Scio weekly press. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 18??-1897, July 16, 1897, Image 3

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    Montana faltad by a few votes tri pas.
direct legi.latlon iaw. hot in b*-th
ut tbese ss well ss aererai ut ber States
Ibe la.Uè la «MUUilng sucto propulsivo»
that thè prople w III al oo d.laut day
dv-maud ut tbelr legislatura itila righi
It la Ibr fi rat foundattam principie uf
a gurernmeui by tbe propia, and wber-
ever agitate«! li la buuud lo wla.
t<h iMtl
••t» kur«>»r,
I* Ilt»te(t4rf *
fu«hiH( Noptoi»* a < »u
•f tr»4»
Outftidr of »um» htllr mantpulat i » m *
M July option*, market« wrrr «lull »ml
fairly »tr^ly lot werk, spring wheat
ft»* t
4«*ttMN8. to*
* la
in Ib» Northw«wt i» abuv» Ihr «»rr^gr.
both *• Io quality and acreage man-
J rrtv»«lp
ihr Wl.ule *<»UllkWr»l fr«»m K s UMU* l’ltj
(fiaonl H m I|» I •
tu <ialvratnfi It frrltng rlatrd «»Vrr ihr
W n.t OrgsaiaaGoa l>*4.
issi tire Brilph parliament
Hrpublhan OuwoHrr» prvtrad to har*
Nowhere arv- the is-vwflta ut unJoo
m»p »kf winter wheat. Ti*r Kah**i
vute-l «.. 11,000.000 f-r new war-
<n*«t faith that the hlnglry tariti bill lalmr mure aptsxresu tlwiu in the Uks-
har»! wheat i» of a fine quality. Tria*
I* Attractln« Altrwtinm-
will prvi* m puteot power lu t»riu<la< t«»cy of urganixtd labor la Muim-wpuda.
baa a big crop.
Hruflii*«’t*t lu fgtor <>f dirvs t Irgiala
pn*«|N«rit/ to till» «xiuniry
Ibe cwrpcutvgw. after tbe dtw
pnartor Taylor, the well-known mil-
fluii fin« luillntlrr aud rvfvrvf>du!U i»
With a uait« <IUrr<ard fur th* vrganlMimu of the old unkm. foil back
Irr of Quincy. III. , and m«-mt*r of the
•ivadlljr galniug grauud, »mi a* thr t«a<‘hiug< «»f biatury tb*y arw con- to 1ft «vaia aa hour uu the average,
Rv* i »< W
k r<
«• ite
tte WS*»! VArrotola a«t4 Chh ago board of trade, haa just re­
•• ritvllRM
salvai A.
lr*4* Mai». turned
tubjrsl I* givru Uiorr tliougbtful <-uU
to r ulula tin* tb«m»Mrl«r» that pr»«}wr* f'bey now, umh-r the now urgwulsatlon,
*1 from a trip to Oklahoma,
Oklahoma. where
•hlrrutiuo tt ha* murr drvutrd adbvr Ifjr !• waiting *Ju»t aroutxl thr rur* have lis» «v>ntrwdurw 1» knag tbelr «te­ I n* ñafias**! FUctotif, ai My*«»»» Ma***« k«a«u, he ba. l«een to ace for himself almul
t nt<
u«*r.” »n<J w hro the tartlT bill lw*'oa*r» mami tur 3i cento an buur. Thia gate «•• IM «'¿U
» ’ m I dcc Ì *' MIX Uba av A* rosi A.- the likrhbmsl of getting a quantity of
8t> ] k<r« «HW bear Ite soft real wheal for his «till, The remili
Tbr 4|Uf*iloti La* Iwru »ubmitird tu a law th»« la to I will flow with milk of io cents an m-ur fmr *uo union car- Ib* M*8 (tei h»*
H FI.I.I v IIKÌ l »
tbr «olir» lo Houli* Makoia a» a ¡uru- »n«l b«»ury Th<-y rv»fuM* to Intra tifi!» patotera at Utos hours a day imstna »•>
of hl is inquirir« and observait.*«>• on the
¡Muird t'oliai It ut lunaI amrmlmrnt aud thr frur •■ »»*•*'• <>f bus!nr*« il«*pri*48«lc>n, «-•«uta a day per man. or IIÏHuuu for »*«?? wrapper TsHai»ite<M <taal riTt MRS** spot waa, tn his opinitm. that trklaho-
C VaTtMIt A * whvrfll toaa tor»*
la ite htome*
«III t* |»*i**4'd un at tbr rlr**tk»u tirit • t»«l f«M»ll»bly brltrtr that by contract
the Tisi, working 3W days a year. The wf ite 0fo.4l»*r* of Amatira f e o*»r tlurtp »rara. ma would raise between
II applh * tu uiuut» ¡saliti«*«, a» in< lb«* c«m*ncy amt mlarfftni Iba gato la me altogutber tut the »..rknx« t>««A i attiufly »I Ito» w»**«f«r a»4 arw ttoat II *» •nd » bushels of excellent
urli a* Blair, and |>rut Idra that ft prt Intra tbry mn art thr wbrrh* of In eitler, tbe standard uf skill la rwlaasl •A# àia»/
to»* »te quality wheat unlem his Inl .rmatmn is
rrnt. uf i I m * votrr» may involte thr lu «luatry In mot km.
II’ *“W a
am! each workman la more aroblttooa, •»»«•tar» of e HAS II FLkTv MMk •«* tte largely astray on » reage.
|>ri u» <lau< r a moment over th* hopeful and energetic and worth mure. • » *|*p*r N>» »«•« toa* «ut'«*« * y fraga n*» V» un» field threshed that vhd.hsl 41 bushels t«1
Illative of a mraaun* <»r drtuaud tbal a
law br rvfrrrwd to tbr |w*«»|»lr.
I•»<<’« of rwrnt hiatnry ami *rr what
Tbe plaaterors. after tbelr unluu «»j> «**«»« «•■ *$4 Tte C«*»<»at * -"ipany ai * huS llo- »-re, ami return, of 3& ait I M
bushels were quite frequent.
Ills ob-
Tbr l**g;*laturr of Xrlaraika |* a * m <*I IroaoCi tnrjr have In ttwoii Itnulairrrt went to |'l«sv*a, got tmly 81 T6 to f'J per 1. te* K H'<<»ter I» MvafoPat.
Mms f»
aAMVto. rtrtitK*. m u •er vat mu w as confine*! to tbe lineof the
A law ratahlialiiug thr »>«!rtli In vltlr» git»-* fact* atiil figur«** which *I m » w day.
But slm-e tbelr nrorganlaalkto.
Banta Fe Railroml, an he .aid only Ihn
<*s»m*«*ritlug n hi» b tbr f»»B<»wiug |«artIr­ that thr drrlinr of valura In th!» conn- one ywat ago. they lui ve brought tbelr
t « Mg IM w I mm «» TwlwFls»M|HC
idar* appar lu a fwrrul ronwaputid try !• <x>insddri>t with thr <lr<’llne uf l«ay bai'k to 83 for eight hours.
in at* I ut» rt>
ty n*»l treat farmers—tlwee having threshing
own — bad yet
fa«-« lilies of
rM'r <*f tbr Nrw Y«»rk Kun Thr tiit n» •llrrf.
htoj’p^neti to tnr^t « ln*«in«w
The idumtwvrw. who are «me ot the l<u><
Whm thr M< Kiniry tariff went Into imwt thoroughly organised trad«w u> m^iatotn!an«« in a p»*h|*€ »talUm « h* threshed their wheat, but withal he
t*rr la »tirat ilog wh|r*pr«‘ii»l uulivr
came to the ahuve Oom-ltUllon a. to the
**The tight tu prtigMHM* orvl haih »’« f«»r rtfart In
thr dretltte In vaiur« had the city, g..i 8.1 30 fur right bout».
for a M>-niinnt« onnvrnta
ih«* g«»t »«riimrut uf aiij ritj or muuk t
M*t In. Tb«* tariff waa high, the high
Tbe Monrouttece. with a (borough I kaii «nd »tniling
Th* mw» total yield.
Th** Minneapolis Market Record ««I
tmbdt* tekHi L* vrMrd Ih thr v<Hrr» r*t rrrr mndr np to that d.*f* !>M ’t «•rgawlMtlon, g-« SO «-rnta an hour for char»?’«
«f» n
**»••*! th*
Tire prospect for Wheat
of tbr city a» urli a» tbr Mayur and alup tbr •Irs-llnr II* prfc'rat Wbrn thr an eight hour <!ay; »I imvss . to tlhl-
i n * a * n». • I v
r+mgrli that June 'J* aavs
tbr <*4»umd|. Thr wtflM ‘«»rdlnnm'r* I* McKinley I»* waa ¡»»»»oxi |tmd*trrrt*« • ago. at '«tw time, when the union therv a trip to ('hioAffo had Nw*n
and In the Northwrst is not imjialred Unr-
Ing the past wwk. The growth la very
tlrfln<*»l a« Itirltidlng al«u all unlrr» rr ln<llcath*n nf value» waa ¡14.171. In went to pi «ses. wagea fell to fl SO
’I’ hk ) ma<h* on thr
which hiwl joul
ituhr*. agr«***ut< ut*. cotitraK« and anj tbrwr month« It Ml to 101 741. After
Tbe painters are m»w unorganised, tM'rf'n takin by («■Ivphon*. Thin inri« tirwvy and the head is forming
ttibrr mm*tirr a II blu tbr piwvr« of nii*r munti** had rbijMM*d tt bad <(*!>» and they got only Ift coûta an boor and ilrnt •»•<*»*• to lllwtnite on* ot th* opening the straw it is I.mod that the
There is
Wbrn an rntirr yrar aouta of th«*m only !k‘S centa. w benna*,
tlir |r gl*la ti tr »Ut bori tir» of thr city. <|4>w n to U7
point» of th* long <h«tan«'* bowls an- of unusual length
nothing now in sight to prevent a large
b.ld pn*»<"d It *!< m »»I «1
In (h’to* wh«st t»«e union a aa Ut force they got telephone
It U prui hl««l that tlu* pru|M»*al for l« g
ione— it»
its ral
Taluc iu » bustn*»* ftor-
Il is lu I m - Is.rne In mind that
lalathui «hall rvnlalu tbr full trit uf t«rr, | m » j it bn*l «unii I*» ^374 A year •240 to 8.1 a «lay. They an- now trying UW in large transm tinos winch require yield.
there la yet time for niany
thr ofìllfiaorr pn»j*»«s«"<L aud, tt» l»r liiirr, in Ortnhrr. IM«A, thr rrv'ord wa» to roorganlte, and for that purjsa» a po-rwiual interview.
If no accident happens to it there
90, and In October. NH. It bad bare held two nusettogw
n,andnh»ry. mu«t la» aigurd by ai l«*a»t
ought to tie more than 8UO,OOO.tMMI
Th«- stomunajtim» and brU-klayerw.
|Mir » rtif of tbr rotrm of tbr city fumbled to 77JW>I
bush«-Is harv«wt«sl in Mum.-**.to and
It d<MM* not ap|M*ar from thrae tncon both ttuirougbly organised, g.q 2ft «»tits
li nking Ih»
r. At Ira«! tri; of thr
ArerwVnM »I th*mat* an t Ataaford Cutter»
tbe Dakotas
Allowing AO.OOO.OOO for
an hour t«»r a lituo hour day; while dut- •)!**•<
t tifai cl**» It*»»« lk-to*M>l.
an«l 1 borou*to training In »**ry r*- tbe other spring states and about 80.
•p ’ *• -U»h par »-rgm. Ateg’isl ima
Ir* o ' ’
- •
.' . -
waa torr up. |>ay fell down to 21» aoûts
If--!*: PL t« Prlnri|M‘. Burlingame. *«n
practically anaured, ami the o.itl.sik «
aa hour and 81.TS a day. Thia low pay
for a crop for this country of JT&.OOO,
came alsiut to <mly sixty «lays of dlaor-
« l-slr lient« In t*«rG Parbs
OoO I.u a
i f w
1 -- q
■* ■
gaalxatlon and waa! to 3ft cents
l'aria manages to make
150,000 pri«» is also promising. h«r with the
and 40 cents a» mmmi aa the unkm ami
(ran a a year from |»rmits to let chairs small atm'ks to l«e carri»l h>rwar<l. In
It» seal«- again g.e life.
in the »loaros and gardens lor Ilo ac­ all txrantriea, the new er««p will g««
Sii-rotary Kidd, of the natkmal wood­
more quickly into ouwsumpthsu ami
workers. sahl a miMtth or two ago Uiat commodation of promen»lera.
leave .mall surplus to la* carried over
the pay for wi»«lworkers to Wlacouatn
tu another crop.
fell tu 4 am! T cents |w«r hour, It was
tmmollately doubled aa aoon aa the
IT r farlnj t«»F gr‘n* I* * .llama» * ni»f*» >•
r»»rtlat»«1 Martori*.
«. f r va b . h ha.« I»«« «ttw .>*»r*-«l «»<*e<l *
trade was organisi«! by him.
fa< •*
-a « lbw inebT'alr !<»• *il mate (*>r
Walla Walla, <Jfl(4fl7r; Vai
Acrordlng to tbe Stato c«u«*us of im •tt ft* dunk • th.>0» tertow xvg vati* *« it <«8« b*
« mm r*Uy im t«ai. CT»flk-*i. -.*♦*•» *.t»«i tii* U m *
ley. tWk |»er bu»i»el.
th«*rr arc I1.2M skilled worktm«u Ln Mln- g v«*t,
If S • J «< '■ ! > t kept bf y ’»e 4rufg m **»»4
4 ’ *M>«i .! <40
iMtopuila. If orgnulsatlim ral»««! ttmtr r»»w t< * ar t»> U p * H»n<>» * < towmhw* »'« «•» hr»*8*l
«a* S*»h $ ««rfc *> d It will t*4* a*«t fMNtifWkl, In tfrahratn, $3 fft, •u|««rtlnr,
lb j»ri
» .1 -i
■ aiul t ■)
| -a-ii a ratsytof with Pili itlrr« t>' -rts »nW to
I ufutUlfillrtH MJ* 11 «»«I tff.
work«*«! only 2«»» days la a yetur. the **ifr'
Oata—(*hoior white, Ssui 4(k*; chm-»
S-gnqtat«' wage iucrwuae would be
Mor«> thin 8000 people my«terlou«ly
- • i
8><L'..a«t. or m-arly a 11 ill Hurt dollars tlia-tppoar from London e.ery year and gtay, ; ■
Harley—Foed barley, llfl ^ ifl «so,
fur th«- skllle*! lalatr of the «-tty per are never bearti of again.
brewing, flb «i IU per ton.
If the wag>-a nswt 10 centa aa
M lilttuff*—Bran, f I *i .’»0 |»er loti ;
bour fur !EW> days to a year, a more like­
nii'Mhnif*, 4*H; aborts,
ly nwuh, the net nggngat«* gau» for the
II’iy—Timothy, $10 - I3 »0, rioter,
n«-arly lot««« «kJUd workmen of U m »
W. off«-« On* llun-lri-d ¡«oil.«« H«-w«r«t (*>«
' , ..lli.l
: < - ; • -1 I « ■ . I «
fl I «’>0< • |2. al*, t *h fur m .« wL« »I, flUtd
city would Is- almut *2.000,000 pw «ut- . II.* * .i.rrh
¡7; do oat, fl I, Oteg^a wii»l hay, f.*<a
I > « HKSKV A CO Pr-p. . T*>t«M.*. O.
W*- lb. ua4*r«lgur4. h*,« Xno.n P J.
I0 |*cr ton.
<*h«-nv- ii>r th»- i.-i 14 »ear«, and toltov. him
Worklnamen and Machlnerr.
Kgjni—I3c per dosen.
,- r 1-• tly hu«i<** lu all t>u.i«ir*a tr*»*« tl..u*.
lu aa aiklrexa bufoto the Cbun-h Aa
Hotter—Fancy creamerT, lO‘4 3«Vr;
«1*4 financially ahi. to carry «Mil an» «Silga
■elation fur the Advnm-cmant of La- lion by firm
fair to good, 2f6c; dairy, 70(4
bur. Bishop Potter, of New York, pru-
W hol*-*»;«- l>r*igil*t«, Toledo, O.
puund«*d Uie startling tb«udg Uial tbe
(‘he***’— Oregon,
Wl,v. ««in Prilggl»«». T*l*olu, O.
universal use of u«a<-hiiu-ry to manu­
Hair,« atarrte Cur« i* ia*cu internally, art. America, I7la<; California, 9 I Or (wt
facture Is "dutog away with Intel!!- i**K-Hr--'il> u,M*n lb. blood Md mnc**u* ,nr.
par bout, «old pound.
g'sw-v Ln lal«ur an«! turning Uw lal«ur- (»*-.-« **t lb*, a* Klein. Prlro
Poultry—t'hickrn». mixetl, $><49.50
b* «Il <tr**«M**l» TeMImonlal. ire.
lug man Into a ahuple kMot.”
Hall', family pl 11« are lb. trot.
per done!*; broilri*, ft i4 1.9ft; grear, f •*
lie deacrUMsl a workman to a large
There are J8 acres nt land to every ($4; duck», f>.ftu«t3.50 per «loam;
factory w hum be watched «-mJhwaly
turkey», live, Hk j- r pound
of tile gloire
pttohtag a ptoee of Iron under a huge
ftKatotiS.—Oregon Burbank». 40«
hammer, turning u alwut and finally
&0c |»er nark; *w»*rt*. <2. 7& |**r rental
withdrawing It. aid throwing M toto a
fur Merced; new |* iat»*•*. fl 00« I IC
I. Northcutt, Windsor, Ont., Canada.
box at his side.
¡**r oauta).
•'What Wonder," be exclaimed, "that
,'r **■•** l.amb fee Leaden.
Onion*—(’»hfornia. new, red, 90cM
at night time he drank, gninblud and
Some IS years ago the flock owners of fl; yellow, fl 2ft |*er cental
fought ? lie had to, otherwise be would Australia, finding that there was a fair
lli>l>*—|w*r pound for n«*w
go mad. llow many of us would stand market in England for cannel mutton, crop; IHVfl crop, 4c.
Uila and turf cry out? No OM «rf Ua determin.-1 to try the etperini.-tit of ex«
Wool—Valley» l< <12%«’ j»er pound.
but would becwoM a etrtker. toy »elf |s>rtmg the fre»h-killed meat in a KaMrrn Oregon, fl<<fl‘gr; mohair, Iv •
proporli «hall trotertable statistic, that a high tariff among tbe nrwt.'*
frvaen slate, Shrop which had been 9U' pfi’r pound.
make oath ÌM*foiv a <4oiii|M*tmt ollh^-r brings Increase of values. Tl««-rv can
Such an Ltalk-tmciit ajpütMt U bur­ bred with a ▼ lew tu producing wool
Mutton—OrUM". Nwl *ht*s*p. wether*
that tbey nrr duly quallfted ruteni ami l«e uo doubt that tbe tariff rwtuedy is «axing machinery rotning fr» mi * nii *■*«>■
rather than for table uso, «lid not at ami ewe«, 9^c; dr»***ed mutton, 4*v«
that tlwy 1*1 le re all thr othrr perauiia a qua« k host rum. ami the stroiigvr the scrv alive a
Mirre, d«*ii*Miub* serions first find favor with the public. beai-lea 6o; Mpnng Iniutw, fl« 7 per
n bo wigned thr pro|M»Mil are qualifiod d-«c tbe weaker tbe i stleut be««om«** ronaklenu Ion
Etrcy one w ill admit which an uc<-aaioiial breakdown In
ling*—«irowa, choice heavy, fl; light
The currency la all w r>«ug, ami that that ihm- !» at hviat a mmaurr of truth
mui that tlir tignai urrà arr genuine.
the refrigerating machinery often ren­ and fe4"«lrr*, fJ
»lr«*fw»l, f '
1 hi* pn*p<wwil «Itali I h * flh-d wltb thr
iu it Tbe |M*rf«*'O<8u to wbtodi mectnui- dered the experiment an ••■t'cnaive one 4 9ft |«rr I00 poun<lik
<i»r <hrk; bui If 20 |»rr ernt <»f thr Discrv-dllliig silver ami trying to fotve h
riBrImry Im* tiren t»n*ugt*t innk»»* for the »hipper.
Now Zealand aheep
B»»»*f<->< im»*, top »leer», f3 50; <■
««iter» »hall r«-qu«-»t (hat thr «rdluan**» this great list ioti to a gold standard It psoMblble to turn out thr I m «»( of work
were found to bo of a much better f * «"»O itft; «!r’-»»-i! I*«et. ft • fl
»hall I n * aulititi!Ir«1 lo thr are liack of all this decline in valu«-«. nowadays with the allKbtswt demand quality, and by degrees difficulties were
tutor« I«» la- v«»t«al <m at a «perlai <-l«*c-
u¡M»n thr tntlUlcotwv or men the n*au
sunnounle«l ami prejudices overcome
Veal — Large, 3; »rmill, 4«4^c |w»r
t!«*n. tit* t'h-rk »hall o I h - jt tltolr ■alai*«-» tariff. f«r not only history but common um I dvitertty of the workingman.
until New Zealand mutton has txroome pound.
arul call tin* rlwtlun.
If no a|*r* lai ■H-iiM* acknow ledges that no nation can
Yrt It In m>t t«> l»r atq»(Mt*rd that tie as common an object in Lomlon meat
«esule U.ik.t.
Estale nr any »»nr »»I m - who Agree« with hin*
•-,«-<-ll**n I m aak«sl fur. Uto pro|*****al «hall grow rich through taxation
markets aa the hnme-growu article.
I. aubnilttr«! to thr vot«-ni of th«- city I-h ng the g««ld ataudaril will simply would
the alamdomumt <»f Owing to the difference in the ee«u>oi>a
at th«- finit regular ehs-tlon brhl after maki- matters worse, for men cannot all machinery, und the *urr«*tMl*sr of the on the other side of the euuator, lanital brick. I7c; ranch, 10« 18«.
Chi-mu*— Native Washington, 10«
The r4^m»»fi*k- adr«nta<«w k baa rrtwird.
the expiration «rf thirty day» fruto the de t«uslne«s ou a limite«! «-apltal
aro ready for cX|s«rt alaml Christmas
Fling *»f thr prv*|M-**l, uni«-.» ih«- routt- tn-e ami unlimited rolnage of silver Is I hr workU*4ftiau uniat hr ma«!» tu a time, so that they can t«e pi are. I on Ile; California, 0I4C.
letg»—Fr«-*li rane, 14i«ISc.
ell mranwhll<- tnak«-» It « law. If the the ouly thing that will bring l«a«-k ftwater extrcH a «barer in thuar ad- the latndon market earlier in the mumi
Poultry—Chickens, live, pet pound,
j>r<>|M***al rorvlv«*« a majority of the prosperity, tv‘wt««rr vuliu-a and «-t tbe \ant»<<«*. ||r muat !«r <lvrn aboTtrr than i I mmm * ratsisl at home. The car-
«■*!«-. it »ball I ms - viuc a law. This is millions of Idle ami suffering men In w»»rkln< hour«, ami aortaty mini exert case«.* are first cooleil ami then slightly hen«, 11 « 13c; »pm g chickens,
«3.&0; ducks, 81(4 8.
tbs nation on<-e more hopefully ami Itawlf to place at ha* dL*i*»»aJ m>( <mly
th. Initiative.
frvaen on shore; they are then trans-
Wheat—Feed wheat, 415 per ton.
thr time but Ute in»w!*a for kitrlln tuai ferrod to a dry cliambrr on board ship,
"It la pr*>vl«!«Ml. f<*r the referendum, aucceaafully at work. Farm News.
Oats—Choi <•, |s«r ton, 880; trod fit!
hiiprnmnseit. w h!cb art* d««ilrd him by where the temperature»lily main­
that no unllnance fur the government
thr farte ry ayafrtn.
Golt a«.<l t. *w Wawea.
of any city, except aa «parlali? pro-
tainer! at a few degrees below frtw-atng.
Corn—Whole. ♦ ’<>, crackol. per ton,
Then- are many wageworker« In the
It I« rncuurax n< to fimi the ChrUtlan On their arrival in purl they are
V dr*l. »hall gu lut«» i-ff«-ct until thirty
• -’", f»-ed ini-al, I » |--r ton
day« after Hie paaaagi- ut H m - »auie If llepubllcau |>arty; there shouhl not be ehnrrh in ti»r I»wo! in tilt» inuiemtwit, again transferred to a nold-Moragc
Bsrley—g-.iuti I |--r ton,
tn the luterlm a petition »Igu«! by at «tie. Kiery Vote cast *01 Republicanism tbuu<h tt !» only right and natural that chainlwr and kept there until wanted.
• ■
4 -
It atuMild lw there
Where, If nut In
leaat ft per rout, uf tbe voter» of tbe la a vote for low er wages.
-......... —
Fiv»h .Meats—<’hoire dressed lievi,
thr chuffi'h, 1» »»iw to L«»ii f«»r a »yn>-
city I» filwl r>s|u«-atliig Ila »ul>iul»»l*>n
st«-«-r*( fi1**'; «sows, tic; mutton sheep,
to a vote of Ibe |M-*>|de. It »hall I m - anb- only nes-i-ssary to qu«>t«< the language patbrtk* ap¡»rm*lathm <»f our brother*»
• I4O; |srrk, fi^jc; Wai. rmsli, his 7.
The notai*, ami an mrm*«i dtwnirr to b«'lp hbu
lilhttML If ih« number of aignrra r»*p- of leading ltepul>ll«*an organa
F’resh Fish—Halibut, 8 m 4 c ; salmon,
I« *»-ni» IO |»rr cent of thr roter», a Huston Com mere la I Bulletin lu a recent tu meet them ? Youth*» Cumpanhjo.
Writing to Mro Pinkham,
4« ftc; salmon trout, 7<s 10c; flounder*
life »«-to-Mabln« tnu.trr,
Ray«: I have l*een u«ing your Vege­ •nd role, 8«* 4; hug uuwd, 4«<x3; rook
twenty «laya; if l«*a« not unti) III«* nell spite of tire efforts of ou«« great polltl-
lth-yi-1«« •ro Ixavruilng <«iu> ut th« table Compound anil find that It do«-« <x>d, 6c; suidt, 8 <* 4c
E ice pieci fruto thr <al party, wages tn thia country wun
regular «<l«*t'th»n.
<-htof artk-lra «rf export to thia country.
all that It 1» rerommemled to do. I
• ■M t'r«M<l«rn M «Ptowl».
«•peratkto of th!« wtt.*n are all on!l. slowly but gradually getting down to ¡•urMig ib« mutMh «rf April alorw th«
have been a »offerer fur the loat four
Wool—Oioi«** httHtiill,
llr; San
i.miiv« relating to the Imtumllate prea- the F.unipenu Imais. Tbe fall In com­ value uf w!«*>•• I b «*«it abroad waa 81.-
year* with wotnb
Jitaqinn, fl month«'
rriatlon of public peace or health or modity values, cheap f««rvlgn labor 1174*34 a* again« 8330,080 to April
trouble, weak
Staple, 7mountain, lot# 12r; Ore*
Item« *>f aiq*roprlatl«»n for current ex- ami the <ll.ap|Mwnime of large prvifita of laat ymr. For U m - t«d umma U ui «*n*l
bark and rxcre-
yon» I0M Pi'' |«r pound.
( h - ii . cm of the <h-|*artinrut of the city In business ts-cause of the big trusts log with iprll. Is-7, the «alue ut bl
tiona I waa hard­
Ho|w—u*a| Sr |*er pound.
V* hl«b do not excrod t!»r correapoudlng or ».mblnatlona of capital are making cyviiw exported WM
MilbttifY* — Middling».
|!fl &0<4
appropriations of the prvrodlng yror, this dectlmr In wages nut only [«oaalble, again« 81,001,347 fur a
similar |*v-rtu<l h<**i*M Hold «hitiea,
; California bran,
nil of which uiuat ba pn»*«-«l by a unan- but Inevitable.-’
of lMMl EiigkUMl tak*w il» great part a«t«i while aL««ut
\Vtint tlx- Bulletin ways Is true and of American w-tMwia. I nk many are sont
Imoua «oto.
my work waa to
Hay—Wheat, 8‘1,A II; wheat and
•'Tlir Mayor and Courll »hall hav«> no tbe nwult will t«e aa II prophewlsw un­
to A«ta. Afrk-a and South Aiuork-a. ucrvotM that
oat •14<10;«M>t 4* ì lOia* 50 «{ver l«arl«-y,
power to enact an onlltuiuce w bl-b der coutlnu«! Ilepnbllcan rule. Tbe
1 waa tnXm-r-
Th« trsifiiMiduun growth in the number
•òsti. Is-st bar'ey. 4«l bOlfl •; aliali,a,
»hall In any manner alter. m<xllfy. te- single gut«! .tamlard la the atandarrl of of w h«vla expurl«.! la a true to«ik-aU«m
able. 1 had
•5 <7 otover, fifiMS.
pair or render nugatory ordiuams«» vn- Furol*, and that Is the standard Uvat the bk-ycle. aa a v<dik-ta* of utility
alro give»
l’otatoee—N« w, in buie«, 40‘d t><k-,
neted by a direct Vote of the profile. whh-h the Republicans are lal«oring to
up in i 1« mv -
ami plowaure, 1 mm I hs - oum a ;><-rtuam«it
Oniona—New re«i, fio««* "Or; «io m-w
« leapt l*y a two third» vote, and then eatnbl -h lu the ITiit.-d Ntates
fixture throughout U m » world
Or« pu'r. when I
silvrrskiii. HO<4VO |er ««enlal.
not uiitll a year after cnartiueut. The wageworker« want Kuropean wages
100,000 |>el*ana are glvwi eanpiojraMBt wa« prr»*iad«~d to try Lydia E Pink-
Fresh fruii—Appli». SftMS&e per
Mayor ntHl Council have power to ants
hnm’a Vegvtnble Compound and to-
to the rn.wufa«turv. auk- atel ropalrltig
sui «Il I mis ; «lo larga box, 40«aft0c Rovai
lull to a «ote of th<< ehs-toro at a a|<«*«-!al of Kuropcan lalsm-ra they will «tintiti-
■rf btoyclaa to Uiia rountry.
apricela, 80’« 4 Oc rouinion cherries,
or general election any ordlMl>«*ca they Ue to cast tbelr votes for Republican
Mi;« Elia Mitiaavr, Neebe Road
IftX'l&e; Royal Amie chetriw, UgStt
tnilu.frlal Notacg
may Initiate. Any one fal*** ly «-ertlfy- ca ltd I. la i> a.
Station Cincinnati, O.
l«-r box; currants, 81 00 «si. 00 per
An Engtodi labor
of rtwttt
lug to Ute quallficatlona or «lunature
If, however, they desire a return to
ebegt, |**act«e», ifttdOOr; prnr», 30<4
of »Igtu-r» «hall I m * fiu«*d not more than the system of a fair day’s »»<«■ fur a I ■ Into «at<w Uiat todwatrkil affair* to
work In uiiixon with th« CompounJ,
40e; cbrrry piuma, 30xl40v |«-r lw»x.
8;:<«i »r Imprlaonment not n><>n* than fair day’s work: If they wish to tie . ttrot country are the boat to yeara, an.)
au*i are a aur« cure for eon.tipallon
H h «tor-*Fs»!«-y ceettmery, l"**«-; do
uu. yeer. SitoLUr psnîshmeat !> to be <imauivrwii as iim u auu uot aa ma­ efw* «tonmml f«M- nk*l«r*l lalmr tn .«me *n.
and aiek-headache.
Mra. Pinkham« ■gcamda, 18« l'c; fawy dairy, lft<e
Utetvd out to the man who aigri» any chines: If they wish their children to ataiM-v* la bcyoiMi U m < auiqdy.
Hanative IVaah 1a frequently found of
18 »sc;g«»sl t«« cliotro, 18« I4c js*r |a>itn<l.
ln*tw*«atk«Mi mail«- by U m * Garm««it
profxxal knowing I trot be I» not a qtial- have an opfmrtunity to rise tn the
great vain« for local appll.-atioo Cor­
<’l«eese— Fancy mt!«l, new. He. fair
ln««l voter
Any clerk who fall« to sea tar of life, they wlU vote for men
rea,«ml. nee 1« freely aolh-ited by tha
tu gissi, 74k7!gC per pniiml.
comply with the provision« nsfulrlng w bo t hampion a currency that will roatf. arv made to aeveral aw«s»u aluq«a
Lydl* K I'tnkliam Medicine Co.. Lyun,
Kggo—Sture, lo1» « I le; rati- h, 13«
hl« otfi, ial action In »utontttlng ordì- give the farmer, tbe merchant, tbe Ln Detroit at CO to HO cent« eroh, u«e
Mao* . and the atrlcteat confidence aa-
Ific; Kastern, 18« 13; duck, I3c fs-r
tian«»-« I« liable to a fine «>f 8ft.tatti Aa mechanic am! the laborer a «-ham-e Mine clsaa <rf work that memlx-ra <rf
All druggi«ta «ell the Pink­
n waving clatter, however. It I« pro- t<> make money and not l«-ave that U m - iuik«u is - s M tc 81.fio and 82 f«»r mak­ ham'« remrdica The Vrgetalda <*■««>• deuen.
Citrus fruii—Nave)
orang< a,
Vl«l«l that thia act ahall not ta-ronm undertaking entirely In the ham!« uf ing
pouttd in thre« forma-Liquid. PILL*
<«2; seollings, TAerafil.tft; .Mrxx-at«
operative lu any city until a«-ropt«>d by the l«ank«-r*.
Tbe pn««i>ccta «rf a Lalor taaiple to
au*l I-oat ttgra.
liuto«. •«> 00*4 7; common lemoiis. "ftc
thr voter« In the manner provided fur
Ihdrytt grow toaa axul Iroa a«>urlng.
tito aMlHBtodou of »nltoauro«. Author­
The ft-cent silver plero. familiar to rm«e who vto«*d the 8X100 payunwit
ity. lewerer. I» given to the Mayor our fathers, wag autborite«! by Con­ <n th. alt« are a4>parvntly waiting for
Il took
the Washington experts
atul Connell of any city to adopt It by a gress April X 17W2. and Ita roluage w aa I hone who v«4«*rt again« the lajinwit
three weeks t<> count lite < aai> in tl«e
owl »rr«»*J
majority Wotr without aubiulMlon.**
t-i t - a fir»?.
iM'gun tbe same year. Its coinage waa to go ahead and raiae auu» mura
New York »ub-tr- aenry. They handled
The l*-g!«laturea of Kanaaa aud dlarotttluued Feb. IX 1873.
• IW8,3»3,OOU in all.
$100OQ not $200-
1 wo San Eranciwo grocer*—Ring Brot and T Salomon
_ won $10000 each because they sent the most yellow ticket*
before J utte 1 5*h.
But grocers and clerks can get more tickets than other
consumers; so we also paid $10000 each to the two persona
named below:
Mrs Wm Funk. Wmnemurca. Nevada.
13» ticket«.
Mr» I. During 8i«j Brvant Street. San Fran taro, ?j ti. ketv
Mrs. During got a number of friends in San I ran« ’-.< 0
and near by (one keeps a boarding house) to give her their
tickets, and she used thr tea herself.
By the way, she use* StAilliaf'f /Jett baking powder and
extracts too bad she doesn’t know how good .S<4///r»f c r Z«7i/
spices are! But she says the extracts and baking powder
arc wunderful.
A woman in Stockton, who keeps a restaurant, came very
near getting a prize. She deserves one for supplying her
customers such good tea.
Better read our advertisements every day—some contain
suggestions how to win the prize.
Hx the **>. <r<* rrx « m t
n|>etr (<»r the two Jfipno prteen off«- "4
i;r|te!i in cuie envelope beVr^eu lune »5th
Itoweicr. compete fvr the
Does Your
Back Hurt?
The Dull Puin.
The Tired \che.
The Stuirp P¿ún
The *‘C¿itclT' in
Your H¿ick
fs»« futi»
B 4
wilh jrxwir rxrk
n uf àbiti*ft. nritbrr mrvticin*
rraMvdy. *u»1 (liai I» l£lc« *rk
SAMit N HH;’R ; HH I Cl).,
Vies w««l«M I* .<-trrrr««er e'-a» «^nrioa IV*. p.«e—
Pehn ilt (¡¿is ¿mil
...(¡¿isoline Iingities
i- I H f‘ Hercúlea, Gas or («asoline.
|.j H I* Hercules, Gaw or Gasoline.
i-j H I’ Rcgaa. G m or Gasoline.
i t H P. Oriental, Gaa or Gasoline
I’ Otta, fias or Gaaolior
> I H
I-« H P Pacific, tìas oc Gasoline.
16 H I’ Hercúlea, Gaa or Gasoline.
I-io H I" lietiules. Gas or Gasoline
State Your Winis and Write for Price»...
<05-7 San\<>me Street
San Francisco. Cal...
Hercules (ias
• • • • Engine Works
II mw KfiW«ll I* rrMn->unr*«l
* ranklin'* H•»«*«**• 1« < **»!•
A* wr hav» now •Carte»l on lh«> ro* l
II Benjamin Franklin, one t*f the
w;w«t of men, could have foreeron the ti'wanl lliu *nij«'iaU<>u uf Hawaii, il it
diRL- ultit-« and complication« that have . but natural that Arnrri* an* ahiUibl
groan out of Id* Uni*>u« i»K|Uc»l to the j want tu pronoun»*» th« nan*» o( th«
city u! Il*a>ton of 08,000. mon* than 100 forthtoiiiihif n» w territery corn* tly.
year» ag*>. he would probably h«ve ran- I Th» <x»rr«fo t pronunciation it “Ila*
rolle.1 that part of the will, or al leattt | wi-«,*’ th© ••»’* w»«iti4l«*l a* in “fathisr,**
ma le it« provi«ion<* very different, re­ th» **i” a* in *,tim«.M and th© **•*’ aa
mark« the Buffalo Ctommercial. Thr ' m ’’wr».’* th« aeoent bring <»n the •»’C*
It i* well t<» know how
fun I, which no» amount« to 0:us,6oo, on<l tyHabit*.
haa l*eei* inverted mainly a» he direct- th« n«*w territory it prononmwd, *ayt
At the end of the find huiulrol I the Chbago Tribun«*, e*vu before it ••**
year» th«- princi|-al »«• to I«- lai*! out at trra into th» Union.
the diaorvtlon ut the manager« of the
Naw !
for *an»l Illas!.
• lunation to the town of B**«t«*n, "in
Ti»* »ami blaut ha« frequently lx*n
public work« which may be judged of
adapted to a huuiiw»r of iugenioua op­
inirnl utility to the inhabitant*. *uch a*
eration», and th* latr*t |»ha*** oí ita
fi>rtlfi>s«tii*ii«. bridge«. aque-lu* t», pub­
utility ta in the cl ran ting of ahi|»«’ tx»t-
lic) building«, ball*», javeraent«, or toma. The Atlanta, one uf the United
Whatever may make living in the t**»n "latea mm of war, waa recently dry-
mure «xmvenient to ito people and ren­
> lurked and by in» ana of comprva»«-»I air
der it more agreeable to «trangi-ra re­ aaiid waa furo*»l againat th* attira of th*»
torting tbithcr fur health or temporary ▼«■««•• I, «drammi# and ¡«»hahing th* Iron
midence." The money ia in tbe Boo-
and atre I aa bright aa ailvrr.
ton city treaaury, but tt appears the
rnunlcii-al autliorltiee ar>*l the truateea
arc at loggerhead» a* to their r*-«p*-*'
tlvr power», and •!•<» *• to lb” mrlhiwi
of it» «-X|CII litnre. anil a» a laat reaorl
the matter ha* Iron carried to thr
ronrta An application i» to be uia-lr to Irwy MAN wl
th** aupr*-mr court of Ma»*.«<:liu«ett* to
decide «ho haa authority nmlrr the «ill
to expen*l the money in one of the *«-v-
eral way» »uggroted by lb« teetator.
Il 1« U» be hoprd a w«y "«>t of the *liffi.
cultv «ill be found and tbal the fund
will 1« n**r*l to ratabliah the Franklin
trade» M*h<M»l, «» l>a» been pr«*|*«»»e*l. It
1» one of thr moat remarkable leg»- ie»
ever made, anil tbe lienevolent Intent
i» plain enough, though porhapa nut ex-
preear l in »uffi- lently definite terma
• •a■ I r* ■ t
' l »‘» "
Happy and Fruitful Marriage.
flurir«! Ik* W rw»g < org»**
Fairplay *!r«cril>r« the following «» ■
true »lory: Intrly an Kngllah family
had the mlalorlune to haw* an aged
aunt, who died in bt. Peterabu-g. Ar-
rangemento were mu»t carefully made
and direction« «ent that the body (liould
l*r forwarded In England to I* interred
in th« family vault.
In due time a
nagalfiregt <**.mn arrived find before It
wa« lowerol to Its last resting pia* • It
Much to
wa« openwl lor Inspection.
the diomay of the family, Irntra-f of
flu ling the familiar feature« ami frail
form of their beloved aunt, the c**rj***e
of a Ru»«ian offb-cr, clothod in military
garment» and decorated with ribt«>na
and me*l«l», wa» di»cl<**-i| to View
frantic U-Irgraru waa diapatofl*! to the
kuMian Mpital, b* which th« following
anawnr waa return«*!: "Lody burled
yeatenlay with military bonora. Pl*a«e
keep th* general. ”
v V ■ ili
■ Ite a
a ■
* * •
n * »in*.I
Mrti» fot
am Itesi •< r«t*f » •< «**» a»v«
• r*l >e*r* •■•»fiat»** « n Ih* « h ■ «<•» A*-*f I nf
■ ’
no«« ¡h «, Honfttn* A < «• , <‘h
Af 1 r*4* Hr'-krr»
n I'<>rtl*n4, Df*g«n,
»potane *n4 ***iti». ***h
F<»f1un** h*»* Uen m*<!»
t i».a
«’■itinfng by itarliMt in Niur**.
W» carry ih* m»*l rrnnpiat» Dn* of Gy*nna*tuni
arvl Ath!*ti<
n ih» < ■■••(
SUI1> Atil) UtolFOtWV SAVft 10 OtOCt.
ten.l fot Oar A ttol»ll» ('alAlocat.
Bia »fa W«rb»l
** m Fffinrlicn, ( e|.
a. r. w. V.
A 0raaahopper ran »priug mor» than
11* UKW writing iw »4*»Mi»«r». pl «aw
800 umM ila own tength.
I TV 8B**tlMM ibi* p«p«r.