*r will. H»* dl«l noth-
Ina <-l»e of »favi «1 iiii;»>risncv in tti<
• m<* of til» prof« »»ion , but that «»m-
m»ur of magnificent manhowi w»»
lulte ciiougl« ; he won the tight ami
m.mortal fame. I first »aw him in
< «■ rmstry •« vaial >'♦ ar» later; he burn
Upon bl» face the trtuo mark» of the
powder Mown Into hi» f.<c«» that day;
.■I» fi- tun'* wcruhomely at L> »l,mi«i
till« latto»dng «li t not Improve them;
«■I one would turn from almost any
>’l,«-r f»> »• I«> l<x»k at bi»
II»' Wa.
•t fond of talking <>f hi« exploit;
imi the story has been told »ml rv.
.bl n Hu uviml times, «ml wealway»
pc 'ute to our»el vi » the m tn, c«»>;»«l
iu In that dark, »tiding box of »teel,
/rinding round and round, tllhsl
> Ith «moKe, horrible with noise,
groining t>en<Mth «hock u;»>n »Imek
if tin* enemy’s cannon. The soul
in the man di»l not f ilter; he return-
««I blow for blow; half blinded, he
fought on, mid conquer«-«! at la-t.
Worden ha»l not the brain» to build
up and cury on through a g«»ners
lion a great newspaper; but h<* b»»l
i great, heroic heart, mid the »ingb
display of it» gre itne»« un<l heroism
which he wasabi«, to give ii«»i.r«-<l
him tliu love ami honor of bls coui>
iry incii forevej. 111» »tory Illustrate»
tin truth that real life iv a matter of
imem-nts; it doc» not take a lifcllm»
to win an undying name; if. In n
minute, tlm true «;uality ot the man
1« r< veile»l, i minute 1» long enough.
The world Is often cynical, forgetful
unju't,iii.itt«*iitivc,hut wh«'ii it hear»
the ring of genuine tninlux.d, it
a«k» nomoreand ulw «ys reiin'iiitx-r«.
Worden's life, after that one reso­
nant, «plcmlid hour, whs silent ami
retiring ill the extreme; but the
memory of Id» detsi Is a» fresh ns il
wan n.-mly thirty» ng.», mid Id»
death can but add to its fragrance.
—Collier*» Weekly.
Th<»r» 1» a u
Ih»* nuiin a Ju«t «»•»*. that th*
id«-’«!* hi i ur
& h<>4
re i I iih »4
illy lherury, in<|
• <». I.INN <
T» W
t«» th»» very
, trill i»» Ihvlr triMlvlH-lr«. hi •idtrot
’I»«- f4fl Ibftt fully nirii (unth* of thr
, h i Ir< ti Ih th<* put hr •«
It I» «AÌ<1.
<!••«*< iiom I t«» I h * iftijBin r* with ll.vir
that whim a
hfth«!«, th«*
whorJ ’’oUh» » pro­
during th«« winter, II may I«» aav«-«l
; hie»« l*ut jfth* If any iiianti il trai!.
l>y cutting sway tho edg«-« of the
i*»g, 4t»<S luy" I mi I littif* m I cc **» upon
w«uml In the bpring, ti l a ft- »h atol
lb»* ’IltfiiHy and
mrv »>f mar»
healthy Kirk I» seen.
im ! labor.
H a b«»y
r«', I N .ceiiil»*r «pr»-.l« » shadow
•triid from n limb of
with tlm
»»r mw •fier havit g
•ar « «id «llm o’« r w *»»t anil m«*ad«»w
ling them »<* a» Io III
tht* public <wh»«»l course,
Ktreti-hlng far away;
ly, the nnd« of the «trip» pr< s»tng
'hlh* the »unshiuu f ilntly gleaming against the fresh edges »»f the '«ark. lhetv 1« « fi*«*Hhtf <»f •ii«M|M»liitiu*nl
ft|rn*H. uho m vOi
Througli th«« h»xy hravenaslrtMtulnp Uimfim* by a b>«n«liig<-, ami when the -in I hr |r I »>f
!o think that hH <- lut li »n u t de»»* -*ul with soU-r dreaming
circulation I» active th«» *<p will pa«,
u holly to tn hlto for < ber
Dreaming of d««cay.
through tin tn'k tbi.s gt «fl»xl on,
calling* hi life. It i» cX|i«»'ìc«i that
and the trim will grow a* u«4| *»
jaxtc the l ind In hectic gl»»iy
or l iwyrf, a
-»tor«» krrprr », I •
»g ieer, or, «t
’lctur«**l «'Ut the oblen story,
Ail kiml« ot poultry hsv«» a great
th«’ very least, • l'-r» lo a »ture. If
IH-auty tx.rr« of «h-ath;
fomlmss f<ir sour milk. D Is a
r«ofi th«- «¡urei» ut Autumn «plendnr < h< sp fixxl If pro;» rly lumwgi I ' the course in . •■ puliiic ». h»«»l
With the •; rif. » that «•’« rail« ml h«-r, For I <y leg bi ns mid growing «1.1« k frankly nssignis* I ■ . • fact that the
Ki«M .1 » al I« «h il l* r pray »'id tender. vn* put th«» nnlk mlo trough» or gr< t imij.irily >t t i.» ■ lillTreii will
tn* ol4ig««l Io lab •r . uè way with
< hilling with tu r i.nath.
l«m«», la-fure ami after it I»
their hands, ncii it the »dort wer«'
I if turkeys make a cur»i
Blush« «I th«» ruapl« dr« •»* d in «I«rumi- thick.
ma-lc Io develop in PiiHn a luve of
It«- very
Flu'lx 1 with tint«from «un»» I d«»u<«» l»y |x uin.g uff th«» whey.
I i »>r <«ml re»; .-<•! f »r it in every lion
•ireful At the last fvisling of the
Warm with ;»a-*»-m » gl >w ;
«■»I f.»nu, public el I-ill.ill would
«lay, to ft ed lightly, f r when they
Day I... d iy tl.»' Iih- hu< » fading
more nearly u « et th«» actual r>
run ui I.age, their crop» are «-r<»wd
<|Ulr>'m<'ii*s of -»ur |>,.op|e ami l>ull»l
Vichi a tl»'l»l »I « r shading,
•--I with lii««»ct»; we’hnve m-rn i great > -.>r. . io. 1st i>. tor i itioo.d |.i '■
sprillatili ’' ' • ri»! ■ »I I ■|»-i'V » In g I •». '-y 1 v if. * »ling curd I y.
g ;xrily. Imlustil d <-lu<'«tloii in III«
I ut ih» ft»!»*'« oí w<æ.
turkeys d night. Try n »mill ra
puti ic .»cti<»i|« io ■ I mil !*■ i-l.iixirate
timi uf curd o "I i »>rn iih «I nt tdgld,
Wearily the • I wind «urg-»
ly systematic, nor atteml»'«l with II
to l.«rw them hume, after th«- fur v«: j {¡r< it e vp> <> liturc of mone)
Out II* l<»n»-ly fmll a ilirg.
nge of the day.—Exchang,».
<>’er thin I in»l of our»;
for «»juipmenf. 1 hr spirit which
Get a Ixeirtl I inch thi<-k, or even grows out uf training In tu illuni
Mourn» the wo I it* bi-auly wnnlig
two Illi hv« thlik, urlve four or six I work 1» <»f r«-.illy greater value II m
Under Autumn'» »lead) Mining.
Fur Ho nummcr day» complaliiillg. |x t ny nails into board, allowing ■ ny »kill which may tai incidentally
alx ut >inr.«-lghth of mi Im h of nail ac<;uire»l. It is of mon* importance
Summer »un» and »Imwer».
bead to slnml out fr< in surface of that the Ixiy« an I girl» should learn
But 1 love the «Hnt» r »h idow
Drive nails in row» on«- to look forwaru to doing work, nnd
Brooding dim *»’cr Wood and meadow, iprarter uf an Inch apart the w hole
to n-»p«s't honorable lalsirof all klmls
larve and know not why,
length uf the Ixiard, U III» h »ln<tild lx- than that tli. y shouhl become »peel
Bave It I* iny thought» re< himing,
»Is.ut twi-iity- iu lies long. Get aotiii* ally skill«-«! workmen, in our dis-
very till«« piece»of w.xxl.nnil n «mal tri»!. acb<»)l«
in *t nori ot »ilctit rhyming,
simple provisions
»trip on <*i h si«le of tin* board, ami might be iii . k I«* for various kiml« of
A« the wind and rain combining.
it top • ml t i k<-»’p ,s»rn from us«l common I ilxir, under th«» supervis-
Each to erteli reply.
mg out ul ve»«< I you are »helling hi
Eva Emery Dye In E m -
j imi» of the teacher, ami a skillful
to. To u««' th«» »heller, gel a l»>x or 1» .»cm i would »<xin lenrn how to
Lord •»sll»burv weigh»-’ »C |x>umi», tu'», «« I sheih-r, one «-ml on top of m ik«* Ilii» work Interesting .iml v.«lu
hut John «»harman end ••«• through vc«s«-l, th.* other cm! on larttom, uml, I Tie care of th«’ «chool groutel»
by briskly rubbing ear of corn up beautify Ing the ynnl and tliu build­
Mm. — Mil* iuk«-i* »-ntlnel.
ami down over tinil h«-"*l», it w ill ing, simple* work witli the unlinary
Ot>e would think, from the red siirpri»»* you to »«•<• how fu»t y»iu cm«
tog of «»tuo papers In Ibi» ' tato, that sh« ll corn.—J E flottiti Iti < i I u I m ’ t »>l» found In every farincs’s work
»hop, plain cutting amt «.wing mid
M o « ere In the iiii-i t of a |«>lltlcal DeimM'iat.
hi .my other simpl«» and u«eful kiml«
It i» Interesting to
i know how tia of w ek could eu'lly la- given in any
i’ll«» three-year-old l«>y of J. A
tore adapt» means to end«.
A bath country scmxil. In the
grudisl JohiiMiii, of Lynn Center, III., , I"
The people of » »regon art» now
<>f <lu»t I» nature’ » In»«-« t ;«ow«ler. schools of the towns and villi lge«, a «uhject Io attack» of croup. 1 Mr
to witn « the disgusting apretacle
I lia hen w allow a In the du»t to«lrive more cmilph-te system of matin «1 J .l.u-oii - iy» he i» «ati«tb'd that th.
of M eing the two faction» of the II»-
«wav tin* mite; tlx* bog wallo'.va in training could lx> intr<xluced with timely u»e of Chamlwrlain.« Cough
puUlran party tight over the divi»
tlie mu I lor a Ilk«* purpi»«*, uml the lltthi expem «• mid with no groat ex Kemedy, during a were attack,
ion oi the »|« of orth-e.
horre rolla to purify hi« coil. How peil'IitUK* of llm«-. The wliol«' Ideal ,ave«l hi» little boy’» life. Ih» I» In
Af(«-r all thè tolegmphlng Imck ••iigerly th«* hor»«» that is given this of the s< Iux4 might la-come much th«» drug buaine»», a member of the
nini torli. f«»r trtx.p», ami numerou» ■pp’ <rt unity, i» tn enjoy I hl»,nature'» more largely industrial. It is not IIrm of .1 oliti -on llroaid that place and
Isittlc» eie , Il turo» out Ilo- lai«» III uietlnxl of grooming. If th«» horse «lalimsl of course tli d the very la-»t they handle a great many patent
that come» lii»m»» swesly and Hr»«! dev elopiuctit of miml ami h« <rt is medicine» for and lung dis-
diati war wa» more of a «care Ibnn
coul I have a tile«* cl»*an hxirtiy place but the due of every boy ami girl «•a««-». He limi all th<-»«» to climi»*
uny thliig els«'. l'wo Ut« » kill««l ami
• >u wldch to roll, mid thi n hav<* this w hetner destined for manual labor from, ami »killed phy»ician» read.«
onc s»|uaw cripph'T
lu»t taken out »if Ida coat with» oi that of h literary’ nature; but a to respoml to his call, but »elected
The Nebraska "»late Journal «ava: liru«h of a br«M»m th«» gr>s>ming I» much greater emphasis laid on the thia remedy for um » in bi» own fam­
• nn|»leti*. Better than a half hour'» side of education need by ily at i lime when hi» child'« life
F.irty Womrn hnve olferetl by midi
lo msrry thè more or h-a» imi irlou» work with the urrycombnnd brush. no menus interfere witli the Very wa« iu danger, becau»« he kuew it
Air. L. iitgi rt of ( Idcugo, and se ver Ilor««-» that hive their liberty in the best «luvelopuivut uu the iiiteleetuai lo I». »u|»*rlor to any other, and f»-
al m til thìlvt rn-» are yi t to 1>e lienrd fields never need currying, How side. Alrisdy a great many g»aal inou« th«' world over for It» cure« <>l
from. Wllh f» minine ln«»rti»l»!«-ncy the ««»It» enjoy a roll in the HIIOW •houls have introduced maiiual train. croup. Mr. Johnson ».«y» thia i< th.
th<-»< «•■ rre»|>ond*mta want to m.irry when turne«! out of III«* staMe, even Ing Witli III irkel success. i'helilta I h »t selling couguli medhne they
thè man Isvati-»- tliey are cert'iin Ite If th«* »table la* ever s«i dean. Bo, remains to la- mor«- fully d«-velup»»d, linndle, ami that it gives splendili
I» imi. ■< « ut. If he dld imi kilt ld» by nil means, prov id«» a nice clean s-i that III«- I’ommoii -a lim.l every­ » itl«f'« tlon in all case». Sold by
W ife, of i»iur»e alle I» li itile to turo place for the li >r»« » to roll. Fur n where may Irani Ils «lilldreii to tin Pt t.KY A I'Et.ltV.
iM-«t hind of cilia» uship, which i»
up al aty lime, lini lo a wotuan era Tribune.
N>* dairyman « an make a sure«»« •vllr« -;s-eUug ami industrious iu the
w Ito I» w ili log lo niarry Lue! gerì thè
The South Omaha Daily' Drover-
I iw . g iiti't I ig ituy 1« no terrei»
of the business who gives little or bumbb .t w ala » tn life .«» Wi I. a« ill Journal, (with Weekly, Semi Week
Ho tbougtit atsiut the cure mui com­ I tie highest.
I ly and Tri Weekly editlom»i, pu'
A'i e*| » ni-iii-i-l man whohn»Ju«t fort of bls <■>.« «. During the sum­
•In i at the Union Stock Yard«,
retuiiicd from Alaska teli» thè I «r- mer, plenty of g sal pasture should
Word wan liceiVe.l a few day» *-■ ulh Omaha, Net*, *h <uld find» it
go Argti» Imw to cure Ih« Kl-rndlke lx* provided with grain hay at
ago of a man dying In Klondike. w ay into the hand» of every Stock
fcv-r: “Pick out a morniug next milking llm«». There should be
In four day » it grew to the follw ing:
man. Farmer, Feeder, Shipper, Fan
winter," lie «ay», "when thè mcr kept In r«-»» rv«*, .« fresh ;x««ture, or a
Another h<»rr»>r ha» been H«l«led to I
c«try I» ta-low r.»-r<», «houkler a pick »«Hing crop, for their u««* »luring the
cy Block Brc««lcr, H mchmnn, (»rain
the l.light ut starvation In Dwwsouj
uml go mio thè woo«!« t»-f»»r«» break­ usually «fry months <»f July nnd Au-
City In the form of a myli-riou» ami Dealer and Shlp|a»r in the w«-sl. It
fast; «lig a boi«- sixteen f«a»t dc«-p; gu»l. During the
whiter, they fatal iliaca»«», will« h i» « »rry'log oll' i» well an I carefully ••«lit«-1 by m. n
culli«' Isi» k follie liotise al night ami »•houkl have a warm, dry pine«» In
an accinge »<f Uve men n «lay 1 who make It their l.u.»im-»» to »iudy
«•ni a «muli picce of steued
wldch to stay nnil -hould lx* allowed I wetry tour hour» .«(1er the victim the m irkot and write it up In an In-
r -I h * ami » i-cp In thè Wixalslicd.
ly rennin Iu It «luring th«» cold« «I I» allnckerl lii» bu»iy (urna Idack i lelllgnt and absolutely Impartla
11« ; • 1 thè do»«’ a» often a» neec» weather, for no «fairy cow shouhl
be from the waist up, ami tu a majority manner. No other pa|x-r III the
«-.-mpelb-d to remain <»ul of door» in uf cases dentil results within twu! w«-«t give» a» good ami complete
w< «thrr that Would cause her to day s.
market rc|xirt» nor as many sales a»
»hiver, T<> do ltd« means a Ions of
The Drover* Journal; ami no other
fee«l ami milk. I’lenly of pure, Ictu-
To Curo I12ouo Colio
It i- pre;«»<1 to construct a lake I
m irk et |>«|H r pul>li«hv» matter of a
|x*i it«» water should be prov id«-»!, to-
representing the palm-bordered d««- j
gather with a welt thilmi<*e«l fee»l.
I sutTered for week» with colic ami nil«-elUneou« ch*r»<‘ter that 1« »«»
main of a wealthy Turk with at 1
Just what a ton of clover is worth pulii» In Ilin stomach < iu -.d by tul well suited to the i>»-»«la of th»»«» In
historic »1 i i.rr»‘et representation of a
w limre Interest Ill» pu bl Ished; an<|.
T «irkl»h harem on a floating i»lm«l wh* n il I» f««l to the row, th«* ma­ lousiic»« and had to take medicine
nure carefully aav«sl, and the skim nil the while until 1 u«»»l < hamber I't>e Drover» Journal ia the only p>
In the cenl» r of the lake. Visitor»
milk turned Into <-gga, w»«ul<t lx* a Iain's Colic, Cholera ami Diiirrhiu.t per in South Omaha tlial furnish«-»
to the harem are u»h< red Into a div
to most of u«. Grow clo­ ilemedy which cure«! me. I have dl th«» im|H>rtiod Telegraphic New
•ng cur w hich plunge» Is-neath the
Mirf.ic«» of Ilo» water, descending to ver ami make n profit by •«> doing In »incu ret«>mmemle«i it to a goal “while It Is nows,*’six «lay» In th»
a depth <»f thirty feet. During the the Increased fertility of the soil many pcopl»-. Mn, F. Bullir, Fair w<-«*k The Drovers Journal h •« »
P«»r»on* who «re »ule largi r circulation than any oilier live
de-evnt the occupants <d the ar are F«-«d the hay* to the cow amt make haven. Conn
givi n a tu «utlfut submarlm» view of another profit by the Increased J«et tu bilious «siile can want off the «lock new'»|>rtper ami market report-
tl-li am! plant life through the gl i»» a mount of milk that the cow will attack hy taking this remedy aaaoon ••r In th«» wc*t, and It 1« the very
-iih » o the car. When th«» bottom give by reason of tn«* proper aumuut as the tir»! symptom« ap|H»«r. s >1.1 | beat rtdvrrtl«ing metlium where It
of il e l ike I» reached th«» visitor* of protein In her hill of fare. Save by 1’b.r.HV A Pt.KKV.
1« »le«ir<»»l to reach farmer«, »to»- k
timi them««'lve» tran»p«>rted to the the manure and make another profit
rai».«r«, Iwerdera »ml ilealeix Th«
m«Mt exclusive part of the harem,
»utwcrlption pri«t»of The iMlly Dr» v
The Mttmn < f the lake Is a glitter the lii inur** owing to th«’ amolda It life was cured by « hamberiain*» er« Journal 1« ft ; Tri W»-< kly tl’.'i« ;
lug grotto In which arc seen the g« t« from th«» t lc.v. r. Fred th«* aklm
Semi Weekly JA; and The Weekly
lumi la-nu'lful of the »ullan’s favo« milk to the liens, ami get »till snoth- Norton, «if Sutter Crerr, ! «I. "Thi» fl.odper year. You can get free
Ite wives grouped in artistic pict­ •*r profit from the protein In the <«»lil l«-ft me with a cough and I was •wimple copie» by a»ldrc«»ing The
ure», the whol«» tMtig brilliantly milk. Xml when you market your expectorating alt the lime, T*»c Dr .ver« Journal Company, I team»
lightol by a submarine system of »•lover hay tn the ahnpe of egg», Itcmedy cur« <l me, and I want all of Mlbery. Tre»«. and Mgr.. Uniur
electric lights. Thl» will tw «»no of knowing nt the same time that my friend» when tr.»ubli«i with a '»tuck Yard», South Omaha, Neb,
th» iJre«t f« sture» shown nt the there are already three prodi» to c»aigh or col«! to use it for It will do
PitronUe y»»ur nome fx'pcr. It
Ttwn» Mi'sl'kippl au'l International your credit on the farm, the Klou them gixid. Bold by 1’r.l.KV A ,
works for your lutereats.
My t»«y rame h»me from »cli»«>l
i •• l.iy wilb hi» tinmi tsi-ily 1« • mi.
■ »1 i l bl<-< »iiiig, un i »uff» rii
greal piin,” •»>» Mr !.. J. Nchall,
with Meyer lini«.’ Drug Co, hi.
Dulia, M»v ‘T <ir> »»• <1 Iti - W»»Uli»l,
«mi >| pii»«! t I.rmberlain*» Paio
li - in frccly. All pilo »i'a-.«l, i’ 1
le i rvuiark it.i v «li. 11 lime it !.. «b 1
a acar.
w-uml.., «prain», »wrlling»
rii« umatlain 1 kuow of no medicine
or pri -s-ripti >it opini lo II. I coti
•i>l«»r il a h»««l»»’hi>l'l tievesarly.”
The Jó and W » col »Ire* for «al«« by
Pi » hy A Pi * n ..
I E I" IN T <
Nev/ Clothing Store
Where You Will l-’ind A Large
Line of .Mm b ♦ Ih . > atitl t hildi' n’s
Clothing. Hats, (Ups, Boots tint!
Shoes, Mac\entoshes, rniiiks nnd
\ filises, etc., i tu. All Goods Mark
• <1 in Blain Figures.
Kx:Z:t äopsrt.
• ••- </.«>».»:• »»
Wh»»al 72 »t«. per 1 u.
<»at«, 27 "
" btil.
Brill !2'»'
M Mitling» ¡«1
i hop, J|W per ton.
I’otat.x-s. oOcts ;>cr Mck.
Fggs, 2»k*. per log.
Butte),t-ri-aim-ry 2-'i: runchu 12 p fi
Harns, IJcpre Ih.
Hhouhiets. re per lb,
Brt.-oll, Ille P«*r II»
ljird, 10c ;x-r lb
l tu. ken», I «si t«er dos
limn tliu Lowest..Suits M;ulu to
Oiiler. A Purteut Kit Giuirenteed.
•O VIA»«'
t Ht I i»• »N
AI.B a N V.
An- n« xn-fli, » »X » . I .lea-ci ' n
Qi. •:« «a- ertgln fr» e «f.-H> t
r’ds.f ly
tTr>i*wuu«>'••»»' nil eir« tty
urMrntHL <> 1- '< a**-t.« * f » •»wurstsg peU’i.tq
In *!«•»>»■<_
Ws ’s»" • M
vfl»- <•
I’utrniu t*kr(S IM
M u»«Jj tu Jw« »»•
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tn l.h*
t I »!< K Bl.<* K )
< >ne
bwmuttfulty lUuefrwtrel. largest
-r - i*i . n
iiiv •< c..t|th
•»'. k f lx»fVi a »
' «
I Hu et« tu- -.the.
wjvr. ’ • ,cn t t«t e *r 1 u a nd
kM>* VM
»» ’ tl«e
U I ' k I V
I n the place to go for tin»t»
Coant, elasri <l«-nti»trv. Teeth till' d
ur e\tractc«i without pain.
A till
Neve loth.
i ' i ' i I
A M sb» ¡ton, 1‘roprit'ttit
>c|o Ort'KBll,
Ii<M«l turnout» nt reasonable rat« ».
Stage line to Mlinlo r»*. Collinier.
rial men conveyiai to and from nil
point*. Itoree» boardial by the day
or w eek.
riiith »
vwEi K Fi»nlox.
AS I»--------
Wagon Shop
(South **••!«* of
r’iil»lishc<l every Alternate - -j
Il ivlng »id up a »hop In thè a lx* ve
. . - . . Pay except Sun«iay. . line nre prepared to <lo firet-«ln»s
The I'lirie«- a week E«litlon of th«
New York Worhl is first among ml
\V< -kly paper« In six«», fr» »|iiem y
of publication, ami th«' freshm-»-,
iccuracy ami variety of it» c»»nti»iits.
It lim all tli«' merits of a great tl.
tally al the prlev <>t u dollar weekly
It« political nows is prompt, wui-
plete, aci’iirau» ami im|xirtlal as all
It« renders w III testify. It Is ag.iln-t
the monopolies mid for the people.
It prints the new» of all the worhl,
having »p«-« ial corr«'s|*>n<l«»nce from
«11 lui|Hirtaiit new» points on th«
glotie. It ha» brilliant illustration»,
.lories by great author«, a capital
>mnr«r p«ge complet«* mirk«-t«, »1«*
pirtments for tho h»«u-ehol I «nd
women* work ami other »peel il de.
parlmetil» of unusual Interest.
Will |>r«‘prtn» eptitnntt»« nn<I
pluti.« fur all i-lite!*«-» <>f
i ¡it |>« !itry, at the lowest
pimeible living |>rie«*rt.
No charge fur furnishing
plane an«l < stiniatex for
contract!« that are a war»
«lv<! to tile, 1Í ytnt w ant
firnt-cl» . reliable work
at Hi ll l<<>< K I'BICU, call
ur u rite
Shaving, haircutting,
shampooing promptly
Shaving on
ll>»ll»llV«. )."» irllt«
Scio, Oreri.
When you cùn#
All kind*««! fresh mi nt» ronstanl
ly on hand and will be »».Id nt
lowest living price»; nl»o fresh
»»logon, »OU»age, lard, • »«-'OH.
or »ale at bed rock price«.
«r rekii V
gualca In »Iraks ».»IMInS
fill AT PRICES FROM »1000 IO » /5.00
Scio. Orojsa.
t»*slil«*nre opp»»dteth«* planing mill-,
idler next «karr to «Irug «tore; h .ur­
li to 12 A. M. ami 2 to -1 I’- M
KvxKvi rvtritri i wrv »■>
h.»«»- I»
m Hen
,1^,-1 »-esani »««in»»-'l •*n»’«»l«.v»-. Th-- sal«*«
«tv» UaUdlns. < hx*»»»
J %«TM>
.»a .UlMsl
Sari Your Oruia
CO .»
»»-O-TXSU.. .»»~e-
A full »nd < .nwltls ho» of
CMstai f niAricxhraak»*»
W N.l.«ad« H "w >**• x»«Aa<«H4
•ndef iS» Ism» m»lari»i»i
*X>UHASMr* *w<"i***« u«lk»Nrr
•t tsysffi»rlinst»<«FV
v/ 4
Pl/itici tn
st lo. ORN
work oli »hort notice. Ulve them a
trial. Charge» reasonable.
We otl<-r this um»|u «le<l new pi
H-r ami l ilt: N asti . vm N kws t e
/ether one year for J2.
1’he regular »ubscrlptlon price of
In» two ;xi|«-r« i.
A Siili' Slain1.
" 4>A»lÀs»|-
x-esue»»«* n
AT LUWI« P«ices rrtAN EVER
Few realUo lb «1 e»rh »qulrml >1» -
,tr>va JI.IW worth of grain annudly
\Vakeh»«-’« M«|ulrrel ami Gopher E«»
’ ■rmlnator 1» the mo»t etT«»ctlve ami
• onomtcid pot ton known. Price re
iuced tn 30 een*t»
■W »ale l»y P«KRV A Pr».nv.