• • ¿ itember io. tlie «civt-ce .>f II oil- Jj. I I.eV kn.»l •t »1 the whole l-usin«*«» D ON H irp tmrg.ln. cd. in tho II and ding to the dull ir-, and nr« Ì 111’ ItM'AT ni down *iiorw -cverely u|»>n some thin An crlcan, writes about heartless enough to p>b »nd tai 1 u , m » ii others, all will feel It» effect», lustrate I T. I.. Hl h ird times. He ' in (dFcfft, H at their neighbor«. They know Wh«! • T> «4T la mt « all w.ll ml»» lhe thoustirida of dollar* «octet? from the flr«t ba • o- cl I led kind of laws they want; law« th«' that would have ta*en |<>ned In i ir Bill». l.t\N <1 . <»J<« !«>twven adversity and |.ro»|erll>; will »well I heir proffl» end Intrveaa ruis» i culation. We, therefore, feci «-.try ,1 p' tee the ina«««-« at that the »even fat and »even lean their power and •I V that much d whit was furnishing liinr In I'haraoh*« dream were true their mercy «nd they ate ronstantU our rvpubikwn friand» final for symbol« with origin In actual events, on the tihikout for »Ucii legislatioa, «!< -to glory*, lias been taken «wav—ha« that “the alternation <>f g'«> l time» too often. In fact alttMMt alway s, be ft *• ¡«•v i deslruyitl, for Hie loss fall» R I I hard limca antedates the pyre- Ing al>lv to get It. Their wh lv.ry ii ■ « i- tl at tl>.« r>- van •«’ n • non ail ,e u|«>n populist and item sT.it», mido,” I lit*Il lit’ FVítXH» ns that the depres­ ¡>ros|a rlly until the financial »y« >» well a» u|>un republican» l>.iriog the la«t ii is du<- to want of thrift and too want it ravlscd v«j>wi.'lly In thel» mui h, exiravugaitcw when time» interest. In a way that will en»lava l*ro«¡H*rity, fhat li i« t»-cn ber.-Id > ney in Hie world to establi»li lair Pi . brìi.ih tur Ih<’ |M«t L W ; rice« f .rail products. All that was were good; that “by our extravn the ma«M>« and rend.r the big gant way wc honey emu b wh.it wi ¡amber» ¡»*r|w*iual king», while we *»y Uff ’UiíiüU*r% I*'*’» ! (Of luiklng w,i« •’Confidence.” Now liavw. By and by contbleiicv g. i» kt,ow Ihal It mu»! I e Ju«t the re fn.ru they tell n■ .that famine in other - l.r«»kvn up and the elm k .trike» for v«-r»v They *» >>- *•> •> ’r « «'tick* I ili-fi l'K’t’iil V , Vii lllitl ¡u twe •mid» 1» m-C*'.iry to make time« ' settfenienL" ill retired, g' Id oOfv :< c a legal y.ml* »ni r >u« with ii«, end that our We ct g.»»l price» Hie foregoing I» unworthy the acute turned ov« r to the hank«, while w. h«»M ul» »• w«*1 i‘Vf for their pnslui t* u,»>n Hd* I ms I s . mind of Hoti. Thom is B. Itccd. In want the government to l««uc all |t«*rl4?>i<,,i* I l»y ftvrrliiiul ■ I .»rncT«. thl» 1« Hit* future that the ! ; <. : i ! -t p I. - lb ■ ■ ,- *|-i< w !. . i. . i > ihe «l-iyib of thi» r • m I * i .d«rd offer» you. Iluw do -uff> red most ere the uic»t |-ru.ivnt il tender regardless of the material, ■ . 111 i « * > > i > ■ ■ and leave the banka no puu er al all. Mil Ufi’l« «¡fo u“ WFfo «jHtir«* the |>ro»pect? Nilver ad * - ■ - «>man In Allieti.a. Th-y hail n I'liey confidently i»»<-rl that the l»m* M*rity r< pu> vocales lalin that wtlo ilii' iti-mi'y tight fif'ccii year« ago to believe prt «.-nt administration Is plcdgt-d to hwthrrn ilsìi ••|»ru*|M»riiy un« llaatliHi >f «liver, the Volume of thn tliat with the advancing trade uuii their scheme and Hint it will lie tw” iind Bui •Mio h iw wr.rl>ut forthwith. The chnli »Hhl (»trìi’t khnlrr»l expre« ally double tlie price of your their properly would «I le -t hot I man. Banker Ixiwcry, went on to free » I wloofi. Ofr-mr*«’ t as mi a»nr<>d by the gold its ow ti; itisi if Hi liltiv farm it« tell u« how Providence is lamsplr- W** v<»r r< fulilitHB* '»i then it wouiil I m * worth Ing with the banker* to further ftitendlng iu w -triti * wi Ur« you a mudi «uryr basi» . that mu. il for uii I.me t > » inn; that their Utllioiy cause and riled the Ih«« vl«H«»r ** «lid our n«»l*y .ni i l ¡>r< p.rtty t?•« n than , the pi,ms they w. re to receive for I iin.pi an famlnennd Klondike gold can hrolhrr»; - hìì i til th< »(and -rd, w IH ii >dmita th. ir i>n«iui I» w.-u.d tmt, w i t Ii a ■U m iiv erle« .is evidence tbit Geel 1» wer» very tiiorh people. Ine in other lami* I* a re- »w Ifily iii. rcaslr ig ¡sipulallon, grow • >n their side to fool the vhlt “old lady’« quisltv.-.n Ition td pru,«|H-rlty with less; Hint they w < re sale, if tlial I lie ld»a that Gixl, « Ju t < tod Aould wa« their situali the r<*»ult take a hand In helping to rib ntid Tlicy Is Ilei««I ili «i u«? Iris tu i n Hint I ve worked .-n.»lavc tlie mi««.**. — Farmer’» Tri­ g io I i lo,.« in i r Let II« ho,st that till' pel ¡-to Will hard for fifteen for merely une, I >e« MllillL'S l->w a. I h.i%( c.iiintri' «, »lie u « « u learn tb.it it I« lo their Inter i iH.srd and ciotti their farm <••! tn V- tv In ti way that will give «nun to-day. i» Wurth but half A Rinker sauntering home for hi» pr->»," rity* to tin* in i«*<*« iif Hie pi-o Now wv are ti ! If »1 that lini wed 8t) t>'t dinner saw a tin bid lying on the pli- r it .-r than to Vote for II policy cent of the >i for t tv hop |o r |.ro|wrty . . il I ¡.»toile. <>f laiurse lie picked il Hint can at m ist give pr.i«perity to I Iley n d wo Would IviW Ii i- ha Vo not otily worked for up and took the iminlsT in order to e i fe w |x «»on», or that require» fam s 'I 1 vl«lt from lu-r la ¡nothing for I ♦ Ibid tlie owner. Wlille ut home, im-» tn otliar bind* Io make us pros «.¡i<«> whlch they might Imve realix • I, I m . ch tarrying In 111» wife remarked that the butcher ,H-rou«. rin* g >ld «t.md ird lias for .»1 tbcll In Ul ney, has nil, !>y some don't k t ow w livre had »ent in a tuli for meal amount il» ultimate object tho makiug of a proc«*.« incomprehensible to tiivm, ing to >10. The only money lie had Il irrisoti v.icate>l the few ,»».«pie fabulously rich und H.e »lipped away. Then when it come« with him w is the bill he had found, chair. va»! majority of humanity puuper*. to that thinff wh*ch la ■ conti which he gave to her and «he pulii Iion’t you aea my rcpulil lean Bltiivfi'lllsm will tend toward« n Interest- tin1 butcher. The butcher paid it to ‘lencc, mid which tlie rtty gen.>rd prosperity by lurni»hing br>itlii-r Hist your Impe of pr»*> gatherer» of the Ea«t and their de liie farmer for a calf and the farmi r ■ w 11 b II «»..nt if : McKinley employment fur all at fairly rvnum graded ¡-re«» del Igiit to hurl atü«, paid it to the mercliini, who In adniinUtiwtl'in, w «» l> ci ging u|ion a erative w age» I lie farmer and tue w imt i« il, and wh.it is nn-nt w hen turn paid It Io the wnaherwt mini, very frali basi»? Ihei’t you think chante us well :,« the laiuker. It Ì» it 1« u-ed? If a money-lender In itid »he, owing Hie Rinker a note of that if <«ur pro-perlty ilepchd* upon reniurknbly strange Hud farmer* ftfi«Ct says; “I loaned you $l<«l or $10, went to the bunker und pidd and mia lianie» tain In* «o liood w tnk crop failures in other food prodm ing -Ilion tive year« ago. but I cannot tier note, The bunker recognised will vote directly countries, tlial It rc«t» entirely u|»»n cd that they now. If eontidetico 1» restored I the bill as tlie one he had found, an scildi-nl.il foundation ami which against their own intervals und to may aeeoiuiiimlati* you »lx motitim ami which up to that time lind »et coullnue |HT|H-tunlly tile bird time« hence,** what doe« tie mean? Not tied $',0 of debt. on n more cureful Is n >t tenable upon which to build of the ,Ki«t live year«. that lie thought tlie mall W’as I iouch I exiiiiiin.ition lie found the bill wan |i >;.< « of a permanent prmqa-rlty? live years ago, or liiiglit la‘ again counterfeit. Now w ill some of < ur Yvt this 1«. so says the Oregonian, England lias ,x>«tal savings Rinks holiest »lx month» hence; business tlnimci il firielids tell im w lint had t'leotdy gi -lot Itiat givc* th«‘ as do nearly all other European is not a» a rule carried on that way. la-eti lost in this transaction and by Am rl> in farmer « xiwetntlon of counirh « Yet none nf these pater­ What he mean. 1« that five your* whom, if any.—Albia Union (rep). r< ii»ona’>|y proflbilde price* for nal guvi riiiio i 1« tax tin Ir citizen» ago tlie m.in’s property was »util The arguments indulged so freely grain to « xfiori. «o heavily a* the Unite 1 St lies. We elent security fir the debt; that if by lhe limi narrati! to the effect that A« a matter of f u t tlie pro»|>erity li«wt»t of having ii free country anil a priciM cease to fall and begin to nothing wIII perform the functioi » of '»'.«7, that gold »tandird adminls- free |s Opli-; i country governed by L-liuib up again, lie limy think It of money that has not gold for a I si trail.-n to w «p q-i-rs Imve ranted so iccurily for another loan, al» him been lost. Was timi counter the ¡as l ie, yet we pay higher tMX<*5 gooil loudly about, is purely an nccldcut, in tlie aggregate than any other That I» >dl, and the tendency' has feit $10 note “sound muniy ati'l would have existed no matter been down mid down for fifteen it contain intrinsic value country' Oil (lltf face of the w ...... wç have been elected i years. Wo do Hot lii.t hesitate to »ay amount of lisi cents? Would It any higher globe; telegraphic rates that this is not due to the extrava­ more satisfactorily have etTeçlcd ih-rt, nor winch party had been in higl icr freights and far**s on I. the I gance of the citizen but Io some fat­ those bxchangi s had it lieen gold i-r |siw I r. railroads than any other great al defect in tlie fiscal policy of Hie l«isi d on gold tInin II >t why not? Mi Kinley'» election eh*clion I* I» |K>lltlcal taink vault, at the end of four year», price for our boiwled Ireedom? dem g-.guery of the vilest - State I reasurer M.-t-chun poses a» measured by any pnqiorty on earth, lion. A lini III could, with Ju«t ill latitar Hofer, of the i apltnl Jour* h i» gained * |i»i In purchasing |»>w a candidate fur g-iv-rnor next year. much fairneaa, hi’ »et up by - pnpu- If he expect» to succeed III being nal, Ims evidently touched Ilin as er, it 1» Idle to taunt a nation wltti elected, it would la> a good ¡dan fur list» mid ilvmocnit» that the adiuln I «isti nt »talc treasurer In a very ten­ it» extravagance. No tlirift, no in­ ¡»tratlon i« rvs|H>nsit>le tor the ile der s|H>t, when he will resort to per­ dustry can compete against mndl- him Io publish a statement now and •triiclloli of the hop crop by vermin, sonal violence to cork the aforesaid lion» of that kind. Tlie mission of then ns to w liat lie 1« doing with Ho* or tor the weeks rain in harvest Hofer up. Well, Hofer I« not one a Republic like ours 1« lint ¡Mtlernal. stide'i. money. People are getting soinewli.it curi >11« atsiiit the matter. lime Huit lias Injuri-d • > much w lie.it of the klud that la easily corked, It« duty Is ¡n-rf.irtne.l whim il clear» Especially, W lu-n he know» Hint lie the obstructions from the ¡nth of oats and 11 ix. GREAT TIME FOR THE FAF ZE the citizen and give» him full »wing i ouie to think of it, the cl- rk of is on track of a rare bit of rotteli- to Use tils brains and hi» Ihinds mid ness thnl it is bls duty tu unearth tlie wi-atliir i» »Imply r>-«orting Till« ha» been it marvelous monili Until we can make such pap »u< k to '*urn »ueli reward u» they may Io tlie tactic» of the trusta. In cur h>r the farmers. tiring to him. But our Government er. a« Frank lliHlgkiii let go the tailing the amount of grnin by di Farmer Joseph Leiter haa ■mule for four anil twenty y- .tr» Im» de­ state teat. We call Hol expect WUHi* t $.'>i»i,uoo. »troy Ing a part of It, that price» for lighted in nothing so much, appar ­ my and fair dealing atmut the I stale Farmer t'liarie» I'lllstiury the t>alance miglit tie higher, Ail ently, hs In piling obstruction» In house. made $«*>< h >, imhi . can see Hie evil effect» of the Injury the path of production. Alt buslni-»» Farmer William T. linker linn to hops and grain w illiin the past men, as a rule, are In debt. By the Kiy, you |nsq>le In Kuletn, ha» made ; /“,<•' *. few weeks. Tlie harvest Hint op*n- Frank Hodgkin ever undertaken to law of Hid the Governiu. nt virtual Farmer l>. R. I .inch ha» illude ly douMed every debt i.i the land i I with bright anllcl|>ntioh» of engagé in miy private businem en $f)UO,OOn. <>ur farmer» la dug able to get ahead terprloc for thè Im-t Iwenty y ear»? by making It payable lu dollars that Farmer Geo. B French ha« made never ii a«ed to appreciate until, .»omewliet thiougli harvesting good No far a» we kllow he Ini» t»«-li a con­ flfHO.tinA, when measuri d by the product» crops mid m irkvting tlie same at tinuai ptrasite alsiut Ilio »tate F irmer J. Pierpont Morgan ha» which men have with which to buy fair price», will close w Illi a dlsap I ioumi ilurhig thè enti re ¡a'riod. i«»». dollar», every one rvpre-i nted iwo made poliitmciit of hopes that will make Perii.ip» thu state W iul|>«, and trnllon, wo can noi ktiow to wlml over of the property of the Nation It 5i7o> Tio Oroupy Callaran but very few time conqili-ted I heir to the creditor cla»«, and this | i M> ex tent | m '< ul itlon aii*l corru|dlon ex* clear that it 1» not strange tn read hirvest. Our hop men have Ju»l |s(s atsiut thè «tate liou«e. Ni wit w, V v.—We have a splen. that 2&,IXM) human vamplrei huw .commenced picking mid under lUOSl did sale on Chimbvrlsin’« t ough own half the property of lhe Uultid favoritile condition» will not pick The gold crowd, finding It u a* Ntates. N-lt laike Tribune. Remedy, and our custoinrr» coming in ire than II df Hielr yards, anu»lng unlveraal Indignation t*. from far and near, «peak of It In the what hops they do save will Iw mn-o it Irid forced President Au­ higlie»t term«. Many have add ord el-is». While the Ut>( tv ..rabli- drew*, of Brown university, to re The big l«mkcr'« powwow at De that their children would h ive died weather may have not affvchsl all sign IstnuM’ of hl. adherence lo l>l trolt last week whs the occasion for • >f croup if t ìiamls'rl iln’s Cough parts of Hie valley to the extent iiivt.illlsin, ha. concluded timi It Is the largest latch nf ¡xillHcal rot the Remedy harn given. K m . that It has the Fork«, It has no doubt ti.it policy Io show Its hind with country ha» been surfi-ltcf trustees aecomp inied by an advantage of the unju*t law« to rob nnthri ito-d 1« sprouting, rendering Ing the «tate, we offer for 'tile our »(•••logy that is equivalent to saying the masses and accumulate money It unmarketable. Therefore, It mny they did not know th« gun was that they arv the only men who are home piece, known hs the Morrl«>n t»> iruilifiilty sii.l, witli reference to loaded. j enpitdeof managing the nation’s place, Including stock and all house- Mrs. Little tee. fhl« locality, the clerk of the weath- finances. The fact of the matter Is hold furniture. ir nipp I tlit* ¡.r■••periti - him- Patronite your home paper. It not one In twenty know the first ele­ Good green Rio coffee. B lit«, for I fairly in Hic u i lia- «-. to «¡>i ik work* for your interval». ment» of political economy nor of »LOT ut Hiblir’,. rtss ■.« !" i + »• • a .* » I. • •*» w F ' ’M rii? -.« H T.1. , .♦ - X ^IGOLTRA X RUMBAUGH t» DE \I.ERs agricultural implements ' and machinery , Why not attend the slits when you can buy a ticket fol fare, r.iund trip from any pm the Hunt hern PmlSc, line» In gon. I//7 'ormirk lù u/^rs mu! .Muu The Oregon state fair and Indu*- Agent for tbe John l^eere Moli trial r eposition w .11 |>r<-«vlil unu-u- ally ffne exhibit*and attract loll» in «and EÜ'Wiirtb Street#, * • A addition io the n numi r>>u» Hack feature*, and I cx. itlug running ra i «, with I lei Not rte to lower til» r> void trim, FArrnr i V» % i \'.v Arming. - >d for it j> :>ur««> of • tn 11 .nents are ls>i II g made for the Intro* » 1 Hel« T Xal luction of many MW attraction» Io H H interest and ptaoae all w ho attend. Visitor« may prepare tolsj royally ça* (hint entt-rtaliosl. v fare for the round WANTED AN IDEA" Uoa« tc |Ml«ul r Pna«« I »our - ttwi omo I. <1 d> trit», and popular mlmis-to.. nf •ol >< rau «T allh, Wroa Joh.S WKptlKtl I .i id I* * CO . I ■ l - r , 'S -J, >a>ti fa. V. CL, <*>r u»«ir Ila»»* me. «»it«-». J Vai w << rr.oxi.TS C.VT.T. a> >1 u dii Sale of prrqa-rty in estate of Thu '(organ, confirmed. IB itili x Flmd account approved in v tut« 5:10, Or: \ I» I I >f A l> Knox I’eii'.ioti of J N Hoffman and wir Hì for ail.q iloti of Uphemia Ihdry m pii-, granted. N.. 11, • • • ., f • 11. r 1111. 11 • I ’ i ‘ i’o . Ili il Barbara \\ idm< r had I» vii di» charged from Iw iwiluui as cured w as filed. In e«tiile <>t l' i,« A Slever, 'i mln Bl or, M Slwer u.is appointed admití i«traft>r, Bond, • tun. « iti III »Ml* In estate of Beier Maurer, Thr Nndtli wa* a|-;-i ln!e.| ndiulni i Uty. Busies. Wagons Wagon Material, und t *v ’ w V «.i & X • CUT RAÆS of I’ ’ ! -1, . I ! I.. i b i . appi ante I udmlnlatrutor ti. Appraisers n|>|Hiiiit Joh .1 Be ird, Num I lay Moist. I n ventor li«i at: real iy •'2ór Mile of per- sonai property ■ r.iperty til -d, and exempt property Is- s<>t nside for widow. Final accounting in estate of Fort miller A Irving was sei for Oct. Ó. In petition to «ell real property ot estati» of l.ulu Westfall, a minor, cl (S’Hith <»f lirhlgt’.) tatlo.n ordered Issued for Nept II. S< hi, (HCI ,G< »X. In estate of S M Mclmne, f>etltioii for « >le of rea' ¡¡r.iperty tiled and el I Living •*’’• i>i> t *hop hi tb«» a I mivi * t .it Ion I ■ -in <1 I etiirii d.'i- < let I licit* ii n* to do flr**ti - .Notice n-eeived flom Superiti Ai.rk »h -sh irt 'ioti. • .• i.|\t tliiiif tondent I'uyiic that Joeephitm Aim trill. Char**»”< r«*i Mitin bit*. FiivFenger hail died on Aug In estate of It N Hardman, lion tor allowance Io widow granfe I. rently purctiHM-d a steam Final account tll<«l In estate of I) engine and is now ready to fnriii>h .1 Stnihn. ill kinds of building material nt Upon examination. Mitrili Pre« ley, was adjudged not Insane ami reasonable ¡>rh •*« and on «hort notier We liso announce that w«» carry was ordered discharged. >n under!.iking and keep in e stock full line of < ii'kets, etc. d u "fk GOOD SALARIES) guaranteed. LIFE POSITIONS Il A UH V N. JoHNHTit!«, A IN UNCLÍ MB S StHSiCl wagon Shop PlWtan BARNES & MUNKERS, I ! M » i «regon. >7/ Á7.7 /• 7-- x//. /:. «•¡e, »tntr »n>t t tn wa* *i I’. .it SUMNER TONSURI AL ARTIST Hol >IOX Bl ILbiMi- OREGON. •'('!(», 50 VIAU' KXPCRI5NGC. 'having, huircuttin. proiiiptl It a hi pot >it ' TCAOC MANK» CKBICMS, COPVRICHT» A Anv.-n# aendirMl a q«.« »fr woesrrtarin, p«l«> tBt»i« h ati.1 d- «. r’ff ■ nii «beiUf •»» ( ■'»r.fl.u’H'«»: .« a »Of f OTRANEY & MITCHELL, An»«>fi<-< We b«v«i • W«*htr»dt •’« ■ t*»t«nu t«kt*n tbr-iuatb Mui.u A < u i •pex-tai lM>Gc» lu ttiff 1» SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN ALBANY .ORN- >5 V> I* ATM MUNN A CO 3»H Ifrwad*»«}, !uw VrrSi« CR STARVE THAT IS THE ALTERNATIVE. . • > «I -Onur. t . . -, Tlu- Faattht amt M<>»t Stvl- h Higa kept by any | in tne county cun be llierv. Social attention given |to boaniing honte#. Stock coral anl tkr*!« r M»»il dea »«W» Mn«l bcrvlM Iwfsifc ii*«| |»> ml taf) a«*it| )u o.t, plains for all claaacH ;i inn M^aziac-. \ One D-llar a Year la IM« WorU. carpentry,at the low»-t • m. o. ri* I fmfi. I • Ti«« f* U m i fi'«MMriM • o ■ «■ • *f r IbMooefr » I bottoni pfmNiblo living price«. No charge for furniahing |ilatii am! eatiniate# for contract» that are awar- «K!» H’>‘ K Pitt«'»», cull oil, or write to T. J. Claxton, lo -a II. MONTANYE à t mnii V Ckirfcs II. ïerr ¿ Com i. ñu» «.o» Si Io. Orem. *> BUILDER, ml of tn m IIiri$f «tM'li ■*»!«. >>( %A I» l*<ï y* ’ ; *» ■ T. J. GLflXTON MITRACTOR í »( • if MUt oí 1|> IO, **, Iritf • it IH *h«| i t K« rr Alfw*rt ‘anlt.ttli, «il ICffW 1»1 •*|r«t Itef ALS-urr, C.-.ZOOÎT |ilsli K m.'S K.I I- 1 Io* ¡iliti'e to go fol' firet- cla « ilctlt i «t TV. Teeth titilli or extraeteil without pnin. Livfi’y. Fml Æ Salt Slain1 A M, Shi'lton, I’roprietor Scie OreffOll. G cmm I ut rru*hfu«l»hk nit**1 lini* to Munkrr**. ( ommer* ri.il niel» «‘«»riv«»y« <1 to mi »«| from ml point*. ÌM».ir