y .1 /•rii» i’rrs.i LOCAL 2T-EVTTIE4, Ad llnrtimn, an «»l«l time saloon keeper of s. to, died at B*»«eburg re­ /*< cently. The Linn county side of the Htay- ile.lrubie color»—-Moire, I Jf••«,.* llIII. A l*ar ton bridge is n-,w all rig.it for travel. gain Ime of Ksl»n tur 6 XX". II. Ruberia fixed it last .M«>n«iiv. ni l tur |s-r yard. Unc day list week J. C. Wilkins, The correvi »lyl«>. a fanner living II rulies tM*yun«l ia»b- l’he prop-’r <|U illty. anon came to Mciu for a I« m «1 of il «ur- ih» righi prue. Anoth«r man cime from lx*t»ium A d -ll ir giova that I» for a hud uf Hour th»* same day. gre .l t : wesr, a srvr t, « ni giova, nnd bell, r Last Week at Kalem a stranger gì>. ve®. made an attempt Io pick Um lc Tu-u ai.il M< u.-wlm «le 8«lr— AIII« h > u ' s |*icket. Ilad he «ucce« I- la*ven 1« r. Blue, Piok «•«I it woubl nave been worth sou.«*- < r> «m, X'-tlow' IMsck - thing tn him a* the pocket coiilam ■II i Tic per yard. ed t.'iuat the time. ll-ir »l«»k I* l.irgr—nur Frank titll and W. A. Ewing w> t ,ry 1« short. A gm*l Fran» .« ul Bla« k < hMlltllla, down to Poriiwnd Tuesday. «ani «mi XX'ldfe Kllk went to alterni (lie Grami laslgv K. ai t«,w prie®*; Val* of P. Al intend» going down Hie - .- . ■ . . < olurubia fcr n .hurt stay. n«»l up; lleavy cotlon ». I, ,u«r A. J. Johnson, of Mo, • m »olisili«’ «or trini liiiCif wash g«M*l*. has . APPLI III: F”P. •IBLEI!'’ tvra i of the i'rrg’ou state fair ii I* ENoBMot S. place of Mr. M Xx dkin*, wlio •vrv »«1 it« that Kiwaclty for au 111.4 II - >v.ir«. 'I here » III I bc a show gl veri at the Ag«“nt for Hutt«rl, k putì« ru* City l.nll hall lo I night, Prof. Ti««x«i .»orni f<«r Mrlri*ilit«n. itili gire a free slack wir» cxiiib, limi |u thf proper epe IfeJUtX Mlt «.’MI. Admission «J ri’tiiw. ( liH'Irft: Ju reni*. Cotllfxc« X:: 7 a ~7 rír.sítl C«a«A l«’tK'u ha. not b r • fully r< «tonai among the tarilo r- the F«>rks of the Xaulia i« a lowing will stiow: Li»l iticnli’HMsl ol«cwli'-ru In thl. piper B«il Bremi'-r brought a cow homo that ile del Hot keep, a farmer from 41 Albiny prdri” tiulcnlug t and making hl* claim g k »1 by t.i'k ; ... leg her home a Ith !:;: •••• 1..«.. ••••’' M lire liner to explain the mMth r 4« Iw.t he could. <»ur Butcher it *eerr.* ol*» mi le »»»•tie kind >>f a ml«t ike Ihl« W’-ek in selecting an animal in tendini for Black doth unit, wliiti’ dot» roun I sack. ? the »«bick. I!» cl.iliu« li< beef thinking It w i* hi* own, ■farted 1« get It out of tbe |>a< iH to the soil sl down. XX'idle trj* icg l«l Hs I«'gs ng «III, I ie i, rollini nackv c* I Ulti» ttUcrd tilt’ tn.it) ra ft»«’ ••vrilter/’ and triade him tu'll . % i • ■ VS Ol i Gash Stora’s el wn s I lie tsble supp|l«sl with Ilie br«t the m irket» atTord. Str«-rt ear llne run» dlrect tu the hou*r. ALBANY, ALL KINDS «1 ALL PRICES ® HOTEL. S* » .r.O round sack. Alni lot l’ut not le®*! J N M r r h w.)< ho* ih « tv .ti« rf> he t> ad \ •! Haid «mit. i « « « - i«r :, « a p, -1 or« .1 - « i i-1 t «t < 4 >. t’l’lis, in cvci’x k'i-«w. l'tia min tlunight that 'Iroige. w tildi W®4 i>a'or«l. I«» Ai! jdiiek ( ¡ay worn v.irif tx , <»f S unti ■ ’ «i ■ , : ’.« ■ r round ».ick, J.» I h > In <|ue*tion I. mii.u» 2« sto p. 10 v-Uolnt* lo <■ e thing. XX’ell, », e \\ lidi otri hijtiflrig I ••«hi» * t link II gitili .« little limr« tllliv I *> tWiili'g in thè rlv« r UHI uìii I m - J - in e « i’. ,, ¡. '. i ■ I li i ’« < , > . . > loA ioininy Hnialhimu F Al! of t»>«> itivn In «pi« li».’«, I H»l-«k tin i ti I’M vk twnr fwrv (*» f v «♦. 'Toitf the farmer* in ihi» Mpettun h \ il » «ve Hut m | thv brfir * t •in» . ’¡t i • I I .'.I I, m »» uiii ' h i hiviii^ ! ' * n mi n l i *V ‘ »In’ Ettes! nox’cltie* in ; Mtllon. I li'k < ‘lax worst'd VHltlCK. ■ i U , ! I’• i . •• I i» \ t M » : ’ ! t,r, ug ì , thè < -«irm i M r. 1. ouit, satin lined '<1 J < M h I tiru utth WHI .Miti« r J. Munker» we nprhit round Hack, 12 (Ml ijd :tl ;] «Ni ìd" • !■ '«vr ir hi bls I rolli r . » . • . .■«. • tf »X il» . . « * •• «»»«■« Aii-wooi imp« rimi piani I oo M' N .mer w tu» «t.irti-d fot Ivi «i. i 4.^ u | know Conni” «re «uro that If plu«-k, L’ liidUti *. Li ’H IH r ii lì«) '*ere, Connie »ill k.’ t !«s nt r<-tUP> l A. <1 Pr-’fi X '! , M, li. phy.l ' : -:it (. :l . i • \ I. . ■ ' . I ■ tu» »till «urg«-,n. i «il. promptly W e «tre f,ir nlica«] of any om- e tilt-* lien’, r«a dv < «I it tel l«-mlrd. who came up on tlie 1.1 ter hii -I » - . . . « iriey « iry -»lying ll doing |»is own pat king. Will « io w«.- -| ■ lui ai««llt '.« ' this w«ek, so I list fouu.1 • 'barh’y w call g«*t *tarl«-«l curile r. Men ' - : ... ■ire muking SIA to S2«'> a d« > hi re •■rlaii’l w lo. »liovc ,l-«w :i utili ber. puking. Then» Were II» e men rii»* !lv< ri »tabi«* ha* m «d«« anollmr .Ir«:•.. !.. .! In*:,- »In,-, w , « tneige lo liu»lo ". ibi' tlm«- Mi ' ! | ««Ull'l'- kill I’l «‘L‘<‘ fl «r ... . >1 UÖ. - - * . . i , ■ r -. « ■ « : ’ • g. XX nt to hoxv John Cyru*, r«-« < titly <>f Allsiny, mure provl-ions than any ut «, g-ui«l roust cuf fee in packages 1 (MI. • on the tr«»!. XX’e were offei 2* 1 HO. -imi I ■ li1 Ali SI«« il-«n retirlng. XX’v f r th«-four mules two wee i Id. 2<» ,, Outing Elannol ( ’(> in-li t't «r ii Mr. < y rii' tr»d«-d hi» we lando»l but eoubl no 2»> r< 1 ” Brown Slv < ling 1 00. ■ flirto »-«utiie.ist ,-f ■v !«> f ir »il. pari. them, XX’e have ot,e boat «1 — * iilico 1 HO. IUI •y Calnvaii will ptol»ii«ly ni- ve tin utiu-r will I m « «bine by t 12 in , <»<> pl r Cent Wind, «it •«**< li *>(H1 •*,!o*r v*l. onl • tlo- f im formerly ow m <1 l y III 1 » I, w >• - « if if w «■ I Xt Mr. Cjru* i, wtdle I’ucle A If imiy (lor «Ul-iu iit blankets an* a 11 gong Imt will have ’ -aid Im k. it ha« m:! froz.o any 1« I mp go i«ack lo tli«' old f irm In J..r• I in. Home mor«' in a few dax s; plenty l< ft at ? 75 'peak of yet but there tins Iwen II Mr. T. J. Mimki-rs Ii,* «1 fi««id of .■■¡/riiog min iiioKi ol tlie time. I <7-10 •» iia • nvor«ige height is from g««l i « ' for killing them. Luring i l’ccry ’». Surely Mr. J««fT«-r. « i Myer', ,«f Hilem, foui teen to tificeli I iii-hcx til® »torni on L-ik«* Liiideriiiiiii 2 •>ur Sifitinm untry is nm* of c . iiiic up XV«’ ln, ',l ,y. I mm I s wi ie wr<, ki ll mi«] three live* Ben <’leían I, of Albany, was «o tiic rt« hes| s)»«i* in the glorious lost. I Inc fellow earn«.- to camp VX dl iin -|le X dl«*y. iX’ her<> else tliis city T ucm I iy. 22 ynr cents apiere, llii’ timi* il wa* «town? ugniti la fore fepling. E XX’. Pomeioy A ><«n I« iv«1 balled lleavv beat I’recale ahirtn, 3.5 f, ,, On ."»un lay of last w«-ck a Very To tons of «Iraw this fall, tpille a Half wool dress goo«|s, 10 in wi«le (think ofit) • nt family reunion was hel«l at rue. III foot roll of Crepe Tissue 2Hc nt Nic«> patern«and all colors narrow dn »» goo >< *' I* z • the home of lh-n Mdhmnld In this I v 11 « 1 11. !• 4- I • P -«-ry A Peery’» Wool linish Idk - il«’« ti (this I- great l-:tl ^liiii) city. A dinner also was Kl ven tn limi, uro vl'iling relative» nod tumor of Grandina McDonald who !» lbs roast eoifee, fi lelids in ibis ity. A Fatal Sum. I» now in her itili year, ritoso pre* [ This is much better then Arbuckles.J I.«’e Itllycn ili. renle«l thè Klnd •*nt »i n . Grandm i Mi lGtiald Alex, 12 llm good green KiiJ coffee s r t irm ami wlll usui In* l«tck i>« .ir Iteti, «mi XX ill M< |i,«n«M to-gether We have plviitx’ ,>Oc cotton lilanki'ta »otto- at bis ohi .tmiiplng ground«. with their familit», Mr». Mds night line white and gray for K.’ie. Mr, H o M»* ii of rvih’m USS ll|. alni family, D.ivhl Myer* and fumi she XVe«lur*,lHy hniklng i,ft«-r lite hop ly, I .*1 Milter nil«! wife, Id Jone. A crup of llil'Vn liilty. Mod family. Iteri«- ri .»Impson n«»-i hi* A* Illi! Brenner was coming to iml until «he wa« seriously burned. Kamal of .spi« or, contemplate ni ward home la»t XVvdued.iy, driving The Injuries w«-rc so severe a» to biss aal a bum h of cal Hi, Ii«’ w .is overtaken Clive her death, from which »Io Scio in thè nenr future dle«l 1 rl«l «y uiglit. Thu remains Caa ba C^rcl. ALBAN Y S NEW >T< -KE, T'uc*«|ay < “et. I.’, I»'.»', wa* Ihc 2’th w bil<- on Albany iir.iiri«’ t v u «tray were brought to Harrisburg, front ariti!versary of Ih»’ wtsldlng of T *ow. H»« chaws! III«« COW lull k i, p ¡>«i y hi neeil I'nder w car or H«w I »’**«! «-t«| > ■ «• 1 or 5 I«« tttiwl Au«l Ilio bilie several lime*, trying to which place «lie h.i«l recently inov« E Lugger and wife. *t«•.*■(» M t rrr «» rr I«» ••ry? XX. « ni -ave y««u l,ig iii««m*y • ■ I, f,«r burlil. I lie furnl- Dial J A '.X'llAVEIt u hu*bti««l am! four children. Hhe ture thè fir.t of thè w«'ek, ami wtil Meeting a young fellow on th»- rumi, P. S. Our new I unln are o | m - ii nml « Il XIII. I ■ N At < < daini w as «ii ««Id rc»,«lent of Li no count, h • < ««»«ti I» gin lioiiM-ke« pi« g un Alili Hill ii «eli11- - ii , «I the bother the tow XX'.i'Iilogloll. .»Uli'lay N.-pieii.m a at alsiut ph«’ price other, eh irg e. ami w -i. highly re«|as ted. — Allmn) was to him. 'Hie man ».»Id he own ­ •trawt. 2<>, I*’-1', M io H m > h 8. < harlloii. I Item«» rat. lief,,re. moving to .Mud­ Th»« »lccea»«e 1 was a l«n«thvr of 1 «I (’»tterlln wlioh.i* Is’i’ti biiylng ed the COM but gue»«« «I lie would A ft*w M ‘ .4 fig<> th«« «*>hi*»r w »•» ( |tl bird till, family 1« *t tin lr restdcnct be compell«-«! tu m il ber, fur th« r»-a Mr*. M E. Cyrus of this city, ami f.tlcen with a very ** \rr>* r«»l I (h it ihi •t cittì® over on l’dl.itii’- A, hi. r« »•>• tire, Mini only a short tint«» befon at one time reside«! here. Ill* liiti’i.Hl hhn h> hv In it tih>al hii'* *ri* turile«! I,omc. XX’lido girne he » m he ; <>uld m»t keep her at hmm-. A tr « I«- u »» made, the matt evid<*nt* that, lo'l iirotlicr building the *»ou< . »leatli wa* th»- re»ult of an attack of b’iught 121 lit’a m the de w iy, uml now thia h-irib!«’ i ►- J'Lj. • ttr ■* l t-i »• »■«»• nt it gr i I'j»’, -r i I r • Mr« Al (ìurcr. n he gsv«- »■ « in» as if the family was haunted It’ll Vc< 4 wife und of four «lauglit- ulxlnic It h <* <1 iri|( r > |4 h«‘t<» »lc ini lui» Is oli vl'iling Mr. /.in Guycr ami P.n-nm-r bmight the c««w ami l«rouglit by '««me evil fir«’ dend. era, Mr*. J hibh Trumble of tj>f*u^h Hint Ilcmhi-r iligglii* who ha« l»e<-n ing to l«e the owner, camo and t«*«k A VX il’itir ami little Both < 'tririton, to the many rttttrn fneixlut L» ih llvlng al Sliellitirii wlille hulhllng the cow away. Itili »ays he think* mourn hl* I «... Two little boas contained fhrrin, Mr rom luti» tts r nr t.x»k pl ice Sun ­ »“4 III* n< w N’Imot house there, move«l lie can b»-i«te the gentleman Who day night, on the Grand Bolide re— iw lite«! him on the brighter sh >r«-. make a first trial of Hit* medicine. hi«k lo .Scio thi» w««ek. ««•Id him the cow, and if hr dm-*, irrt IM’ lie Was M loving hu.t»Hiiry In Hi Mi"«-' 1.-1« »mi Bitte < <«rey w«ni well, next week we w III h.IVu • good «■rvatlon, io which at ut '.‘o Indian tan Ii I .' itlier mid .« K«"’d t.cigli'.«,r, lov« >1 r-wults, I* putting it v« ry mildly took |«irt. M*arr lo M.’lem la t i'iitir-l.iy ubero tliey Item. ltd trust'd by ««II who knew him. lnd«*«si It Is rcp»»rte«l that th«’ Indian» t a*«* It aete«l like neigh* »ml tlie »ili re»i«le llii» winter. Elia to teaeti At the dance given XX’cdnesliy result was a speedy cure. XX’•• ti «ve |4 la thè public *ch«H>|., and Katc to nigh; by XV. II. Wiekhmi. in celts broke tnt«> a house and »vised a lur H i Those fr in Linn county who w««n rei : f har»l « Ider, ar ! went In f-«r a prv’illiums at tile .»«t ile fair Wer«’ a. no hesitancy In rrcomrucmliiig this I fit atndy tiivtic. ¡•ration of his daughter’, marri «gì*, “hlyu »kiMikum’’ tin e. It Is sup follows: Huston Nidiols, hor»es, .1 excellent Cough Bemexly Io any«»n< •rl«l TliC Elio Ilaning Mills Im ve fitte«! •omv ¡«f the young tn.«n trie,I to turn (■need thit they had sometlilng ir.t ; Frank ilul'oirt, chickens, 5 «niicted with a cough or cold in anv Bf rrtt t< in»« tlr»t, 2 ►•«•olili ; l> o XX’«Midworth, form.-»The banner of IJtierty, Lib- tip 11«vir building w Ith electric lights th«- «I ince Into a genuine iri.li Jubl stronger than elder at the out.«*», imrnn» n ! rtrtiji hinkens, I f)r*t ; C 1» Bates, ciil< u* u liicli ndd* luuch to ttu’ir ronxeu lee. Ju I as tho dance w ns progr« «• but it is not known for a rrrtiintv. • ns, 2 first ; Cha» Burkhart, horses, eriyt-iw n, M-irj Iaml. The 2-*> am* ii-nra a'ld lolite looks of tl.ing. in Ing lliiely an«l everybody was «-nj.iy. Luring tliv nlglit a grtier.il I'«.- T A ■ M. « I first ; X If «••klein «n, hor.-'s, I tiro; cent «lies for «ale »«y Pr I hv A lag themselves, the gr«»om and b, tfivln y” n< nd. Mr. I• -irrvli, pig». I flr»t, I »«-cond ; Pr.KHV. t«w»U ptac«’, In which dulls amt .ixt t l*r fF» < ciia«. Purghili pig«, 8 flr*t. J It We hear of a dial-gas down at inritb*r dancer got mix«*«! up In n wet«’ freely Used. I i«v. Guitar, Banjo slid Violin string. N) < I mrn, in *vhh-h (««'« Miller ami light, a id alien Mrs. Wickham Ur OHI4 Jes-I«’ Wheel« r was «truck on tlo f>«ugla»s, garden prodife, 2 first, 2 nf ’ i n-pted to •-panne th«- ei in .it I hai ) Hi «W» W ■ I -hn Eltcgemld .n-te I their part. I«« h«-vl w ith a hati ln t, nml wn« rend «•«'«nil, limi »t«te ilipl ina. Clyde :it Peery A Perry’s. I tannai*, Ha« k»mlth t«’*»l«» 1 «econtl ; I < rfcctlon ami In dea I «• truest. Wr .mis, .«'>me uiiprini-lptrsl vagabond er«-d ln»vn»lhle for h«>lirs. ht( her a How <>n th«» j.w. Mr. J W. J«-««ee ®n g was stiuck in the fact I » It Montlvth, shootlng.l fir-t ; s.-m VX'fckh.xm got the shot gun <|n»n by Joe l> >wd, and • 1’. (‘. E. Evcryl.sly invited. they want««! to, f|«e «lance t«n«ke up. xX’iaileti Mill», I 2nd; James Nichol«, residents of ( rook county.—Prine« Tnis is the I ist fs.ue we unti Io In the morning Mr. XVh khsm found ÄN» The Hunsrl Tclrpcono Co., nrt I flr.t; XX’ortb Honslon, I first; A. ville ItevleW. the autM-rlptlon list of the I’RKw. the ml«crennta bad kille.l a numhrr etprcling In conms-t Portia’« ! at «I Ii«-n»h.iw, 2 2ml: E. N. Morgan, I first rli«s finto piper Those wishing tn enntinne the m-w of lil* chhkers beside® tearing ■»in Francl«co t«y telephone I* f««rr fimi; Austin llultw-rt, I 2ml; l»«tig AH kinds of w »»« he* clock* and jrv Peery V p»per will kindly let us know by «town fence* nml galea. Altogether New Year* |«!W Only «‘«’tit *00 las xl*:i"om, I fir«»; Lmr.i My« rs, elry r«‘|olr,«l promptly, or •» ht-rMl*»’. i it was a howling «ucicus. I 2nd; 'Ira. XX. P Mm ill, I flr.t. «dica yet to build OHKOON ConitP ;or your i *h printing* win. Beautiful single p;it- s. Li YOUNG. -S SON. \LBANY. OliN OR. Sl. diaries • L m M imo CI Hill t. Lodr4’"ff W 50 ;sr wtak K müx SCO. Sa»r4 Noi’iiini-»«« ialuir emplovcd. All llonttf ('ooking. Dress Goods «> 0. M CUEL » >n ih : r»»( ► >rwt «n ! U «•«-♦ >ai I’-r • «r > <>»i< loen « il t rii v. Motor iw paua th® hot» i ’ r « ! I r • « • • I « I. J » «i. a o 11 < <« «lira Park, ►>•-•• lai« to ai I from the house I Scio Ijoid, i ?.•; c. OR. .... !! bw Jackets Hihfrc Itew Gress Seeds lead VIA The Shasta Route G. D TROTTER, liew Cnderssar RED HOT BAHGADfS. Cheaper Than ]£ver. I».« il V . •pt liifcfirl I MrMDii. 5. M. DANIEL. on < igtlvn Konti» IE1Z Sttffgt Elettri V N 1>— * -I ».ffl'IXU (’ARI We have same pretty warm Prices Ourselves i. X A I »«< Aerial. h»r| ROSS l£. I-III3LER WONDEfiS OF The Fair fl- W. HflGEY, j e n /; L e R. ri i ’ ui - i d rute» are n.-w In i ff« « I from All« i»y, I <>rv «Ills nml m H Southern I 11« ;« «Int* i > Yoqiilna I Uy und New port. It may te otdrd that, In addition to im«ny natural ail vantages as a »limn <-r «• -nl“ re—»rt, tlie ."*«-a«il«i* | ii ’ i -« i —-, *• <| <-»nt|».!,e Ju • - *i«»i- l«»r < him k, thu» »«17»«riling to slmb-nt*, l«'.u*hrrs mid oilier» n rare '• -p- rtm t> for combliilng »tu«ly with 1-1« «»itir. I ««r full In t> ■ ma Hou i • I « • • -al < '.«nr»’-«, ap(dy to Mr H, <1. Irvin. President of Hi«’ A»»ali> us fug •P.-aolule «iute ’ ” ’ I« is again tn M-rvIca on X' «ipiln i liny, »ml w ill t ike fl'hing ->r oilier p-irtlrs to sea nini return. I!«« fare forili, round trip I« only óo rents. II,« SiToml Beglmrnt Band and < lr, hestr t ha I « • o engaged for the »••.i»on. w(«ich will give «tally con • •• '<« on the tench mid furnish music f«.r the evening hop«, I mry p-.-.|t !.« convenience ha* of gi.e.fs, ami the r ites nt II.«- hotels • r* V« ry Frit* intilil«*. • l ««r further I« f««rmntfon apply to «ny I,gent of |ln« .» lUthern Pai iflc I'«« or Oregon f entr.tl A East« rn It. It Co , or nd'lr« ««. I al w lu .atone. M aimg. r <>. C A E. B II, Co , C>»rvalli«, ore. »EtRHr-FiBD <* »TATT. krronsv.xa ar l * w . ALBANY, Oll. t,4* 4S»ll* . ■ • I •» F * i»» • w ir, •»♦* r F’r»» *<«t