Scio weekly press. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 18??-1897, October 15, 1897, Image 4

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    LOCiX 5RÂ7ÎTÎX3.
rio ì’rrsj
Ad Harmon, an o|.] lime saloon
k' • |>* r d S io, die I at R >-eburg re­
The Linn county »Idr <>t tn<- Stay*
lb «Irible colors—Molm,
Tilfcta, Satin,
A tmr tun bridge I « now ali right fur travel.
train line *»t sat|n for u W. il. Ruberia davd it lest .M<*ii«t
ai I lor per yard.
line t| iy 11-t Week J. C. WllSiti»,
Tlu* correct »tyle.
a farmer living II mil«*» tieyomi latb-
The prop-*r quality.
ation enme tu Helu for a load of II tur-
Th» riglil prue.
Another man came from LetMmra
A d«>lt»r glove that la for »1 l'M*l of tlour the »am* day.
greut l*»t wear, a seven-
List week nt Salem a stranger
iv * tii glove, and belter
mad«* an attempt to pick I'm l" l'u.U
and M« u««elni de Xolr— Allison's pocket. Il ni Ite «uece«»l-
lxvs*n I r. Blue. I’iok, eti It would nave been worth some­
t 'r*»«m, k-Hots' Black — thing to hlin a« the pocket contain
all »I 7’a; per yard.
ed 92t>U at the lime.
I)ur«tnck I* large—our
Fr ink Gill ami W, A. Ewing we t
I» »hort. A g«»"l
of IU««k Chitnillla, down to Portland Tuesday.
Hi ami While Silk went to atten'l Iheiirand l-*«lgv K.
it low price»; Vai- of P.
Al iutemis going down Hie
emit ;:•>••». narrow e«lge«
le ami up; Heavy cotton t oluml-ia lor u short stay.
Scii.iU*r A. J. Juiinson, of Neto,
I » c- -ultalite »<>r trim
li'leil W»«h g*aal*.
h.i« t."*-n elcct<«l .1« one of Hi«* tru*
1PPE Illi P 'll « tRDERs tec» of til«« «**l'g**il ntatv fair Iti
J.s EX<tR'Ittl'S.
plate of Mr. M Wliklu», >s b'« •vn
•»J In ttiat i-.i|»acity fiR su many
'I here w III I I m * : i »hoW jflvctl nt lb<*
Agent f«r Butt»ri<k pattern«
City hall Io
1 night, rr»»f. TruXrl
send for Metrp<»litan.
Will give a free »Uik wlru ox IB bi-
lion before th«* Bhow |>rop«*r open*»
’»l i»t
I tour» op«
at 7:». A<l
« :.'*, i iiibir» n I*« i «•nt**.
While <»ut butdhig lawt Wedne*
-w » w
I iy twiling An th<* rlv« r
I om HbrllMiFn, Tommy Ktiudhmtu
t n bLick iH’nr /«<’<• t«> t « <•.
i red rt! I hr I»« *«r m«<l then *kl.i
ranging in price frin $1
f<»r hoint*. lh’<ir refill Io tn* liioie
tifu! thi*
thun mmmnu,
•’ *
r having le*t'n
i i
th«* i iti »t lioveiti*■» in
V li! ill
-•I m i.l r»»nitnen< e next *M »■>
*1 ) .' siivi urn w illi \\ ill .M ill« r a*
pit .] 1 and N< III«* J* *t. r in Die
|tr. icafy ilt pir'mcnl. if wui w It • 1«
i llil' I*.rvii a« b«> «lui 1 J»t* u ill ■i» «i
j S.;!' » ii « w lit-n .••«•Itt.Ji iJ«r*M»n plAytM
; lb«- 1 mllaiis, I,« 'll m • » i •
A h * i g that line.
O roBEK /fil
New Capes
Hew Jackets
New Macintosìie
lim* double tosti
i ai»**, lietiwliabb* al
New Oress
leading st
ble price»-'
New Underwear
iiiicti mid cl
Hit Wl*
Mil tit
Beati, Tea tick »V
I pair nt Peery ti
■ffcrs-in Myrfa, of
We lm*««l«y.
itale n,
dsn I, of AllMiiy, u .1» ili
I hiulei went to Portland
lay on ! ii«lnc«».
Piimeioy A son li’ivt* bulled
u'»l luti» of «tri» Ibi» fall. <|*>lle a,
• lutile t u .-, of Indi | m > u I
uhi» ita» la-eu V I - ilillg rei
here, reielved a tt-legr im fr h »
>tying II at he V if
r*-tnr<i.-d Imine but
'trun.! <’ii.-tfivy »«o inu-'h tiiiptovi-d
I • a-1 » 11 » ' > k vvi'li *1 r»? Xuth-
I lo- !lvt ry »table has nini«* Al>o(h<-t
liatige In t.ii’in «. Tld» time Mr.
John 1 yru», rt-c« idly of Alhotiy,
i*uy«a lislt i itt-rt «I, Riley tn
.ml I ;< It-Ali SlicIt'Hl retiring. We
.in i* rstaml Mr. i >rus tr.i»b <! Ills
1011 - ■ ,i:*.i».' • -I if ». :.t f »1 ;. 1. ■ 111.
Ilil<-y l'ala van will probit*!,.'
iti-tii the farm (• mu rly ow in d I y
Mr. Cyru«. » hili* I líele Aif may
go twek to the 1 >1 f irm in Jordan.
Mr. T. J. Mii'ikcr» ha a fl.Id of
f ill whe«t Which promise- a flue
crop for next hurvevt. It was sow it
-d«mt the flr»l of
i (• mtn r and
now Im* nvcr-ige height K from
foui teen Io lift ven indica,
•mr Sui limn «nun try I» ont» qf
the rh ti«-«t apota In the glnriou*
Wiliam -I I«* \ ail»*y. »V hero <4 m ?
ituil'l you g< I a grow th of Aftern
ii.1 be« of wheat one mouth from
lite tim«* it was sown?
tin.-sui lay of last week a Very
pleasant family reunion was hcl«l at
/ •
the borne of Ih-n M» Ihmald In Itili*
idly. A dinner al-o was glv vn In
I »nd, are vl-ilmg relative« nod Imnor of Grandite« M» Doi»«hi wlttt
friend» in this city.
1« n<tw In her «llh year. Those pre»
I,«*»* liilven lit« rented the Kind ■•ut »t re: Grandma Mt'Donahl Al« »,
s r farm and will «<m I«* Kick near lh-n, »«mi \\ ill M» Donald to gettici
III« ol»l •lumping ground«.
with il«« Ir fstuilh <
Mr, I!ofdeii of Salem
mid lainily, David
Wi*«ln«*-Jay li»«klog ufter
ly, Ed Milter and
crop <»f Hit- vn lidty.
and family.
• «.’
'•’« •
V t
A« RII! Brenner waa coming lo
Iferbott .«lmp«on and hi« mother,
!.. ward Immclasi W<-ducs*l.iy, driving
t»f Spicer, i ».»template movln
a bum ti of calili, he uverlakeu
ba-lo In the near future
Tuesday t*ct. I.*. IO7, wa«llo I'.tli w Idle on Altfiriv liralrle by a «tray
anniversary of th«* ».tilling of T -uw. Hr «■h»i»««i till- COW Ikick up
I lie In hi* several time», trying to
I- I»ugger and wife,
Frank Morri» r«celv«-d hl- furni­ get rid <it her, but all Io no purtH»-e.
ture thv first of the week, amt u ill Meeting a young felluu oil the road,
ststu 1» gin housekeeping on Mill Bill mentioned the tmlhrr the vow
«nato him. The man ««Id lie own-
1 <1 1 aftt-rlln w lio has tweii buying <-d the cow l.ul gut -•< d lie would
citl'.e over on rillaiutiok, ha» n la- compclle*! to m -I| tier, for the r«-a-
tiome. While gone
!><• « »n lie could hot keep her at homi*.
\ tr eli* w i» m ide, the man evident­
1» »ugh! 121 heml <>f cnlVf«.
ly knowing the cow from the de-
Mr*. Al Guver. <*f P»-riland. who
M-ripli>.O al. I di'|M>.|lli>n lie gave
hits l» C!i visiting Mr. Zsn Guyer an»l
Brenner t»>«ig!it th«* c»»w and t«rougld
fimtlv, near l.ararod, returned .» r
limn«'. Oil list .Hat unity, ilur-
I10111«.* Ttte-.lay.
Illg Hreuner’» Atas-ncv, a man rinfili­
Itciahi-r ili/glo» »ho h»« he«n Ing lo Is« the owner, came anil took
living ut Shelburn while building the cow away. Itili nay. ho think,
tli« new Xchiiol hou»«* tlicrv, moved lie can liamte the
ha* k loXritilhi« work.
■M>ld him the cc
Mi«»*» 1.1« a ii< I Is ale t urey w > nt well, next week
Io S.*leiii In-l Tnursday where they Ite m.
Will reside litis winter. Ella Io teach , At the flanco given Weil:.r.liy
La the public «chool«, anti Kate to i nlghi by W. II. Wick li.un. In celi--
atU-I.V OiVslc.
br.Hiott of his d laughter's marriage,
'1 1 c Fiin Pinning Mill» have filled • onte of the young men tritai to turn
Vp their building wllhelectriclight» the d ince Into a grttuiim irl«li Julil
uhk-'.t add» much to their convex lee, Ju i a* the dance« -«
fence «nd Io the lo>ka of thing» in Ing ttnrly and ev«-ry,lwajy »»« cnj»ty-
(»«g fbrm«*l( «•*», (lie gr.»>in and
another «lancer g»>t mixed up In a
We hear of .1 dial-go» down nt
'fight, aid when Mr«. Wickham
St elburn, in «vhleh (¡th Miller «nd
attempted to ■ef.nrale the ct»int«tt
J.>hll FllXgvrald .I< te l llielr parts I
perfection and in dea l «■ irnest
w. nits, .«otne iinprinetptni vagabond
hit her a Mow on the J«w. Mr.
«lid not learn th«- particular*.
Wick ham got the stmt gttn down
There will la- a t>.^>»t • «»l.tbi.»
tmt firttnd It wit« not loaded, and an
given at Houston'« Hall, Hit eve
could do nothing to »top Ilin mw.
tilng, under the aa»plev» of the Y.
When everytaaly height a» long a-
1'. C. E. Everybody invited.
they wanted to, the dance broke up.
Tnls 1« the Inane we sen<l to In the morning Mr. Wickham found
the «ub-erlptlon list of the PRK«a. the niiacreanta had killed a number
Tin**«* wishing In contlnun the new of lil« rhlckvr. la-'ide« tearing »ill kiu-lly let ua know by down fence« ami gate«. Altogether
|-u«tal ->r ■> hrr»I**'.
I it o í« a howling «ueccua.
■ •
L'otifl lenew
not b e • fu«ly ti
Among I he Mrtii« i living n
tilt* F»>rk«ot the Hiutta n «♦ th»’ i*4
lotoiug HI I *i» *H‘; 1.1»! b*« ’ *, A
wh'-’Fo In I hi*
lb 11 Hr* imer I m ought a vow home
Ih«t lu* »B i not k*» p, a farmer from
Alt my pc urt** c L hui J ug the wne.
Alni m «king hi* clrtlin g -»I by t
ing her homo ulih lililí, leSVI *g
llrenner to exjiiin I hr loath r a«
I m **! he o uid.
<>or Butcher it Aeen:* al«o tu i le
»Gill* kind of a niUt ike Ibi» Week
Black cloth
t, W hite
in «elrt'ting All nniiu d |nten«|e<l for
back , I’
•hr M'trk. He
It* r|
< l«tni4
ihn« 110
he r<>|M d a
0, *» d
h» < f thinking H * w hH OW
1 kirk Illi Xm| t ||t*\ jot suit
■ tiirtrd to gel It oil! of the j hi -lu re
rotti)«I tack
* i
to the r»>»d, u hen the I4.iftie*l l Mije
wtil| **t eftd Irtid down. While I try-
< 'h«-vi<*t
•«< IO get It on It. leg. ng dll, I 0
. $'
itun rsitie elong uho ow i.r«i I
•Vritter,*’ Hint tiinde him lu*n il All
A ih I lx«! i’«it not I ca *( J N M
iì «• fiad
wjj jinked how ui.-t iy »litep
in st lefisi;: pern lure. J«*** did bol
know. I'hv ttien
■fringe, which
All-wool,Mack < •lay V nrs
nitkt* the tiling pMlit, the I hii
D’d, round «ark, f'.l
in «|U»**ln>fi la inifiU*
*h< P«
I *|.\ lot
»tirep rdnge I* ne.«r by. the
rirtutii*t bh -e* *urr »uudlng tilt* ii lb
•m-k. fio
terpohdAtn o * thing. U • ii, v e
think If Klvrn A liule niur* »hue
J cciii oKphtiG hi*’ thing I*« iy.
AH of ti»*-
iti <ju* -|*»» h *
I evo
the fantietrt In thH MvUim h a vc n<4
'k > I
the mn fide net? in hUfii.n m!ur<-
they had h ft'H y**ni Hg*».
Cash Stop’s
'.♦vi i- í CC
Xo*l' 2 BO.
I il.
?•- <»cx
A .1 ( It tii•»»• fab-»i
All Hamo < < • king.
Tit«* fililo
u I» 11 the br-t
Dress Goods
Ihr in Ar* <•<* ulford
rur I ht» runa »Urtel to th*
5 •
.Si »
Beautiful single pai-
io HoiuL
( j O,
<• v
• »< *
S//.KS and \'El. I ET>
in all S/i idcs; anit
// EJ T Y /.. ICES
1 I
íhei» sleaiik«
of Mr. T.
J. Muiiktrs we
-print part ol a
nitlt-rlii-l iw Mr.
It tier fr»*m bl«
I't»n M»'.X.imer w i «tarlili for H: :s:
"I re VI »
dike I .»st August *
know Cot in- are »tire that If (•luck,
.■ii'iur.i:ice .mJ iiilegriiy will win in
Kl*m«liku a« t-!««»where, Connie u lit
• nri-l; not come out empty handedt
We arc f,ir ahead (•! any one rl»e
wh»i enme up on the Elder mi l 1»
• lolng hi» own
packing. Will
-pi ml about $.3 " tlii» w»ek, s > Hint
w • can get »tarted curlier, Men
art* in il.Ing »lit |o $25 a day In re
picking. There
were flee tiltil
drowned here »Ince weuPiived mid
one sliot for »it'*llng. Wo h ive
mure provisions than any other
on the trail. \\ *- were o
for tin- four millet
tuo vv
we litnded but coliti
tbelli. We till
I VC Olli* I x >11
tin oilier wilt la* done by tin* Kith
»<> thi* IH'ti we nail if we have mt
Imtl luck. Il Ii 1« not froKe any t<>
■p* ilk of yet l*ut there Ilin la en H
drlszllng min most of the time.
1 lour 1» M-|liug at yj.'t u sack nod
tun on at i»o cent« per |*ound. Eigh
It en sheep came In ye«lerday iiik I 1
for killing them. During
tin* "lorin on Like Llmlcrm in 2
I hhi I» wt rv »Hiked and three live-
lost, One ft'i-iw came to camp
Sunday with si {round»of go I. lie
lta»l Ju»t come up from the Yukon
I may not t«- able to get a letter out
again 1« fore api lug.
1<) foot roll <>f Cr.*p* Tissue 2Br at
p •cry A P«««,ry’a
A Fatal Sim,
At Medford I i«t Friday,* litio get
Ung '»rcikfa-t Mr«. J. I. Wlgle had
ber «dotile» catch r»n tir«*, mid »he
ru-lo <1 from the hou««» In tinnì',. A
«ih attempted Io pul them out, but
not until «li«* wa« «eriouaty tiuroed,
I hr It'jurlc« were «>i »«-vere a» to
cium - Ir r dr.dli, from
wlih h »!■<
ilici! 1 rid iy night. I'ho remain»
Were brought to II irrt«t>urg, from
which pl ic>* «lie had n-cently mov­
ed, for Inirlil. I to. d«*cc.i«ed leave»
a hu'lmi.d sud four children. She
w .1« an old re«,d»nt of Lmn count,
amt wa« highly r<-«|a-cti-d.--Albany
Dem»» rat. Brfore.lmiviug to Miai-
ford lids family I* -t their residence
by Are, and only a short time befori
that, lo-t mother luliding the »11111
way, and now thB terrible her. It
««■m« 4« If the fmuity was h.iuntcd
by »time evil flr«- fleiid.
A mnrd<-r»a« row took [»lice Mun­
day night, on the Grand liomlr re-
••rvallon, in w hhh 20 Indian*
t»a*k [«art.
It 1« refwirted that the Indian*
broke into a house and »elxed a liar
r*-l rf b ird elder, ami went In for a
•'lilyu «kiHikum" tin •-. fl I. tup
I>«»««*d that they had ••»inv'lilng
stronger than cider at the <Hil«> t,
tail it 1« not known for a cerrdrdv.
During the night a general tl.*l.
took place, In which cluits an I ate
were freely u«ed.
Jc«-h* Wherh-r was «truck on tin
head with n hub het, »ml wa- rend­
ered in«en»lt»le (or hours.
Jim Young wav «ttuck in the fact
by Joe llowd, and died in teas lhai
*• minutes.
A miml«-r of other« were m ire m
le •« | njumd. —(Iregon i«n.
The Hunart Trlepenb* Co.,
expecting to connect Portlaml
Sun Fmnciwn l»y tf-lrphem» l»
X«’W Yenm IWH Only «’»«ut
miles yet to build
K eiitC
Ml -wo»d imp« rted plat
suit. round Rack. £
G.O. : !?0T h £¡? »
r )rt on.
A. o. Prill
an »mil »ur^i- »<».
O ndi I
Cheaper Than lSvex
* .
i . i ;
«“Ilk ♦■*.<
‘ »«i * ir» t»*
•• r,
pounds Bio ct>ff«’o for ....
glMMl rouat CofftM
viitila Apron (iingliaiiH
< luting Elannvl
ytirtls gootl Brown SI
M very good ('alic
in ,C0 percent wool.dru
1 Ini' .’»ti-ci nt blank«-!- t r< .»I I go tn* but will I
Home more in a few tiny«; plenty
j K5 i 1 GO A I .Ao pi*r pit i r.
> .r
• V
. >n r
I»t »in«, Onk 1*11*1 »' n !
* » at 1» »*»
1 rlsr», <>»»
IS ••/ *■
*H •
• t-l rpr 1 »•<
-•f * •*'».
k - M .
*» I ' < 34
1 • ».I.
S. 171. DAN 11£!
t1 . 1.»
j* .
« w .
r . u.
5 |0 •»*,'»»«
* i • 1 ti «'»r |i 1 Mr*»«!».
1 "*ltj
I* u
i M
% p
1 , '
•» • •.
i ■
Mmnr At
»■ s» epi
M iuh 'I oiii
\ ■ «
1» III;
ru *1ntl
• II «« •
r ti <»| .
. A r*t
w in
*«>• imp .
J < ' ir-
1, r
1.y ’ !
«.in •
D" «.Gla
ii < Igdcti Bout««.
I* I MU l’ARt
ith train*.
Wfi lifive sjinc prstty warn Prices Ourselves
'J2 yard* brown tnindin,
2*2 ynrd < ca!i«,o, ..........
liimd lauhdried white ahirta, 25 cents ill
Heavy best 1‘recale tdiirt*.
35 ,,
ILilf wool dress goods, |0 ill wide (think ofit)
Nici* pat» ''tis and all colors narrow dr« »« goo I-
Wool linndi blk -ate«'n (thi- 1 ; great bar 1 in)
!♦ ll>» roa-t coffi-e,
[ This is much better then Arbllckles.J
12 llis good green Bio i*i>ff« i*
We ha\e plenty »’die cotton blanket«— some at
tine white and gray for N5e.
-»■- rt»t
UlL WOi’ ÙLilJ
NosKEil WK KH \ M « »n
< G.
hi, I<i7, Getiry Ntwtkt-r to Ml-«
Emma Wickham. Both of sh* I-
The Fair
Doyon mt-d I'ndrrwcar or Ho»
ery? Wt- <m -ave y»»u big iiioii »^
p. a thir new laiiitf» are open
at about jt ie price other« ch irg
\V »«wilington, Kuridtiy Sv|.it <i.i.« i
3tt, iwrf, Ma«ll»«m X. Chariton.
Th«» día-va*« I wo a brother of
A few w e k< ago the editor
Mm. M. E. Cyrus of thi« city, and
taken v» Ith a very »evt-re cold ttiif
at one time resided here. ID«
cim-.-d hint t<> la* In a iiio . i ml»«*ri-
death »*• the result of an attack I of hie condition.
It ».1 11mloutil II;
l*a Grippe cont meted In April, II« a trid ,-i»r of l i grippe, arid ree »g
leave. ti wife and
four dnugltl- uixl’ig It a» d tn/'-r , i« Im t a*k ini
Mr«. Jam«-« Trumble
of liliali iti- «|rp« to hr I ug ihout a «|a-»-«l v
era,*» Vailvy, Mr». Jume» l*vrsh*ll cure. From the advertisement o
ni Moni! ,vl, Mr«. Elmer King < f Chamlterhiln's ( »ugh Remedy, and
A IImr and little Rutti < ìi tritoli, In the many g<a«l rccommendiit Ion <
mourn hi« L>v Twn little boi» contain«»! fhrrin, we concluded tc
1» lited Inni >m thè brignter shnre. make n timi (rial of tin1 medicine,
He Ha, a Invili/ liu.tmnd, 1« klml To «iy ttiiil It w.i* »atl.faclnry In it.
'dtier ami a g ani tirigli!«».. Invi »1 r--»ult«, I» putting It very uithlly,
imi Iru.ted t>y ili » lio knew liiiu.
ind**««l. it act«*d like m i Ki e and Dir
rratilt huh «peed.« eure, W«- h «vi­
Tlm««’ fr*im Limi county wlm w«»n
premium» al ili«* xi it,- fair wt-rt* n» no healtancy In («•commending ttil*
ioUow«! Huston Nlclml«, h«ir«e«, 3 «•scellent Coligli Remedy to anyone
Ir-t ; Frank ilul'i irt. clic kt-n», S attiicli‘<l with a coligli or cold in am
flr«t, 2 »»«»m<l ; D O W<«t»l».»riti, form.—The tanner of Lltierty, 1,1b
hli-ki'n*. 3 tir»! ; « ' D Kilt «, clilck*
«•li«, 2 flr»l | ('ha» llurkliart, h>»r«c», ertytown, Marylaml. The 2ó and AO
I tir»! ; \ Il e'kl«*m «n, Ii«»r«os, l tìr«l; cent »ire. for »ale l>y Pm.nv A
Mr. Dcrri-ll, plg». I flr«t, l »ectimi ; Pr.r.nv.
epa«. Eurkharl plg», 8 flr«!. J lt
fluitar, Banjo and Violin »trlug«
D iugia»«, gnrilen produ'-c, 2 firn!, 2
««•comi, ami «I ile dtp! uni. Clytfe at Peery A Peery'»., l»l ii k«mith t«sil«, 1 «ceontl ;
J W, J i 'O ih * aim I Ml«« Lit* Curl,
D II Mnnllrth, »li»>itlng,l fir-t ; Hcto
1'rlnVllle, were merrlcd In the
Roller MI!!«, tl air, I fir«t, I «vennd ;
St ili Cre.imery C«i, buttcr, I fir«t ; Hotel Perkins |a»rl««r« in Portland
Rev. Earl Wilbur
Scio base bill team. I flr»t ; Limi Oct. *. I*»7, the R*v.
nunty exhlblt, I tlr-l; Waterloo ofiU-l-Uing. Ib»th are well known
WiHtleil Mill«, I 2n>l; Jann*« .Nichel», residents of I rouk county. —Prine
I flr»t; Wnrtii linu«loii, I flr«t; A. Ville Review.
ard Ilen-ii.iw, g 2nd: E. N. Morgui, I
fori rtr»t; Austin Hulhert, I 2n«l; Diug
bai la« vVa-etm, I flr«'; liiarr Myer».
I 2n»l; Mrs. W !’ Min ili, I first.
òi IEN i E.
I «nlnrtit
I la» IH Hi '.
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r¡ttr «liwwf, ?
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120 «he«-'« of flr*t rii*’* tinto p’iprr
Alt kinds OÍ » r< hr« » La k i ami j
2U<- »I Peery «I !*<•«• r> ’n.
elry n-|» n *1 yr inipllv.
♦ «!(•<« .1
Come ’o <»■< mr j'atir i »•> printing «•eli »,
n. w in
ft» ii » Ail i.., I . rv.»bi« nod all
* rn I
point* I i Va»|Ulnt
imi N« w|, rl
v 1 «■ <»l»h o that, In addition
-ii.v » fur d -»tv iilage« as a
* r -* ni-' r- -■ rt, the .»-«-asid,«
»l0 n.1l • . i «Iion w ill open
• ■* .« • i » I \ew p- rt, I ii
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il» I 'o ■-< , i» r »I ci-»itlr.‘o* In
■ !■’ ■ »v ■ *
tl.ii« iifT'ording to
I’!«, t«vu'hl »« .»>»1 other» a rare
i inlly for o'liblnltig study
W III • f-ir ’•--•re. 1* r full In ft ima thill
1 ■ In ' *s •*•". Irti ( '»»urn ■«, apply to Mr h.
G 1 - * in. Previ- h i i t »if the
timi, N-* .i i, h • •. tré.
'IAin h¿nr** »nd oniiinalloiH
•II.»- ’ if' ’* •* *.g 1 on in m-rvlee
Y. vh i»r> i I ’i»> . Hi d I * ill iika fishing
‘ >r »» »1 her f irti» * to i
i nml return.
Tli» rir» f- r thr r< • mil trip I» only
■<U IV nt*.
■ Serum! I '• .’in., it it.» atitl
h ht s’r-l n>,- i t n ’*ngitg«-«| for the
i«t»ii. ..bleb >iill give «lady con*
«o’ Git ' . ■ ii ii'i! furnl-»li music
r»-r the e.etdng
I v-ry p r«|l>|e entiveri« lice ha*
1 rt .iiged ' »r !» •> ri.mfort of
-»1, «.11.1 Un- r .'1 « at thè holeh
vi ry re 1 « >nal le, •
futili» • I» f..rimi Un, npi»lj
■ ny >-giut of U hi fc'mtihern Pa
■ or i >r»»g hi t cut» ,| A
II- 11. Co , 1 . nihlri-B’i,
lalv. In JMttnv.
g r < >. c. •« E. R
1 »rvull, », 1 ire.
W-AFÏPC r^ v <mn-
AI.B.1N Z. (rii.
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