Scio weekly press. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 18??-1897, October 01, 1897, Image 3

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    • *4
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• • Jrr«
W.llw*, Wa<,.«al tur Juruu
More railway material for Japan ia
a I t • t •• |.ur. ha.e.l
A art .f »j«-.
«• iti.-t • for material »uBl.-iant to build
■hoot loo truly« of tra. k have rareatly
Iw n m-. ivvl |.y Joaepb V t.'raafor.l.
»‘Iiilatirlpbia, i’»., roti,lilting engineer
for the Ja|-«i
government. Tl>»«» (ìubmin n ibt Saloni OrawM »»•
In hide «..rue Ifl.tMni ton« of AO-po<it»l
lion i itwwi t*«o Oivr« *omr A4» C j
»'eel rail«, and S.000 ton« of A.h
>*«*rlolle Muri» ut a Ira»« • <«<!
<«. ■•
ty lu.v»n>otiv<-•
Hutl • • Ltndvr.
ar« aiw> inclmhto.
<>t TK %«. I«
• t.
•narh aro!
aro r*ffe«r«tri|
'lU'iet «i Injicltr!*.u*
w w h*».
*»«*. ufMsn
1 ln< " • aa» fu») Btl-Cte «M «Nfttiftt I t ><M»
Ir a • •h Ì -‘«ri fs-te. ufi it-ftì» «tote f hs.wvi»
tote«!* 1 «Ilh
«» I«- nr *»< r» Br ian»t», «rfeirA *fi lir*.h e <hd
t« Mln a- farmi *«*♦ in a «terl«»«« rktroi. ftimie
I »*♦ , vi»h. auitef ta.1i«rm* '"»te «“**> •* I*»***
H«*tr ■xar’ft «Uoarh Hli'rra '» Ih» If’ » ft ,<
te» t ■ • t'.ti 9 i u«« Il »• at
grf»Mr «»*<1 *<<*•« u*l It «Ian
t<«»i »lie« <* t »4 »-f. » n«a laria 1 «ompi •itat«. «Lew*
, K«*al4«a
u. » • I • . Jk
L j
t orrlgn < .tf'*!»«•!•
(’ardi- ii
Let • • <1 ■ t’h, a
•! g
to the lxm*l»in Tablet. I».»« made ttie
huiiilef of foreign «‘atdinal* greater
than that «4 lb*» Italian fur the *•-<n«.|
time *ithin twelve tn«Hith*
Then* ire
m»w 81 «•( the (ornu-r to 3u <>( tn<* lat­
ter. a »late of thing* *i h until
wtihin a few y< a?», La-I m»t »* . urie*l
l«*r many «rntunra.
Eighteen |rr—>t.» live in a otte« room
shanty, siltaen by twenty (ret. In the
loan of W.«.lst « k. Vl., not lar hum
the i!r»lewstvr lltie.
v«ttaUy ver*
i» »v«-l# Ima
Ift »Mte.1* (O»H
ti U» '•»♦ «Af­
Mtenu ar
r <’«• Ali r*n
Ih» Baanui*<
r«j e«n
T*u bu'llr» <*f
* * »r« t r
ti«»». » urrd fur
a '-. a A i .
1» «*»'».<■
J. Nkn«»l«( Printe’hj»*. 1ml, Mar **
Ti» rec mil lion fit»* hut <1 red ttauoand
• (»•«I ¡«rm are u*rd t ?->’g • ul t. • •
world rirry «lay In the w«* h
A « »wi«»M«»tas ! •»•»*»>••
< •; ■ « 1, •
. - ' *L‘ ‘
' X
of the Pawnee Indian« near Perry. <>
T . who died the <>t)»er day, tkaa anni
U> bu more than hsi yr»r* .. t
1<s»k i «ari In tm**l <rf the la dian wan
and W‘U tbe leader of his tri Is* tn
of He battle« w ill» the Osage*
war wa» w age.1 half a cento*y g«»
two tribe* ate Mrparated by lhe K
o u H a in
ti»** «hit
ir •
• )• '
The Athen* ch» k fa» tory I« '»» tw*
’ ■ - / ? it *
T » ■ »• the
tu Uve
!i f
■ ■
’ »
V . If
■ » ■ ■> f
• ’• J ■ »* ■ •
Relieved of Periodic Paia and Rackithe.
•’Hr fore u» tig I >!i* K. PitAhau/i
Vrfc-. *. .ah!«- ( *■:
h■ v. . 1 A . ,
being gr »•! u y undermin* !
I m f-
frred out- «1 a f ny f
J > ’ ■
• rv
atrna'luM, ta-
?,« j ...u .»n ' ,» of r
brad, and ovarian trouble. The c* m -
c .nd
G komoik \V ak . i , 933 liai.U hi., L hiuu -
null. O.
•* For year* I had Buffered w ¡th pain«
f »1 mruHtruat. a r . rv m nth. « •»<*
•lay a lit* r 1» < of Mnu Piukham'a
waa thrown Into my I»*»> m *. and 1
•at ri.'ht down and rv id IL I then
*t»r.i* of Ly<I’a I Pinkham** X < ,. r*
table ‘ ..... ;- un<l an*! Liter T ' .
ran heartily «ay that t»> «lay I ft el hk*
an. r
my n- -nth’./ auffrr
la a thing of the ¡■•*L I aha!) alway s
pra-sr tii* Vegetable Compound f- r
whalllhoa done fur me
Mm*. Man*
aiuir AmtaauM, M3 L La bon bLt
tat* ixton, Mr.
il, g . hau.A V< . . •
. t’
pmn I 1..** •»* 4 nof 4
iful n
•truatlon and backache.
The *g°ny
1 Buffered during menatruaHon nearly
drove me w 4.
N »w thia 1« all over,
thank* to Mr*. Pinkham » mr<1 *ii»r a? I
Bdv.i-r ‘ - M m . ( AA1UK V. Wll i 'AM«,
bouth Milla. N. C.
The great volume of trvtlmony
prove« comdumivcJy that L\<i a E.
Pinkham • V. getable < «»mpound 1« a
aafe, aure, and alm<*»l Infallible rem­
edy In ffcwtof irregularity, aupj>r ■ s. d,
•gccaaive, ur painful u; uthly ¡* t. *a
Ma ni j' Power
lhe Strength. Aith ity and Hrnln
/\>wer of llanhood are Mcitorcti
to Weak Men Who I »e Ik*.tot
Sanden'» Electrit. Helt.
Itvary Reil
fxenaory ff«“»
weal man
Il hM I Patent
R r f u Ì • I o r for
m»Ln|< u r real
x tndd or «tronc.
Pr Manden’« F.
- ’.«rtrle Ret* I« today *he ar­
ibe pt.wrr of
nt recurring I'
Hie it
vuftnl.ucto II fill* lb« »«•»»*• will»
1 »><*?. «•*-• th* » ta n p«arr and rrm r*» all lh»
a«*akrnlh< afirrt* «4 in»li«rftet|o«a, «ictMo,
rW . In '*ri. f«*u>rr* >o*r rtn-ngth
Are You Weak?
H will rim »»»»••!» a.^'tll» ■« ,»» tons, to,
Ih.m.trona llrhMk.sll »»•'• ' i «-• ,n
two wr*S,. Il curr* Sil Sbln*. .n<l MteftoW
,ro >1,1*.. rb*»i»*s<>.m. Um* >-* l »t* **n4
f..r our m.-lH-sl work lllu,trsi»4,
« IMW ,4 M,o. lr~ Udraaa
153 Woat IftiklntUte «•
r>tw •»■/**» U4»a
r«»rt'aad. Or-
jjgi Va»l
i* ux V ■ 11
I» will I«- <dw.crv.-d too. that the fall of
silver has Ir», nuwv regular than that
of wheat. llHMigb io lhe long run they
keep well log. tber.--Advocate. Tt>¡*
ka. Kan.
Pan cte
I •’*,»♦0 r •*.
Tta attempt of *dmini»"**Iton newa-
paper* to "restore roufirimre^ and
bring about a ^return of proaperliy“ »•
at one* amusing
Thoughtful luen and women ran hanlly
rrprr«* a «mile in reading tta «to ¡tori a I
and new* rolumiia of certain mv'roj»>h
' r Adviee» 4»ry -telft ilio«.
tan ¡Mi|Mjr«. but a la aad to tb'ok that
**o 'he Pupull*'« uf *h«* l Ul'ed S»«t» •
m'lltona of ¡«-upto have no lulclltg« iH
!M im * v lite eh■*«' «>f (he late na' tiai » bui
gra«p of th* altuatiou aud will auffrr
paigti il ha» brét» ihc <-»»u*'«ui L mmb «'
and r ruin«-d by rra«on of <ta«r igu*»r*
I m M u Ita I *vm»M r* ' ir ind Ita IU*i*ubl»
auue of rcu<k>mic trutii*.
C*U ¡Miri Ir» Il 4l lu< . «x*plr •
hat '• ihi* ’"confide qc * T* Of what
c«d*<d tu I h a forre In thè ^r«**' I ni *'«*
bare 'be manufacturer* and buaitir*«
fui <ui»*1 ilU'luna 1 guirrumrot 'U ih«**«
l litui .’Uh». lL.ll !br I t'i'l ftp»11> H (Mg tarn afraid? Wtat new policy taa
*1 he Peoptiparty «m no' taro lu we arr to enter ¡»to an era of pr»»*|«r-
Uy wbkb will gladdm tta heart« **f (be
die, Tta pr lue »pie» »»¡* j U n hk b It
fuiiuil« «I »’annui »»,<«. «u lueg j * Crw guv- people? Clear y*»ur train« for a ime
• txl r«a»l a few paragraph« Ui tta
•*’imvnl •urvlVe*.
The neerwilty fv»r '*• ’ìlwtetire Rud hlaiory of yunr country
There vra« • panie te IMU.
i*n ¡H'tu’jy I.» « In ita miu fu«' dl*l» »■»
There * na a panie la 1*37.
vwt ) and «in¡»alrio'Ir mt*'b«ai* and pmb
1 hero w ttl a lumie In IMX
rie» I 'he IkemwTntk’ «»< ita Rrpuldh
T tare * • • a panie tu
<’»•* pRfftak w 1»«» h««e «IteHialrly ad-
T taro Wil a lumie In ¡MU,
It'ervd thr a»tv' • of ih * Goicru*
There waa a panie in ItfX
meir f«*r tta | «•' 'w«’M'y yrnra. Il cali
Th«rr »I» a lumie In UM.
n 4 4 . n >’il ? * n ,’•!« «t» I |* »i » • » « *b*
T here »Bl a lumie In 1**7.
m&i'kd* f«»r mren«-huw*uL refurrn ami
Phef e wa» a lumie la |M£L
itiumy ftha’l baie I«•»•!> -gtrafivd; aulii
A ftrr rach onr of the*«» jHititO w Ith
ih* (loveiumetil «ball bave tarli r » •
tta exrvpttoti of the !«•' one “rottfi
cord fluii» tde * lurbliaiàd’i and a?
II drtice w «« rvwtorvd.** and the ”«lawi uf
. r ;| • S ami * . «i»revi
'•> '
, '
tin'll e«|iial op(M«r*nnl'y. ¡»nkftjfrrily*’ mme. It «• re*•<»'»il*lv to
equa «dvnmagto ati«l rt|ual pr uteri ton *»q |«a»M* ihav the Miur phenomenwii wilt
II i« «afr 1» predict that
under tta law, • al. have b*eu teecurv«l again »•» < ur
(n every Allori an rHiteti; iinlll *11 'he date uf thia ”rrvhal of bu*m ** 1»
at hand. It 1« a certainty that It will
ri»»« !• fl»Utl<»n «hall liare tae© *x
pungvd Croni <»ur •latu'e tank«: «nd •¡••'«•«lily ta followed by am>thcr ’’¡mu*
'he power of luuney to o|q»rv«a «ball ir.** another **deprr*alon in bu*lnca* “
I' c*auno' die wo a lol Atm'her ’’Io«« of ruijfidr'ice “
bave lM*en «Iratroyrd
In Shr^e year*, fruui l**IU Io tHUT, *e
k»ng «* fr«-»* ti»«-'» ami womm are
‘«hlng f«»r *hr «(tu uf bren«!, «o» '<*ng Jtoie had free trade an«! hlg * l*r 'T
•« « hilf mflHon brave, lad u*l rimi«, VI <• have experimented wl'b all grad*«
butte«' mrn «re (leprirei! of the « p|H»r of 'ariff «< b<*dulri» and bare g | m * i »« h I oar
'Ùul'y '«» r-iiFii a AiìPii art for !tam*e!v«*« mark«*'« to tta trade uf tta world And
v,i M
1:0« hrtd piW-. •
|.«»ok it !h»‘
whnui God Im* made <lc
. for ita
XIark the shortening interval
pendent up*
Th ie Iru«'«. the nmn«»¡H>Uc». »be c«»r< lx tw« »’U 'hr pant» « Ponder a hkmim *:"
t fotta, U tf moneyed inter«*«'» of *.ta on (hr awful record of Buffering «lue lo
n'ry «re «.•rg*h-»«-»L llw r wtr»*tiff'b *» thrar national rabunlth'«. Think of th**
cert«-d Insù ita ar'h»n r»f «me man. ruined llir*. thr «ulcldr*. 'hr ataried
«v 'l Mr power, (heir «ucce«*. If lie ch klren. thr br«»k»’ii hearted to'lvr» uf
peu(»!u » parly «»»old h-»pe to «uwe-’d the 'epublto who have la*eu «trlcken
they mu«' ordinile. Itay tti’nl unify, d>wii through im fault uf their own.
Hundred* of tbouaandt of tank« ami
'¡icy ihui I r.Jht
ra'c 'ha- r »rtrenr*th
bu*in»’** firm* havi* I h -»* u *wri»t away,
U» w v«nfi*«n’<d today l»y »♦!»•’-i
cíe» ami eiiem!••« wdhln «ml wlitonil. mill on« of mortgage« on bou*»*« havo
tarn fur» « I«**«-)', million* <>f ni«*«i haw
Tin* hypocritical and tran*¡»*ir«*m pro
letta«’« ami proi”’««-* of ita
'he llemti
ttomocra'to I h «•!» drafted trom farm and w-»* k*h *p*
tattrl* In « I«»|i4tíig *<> uso of tur pr ti» ■ Into the allied arm.»** of 'be 'ramp
¡>h » had m »le d ami «teeclvcd «ottie h<»n- 'hr nn«*ni|»h*y -I nilllloti« of rbll«1t»,n
have I k vii »Irag.rd from th«* «rhou’tuo n
r*t Pupilli«'», the allurementa of «ne«
for offici* bave ror* am! Iinprlaoned in thr Impure air of the
ce*« »ml lbu
rupled ut tar*, and ¡Militimi row ani ce factory ur th«* mine
is?::. is*♦
and a yeofainsi '«» ta whli tta «trung
1SS7. lx».'l •■Funfiilrn«***.’*
•iiie the majority
< '«•itthh’iice lu Mich n\< >i» in! On!) a
Judgment attd iM*vluu»le»l thè politicai
fool can have cc»" ft de nr»* that tta iron
» « on id many.
T.«v ¡»riti«'lph* tinm»tim «•<! at Omaha law« uf trade and Imhutrial rvonomy
will repeal thrinaclvr* nt 'hr runimnud
«nd reltera'ed a' st. I .out«, are t’ «♦ In
«piin'ioh •>! wf»¡trv*«»ed manlnxMl. <»f de of a t'»»ngr»«* In league wl'b tta gum-
taueh«*«! liMluatry. «if (be victim« of Ita birr» of Wall »"«-« '
I* the Ibngley 'ar ff bill much dlff»*r
d»**potlr money ¡><>wi*r of «>ur «ouiitty.
• nt from th«* M< Kinivy hill of » ¿ht
The plfltfoi m «"eran» « • ")««!•• a' orna
b.i Mini S'. Lotu* wen» not
merely year« ng».»? 1« 'here aonie potent cti.i .n
n thr toigl«' r* ndjn*'mrtit of »ch»**l»ihi*
**pr«M«'*'» l»u’ a til < Hui ' 11 . ugg, »•**!' e ’
<ta larii'io'i* of 'ht* inalienable right« by which 'hr ¡MHiple pay more taw* on
uf man
The luya! i* ¡ te*un'ailv<’« <»f th»* nrr»*«i'le* uf Ilf«* nml I»*»« on lhe
luxtirh-*? I think hot.
Ami yet U h
'hr People’** ¡tt"> Woo Hi«' tt' Nfl»h
Ville »lid *<» for I hi* *»»lr ptir¡M»««* of '•<>«■ panic uf IML’I ejimr tt I k ’U every I nr «f
niH g 'be part) fiom uniia'iintl ntul th«* McKInh y b II wa* in force nml rf
The great panic uf HTU rai.»»*
¡»It (unitila-d*-!i'ti. h<>' (o l«*:»r »l«»w li, bill f» H
to build Up; nul h» weake«. but to w hrn th»* war tariff wn« In rffret «'»»I at
•"«■ngthe'i. mil to add '*> the confuto«»'» a time when no \> *r»» wa« rata* I
bul lo ••• un* bariiioiiy and unity They again*' (hr “American «yalrtii uf pr»e
HH*l no' 'o promulgate a new political tin-'ion.” The ¡»unlc of 1S57 <*aiiir wh« n
faith, but to renew allegiance to th«* v i* ha«l the low»*»' tariff In the bUiory
of th»» cwiiniry “Tin* dlacovcry <»f g«»ld
< t « « n I ¡>i»a* Ifíiií;« d at Omah.i atnl roller
a'e»l a' S', Litui». 11*« y me' lo »letIm* In <'nl torn a wa* nt the root »»f the
¡dan» ami «<»»»¡»1 imu-iin** by which fhinuukil »h»rm of K»7/’ *ny* lb«* t’lii
tbe futur«’ a* tloti* of 'be ¡»atty «hould rag«» Tribune of July ’J7. IRU7. ”The
not i«* d«*|»cmíeD* u¡*oi» nor unimuicito u ■ vrprwiuctiou uf «ilver whb the cau«e
h’fi<h '« of llie l‘cliuMTa'« or Ilo* o' lhe I«*«» <*f <*ulifi»|vnrr of IM»3.” i.tiutl'
ed every finnnchil liigh prirut at
A m cliiiirman »»f 5our thganlxntl<»n t !i»»c I Lgh tar TT. low tariff, til ver nt a
premium over gold« «liver a' n parity
(*omml"<*c I urg4* c* <-ry Popull»' ei
with gold, gold iii*»ti«>metnlll«m, wlili
cry«here to »»old. repudiato an«l ro
Jc« t all futoou or nliiam «* w 111» "o* pauir «licetudlng panic at *,ri,»ilnrly
idiortrn ng Interval*. Panic* w th the
|*cimM'a'le or 'be llvpitbllra'i party
IL-pui every wvoriure from thc«e 'win free nn«l unllmlh»l colnngr <»f «liver,
panic« with ‘Very gold dollar of out
cueillie» '<» 'ho cotumu'i ¡M*o¡d«*.
currency rearing on a «olid gold l»A*t*;
Tta Na«hvlRe eonfcrt»n«e by it« rr
ery a« ' «ml ev«*ry rraolutl<Mi coiinaetal .1 pan •• pre« « d ng a gr»*ai war; a pan •
¡/ogee, hnrn.«»ny. ami a reunion of all follow ing the declaration of care after
elciiicn'a of reform Their «upteme hil.h»'!« of pro|w*rty had lM*«-n <lratroy«*d;
«tadre w a» lu rehabilitate «»tir IMirty. panic* wltb lhe unbroken pralr *•« of
«'rally our wavering rank* «nd guard the »n»t Inviting 'hr hutttandman io
agalUMl lhe re* ur re tier of the i,d *tak<*» woo 1 hem; panic« w ith thr whole range
o 'be rt»n«ln* n' a' thr command of the
of 'ho |ui«(
I ftllggCtet "»al throughout the entire farmer, pani « with Rrpublk*an« in
country, wherever there arc Iwo or power; panic* w ith l*t*iiHM*ra'B In |a»w
muir popuiijri* in a ttiird. prwrinct or er: |»anl<-» In the manufacturing »11«-
tow ttnlilp, tba' they gu tu work a' «»mo. irb'» uf 'hr Middle State« and N»-w
Englaml; panic» In 'hr farming d
|M i*lftic'itly. tu ¡M-rfeet a !«*• al Poptl
IGi urgaiiiaa'l««n In (heir mid«! Invile trie'« of (he We»': ¡»an l<*« in I be cot'«»*i
your iie'ghtar* to mee' w ub you ami and rice ceu'rr* of 'in* Roinh; pan!«-« in
free trade England; ¡»anI»'« in protected
dim u*» the principi«*« of <« km | gov« hi
liite'nxi 'hrin hi 'be ¡»rliu lple» Germany, France ami Italy.
Ami Prvftidrm M« Kinky a»k* 11 • to
»»f l*»q«ull*m by a»hlre«*<w, lecture« ami
hate 4*onfi»l* nre. Secretary Gage Im
iht* dift'rlbu'i»>u of round INipull«! lit
arature. Pi«-*» the w«uk till yuti «ball p! »r»*w u« to have eontid’*tuv.
hate m « ur«M a eom|»m't organ lait" un cni‘i linn'» off 'be gambling tn bl,* ami
•houta, ‘*<\»mr on, tay«,** ami a»»ur.-«
In every rounty In your State.
u» that •’confidence 1« rmt<»r»*d.’* Il'ng
If your Slate chah muli I» not In «yin
Iry nml Ren! ¡ m »I ii ! I o 'hr nr .• tar ¡T b II
¡Ml'by w l'b "»r |w»lh y *h elaru<| nt \.i«h
rille, $ ou «hould »elec' otic who 1« a« aud bld ub have renew«*<1 faith in 'bat
corruption tainted tall«man.
«ceni a« |«ra»’"«*al»lr.
They m«M*k the lntelllg«*iMM of An.« rt-
In tli«»*c S'»'«*« where (he State
tun rliutvuahlp. * j uey n*«iimrtba' wta-
cita Irmeli am! \ a liona I Executive ( ‘uni
i Utt* jx »¡»tr.
ml I tee in en arc in harmony with Ihr d - 11 ' h * d'partul f
I < $ I:» 1'4’1» k■ w ’ 1 • \ . r I
¡Milh*y »ta'lnitto at .Xu"lit III»*, the na
t Ion ni organila'Ion com iui"«*emen will have ad«»|»'r<1 no ret 11 ‘»’v and 'hey know
ah! them In every w ay ¡*»*»11 »le in II. They havr re««-»n to tallevo a brief
revival of boaineaa 1« al ♦ivtid, at id they
Mrung'lieiihig the party organ i «a I Ion
pr«.|M'«v Io ¡M*rp*’.uato tlmlr political
In (hla way flu <*iithn«la»ni can I m * de
vch»p»«1 Ilin! will know uu defeat, no ■rivant«*» by It. They k-iow 'bat
r.-vlval will I* fi.ll'.W'-.t bv 1 - |MUW.
The tattallon« are gathering, lhe They «eTve the mvti wbo grow rlrb by
lln»*« an* forming, thr final »'ruggii* • tic *««lvc paule« rtir.i ilrpr.-taiotiH. ■«
for home, for rulin'ry, fur existence 1« grain gambler« who cintrolahv market
iM'cnuirr rich by raising and btwcrlng
In the near future.
PoptillNta. a«v|tilt y«»iir«clvr*
like the price oi wheat and com.
'l ire great MM »iiH-k, hair adrani-.-<l
men’ Prove yourwclv«*« worthy de
arc'Mlan'a of that anc»*«try w bl< li In value In three months »3nO.M7.NK!,
the radrvmil »tock» by »JtS7.537.01P the
foniHlrt! tbl* government; that Iw
l li.-ae
<|UcRtlir«l io you peraonal lltarty’ Pre- railrua.1 by »’M,*7i'.i«ai.
rtgiires are from the
h¡ igo Tr Imi e
«erve am! iwrpetuate It by th«* |»en« a
■f July 37.
From natural <au,< -
ful UteC of the ballot
•h»rt cnqer In Klirrqie. ArgrIHIUe Bi ll
India wheat and corn have lacrea««d
(Tialrnian National Organ Ira flou (’em
la «r-IH ig vaine
Tbl« 1« a food thlnj
milter People’* Party.
for the farmer, but he can thank nature
heal «r»d hit * r
and not American statesmanship for
The Advocate »lora nut in» »• far with tbl* ebauev to pay Interest on bls mort­
the allvrr aremnent as the people do gages
who have nut bine but silver In their
Hot do you own much Standar ) on
crrrtl. but It la fully to di«putr the Block? If so. you should lie happy, Ita
pn»|MM»ltlon that «liver and wheat
< ir
vaine has Increase»! »7o.l«iO,tMM>.
both or either <lo fairly rvprradil the Chicago gas stock? Its value has 'n-
fail of the grneral Jrvrl of prireo attire crea Mil M.33l.<w*<. Or whisky trtr«t
|M7T VX heat 1« now w ell up. roniimred st >-k? Ils vaine has Increased »54.<*>>> -
alth cither or all of the la»t three is«». Or trust stock? It« value
year«; bnt we must remember that has increased »«». Ilow mu h
fill» tuatluna have been <|iilte a« gnat h i« < *e value of your rallmad holdings
•»•Neral times laf»»re. a« will tw aero Increased? Ilow mt ch. did you say?
ou ln«|x«iiun uf the furtguing figure«
I bese advance« enable tue great Cv
porafb :>« In inervase wages If they do
sn tb<-r* wdl be a revival uf buslor,«
and Industry fur a sti .rl time, t'olvsa
there Is a general tn- reasé la wag.* <bv
»»|u--t< 1 tetlval will div still teww
rise In tbe selling price uf sugar will
not help tbr man whute vggr* rrma-n
the ftguir. Rut even if wi|.*« *r* r*l«rd
and vv«*ry factory u tar cuuntty run«
full t.m* with a full forw u workmen
tbe panic i* inevltab’r Tbe great» r 'Ire
revival tbe more t»*rriblc will be *u<?
• TDlr Tbe l.arder yu work tbe more
qukkly will cuu>r ’be psu;r Tbl* I*
not a pmpbrry. Il la a fact. Lyman
J. Gage loo«« it. Wiliam UdCnlry
• bouId and prulMibly dor* kn w i?.
Every good buain«-«» man or banker
know* It an«) atleiupta Io profit by II.
'I ,»r New Time a«k* ibe Chicago Tri*
tame, the Chicago Tim«*« lirr*i<l Ibe
New York Sun. the N«w Y< h » 11«* raid,
flw* Ht. I a ’U í » GI o I m » Ik' inoc* rat, 'hr I •oi*
hnllh» Courier Journal atnl other pa
prm wblrh !*•«• a« pnl»«o' etlu* «'ur* f
• *ey et|N*<*t auotbr
It a«k«
reaaowv why loa-
IbrtU lu give !«*gh*
tory «bill Dot re|»ea! it«clf
It a»k*
lb«* tn i > defem) a *y*iem • bleb
«b'lDD* tbe wurkl t • r|)f.»rural hllrtic««
and «nffrr'ng *r*.rti car* oui of rtery
t«*n. It a«k« 'hem wbat remedy lb«*y
hate to propone. If any,
*1 t>«*y have uo rvm<d/. They rrgard
I.laten to the
Cbh agn Tribuur:
*T.»«*re i* a regular
onlrr about a»t btfalneaa disorder,
’I’anl a’ come on in ancrage ame u
•eveutrrn yegm** H lie l'Hhuiie figured
H m » average
aicragr from I IMI»
Mt* to )*®7 au<l
omitted 'be |Minir of lk*»7 It «l«> fall,
to give tbe a rragr, wbh’b I*
oor In »l*o it «is v«r«i. "and la«t fn»m
oge to «ii year«. They are
»ually f«»L
I I’.v
| ry. jl)«-n L» n
pi-rb»»! of g*HMl tlhirw. *h»n »>> n boom,
.i :v| ! U • • b-»> *
• r
rollai <••* frotn ut«*r *HH*« ulcii *»n *
Perfectly «'orrert.t’icrpllug th«* *’ovrr
- MM’tilallun ’* Th«' collgp««» 1« brotigot
alwiut by thr fa«i 'I at the j* “pie < mi
not »unhawc lm<*k 'hat which 'b«*y
Inavr prodiRt^rtl
Tb’J wagr# will n*»t
buy that which they tag vr erm fed i’bev
cannot cunwtim«* th«* aurphia. Tbe ft ••
tori«*« cannot »ell their product«. They
•hut low n. The no n nre thrown out
of wofk They are no longer producer«,
anil if they rottautnr H I» by an expen­
diture of their »avlng« whllt* at work » ”
by the grace of charity. I’tirr« fall
Mei*« '. in‘~ t»r»» ru
!nt •• t g
Tin- pr»»ph- tt ho have tlrjw.s t- d
'no or three billion «»f dollar« in the
hank» try to draw It «»»it ami »’all. h»r
the Gmple reauuti 'hat (here !• only
yIn the country and b
a ¡MTcentagr uf that In tb<* tank« Tbl*
1« a panic.
panic la an epidemic of fright In a
eommufiHy of e«on
r fool
it I» a
phenomenon inch ent !« a plank*** •yr-
pr«Mlttctlon an 1 dlatrlbu'lon
i« the I tier It« bh* cunconilta nt of th
pm tit wyMtriu of Industry It I» 'he log»
»•ni Moquen* <* of the dev»*1opni**n' *»f ma
»•hlnery o ! r comp* : ¡t>\e pr ¡vate owt •
There la but one rerne»!y. and the
r »option of that remedy I» aw !ne\ ;:;i
Me am lhe cvoltrtlonary d«*ve|opHit-nt of
the panic. That remedy I» the u.itionnl
ami <*o operative <*wn»-r*li p of the
ni.*an« of production nud d'< tri button.
It 1« 'he «ub*iit*itl«»ii <»f <*u-o|M*rati*»n for
roni|M*lith»tl. The tin:*» iui <*<>ine w n?*n
1 i» • pmutir< r * demand ng :in*l w all ob
tain the tola! of lliat whhb he creme».
The <;»»verniiH*nt 'he wople will act
a* lhe employer and «erve w .tlmut prof
It. Then 'll«*re can I m - no panic by r» a-
M»n .«f an ove prod i Hou/’ Then peo
pl - will not hilugt-r I m 1 *.'iii«c there I* t««>
much ft»o*|
I hey w ill not g«* tar»-fix*t-
etl t»c*ai!He 'here arc loo many *I i » m , m .
Th«* p‘»»»t<»t!lc<‘, 'he public »>*hool». 'be
mnnh*l|>al water work«, th«* I b H im !
Stale« fi«ti r»»mnil««l-»n ar»» example» <»’
tlo* Indii'lr al *y**teiu which will «hortly
MU»*t fed tile preNetlt lack <f »yaletn.
There I.** no o* » pnalneflü' of m-lioul
ch Idren. There la n«» mer pmdneiioii
• f drinking water. There I» no »»ver
priwhirtton of L»h fur Un* »'rmin« uf
they are fuundid »n
Curtin«»'! »eti*r They «•vl«' for the iwn
ent <»f 'h«» people and are con»lilr'«**l
without prufi'. They point the only
way to the happln«**« of 'he na'lon an«1
the prevervaUon of < ivllUath«n
I red
• rick Tphatu Adam«. It* New Time
Jiul-xc Jacks’»»**« • «n’nlt
Judge Jack««*n • Injunction again«!
l»rt»s •*aml other«” toUehra the high
wil»*r mark of Judicial usurpation In
It *t*Wt,‘r* even the Old
Guard <»f capltali«ni
Root think« ttiat «mb thing* "make
plausible the ««»mplaiiit of the miner«
that the roerta are partial/* and that
the prevnlrme of «m h a conviction
among the •*<omm<ui people” must be
most unfortunate. The Trlbm»c re
in I nd« the operatorii ami their jmlge»
that ‘’nothing 1» ««» likely to provok*
dU«»rd«*r a« to make law batefnL**
Let u* «co Ju«t wbat it 1« that Judge
Jarkhon has dune, and bow hr ha*
»lone it. He ha« enjoined Eugene In Im
and others that 1« to say» every l«wly
from «I'eaklng on the «object of «trike«
In and about the M«»n<»ngah mine«
**Th«'j are not Kruditrd to lnt< i < pt
miner* on tbrlr ««y to and from work;
they cannot «¡M*ak <»n any of the publle
highway* leading to the mines of the
petltXonera; lastly, they are ordered to
bold no putdl«' or private meeting«
whatsoever In the neighborhood of the
uiin«*» In question
Remember that there ha« !»ren no
pretence that till« Imitation <>f martial
law ha« breti mad«* necessary by ri«»t
or disorder of any kind. The mildest,
the most peaceful per*un«l«n 1« banned
by Judge Jackson’« or»lrr a< much «<
rifle or bomb. The Prussian I Het, Its
mrmlM»rshlp «*<> oppartfonetl a« always
to Iw ron'rolled by the arlst»M*racy. ba«
Just rrj«*e'e«l the demand of It» War
lx*rd for a law authorising Interfer
enre with public meeting*; but here in
the Amerhan KrpuHIc American «-ill
Ben« are forbidden t« meet even In pri­
vate. New York Journal.
•'-. *«1*0« ar«
The /u«l<>u editor» w I h > <!<• out know
bow to talk anjrtblnit but «liver, abouhi
tirar |Mttlvntljr wltb tbuae l*o|>ull«t.
wlio have inaile a «tudjr of other qiH-«
U om ; and who believe that other re­
form« would Ix-neflt the |mqile quite
a» mueh a« a free coinage act w bleb
would lienetll the |"tq>le by adding,
¡■erbai», one dollar per capita, annuiti
ly. to our circulation; and which would
lH-m-nt the »lifer tulne on nera by I* g
Ulatlng Into «liver more fhüO tfowW-.
the valve It now Im« In the market. A
law wblcb would take 47 ceola' worth
Closed August 31st
of silver and make tt worth I**? cent«,
la naturally very popular with the mill­
ionaire« who control the «liver ruines;
)ust a« the same law la |,q>ular wltb
tbe ;Nu|de. beenuse It would very mu
tertally .trereaae tbe volume of money,
raise prices. ...nke d.-l.t, easier to |*y,
an>l enlarge the market of lata.r? I*eo
pie . Party Paper. Atlanta, Ga.
4*é'*»'l«*a nmhlftP l‘n >l* I O«ftpl*l-.
At> ln«!m»*rUil <’uu»t>lnation oo a •« «tie
which will mark an
In ernlmil
ta'km l* pruiuiftéd I d the near futur*
AccurdÍDR to atiM'k riv-haug«* <i**»lp.
tbe follow Ing cwrimmiluuft am (urti
ll«»u«*d a« Ek«lj tu «« m » ii turrfr their
IdcDtltj Itti» utt« cohMMMll whole
Ma lutarti tul ('t»tu|»any
L u H ch J Ktatm t«rather Company.
Aturrhwn Rugar Refining Company.
National I-rad Company.
I uH«-d Rtale« II u M mt CotDpBny.
Amerkwn Totaci-o CauqMtny.
A melica a
New Turk. ( hk»gu nu<l t<ay State
Ga* ( «»ntpanle«
Total « apltal atm k. 853ô.(JVfURM>
lo ibi» amount uf capital atork muM
I»’ 4<l»lr<| th»» t«ri«»Uft auiiMi mprr*»eti*e<l
t»y lai»n«|te uf tbe above o>nq»anl««, tu
getber with apprv« iatlon In valum uf
the variuii« »tuck«. Htamlard Oil alone
mpre««*ntIng nearly hqir time« it* na
fa-e vatu«- _w hi» h 'ugvtber will
bring tta total tahir of «wpital Intrr-
in thé roncero far al«uve ftp*
gl » eli total.
The leading «pirli In thi« mammoih
ron ven* i»»n i** «al*l to Iw* the R'amLird
Oil t’oiBpany <‘hl* ago Powt.
> ho«»l»l l’<* t •
We hair no dv«lre to cover Up the
f««*t that we are in faior uf rrpmhat
Ing every «lollar «»f the t»*»i>«lw i**ur*l
timler thr Ctrl eland «»hnlniwtrn'i«»u
They were i«Ai>ra| a* a rv»ult of • con
•piracy u ) m »' i thr pert of II uhmt w tm
profit«’»! by the laaue, they were ta«ii*"d
without the c«»n*4*nt of the ¡ m * oj »I v who
are 'u pay them; they were ¡•«u.-d
without warrant «.f law or »anu'ion of
«en«*r Th»* laaiir wa* a rolttary, pure
and elmple. Th«* |»ro|dr were in n«»
wiiy tat'eHted by lb«* i*«ue, ami we fa
vor repmthitittg them
U r tin m»t ta
Hove 'hat our dollar of them will <»u*r
I m * ¡»aid, Living IsMUea« Salt Lak**
(’¡»I ? »I.
.. 51
.. •« I
, il
' »
l i t
Hest tea missing-word
contest clo-ed August 31st.
Wc shall announce the winners and the
word at the hist possible moment.
A $2000.00 missing-word contest begins
at once
sS\ /¡ithug's Rest diking fiOMtier and teti art
____________ because thev are money-back.
What is the missing word ?
li very ticket taken from Schit/ing's •v/
baking powder or tea is good for one
guess at the missing word.
Send your ticket with your guess and
name and address to
f»**(T«|>* 4 abla 4 «»nlrte«»
The lafgvfit trlepLone »Me »»»n
ever giten >4 rr>■ »rle-1 (font R<- 1
a« <4 «renlt ut ti r telephone wire* i
¡daurri under ground in that cily.
ttlalrtnrnt that the contra t cover*
0OU Iraq uf . .»Id” **«»ni4Uitug full*
000.000 feet o( No*
W'ire, 3.000,000 pctltl
and 'h***i«ah-l« of
t Hfttilat ion can <»n!i
hr comparì «ui»«.
131 nul«**, or «I mi
to l'ape May« or the
The «mali «
gelber, amil i rra* h nearly half round
the earth, Ihr t»»tal length '»ring |*i,*>uo
One th*»ii*«n | tom »»( I«*
would «*«i >ii in weight v ad» I pn«m
tn'i’on ls*n f* »4 *»¡ it»* an 1 I
i it i t»irt li i» W <>uitet» • a • »»rr«1
Mr« J ••«•■ph <‘ham tar lain. Wife «f
thr Kngliwh «euretary f»»r thr i*ulimi
a.«t*l iiiught* r »tt W <’ En»lit-«m,
Cleveland*« tiret •«•»•retary »>1 war, ai
«¡ws i-tl rvtdem** <»f lhe favor in whi
Qu««en Victoria b«»M« tar. ha* r«**«*iv
from her maj»**ty lhe g»*l-l Inaiead
th«» «i|irr J’ihilíw» nudai.
m**lal « .uà * »»iifurred, a* a rule, uni
royal purronag««i
F*»p««-—-Solid fur ii
l*u«*|| limite i»«>n.
Purllatui, *heg<H».
Patcni ifïdklntt
at Lut A’.rrri ..
W IHlbARl».
n * * »»tt
4 I » » :<> H ar »•< «I
«ten t • a »»« *•«••»
W eakness GF M en
* *tr« •!
I h.»r... ghl j ,
•f •*** Me«« «tesi wtaaliq
«a **<a »*«
la bte).'«»4
k«a«tetete *t4
1 •« l«tel Ite»
«•si »a* «t*« iAf «*»iA
«4»i «•««, ?•>
-ai *awte
• a aft
«IO»J *U»4 t»M*»V
Oa«(«sa aaj V
gtteff ..bai».)» 4* La*»'*
»•> « f
»•»» Steli «*• »•
- • »e, <
*«M H
• a ■
fs-*4see<4 V? »ha* »»••k<a,*te». All
hUafteal ♦•*•» aO-Bagl«*
• > r -- ■ . < •
Wky Noli
“The assuram-.-« of evap tour year*
of frredom frolli turili i-l.ang.-s. quit»»
rvnardl.-ss of thè nature of tbe men«
tire Itself Ir. rtiougli lo gire a greal Ini
|w>tliM to business.“ |s tire isunmetlt uf
Ih.’ pmt.N-tlonlst “Itevlew of Itr-vlews"
ii|sm thè iieiv protectlrm law.
whv. In thè nnme of common svnee.
dl.lti t thè prut.-.-llohlsts gii e nn lui
pctus to business long ago h* leasing
thè old tarli? la"
Cleveland, olilo
v. i 11 ; v • ! i
I ,u < ' »1 . oi . k |..i!t 1.» I ur
PITCHER’S CAHTU1UA.- *> ou I mai *,, mabk .
/. DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, <7’ Hyannit, Mamachuxett»,
ivat the oriiinator of “PITCHER'S CASTORIA,” the »ama
that I. is I me an I il. -t n tc y-y
, ç—----- . “ on rrery
bear the j i.- ,:ni
- . hi : tnr<- ,>f
Th i» it the original “PITCHER’S CASTORIA,” whi h hoe been
uted in the home» of thr mother» of .tinrrica for ov<r thirty
y. ir.t LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and »ee that it ia
th« kiml you have ahrru/i bought
on th«
a n <i h it » the »¿¿nut u re of
\t> one lut» uulh irtly front tnr I > n ■' my n ime ajcoepi
The Centaur Company of which Cha. Il Fletcher it
March 3. 1397.
T h ■ < » n * 9 Way.
TI ht »* I-« »miy <»’•«• "45 to br»uik th»
pr»*J*hllc«* <»f the |H««»ph» f«»r thé «*%latlti|¡
Mwlnl anarchy af»«l that I« by the
prvxMir»* I**»-oinlnic «*» hard that they
»•wil l alami It. 1.4*1 It «‘•»inc. let It
«-oui««. If fouls will |M*r«l«t In hating
private pro|M*rty. they must have at»
oí»)«*»*! lr*uu'»ii Mhat It tucán«
Hon I« the
Antidoti* f»»r l»lg«»try.
Appeal li» ItraMMi. Girard. Knu.
The \«4p*lr«.»»h War«.
Th»* cl«»»e of the la»t <*vniury and th«
tagInnlng of 'hl* found the whole
world Involved In war. The 1‘rrn« 1»
revolutbrt» hr«»k»‘ *»u' 'u I7M>. Mini, aft *1
it had got Into the full «wing of prog
re**, the l?ren«'h \**4*inl»ly, tn I ;•* • x
ul*t»ran« e «»f their «b’vuthm to the c-i 1<C
of I.’ h - i • x . piallt) and fr it. 1 u ;»
*u»*d a |M»nttaMir pm* lanniHuti. an
iiitiiiiuing their rea»1liir*.w I»» ,i»«l»t t!iv
people <>f aiiy nation «Im were *le»'n»u*
of rtHx»vriiiig litany
Tid* marvel» u»
•tate |MB|»er waa <»r»h*r«*<l lu lx* prl.»t»*»|
in nil language», amt wa« •»• ted ujH»n
will» eagcrn»'** by the llri:H‘> tJuvrrn
tiirnt a» a pretext for declaring war
Then rame a *«*rle« <»f bl»«My **r »ggl«*«,
m»»* coalition after another tamg form
c»i by (treat Hritaln an»l «»'tier |*ow» r»
again*! France and the revohislnn. a*
t'liil km I!»-<I In Nnp4»|»-g»n. V\ hen IL«* In«'
century came '«» a r|o»e I' eintal with
the brilliant vh twry of Na|»ol«*<»n at Ma
(«• I*** ne.d a 1- »•
whb h wn* only ai.
ariiMMt truce, but which mtabllfthcd the
(tower of Frame ami the Fir»' ’«»n*wl.
The «lawn of the nineteenth cenuiry
wl'nrwAu«! a ruiiewal of the »'rtigHl**.
then came the rtuplra and tta won.h r
ful «♦•rir* of Victories that enabled Na
|N»lcun t«> enter a» a mnqiit*r»*r Into
every capital on the «'»»ntlnent The mi
Hon* fought deeperately, but fate nnd
Nn(*«»|u«>n w»*rv ngnl'j»! them.
tbe campaign again«! I<u««kt «ame th»
change. Na|»ul<*vn «aw th» i*. wha* Eng
laud now seen» that «HM»n»*r or la ter a
great war iuu*t ruinv ladw«*wn It t«*ln
and the m*t of Europe«
n* he M»y« hi hl» iio'inulr», to under!ak«
that war hlnuwlf rather than in her«
it to hl< »m ’■•***»*r lie wa* wu « * MMful
ngnin«' th»* ttu««inn». but tint ngn‘i*«»i
the climate. an»l the terrible |» mi «*** m . i
wmltrnol France that three year*
Inter mmblnrd Europe prevail«’«!. In
1R15 came a |w»ace, th«* fir»t «utatanHal
¡»mrr Karope had known for twenty
five year*.
Cl \RKi: A co.
Do Not Be Deceived.
D-> n >t entlang*, th- life of »our ihihl by accepting a cheap «uta'itute
whnh w in- druggist may offrr v>u (bccau n he make, a h ♦ m »rr |«nnioi
Oft it , tiie ingmlicnu of which rrrtt he do«-» not know.
“The Kind You Havo Always Bought • 0
Insist on Having
The Kind That Never Failed You.
Î Ft f’!.:* ; !:?!!! !: t ! MX
"A f»rte<t Ivy, ol rile MrV«»t »r«rr »I ,n.«ll«,<» I« ».■■(.<t.r. “
Walter Baker & Co.’s
Absolutely Pur r
D. I<< tous
Costs Less thou One Cent a Cup.
z » i i i H i i i i i LE.ELŒEEEEEETE*
eeje/^JF " e //ee/r
fs’ utl Vte te
fc w
• • • Portland, Oregon • • •
, ,Mf » Q F 4 I
I YOv«* (•<»• »*•
I a
•* ’*
] J *•• -e» ran.
i »
* Il te tl .
1» te» •
ft««* Ik« •«« e«M »g«.
L«*»» «*•( »*4 »«• •• v» k
*•*( y
Jut k«**n'« tadomltahle Mill.
* auataca* loucATioN save
Home very g**»d «t»»ri«**». i»»»t rrv«*tit|y
In print. If ever, were l«n»uglit out at
•«•veral of the eel«*bratluti« on the Rih
of January, Among tb«w 1« tbl« one.
•hawing thr Indomitable will of An
drew Ja< k»on Jnat after hl« death n
• àtei them a* hradquarlrri I carty bf lar tha
whig friend of hl« met an old famlh largaat aaaorimeal -»• iha^’ta«* H»i •
«ervant ami tagan «»king Ulin a few • to toftt I« a»way« iba etoap«*i «e-r d ha rat
quratfema ataut hl« late nm«ter. “I n
»! and JM Fron* m Pocher 4 «W
y«»u tliluk/* be «ahi. “that thr General MteteteWtetetetetetetear ******* * ** * ^
••fiMlLOttlll THTMIttC.0
ha* gone to h«*atetiF* wI>i“ed. I dnnnu
«¿kb; «lat JI«’ depen’a/*
•’¡►r|»eii<l» nn I » . .» ‘.Mw g 'm* • «« ■ a ,.s‘r» •s»r-a W-4
(• (
rms. t» ♦* to»t».ftte. 1e*><7 8»» <••• B|
whatT” **Jle* de^n «, «ah. <»n rf d« I tfto
I« U«1
Glu al wanted to go, «ah. er nut/* «ahi
the (»Id darky, with «Upreine ronfidrm-u
U* *«*•■ G^nergL “*•* »•** <««»•«••»> »» go.
* ti h. he am dab. «bo*, an ef be didn't
t ■«« -'A - f • i ta
r ain't, «ah.
DRUNK. . . . . . . .
Inc *••
it« tainted.
• work« th« Hull to * 4*|»ih of S o
no Flow (‘root
1». -•
I ■ !.» 4 r< toftlown lhofr.tif hly
eov«»re4 «Uh light. !<»*•*• «oil.
» rorv farmer that ha* used it KltoM-
MFxnii It.
n*w»r«l A ertet* tnf <*r«g«»^. W te*hing-
bui * Isas«».
4 «