• I LAND FOR SALE Lmz C zzzvt - 1 extravaginre etc cminatlng from thrne who Jealrs-d to rob the county It 1« • little out ut the ordinary treasury sud were preveoled from , A. J Joliusni has t<<**n quite I for th«- •ubrni»«!'»» of uu annual Ml doUlg. JI'LY j thk ibis wi . . I. Because it utr.rd* almost In­ Gt.otmg D. B a BT o . x . J. Kn>x Haight, of Albany wa* •l «»I the di*bur*«-ment of ciMiuty fund», i«,ie* Haying is on the tapi* a. Iteeau««' it is the only remedy The right price. i from th-» several week» visit to p*ld out for county expense» for the Bob Hlinw »urprisssl hl* many that will cure chronic diarrhoea. N >('hiin «c labor cfupltycd A dollar glove that 4. Becaure it 1« the only remedy­ fMst year, and Inasmuch a» we stat­ friends by dlwippvanng from hi* great for wear, a seven Miunesola on Tuewtay. All Home (‘ooking. t) cenl glove, and better Mr. N«lson frame and family, of in! In tho last canvas* that In our ■ tore one da,, «nd going uff on a Ill <1 will prevent tilllou» cu.lc. I he l.tl,le “Mppllt-I «Ith the be*t giovi... IltM-ause It Is the only remedy near Hhedd», Were visiting rein «'pinion. If the MtDU rigid reooomy jauni to Ixfuyette. The attractor w is the market» afford. IW*f wld i urc rpiilvmtcwl dysentery. •h ai.< w.is pnictici-d by official* <*»n«lucting a Mi*» Molloy whom he made Mrs. and Mouswltn de Holr — ' | Ilves in Ihi« vicinity, Inst week. Mart ear line run» direct to the larven ier. Blue, Pink. Ih-cause it Is the only remedy himse. a rvh« Mis.se» Slav anjolllu Morris a d the couuty business, a* Indlvldu iis Hhiw. Bob and hi. acvutnpli»lo d lilt Ì ««Wie ( ream. Yellow* lll«’k are f.irvci in them- time« to practice 'laud M)er» are attending the un nil »I TOc per yard. wife have the tw-st ui-hes u( i«>l li: ALBANY, OR, in conduct of their own private af­ (>ur »lock I» large—our nunl teacher» liistitutc in Albany fair», quite a »avlng could lie made, thia vicinity. •tory I* »hort. A g«a»l I hl» wack. Mr. and Mr*. John Mhaw are d« e and luxe* m«l~ri»lly n-duevd. 'Im- of Black < liantilla. Mr. Ham W-wrell anil »liter 5>i' gates from here to the cbri.ti in Cream arnl " hit«- Milk In Justification id that opinion, Isis-» -I low |irlces; Val­ Anna rude over on their bike« from and a» a rwlemption of the pnmil«e Enilenvor Convention at H«n Flan- et ich lines, barrow «Mge« Albany last week and were vlalllug < 1 rs -., Mr. and Mr* Mhaw take a le and up; Heavy cotton friends In this locality for a few If elected county Judge, to make an effort In the direction uf «uch econ decided Intereat in the welfare of lace* -oliattic »>r trim day». GIBUI a HOWARD. Prep's tiling wn*h gmxls. o-ny, we t»-g to »ubmil for y«-ur this community. If all mill ou ru rs H. D. Austin and family return«! consideration the following table ol l< «MrtMsraf Ftr*l *ri«| Waehlhgtnn Mrrrt»,» were to llkew I m -there would lie OCR Al’I’Elin FOR <»RDERM Io their home in ftalem Tuesday »f ! <-x|«-n»** a* taken fr>Hn the uflklal ▲UXART, OliZGCR. is ENIIRMOI’H. lee* rcckh'senre* nmoung Ihuwe In Headquarter« for com men lai trav» ter a few weeks v|»lt with friend* I record* their empt-iy». f . r|. rv Moloc care pass th«, hotel for in tills city Ml* Flo Smith »ccom With no spirit of crlticlam of all r.ilirmid d<-|M,| « und Gol tra Park, Mi*. Effie Flew irt Is ,*>-t nl»lri-s» panted them. Fr-*v Im* to and from the house former i*d(iiliii*tr»tlor»s, on th«- o»n- md W. II- Psrffb igent In Mil, City Agent for Bull*rh k patten* I’. .M. Smith, of Lebanon, ex- ilrary the lax payer»«»! Linn county S at « Tear Grain Send for Melrpolltan. county awu-asor of this county, lie» can congratulate themselves of hav­ Effie is a student In the buslnts«. de­ dangerously III nt M» home in ing had their county l>u«ltie»s cco-■ partment of the MtaUville collrge. I I Few realise that each squirrel de* tz-tmnon. From report there is no tiotnicsiily conduced for y«sir* past; ' Gates, MUI City, Mlntn and l.yotta , j hope w lisle ver of hi« recovery, and liut In order to ;diow that even more furnished a C’oxwy army on Bryan stroya f I’«' worth of grain annuiliy Wnkeh >'s bqillrrel and Gopher l.v hi-may have, ere this numts-r of 1 rigid eciwiorny ha« ia-eri prat U< ed day at ladwnon. terminator is tire most effective ,i.d OREGON llo- I' rkm reaches it* readers, p»*s ! tlie past year, w«- submit fur mm j The base bail game on the fourth e< ofioom .d |a>i a>n known. Price re­ e l to the Great Beyond. I’lill ha« ptrl»>>ti a tal'h of esfa-ii«« * for tin- July, between the boy* on one duced to to i ent* v'or nab- by J. M. Morris A Co. Agt. ho«t- pf «rienda in this vicinity as ¡twelve moiitlis (tiding Juno 30th, -ide and the married men on the well ns all other portions of Linn ■ l«’.Mi, and for the twelve montluend- -ither side resulted In favor of the Z.r.»Uon Sr»«4»r«- county who de< ply regret to know mg June IWth. IW7; the first column Imy» by a scoro of 82 Io 3. A. I- that his Illness will probably „nd covering the period from July I, Farmer» who Intend to breed up ; Geddes l' and I«ee Stewart T » for the All the summer lots gn unrfci the W itli Ills death. 1 -:G to June 30. 1<*6 and the second for ndlk -Is-k w<.u! < lark» “ winner by many men posted in the to S9t li and n person from Astoria, who 1« ••Alwunl" Is tho word when y ru On last Friday afternoon, the K|H*iitf, • /n J,-r*y breed. He is from Imported ltM» 31 Compare the price* with tho inirl i- (x optes |sirty central coni III It tee (net Yrra^utcf, *• |*1 Ml iff' gathering bulb» »nd toots to send to I**’ 1« Itreor-trt, •• stock and 1« a magnificent animal. sic worth of the giaxl«. Conn- and a* per call of Chxirman Hill, at the Iter m Europe, will make a l>m V»7 M thircllixena are tonhlng forward 2«U»iu»nt Txx Pxron Tat: Hotte». M (’• »FOMCr, •• The commit!«*- was called to order 3.4Q 4A >ck* 14 am! 1««« '<> the enenmpment at Mcliama with k'end . I ’('Ht'iM'k A < » ». by Chairman Hill and T I I *ugg'-r A<* t 3M '•» Com w»t«M«,iirni >» ill 31 ¡dessant anticipation*. prolem. UHirUt Attorney« »■»« elected *ccr«‘tary 7iw <9 IX» M and jail The bridge at Gates Is comp) -ted. Chairman Hill then read a report liiwt laaiDt brlHMr”» MM ift K»'l Ml 1 ALBANY, OREGON of tho receipts nnd <11st >u ramen ts »KO 70 Il will furnl-h a fine picture for an j ite «t¥ nw»'1 MijaHVtom» lui to MT 1" VIra injr.aarveyin# nia .irtUt. it Is situated over a narrow •. reishmibln rate* and liti our prie«-» on Job printing Milla will all start «uon. The Nice, nobby, new giaal« arriving source« aomelliing over M7 Mi • mm Ip tXMintjr from ¥ m ,i » , x. » < (. r ‘ stage line to Muuhcrs'. < ommcr- All 4L Istv. lit , 1’itc t < It f cl. 1 t In 11 M H dally al H M. Danini's Cail and see had paid out, for canqsiign expo'i*«-» Ktart ton* Dingly tariff bill carries a duty m elal men convey«*! to and from all « lidtU*«Off Uarkrt Bajort. H«) oo Iks uu for printing »ml speaker* something thetr. ¡„lints, hor.es laianh-d by the day lumber coming from Canada. I bls Wu> Ul oTStlUSS m M' Ila* lo over Il'Ki, the deficit having been U ta latforv uninil jury A.«-« mu or w .. . U» *» Is no Joke. A?IL Prill. A M . M. D., physici- I4M » Wheat 57 tf«. per bu. - “ petit “ Mw»rtc* . - W ' p ; kit It 30 •• io» aft IJM rniA Thu Exodt* Io Eastern Oregon an and -urgeon. Call* promptly nt IM io port accepted. in «0 Anrt l fury Hour >3 , continues. r«r*t Tutu l r* tended. tn I |< mm W» •' fn « a » 11 »M» Bran A resolution Intnsluced by 11. C. »•IH 1 *A> I'.l ltd. 61 Thu City council of < hicago Im* Middlings 15 Nlc* fri »h egg-, brought to the N' d condemning »11 efforts nt fusion I’Whin . . I! WUNMAMHI ( 'hop, >1'» per ton. creamery In first-clans condition, will In th< future, by which the princi- The above comparison reveal* the |*» m M an ordinance abolishing the AL3AHT, OREGON, Kt »unii Trip<*«*«Mt ftir »*• «la,* |I7 Potatoes. 7Uct« per «ack. t- CstCK hl.‘s K.) lie ¡mid for with cash. I «» » fcM I*«»» , • >t ph-» of the ¡w-opli-s |*irly would tie , fact lliat thu current expense« I, (s carrying of nrm's except by the State I • e> Eggs, 12c. per Io/.. - MMWMM • « But let ,creamery !■>: ranch« 12 > f.. 1* the place to go for first- Agent Walden, of Albany, was siu-rific««l, was unumnously adopted. ' liceti I1U.-M6.42 l.t->*H than th»> pre-[ rulliti* and regular soldier* Next fl« linrittolf liny gli4 IlMt UrftM -I. iililn.h' • • Hams, He |H-r lb. ooking after excursion mat lor» in per ordlnury cltixcus will not I« The matter wa> then taken up, of vious year, a net saving of nearly 25 i Shoulder», tie per lb. class dentistry. Teeth till*«! his city on Weilnesilay of last the charge» of irregular’tles nnd i per cent. mitted to carry n shot gun. Then Bacon, 6c per lb or extracted without pain. we will be Europoanizod ; well What I Tho tax rail» of lt«5 discloses the wrong made b.v the Albany Bell week. Ijird, 7c per lb I <>rxa>ii«, iht'Mttfft vIlboGt '«v tArf Chickens, 3 60 per do« against county i-fllcer* A commit- fuel that the sheriff directed to col ­ are you going to do about It? The Colon (Fraternal) picnic on i H miiv . « a. mi . Tu<*'a)», Thtinria *ntt>r«my h-nve» l‘--HIstn l. ïntohiB «» the 3l«t Inst proml*«'» to be a «uccc-s tee of tbrvo was appointed to wait lect front the tax payers of Linn i *uMtla) w. W (liti Gassai; I w«l Hf’la) «. ComyliaunUrr ful atralr. Heverel good prixe* for on tie rk M ontngue ami Invite him [county the sum of $I35,686,5«I; In, K4* •• Mon». /.( Vit r>. Manager *»»i| RH Conte*!» are offered. to l>c pre-ent and bring the ne «•*• the present, or roll of I»!*!, he ha. n ' AND------- warrant for collecting only 5IO5,8«7.- '•The Scio Pres« this week began H. <’. Browne. M. D. I’bysldan A «»ry county t**>ks that the ci>mmlt- I have a stock of bookstore goods 14, In other word» the tax payers of j its ninth volume. It is a clean, fair Nurgcon. Call* answered town an«! tee might make sucli Investigation» to close out at once T<> RETAIL this county are asked to pay III),- paper, a credit to Selo as well as it* country, day or night. Office in resi­ iisw-m deemed ni-ee.sary, Iteputy (Mouth side of bridge.) 83.‘«,36 lem .* of taxes this year than editor Hnd proprietor. Albany Dem- DEALERS or buyers for schl li­ clerk II. B. Montague, gave a very dence next door lo m < to I'nc-* of­ M K>. ulti OOM. braries, etc. I think I can make ocraL satisfactory explanation of the the previous year. fice Melo Orc,. prices that will Interest you. The Thanks. lira Nutting, for your The n«se*»ed valuation of the Mountain parties arc now la-lng method of county l«>ok keeping Having set up a shop In the ataiv«- good opinion, (io xl words from the goods are of the very finest quality, made up nnd In a short time several showing the numbt'r of chocks In county lor 1*W> was |7,H80,V85 for line nre prepared to do flr-t-cla-» best local paper In Albany, which but must ba eloaed out nt once. the system to prevent mistake* or l*.»t> J.7,oOl,f)2/i. Total tax levy IO ’ ,, [ of out cltlxena will I m - rusticating nt work on short notice. Give thme ■ W. R. IB.sis. trial. I'barges rewaoiinble. the various sumi’-- r resort* recuper friud. Mr. Finch of the Bell was 15 mill«, for HIM',, 13 mill, henca rarely Indulges In paying Idle com (He puts the prices dow n. ) Uien Invited to make a statement of even with »37V,tMiO !.»>» valuation pliincnts ure valuable and duely ip at Ing their wastiai energies. Near Opera House, Albany, Or. hl* charges of wrong doing on the we have I h - cu enabled to reduce the predated. Dr. J I'. Wallace came o'er on ¡««rt of our county officers, which tax levy 2 mills. r Tui-sday afternoons O. I*, tral.i and A PitiMct Affair lie priH<-cdi*l t«> do. After be hid The present levy for nil county •»nrth. 1 went out w Illi !>r. Prill to visit Will made his statement of charges it 1 hill 1 pur|N»«e» Is only 3.20-3O mills, by far- •' M. Ur. il • ¥ M. On last Friday evening Grand r : Mouth. Their patient Is getting a.— quite pl.ilo to every committee­ Has recently purcha-«-d a «telili M 1 the low,-«!, to our knowledge. In the ( linneellor Commander Turner oli A l«ny I» • ■’ A. M, ' ’ •) . \ M 4 *4ii )‘ran«-MM*> 1 v 1 M - along fir»t clans, *» they report. man that If lie ■ Finch) had any case state of Oregm , and Linn county 1« engine and I» now ready to furnish ver, of the gr.ind domain of Oregon, Ttw*apMWMfraina «Giftai «Il t-rsrrn all kinds uf building material nt An excellent base-ball ground h I is it ;dl, lie h el stated it very lodiffer entirely free from any debt and Mat Ion K»r!t*ri»l annt In exemplify lug and number of match games will I I m - exonoration w.i* given the county to Hie county assessor does an In- drilling the Knights In the unwrit­ on undertaking and keep In stock a i-h Rig* kept by any Mabie |t«»a* bnr* ’•«•tl |» P M Ratup, Barton and t*t«*en then flee began January 1*1 18**7, He ha* Chancellor Oliver 1« a very genial 1» R«»w» ittg 1 r M I.t I ' A « Il AKKV N. Jolt Na I os, A Co. w III I m - in Melo on July 16, Io remain to boarding horses. Stock gentleman and Is enthusiastic ami tendered their resignation«, which only been In office six month». We Piops. fvr ten days practicing his prof«»» well paded In Pythlanlsm. At the coral and scales connected l*aiiy ♦•»»«•!>’ ’iiiuw) nre »atl-fiisi from the l,ii»ine«a-llke' hour of midnight the lo lgo adjourn­ »ion,—dentistry. The doctor makes w ere accept«*!. At‘«a wy with the barn. Charges rea­ • (A4 > A.4. t I.v Ar 1 1 A new chairman nnd executive met In *1* adopted by Mr. Stafford M. 1 a *|ieeialty of the tmlnless extraction 4r I.« '«»im l.v a •. ed to a-»embte around an elegant < dH VPl'V Albany sonable. « I® I’.Mi j M ar j committee were then selected a» anil the aMe, energetic, careful and r. a. I J l.v I .*.¥ r.m. 1 of teeth. lx A 1 h . lunch at the Selo Hotel. The lunch, follow: Chairman E C. Neal; com pilnstaking work he 1« doing, the E M. Waite, probably the oldest or more properly speaking, •’feast,” M <*«>«H»nr»» *(*• Ing>»• Id1 Mm h« mltteomen, J. J. Btaird, of Tangent; tux roll for I8W6 will t« the m<«*t and lied known hrlnter In < >reg<>n, deserves especl.d mention, for It re­ Iteli) *un«la>J Doug Wade, of Orleana; II. It. complete and accurate of any roll1 died In Salem on Tuesday, Ho w»a flected credit upon thecullinary skill Sn p«!fi « . Lt. W tMwIbnr n M. Ar l.v II * ».Die Mprengi-r, of Mudds «nd A. K. M.*- ever made for Linn county, and t¥ p.iu. l.v .. W«*»t Mrto heading n parade going to attend a of Mr«. Morrow as was evldem-ed 5* pin. Ar hottvn.,,. .1 » ;<* D«»i. Tluoald, of Brownsville. Adjourned that too. Judging from bill« allow<*l So Envelops, Whlto Wove, Exira Im setm 11 game, when he fell com by the way the hungry Knlghls di* up Io date, al a ccait not exce«*dlng iswed of the good thing*. Taken all Thick, only Scent* I’hysician and Surgeon pie|e|y overcome with fatigue and Orals ani Graia 3am;at Tu'.d 72 Sheets Paper, 72 E u V v I o | m , only »2,500 •» compared with F!,*78 for together tho «veiling wa* a very .0 cent* bent. He died Ju a few- minutes in 3:19, Orsgon. PaUttaa Suffit ale«;«-« i the botched and inaccurate roll of Good quality Glass Pitcher, hold­ consequence. Any one who I* growing any ex­ | ins, and ditto >3,tM tor I8t»i. On enjoyalile on«- tc. the K. of P. boy«. —• 4 . Itesldence oppoalto the (il inirig mill«. half gallon, uuly 16 -< tor - st lg stock Il.u X tile <»i H> remedy had failed, then wo tri«*! growers name and naldenco there* Final account In estate of Samuel of t "rockery and Glaeswase, Book*, BLACKBURN A SOMERS. frain from again calling our p«*»- Chamberlain's Colic, ('holers ho Increase tho last property *»« ordered «et aside for r ■ <• » VrMlntllir ell Vo a tn Î Mr. J. H. Peery for a number of the specimen to R. Shelton, of thia year over the previous year, and widow. I im i rofinrsi ’ on it ^nFrfih. Iw«. w|f!t A> IIW |H-a< hc» of the early Crawford vari­ city, who In connection with J. & the County Court is ats-oluteiy help* arvoRwitw ai i.Aw, In estate of John Morgan, real ’»dr» tal and otlrntMl and f*a< d ■ Mall •a»frtn |»>lhl. and F >i. from 9 Io It inehe- In circumference. •onfirmed. rect the evil. » •••te ai *«» '•!■*«» I htna ll«»’u»inla »nd <«»«* Dlrtcun XmUt teak» I These are a* fine p«-ach«-s a* we rw in. I* nntahir • frnm Vt». M. F.. W« m >|- In estate of Jal, George, (lam »nd Have the legislature aholi-b the ttnn»e* 11« krt B*«nt.. M rat «r In have seen In any country nnd evl H. Ik» » Ml »». M*> a«rr At a Ixxird of director* meeting on system, compal the County Judge la-na Drinkard, minors, allowance and pla<*M| In goral order prompt)*, lb F «««4»M. A I'M*’ Agrnt.Forl donees tho fact th.it Oregon can t,y A, W. IIAGEY. Price» In aecor and.«»I. July 3, of the Bank of Neto, J. W. on present salary Io conduct all granted for their education. grow »» Ci* pv-ichc.. ax st'.y other - k > tn estate of Alfred Butt«, report ot dance with the time*. Shop nt the ertminal „»smhiatlons. als.ilsh tt.e locality. ' ersi n* director» to *ucce«*l P. <>.. office of District Attorney, and elect *••• of |'*,roonal preperty filed and poatofflee, Melo, Oregon. < >ur old friend T. J. Buford nnd Smith and J. M. Morris; they having a County Attorney, wipe out the approved. II In estate of tzirenso Hssbrouck re­ 1 Fl \\ . I*. King, of ttalem, mmf up on dlnpored of their stuck. J. W. ¡M-rnlciou» fees, and give him a »al­ Monday. Mr. King I* intr sluclng Galnea was elect«*! vice president to ary. thereby removing the incentl- port of sale of property filed. Con- for all kintlfi uf hi. Minlth; C. V. Johnson 1 live to prosecute frivolous case«, in I. V. k^n if, F 7eJ lb t*» pelt a. i-beapne-s and «unplicity «uri«i«-< * was elreted cashier. Io aucceed W. order to make a fre or satisfy some Hrv Barber BBep. It alao has a full rtock any thing we haw m-«-n. Mr. Ilti A. Ewing, who resigned on *<*eount complainant* personal spite. 8CIO, OREGON font, while not > uck I ng the republi­ of having engaged In other Itunlne»». I irst-cla*- accommodation«. Table« If. L Sumner has lensed the old tn conclusion 1 submit the almve of Harner» anti Ladigo supplirli with the bent the can tent al the present time, | Lible of figure* and statement of Houston store building and will open All kinds of fresh meat« constant ­ A 5 per cent dividend on the stock market afford leather which hang« onto the g o p , i -,n facts, ns my an.iwer to the untruth­ a barber shop In a portion thereof. ly on hand and will be sold nt the was declared. I..* ul»*< rii* for Ihr I na-«. luu* aud puaillaiimwui charge* uf neat and cuts iuta! I ou.* «hop, fvr sale nt bed reck price». fut «’a»n or fude« Traveler* >rio i’rr$5 ?o —• T*x Fxytri 0< CURL Pripricle St. cbaritis 1IOTF.I S E. YOÜNG. & SON. Al.llAM OKN July Clearnce Sale of Men's Summer Goods. Scio, Oiffcff, Oregon Central & Eastern Livery, leeil A S'ile Stabe. CUT RATES ü llowslioeiiii! Wagon Shop. BARNES i hunkers , Un' Scili I’lmiiiii Hills. Il K ( *o YAQU1NA BAY ROUTE- EASTnntl SOUTH Proprietors STRANEY & MITCHELL Livery and Feed St; ALBANY ,0RN- idiiuarlersfi Iflif Seeders Barn Car. oi Ells worth & 6111 s. ALBANY'S GREATEST STORE. V a A. (Ì. PRILL, Albany'! Cheapest Store. WEAEÎHERFORD * WYATT REPAIRED THE HIGHEST CASH PRICE CITY MEAT L W. RICHARDSON, Proprietor. Scio Holci SCIO, >*« OK...«