Scio Wceklv Press. OREGON •CIO NEWS OF THE WEEK f kl«»*‘*l lt>( < u||*<|»««n «.I < MH*Nl » «»•*(• I m <'••*«]* h ««-«I » orni > r«*t*i Iloti« < *»Wli»*ett«a. Edward Langtry, the frxiner bua* hand uf Lily f-anglry, has I »een pl*crd in an insane any lam. Ja|*an haa named two delegates to attend the internal ion a I sealing «»«nfer. enee at Waahmgton, D. <*. At Dii«m, I*., the deal nody of Rob­ ert Farà» was found in hi« burning honor. It I» believed Le « ai murdvrrd for hit money. During a quarrel at fhrtr h«»me In Hi. lami«, George F. Frffer, a »t«'n*»g- raphrr. «h<«t bis father in law Ifobert Dwlanre ihr« ugh tliv I r«iu. and tbeo k h ! h»m«elf. E»Mfa Botley, iRe 9<>-munlL« old child uf Mrs Gv<>rgv B •!« y. waa kill«* I V. ’ * -Al o a l national tram The child'» h ad a*» severed from its fawly. The Union Ifarinr cfinimilie» ha» a*'a'*Mlv«| to th« government's content ion that its hm **n tl»« I'nkm Fa ifir toad ine iole* the (finaba )»r:lg* ani that it ha» inores««-*I t» .*»h bbl »*» a« to make th entire o»»m-* a»n»n approihuAUdy fi5, 000.000. 7 hi» would make it» guaran ty « ffvr f«»r the ¡»roj--rty, it»« ! » g ( e »Inkiog fon I. now in the treasury, about |50 VO* • ) Tkr United Stato» «-»r* ml court has decide*! that tapjfwa ffour mast I.** fa v*d a duty of « cenia ¡xr ¡*- »o I This will increase the goternment memir many hundreds <>( Ihmi.«:, fa < f 4 ¡.»r* ¡<-r annum. It. • ?! .r is, u»ed «Im**«! eiclusltrly in «II the < iunr** l.»undr}**» in th«» United Htaîrs fa- .»use *,) it» chrapiir««, as h, and it I.a» t* rn the tm**l formidable the etanh manufacturing the Unite*! Ntatea <»! Auvlin, « Only five dwelling* remain 6*M) persona are )»« une less Pa., fire Fully The Hotel Lafayette al Minn*-t<>nka. M lin .the farge*" » ¡'Oim r M -<»rt 111 th«* West, wa « totally «I«”’rm«-I by fire It w owtH’-l by the <»f ■( N >« î<’rn railway F r t: .«• tii'i th n{ b*’! .1 ' r. th< I« . far •* at t v N*.<«hv - tfa *'. ...n w .»» ‘, .«3.724, arid th*» fotai Hirn fan«*»* •inre the opening up Ort4»ber I um«mnt* rd to l,J9fi,fiw.ï The emperor oí Chin* h»* fo«l i l«*n ali aorta ot oanqm is and iiit-u g CAt»r an 0clip«e »III im ur .1 , 33, IGH. An eel llpM» of ' the * «nm i» «ard by the Phinrw U» l»e pF N«< <«f the wrath uf heaven at the fa< k «»t Virtue in a ruler. ON 4 THE SAILOR BOY ( r<*««4 *V hu W•*« (il»d la» Mat S'r«»M> *H. Mlrttssl» 4 wa* Port Tour.srnd, W«»h., Uct II — Ths «<)iminer bailor B*«y, Captain Fat- rrsHi, arrive«! at 1 o’clock th»« after- iMN«n, dirert form st. Michael« having left there Heptembae IS. Tha Mai for Boy briMight nine |>fa«rngvr» fr«.»m Mt Michael«, who camr to «¡«end the win* tor rather than rnd-ire the hardh«i|* incident to s-nn «amp lif« st Mt. Mi«*t)srto until th<* river opens in the The returning pa*»« ng»-m had spring gone U' th <¡ i th** »{"••tnem Ehr* An d«*r»on and Merwin io Their name« are Idaho; th J. 9 Barnum, of Murray, Ida Pr*M>l, of Mnltiga it. Dr. Fruel, of N«m York. Kaufman, ♦if Chicagn; Andrr- »on, of I 'bi’ Ng’».. Kapfa*)«al, o! I Blotti *n, uf Man Franrlaru, City, la . Ito I ami W. II. < horrhill f New Turk eity AH the returning pawarngem agrv«* that S| Mid barbi will never be jkoptalar a» a t » 1 are «»f residence, Captain Ifateram •n »ay« say» the t)«e Yukon riv«*r was »tdl S| nhi to navigation when he irft, but Water was **> Io* that fa*at» >f over 15 iiicitrw «fraught cwuild not era«* many Lara which showed at Irreg­ ular intervals in the river's oo8M», and as a rv*«Hl all rff «rts to go up the rivet th •«• fail will he fruit!«*•«. (.’aplain peter««»n d***s n«*t think either Captain Frank Worth's or Mayor Wmal’« fa«at» will be able to go tu i>aw««»n City Ite* fore neat June, notw ifatamiing the lari that b«»th wore all ready to make the atrvmpt when ihr sailor Boy left The sad«»r IL-» did i*»*t sight or h« ar anything uf ll»r sK'huonrr Bryant, which br»»k«’ !<- ■*> from lb«- tug H’dvokr off Kadiak faland in a aavere storm, ftep- temlwr 30. • n- * • (Bru* ’ frosn Da a »>«n * :ty r<> ¡t > I al st. M > lia* fa for four Weak« ptev ion« to leaving, and no urws «an pueeiblg bn Lrouglit l»y river fa-fore n» It «ummrr, as 1‘ * WAS alrvAdy forming in th» »alt water at Ufa mouth of the river, an I the fresh sali’t n»u«t certainly have i«rrn fr«»ium to a l». ss nearly everybody i» preparing ’.«» come !>«< k A gr«*Mi many will «A-me down an th* Portland Hut a majority left • rv thia on the • hnunvr Novelty, winch »».* discharging *argu al st Michael» wh<-n we left. lh<* ♦ -ap'a • mg ‘L»w n aii ih«-«v B.». g ; u." • y (•• ’ tbeir board on the trip. :»«» fam ¡»ring oliArgod. This »• d«m«’»imply »• ala act uf « lianty and in the !^trre»ts of hu­ manity Many .«erauns have not money • ■ fi- •» nt to even pay for their board on th« «■ htwtruo and iiiil«*«* tl” V «'all «ell their outfit for cash, will Iw* forced to remain at st. Michael« during the w inter. M tyor Wood, of Seattle, manager of the Htitnfaddl expedition, and D. K Howard, who had chargv of • th” r . hm Amlerwon party, are practically pn«on- Mint«-« !r*« i * under Lfaiitenaiit-Cailonvl Randall is el|»wt®d tu avert •rrious Five hun lre») »crea . f flue tr« uble The feeling against both W<>»d and land along the y. U Large, Foti latnd !e creek« and Groen river. Howard in «.ihi to fa’ bitter tn the « « * which have recs-nlljr l*eei» surveyed, Will )»e thrown nj^n io wet (hument Wool for all their mi»- gentfaiiivn, one a <’a».n . wi o de fort ii nn Atei it would not fa* *urpn«lt g rided on running an |»tmn to the If h*> w« t*io m«*e u I- hands <»f the minera, The feeling Vocal**, died at hi» home in P«»rifan«l, against him I# growing more bitter Me. It wa» thro .h Li- effoit» tLai tn «-wry day The pAFMMiger» uf the Eh A m IHH4 an amrn«)inenl <«• t)i«- < «>n»l»tut -n An lrn»«Hi ¡‘Aid their far**« ami (might tu of Maine w.n* s,l«'| >ted Lv a popular vole D«w*on. but the Anderson wa aban- of nearly three tn one, in whn h «1 was •L»ne*l at Dutch Larfa»r. am! the passen- declare ) that the mantifa lure, »ale and g« ?« were fand«*d at st Mlcha«-!« by the keeping for »ale of int»Xh Bln g fa*t< r- •cht«».»ner Barati «ff, with no prospe -l <»f age» *.1» forever forbidden, .»ml com- getting fothrr this winter Then How­ tnanding the h-g:-laturr to » n.u t ■»un­ ard announced that the expedition was able law« for the enforcement uf the a failure, and thal lie wouhl tint far*I prohibit ion. them till tbry rvacbr«l Dawson, as his contract demanded. Hts drclaratH’n The top»«* of the day in Par I* baa I e h the refusal of M la»J ■ Ft« ' h ami .»A*« 4 HUt-v-d great dl«» it !»(«' lion, am) he will fa* fortunale »f Le g»’t« out uf there dor at Vienna, to a«<«-pi the a; ¡«oint­ alive •’* ment twmlvr««d him an got errmr Alg» iia, on the ground that be •«• - - not :«-»irr Mirti uf Ihr **lar«l to replace him. and the cab- after a l»ravr fight of tirarly a month inel ha» decided that ti»i» apponttnerit against the will «lour bv the phv«l> lan tn charge, and have to make an ignominiou* " tn at. file A <) I H lodge, of which hr The < bangi -Jmld Farmer. in it« was a member, and it was tlmugbt at final r»tim»:r <»f the '» » > , -.«»» tune» that, on iMxx»ont of hi« vigorous that hgurv- lot’»-d on at luai tlircwiiing roust Hut mu, he might be able to pull return», indicate a total yield of 5*49,* through, but he wa« •■umprllrd to tue« al» ich umb 373,V->* r«x|« '.cd a lobb *hnwing ingly disappointing, ami an out»iile eA­ of *!ali-ll * ha» llmate i« 1,75<>, I hiiwbrl«. im|N»rfa aml eiporla for AtigtwC; the Drought during the paet two imuitha flr»t ftilll tnonth ander the new tariff reduced Ute average «tjilHlon from law, Theee hgure« ihow (<>» that month 33.3 a month ago to 7N L «>n Orlwlier I. An averag«-oat» yield of J* 7 foidir!« the fargnat ri|>»rt» of dom«ti4 .’iiervhan- per acre auggw»ta a crop of Hlt.tMMi «HK) diae <»f anv Aiigimt in the hi»tory of the • bushel«. IfiU.OOO.OOO mure than I a* I government. The eiporla wer* 490 * «iiiflt for Auguvt, year. IHM. Burglar« broke into the office of th« •tramrr Flyer on the water h«mt at Seattle, and. after overhauling the .«in­ tent» of «rvrral trunk* arried away the »afe, weighing 400 ponmla So trace <»f it La« lw*en found A C’altforn>a n»mj.mi pt°|» •• * Io build three rrormotia raft* at St» Ila on the Columbia river, and lake them to Han Francisco during the . omn g •nm- mer. Each raft w ill «*oiitain over 30,. 000 pile«, to I»« e«nl by the Southern Pacific I'- inpany in the « ««netruction •nd repair of whan*-« The ateamahip IN*I iren will carry I 700*000 fret of lie« from Puget " • imJ for a t’hinrec rtilrowd. Throdute Durrant, through hi «Vu» • neve, ba« l«een «rr»ed with a mol ion by Ap|>elle Hale, the warden of *»an yu»*ntm, to di"tuiN« the ap *»•1 on hat>ra« corpus which was deuird by the oircuit court, also to affirm the order of the lower court Tin« motion will l»e presented to the Unite») Stat**« «u* preme «ourt on the first Monday tn No- lenilmr, service of the brief, aa well a« tin* motion to be placed l*efor« the aupremn court, w *• «cknow ¡edged by Attorney Hart for£.ip|>ellAUl, DurranL « FORESTS All NLW 4 Twenty Persons Burned to Death in Manitoba. THE LOV» OF PROPERTY HEAVY Ft «mar« «w»a>|ala*g last« a«k«M>e «»»d W«av«K Tr«»rt« l»«b«»<- » «••• W Mi I ¡*rg. Ort. IL—The I for«.ia rt <«'. that have Iwrn raging in i Manitoba cb*»e t » the hnundary hue tor lire poet ten day« have broken out mor« furious ly thau ev «r. Ten of 12 pm«»h« are re- fa»rled to have beef) burned to death, and the fire 1« rapidly -prrahng and | rrtawing the huumfary into North Dakota. >vit!»r» have l>e«*n fight-ng the flam«-» for over a week trying to keep them from gelling Into the m*»re thickly populated distrieto The flamcA ar« driving hi andrei» of | through Miffo* .«»»»*•», J was m»tnjicI!•*■>I to tak<- refuge in a juo-n g freight train All thv telegraph p»d**s for several mil«*« east *»f the town are «l*»wn and trains arc tied up. Al * I (• » M « ., «ays tli** rMHintrv ls««n fire th*-re < h» (■»th sidr* «»I Broken 11« ad rivrr much •lainagr is being don* The »nn»k»* fa a«» thick that it i« imfa»“»iblv to *<♦• 2o yard«, though there fa no fire nearer than a mil«1 Mr. and Mre Young, who live eight miles ar* »her* they w♦*.••* able to cum«* onto tin* burnt ground after th«* fir«» liad ¡»a-»4*«| Nearly every <»m* ii: thv |>A W. Thomas, her young son an ! .» daughter, ha«l a race Mil)» the flame* for *vv«*ral miles. They bad a t» ,»m of • . th* v kept Sparks from tin» burning t.mlrer were blown into the res «d land, destroying everything in their path. Residents of Hebron, Ki-aiilenta Kouts an*I Etonian are bully frigi t rnrd, aw it la leardi the Hrv may aweep icruH toe heavy ditches which 11 » V r fa-vn dug. Michigan Unfth Fire». 1 1 — East and Nile*. Mich., Oct north of thi» rity the march fire* coi» tmut* Farmers have fought the flaim |»H night ami day for a w«*rk, «ntl ar* utterly rlliaustr«! They lime moved their l»<»u»*’bol rifh'ed their bom«*». Game which Hihabited the inArshv» has i»r**n driven to the city. Near Berrien Spring«, <»n a hut is known as the Big Mi aditw, th«- fire La« »wept over like a prairie fire, ami liundnxi» of acre« «if p»»t*l<«es have l»ern rwa«tv»wr of iron aw it came out of the roller» Suddenly the bar tw in tr«|, and tiefore «Jack«on could e»- ea|ie, bad puwhed him againwl a heavy ■land, where, by the force of the roll­ er» it wlowly encircle*! him The »moke and the odor of Ina burning I ->ly fill •••I the room Before he wa« rosenmi Iw waa terribly burned. Th« Killing Visa * «»hl H l«»«»«1 r«1. Kirh «triar ««n th* «wanh I’arral. State of Chihuahua. M«- ii M, lm of Jupiter are flattened almost exactly like ih«n«v of the earth. Tlir | henoiM«'ni»n can be plainly »een with tha trleewpe. I RÍ.CORO Il» !•* MU*« I« • * *«l*«M «Mir«»«»da I 4 wnh wrrath« *»f fl«'wer», and l«*l “ff the 1 track, l*«>k:ng but litt le worar tor his world brating two-mil«* pa«*r. Cbrhal i«' ircvur«! by quartrr« was Fir*t mils I * - » ae*< 1.4 «ul«« ...__ .... J 8« 3 it » . 1 ” , The faul i’rwiou» time f»»r » t WO- nule ¡wne wo ma» le bv W F agallisi limo at Limuln, h-tober W W 1‘ ma le the dfai&m«* I’rrtt iilupf« Itii* «.o|«| ** t <« it <1 * ■ .1 New York, <>• t. h -A dispatch !■ the H**rald from Lima, Peru, »nv.* After a me time ago, after it had been ait* prove«! by the pr«*ai r|| M ith • I Mill I*. Re*) Bluff <’.il., Oct. K.—Mr« <’ Volker, wift* of (’•»nra i Volker, a pion­ eer rcanlent of thi« pla< e. was burned to death fa*l night ufamt 1 I 30. she descended the cellar »lair» with a light ed lamp and «tumbled and fol I, break­ ing the lamp. She fell in «m h a way that «he wa» »us|-*?ml4*d ami lielph*«» over the burning oil, am) fa fore »be c«gild fa* rr* ied by her Lu* in I, w t- fearfully burned, ami diol al 4 o‘« h>. k Ibi» morning T •»* l’l««! Mile«* City, Mont . O»*t 3.—' Tim .M< . O’ I reu hotel burned ln»t night I. I mi , I.Mi.iKK), in*uraiH*e, |2 7,OoO Many guetta had narrow «»• »¡»e«. il»»trl lllnwn l»«*wn PHAlRlt FlRtS L A % Decisive Action Has Not Yet Been Taken. TOI HANGE KN ^TEM OF W ARFARE th« tu*nr(««l! «^aal«b «t J««r «ad r««n» tk* •« «wgwg*«MM < •*»*«!<•«*• II1II« Mad rid, G«t II, —A cabinet munril, 41 which the qnwn reg«*nt priMndad. held hr re totlay When the mm* taten* sr|Miratt*]». Ilio premier, Svnor Kagaata, announced to thv nvw»pap«*r men that no final derisRM* had bean taken in regar»! to the reply whnh Npain will make to the * t • « i. ■ ■. > f ». • • I'rdtrd '»late», Lan«lr»| to the Duke <*f Trtnan. when he aw minister for fot* «ign «ffs!*», Ly the UiiH«'d NI aíos min* toter. The lmf»arvia) m »» It learvs that thv reply «♦( Spe»ii will satisfy >pa»-»*h • wpt » hili l*«*a in making « Ivar tu Fresi* d**i»t M« K?nl«y the r<*'ulr attitude whidi <*»¡»ain maintain« in regard to Col * AccofvHwg to El Heraldo, H¡*ain's reply to the United Míate« will pot at out H Amer rat* intrrrftt« «uffer by FèâAHUl of the sir in Cuba, they (the Amertvanwi are torinselvra t<> blame f« r it. inaatnuch as the insurrrt'ttoti fa *»* • i»tr*i 1r*»tn the UuHed sta lew. El llrr- aí !•’ - • '■ « "We understand thal the g»»vrri» tn» nt wtll ripr •« its <>«nfid«-io*v that thv new fad»cy to be pursuiel with re' gird tn Cutía will produce a cbang« ¿ti tlm attitude of the United States. *’ Il is N**mi-<*ffi' tally ai»mHinvv*l Capt aiti-Gutirral Weytor will fa* cail«*d from Culm this month. an«l it is probable th«* c*>rtr« wiH la* «**«•«.*! «t« Dsw.rtctbvi st»«! a hrw | nbi ment convoked In March. W e>l«t*• M •»! h«»«I • M u«t **<••’ Lon«L n. o» t *!. —Tl««' Madrid «»»r rrapoiidrnl of the Time*, referring to the cabinet tmuncil say«- **The -«dHhei ha * unaniofun» in the uUihliill that ill«- rs **(•-•!« *»i «artace io Cuba rn -t be *«»mj etvly change.! SjM-cial attention was drawn I«» Hie de­ plorable cvmlitioo of the at* k and wounded s*»idiur« now Arriving This a»pe* t a a« <*on»hlere«! at th«* dire, t m- itatmn of th«» queen regent. “Regarding the finan* e«, allhongli the optimistic view« of the roeent min­ ister of finan e «)•» not appear to hav«* been justified, j( >» believed that will» prm)en«’v, miflV'irnt rrmmrcc* may fa* <-4»ui red limn Hl !»'«•! until the n • «•!» in the spring, to authorise «up- plies, *’ (-■•Ulr«* »• * !>»*• N. w York, Oct. 11. —A dispatch t«» the Hvruld from Havana «aya: A big batlie « m . *,irred *K lofa*r 2 in < amaruim** hillr, nut far from Mat an a*«**. brtwr**n ! ■di ur. !••• ( «» i . f *| \b i • .. .4-, I the rrfa-ij» umler «nmmand of Belan- court, S.mguilly ami Kami) Arango. Fhe fig lit fa gan at 9 o% L* k in the morning ami <*«mttniM>) all dav. The i.ffivial rep*»rt publish*d livre «fat«-»! (¡»at Molina att«' kr l the rvlx’l ¡-«•■ition and drove the r**fa-fa out with great Iowa The report »«)« that General Molina had In» h«»r-e ahot umb r hun Tim Herald's »«*rres|M»ml«-nt at Mat­ anta» ha» obtained an a- count <»f the fight from a Spanish off), er who war* prvM iit. From thi* it appear* that th«* refad infantry were strongly intrem hr*) in ad ahmaii macct^Mble ¡»»sitioii tn tl»v hills am) all effort» to di«)adgv them were futile, rrsolting only in heavy I«»*« t *» for the attacking force, the ins’iTtfrnfa had on ' a few men kill«*d. and jcvrv*l at ami taunted the Spunudi «luting the whole engagement < iuneral Mr 1% 111 S«»l It«* %tcr|»le<| •eriotraly, hy the falling of a platform New York, Oct. II.—Gm* ral Carlo at th • Fifteenth »Irrel »tatmn of the Inan at nr>y tun«’ dur- went «'tp««la 1 n» «-«I not \\«jddrgl«>n, la., <>ct. s.—llartet umy mure ur h-es ample, Chrrry, * h<» La i jiml retutne«! frum tel! you, my friend, that we faugh at Nrbra0ka, whvrr he had xdd hi« f.trm, »m b offers, f«»r already we are at the and had | »,tmo on hi» | «• *»n na« wav- hour of our hl «er al ion. KnouLI Hpam laialii tbits confirm us in our fah« ! that the ugly g»«h in hia h««ad. end i* fa«i approaching "Tell the American government that «tria« h by I.IgblMlitg to enter ¡ntudiplomat!« dismswion with Visalia, Cal.. Out. 7.— Albert David •on hai a startling ri¡>eriem*r tin« af­ BjMiin in the fo»pe that we will a«trjl u«rl«-*w Ww abooid ternoon while driving along a country autonomy 1« il» tmeide, but road during a rain storm. H in wagon simply thank it f«»r was «truck by 1 ig h I n » ng, ai».I Davidson manfully de< line to end the war <»n We know that I both was rendere*! insensible and hin hair such term«. burn«*I off, while one uf th«* ho •«•« was Palma an«l yon have often mad«* ihiK plain to the Kii.r/ican goirrnment ami killed outright pu!»lic, hitwemfii you to reaffirm it” Pari« <>rt. H.— Moane P. H imly. thè «pròal Uniteci Platea <*ommÌAaoner to thè Pan« eip»*»ith>n of 1900, ha» cure»! 25 |*er cent additional «pMMi for thè American eshlbit». tuaktng the «pace of Hi» Cnitol State» «xpial t<» thal ut other big nation» of thè worLI. B* Tr«r«» la» lilla*»!» and tadteWA >4 4bl«»e- Malet», Or rd of 3 ra were fog After «coring thnmgh ubewrvsL stretch a f*w tim«w Del Norte w drvw After mowing one w. F»«»irr hounced that he was ready t<» *lart, an«l humlreds of wathrv* wer»- fa l l in readi* ih * m tu rrmrd in» attempi lo mate a World'« rt*»xwd fake a fla«h lt>e bla«*k »talhon wa * <)«>wn to t)»r wir*», and, altm*»t lw*Loe t)»e »pet-lator« coul«! reali«♦ H, w a» an hi« way, movmg raatly and prnodly At th* thr«e quarter ¡«»le llm rimner B* ■nbonnu’fe, riddeu by Galtoraith, jiitnre*! in hol th« Oregon tiacer t»<•**»!«*! no prompter. II* rerLw! off the first tniie In 2 09 flat *fa*i, b*s'!l never make it,*’ wae on many tongu«*« «• the fir«t mile we« firifahed Hut bi« well-w rasier whm S il wa« ralle*! at th mile and « half Thirty-one «*nx>n !« m«»rr »aw him «t the m»le an«! ihrer quartrr ami in the * - ■ ■ Mn wind, he strode !»<»«»» gamrly, crvaling A Iroeh record by passing under Ihr w ire in 4 I9fa Whrn the t>me wa« annonnred. anti’I prctoegrd rheera, Chcdialis waa crcwti !ir.i Berlin, Oct. 4Hrnt luta refused to rr*i»inHl>‘ Mr Ferdinand Neumann, of ll’in« •. w n»> ««a numInate ! by President McKinley a» Culled Sfate» commi at Cologne. The »tat** »le| «ftinrnt, »t i» «aid. never ha» received officially any « barge» agaiUNt the appointe**, though certain allegation» were current that, if »up- ported. would have mafie hi» »♦ Irrtum properly objectionable to the German government. Some of the-* «r« «un- m«. !»s| with »he world'« fuir, an I a • • r- tam concert entrrpri*e m which Neu­ mann in aaid to have been int»re«t<*»l, which resulted ili«a*trt*u«!y to R»inr Herman artiata The mtn»n of tt»«* Grtman g**%»-rnin«*t«t i* I: al »- it t- » well-r«*<*«»gniC4*»| right of » nation to U.ihhi'id a'; < V<¡ .a* -• at ! : - ¡ • ■ t » =• SWIPT TIIESI’AMARIISWIJ Mandi *«e«a Mora» ttp«r«. (a rap«* thi»«r« Mhol Freno <"at , (Ml. II. — Willie Patti- aun, atfe«l lì, employ«! to protect th« lli'e.e Mneyarila from grape thiovea, •til artn«l with a ahotgun. tolar .hot atei fatally injured Ih-unelt ifoland and Hobby Slurray, who were stealing grapea Murray 1« Pattiaun'a 1‘attiaon it in Jail. 4 WORLD S Olk* I V (»«rrtidOM I «lied Hava.ia, <>r II —Affording to tbe ‘ ■ qiiartere of îhe Spahiaf l» a govern- mrnl force La» an>bti»hrd an«l capture«) a tioat bavu.,1! on fa»ard 207 fajir« «>f ammunition which the tr*N»|< fourni paLore Hoth *»i tbe«e lut« uf aminuni- t « .»•, ,<»”!.»'• ’ • : r «A t « » .11, • v ¡«a- N ti c river Ai uw»,¡n t) • ditarirt of < irn fu«g»'N. pro vince of Santa < lara, re- cenlly» W»t*»n Went (»«•« Piula Irlphiu Ort. II. — A committee if employe« of 'hum an f folti a A Co., wwl niai.ofa-1 rrre, m.xle a an«i f.. an I re »* «..' Ifi |.*r > • nt in wag« » Th« >ieman«l w.ui .r fuar.1, end th« weav­ ers. about 8m> in i •ril-.-i, went out un strike. Cliarlevmi, Mich., (k*t. 7. Ellensburg, Wash.., Oot. II —A re Two port has just com« u a * •count <»f tba drought tl»« last two month« every­ thing is •• dry •* tinder ami hires! and prarrie fire« are huturmum, Idik* Michigan hu b.-cn mw«l» sl­ m-*»t unnavigabfa on account ot III* •ruoke ami fog Uaplain« of icsscls haw reported a in***t i alarming stair «>f affairs. Many have not slept for 4M hours on a«s.*»utit of III» walchfuln«-«» Hosts picking thal was nr*ona Marine uml* rwriler» «re apprehendv«* of num* ron» »trending* on account *d t)»e e»tuke, and bulletin» from the low* rr er. I of th«* lake arc watched fur with anxiety. Chicago*» southern ward« and mil** urbe are «»irrcumlrsl hy prairie tir«-* « »-I d«*i)»e s* mkr overhang« a larg«« ¡«art tory lying south t Moventy- of the territory umitb of fifth strr’et Ihm H uni lrr-fa re* I n of a «< re» of pra- trie have been burned over, an-1 Thotr samfa of feet of »viewall« and fencing have t’erh c«»n*um«^l Firemen in thia «Itviaion of the city are aoinplvt* ly •sl»ati«2ad llghtmt prairie fir»» by day and night Mo.t uf the fir»» are started by «pa*k« fr*»tn !••• *»!ii»»tiv«fa, and not Infrequently by miNvhtvvnu» fa»y«, who s*q the gra*« on fire fi»r the eiciteufaUt. A dispwtcn from ¿nenien. Ind . «a** the mo«l a*«ing over the tu'-v Lcrous ground hava Broken through into the »■■) i. :r.g L« at «.!».•'* F ir--; - • * the flames and preventing destruction of their lit’iU’’. and (he lack uf water makes the LatHv alui”*t ho¡efas». Just w«M»t of Walkerton tuor»» than i ■'<•) .» •..4 I»--' -, •*v«'pt of ••*«*rv W-R¡igr uf Vegetalivfi, Uiaity thuifaamfa <»f tons of Bay and miles of feticr-s hav­ ing I*••«•!» rt«mmm«sl. The larg«» burn of Jv»vph Knlkvy was in thv ¡»alb of the flam««, and t«»gvt)»er with it« oun* tents, comp**aed of hay, gram and farm machinery, waa burnv-l \\ th fire on every »id«* great anxiety I n bivtig fell for the safely ut lowni without fire prul«Mliun. Nothing »hort of a «¡ranching rain can puasibiy t'hwk the pragrtes «d the Are. % « tmtigr Fwr I he VV ««••«•. N»*w Orlraii«. day* of improvement and pi«ante*, the fever rltuatioji, on the fare of the record, look somewhat of a turn today. For 40 hours the re had fa*en no d«*aths, and y* •’terday the naiui’vr of rasra l»a«l shown a material falling off from the day fa»forv. Early thi« morning, ii iu»w- ever, thv report« of new <*a«ea I j N to o»ms in to thv board of health office with «sonaidorable rapidity. By I o'clock there ha«) fa*rn Ifi can *-» repot- ed, and by » o'ufuvk tonight All previou* record» of thi» auiAon bail been broken, »«> far aa new caace were «xmcrtnrd. In a few hours three •Iratb« had ale» fa*en reported to the board, The phy- so »ans were not al a fowa tu ripUm the iiof’-.i»«« in «ases. They took th«» view that it might t»v expected that numer­ ous t‘a*«M We'jld still Continue «fatly to bo reported. Dr. Oliphant «ahi to- night: "The stern enforcement of the law requiring all phy»»<*i*nw to report prom plly N»th »UNpictou» and actual rase« of yell »* fever, baa a material effect In iifn «Ning the number uf cases. '* Evidence of Steady Growth and Enterprise. ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST •r»si 4*1 (ha «A* Citi»» brlvins •" > intv at fl 5d j»*r I.* a I A baivi <»t 3,’«Hl « «« •■’ tn ilvt from Wallowa The lumber mill at Rainie . which )»aa lievi» i( the total **f th«» lalalde p(«>|w*rtji of Jg< kwui ’Hinty I» fil,523,bJl. There have been 13 houses built in To*rd<> during tire (Mat summer, and several more will fa' built this fall A I’U- k. two dues and three fawn, kilted with twu sb*»!« from a du>lgtitt, I» the record made by a Gat«*» < ‘rwk hunter. A »liiptnrnt of fi"O iflue head «»( < •alt lv, making a trainlrne. The utils wiii be utibi'<1 t- fatten Bug*. County warrants in Jackaonvill« ara This i. «•riling at 2 ¡*vr cent premium, said to ) h | l7ir blghrsl paid for Ja«kson county warrant» in 20 year a Ar« Ashland |*aprr says that Ihr fr«**» raekrt picturv-am! you-lmy-tin* frame Wa» work«-*i in Ashland loH wr- k, the w-'i k’-r« ci.' np a' , f • Situ-*« lit«« fat«* ramson Cam ui« pra.riv. Many ul gra*« fa wining up nn ely. thv farmers art* plowing and others i aie putting in their fall grain. liren About 33,00 l«»ns of ris k du-i,, < i til-* ‘ ••■p> 1 -n v : « *r I - 4 I A (v * th' •■* C I llb’f«’ W Il fa» iwccstrary to cotnj <«*tr tin* work t< •r tl»« ‘ year. The Western Ct Telegraph oom* ¡mny is putting in another arm and w ire on ita liti»*« fad »een Porllan»! and It i» aa tin* r*un|«any was Tacoma unable to get men in For It and to do the work ah'! was bilged to bring a crew of men from M ihticapolto. Sheriff Kilburn and ¡«««ae, ■>f Bak rr county* bad a but ght with two cattls Forty thieiea on Lowvr P* wder river. shuts Were cv 1 ugrd. Fr» 4 H ill wa« •hot through the arm, but •r**.rai«r*l tu Maker City I ««I Wheeler w.»« nut capture*!. Hull called a «Ls-tur to In* ll Snohomish txrunly for alleged to have been |M4i years uf age, .4 Million h| Kegl« «»«••! Mall. «lrop|>r*l dr »d in a *alo*>n in U liatcom, New York, Ort. 7- Tb» 11.IMM), OUO prdbwbly uf heart disvANe. in g»dd which w aa received from Austra­ the dead b**dy of a mau found near lia al San Franriacu ta fa*ginning to the Indian rr*«*rvati<>ri « m h«M»l, near Ta arrive in thi« city. It in fa*mg »ent Ct»ma, with a bullet titrough his brain, hith»-r by regiNterr») mall. (>i»a Imnk was i It-ntifi’d t» that of < bar les la-y re en.-d |hHJI(OuO toifay, and a private H N, Ballou, a woll-kirnwu real •* I mmi I i waa in receipt of fiu.OOO. Thu late dealer, «It« pped dead in Port An gold w a » In canvas * >g* holding | I.IXM) geles on the ew <»( hl« «leparture f«»i ra« h, in atiapr like a Muaage l"har» Fraiiciaco to thi*> There is an v*timat«-«l shortage in the city at government *’ipre***i rat**«, or to' o ar. I 1.» < ..nn* r of 2,< 0 pay out cur run ey fur it here, ui, tefa- • a'. Evrrv farrnei graphl« transfer, ami the importer» •acks «»r (10,000 bn*liels. finding the ordinary eipneu» charge» tot» on th«- flat rr -ift» hi* shortage at from onerou«, a cheaper plan of sending it 300 to 1,3000 «arka. Nvgotlstfona are wed utolrr way tu by regiaterr»! mad, taking out policies of inauraii ** againat haw, war adot»te«l. sv*-urw the ks-attun «»f IOt> faiuihea o( Hollander» on thv Book ranch, tn Wrat Ottawa. Oe( 7 —TliW Village of Caw Aberdeen, where the l.m»l is raid to Iru «ehiiati. 30 inih*« «outLeawt of Ottawa, Well IfM’taod for such a c»>fony. on the < ana han »Atlantic railway, in G«>vern<>r lb»g« r* Ims np|*unted It •upiMMtrd to have iwn destroyed by < M ( r»r. («utter*« *Jtt«rant I m *<1 . (fa|vr«ton. Tel., (ici. 7. —Dr John Guitrraa, the yellow fever ei|>ert. en mute to Galveston from New Orleans, via St Lun» to e&aimne Beall)» oondi- tion« l»r»e. waa bald up by the lh»r. Gmtr»a«‘ corning into (faltrston. II« will fa* em «irteli her. by the health fa»Hfd aN M«m aa he la r«leaa«.| (ruin Houston. Th» n«uki llaafuaar I III« Or l. 7. — Acor»-litt« A> * m » ling to lo a w|»e- «|ie- rial »)i»patch from Ma»lnd, Señor Ca» trifan <. ihr retiring miniNter for the OOhmiev, « »¡led up>n the Bank <>f Spam to furoi»h 50,000,000 | eartaa for the Cuban lampatgn. The comm*t*we of th* l»tnk decline«! tn mak** thca»name, whereupon ihr governor of the i*wnk inviie<| the cv min it r>e to rcwìgn. einew Governor Ifogera fa*gan signing commissions there have bettn 143 notar­ ial Mpfatinlmint» in Waablngfon. Many «»( tin are rrap|a»intmrnt* For «•a« 1» m»tarml apjiointnient, |IO guvs into the slate library fund. A good many Indiana stopped in Ellensburg on their way home fr«»m tl»« Yakima hopfirld«. M«i«t of th« tu aia < >k4‘f' .'an*. of Chief M om ’ n * Land. While there they «¡ m * ii I « j utr a lot «»f money, and the merchants profile I by a brisk cash trade. The total racriptaof tln-f»ir in Will* '■• 411* Inal w< «-k ■ mounteii to ahont (l..*'»0, Ai».>ut which waa ItirniNl orer to Man«irer N. «». Hallock for Ibn ptirpnm of >lefrajring es|4>n»ca of the oihHnt in H|>ok«i»-. Uorcrnor Hotter* ha« »ent to Uitnh a •ilrrr cup for th» mai nline n>'-uit>cr of th» f«nuly of four that wa« 1« >u into John Huff «he.I at Hyden, Ky » at one family nt on« time little I.-«» than the age of ve.kaving 73 grandchildren, » ye«r ago. The otiihf wa* ti.mel for ¡42 grral-gramlchiblm, and It greet« the governor, in ranognition of whi<-k gres: >gram lobi Mreo. Ilia immediate honor hi« «srwllency h«