• > A • 9 * » Si’ll), Utile hliedmtK* tu the pig« In gel- “ My ts.y carne le>me from ing the cura. A» thè corn maturisi one day wllb hi« h*u«l l*n«liy lant-rat- 'iiorc th '« ughly II w «• hu-k< I la* «si smi tiliediiig, ami »ufferlng Jiulgi* Burnett calle«l depart ment Hall y. ur »l<» k regularly. •r* f«*« di g In 2« d «y « the pig» greti ;wdn.” «w«Mr E. J. Fchsll, H*C£»-(VS I I I’ IN I ' «K N<> I of t in uil court nt a. ni. ye« Sc«- Ihat you ha ve a warm ronat- .«n-umed »levi |a«und« uf rum, thè wilh Mcyer Br«*«.' Drug l'o., .•*!. terday. v 1« 1*1 frun four tifiti* ot *n acre of O«ut», Mo. “l <1 r* «•«*1 thè teouud, tag place f««r >our f«>wl« l« f..r«' th« The grami jury aeloefcd were: Ge« ground. The pig» galned In live ami appio d ChainberUiu'« Fai i h I«», t.lAX *•’»., OUI.GOV « Inter «et« in. (’ Stanarti foreman. Samuel Sawver. ÎISS» I «veight during lh<* 2» «lava 122 He*, IUItu fri-ely. All paio ei a-« I, ami It i« «aid that chaniphor or li«l» •r Vi7 |»*un«!«r- - i. At 2- cent« |»*r in a remark ifUy short lime il b«al«d er »n«*’* n lavarte o "alv,- * 11** Z It Bud«!,lit' Cotton,Henry Klum n Ihe drinklng wat«*r of Ihe < hh k ♦ a n>>*‘-v*u* •• * **, I • Walter E Vat«'«, D Herdan. jxiund li v<* wt ight, thè currml prie«- without Ica vili g a war. fvr **»*» .«(»* If n*»t |«l«1 la a*?**an<*( t rf «• will prevent and « Ute the g «pe*. Ilaliff« *p|*olnt<«l: W II Warner f*«r h*«g» on foni, would anmunt tu wound«, »prains, swelling« %*t»«rirat**« a< fair, kl« ing rat«* m <> S»|| off all y. ur -tul» nwwtera. anti jpi.V» «>r thè gn*s» n-tur'i« frum thè A B W«walla and C I* (Hover. p, I in rbrunintlsm ! know of no u,< «Heine ItanVtaM <**t wri ' l«n«l rowter In th«* Spring, It |«ay« • •«*: Iffoteing groumi, tl .-•'«; hur OCT'.BtR. l'r l 1.1 A I*» >.i;v. tri ralae thè t» »t. n>wing and marking, tl.OI); Mi'll 'I he .lay« ar«* «horter ; «»’er the lami, the Bank <>f Oregon, rontlnu«*d. A horr«* N mkot I« n«»t coatly •nd J.imn Nanny et al.v« f»ui«a 11 .rii ile; plmting corn, fiOc; cul'iva The liru-h In nature's fairy hniai, Has touched tin* f .r* *1». ii« they i s«dtl«*mler el al, partition : conilo «tvr« th«* hnr««* from c *l«l« and «II« iltig Uve lime», Sl.ùO; plcklng and Marx it Ssport ,*•«•«< In Winter. f*r»»gr»*««|ved«iry I u«*d. iu«kIng, t'2 MI; «IX inonth« interest « •«. y. o««fi*a. ■land, I.anm A (Aildwell v« l'ila (’ ('aid men imw Idinket the cow« uhei< ■ 1 » |H-r > «'iit <»«i lami valu«»l ut J In Wheat 72 »t«. jM-r bu. All !*n>wn ami «ear; pr.> .. « ... re. *1 Jtl; lotffl *v '»i. The -»uinmer I ime ha« come and p i«l well, ptrllllon ; continued. Flour H «•» " bbl. IT.«* Altman Co illncorporiti-d v* '«•et agnina! «Ir.iught« of «ir due In I ■ r tifili« . f or ‘ - '.te*>«bl The Autumn leave» or*- f illing fa«! Bran 12 '*• ** ton. c»u«e« thal m «* not la* »nll. I|«l«-«l. Wm Schm ider, rceov« ry of money; ■ p * -* nt the *•*»! ut pr*»lu* ing Ih« And, dr« —■ I III gray and g**l*l. at MMdllnr» Iff Il I» lm|»>»«ll*. i gr.«-« « I al, recovery <»f money ; it I« an ol’l »aylng th «t n |««*r cow wi *-ii «l*> ■»'*, Ih«* vali««« «*f Hu* gito Buttei.i-rvamery ? .. ranche |; T*i«* util« are gafhervai from the ludgmnnt by default. < .m niakc nothlng ..ut of aomethii.g in li v <- v**-ight, and J «* tl.e «-<»«1 ->f Ham«, )2* p**r II«. wl f«H«l iathekitiil th»l naluctlon. or *X7.’>. Tv Ibi» niir*t>nf Shoulder» Hl- p«*r |K Will, eager car«- tor winter f*xxi ; lia«a*ii, I’s i*- « It* m ik«*« therow glve milk, n« yrsi gi*t i*i*l SI («• f««r »ix ton« of green f ai ««*til««1. Ixird, I’lc |a-r lb The grove*, where sylvan giant- John T lloffman v« Joorpli IIHyeu !.. k *<>ur nioney* f«»r Ilie f,«d ae< l* r, t< <1 lo cote», ami estlmafeii al Chicken«, i ”> twr do* stood, • t al. rrc*ivt*ry of money, attach «omcthhig for vour w«>rk. zi cent» p«-r fon. Thls tnak*•« n total So green and fair. meni ; Judgment ami non auit a« tn The - rubl.ing und w lilt. w.i-liing, *f ‘‘i.Tàasa net Increme* from four Arc « I ol in Autumn'« «*«1« r gray, p ir* n th«- i-hii k w uy. iXPfcftlC *CÍ All I r *w n and bare. *-t al, «. r*’cov«*ry < overy of i f m« money, ney, attach. et,’« i»»lv. Itie l«»ly III«- cm I» The corn w a» a fairly gixxl crt«p of ! »«ent ; Jo Igmeit! and non «ult *i« to lll. 'i wltt, ino-ct ,»>wder. K«'to»cn« the variviy kii**wn a« King Pillili i !.*!.«»...• « 'fir',!- r. * . • ’ f • will kill Ilo* II««* on Ilie cl>|. ken'» 1 <>rn The y iel*l of eorn uà» no lx-t We'vi g*ilh»»lv too, lut It Will ai«a, kill Ilo ter than hi« ta-en gr**wn f**r wveral I n*s*», I’itn-r, r*s ur w lut« r »tore. A«i « »« h ing.' r> <' the fi«l |i-r<>p te-a» m**re nintur«* thia »enson, “'Frank Keerman va J B sieama, Wi-'vi* garner* I from tin- w «»l and lowmg a« I« Inj» .a r< • i i ro> ieg the Ile«* <>n hog«: l’.ik•• »tiv« i wvather. lAielti«- < 'tElsf I htlry man. til* bl, qui« *’» M> «-r* ■ <( » • *♦- ( A plcntfxio» bn vet. ixHinlcous iter«' u rti» I pouiid an«! I h «II I ii I5qt*> (»4« «« ngauc * f I a- uf't< p»t. r.emery of money, attachment; •• t- in A'v.wrwa. W«- !> .»►• u kk **!■-> ¿t> < “Won't you try the chicken «**up. f u iter for om* Imur nn«l Ict «Im y h-ld, l\*4ont« i»lieti o»r< ‘ hx J» Mu *ti A < «» iv«« i Judge?’’ a«k* <1 Mr». Snudi <>t her •P* h «al tn th# th-1. I'nam want mid ia«l*l our homes t > mi r f.*r I liour lunger ; Iben »tram J V Gixwlah* V» Emil S« hneld«*r ixtard« r, not noticing that Io- had SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. of th»! bift U k Ì \ und m,«ke up t<« thè originili quanti- shield b«*te*if*i!t» ui i»!iii*»;, iarer-M ctrinxi*«!*** in>l F i .mptM-tl, r«.e«*very of money, gone ta yond Hie *ou;i »’«eg,- In hi» un » n< »r tiA I «• ••-.•«h « **(>»• *vi tl • r*nr ; l>. M .lie n iiiop and wet th«-»kln \\ hen mirth winds táow. Il « X ■: . i» • tl A*l> p *r» on the * • >.l *4 , judgment hv default. dinner, “I hive tried it madam," Civada ux i ki 1*1« i i.i ito* Adurv >« f :< ri tti or othrr -harp In l-ital McNeill V*. J H atul Ja« Crsup Quickly C-a.ro 1. •truuK-nt t*clng In the foot of human liiompMiti leave to l«au<* execution; wh«-n appiè** aro dlpped Ina »olution THE I >o| I VI;- l‘n: Yt \K. miele Hy di«»ol*lng an ouncc of »alt or animal, ami iia-kjaw !» threaten \ M SlidtoH, Proprietor, ...¡•nod t • r -. , * 1 c. ■ Mm mus Gt i s, Ark.—Our chil regular «libs»* on Í in olio g.dloii of water, nfter tliey C*l, lake a lait k' l of unl-lcach« «I F. F Sox v» (irta II Warren, rr-cov dren w i re »ufferlng w ith croup w lien Srl» Urt’Kon. Woo«l »»he«, put In till* »ti'l pour on ery *»f money; judgment by default. are pareti aliti »llccd for evapomtion, w«> received *i bottle of t 'liamla-r « G'ssl turnout« it r> .1-hnnbl«* rate«. tliey retalo thelr natural color ami two bu< kets warm waler, »tir weil W E Mi I’hiTHon V« Ague« M and **t .g«- lit*«- to Mink*«»’. Commer­ lain’« f'ougli ltemedy. It afforded and piaci' Hie v,..un.i. l' • >t In the W Hi«il«on, recovery of money*, nt art« ta*tt««r In •ptallty than fruit riiKh - \-u i b k ei » i i h»x. cial no li colivi y < J S Van Winkle vs J I. Ingram, A.Xt»- jf n«ve«anry. Another remedy I« tn n-covi-ry of mmtry, atta-dim«-nt; «el "t clear aa w her« sulpher i « used.— «ale by I’ ki itv A I’l EltY, (Hube IteiiHM-rat. burn a flannel rag un*l* r the had, lied. Sunllnwcr »eed ¡Höften r«*ci>miiiend i*ut the latter applies to .my cut tliat M < unmtigli im, a*lmlni«trat«>r, va 71, “X * (South «««I«* of bridge.) I« I '.I l Ilf 111. - I. x. iblntf to patent ? Prnfr. t your Idea« : they niajr I. Itougl««, r«*c«ivery of money, e I a« a jHitiltry frani, u»eful a« an ex bring you wnalth. \trilc JOHN WKDDall- Ira, but to h«. feil «paringly, a« it I» SCIO, OREGON. judgment l«v default Hl’iVN .*< <>, Patent AunmoyB, VVuahingtoa. Published everv Alternate - pri*e v(T* r. <« W Wright i« It F W«*»t. recov- Hiltl to la* vt-rv fattening. (ìrotimi U. 0-. fur their tief >r<* «ulrscriliing for y*iur u In- .............. I>av except .Sunday. t* r« pip'-r», «u h i« Ihe Examiner, «■r.v of money; judgment by default coar»«> und «nlxed will, timn.lt miglit Having x-t up n »hop in th«* atxive 4 oo *■ i The Dirice i week Edition of l h< in«* nte preparisi to do lir»t clii«- l> I* Miller v« E II Ith »1**«, riM'ov- mnke a g.HMl fectl. It i« worlh try N* w \ <>rk World, (>«• goul'in, ( hron Ing. Grind up a llltlc, and feed enu New York World 1» first among »1 work on iiHis <'ompanlon, el«-., or any «•ry of money; contlnu**'!. tlmi'ly. iiien a little miglit be f««l Weekly pnper* in size, fn «plenty trial. Charge« r«*.*»oniil«le. piai.» fu? all cliie**«-** of In the iiiath r o’ th«* assignment of kind of fiiun p*p< I«. call and «•■< u», Mrthal, nrw ,ivi «»**•*«*'.», »u.««nlrr* F*« w hole, «tipplementing ollicr grain«; of publication, and Ihe fre-tn.c»-, we c.tn save you money l*v giving I. E Bl.iln; enntinur d. carpi ntiy. at thè lowi-st M r. -vxsxntiTcx nuxsKxoxxn accuracy mid variety of if» content». . Ill t l..«« Atcbul v« Wm Slaven«, re but to Hinkt* it pari of the ralioii, we LA* i:Z)0L. II« N V V«r. W». you Ihr* e p*|H-rs for th«* price of potmiblv living prici.'K. fear woubl not Work well. It his all Hie merits of n great *1. I wo; or lw<> f<>r nini »4 the price of <-ov< ry <*f l imi; mntlnu««l. ebarge for ftirnisliing luily at the prl ■ • of a dollar weekly Ilola-rt II irrlaon et al v« John Har­ At the experiment station nt Cor one. Tlio»«* who beli« ve chronic «I* r HOEsToN BCII.DINo pian» ami eetiinates for rison, r.-cov. ry of money; continued valli«, larkspur, il«»th the r*x>ts and rhoea to la* incurable should rend It* pi'lilical news Is prompt, com­ coiitractn that are awar­ plete, accurate and impmtial ns ad «SCIO,. OREGON. I akv 5 lbs g.H*d etc.Ill tallow, pill for »ervli-e. •hoi) wa« r«w| to cattle, with no had whit Mr. 1’. E. Grisham, of (liars Its reader* will testify. It 1» ag iiu-t diti to lue. 11 Voti Vi ani I** t*-r S«-li|r*«M-r V« T II Ih-Cew, results But a kind of wild |xir«nip Mill«, Iue., has to «ay on tlie »ubject, •si ln< k of »to* «* and let w irm. Add Shaving, haireutting, tile monopoli«** and for the people. first via»*, reliable Work, 1*i one pound p*iG»h (I use that pot confirmation; • tl«* conflrm«*d. was tried and dentil resulted in ev Ir. ; “1 have been a sufh-rer fr* m wIianipiMiiiig promptly It prints the new » <*f nil lh<- world, Humphry«* Ib-rrlgm vs th«* Evan- • ry <•.,»«*. No nndldote lx-ltig found chronic d'iirrho-i ever since th«* wnr lip In cm») I pint M, Or., cs.n- that would counteract the effect <>f «n«l have triial all kin«!« of inedicin« » having »pe< lai eorrvs|x>nd«iiiiis from mi, or w riti- to >h aine <>ii Sundays ami With I pint - fl water. When laith firm «lion «.tie conflrmed. the parwnlp. It it* known in «lifter fur II. Al last I found a reme>ly all Important new« points on the Holiday«, I*» ceiits. J M Fierce v« Il J 11 xml, motion ent localities a« water hemlock,mil* tli it «-ff'-cted a cure, mid that wa» globe. It ha* brilliant illu-trationa, are thoroughly* dl»»*>lve*l, pul the boriX water with the puta«h ami for present sheriff tn make drill; i|’ja«h T*ad, -|H>tt«-<| cow t«ane,la*aver i hmnlx-rl lill’» Culle, < hoh-ra mil<*. |vdM>n and muskrat We«*d. litlu-r Dlarrhu- i Remedy.” Tills m<-dlcine humor pig«, complete markets, >1* For trial; State of Oregon V» localitlea add to th«*««*. w ild parsnip, ■mi always lx- di p n led u|x>n for partineiits for Hu* hou»eln»ld ami melted stir III Hi*- |><>t isli ami l««r:ix women’ work mol oilier »|>ee: d di - Water, and add I oun« «. glycerin«*, '».nt* nd Nixon, ex'hear. water parsnip, cow Imne and anake ««»lie, cholera morbus, dy»<*iit«-ry mi l partmen!» of unusual inter* st. E E Itavls v» John Harder, eject root. »tirrlug It all logcth«*r aUnit mill dl.irrho-a. It I» pleasant to lane mid We offer Hi!« une'jualed liewpa lit«-» Have «•'uly n large dripping meni «ult; < tregon Mortgage ('o«ute never fills to effect a cur«*. SA an«l To construct a gixx! allo, H 1« i.ot per mid I'lll. s.vvrtAM Ni ws to­ pan w Illi a cloth »prv ul In It, then «litiiteil for defend mt. m-eei'.iry to go to much • Xpetl»e, Ml cent .sixes for sale by I’t i:liv A turn your «««up into it m ought lota* gether one year for $2. I. Flinn, ns re«elver of the A W tint the bottom iiai'l be of concrete. I'r r.HY Ttie regular sub«* ri pt ion price of thick enough,) «pread it out even, M ('o, a c,*r|H.rull *n, v- Adam Grant Have th«* »III« lh>* same width ma III«.* IWo pope«« 1» t J and w lien cool enough cut In cake« et al, pwrtncrs under the linn name Th«* South Om iha iHlly Drover* the • Iuddi11g, atxl lay them i*i Wlu-n liahl, tak«* *> it. Iion’t l«*t It of M'liphv, Grant A <’o. rxs-overy of ment. Place the studding fur Journal, with Weekly, N«*m|-Week­ »laud .ii Hie tinauy longer than nv money, attachment; «etHc«l. enough apart «o that a sheet of tur ly and I ri Weekly edition«), pul» cc««ary. if the ii«» i« ru»ty or dirty, Il I. Sabin V» J ti («r*«««, recovery pa|a-r tacked to one of them will ti»l>* I at th« I pion Stock Yard», your MHip will (a* the aame If it stay» of money, attachment; continue«! rea. h p-««t the next one to tin* third. South Omaha, Nak, should tlivls It» in tin* tin Mr«. C. II. ilcdfleld in pending settlement. Over the tar paper put on narrow w iy into Ihe hand« of « very st««-k- Orange Juilil Farmer. Eugene (>'('onn«*l v» Il M Iticken hemlock hoards. Board up to with n«an, Farmer, Feeder.8hlp|a*r, Fan­ «to and wife, rwovrry of money; In * tie tsurd of the top, then bend SCIO. OREGON “Il * k farmer»,’’a« • s|*« rlmcnl< r« cy .»'in k Hr« « der, B«nchman, Grain judgment ami order to «ell attached the paper over tlie edge of th«* nt ngrlvtlltural college» ari- call«-«l, ir«* I *l* r and Shlpp-r tn the we-.t. It All k Ind« of fr»’.h mt <»!•» r»»ri* t.inf» pro|««*rty. tioird and tack it Nail th«* la»t »till «m-ervd al in most «>r the rural ly on hand md will !»*• told it li <* W J V tn s. hn.i ver A Co v- I W I. ad al».*, tld« to k«*«p it In place. 1« wa ll an I fr«*«»h district«, yet i*cca«l*«n Ily tliey atari- and .1 W Blew, recovery of money; I hi« 1« for th«- ln»lde; cover tin* out w iio make It their tiU'In«-»« to study ! h »| i >£O ì I, .‘»tinnir*** lard, b i. oil, I«-the men who manage crops ex contimicd. «Ide with matched hoard* and till in the market atul write H up In an In­ for sal* at I mm I rack prieur. mtly as Hu ir fathers did. At the T I, Holme« vs N T Monto ami I, between the inside and outside with telligent mid absolutely 11 u ;»i r t Is I « * mi ll 1 dversify farm, Ithaca, N. E Blain, rei'overy of money, attach aawdud, chaff or rut straw. Till« manner. No other paper In the L. II. MONTANYL \ , the potuto er**p this year has av- meni; Judgment and order to m *II at­ will prevent change« In tem|«em we»t give« a« g*»*1 mid complete A a l«>M w» Y f % r tl.% w i rag* «I three hund«« d l«ushel« to the tached pmperty. lure In th«* interior. If the tar p.qa*r market re|»r1* nor a« many* «ties as ALBANY, OIL ncr<- Hu* aver ige y ield of the »l ite S I short* v« E J ami M E iMlev, 1« g.xxl and th«* work ha* been Uldl ('Io* Drovers Journal; atul no other .^T“'• ner In Urahn baèMln<. la-li’g less than one-fourth as great. revovery of money, attachment; done, the allo will he perfectly «Ir* mirket piper publishes matter of a Tl*i-('oruvll crop wa» not obtained judgment by default and order to tight. Excessive fermentation will through lil«*r.d use of fertilizers, f *r ml*» ell *n*-**u» character tliat 1« (Mt •»II property. not la* |M»wit>le anti Hit* g,aln u ill al**«*lutely none w»» u««*d; nor hud well suite«! to Hi«* ne« «1» of those In M «rth.i Smith v* st II flich nd J remain sweet a« long a« *»ir«*d. th«* gr**ui>*t,Whlch w i« gravelly '.»mi, i . >uig«*p|Mnit«* the planing rullla* Afuü«M'»m*leh line of 1**1» t; 'he entire cost per acre, seed r«Mi»i e M(*r<«lhr«akrvn Patronize your num«* pa|»-r. II ing carrlc«! on at the atatlon tudeter- ••II the important T«*l**grwphlc News < next r**; hour* * «»st -^4« »» !•« '*»< ->«iw/»»» included, w is eighteen dollar« an«l a work» tor your Inter««*!*. tidn«* Ho* valu<* of nil a< re ot corn andai th» Mme m*!»ri»l.i a *«• to 12 A. A!, and 2 Io •» P. .M. •*wbile it is new« ’’ six ilajr* in th«- 1 df. The ciop I* worth one hun­ when fr«l to pig«. Th«* »tatemi-nl v*< mqi -' na «uw* ur Ik* fttr week. The Drover« Journal h is a txy *ffi»r Im* iktrer tNTfcD «MKRAI* rilTliril MIX o» dred m *1 < 'ghty dollar« p< r acre, or I.it>t> county, It is , lalnied, raised ha« often heen m«■;■*,* « «-•• I «tn tn ju-r-l *«t*v r> Uija- lit«- Nailon and n«t were prevented by four «lit to hog» Ju«t off the atuMde fl« Id, w ill er In th«* west, and it 1« the very «I. 41 •• hut I liny, t hi*«r In tx-st advertising medium where It Ik»n*t fopgvt that A. W. mixture; frequent “cultivation” ilkl t un M’ll y«»ti uatch«*<* clovlm *»r any *e«t«*d. The following fact« may Is desired to reach f.«rm«-r<, st*» k- HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS ETC C*70 a i <•• W*ftMLi& IJ MOST COMPLETE AND 50LO the n «t. It is not «tmtig«* that ev Ibhijf in tltr Jewelry lino rhm|M*r throw «««me light on the »ubleet: ra|s.«rs, hre*-«ler* an*! d«*aler«. The at lowlw PwicesrHAh even ery week th<*u«inds of farmer« are I'.lght pig«, IHAPia. when taken off »uhai-ripti*»n price of Th» I •«ily Drov­ than any on* In I hr munlv. Few reallxethat .*i**h «*p»lrr«*l *d> »«king for the college bulletin on the «tui>l*le, were placed In a |e*n er» Journal 1» #( ; Tri W«»«kly 12.** ; «troys fl óo worth of grain mimi illy potato raising; for any crop that I m It I* »aid that a Ms. M. R. Wade withyanl allti* h<*d, Sept, nila-r Iff Me«u| Weekly- ; and The W«*«*k y even worth as much ns the land on __ of Chicago I« making money out nt and the fr««llng la-gin Th«* «aim fl ’.ii p.-r year. You caff get free Wnk«-I«*e’» »qulrrel an I Gopher Ex­ which nt« raised Is a novelty I*. th«* yellow paper ah«* sill« to the which wa«ju«t la-yood the rooting «.« ilpl«« *-opi«-s l»y ad*lri*««ing I h«* terminator I« the ino-t effective m**i Anu-ric in farmer*. S* or«* one for railroad and telegraph company«. »t*pe. wa« «napp-al off. w«*igh«*d.and Dr vi-r« Journd t'ouipsny, D><>n-< o otiomiiMl poi «in known. Fri* ere Hie' r «•« •' * Pi r- W* - k She ■l* nv hold lit«- secret of mik­ thrown to the pig» without liu»king ( \lll»-ry, Tri-as ami Mgr. !'ni<«n d aced to to cent*. a. *. a« m ■ a «*■ Wawa» ■ ■ and 1 . offered . ■ V . X S ka k Yard«, South Om ih *, Neb. ing It. "or «ile by Bruto A l’r« tv. The liuak* wi » « We re «e green ÎNTeF enter: TO FARMERS. WHEN YOU ARE IN ALBANY O'BRIENS * n epi r T) .*•/*. 7 Where Dm Will Finti \ I .urge Line ot Mm's. * Bo\ s and i 'hildrcn > Clothing1. Ilats, Roots and Shoes, Mac xciitoslics. Trunk \ alises, etc., etc. All Hoods Mark­ ed in Plain Figures. • • Ì ' : PRICES LOWER Ì ll.'lli t lie I - (*>t. .Suits M.iib* t<> ( )r< 1er and A I’< i feet I’it (»unrenteed O’BRIENS ■ I.iïiîy, WA Sale Stik. WANTED AN I DEA FOR A DOLLAR Wagon Shop. SARNES i MUNKEES, P/.’r.eton •T. J. CLAXTON. CCN’RACTCB ìli >( l<). OIIN. $1 MAKES A LAWYER. H. L. SUMNEIL TOXSORLU ARTIST T. J. Cintali, Ôonï Buy (ounferfeib ¡ When you on * / buy the Pnce Pruneti r V (i. PR1LI 9 W I GENERAL HARDWARE M. C. GILL &* SONS, Scio, Oregon Í BUILDER,