• •• * * -*• % I « • .. *• • Scio Weekly Press. T h C Casa»« PORTLAND R»«rb ' TROUBLE Tbr»-**- person* wars killed on the Bal timor« A Ohio railroad tracks near <’I. re ter, Pa , by • paawnger train «rashing into • wagon The Daily Mall laughs al the rsp>ot <»f th« Canadian ripedition ta lludwm's i *y hoisting the Btrtish flag over Baffi a *• Lar»«! to get ahead of the Americans, so l dev lares that th» torri lory has long a British |«n»sc«s}t»a. The Ur»t of the waling flwt U» re­ turn l«> Victoria was th» Caaniv hh« brought I.0U4 «kins, taken <»ff th« Ispane»« <-o«»t and < «»pper islands sbo reports that th« Calotta, with 1 400 skins, and the Director, wtlh 1,000 •kins, are close t»chind her. Five m«n met • horrible • IsAlh ff«lW bla» k damp, ths after a< umiliatimi of a Arc lu ths Jermyn mine n*ar Rond ham, Pa The tohcS w«*r» discovered by a gsng <*f men «he went down into th* mius with supplies lor »wmbatisg the Are. N -d*iy kut » • t their deaths until thedIwx#very of the lifeless bodies \ Ihsrb g th« | »»l tnoalh nearly II,• 000,000 worth of grain ha» I» ft the Pa « irte ports for Europa. Bcsnl»* this. 93 himl'er V!-# Germany la the »hope of «ausages Over 3,000 textile workers have l*e«n hxkoi out at Li>riation wa» 014l.303.HkO Th. high «at»r mark for ¡tension« was in 1MU3 when the payments amounted to 9139,337.537, ilio» which time they have brrn kept down to the figure* of this year's appropriation Ths pay* menta for pnwions Ihi* year will be within 430,000.000*4 a* mixh a» the entire reeipt* of th« givt-rnmrnt from custom« last year, and more than equal U» ths entire internal revenue tax. Following up thr agreement I »«I ween thia government sad Canada (or a mail service between Dy«a and Daa»«»n City, th» p« hi toff) « dr ¡»art mrnt has iss«i«»| or* ders for a monthly ei< hang» of regis­ tered mail between the two potnK All »*-al«d letters richang«^! I»eiwr«n t r two ixmntr es mu»t be of ths usual and ordinary ft»ria This is deus to prevent persons taking advantage «4 the mails for «souring the transportation of merchandise at ktter ratea. This rata is only 89 cents per p«-un«i from ary point in the United filate«, and is less than the pa« king rate «»ver Chtlkeol peas. v a»veee •»««»••»• I m < uh» New York, Oct. 4. —A dispatch to the H«rald from Havana Mg> Opera lions in the four western provinces of Cuba hate l<*«n atoolutely su»jwneen hwL Seattle, Ort 4. — A Timet enrrs- »l«*mJ«*iit, »bo returned isst evening from (he vicinity <»f the Monnt linker gold dter«>vrrive, says that there i* no doubt that great slrikv» have town ma le, sml »ays he believes the claim that some of the quarts will run f lu, (S hi to the ton is not an rxaggeratIon. Hr says that upwards of 1,000 men are now m the •lislrict, and more are rash­ ing in. drapite the fa t that the ir*or ha* (X»mm«*nc***l to fly and U h » cold is sever*. WILL REDUCE COST OF TRIP Baker City <>r., Ort 4 — William F llury, aged 4M, was found dead in his room in a lodging house this even* mg < hlldrrn llutiiril 1« l>e«lh. Alma. NG* , nrl»«i 1» Mari»» MnapiiMl. I New York, Oct. I — A Herald special (rom Washington says An official an- n«»uncwmei»t of the departure ul the Ja¡*anrer cruiser Naniwa trout Honolulu fur Yokohama, with thr statement that the iiutnigmtion questmn between Jajwn an*t Hawaii ia Ivkrly to he shortly set tie* I wittomt arbitration, l.aa thrown a p «- a * «ful a*p»*ct around Ameri­ can queattotia in the I’a* irte, Thi» cheering news ha* torn communicated to the state department by Mimatvr Ncwall at Honolulu, abuse mad rcpoil has j«»at reached thr «1« part men I Tt»r nu**t Important ¡»latero»»nt by Mr '»' Wall i* that th«* Hawaiiah-Jai^n- • m autlhoritir» have r»timatr»l that filov.oOU tin g»>i I will wt to th- claim« of th* latter agatt»*l thr lK»»e govern­ ment, fur th» rrje* tiun of Immigrant» wh«* * . mu « to th»* isianJ tost spring Hrr«' I e » furt- Japan has *hr!terrd herself tohlud th« «tatruirnt that Hawaii mu»t admit first the ''principle of tnonetary habihtv.” and when tins admi*»»«>n has tM*en made, she would to willing to fiscu«s the amount that sh*ml*l to paid to »alvr the wtrund h«*r dignity has suffered lb* fa t tbit th« mikado 1# r< '« will ing to disctiuM tha ths amount that he toitns la du« her tiisleadf of the pnnri- pie mean« in th« opinion of th« state d«par t Siriit «•HI lais that, if n«*«’*»ary. the ttola g eminent autborities can nd themselves of a trvtil>lr*omr qnr*a> t»«»fj before ««»egress emiveu«» so that Hawaii may premuní herself tor admla- si á ) thia wim « hu *L and, as President Doto has never ad milled Hawaii's liability to i > av a monetary ii»*!» niriity a* a result «4 th«- exclusion of the Japan**«*« immigrants, they may f»-« I that if they ¡mpliahe*l. It uas sugg«*a4e»l by a stat«* depart­ ment *>ftL'i»l, however, that Hawaii might follow the course ¡»urstiad by the l’nil«‘«l State* in ra*»**» of outrage upon (»»reign citisen« in this <*• natc take* ths annex*- tlvtl tr* at) m b*r . . ’ ¡ d) n Fuftland Or., OrL 4 — Ample fa cilities t o the 1 ran*|»>rtAtton of freight and ¡« am * ngerw over Chilkoot ¡«a«s will to provided by a Port lam!-Juneau r"tn|Mn), in time fur the rush to th«» Yukon next »eason Art tel rw imwirporat ing the Dyea K Ion • •like Trar*»p»»rtat i«»n Uoxnpsuiy were filed tore. The *•( ibjerts of the corpora* t«u«i ace • iii >«**1 h V» »! as follows "To mioiurt a general tran»|«n business from th« lira* I water» <»f Lynn «»>al. Atoka, t«» all ¡•uints in Alaska, and in British N>*rth Amerna, ami to carry freight and pwswnger«» "To acquire, budJ, locate and njwr ate trarawaja. bridge«*, wAg*>»> row!», •aw mills, el ; tu navigate the Yukon river an*! it» tributar ea from Hl Mi- t ha**Is to l>4»»*iii City, an>! to purchase. bu»lgh tto annuun • in «-nt of ob­ jects is inad« t*» cover a w i*to field, the pruvtding means tor the trans fer uf Kk»m!iker* and their outfits over the most difficult i»»rtion of their ju|>r' i.ey, whi h is from the »teamer al Dyea. over the ¡».« rm to laik« Limto mann Construction is already !*«>guri. a wharf toing veil under way at Dv«a. and th«- Work uf putting up a5.(XH) tool ubls tramway at the ¡»ass itself bring started. Tto company ariti«*tmces that it will to ready tor btiaineaa by Feb- ruarv I. Ly which I line it will to in »hap« t«> handle, if necewAary, the out­ fits of 20.000 jwople a month, doing the work at a reasonable figure. Members «4 the c«*mj'any make the t \V • - at. «:»•»;! Th« trip from Dyes to 1-ak«* Lind« 11 ex­ tend from Nh«*rp Cam;» to the summit, The departure of the Naniwa was cutting off a «listame «4 four mitos as announced by Minister >«*wral and Rear- at ,»recent traveled Our imniedtoto A’lmiral Miller. The “ admiral ha* »at- attention, however, will to «ilrrcted to i»fl«NÍ hiin**clf that the rrui *»r has really th«* im»*l difficult ¡»art <4 the ascent, a gone to Jajwn, ami in this case the •drctch <»f atom 6,000 feet, over which Philadelphia will oonie home on th«» ar- we shall to r«*adv to o|wrate by Feb- rival of th« gunboat Wheeling, with ruary I. We »hall U m * the Mater fall her orders to return “when the Num a a of the Dyea river to cx>nv«*y electric has toft. ’ ’ I « oh er to imr plant Another feature of Minister Hewsll't "Ttomgli the short ¡»erlol that is al­ low*.I our c*»nij»any for ¡»rc)\bv Arrive* **Mf*ly at Furl th« d.-l.inrr is only I.*00 To w n»ant Mi< h.i -Is route is tered in the overland trip is the n««'ea- Anderson. Tell sily *4 building boat* al the lake The reason given for the probable for thia. •atety of the Bryant is that .he war days is URoally r«xpiire*d th«*ugh it w.w* much longer this year, known as one of th«* best fa boata of owing to the rush, ami the pri«*e wu her tunnagw in li»« North Sari Sv prohibitive to a great numtor of travel­ waters. She is 33 tons measurement, ers TI 11« in(»any will to able either and for many yram wa* used as a pilot- to furnish lM»ats, or lurntor for them, or boat off Cape Flattery and at the it will transport to the summit any mouth of the Columbia river. ’kiHM'ke»l-re I«» tak«* 4 I mim I »»ver the the Straits st any time. j ». l *», except hy piecemeal, which don’t Captain Torn Powers, of the Elisa ¡MV Anderson, return«*! from Dutch harbor "A m««at inijxirtanl part of the work on the Holyoke. Hs indignantly «le- we are doing is th«* constfurtion of a nies the rcj«»rt that thr Anderson will wharf al Drew. It will have 900 feet leave her bonro where she now lies, frontage and th«- approach will to 1,700 but says the old craft will t*e on the fr.q in length. Any »trsmer will to bound and Alaska run neit season, able to «lock at this wharf, thereby »av- and that a scarcity of fuel is all that ing the h* avy expense ami great he» of prevented him bringing her !**ck tn the tune to both passengers ami steamship Hound n«»w. He says ths Anderson jwople, uf lighterage, as at present. never Irak**»! enough to drown a rat. Had It n*»t toen tor work already done and that all th« passenger* who went hy Juneau p«-ople it would have been north <»u her will verify his »tury. almost ImpoiMuble to have completed P«*ople at st. Michaels are well pro* this work in tiiuc fur the early travel vt«led with the nrcvR^arte» of life for next aaasun.” winter, and many of them are engaged About 010,000 o * h ) in go 11 is now in building boats which will be oper concealed in the teeth uf |M*ople in the ale»I on the river next season. world. l>rrd «f • l>rHnh«td. Inth the larceny of publio toxicated at the time of the shooting tu oiey U> the amo tnt of |.l MAJ Washington, (kit. 4.—The prog- rrw» of thc y ello» («ver epidemic. up to the cióse of the «lay, reportrd to the ■ ffi e «>f the nurg«x»n g«*neral of ths ma­ rine hospital errv <■ giv«s a total of (»89 . *•«• ami 60 death» m tl»e riitire ■ ounlry. Or«|on K»a«t f f«M •»«. San Franci«on. Ort. 4.—The battle* •hip « Tregoil is fllln g her bunkers a ith • «•el, an«I a«vording to Instruction« re- ling himself in the the nudertakin* wan balked by th« ad* mirait of the foreign war »hip.. head •**-.— r « V • A. •' t • *•»•« < SUPREME COURT UP. V F ’ DECISION !*•>*••• •< •••«» Warras«* Will ••**•«» W»f 1». H evei I er J*|*« r ( m day, bringing the latest new» from St Michaels and th* Yukon that « am» to Unalaska from the north by the Alaska C«»mmereiai (‘"tnpMDi ’s »i«atii«*r Bertha. The Bertha left St Michaels Hrptem her 14 tin the |3th the steamer ('. II. Hamilton, belonging to the e Chicago corjorwtion. return«*! to Nt M ichacls ami rej«orte»l that al»e • as unable to a* riwl th« Yukon »tot» it»« flat* n«ar E' .rt Yuk >i Her paaaengwrufind • er« unloaded at Fort Yukon, an«! were awaitit’g th« arrival cf th« Alaska Com merci «1 < -• p»nv'a »'ram«*« Margatvt •nd Alice t* ‘ lrai»»portatnui to Dawson I'lty. These st«’a:n«fa totem of lighter draught, will get («» Dawson mpanv's steamer Bertha The Portland will piuhably return to Seattle without pro- «'■cwNjij.g t*» **t Media«!» Th« steamer f«4nj«’« and ma»'hin«ry she earn«*! will to landed at Dutch harbor, and a new cargo «4 planking tu '«place that hwt <*n the •» luvoner H»i«netne will to •rnt north, w* that th« »learner for the Yu- knn can to toil It al Dutch harbor dur* ing the winter The Rush report* that li Brillìi actomm r* t*w>k y.33y *rib, and thre* American »< h»«»n»*rsobtained 873 »kins I'ro« !■)«»««• •< Vidor¡4. B. <’ , Oct 4 -—William Ogilvn*, D»uninloh government survey- <»r in th« Yukon <*»untry, arrived in Vi t«*na this morning He say« ther« -*r-- ; • - •' • . »1 J »4 •••«■!; f* ■ < ’«»mmaider Booth Tucker ha. ar* 4.000 pc«*plc for th« winter. When be rived in Denver to complete the ar* left Dawson. July 13, there were h.ovo rang «manta for establishing a salvation there, but if, a» it is reported, many Army oniony in th« Arkansas valley. have left »iito*» th«n the situation will Mi. h m I xiinn •• 1 • a r « • » I b’ake not lx* •«> laid J»« 'eared He says there man age! J1*, siand triad to kill h»s is no us»* m trying to twk« in food with • m reti.« art. Miea Jenny Lung, at**! 19. »Ing tr. >na Mr Ogilvie will probably at Baltimore, an«l then « «mimitted •ail fur Hkaguay tomorrow morning on •uidd«. the s«e.im»*r (Jusdra I;»-*«’ 1 - 1’3 v.»abf ! daught«*r f lnsp«*vtof Wood, of the \<»rthwcwt .T«»hn Miller Murphy, died at Olyuj a, rn< untod ¡•»»lie»’. v*h>» i* tn command <»f W^sh Her death wa* au»«*d by an th« fore* that will acNvutu¡»any Major overdts»* of laudanum, taken tu ¿¡lay alsh. Dominion administrator of the neuralgia ¡«am*. Ytik«»u, arrived here today, lie stat«*s Engineer 1~ Bennett Miuhell was that M e ; • Wui-*,* 411*1 lion. I ’| ff.ud kill«*! alvi Fireman J«*hn H <’awl«-y Niftun, ttiiiiiMcr ot the interior, will ar­ •vrr u»ly injur« ! ‘ v the rlpl »»ion at a rive h«-r<< (»»morrow, and will leave in» me.Lately for th» \ ukot) on ti»e>ynadra. tocomolivs on th« |t< *!d» K Mcveral im»r« memlwrs <»f the railway at Georgetown, Pa Hcoretary Wilsun La» secured an or« n>i*unt»*l (*•»)«**- a num!*cr of halfhr«*« I d»r from the piwtofllce de|«sirtm«ni to guides ami »lug drivers al«» arrive*! attac h the g*iv«unmetil frank to j«a*’k- In*jw.'t»»r W«w>! »late* that he has or- to go a ng th« trail as far a* pro- ag««w of sugar heel «Me«d to tie «ent <1« stble, and th«*n come back and report through,out the «^untry for snalvshi 4» q«ii. kh a* he can. The party will The latest n«w» fr« m Guatemala re­ te i » ed h« r stat«» that a (»fir*» of 3)00,- 000 has been planed cm tbs beadsol ATTACKED BY STRIKERS Pro'4’«r Mural*« an«l his aid«. Montici Funntc* It is assert«»! that an urd« r >.*1 w m » ! a cable, d*v th«- miners in th« employ of Hie thr«*«n ntorc wom«n »empathiwars The strik­ One of them wsa killed instasti) and ers threw »tone» and re*l pepper and the Other two «uetaimai falsi injur lea I »eat their opponent. • with «Into, W<-ni comes from Kaslo, H (’ , that ••Nci>tly” M Alliaon had his akull tilfUn in* n *h<> wete nut un the lake crusliol, and n untemi» i others were « ut m I mhi I 300 vani» wen drowned by if • and bruised. lakat ca|«»lsing A Mil fl bi ♦«•«<• w 48 The miners fought as to»l they could blowing, and, as the I m »at reache I the with their tin dinner }* mi 1 eb . and were Ireginning of the • wifi undertow t*p|»o- flfially altow«*! to go to work, After Site Koh», the men tried t«> change |«o> th« attack the »Inker» and women sitiona. and th» 1« al »aS overturned. formed in hoc and marched through the In 4 r«ccnt it ten ira. Lieutenant streets of Edwardsville shouting and No arrest* were ma le P»*ary, who ha* jutl r«tinn««i tn IL m I oh singing frolli the A’ ti on thr whaling hatk The strikers, more than 300, with Hvjc. ad to use their arm«. They »ere outnum* lb« wildcat M-naation. <’»»ur»t Bacimi bered t«n to one. but they fought with sent hia scoomls to Dr. Wolff, who ac­ their Ha»l a shot been flr«w| the cun»eqii«n- cepted the challenge. Thr prrmirr •rQt a telegram l«> th« ein|»eror, asking oro wuiihl have been fearful, as thr I < ••! :* on fight thr duel, and at It s strikers were frenXMwi. PATCHED |»»*pu«« I» a*t»l*4 With»«« ArtttrwMM»* St Mirhaalt f«r La< X •Í < «Ml OKKOON cutter Kush arrived from Unalaska to­ « «.E«>|(I«h»i*»l«» wf «k» lm)M.r1aNl ttap|MREBÌug» ««r IH« r«»4 w Mt-fc < «lied I r«»M» II»» T»l»g«n|»H|< « i .I hir »» r* STALLED Hai» Francisco». Oct A—The revenue M'lO s MR?’--•” ’ Dictator Barrios Carrying Matters With High Hand. MATCH FOR DUTCHER WEYLER A WKtlrBM < um fa» II».I tsa It»» Ih. < mmm iff for «Mf»ljr O»ll»r*«b Uri uri I m • Fr»sH ri*»« «I m I Isa.»It U«4 haleru. Sept. 00—The supreme ouurt c.’nvennl t**»!ay. Jwdiroa Wolverton and Bean Iwing preaent Th« petition fur rehearing in the case of K D Shattuck. apt*llanl. Har­ rison R. Kin aid, •«» retary of •Ute. rc appel* lent to compel the ro»po<».|«nt n tarv ..f slate, |o au Lt hi* . 11.in a« I tssu» a warrant ot* th« stale trvasur«-r in payment th«-r««4. for salary as c*r- ruit judge of tha fourth judutai dis­ trict. Thia suit was commenos*! in Judge Hewitt'* «.ourl. d»q*«rtm«nl N«> 9. cir­ cuit court of Marton county Upon the fllit.g of a crouplamt the court im ***-1 an ahernativ«’ writ of manda mu«, a»ldr«w*e*l lu th« «tofendant and rveondc-juit, as aj »K»'»I. to show ca«i*c tor n*»t omiplving with the plaintiff • d« tnamls A general demtirrvr to th* writ wa« tiled by th« «lcfen»tont. an»! the »»*irl order«»I a pro f*»»ma judgment, • ■»staining thr »lemurrer. The plaint.fl rvfu«»«i to amend or further plead, and th« court ordered the writ quashed, and g*1*« judgment for the »lefrn tout, *1 » aliasing th» proceeding From tk •* judgrn«»nt aiq^al so taken tn the n broke out on Neptvuntor 6. and was parti«*i|an Marcoa. Qnvsal- tenango, H M*lmctcnangr. Taiuiin«i>)eiied • »th an attack «q»«n th« outfxwtsof gather rrintorce ments from the surrounding «mntry, and three days after the first shut wa * fire«|. the g 'Vernmriit sent the follow ing into the (¡«’LI General I* G I ammi . with 1.300 men; General H. T«»!«*>h* with 49 pkhww of artillery an! 9,< • men* Gn« battery promptly deserted to the enemy after leaving the city On Nepteiabwr ‘3, J t'astilk* a» I tr I Morales, arrive*! on if*« •» rne with an Hitmen*« force of mal ontrnla fn»m I t>«' tori ng provinces, an*!, after a sharp engagement, took the eiiy ot Barrio* Mur sal ten an go*. Meanwhile, • a* carrv mg matlets with a hig among thu rebels within th« La« »»* » Needing money, lie spphrd to U hi Juan Apncn», a well k’..«wn « 45 ; iL*? through the medium of General Rcwpir MurAi«'’». who )« n«»te»l f«»r his » ro«dly Knowing that the loan would mean I * financial ruin, Apn* »«* hesitated, and was protn|dly taken to the »»lie at >i %«*v*g* H *•>»• I p strung up by the thumbs ('¡»on re­ New Orleans, Hept 80.—The yellow fusal to a cetlr tO th« drma* is Illa fr upon him, Apri* io was tosbed until h« (••ver situation her*» «'»oitinurs * ias|«er- Atmgly th« same A daily average of fainted from the totture, and, »(ill I* <»•♦■* and 9 toaths f a* H»g olslurate when he recovered I••»» I k tu .'() i»c w sr»*•* •. Morales . ar*»' I I* III .4 I *h I k«pt up But. while theie is no »ign of him •!*’» !, His many frirn I*, however, an epiderm al visitation, the slow prog bad their revenge shortly after ward, fur ress of the dis» 4*« put* ototaclr» daily when th« city of Mneraltrnar go w .»► in the W4vof the merchant public, wh»» taken, Roque Nlorakw Was »but without are anxio»ia t»» again r»’*umc Ira L- with !*>.♦• r* * I the »ourteay «>f a trial Grav«* » < i * a the sur?oun -ling ■ •• 1 n t f v lions of cruelty to w<*.neii, H r wit** today was nut no!¡kc that «4 many ami slav**s of mm who had j«>in«-*l thr other • to vs, in that it sh»*wrvcrtibl»» that at toa*t one- Americans frutn th«* scene <»f th<: r«,v«»l > lion, all of whom agree that it will be half diet! through nagl«*<*t or lark »*f i a long time brfore peace 1* again re signs nf revival, anaiu*>4^l-< •«»» Four of the )«arty left q.ier ill stored, nango after the town had lcen i«*u«-*l that tioonr •houhl regutotuma. be allowed to leave. They stat« that the read toiuorrnw . at the invitatlui* <»f Americans are thrown into jail on the th«* XHithern PaoiA (’«mi| anv with a •lightest provocation, on the ground view tu »«curing a ti»<»h« rtabun «4 th« will settle it that they are plotting against Barrio», «listing quarantine, ami say that nine Am* r;* r • we sre in whetlu-r trad«* is to stagnate (or *ev< ral prison al ynrraltenangu. The men w«—k*i tong«r or whether it is partially chants of Guatemala City fireexpe* «'ting to be rasumad at on •* Today two I-atr •* were rcp«>rt«*d. a siege at any time, and have made There have been a total *»f 177 cases pre¡*arations to close their places of to »tote A numb'-r of patients were busmen»« at a moment’s nut tee. di**harged today, T h Gill, proprietor uf th« Bih 11 AN ENGLISH CONCESSION M an ufautur ing Company, ■ L«-*i Ihi* morning ut ittioli May II Mateu the < oia* p let Ion of th» \|< *•« Mr« »ly of Sailor» aragua < «Mal Han Fran*-1»»w. Sept, au —Over 30 Washington, Oct 4. — Th« report v*-- «1« have r.h!- ed Lading wheat hi that a bill ha» Ixrcn pasee* I by the con San Francis«-') th»* month and the mat­ gr»RR of Nicaragua granting a 30 y**ai ter of ■ >»r : g tailor« fur them L as rr from hn»e to the Alla« Steamship < «»m •ulved itself into 4 serio is problem. pan), <»( Dmdun, fur the ci> lusivr "What’s the g* mm I <»f a « barter tu a •team navigation of th« Rio San Joan V'-*srl when •* cs |1 a ! ii »nnvl prod »■ »• del Norte, with authority to deepen th* channel ot various points and al*o 1« •atlor* to man her?" wa* • i-iunri made by a di*g•istwl Hritlah sk»p|*er construct a railroad (rom the Silicon yesterday. "Many a <»««1 »hip is hwl- lagoon to th« river, cannot l«r officiall) •d and r* vly to »ail, but Is >oiU|»eli«-d con firmed her«. U* awing at her anchor to-causa the If the Ni aragna «xingrees has gratit««l master cannot procure incu al th« rul­ a con esaion to the Atlas company, that ing rate. It will rume lu a split up action may arouse quite a n, and the mi tors' wages will 'i»cup*»ion ktw-fU i«prc»rhlativrw ol advance cutilrw t or no contra* t. M the theater Republic of Central Arucri- T) « situation 1» about as follows • a .Mid the United State*. N* 4»ly all the British ships in port arc The solution of the complication* under contract U>certain »hipping mas­ into which the three goiernmeuls tn ters. The*« totter have agrrt-d to sup Irifting may be a treaty l»etw«*en lb« ply men all the year around whenever Unitr»l State# ami the Greater Republh required, and at no time are wage» to for ths completion of the Nicaragua j |;o |4>r nmnlh an I lit) advance. • anal by this government. Al the present lim * lb«* rate in Port­ It is »taled by persons familiar wilt ton! and on Puget sound is 030 a \ ;• aragua « anal affairs that cither the month and 4rt0 adv a net* cr»nse«piently l nile<| Slates or the Nicaragua < anal sailors in this port will not ship at the t ompany will institute an inquiry con lower rate At th« present time the « ernmg the grant to the All*** company. •hi|»s Bothwell, fit. Mirren, Dalgunar, The-« two waterways iths .San Juan Glemaird, Kensington, Largicmore. river am! Lake Ni« aragua) ar« said t« totceeter Uaatto and Matterhorn, an*! form two of th« links «>f what will ulti the Larks • lonc*ird. Forfarkshire and maielv l«e the Nicaragua canal. Iverhichy are lying in the .tree tn The »tale department rwrently re­ awaiting crews Hvom of them are at ceived a report from Consul O’Hara. u( an «-X|»«nae uf |.'5O a day, an»r1e«1 Vaiiccmcr. B C., Oct. 4 — A fatal ar* t.lent happened on the Canadian Fa- riti»‘ railroad today near White's creek bri igc, alwiut 19 mile* west d North H«*iid. The Inlier ol engine 334,which * 4» hauling an east bound frrigbt train, ♦-1 j.hnlctl, and Brakeman Georg« Elson, nh«> was riding on the engine, was th-own over a laink. sustaining injuries (rom which he whortlv afterward su»* • limbed. The engineer and fireman were »lightly scalded. atrlka allu.llon I« llll.ola Kpring Valley, III., Ort. 4.—Relief given to 400 faruilir. at th« com- iiasary today. Th« Northern Illinois mera aro mor« determine.! than «ver. > h«y ar* at prrwnt rrg.rdvd a. th« .oi -tay of th« g’ral national (trike ¡I they go to work at wage, lower than - ■ al*, the uni.era of Pen nay I ran. a ti.d Oto«, it I. rl.lmeil, will iiav« to - pt a relativ, reduction. There ar. ol.ahly 10 •pwratoso in Northern Illi* • « .■> have limiten away tma. th« A.MK-iation and ar. paying , « »al«. A Resume of Events in the Northwest. EVIDENCE Of STEADY GROWTH W*** r«*«u. •• OrwjMi. Ewan« Nnla4 tn A I A 4K pound saluuui w u« Marshfield (roller Uiith d by • A Yamhill etmnty man pi ke«| 334 |M»un«f« of li tops in one «lay. Over IHKT acres of fluì were cultivat «>1 in Lynn county this year. Mrufertg* cannery, at The Italica, ts putting up I. 0» ki egaroof salmon a dav Soutwheat < >reg»>n R«p*rlrr is ths name of a new |M|M*r at I«anglois, Curry county. An <>r«g*»n grisslt Imar weighing 8»ng t'reek A |*ea- h weighing one ai I a half pound«, and nicM»uring 13‘3 11 he. m cir» lunfervncr, ia a lh»tigl.ms ountT ¡»ro» I action The «?umplct«*»l asv’-asment Ulstrop I'uunty tor 18^7 sh«*w valuation of 4 i.o «**.« 40, as ag » Q19.A0S I as ! year. Nuti*«s have been p»«t«’-| *»i> the ran nerv at M ir**)ifi»*?d n**i - y : g : men that the priowi of aahn«»u h.i I been re­ duced tu 93 an I 10 ‘ cnts. A ton*» county fruit grow, r ha* mt n» ‘ «even carto.» a *»f pic ImH at Lt« farm, placing it in from »me to five gvL Ion 'An», principally the former Another « iipm -nl of W.»I| uaa < * ly to*rf caill«- *«* mads from I ne <»f Jthc Animals tipp*4 th« toam vt 1,740 The Orcguti Telegraph A- Trtoj ! t'omjHiny 1* surveying » -»»»He : ■■r it t»•'.» ph >nc line (rum Munroe (•• «»«me punt <»11 the main Im»’ bet with Harrisburg and Junction Mr N Humphrey, o( l.r.«* c..»intr, has Up t<» the pr«*«cnt (line dr 1« «Hi'i.»!*■'• pounds of prunes frotn hts «»wit •>r«hir*l sn«l rip1 t* his entire crop t»> am >unt to alsnit 10 7 000 pounds. A contra t ha- I* **n »•*» .«r.lvl t«» >* > I i » * i Klamath county, tor 0.',4OO l’hc en­ croachment* of thr waters of Tula lake have made thu const rue I ion of this tev»*r ncvcwMtrv. A cekmy of iinmi.,*r»n ts, 99 in num tor, have ju-*l eume *ur. i *»in Nr‘ aaks with th»* intention of l»> Hing in th»* country. Ihcy *hip|e| all t •• ir g *!* out, in-hiding a numtor <4 iimto. Thf-v ar« now looking around Gilliaui county. Th« toxlv of th»* tramp who was kill« I by a train «1 Huron, *«» Luri»-I Ly the coroner. It w ».* m»t btontitL-d. All that was found on the b»»ly w a plat e»| spoon and f«»ur or fiv»* (xnind» <»f |w» tat ••(■ t«> han lb* 730,000 l*ounds <4 gTerti prunes this scAStm Just as s«M»n a* the prune crop 1* saved th« dryers will »tart *»n «¡»pl*-» and all that are offered will to iMnight This year fi >• ar -ol I prune orchards are muk ing returns to th«« owners ranging all the way from 4* ‘K) to 01,000 |*«r acre VV a • It » n g • •*»* • The city council of Spokane has filed the tax levy for that city at 13 \ nulla The shingle mill it Ma* bias w 4* I«- struyed by lire; also 1,600,000 »hingI»**. A 330-¡»»und bear was kill.*.) . (,-w miles stove Dudley, in Walla \\ .Ila county. A I»an«I of 4,000 •hcep huh ri-erntlv pur* h.iM-'l at North Yakima f«»r «hip- meni lo Ulne »»”> Walla Wai I » v« ♦ instantly killed by the breaking of an electric light pule. Thera is a regular slam|««de of gold- M«*vk«rs pi the new discoveries in the vi>*mity of Mt. lUker. The Bank «jf Garfield, having mt«» voluntary I «<»n <»|«enu«l at Mali« alia* The dite* t«»rs p»ir- < ha»«-*! |ioo worth of new liooka Hino January I. 374 articles of inr«>r* ¡■»’ration representing a total capital •lock of iJufl.UUl.MOO, have I m «>n tlh I in Keattlr Farmer»* mstitut«*» have r^’cently been hel«l at «liffcrrnt points in V\ «••irrn Wasbingtoti, <«»ndn of 9,178 made into the lighting u hu h took |>la » children of «chool age, a deervase ol on the Turlto i’eraian frontier, tn 197 from the total of last year. The Auguat Inal, ahowa that the raider* d»s r«a»e is In the country ilistrirts, and were Turkiah Kurd,, who on.eaed the Olympia shows an increase of 38, A craxy man who.*« name could nut frontier with the full knowledge uf th» Turkish military niithoritm, «arked be learne»! created considerable excite« f nine village, and maa.a. red .10o Mna- • ulmana and t'hriaitane. including all hia clothing au«l taking a run down After the man had been women and children. The Per man Mam stre»‘t. government ia demanding full aatiefac* captured Ly citisenx and persuaded to don his clothing, he wa« allowed to tton from the Turk, for the outrage». leave town. V 8*«v <«»■•! *•!•• R»r«*r*l. There is a great scarcity of thieshing Ran Kranciw-o, Rapt. 30.—The re­ lua« hin«s in the vicinity of T«koa, and cord for faat return pa.aagea l>etween farmers ate offering Ijonuaes besides thia purl and Ta. oma waa broken tolay the regular price in order tog«d thresh« by the rteamvr Wad,lenaw. Captain cis. One farmer offered a cash bonus Ouaacap. Hha < ame down the coaat In uf 4.’»0 besides the regular rates, to get 7« hour«, making the round trip in 7 a thresher to thresh his grain, slid «aye 4*« hour», which includea the ©on|»| not get it. time o.namaml in loading aixl unload­ L'ndcr a recent opinion by the attor­ ing. The beet previuue record. 7 dare I boura. waa held hy the «teatnahip ney general the apportioament on all uncoils« ted schottl tai«« must be apph«»l Ma. kinaw, a ,iet»r veaael. under the new law, passed by tbs last The average i-oet of criminal prove- legi»latnre Under this ruling, ths nt inns in I nglaol at prevent la (1*6 larger "iiies will re civ* fr»M„ 33 to 4t »acia. per cent moru out of tbs school fund than tbsjr have been getting »