The Santiam news. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1897-1917, October 22, 1897, Image 2

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    The Saiiiitim News
Thw slats department received ww<J
that Alilerom k Bey has lieen a p pul riled
1 *rki«h min:-l«” to th« United States
lion. <’Lar les W. Jones, former
Un>te»l Male« senator from Florida,
di»*! at Detroit, after a sicknras uf aav*
eral weeks.
The national ouiin«ul of ^witsrrland
has a-! »pled a bill making in»ursn««
against » knr«* compnlaory in <*#•«« of
all dependent parson«
ih «Jlìdh
It is re|Mjrt
000. th«
rale has pun
I l!
big plant uf
Mach Hi«
I. <
OiKpenw. at
Jark*»h an I Wil hams, the li­ ft &
N IramroblM ra, were aeuteiMwl to thw
t rrr n penitentiary for a U»rm Qi 30
yra and seven months each.
spinetns of wh«’st to ¡
Over 60 gram laden
bar left Sm F’« >* •» during the ls»t
two month», and six mi»<<» a;« ready u>
The naval armor board wdl le*v<’
axil; ng loti MKautT f*»r the Huuth to ka»k
At certain places, wi’.ti a v lew of «a* «r
taming their adaptihi ily for site« for
tbs prup»»«ed armor plant.
I’he crubter Baltimore li as been put
into ctMninissnm with Lieutenant•< <•«•
man«i«tr GuttfruM Bloikhnger. her first
HsstnuKi, m .-^¡sRusd*
TLc l»_la.
mor« will ¡i - • t th«* P 11 «V I»'1 ph i a in **u
Fran» iwo on the Utter's arrival
The monthly tmawiiQ statement of
the principal articles of domestic ex
j-*rts si*«-ws that during HeptembflY last
the export« < f breadstuff« from II'«
United Mate« amorthiM to |.x< *.*»>46,
an ii « re***-
<'in»p«r«d wi’b ^fHam*
!*er. DURI, «>f over !(FJ per rent, and an
• ”■04
<«( aU»ut
j»*r « »•:.! »»v«r Sep
■ li'mtar, 11*95
General \(»-y!ef ar. fo ; »H*« • that h«
wdl «nil*ark from Cuba on <k*t<>ber 30
Benjamin Nelson was found ••«ad <»r
the fliMir of his » abth u< ar Hen Irirks,
< >r.
The ge neral grand » ‘ apter of Royal
Arch M-i<’ *n« is Hi sea«ion at Baltimore
Delegate« are prewriH from all p.»rtr
<•! the w.»rld.
The whaler« that w?ntr»<*>i in th*
Ar<t|< last y* ar are having hard hick
lb’s «Cason. Gidy one of
» x - » !
♦’- !
• » -« • h » ■’ ■. * -
■ ■ ’ »’. !
the fleet that will return tins fall will
bring only a small revenue to llieii
»y was the Filth alibi'' er«ary «4
I» of (diari*'» Stewart Parnell.
•usand nat><*nsii»ta p> • 4 fol th«
f Dublin I« Hi« l.df-ak
leit, »I hub they hra|if*l high
•• »»I (b« ir famous un I taicfiU-i
rill» flower* bisHtght from ail
»ties of Iridami.
lfolkoriia Evangel
('ubati girl who «ec.
arrived Hi
friend« a-.o*»mpai ««d l»* r by train
New OrlvAii». Oh r**Aching Jersey
M «» ( b»ii«r»‘« w a« tak» i I»» a •
rtage tu the headquarter* of tl«w (
sy tn i»at!iixrr«.
A dj'-i’H'h from I «»ng Valley, I id ho,
si»y» there lots laM»n a t altle beta ver»
sell. ’• an I •lt«»eph’ !• »-
three uf tbe farmer»» were kill^l
trouble Is the outgrowth «»f the «trained
fi'«aii4»iis (hat have exiMcd it* that are
ti«»n Imtwren the settler's «nd «heepmec
for «nine t»rue,
It ha* been no unoun*
mon thing for stfjM'k to lw manned and
h ay at a« kt to l»e I hiuic I, and even foi
net tier« alni s)«*«*l*mvn to exchange
•bota, but no c MK ha* heretofore been
«U« •ItaalKw
Washington. Oct. It.-—Thw monthly
re 1 «>r t ol thw agrtcultaral da parti» »nt
on tbe European crop cunditkm. sum­
marising the s*rop report« of Emopean
o»*rrea|s»nd«nts to HKtistictau Hydwhaa
lieen W j J» pubi io . The follow mg 10 an
a I «tract
|{»wwnt information, while it may in
SN>me case« modify lbw crop wall mat««
for particular countries, dura not ««wen-
Hally < hang«- th« situation as regard«
the Irt’.. er»* y m th«» prm* ipal rnqsi « f
K'*n>pr. The outlook lor wheat in tl»a
Australaaian «'»Htiitrir« duitinuew g»*»L
b »t the |iT s|-«'t« in Argentina are
somewhat Ira« blight, owing loth«
drought and frusta
A <*»unts fo»m In
» aif «pi tr fa»* r.lbl«. h<’lh •• to the
Ki.arif ■ ’«•js» bar »«*t«*> I *»r to l*r bar vest­
ed thia fall, and a» U» th« «er»hng <d
th« lì ahi crop to be harvested nell
aprmg. which latter include« the wheat
Th* 4ni*n*l «iim*«* **f tb— worl*( •
w i Ix-at . top *«.<i*.l hy Ih* H<>n,«rla»« uf »^t*. nilur* ,!»*• IL* folk»«
i*.- ir«,M.t rvwult* f<*f 188'. cvui|«»f*»l
lllh I»»*
M l>rat prnlurtiun of importing conn-
rie», «MM. ■ »1.000 for I8BÍ! HMI.839.000
nr 1
UF ii j « .Iii«ti4»n <<f exporting oim
<)3. t'00.
!o*al wheat production of tw'rth mi
Hvg ar I ri|»>rtmg < o?»ntnes in 1997»
I 4’,57 7,000. in 1996, 9,93*.Ml,Oft
Set «ieftf'it |R9T, 303 HWfi <XM> bush •
4 ......
Kxtrwtftrly |*'»*»imistir repirta «• lu
• extent *»f the crop failure in R umi *
hem I scu U i U m I, tut thw itbsrol
11-• • wi «at - «»Hung forward f-r
h»pm«*ttt have led ilcalers hi receive
• h fe¡M,rt« with IncredulitV. Il >•
! «I ’■■ ■
uf ’ ••
I! ■— i?» grain gt'ing U» Western Euro­
pean markets *« out «»! th»« more liberal
i ar»«>t» <4 f» ir * r year* and there is
• i !»-i • »• there g’,i’’g tu show that the
<m|i <■( IRUf !» nt Any »ate «'••t*M‘derably
briuw the average
t’oGAii! Eugens <irrmain, <*f Zurich.
Hw its* r lai> i after an niv«<st igation of
i ■ ; -4 : fruit I •*1’»"-I», • X| TVH-C I
t ’-«
pIlRon t(. »1 there will bw a g<«*l
n-arkel fi»r Ature n*an apples and dried
I* «its thi* «•••UM’fi if grower* would h»*
»•ireful to pul up iioKw atock only.
Hr »aV*
"S«»lhii g smaller than right cuaca in
Fri’ b pruii» » Will pay tu ship to
F *opi'. and all other dried fruit« must
1«? imMutm m *> mo nini attraitivcly
New Y<»rk,t»ct is.—F.vangeliua Uis-
■ j.M who r» . eiilh « -•• .qwd from .»
-f illiwb pnrolJ in ( id m . was a J NA<«M* I* •
ger »>n the War«! hn<* »learner Hen»*»M.
: v««d todai fcom Havana
Mi»« < isncrus asked to be eBCUted from
say «ng anything about her imprison*
m«*nt anil cfc-apr. On th« pWBsengcF list
»hi* w .t* r-fc' -tcfc»l aw Mias
i - • r . t . i
•Hi'.er I -4‘ •' IT«’ •<( .%
gentleman who ai*c*>iupanici| her fnuu
Several newwp«|*»r rwportarB
and four WutUen Went Blot.glide the
•’.cattier, and after the health «»fHcers’
m«i<’ct>on was oxer thm acoom¡Minled
5l.-n 1 ;wi.4-itG» (ft tpl« City
Mi*» ’
e«*'a|ir ami safe arrival
on th« *»«,ne< B was one of the most dar­
ttig frat»* «ver att* inptc*l an I •ut'cc»«
fully ■-•arrte»! out.
<>n HatunUy when
the Hen*..i wa» to leave Havana, d«-hc-
tivc» wat ed the gsiigway» with extra
<auti<»n. Their tigilan e would prob*
«(•1% have prevented the departure «»f
M m «'i»nerow fr«»m Cuba had it not
I mm -it for refrwahmenta, including wine,
< I them Lt friends <i( MCisneros
.«r I the ‘•'cnees.
A few minutes Is*fore the Seneca
was ready to sail, a slim yuung fellow
catnw runritg across the wharf,
had no baggage and war fashionably
drwMwl. The det reives atoppr«l Inn
"Ms name is Juan Sola, •’ he aald.
ami he showed his | mm »port
thing was sati»farloty. So »hr tenor
It io said if
was allvwe<i to go aboard
it had not Urn lor the wine, lb«
strange figure <*f *4» nor Hula might have
aroused suspicion.
M KB <‘i«neros’ friends, when they
•aw everything ««»• »atiwfaetory, dis«iii*
barked an I watched the »hip pull out,
carrying the fugitive to safely umiev
th« stars and strip«*.
H — It it reported in
«•tti tal circle« that another ftlibusterlig
«Spedition ha« I »een landed in the River
provini'« of Santa Clara, and
• • eded in joining the insurgent
Kiser Miner« Working
Pittsburg, Oct. HL — Thirty-five bun-
»trod miiiera of the river district, who
have lawn idle for two week«, owing to
a diapute over the differential, rmutnod
Work t»*l»y, |>ruding M*tilrmi*nt by
at bitratiun.
Near Austin, Tex., in broad, open
Oaklaivl. C*l.,
daylight, the *»uthl«ount AnnonbaU E». 14 .‘i prMilen» of Hal »».lor. «ho
tram on the International A (treat ir.i i.-a her«, i, in-lifnatit th, r<>-
Northern miH»a*l was hel l up by four
l«'t that hr t» aaaiating lha Guatemala
men and robbed. The conductor of the r«*> >lnlioni»t», and iloclarwa that ha
tram was sb »t by the fobbera while re­
'• >t thw Iraat int«r«st in the op
sist mg them, but fortunately was nut rielo,
seriously woun«!e*l. O ik of the |Nts»«n
•’When I l«ft Salvador rnnch ol flit
gers ha«l Ina shirt collar carried away
properly wa* <»>t>fi* at*-l and my triando
by a pistol las 11 that w*j aim<*d at his have hean nrging l*r aideut Ginterra to
n»> k. an») another m-eivw»l a bullet r.'-torr II to me. The ludi, attorni are
wound in the hand. The |»a««»*i gers Invorahla that the government «ill do
w«re robl’*‘*t of ablMtt $ *0 in monev, ao
M» en.iutea know thia, and I.»
Tl»« bandits attempt«*! to rifi»- tl
*• eharniiqf that I am a»»i*tin, the rvtwla.
in the express ear, but were unauvcse* they I op« to create a prejudice a,» in at
u>r I regard thia evuulry aa mi home ”
% t*r*»|M»«liir»«B r»d»r XV m * Io K •tablieh
a W«w T»rrl«4»r>
Th* United '•tat«'« l*».v*d of ge< »gra­
V llrlrlt» VlMefc« Company
phk«l narne«, which meet* al W a-hmg
Helena, Mont.. Ort- IH — Today ar-
ton, l> C., nt -t *tc interval», has just
t h-0 of inwrporation of the Klondike*
rrnderrnj I decision« determining tht
g Com i »an y
spelling of J 1 40
i'J g*»*|
geographical nainca.
Wet« fill'd here hy Chi» ago, St I xjui «
The*« mclmle a tiomber in Al *»ks •*g-
and MinneMihdi« capitalist«. The capi*
mficanl at thia time in view of the
A« the name
Klondike excitement,
Many varia*
Indicate«. the outn|<ny it formol for
lions of m>mem*lattive for the warnt
the piirptMK* of mining in Alaska. The
place an* encountered, anti the Imurd't
»hare« arc of par value of flO each.
act»»»n *etlh * the
. 1.■ it . ■ ■ -fTTi
u .• -
!*• KloU'hk«’ the <le»-)<*!on >• to *■**•’
as here given, ami not Clumh ke.
inlet, river and village at th« head ol
thltd VlrtltM *»f H»» M«»b
Linn canal, which now ap|M«ani in the
t.illl* !<<• k. Ark., Ort. 1«.— A* tli*
nrw»l»a|»crs slm*w»t
<I ai I v under tbs r<-»i:lt <>f the racial trutible whirti bnr»n
form nf Dyea, the starting |«»inl fot III <'la*vvlan«l count» on Au,u,t IS,
the ovcrlan*! route, is an Indian wool when ■ riot uvurr"! at a negro picnic
which has s|»|»ear««l in many forma near K<*»<1all *n<i *r»*r»l white men
Admiral M«adc. tn 1 ’»«■. », wrote it wrr* killed and out, Toni P»rkrr «»•
Ty-Ya; Krause, in
I*»**.*, w <*te it |»i>. hoi la»t night near Kandall. Tlii*
Dejab; Schwatka, in lk**3, l>,* i, I>«|). m»kc* the third negro to meet a violent
in IH*3, Taiya. The I *.»rd adopt» tli, ilrath a» the remit of the picnic r;oL
( rtn i a ’. a
.. I ’
' - '-..u
■ . ■
.o... ■ • • .
It» his annua! report, Myron H- Mo
< or l, governor «»f Ai r »11» diw usaea
the q 4 »! ion of slatchoo»!, and -ays ths
requirements as to populatum, ewlma*
ti<«n ami Wcaltli are f«iih m«t
Morw than 1.0»>0 resolutioniata and
refugees hava fleii from < hiatemala to
Mex • «hea ling the Vvvg>'»h< « «»f Bar­
rio«. Ths refugees know their pr<»p» rty
will I m * confiscated, as the g«»v»- ninetit
has >»«ue>I a decree to that efl*** t. Some
peopla t»>uk th« pre* ant Ion to de|toMt
th«ir valaaklaa with the British oonaui
at Innesa I tenang*».
rissia ’S proposition
• her n>«N
Hau Fraie iaco, Oct 15. — The United
Washington. <ht. 14 -
Evidence of Steady Growth
Mat»« revauua cutter Corwin. Captain She Wants the Sealing Zone .6h«tnian hvv written a re]
Aprese» ng
and Enterprise
W J. Herring <o«uman«!tng.
man«! mg. 10 d
note «»( la»rd **ah*b»iry,
(•real Britain’s«leclinalion t take |Mirt
from Behring «ea, < drop|w*l anchor
the bay thia «vex ìing- >be brought
in a B« hrtng •«** cord«re n e tn who h
J«» ud frutn the n*»ttl b. Dr BbeMou Jx k*
K 'paia sud J a pan will partici|
FORTY YKABS OF Jt Dll IAL LIFE son. United State« I getaefwl agent of OXLY UM HKLOK *>: U.S RII .1 H> ]’i,«» 4 ***i»t>.il f«*aturu« of Mr '•heru
repiy haVt* t«re ri se ut bv cable to
•duration in Alaska; 1 '«tenant D. IL
Järvi«, from the cutter Bear; Whaler
HritUb g*»v«rnti»rnt, and thè r«i«l
J A Pet ere, 4»f th« wreck««! whaler
tuli la *»n Ita way to thè British All
la»rd Sali*’'Ury *» note *>*
Nevarch. and Rich Ar»! and Roll»» ("am­
l*«<l hefAtwbef I
i IB
son, but who returned t<» wait until
ut O. ioler 6, »«> thal tbe rnsp
A •»'.ilhuntrr just returned to Marsh
th«* tnnde willi priunptiHW.
Washington, Ort. IH —-A«**-• »«!<? -hi«» •prin, l*.f.>rv put;, U> D
fichi states that he kille«! 357 sea
tire Stephen J Field today formally Ja« k»«»n *|««ni the sumtv
The answer sia***« th.*t tb«* I
IL'ars arc nninetuus in the
tai Htat»w go ver tv meni vieww with «11«
retired fnon the supreme court of the Yuk»«n river valley in th
near s* io, to the delight of •por|»m«*il.
n««e >i<
United ‘•late», after 31 year« of •ervirr the government..
meni thè il«'trrn»i nailon of
He rep.
Ten h»»uBan
li«*l» 4»f onions were
•( two
in that tribunal.
The norrr»|«in<ic*.>« <leer her«!« as d*4ng finely,
Brusiti noi E*» parti- ì | m I«’ in a
» >n 1 ft ac
land i»«*ar i*r< igiem
between Ju« tn*e Field and the pres »«foul •leer bring ready for freig!»
« ih *« includmg Ruwna sud Jap ■an. am!
lhru>«M*lvro « piitw tb«»rougl»!y a* thè statement 1« msde thal Up to the
lady mt
word« out
A ( '< ovali
which «am made publn* today, allows
The cutter Cbrwip, «!
ittltmlc of R u*« ¡a on tl.«* prot? ’ ■
of the letter
in the
that bis resignation was tender«-*! In d.«|»At< he« t*» tli«» Cutter
t »slim!
■ •
the m * a I a .
April last.
Pre*ident McKinley, how Iren» RU M h 'I phi <«r
sulbortlic* had fully cxp»^'tc«l that the Katie *
Mt bnoight «»ut th« fa«'t that »tuteren»'« w«*uhl pfoirel with Rt>»*i.*
aver, did txK res|MM»»l until October 9. her 24
Corn ir*
whale w ax
On H
While Ju»t»«w Field’s resignation
4« w»dl .*» Great Bntaiu pre««nt.
It is cent IV
doe* t■<.-! t*k. rff. , t -.».til f,k « • iid<er I.
ptoi;t**l »»Ut thal. asole frnit» li*«» w ritten in la»n<
he will nut again s:t ut* the supremo
'•»nh'rencc which ta»r I Sallsbury b *<
l«t- n
au y
argt> *»f
*ll«d Attrnlhm to, iherr wwre verbo!
of a
Hi« c»»iiragnca uf the »np-rcme court
>e P »st lan»i
i a «ms N-tW4*«-n A iii I m 1**’ » ’. • Il »•■
t«*lay callc*l up»n him and «xprease*!
Hl. Mi chaels
l*>rd«hlp' in whrah a
g to
r«*gret at hie retirement and eitende»!
of th
i* w a» tnade to tb<* partieipaii«»ii
their HUtg rat'd at loos Mjwvn hl« long
¡>n A
« ••
A and Jt»|tan
i rely
wrvioe as asaociat« juvt tew—the longeât
»al atratn»«»«
V4'JÌ xì *I exchangc* it I» StAlfr
e ih« ìsLury sani he wm.l*l a-Ivi»
A c
¿r»-a» r in N«»rth *d<« )gf;
OO rvwx*rd.
i«r at Nt,
MM I ofll. lab of th« foFelgn .»ffl •*
at«'« th ti bis rop tin
The following letter was given out M h^’ 1» li^» Iw-ri!
4 i,‘*M. and th»*
10 bushel«.
this afterncM’U
stromrrs will la* built at Dutch fiai4«»r.
thè aubjprta diacusaed, wltu b included y.-ar
r Ih« |»arthu]Mtlon of Ru»»ia am! Ja|Mh
"M ashingtou, < Xrt, |A. «—Dear Mr
Special curreslwmdencw f?«ni Alaska,
I Lir
nmty ( a
Chi<’f Justice and Brethren — N» <r the tahvigbi hy the Corwin, cuftvev» the
*«?ifi*»'*]tienily, un July 39. Am F * -•-k’lor colli V
riti surghum canic this
t'ki*e •»( the last term. feeling that the hrW» t! tl it i* priqweewl |<> establish a
Ilay wr»»te tu Lwrd Kahsbur» saving the ve.rr b. aii|.| dy tlleir h«'ine use.
duties of my long «»fYltv h.»<t beoome loo ns« territory known a* Lin<x.>ln, out <d
* 4
premlent l»«»j««»l t»» bave I
cannery ha» fi niafo-l
Tl .- Flxin
v skin
srdm»us for my strength. I tran»mi»t«-l t
. ti ;
, ■: •
f \ .
I ‘ -
Jai at» batti- itmtc in ti»«
»aviig rannu*| 35.1KX)
rig ft-
my r«s'gnatmn to the p.-estdcnl to lake boundaries have not yet l»‘en fully »1«*
and «a Itcd 1(M terre la of a *ltii<»n.
effiM't on the first day of IK «mher cidnd upon, b’it it will inclmlr the
h-nlly i
Jam»’*« Pa tterBon, whifo *n*mtally
»»••at .4 | thia be baa arcs-pted with Yukon river country and extend m»rth
«I ti
ig«d. »«• t fir« » lo ber bustend •« reai*
reg all • •
K . ! ,
■ I • ' ■ ■ • .'• >■»..•••! ’ V V
« ■
i a
• near Bigi n
The b»nl III g and
ai <1 p«pa­
dicial «11»er>«‘nce covers many years of
■< •. ». > • k
’ v;
X. i
■lite I,
nt« w«
Hating I mw - h cl»*« h«! h m«*ni- American Tran»)*»rtat i « ui A Trading
F < i it h «elei• wa » kt k- 1 in Ih«
r»«r of the supreme «m?rt <»f < aiiiorms. (
tIw "fli
- 'd W hicl» recently
•eh hv » fo*r«« Al Ih- 1 Nsebfor
I »«*nih«l IhOt ofHei» Ortnber IS. |H57. held • conference »»n the matter with
* near 1iVud lelon.
li»' w.»l x*'«l io
holding t for
tears. gf»Vwn ;
*M»nat«»r Cartrf and •• vera! <»ther Unit«*»l
ii«*»l iwo hours later,
amt five days, the latter part of the time Kt at«•» cAuinl*,
The new
. 3 .
mu«n 1 . . «y.»
88 • VMT»’, BIHiAl»
’ I »»O .8
lllil <-•
March, in»'.!, I was <•■.mui»oiHiir«l * » «bout half wav I•«*-w»*«•*» D
> km«*n
Pine creek nei glilmif •
• ■1 ? an t <mui»ty, report •on »
and Hu .Mvfiaela, has been
■ .<M<*
iwiuft of th« t’nit«d Mates, taking th« th«* capital of the pn»p*iard
tmofsg •h*:t caffo b? bh• E>-¿.
oath of offic« vti the lOlii »lay of the Il *a uu*ier«tCMMl that Eh Gj]
noi elisi tu a <r«mt
fidluw ng May
l, how
the Secretary uf the treasury, is a ca
g rX
"When my ruaignation takes effect
* - r »ori a*
H i)9'< 05 tal«« t«i fa* ' •uliret*
my |*riiod ol «orYice on this bench will th«* territorial organix-it’mn I* effectr-
I' ilia t*!¡.-»k c«»*iniv tiiis v»* ar, all
ha 14« exceeded that *»f any of my prede
Captain Herring, of the C irr am,
«(«stall |lAW I wen
oi»||«c l.*l r,♦' 11 1 65,
tesaorw, whil«' my entire jikbciai life stat**« that many of tiie steamers going
sud tl hl* wi*
will have <-«n brac'd m«»rw than 40 year». up the Yukon arc umwawoitiiy, ar nd he
I r* j At
o H ‘t!i for |5.(MX o »»r !•'«*• by ih** tini«* thè d< hn«
I may I»« pardoned f*»r fatying that »hir­ strongly ad vises prim (jM»t tors, «specially
Ut;rhl k (-8Ï 1“
ing all this period, long it* •ompariron th«s*e from the E»u*t. not K t>uy ticket«
Iniokmiaker al Wrotou is nei w put-
with Cl»« brevity of human lift*, though on any. v»*«wM i»» until '•»■.<<•«• i • ■ ■* w . «
mt i«l»<•ul 4 .1,000 brick jx'r w »’«’k.
it? iiRriMpcx-t it haw gun« with ihewwift- lx* able to niakc tin* trip
Wiit'ii lb«
Tg (I.«» W Ml ter he «xpccla tu in*
- - • : .4 t i •_ t • • i -
I h.»‘.
C<»rwin left H • l, M i h.ud* ’•'♦•pleinher 34.
s the ci*|H|- I ty of 1 t* vani • o that
whunn«*d t<» declar«« m every «’a»*« c*»in the Hamiltoi i started up the Yukon, ex-
>•♦•* K !•! IT fo‘ p ut out
0 or WJ
lH«p«e» I« M pre* nd l »ig It a pt<l ìf tn the
»ng Ikcfor»« me for decision cone hi» »on# pecting to winter
wherever timiwer
• k» h»r pi. *.l> »4 build-
k ly
«4 » h
which my deliberate cut»vietionw exer­ could l»e fouwdR The S<sittl<* No. I a i «o
market n«xt
M ml a g»
Nf w < )r h'ÄU». < * t
From liie
cise *»f w>i< h abilities tin I if juiri luml? hmm going oil with .Mayor
ili« h fot tl •• 1in i h in g
ar I ptMM'ffM’d.
a I St» winU*r
party. She will also
winter on the
• III any al Gle odale. D.ngU* . utility»
bnard of
“Il is a plcawant thing in my memory river.
w in, an »M si«!*'-
Th« Merwin,
t<» tk * th«* w i»b of
that my .^p|x>in»ment came from Prcw»- wheeler, carrying 140 |»a*#enger
an« I
d«»»t Lincoln, t»f w hose ap}»oint<M*M I am the Mare Island have r »larlxnl from K» imi .a *n th»’
to wl
W •
t t*> atop at
the last survivor.
I p to that tim**, Dutch harbor for winter r <|u»rt*r*. hm
thorn fur­
there had I mm »n l»o representative i«»*re jt is «fouhtful w hethd •r thi-y wi| ! get »hready ma«l<
a 41
W !<* ti* uf ti*«
from thw Pacific coast.
A new empire further than St. Michael 1*. a» lh-T 1have th er by Hirn
ih ! 30 ni I leg.
lie confide i ably
had risen in the West, wlioae law» wer» 60 mile» of rough water r to ero»«. and
bar e fourni hy
an au»hi
th*«»' of another country. The land both are cranky river buats.
t many «4 the ferini»«
titles were from
The steamer Ehaa Anderson still ro-
han 30 mile» tu asmi in
grant», l»olli of which were often over­ maina at Dutch harbor, out her pasren*
Tlw i
• ■ .
laid Ly the « laiin» of first settlers. T* gvr* have gone on to St. Michaels m
c that il w ill extend u>
bring order out of this confusion, con- the m b<a»iier Baraii’»ff. They wante«!
point tu whi» lì the fein;*!« *
grew» passed an h «'1 providing for an­ to Imard th«* Merwin but the <*aptain
from ¡
other seat on this bench, with the in de» la red h • could hot accomnxshite
to «ix
t«ntion that it shouLI be filled by some them.
They were
peririatent, and
on« familiar with tlw*»- conflicting wanted *»» draw lot* with those already
tl <4<*h i »igt 4>n
T< A V,
titles slid with tin* mining laws of the un the veusri for the use of sleeping
Rittxiih* is to have an electrio light
«»•«I lb fvv
roast, ami it so hap|M*nc<i that, a» 1 had quarters.
Upon the captain r’fusing
framed lha principal of these laws, and tin* request, some of tlu* Anderson'»
w.i«, moreover, chief justice of I'ulifur- )u«sM-ngvrM
aggicssivc, and
The t »1 U • v (or T.v»‘ti»a for l*<Vi has
York, <
ilia, it was the u nth of senator» and bl»MM|*hed was only avert«*! by the a< - Thofha« H* hurí, ’
bes n fixed at 1U III 111«.
representative» ot this Hale, a» well as tiun of Caplain Herring, who advise»! the Mint her II «lo»' i
Irt-w j • ‘‘»»unlv mu*I pay $ 14,991 «tale
tbo»« from Oregon, that I should suc- all ju*rtb's against any breach of tl»«» sent to the » ih rc
tiX thi* v«ar, Slid 4 I5.56M Behead tai
• red to the new p<» lion
peace. There i* intense feeling against his resignation,
The M-’alyd*.4> v mill at Chehalis,
f the tirât eitle«
Few appreciate the magnitude of the promoter* of these winter ex ped I- opinion, ba*«*»I on
after b-’ t g nil« lor »»»ine im>nlha. ha«
our lit««™. The burden resting upon thins to the Klondike, and imhiuii * «IjM'rlenco atol r
ot yel- »»'•>.med up*‘ralnuia
us for the ls-t 15 or 30 years has been trouble may yet occur. The stataments < 'bilicai’ ci« luMion
A vegetable farmer Dayton ex
n Gal»e«toii, hut
etiormotiM. The volumes of our reporta by Captain Herring regarding the un- has
prvts to make $4.000 this year from
allow that I alone batt* written 630 waworthin«'*s of the old river Ixtat« irei iiury <L partiuvnl.
th»* products of 33 tier»?«.
opinion*, If to there are ad lol 57 upm- sent to the Yukon are corroborated by
< «>h.»nel S harf is an ex-officer uf the ativ
oh» in the cirvuit court and 365 pre- Dr. Sheldon Ja<‘kw»n.
Th»* owner» «d the cannery at What-
fcilerate army.
H« w « m > appointed off). >41«.
com, which was recently destroyed by
|«4f«*d while 1 was on th»' supreme « »» nt
There i* plenty of coal al Dutch bar-
a»» t<»r in 1HV3 under the Cleveland Dr Oipl
fire. will rebuild the structure.
of t'alifornta. it will I m * seen I have l«or and in Alaska, a supply having
liuislration, ami immediately after Hun r.«.in I
Al»>ul 50 Italia,
I the city
volt wl the der ision in 1,043 * uses
It been recently landed by the steamer
here pieferre»! charges
I v. rv effort >« lw*ir»g lint *’ to gel
•»1*1 from enough thr»-*d ♦ * Into the
may Is* said that all of our decisions Bristol.
Al Dutch hartair, 75 men are
itut < ustoma 4»fll «rw, wb«»m he ac thia m*truing, vmco I
ha%e not in«t with tl»* unitersal ap engagxxl in putting two steamers to*
•d of ar-Kling »I» the smuggling of
ruunlry t«» •*>« sll of the wheat crop.
PF ovm I of the Aim-rican ¡»eoplc, yet it is gvtti«*r. which will la* taken north tn
He has never su«'vv*e»(**<| in
Jtemsrlvcs in
to the glory of that people that *«<tions.
Alxml 1,000 miners will
igihg alntul the of atiV of
that all of the buainea* hon**«« in that
always ami everywhere has l»eeti yielded winter at >l. Michaels, coming from
m**i> b« accn*e<l.
He says his fail the health oflkwrt
pla» «’ must ch»M* Bunday« h» ti«ef«<rlh
a willing olw^lien« »'t<»them. That fact north and «tuth. There are two hotel*
in that direction was ratiMed hy the
The I’urt F wfisend tw»ar I of tral« is
im eloquent of the stability of popular already built, an»l another in oounr of
ii«*n<«» of the < nadian Pacific rail­
cinlvavoring to devise ways and no ana
At Biloxi there wr
lostituti<ms. and demonstrate« that th«« constrttetion, and f»««l is »aid to I»«*
in high quarter».
for the «•»»inpletion «*f th« I’ort IVwn-
people of the United Htalrw are caj*ablc plentiful.
rdoncl Hvharf talked *»n the subject at h lwirds, fl»«, and iwn deaths.
send Houthern ruilrowd.
of »« If government.
While al Unalaska, the ('«>r win I*.«
lie »ani frautls exiiled,
The tax levy in Whitman county for
"As I hw»k back over the more than pull«*«I the sealing rehouncr Pearl off and he l*elirv«>l mm in the employ arul
current rip’iai*» this year will b«
a third of a century that 1 have sat on the rocks where «he had stranded r*»hfiience of the government are mak-
alsmt |6 mill» and 3.6 mills a«l litlonal
th»« bench, 1 am morw and more im* Th« »«'«ler wa« not seriously damag»**!. i|ig $15,000 a year ea<*h from the illegal
.- t
«me emiri, has
to ra>-»c t ? «I- to pa* warrant in« 1 ted-
prr*«r*I with the immeasurable import­ Tlie «learner Portland may Is* expct*U*l Httportatioll
urtai loti of Uh
('ll ile»»'
tl» *«
'I he COFftlp nia‘b- fori
i to President
ance of this court.
Now and then we At Health» m I mui I (k'lotier 33, though lion, be IwlieVr , (r «ni «vi<lrm**
rolli the bench
hear it spoken of as an ariatm-ratic fea­ th« Cleveland may <»»iiie in her stead. pt«Mk<WAl(»n*
I’l.< fine gn «X|8orlath»n of Ium’ • r
ti»e coni ineiit.
ig members <»f
ture of a republican government,
But The ateatuer will bring lb« last of the Chinamen ii wh<» bave m* righi lo come
when 70 years from Gray’« harU.r for the first • ghl
it is the m««t democratic of all.
Sen- miners who will leave th« Klondike for are adm• tt«*l all ak*ng thè (’anallan
months ♦»! 1*19 7 ha* exceeds»! th** eiitire
is made on
ators represent their »talcs, and repre­ the winter with th« result cd llieir p» *
bor b r. al thè |«»rt *»f \«w York, al Se-
that Altornwy- foreign tra»l*‘ from the harlwfr for the
sentatives their constituencies, but this •un’a work. It i« possible that a large at 11 •* and <»th«?r |«omt» alnng thè Fa* »fi-*
a will I h ? nominated Vear IRIMI by 100 f»«r cent. The expirta
court stands for tbe whole* country, and, amount of treasure may l»c brought,ami coa-t.
Ile expvct* lo see aorne revela-
n December Hi, w hen from (irnj’a hmlNir for |N96 were:
as such, it is truly of the people, by the th«* Itaar has Isreti ordered to a* I a« tioti» wh:«*h w ili »tartle Ih*» < »»untry.
rargiM«s »«< lumber, aggregating
' • ’ ’ 4 Í ! ' > ' ' i « ■ E.iev«n
». n
-T—7~ •
....... -x
............... ,
• -T
7 kk«»
i -
I • • ;
"It b.i< in<icrd no power to legislate.
3,<JH»O,O‘»O f» • t of thia amount lieing
vesAcI from the mines
gres», alr» uiy (»roride»! (or, l»egina ita
It cannot appropriate a dollar of money.
»hipped to AL xico, while Japan, the
vrork ibis aiutar.
JaS*ra I rlliBtuiBM Burr«»it4l»r.
Itletl In m *|>8i)lih t*rla»»n.
It carrice neither the purse nor the
Fiji islam!» an I the South Bro udaiid«
**iu* I a
O*t. 14.—>A d»»p4t«ii from ea«*h reeciv»*d on«* cargo of 500,000 feet.
t od»» r*
W ashington, Ort. 15 —-The a< tir g
Hut it does {'■*•<■•» the power
Mohmuin! aiinounee* thal the Jagira Th»* shipments from (Hwy's htrlwr for
Madrid, <h*L
of declaring the law, and in that ia United Htales conaul-g«*ncral at ll.ivana
trilt-’•men b »< surrender«*•! their .Mar­ eight months of IH97 are 7,867,000 feel
founded th« »a(»'guard which keeps the ha* informeti thè state department thal •onncil tdlay, it
tini breech-load i iqf rifles, and have of lumber, valued at |75,0O0.
rg«- J* ÌN«"
* ’■
g Ain*
all (’ulani cilles
whole mighty fabric of government
le* solemnly »worn t«» maintain |>eac»* and t»a»lc with Mexico for eight months of
from rushing to diwtrm lion.
This forinri ly a watchm ak«r in Havana, ubo vious sin nest »es,
The troops
negative power, the |ower of resist­ was «oiindel and capturm! hy Hpaniah cr«*v» of September 31, relating to the drive "Ul Cmrua Khan
1697 wa» 4,473,000 feet, or more iliAri
ance, is the only safety of a popular troupe in August la»t, di ed in Havana legislative reforms in th« Philippine f illin g th« M’*hmund punitive ei|>e- two'«* a* niu» h as the entire trade for
Idai.ds. Th • decree «>rt|erc«i a vigorous
government, and it is an additional aa-
Th« trade with Honolulu for
surani'w when the power is in such wounds and fever. His mother mas in siippr« ss><>ii i.-f |s»lltiral aaeociaUnn« and lage* and have killed uiany of the in­ eight months 1» l,RR0,00O; while in
. .......
1*96 they hii«l tu> ilonoluhi trad«
“With tin* 1 give place to uiy ,uc-
Th« warehouse at Guv cullA|4ed
V hfilinn **|»y »rrr»|rd
TU» W It lieraps •»•’«reti.
Allrgsg Itruf-alily al I »>t| Mittni«»
.■e.W’r, but I can never ceaar to Huger
Parta, < let. 14 —The Oil lila« soya a under th« weight ,»f S0,0v0 tnishwl« of
in memoriee nf the j>a*t.
Thougii *e
C'liicagn, Oct, |H. —The fiinlmg
«»i an German was arrest«*»! yesterday al th« wheat
The buibling, 50x150 feet, is
White- inquiry ordered hy th« department of
have often differed in our opinion*, it P «I from Milan, T«nn. «a» •
«.amp ai (’halona. an«l on being » »»a robe* I a total wrc«‘k. The foundation gave
ha* always teen an honeat difference, cb | m attacked the home oí lk»t Price, a war into ¿he case nd < aptatn Levering, lite authorities found upon him note« way and the wheal burst through the
which did not affect our mutual re­ negro, last night, and fired mt*» the of Fort Mhermau. has Lei'll trlegrsphe«| regarding the organisation an ! mobil« ■ i !»••, letting th«« r»s»f fall in. Only
He returned the Hr**, killii g to Washington. The inquiry was )<e
gard and reepecL Three many yr«r* bOUM*.
1X411 on of the Frerit'li troopn at the two men wen* injured, neither «erl-
have indeed lawn year, of labor aod of W. Sire«, a white man» and fatally gun late yestcr»lay by otilrr of Secretary Camp* Th«« prisoner was al*»» sani to o tsly. Only threw men were in the
la Alger
toil, but they have brought their own wounding four other«.
Ml WitnrM,.-. wrt. .allr.1 qpun hate •i»laa«urtxl I» obtain apeuinana of wurehmiro at the time.
Had th« cra»h
to give the facts as to the alt«»g<-d bru­ the cartridges and sheila of the latest o» . lined lu minute» earlier, seven men
reward*, and ae can all Join in thanks­ expected as a Aliale to the tragedy.
giving to the author of our being that
tal ty |wr t t it« >1 bv
levering on design.
•nd four teams would have been caught
A |*rwon «houbl never be wakened tn Private (’haw. fl mu mood.
we have been permute.I to spend ao
and eruahsd to death. Th«* report r»ml«l
Alger’s I II ter ell in the case was aroused
much of our live* in the service of our
I* bear«I half a mile and wreatc*l great
by nrwwpapcr publications.
excitement in the little village.
atlea far Hi, Oaaa.
< »..»•«! I«
h, • «aalar.
Hl, Beattie MUI riant Haro.4.
I.lie W as a BwtJrM
Port Townsend was ▼i«it«d rscwntly
San Frjn> le<o. Ool. 15.—The Ixiard
Spokane, <k't. IR. — "I have destroyed
Ao.trii. Tel., Get. 14.—J. It Weat, b* a committee of army «»flt «rs known
Heattie, Waal, ,lirt I».—Fire in the
for life bi« become a burden.** «ho haa (»va'ti at’«n*!tlig the law da.» as the artillery Imanl, appointed by
KtcGun dr i*,«t Mill Company’, plant of ln»|—toe» of c<>a»l drfrn»«s. non in
Much war* the mewang« left by Archi* of the state university, laa atuw violent«
tonight .leatrwyed
110,000 worth nt thia city, vititel the Prret.lio and Lime
S**4-retary of War Alg«r for the purpuea
Ha w.«s «unflnal of visiting the various sites of fortifica­
lumlwr. The I um la fully covered by point halay. and examined the prn[oee<i tec! Marius Bakker, who early tins ly insane yesterday.
morning «tided his life.
After writing m the asylum in a •'ell with another
tions an«! »••»«st defense« and reporting
The fovrnrtnent contemplate* »d.lir», a last litter to hit wife, Bakker walsed lunatic mined Drnge
At an early
Tk. Pelati«« <)««r l.oeoHtMI.e.
to the defetnrea of thi* harbor SH high- to a point in the uutskirta of the city, hour this morning he < h«>ked Drnge to on their h»^l« hi the way of artillery
Cape May, N J , Oct. 14 —The II. power yana. varying from H to IS
During the p;»st year l,9«K,30O juts
where he made careful preparation« for l«ath, notwithstanding that four at-
Holman friction gear locomotive, on inrhea and US l*-inch mortar«
Al the end.
Inga have been ma mi fact u red an»l «ii«-
lie pla«'**! the musale of a tendinis were trying to tear him louee.
trial tolay, ma le a mile tn 44 8-5 aeo
prenrnt there are only IS tuolern high* double Iarrelrd shotgun in his mouth,
l-MH-d of at the Walla Walla prnltsn-
on<l« on the fir»t trial, and tn 42 *eo-
Elko. Xev , Ort 14. —Mark Wifoon, tiary. The brickyard ia in active<q«er-
power guns in poailton alaxit the bay. holding it there with both hamla
onda in the seem»«! sport
The train Pngvt aound will have SO new got.«
the triggers he fastened a loop <»f * loth a brakeman on the Southern Pacific, stum, there having teen an output «»f
cun «i «te» I <»f two I«»arnger onachea*
and san Diego about IS. The t»oar*i and fM»t«n**l it about 1*1« right font fell Imm a freight train near Battle about 925.000 brick, an«l 9.500 wool
Twvke> owe» IT per »ent of her will rwport ita finding* to the eecretary Th« mangled remains were discovered Mountain today, and was killed. The bwg. ha %« <!••» I*4»ti Sub! to the sheep
, body wm L >r*»biy mangled.
I k) ¡aper carrier buys.
of war at voce.
raisers uf ths itat«
BalMMial d«M to Oariaan »apitalista»
After Completing Long Term.
Justice Field Resigns.