• • • I <<. *4 SCIO, LINN COUNTY , OREOUN, FRIDAY. Ijist Saturday evening Iha l ast bound O. 14. A N train wa« In Id up by two men, within firn mile» of the limits of the city of l*<»rtland. At the command of the rotila-r» the engineer and fireman, «-v-lng that a «hoi gun and Wlnchrou.r rifle were pointed at them, dismount««! from the engine and were tskoh ahead a tew yanls, when- they wore rellov- cd of their wnl. hea and al»»ul fl">. In money. At«>ut this tim<< one of libo braaemen went ahead to m«* what was the mailer ami quickly taking In the situation, o|a-ned fire ti|«n th«- robt-.-r» from beneath the mall car. Neverthel«-«» tho robtw-r« -arre armisi as above indicate«), they retreated to tin. I r i-h after firing a number of ah'4«. Tho brakeman ¿ot nt, rd tin «-ngtne an i I»« ked tn>' train up and away from Iha dan r..u< i-'lnt. Afti-r lhe onglmwr md fi-emin h id la-en rotJ««l they were |M-rmlttod to return to the train. Efforts to cu pt uro the robber» «re la-lug made by the |«>li.-o and [ I’lnl < rton det«« lives, which result- t rd in ttielr rapture on tho following 'day. Thu railroad company »fferv«J a reward ef Ì2-JL each for the arrest of the robta-rs. would permit themselves tn tawsaua charges up»n socii-ty when mlsfor- tune overtakes tacm or when old age And« them unprepared la earn a suptnrt by their labor. To the person« for whom the po» tai savings i«nk Is Intended tho rate of Interest paid nn deposits Is of minor Importance. What such per sin« want above everything else Is absolute ■<« urlly ag-«ln«l lose. TkRY w.nt to eliminate from life the dan­ ger that In their declining years they may find themselves wllbuui the moan» of sustaining existence. Coi.gross should establish a ») «tern nf tnl ravings tank« for the |>ro pl«- of tho t'nlted Ntatcs w it huui further unnecessary delny.- Ctil -ng. | Itecord. 1*97. O< lUBEK .QVuT t.> a gold standard) «nd 1*7?, whin you changeeraonal IK'IO, l.l%» <«»., OBBOOW. property. ÎUIWI t In the matter of theeatat« of 1). J. ar Rfififitn, I u U-' ji ) afvar * |1 Mlishati, final account filed. |t«MMW«th®. •• •* Per aniM.tw if n«»' |« -1 I« ®*1vanto. • In the matter of th« estate of AlwrrtUt i< mk« a « ntra,tß ha John Nelson, final account net for Mai l mo*itMy. a«fraritar*»■' »**• moat ria naW (<»r hearing < tetober V, 1*97. vhe-r »»-••■« i» < »«nidi t h»' ir Vi »oft >«m. Ill Utv oiatu-r Of the w»Ut£ of (’. <>- Pattun, filial r-seipt of M.iggie Put- %NTRÎ> «BVKHAI. FAtTHItl MKM «»M ton. *.«y to brh gJB(< k the price, and In the lustier id the «state ni d • *». r w « hly gm P, . >< ALiDICTORY. ÍN:it»G*ir t Urhrvnv«* Kn«!ta >*atton and KMtttñn ■rJÎMvMr»'«*»'': at a »''*•! nt* ve.'jxr Tl.w -o' J. < Is of Great lV*lain, have died other minors, annual accoonl of ai. Ü4« 4 hka<<>. By virtue of ,n exe ultori ami 11 After having conducted the pub t starvation «inee When, ami quite guardian. Petition of guardian for nrder of sale duly i—m-d oui nf the virvuit court <«f thi- alate of Oregon, llcatlon of the Sa to I’l'.M- for more I half those death ’hsve tieen due order authorising »||ow»n«'«' fur »up WANTED AN IDEAT .-“X^ for the .«’in.ly of I.inn to me doly it. re to a famine <>lmoney Ilian to* port of minor». thin >•■»<•« years, we with this 1» thins U< iwiantl Pc >»l r-iolx. (us, ua», dim lid dillvrnd atol d.itid lhe In estato of E It < heedle, return brio« n— wsstth Writs JOHN WMllOKIl sue will bld our patrons adieu so f»' ABOUT PORTAL SAVINGS BANKS famine of bread. * I iih d.iy nf Augu«l A D 1W7, In a Hl* KN A l V».. Cslssl AUurw-rs, W'MW.nslsc. Assuming that the Government < f of «at» of roal pro»» rly and |wlltioo U ( th. »up.-rinten«i»nt Great Britain take«*t>->ut the poai i-in. erned. We sh ill at one- en­ tion waa plaintiff, anil <« W Ander­ lion outlined above. „then the next O'loticr term. of th«> money order system of lhe gage In the ncws|m|»-r work In Al son and i A Anderson his wife question wil! be, «•^'liit will Ger­ In estate of D Houck, first ac general'Mmloffice nt Washington Is were def. nd.inls, |n which ss Id »ult batty. While we have In a m<-«» evidence which will convince the many do?" That 1*9 more difficult Count approved. Re|«irt of sale ol the said Van S uvver A Co Plaint Iff uro la-en successful In the conduct l'hyeit-ian and Surgwn recovered a Ju.lgment aualnst GW m.—t «krpti.-.d Ilia I tliero exist-, ••«• matter to predict, for Just now Ger­ perromd property confirmed. of III • I’ll» ««, wo feel and have felt A líder-».o pn the 19th day of June Estate and guardianship of Mer­ Scio. Or«for. (•ecinlly in tho west, n demand for many Is In Im.I humor with Great A D IW ft.r th«< sum of fau7.il all the time I bat there was hardly a a government institution where the Britain; and of course hates every iting minors, bond fil<«t of ffiHW and Bi’sldcnce opposite the planing mtfis. with Internat thrrro«. a» the rate iff auflktlent, advertising patronage In Bui bone In th« t«a!y of France. approved and A. Gilkey, John Office next door to drug store; hours I m tier cent per annum from date saving« of th. p<-"|>lv mny lx- .1, |»>-- of said judgment ami for the further Sum to Justify the publication of »• Germany ha» become a great com- Smith and Wm. Kay aptMiinted ap Heit. 9 to 12 A. M and 3 tn S 1*. M. »um of 27Ó.IJO a» ntlorniiya fees ami g.uai a new«|M|H*r a» we desired to Th- monr-c-orjer system wns <— merclal nation, and she 1» na anxi- p raiser». f<>r the c<—ts and dfsbursbment« of Grrrt Britain kcf|»s a watchful mt4f»he«l for lhe mn.mm-.l >ilim of|o«« ns nny other power not to have publish. For this reason alone, u. In the matter of the estate of Mar ltd- «nit i nod at f (»>; ordering, eve oil her Ixisinvaa interests, a* llic |H-o|ile—ttin«e who ilu not enjoy j to deal with constantly fluctuating tin Cummin*, the sixth and seventh uljudgii g and decreeing llial the have decided Io make the ch in/. well ns her p i'ltical relatione. Two •sink rti-counts nnd cennot forwntd ex.-bsnge». Moreover, real pru|»*rty dewrih«-«) In |>lalntlffs we think comblmsl re;-ort of the guirdian, Nevertheless we bava bad a vrrj inortgiigeandcumpl.ini to wit: veer» ■ go, f-sxretary < hauiberlain that Russia will not only at once n< Berry Cummin«, uu- filed, showing lilM'ml p.itron ige from S io Irtislu. *• iddi-■••• -I a «1 r> ulnr letter Io the col money by i-hecks. While the ot> I have a atuek “t book«tnre iu»»l« lari ciurula-r Ime H) In Block eept lite programme, but wiii use total »mount ri < <1 v««l to l»< *2-111 ti*», Jo- t of the sy-tem w •« purely to fn- tu ebne nul al once TO RI I A 11. nuuils-r Tweoly Six (2i>> In Wheel- men, th< re arc too few husim «« oi> l< «. .< I, I ng ntr iUt I he displ o emen! villt tie the transaction of buslne-«» her good offices w ith Germany, (»f total expenditiir- « $.(!« 21), leavings DEA 1.Elis nr l-uyers f>>r sclmr.l li­ .-r- addition In the tow r of Acto, in houses to furnl-h the amount of nd of Prlil li good« t-y foreign ware». I.Inn county Oregon .is <1. -.glinted fit. by offering st n sm.ill coat the medi­ course our own gold proas will join Imiance on hue I of brarie», etc. I think i can ni»kr Verllsl.ig that un deem necessary I Flu r-plie«, which have Ju«l been F.slale of Bnlif >rd t >■ bran, pell I prices that will Interval you. The In the original plat of -ala town as um for transmitting money, ex|x-r- tli-it of England and try to cry the i» i f r«-curd in -aid I.Inn county, pul*'l- In bu- • ml appurtctism e» thereunto be­ not Infrequently u-»l to guard the their shout. But if Rial ugreement Commissions to appraisers t«»ued to I but must I k * c I immh I out st once. longing, nr In any » imi ap|a*rtain- Incas men we de-irn to <-xpr>->« or British iiinnuf u-turer.s arc sill! |-al- * i ' i <_■«■■ f IL -’.,?!■■ ■ r :! ■! .> ! t 1.11, is made snot tier factor w ill turn« In. Charles E. :uith, II. M. Roliart» W. it. Bt.vix. Ing; la. «old to satisfy said judg thank« f-r th. It'»-rd p.tr-....< . roriixid for the test d i-.s of goods, ••rtsy reach of tsink«, or four to trust Whe.it advanced In v.iluo very and J. N. Hex ton. (He put-» the prices down.) meat and decree; with toe exception of machinery they h«v< given u-. u.d Iru-t tl «• tbelr hunt-earned dollar« In the swiftly under the bulling of the Estate and guardainship of Er in I licrefure notice la hereby given Xesr G|w>ra House, Al niv, or. and certain kind« of t<«>l«, which are -jieculiitors, after lhe first of June that l.y virlm. of said execution 1 cis N. Alien and Alma L. Aller, keeping of Irnnks. Money orders they feel well rep 1897, al the hour wliat will come to silver within a bond tiled und approved. have a few dollars to lay nway. Wo dealt* also, tn »ay to the poo important s-n. ugh to entourage ■done o ' c I ih -K i- Mot ««Id day, at week after that agreement shall the front door of the court plo of St Io and vicinity, that there American eff rt» for the extension This 1» made evident by the iqiera i. jy,. been msde. With th** advance I. ...... . , .... . ., ,,f ^||„ny I j.,_, "My boy came home from «eh|>le, of trade, espr-elslly since the te«li ? ' I ’ I - ilo .it money order void when not pre­ In silver, price» will advance all one less that the «liver cr.ue period It can only tai renewed by not affect the price of silver bullion Idilli», Mo. "I drc-nsl the wound, M-rila'il to • atisfy Mild judgment nod ly every one of your home» <>ur Im« been pronounced dead by (hat the superintendent of the system In will be refuted in a way to leave and »pplled <'b «mite risi n's I’aln HCIO, OREGON. ! all co»!» nnd charges of making ' them speechless, and in u uiood to Balm freely. All pain censed, »nd < wn a« well, a ml the tender »ympa- paper many lime» during the pit \\ iishlngtofi, and the number of such sale dnt. .1 this 14tb day of August A I) IW7. thy and help extended nt »u.h year, the silver cause is very much cme» where money order» have been w ish fur that pigment which it is in a remarkably short time it healed Having Mt up a shop In tho atmve M. <-. G ais »> leaving a »car. Fur line are prep*re«l to do fir-t-clm» llmv«, hns gone (ar toward» nllevi.it alive and will continue to lai a lend­ retained for one, two, three and ev said the French have discovered without Sheriff of Linn county Oregon. and which renders the gunboat wounds, «prillo», swelling« nnd work on «hort notice. Give thme a ing the virrowi of the la-re ived ing factor In |«>litlcn for yearn to on more years is surprising. The painted with it invlsatile to the rest rheumatism I know of no medicine trial. Charge« reasonable. one«. Certainly there will always come, Indeed the Oregonian pre records «how I tint In most Instnnce» of lhe fleet. It will mean that the or prencriptiou equal to It. 1 coi . lie a verv warm «pot in our heart <> di< ts that I he neat congress w ill 1« where money order» are not present­ Governments of civilir.ation have «ider it a household necessity. for silver in both branches and will ed within the prescribed (•erbst the it virtu« < r an « i» i» i bm 'I ontor M ••»>, for the people of fv-in. order Ma« purchased by the payee determinqff that the creditor class The 2-> and M cent «Iles for sale I |»isa a free coinage of »liver act; but I«» .«-«I out of Ihr .». • (‘mhran, Vinarie® ment. »« we believed to be for the silver cause Is Increasing and tllHt has become void a duplicate is Issu­ without reward the working force« Wheat 71 rts. por bu. »i >i an, and I attm t <* hnunt. bU vite, We also announce that we carry Gala, 2« ’’ benefit of the grcntMt number. it is no longer a corpse. ed, upon application, by the super­ of this old world. The situation Is » I on undertaking and keep In a stock > i urhmn and Mahaia t anfur*! < richran Iwmwol and It. R « * lion. T. T. Geer la tielng widely ■duplicates are replaced by warrants about to I** done.—Salt la«ke Tri- Middlings |fi every American hctifl -that of guaranteed. li t! ¡ h f -I *« I Hulnluf ■ itof nt fhe » Ma»« of hu nc. <'hop, lib per ton. thinking and «ding as we personal­ advertised because of his refusal to iip.n a fund created by uncalled for H arry s . J oiirstom , A Co. inf -cl í «wlitttf», tlnv kwkl, wert» «I« h ttdai.!«} 1 ’ otaliH's. 'hets per sack, which ban accumulated ly deemed proper and right, we accept a Federal office he did not money Props. In wltkh *»‘"l «ail lite «aid oliv« Trtuplalan los. Egg», 13c. per THE INDIAN REBELLION. .»« |. alnl'ff t»« • » «* k i a judguirut fh® Buttfl,creamery 2ft: ranelle 12 p ff have been witling to concvde that want and for which place he bad co- I since the system has la-en in opera­ tion. Ilundri'ds of cases could tie ■Mtd K K Tt tuph-tmi, a» adrolnlairutor of Ham«, 12c per lb. dors««l a friend. It is such au un ­ nine right to others, nor did we lite «Maloof NtMloid ««-liian, <|«at the rut«* fur tilling so, t'ollsequeutly Wo office a» the register of the land of­ the money-order »>stem for a sav 'nnd the English Indian Govern- Chickens, 3 00 per dos of law jwr ?ih have ever pteaerved the columns of fice at < iregon City to go a begging, Ings bunk, among the most striking ment indicate that, instead of that - HOUSTON BUILDING «lay •»( Mani» Iwd anti the furlbrr aum of the l*Ht.-vt, fret- from personal »1 u»e Unit M r. Geer bis st tract cd the at­ tielng the e.tse of a miner nt la-iol rebelllnn being sutMtantlally cltoM-d ♦ »• ail«v»nr)a frr-w, au«l lhe futllirr SCIO,. ORECON, tention of the nation to Ills nmnly n nl vituperation. If we have sue «uni of • ’■ th«' »««are and dtohurwturnl» of ville, ('ol., who purchased nn order out nnd England victorious. It 1» Shaving, hairrutting, u«l <»rd® hia a*;,--» !<». gì »”-1 thxrvvuig c«»led lit <-st«l4lsliiiig in lhe tnlnds cour-e. We predict that he will f >r tu’.L'oii, payable to himself, and I every where widening and broaden- • hat thv rna; p»v«|w • ly th «uri I «ml In plahilllTa »hiitn pooitig proIn pt I v of all, that we weio controlled tn yet Ire ap|xilnted collector of cus­ permilted the money to remain on “'id the end is not yet. The u««>rt|;wxe ®nd teuoplahd Io •» tl. I»<>1 it!<-•>i matter» as well as liusiiiess. tom» al Portland, the office to which deposit for five years. For the mike possibilities of a great war of which executed. nuuilirr four * Hi •*»• »!«*♦» Iwritfjr ulna of tho swurity affordi«! hy depict­ Ifiis rebellion rmiy be the Incipient by a spirit of falrnc»« and con»erva- bo impirsrd. Shaving on Sunday» and Ui I *»**hlp nu*utar h»utft«-ft |4- ing th. money with the govern sparks uro very grave. If the •«.fUlh Han*«, oto- I Wrw* « f U m - WlHaHMfllr 4 tlvi-nv»«, our work among ><>u has Holliday«, 15 cent*. The new compulsory-education ment he was not only willing to I’rtnce of Afghanistan should de- Meridian, in I.Inn r«»«inty orvyrtn, r» main* re ad « MAwaa. not been in vain, ami you will par' Ing *'Mht aiwl -»a 1«*» * a« ri *, l>e »oM In I law which recently went Into ef forego the Interest which he would I .lire for a Holy War, raise the w ooFtaiCMta don Us if wo derm the ever Increas­ «aliai) «nid )udgi«i«-nl dr« ire and tout» feel in Indiaua has alicady added have ris-elved had the money been «land ird of Islamism, and with the InfMMMifii »üificti and d«orri|< -a ®w • • ttk« U heirby «tlvrn Iloti I will between -0,0U0 and Kl.tWU pupils Io | placed In n savings t»oik or other J mom! sup|«>rl which »uch a course prv<>aLly patsM.taDia < « n>uii»i. i--af • • g ¡«"'tr *»i on* •»’» h* |* M of *al«1 1‘aianta takan tbf ugh Miudt 1 < v raoatv® All ol the »utwcrlptiona to the ' caused t-rlsk activity In building mission demanded by the govern­ sult might tie that England would tie a) at I be h«»nt «!«»•»< »»f the aonvt houm*. in SciiilTIFIO AMERICAN, I’ll»«, with few exceptions, will be m I ioo II iuum «. it is plain, from till« ment fur issuing the order. ! tim « tty «»I Ahauiy I.inn count) •)»««<»«, driven from India, and her benvfi «>Ükii h»r *a)< »I ptthll« am Ihtit fu th<- high» faamtfail» tU*>wi fi®c l< .-nal, •»-*>' y tarn.« 1'4 araan rat hid’lrr for ca-»h Io hand, auhjrri tn re* liVrtl montUa. 4>artka»a«> ;•< » a ’ H n -w pnpet al Albany, tho uuexplr- redeemed fro tn Illiteracy children letu as a »uVltigs hank 1» ri-eorted to »tie tins adopted in India may be drill pit«*»» a«* vr'lhig to law, I he* na! prvfirrty lkA’< O» PATt Y« »«Mit ftaa. Ad-Uvna ’ rite l-'a«ti-*t and Mobt Styl ­ |>i «miti «««der and d»*« tea ®n«.| hrrrin »a f«>i® MUNN A CO., e I subscriptions of course will lie muri be scut to school, r< gar .flew« of as frequently today as at any time brought to a sudden »tatidstill. ish Kig» kept by any stable d’ * r|lxr*l to w»ii*f) mid judgment and the 3« 1 UtosdNS». Msw Vsfk. the protest of Ignorant parents, bn» In the |nst. The mall» bring to the England, as a <*hri«t>anlx«r, has In filled from that office. ah«.l «ha ifea oí ti taking »'M h «*le in tne county can be found <«)• In quitting businesa in Hcio, we do rd upon the vaunted fact that they postotfice department dally numer­ the language of a .New York ward l fhl» l*th »I») of AttguM A I» !>/? theiUM-lve» have "got along with­ ous void orders to lie reiiew««l, anil politician, "Methods peculiar to (here. Social attention given M.C ««AIN»® so with regrets, for we have ever rlw’tiiT uf l.inn ronnty, VrqguM out schooling. ” to boarding horeea. Stock lhe officials who have the rem'w»l herteit.” Her tract» dblrllHited found Ncio business men honorable of the orders In charge understand among the people of India have icoral and acalea connected nnd upright In tlieir dealings with 5uklrr lor |»44 t» cm i!«»•«. SECURITY ANU CHANCE that the sy«tem 1s tielng us«*d In the been Ignorance, oppression and !.a ar owkhim Ufvv.o®., with the barn. Charge« rea­ us, and, we trust, our future t>ual-, Äugt»* M. UTT. place of savings ba-iks.- The Chics stsivnlloti superinduced by unjust sonable, < Til r D»IIEI«-«l M-tt)e*t bn» fl»e*«1 n<»flrw t»t |*er ht» and satisfactory. Of course wo de rainy day’’ Is the Instinct of »elf- «mlt««n lo iiMikei final l*ranf oí Iwr « Haliti, and ................. *" ■ " that she whip« the bock« of lier In­ tint! «vini JW««««» wHJ !■»• HM'lr iM-forv* »I m * rotinfk « re and ««.licit your |a«lronage to preservation »nd of clvillxatloo. It i » «.f I i»........t X , at \ i«n) , t»i on ia*f dian subjects as she does those In THE SILVER OUTLOOK. IW7. via our new Allmny pa|>er, In-lievlug has led to the development of life- Egypt for tl.e pur|MMe of making Mt* Artt la M Tilk’t : • Il » • f I I • • 4 X Í 1 . In 11. K’w * licit we can and will give you a far insurance cotupsnit's snd Imnks »nd | |Tn<' rage of tho gold pre" ov«-r the them work harder to raise the lax- » , an.; H H . S * . - « 1»), I. Il - . ■ g • II tn • tn better newapnper than we could «nvlugs Institutions of all »oris. It statement hy lhe Governor of the os, yet her nn-thials are e*|a«lly !••«♦»« hrr oititihiitm« tr».«tt »H«ujw.n gtnl er will lx- »;«*>*» H > A M i I.I.RM« llrgietrr» come from their wealth may ta< n» to carry In silver 90 per cent of the the outcome of this Indian rebellion. * liai ¡Hiblkatlirti An* fl. greatly Increased we feel confident certain and sc«-ure as possible. It Is reserve In th« great bank, is so fu­ Form«!/ NEW OCCASIONS. Hint we »hall merit your pa Iron age. 411 prepare «•tiinaten and Ihi i sumo instinct that lends cnretul rious that up tn date It his null tils estimateil that IM* head nf Th« Maat M Only We shall, probably, never again perrons of llmitrsl me.ins to turn to plana tor all cla*nea nf RcTara Maxazinc.. 1 One Dollar a Year grown cool enough to reason coher ■ '"-of cattle are used lor food In West l>ut0 caat® • aa«Mar carpentry, nt the lowest Washington »Very Week, desire In again express our heartfelt luteiy »life cu-t.«ll.iii for their smnll made, whom Inis It Is en made to? Must of these come from the East- OkXGON, pogmble living price». I • <* A l»s»Per, F.« Mrg s>e Hk. traaa Bi ¡1 I S|l K ni.lM K.) th.inks for your cordiality and sup savings. I Fraa® A < . Asiggasaa, l.-i W • . »aa.i Manifestly one particular man, nnd em piitl nf Or« gon and Washington No charge fur ftirniahing Ir. establishing postal savings aboRt the only man who would have and from Idaho and Montana. I hi tm® to frai’.^ adWMra' y th- taiFtortva •» |sirt w bile among you. Very truly 1« the place to go for firnt plana and t-atitnate* for RgWaaat W Maj. rH) ff«». ua, .Ft, »•««< Mwsa4raWa •/ «rwfara m ward a step In cl villas I Ion, Inasmuch namely, Mir Michael Hicks-Beach, many of these cattle are fisi on alfal­ T. U lit UGF.H. arm rveefasrlB ®e ^«r«a • ded to me. If von want ■is It Is giving to them nn additional the Chancellor of the Exchequer of fa that coat» from $.T to « I a ton. A or extract' ll without pain »«•< Frwab f*arv«Hl9 firat-claaa, reliable Work, ' »««uriety ngnlnst misfortune. A ilrfal Britain. What does that In nerf animal, property housed abd Hearg D t Ufd iMtlre at nr.n rock i-aiiKa, cull The simple fact that the announce person w ho puts his savings Into the dlcate? Evidently about this ans- fed, will, It Is estlmateil, gain 'Jisi » t »»rof F -■ eena H«n. »n f»«ir'an3 ment that the Bink of England p-.stoffice twnk will know that when wer to the reprosentatives of the i pound« In four month*. It will Jwttr». «aller t ia»b on, or write to Faffe-sr V Y uvm would convert twenty per cent of hardship and want overtake him, United States and Franco "We .command a price of jr par pound <»«•• If < l*t«sr week. Fuhacrih« for th* ' •»«» I» «!•«»» le,' 1U-«, • A rifili A'tnvt WltKAO't I» rt-nt.|*lini* RVtiMV TIU MPAT. »T DEXLEKS IN Wagons und W Wagon Material, Sheriff Sale 1 A. G. PKILL, CUT RATES Wagon Shop. BARNES & HUNKERS, Proprietors SHERIFF SJ1.E. H. L. SUMNER. TOXSORIAL ARTIST P atents | STRANEY & MITCHELL, l.ivi-n ami Fd SlaLvI ALBANY .0RN- •—'* -I'*. > -Î Í N I ' Senders . .... Barn . Cor.flfE’torttiMlli i. T. J. CLAXTON. CONTRACTOR lit BUILDEB SCIO, GUN .- *■ 1Í>Ú’. ■ aw ¡lie Albany Denial Parlors Scio. ' ' w»** ■ ■»< *U i / y»* t Livery, W i Sale Stake 1