•e *• THE STRIKE GROWING mi CONViNIION IS OPf NED 4 CeM«el4rte UhwtUwwa Io tire Wlreellwg Dlatrlvt < ■ L..J . I | i * •» ■ the hr»kw uf fb» I »»>»<» *<•«»• ”C the >'••< M rr b I iflllr«! T»1»fTfl|>hlr ( u I umm * A frvi^ht train on tl>* B«ti>u A Ma me railroad »*• Wrecked by a wash- out n«*ar W’oo»isunville, N H The en- gin<-«-r, fireman and brakeman were killed. Report* front th«* antith off France •bow the de* tract k » d by flood* to !■• freater than earlier rr|s»rt* indicated. Th« losres are estimât«*! al 200,000,000 fran>* in the aggregate. That they may obtain fund« tn fight the carrying -*o sshm. if a man vacatro hi« house, even tern- p>>ranly, ho 1« apt to find it «Mviiptrd on bi« return. And lb«« !a«l n irai»; from Oregon h i * ►»%< I h-un a frightful wreck near <*>•>«!. Cal., by Charlo* Broadhurst, a fa*iti««r. Broadhurst diacuverwl that a h* site 3r l'«slilh>*s beadquarters in th«’ Ta (/«"Pte hills, cluecly pursue»I by Fone- »leviela«* hpaniah column, which had man h«*een notifled to prr|«arw for an early trial. White tamping a «hot in th** Morn­ ing mine, at Mullan, Idaho, an »i|-l dgr, iMvtiana of Went Virginia and K»»n- Minneapolis, July If — Ths grand lucky. Pnwidcnl Kat«h(<»rd roughly eMimntw» th«» »»uitilwr <»f men ,nv«dved lodge of Eik* this afternoon ele*.'te«j the nt 200.000, but thia ia regard«*! an very following ofllrers: Gram! **ialt«d rul­ er, M D. lh»lw«ilsr, Harrisburg, Pa liberal. grand esalted leading knights, M B Averill Ihminid, foreman of the Allen, Birmingham, Ala . Louia Han- Winona mine, nt Lead, H. I)., was •or, Newark, N J.; Char Ire M Fuute, burned to death. nn*l two otliera prolai- Minneapolis, grand secretary, Gwurge bly will «lie, a* a rrvull of a «trange ac- A. Reynolds, Saginaw, Mich.; grand ehlent« A ganoline pump at the Imt- treasurer, E»l K. Ort is, Meadville. Pa.; tom of the »haft rrfti*-d to work, ami grand tyler, ^cotl Ibdmre, Cincinnati; they went <«» Invewtigate. (Ia»oline gran»! ««»quire, l^ew A < lark, St. Luuia; had c«ra|icd ami covered the wall of grand inner guard, George E Meyer, the ahnfL Their can«!l«w ignite»! it ami Jr., Pittaburg; grand chaplain. Rev. lh«*y were nurroumhd by Pre. Man- Dr K D. Timlrerlake, New Albany, yon am! Rmokera tumbled into I lie Ind.; board of directors. Jerome H bucket and ew'apwj. but l>immirk fell Fisher. Jamestown, N Y ; Hunter A ;»n a hook, which held him umler the Graycr«»fl, I hi I la«, Tei ; George B chin. Cronk, < >maha t*nit<*l Stat»'« Circuit Judge W. W. * a pwrtlat** I»rw•**■«! Mortow rendered a t with thoee of th»« atate court*. Cmler • npi^wcl to have br,n drowned. thia ruling it i« mnftiderwd pmlwble tn a»..Inn nt T.w.l. that Fh*renve Blythe-IIinoklay will lore the property which a he haa fought . Toronto, Ontario, Joly !>. —ina na* «o hard and bitterly fur during the peat tional conforrnw of chantira and cor- ten year*. rrctiona irrgan here tolar. !»•>«(royby Fire. Samur! Morrow am! hi« »laughter An ni«* were kill««d by a cyclone near Brno. Minn. A tcrriKc thunder «torm which pAMnl over the l«akr st. John diatrirt, near <¿ttel.ee. Can., rauect boa of Itf«» and ronaiderAble »lamage to property. Ow- ing to the «torm the wire* arr in a de­ moralise. I condition, but it ia learned that st John (¿urri*a lightning struck th« pariah rhurch while high m.vaw w.t« being «■•*. ia a««.i.» io <•!•* Pi I tabu rg July 1> —Nineteen thous­ and men in this distrn t are idle There ia an almost total supenaiun ol w»»rk in lb« mines slung th« Mononga­ hela river. Th« suspension is radically total on th« Wheeling divisiou of the Baltimore A < >bio rail rued, about five tu«n working there. All th« mmra clueed down t<»!ay excepting the M A. Banas A t'otn|«ny, akaig th« Panhan­ dle; the New Y’ork A i'lrvrland <4ss Coni («unpany, ami a few individual mines which can have but little rfl»«-t upon the situation. Th«« llanna mi new have about one- third of their usual uiiml«» of men at work. Th« coming out of th« men along th« Baltimore A Ohio is a decid­ ed victory for the miners, bv^ aure tbrwr m«n are working under an ironclad agrremenl, and by their loyalty to their brethren forfeit 000 in wage« which the company holds uut. The situalion a« to the supply of cwm I I'anirot be callol aermus as yet, because UMWU are from 12.000.000 to I &,000.000 bu»hels of bls« k diamond iu stork al the various pixda along the river which can be pla»-**! in Pittsburg at short no» tire ami. if new»! be. a |»orticm of it could I* shipped to the lake*. I’p to th« present time, no sign of laW IcreOt-re ::xs drtrloped aniima the •Inker« ami there is no evidsnee what­ ever lhal th*re will be. A careful review of the situation proves the aasurtion of th« mine »»th » lais that the Wheeling division is aol- nlly advocating th« strike. Fit« »are were l«u«dr*i at th« Germania min« yes­ terday, but it wa« with goal which had bwuci lying on the »lump fine« work wa* • i«prnied la«t week There was a doubt as to whether or not the hlava would return to work, but thia has l>eeii h«|« tler*(oa and «••hlh|toa’t Ame»o»g til» Fl MW«« llaauth« Are 4>S«r VW.«MO Il»|. • ••!•• frum lb« *••« Ksn Francisen, July If — Ths lung* anticipated *'C«lif»»rni«. ’$•** of ths t'hriBtiaii Ei. Icsvitrer« Itccsm* a reality with th« ssretublinguf ths two vaal su* dirntv« st the Mechanic’s and W imm I- w a rd* sj | a vi hunt this morning Ten thousand j**>pl«» 6ll«*l the M«chani«*s* pavilion as early as 9:30 this morning, ami crowds of dcltnratre an»! vis Hurs who t arns lalcr were turned away, no rvMND being left foe th«m «m th« inside. Tli« hall was a vist bouquet of color*. All was animation ami happiness, with the lh*iiis*mhi e«tg«r to applwm! ur cbe**r at evurj cpp»rtunity. The f«>rmal op«ning was by Rev. F E. ( lark, th«» foumlcr ami president of the great Christian Endeavor move­ ment. Dr. Clark was reoeiWil with Ute building. Every nun, woman ami t'hild Stood Upfigi ta-hs'hre an«l chair« waving aloft flag«, tanner a. hand ker­ chief a—in fact, every cnnceivald* ob- )«* l to be ha>). The «iem«r*>»tration last«»! several mmules, am! Dr. Clark appeared mm h aff<* 1**1 by the hearti- nre« of th« welcome. The meeting at Woodward** pavilion, while not *» large, uw mg to the smaller capacity of the building, was equally enthusiastic. The hall wa« orowdc«! and hun»tre.!s blookeil th« streets on the outslerin«’«te every quarter of lhe city Al! through th. lat«- hcurs of the night and every hour this morning, trams have arrived from east, north »nd «noth, bearing thousand* of delegates and visitors. Hpe»,!*l lk»at* have t arried lhe crowd* airrows the bay. and at the ferrire they were m«t by aoorre of white-c*ppe«l guidre who«« sole duty it is make the »lehgates Wolcorue and to pilot them to the h«’aJquart4»rs at th»« kfeohanicw* j»a Villon, where every delegate i* regis- t«red and directed to < »»mbirtable quar­ ter* in some part of ths city. The *c«»n<*s at tin* |*avili»»n resemble a national political oonvettlion. except that aumeu are more in evolrno* on tin* o'i'asion than usually attend great gathering«. In fad. fully two thirds of the delcgat»*« are of the gentler m » i But their pre«»’h(e ten Is to mak«- the M'ene mere striking m color an«! more animated m spirit. All the strerts m the businre* district of the city and In the neighborhood of the different head­ quarter* are eongssUMl with the count- b *e thousands of visitors. Every one ae«-tn« to Im on the move, as it the coming brecscsi from the Pa- citio *re most welcome after a journey through the burning alkali plain*. Meu ami women alike are decked with ribbons of purple ami gold, En­ deavor color*, on which are word* an­ nouncing their stats am! town. Streams of delegate« p«>ur*w1 into the |mvilion throughout the night and this forenoon, and the young women engaged iti th»» reig*tralioi> department was prepared for anything, and not even the big Mas- aachus«’tt* delegation could rattle them. The buan st prene« this morning are about the < altfornla headquarteni. There art* 30,000 Emleavorer* in Cali­ fornia. and it teems as though most of them intended putting in an apftearanre at some time «luring the convention. N- l th»» l*«»t attractive part of thl« fart of the pavilnm is the »core of pretty California girls who arr engaged in dis­ tributing badge* ami imparting infor­ mation to all tho*«» who call. l*»nvev, July t —The Bret Interna tinnal gold mining convention o^wnad today. Th« m*et iin|»wlant action of Uainy»» ae«aiun waa the adoption of a rule «a< lading | In |.dnt <>f ttumberz lhe con ven Hon will aatiafy rtu- ».pectatuma *>f ita tnno of the Unum Th* Broadway theater, in which the con grew, ennvened, wan hamiaomely ieo «■rated with national emblem» »nd ban nera. At 10:30 o'cluok H F Hunter, chair­ man of th« esm'wlive mnimittM . called th* . *uvention to order. After prayer by Rev M A. Etlie. Secretary Irwin Mahon read the call. Actin Mayor Heot-ev w*-!.<»u>ed the delegate, on lie­ halt of t>m cltj tnd waa fol low cd by tiovemor AlWn td.tnr, temporary chair­ man, win. delivered an aihirvee <>t w«l* i-oiue with the «.planation uf th*, pur­ l-wee *4 the Cine niton. A aimmiltec «»• ciioeen to draft a memorial Io •'i-.gr”. to crewle a *le|mrl merit of tain«*» an-»lHn«t At theaflernu* n »«*»mn. Mr. Noott, ol < *t»«h». 'hairm«i^ of the ree>leite>) tn min­ ing to bee»n>«> delegate* ami partici|ote tn the di» uvion. The report was nnanimeutly adopted. B. F Hunter, chairman of the .mm mittae un organization and order of buainrea.rer.vtnnx-ndnl Bradford Prince, of New Mazico, for permanent presi­ dent; Ihivid T l.ittler. of lllinoia, John Hern, of Utah, and am**-l a- per- inanent aerctary, and O. W. Craw ler I. »1 illinoiz, a. assistant. Il waa also rec- otnmendad that all dim-notions hr < lty. Trolley < ar. Mt» h Bay City, Mich., July U.—An inter nrban electric car bound for Saginaw from this city craahe*l through lhe <>l»’ii draw of a bridge two milt-» out­ side thia city at 11 o’clock today, ami »'Jen pa.aetigers were carrie*l down into the river. A woman with three children from thia eity, whose names have not lawn learned, were drowned. The other three |MUiaetiger» were men. They were •erimi.ly injured The river was Iragged, and lhe boily of lhe woman recovered. The three male pawaeiigera jumped, hut all were injure*!. One of the lat­ ter was K Jenkin«, assistant general freight agent of the Mi higan Central. He was |iartially nut of the car window when the ear went through, arid was injured about the anus and body. Frank Mayo, of K»«etville, w,u> badly injured about thu legs. T. P. Klulnp, a traveling man from Geneva. O., waa so badly injuted he cannot recover. The exact cans« of the accident ia un­ known. hut it is believe«] the motor man wa» racing with a railroad tram, which is a competitor for suburban tiafflc, and oould not atop after the bridg« liegan to swing. The woman who was drowned w»« found to be Mr«. McClelland, of Bay City. WILL BE COERCED. Two American M arwhlpa Ira tw Tangier. <-n lluuta Orr(«*u ahil U ««hlngtaa. New York, July 1». — A spe. >al to th« Herald from Washington say*: The emperor of Morocco ia to lie coerced by American mtn-of war in order that punishment may be inflicted u|.in one of his subjects w ho »»«aultetl an Ameri­ can < itizen. The vessels are on their way to Tangier. They are th« Han Francisco, flagship, and the Ralicgh. The Han Franciarv* is eip.v te-1 to reach Tangier in a few hour» The Raleigh will arrive al her destination the latter |-art of the week. The orders of the Ban Fram-lsco and Th*«r O|il*n the Raletgh were lhe result of a request Salt Laike. July 13 —The Endeavor received by the slate artmerit from Wtwtlssund movement i* practically < 'onau I-General David N. Iturke. via- over. The Rio Grande Western han­ tiuiKvi at Tangier. Mr. Burke an­ dled 71 tram*, carrying 17.233 pa«aen- nounced that an American eititen had gers, from Grand Junction 1« Ogden. lieen brutally a-.aultcd; that fie had asked the Moorish government to ar­ Again at Ft«»«»«l Mark. rest ami punish the Amertcan's assail- Minneapoli., July It. — Thr M imii ant, ami that up to the prreent titua •ippi rirwr >• within »1. in<-h«a of th* there Were Uo in0 nn*l 6,000 m«n .rr out of employ- mrnt .■ a r*«>ill of th« n«< cmary do» Washington, July #.—Por tl>e pur­ ing donn ol .»wmilla, and lh«ro «ill pose of more effective administration t* b«a*y I-•«»••. on !"g. it the rim* cn and protection, the forest reservaliona tin»«. Th* n«w |*o«»r dam ha» b*«n west of the Roi ky mountains has been damaged, repair, rraulting from th« divhlwil into two district*. Tluwe in frualwl being in progrna. an l th» w*>rk California and Arizona are mis, and h»mg »h.illy unpr*|>ar«ti'a family living IA tnilmi north of hi« pfao«, «a« burnad to d«*th Tucal.y night, bring unabl« to <*«'.|» from th« hou«r, which wa« flrrd o*«r their li«a*l«. Th« *l«a*l arw: Hugh Joaion, Mary Jrxvon. Fanny Jaa- Efflr Were dincuvrrrd thin morning ing hi» life. The mine la located about flttating near the bridge al l^ik-wood, three mile« from the eity on Breevr laahrd together. A tO-pound »tone at hill, and la a complete wreck. Three the end of a rope nrr*rd to hold the miner« were at the 400-hurt level and l.atir« at the bottom of the lake. It ia Jamaa Oallagher «»■ at the bottom, evidently a cane of aulcida. l,40o feel below. The mon called to him to climb up and he reached a In tlermany the bn*lai wreath ia na- in point within wren feet of the level uallv '• »in.* I uf n ■ when hia «trength gave out and he Switzerland and Italy uf white rueee; in dropped baek into the darkneea The ppam of red roeee and pink»; tn the other men m«de thvir way to the aur- United Mtata«, France and England, of orange l l<*e»ou».. face through another -baft. Sac ramento, July #. — Th« governor thia afternoon granted another reprieve in the case of Halter D Woolen, the condemned train-wrsx-ker, who waa to have been hang<-d at Foleom» peniten­ tiary on Friday nest- The present re­ prieve ia until Octolwr it n«st. A bullet repose» in th« brain of Oli­ ver t-rv«r. a 10-year-old boy <>f Ander­ son, Iml. It entered his brail «G ilt a year ago, wmie i,e was w;C, a revolver. It causes him no trouble whatever. Cweesrt >*« a Brsb*. VI««».. Pittsburg, July V.—A freight train *>n lhe Pittsburg A latke Erie railroad waa derailed al Falaton. I*a , this morning, 10 ears being prrc-ipitate*| over an em­ bankment into Beaver river Forty tramps were on the tram and * me of them were «aught in the wreck. One unknown dead man ami three injured have lieen taken out so far, and ait others are missing The zocident was eauswl by a broken flange t’loee observation is forme*i by ths amted action of ths brain and ths eye. The Upper House Passes the Tariff Bill. LINES PARTY *•*•• Frwemtzl Ind •*»•! bm 4 T wo » BROKEN WERE % «*!• *!!«•• 4)«re !>•* H»yu bl lr«t»e lze««ei f*v lb* Bill. Washington, July 10 —By th* »1«- tot* of 3M to 3*. the tariff bill «*• |*tMM*l tn thr M'ti*l«*4 U» h I ft u’cluck laat rrrnin< Th«* culm Inal ion ol th* lotig anl«rni ot thr houre of reprreoritali*r* were in the rear area, whil* rv»»ry real in th* £allrr|r* b»»r !!•■•*«’ ' f'-r riyn r*pre<**nt* mam fruí their Impatirnc* by call* for *’*otr. *»»t*.*’ an»l ihvrraftcr th* la»t f » final vote brum. There wrrr man» in« terrnpthm* re fair* wrrr arrangv*!. an«! thru, at 4 55 hw k, th«’ rVA'l* *1*1 Mantle) ami «»nr Di’u»«K'rnt i McEnery). Thr n»*g.«tivr voir «ai eret by 35 Drm«»rrat*, two Pupu11«t* i Harria of Kan*** and Tur­ ner) and ««nr *ilvrr Republican |<.5*ri non). Kight Republican* wrrr paired for tbs» bill Airtl right DrtH'.M'r.«t<» rtga«»’«t •(. Thr flr*t liAHir>! WOtlld bate v«>lrd for thr bill, and the la*t namnl again»t it: Aldrich anl Murphy, <‘handler an ! M. IjAiiirin, Frye -in«! Gorman. Gear ami Smith, Hanwbroogh and Ihimrl, H»«r and Harria «»f Tenn« «’** »*, Thur** ton and Allen.Wul»<>tt *tn»l Gr»»rgr The «n itatur* ptcMe-til aii*bat«. Thr tariff debate l»**gi«n May 2ft, on which lay Aldrich, on behalf uf thr finance committer, made the ««¡»ening Mtatruirnt on thr hill. The actual o»n- aideration of the lull lw*gan the next day, May 26, when thr »ciir«iul«’w relat­ ing to chemi«**!* wa* taken up. The debate Im* !»f thr Wilson iH’t, while th»* renatr rrri|»r«»ci ty ami retaliatory provision* arr sulMiti lilt«*] for tin*»’ of thr hotire •f AT 51» Wsr«M* t>l«aster o* tbr *sr basis»»« < •>«««. New 1#»rk. July Ik—s-ovrntern «’.ip- / •n lhe Princw line *tramahip Sardinian Prine* from South America and Wrat ln»!ia port*, trll uf a battle with that must dreadml of ail enemies al sea, fire. The men embark«*I at Barbadoe*, having been forwanhwl from there by the Amrrnwn consul. Th« y belonged to the American ship Belli* of Bath, which was burne«l at *rw «»n June IS, al«*ut 150 mile* east want uf Hartwl«*e» Their trip was one winch they are never likely tn forget Tb* H**lie »•( Hath left thl* |*»rt June 3, clearing l«»r Hong Kong with a cargo of c*s*e ulL All went well until June V. when the first week’s jmifnry was al an viol Th«» ship waa aatbng along in fairly g"oi weather, when su I deoly it sprung a Irak. <‘»plain Curtis order«**! all hands to the pump* prempt- ly. The water gain«*! upon them steadily, and every im»ni«*nl it tanked as if the veseel woU'd go to the bottom After 2 4 l»»»ur* of »'«»natant w rk •- > water wa« redneed In the h«»l«l, but th* Irak uld n«>t be «t««ppud, and the crew w»»rk«*l in relays for niue days pumping the water out. When the men w«*fe abmwt exhausted «»n Frnlay afterm»»n an l some of them were on the verge cd co!taper the cry t»f “tire” rang through lb* ship First Mate <’«•»! de tec ted Uttb* cloud» id «mokt coming tnim the fore«.ast te, and tpiickly sounded lhe alarm Captain Curti*. who wa* below, st.etching a few mm- ates' sleep, «prang on de» k and ordered th« hat, hr* Hoard make hade t • get into t! . taait*. The boats d th» •htp flew up and the shfe* burst, and i great taaiy of smoke and flam»* fi I the air. It took |<’rhaps half an ho»w t«» finish th«« work. When th«* sm*»k«‘ lay«**l on a large table, resting « md the fold* of an American flag All th»* naval and military ufli »r« were in full uniform. A conspicuous feature «»f th«* <-«'*re- tlioiiy Was it»«* prerem'** *ttwr < .»»»frrrrw X aiihh I Washington, July 10.—Thr honre hall. Thr prerenlation wa* made hy Gov­ comm it t«*«* on rule« today presented a spot ia! or«lrf rending thr tariff bill to ernor Wm. I* L«»rd. Th»* response wa* conference a* tooti a* it was received . by Captain Albert C Barker. «*»»ni manding the Rattle ship < >r«*g»>n. When from the senate Th* house A«h>pted thr •|«r**ial <»r«I«* hr had finished his addrr»>«, a»c«*pting hy a vole »»f 142 to 107. amt agreed to . the teathnonisl, hr was loudly ap­ Ding fey’* motion to non-coneur on lb«’ plauded, and a moment after the pre. •mate AiHmdm«’iit*1 and sgrrr t»» a con­ sentatum ceremnnie* came to a el**«* ference. Thr *|M«akrr aptointr»! thr with three rousing rheers for Oregon and the flag Immnliatrly after th»* followliig «onfm**«»* *»n th»* tariff bill Diiiglry, Pay nr, Ihilrell, Hopkins, , fi»M»r was cleared of tables an»l « hair»«, the silver service carefully »ami f»»r, Grosvenor, Hrpuhlleans; Hatiry, Me am! the anmiiim rnont ma dr that the Milhn an i Wheeler, I>rm«a rat* lull lai urn uf sailors would give an ex- First « uMÍrtear» liria. hibition «trill. This proved to Itn a Thr pre«t’'>«»n with Washington, July !<>,—-Th«* first great feature. Hireling of thr eonfrrvrs uf thr renatr which the men res|*m*ir»l to trtimj«*t- ami h«»ure on thr tariff bill itrgan at 3 order* a*t«>ni*h«*l thr spoctat«*r«, ami at o'elouk Thr Ifemorrati«* mrmla-rs uf the close «»f each evolution the sailors Hume uf the Ui* mnfrrrin** reinain«*»! less than 10 were heartily applauded. minute*. They with«lrrw. up*m inti­ movements were r tree» I mg I y grateful, mation uf the Rrpuhli« an* that they partu'ularly the calisthenic eimire desirr»! an op|*»rtumty to reconcile with guns, ami the admirable perform­ their diffrrrmrs tiefor* »«»nsulting thr ance wa* watehrd with the cl«ir«-st at­ D» •too ral*. W ith the dvjMrturr of thr tention. Democrat*, the Krpnhlican* entered Hartsville, Tenn., July A—A fright« upon a general exchange of views Thr ful boiler explosion oerwrred on the cunfrrre* will meet daily al 0:30 A M am! continue in session until fl F M . farm of W. A. Alien this aflerntMin, by with an hour for lunch. They will re­ which nine |>e<»pie were kille«l and five assemble after dinner am! »ontiniir in bally injure»!. Home of the victim* were mangled liryund recognition, and »rasión until 11 o’clock. piece* of the boiler were blown 7**lb *r *•••«•• Narria. Washington, July 10.—«Senator Isham G. Harm, of Tmnr*««**, died in this city late this aftertmon. Thr renal or had bren growing constantly weaker for several »lays, thr intense heat which has preval le» I greatly aff«*» ting him ami no «luubt hastening hi* end. Tin* morning thr senator revived *muewhal, but only temporarily. During the af­ ter neram* violent in the boat, and that, when her father was trying to quiet her. both fell ir.lo the water and lust their lives. A Resume of Events in th® Northwest. EVIDENCE OF STEADY GROWTH Nsw« «.•thrrr«l «>wr |«i S • lg h lz»*rleg m»**l lhe %|| Stale» In ill InUuairte» To«»« 4»f ! »•» pr»»• «►• 4*r»g*w. Elward Walker was killed near Bru- laugh by a hu* king h»>r*r. a In Sumpter. Bakrr o»unly, a man a- kt. k I «na I r>> bv 1 oi ft ;>o Ja*'»b H'.urkh*rdl full in the river at the foot uf Flamlere street. Portland, md w a* «frowned. At» eutr’pr ig man i .iiu»**l lamg has pul In a phoU* gallery, a nc«w»pa|«er tnd a »teamlmat al tlmsis. Thr Frndfelou roller mills are grind« mg almul 2,(MX) buhsrls of wh«*at every ¿4 hour«, turning out daily 400 barrel* >f flour. Good« to the am«’U*it «»f ftfi33 wore dolen from a *torr at Pleasant HiII. Reward* igg’« .¿atiiife' f JÄO at*- offered fur thr apprehension of the thirirs Th»* F.ji«t4»rn Greg»’t» of B tpl**l rhurchra held it* annual Uirrt- ng at Adam« I. E. Petd*i>d, uf Ifehi, so* rie«'trd moderator, and Rev Hugh Miller, of Pendleton, wa* elroted *lrrk Th* McKeniir wagon rovl adrose the '» ufe iiB-inUn.* I» i»uw free (ruin «now. and in g»*»»>i «>>n«hliou fur travel. ■»«•v«*ral thousand head of cattle h*v«* al« rr**ii ta** n dtlvrn « rv*« the mountain* »ti thl* road. A hl I . f • p II.it w. ’. I « Illg Ifivrn to It.»» < « reek range, K m k »f *trawl»erry, in Grant riMinlr, als •ums j»oiM»t>*»u« weed just l«rfurr reach­ ing Hie rang*', am! srvrral bumlr*«! uf them «lied on the hilltidr. Ifermy pl tea «a nt* will I* more numrr« >us in thr Willaiiirtte valley this year t! m «‘».«r I« fer»' The wraliwBr wa* fin»* for l atching .m l r-aistng the first top, tv w !*«*ing ir»-l for l y the < »icks, slide th«* •*«» si I « rop • •* |j g hatched out. P«* .thm>l i*. *ii old Indian woman who ii.i* roaming up and down the coast from Rogue nvrr t«> Iluml*uldl fur irani, is rr|4>rl«rd t«» have idird while attempting to cro*s thr muun tains (r«»ui Cr««- ’lit I ity h.» Happy ’amp. on lhe Klamath river* She w»m aught in a snow storm. F<»r the • alps «if gophers and «quit« rel*. Marion • only p.«*« I<> < nts ♦ pi4- ’z‘ f«»r th»* f»>rm«*r in quantittrs of 10, and 5 ceiits ip»s-•«• fu« ihr latter lu »mounts of J" Fur w ¡I leal*, i I« th” rate, «oute» ••*», lM-ar ft! 50, and -xiugar* 9i 5u. During thr month «>f June thr »•minty treasurer paid out on this aocuunt al«>nt 3103 Mr Wih x, uf Eagle Lake, niiaaed •mr uf l>l* >>ws .» ! < dav« sg>>. ami when h»' finally f«»tind her, hr »lireov« »■r»’d tha? •! .' | »*! adupled a V»»ung fawn, and wa* taking pr«q>er c«rr uf it. A f»’W Io taler she g.»»«* birth to a alf, and huw th«» calf an ! fawn re­ ceive thr same motherly altenttas. 1» ■shlr>|t The Okan<«gan river i* eu low that navigation ha* ta*rn su*|»«*i)ded fur ths season. There ar»* 2,100 children of school ag«* ii U a » Wall*, being an im rea» « «>f Ml above the »rn*»i« of la«l rear The Asbinglfili Stat«* Ph 11 to log I«** I Ho«rlty held It» re«*und annual uinvviv tn»n in lhe state university at Seattle. Work on thr n • a annery building st I ’ • i i v a i i. k 11 • I ■ t > n I y A force of about 45 or .tn men is employed in « onst ruction E»l McNeil, »»f Turn water, hvs m»«lo a riumlwr uf violins of Washington ww«»l The violins ar«» *a> I to lw* of excel lent ten** TI i«* plat of tewnsldp 24 north, range II west, ha* t*r**n ptac»*d on file in the Olympia land ufflvr, and th» (ownship thrown op»**> for eAiry, George Brown wa* «irowne-l in lhe Huh river. Chrhali»* County. Indian* who rrc»»vpfvd th«' h»*|y »ay he was u ir«-d »nd held under Ihr waler by mammoth « rata. John II Walsh, of r the government jetty work al the harbor mouth. The Great Northern «hope at Hill­ yard are now employing a larger for«** than ever before There are 139 men on the payroll, ri» lusive of lhe various clerks in the store department, section men and numerous other employe*. The tWo engines that rolled several fin»dred feet down a mountain side some weeks ago. near Kahs|*ell, have l»eru put In the shopfl fi>r general re­ pair*. • The receipt* fi*r the school fund at the ofli • of the land mmis«mn, in Olympia, for the quarter ending Juns 30, aggregate $33,443 10. Th»' re »*ipte from Whitman county alone for le<»»** uf school land* amounted I»» $fl,000. The cititnee of Anaer«*l by la< k of tank farili« tie* through which to tranaart the large amount of bn*m«»s that their new in­ dustries furnish, au l it le probable that • 4»«-Ixaok wt»t ir»- «7w»Mzb*fe»iSd Piers Gwin Hick* has tiled hi*official bond • 11 assumed the duties uf state printer. Of th» III 000 appropriated for state printing for two years, about fs.ftOO has Iwen «i*’*d The amount uf stuck ua hand in ths offi<» turne«! over by the retiring state printer, White. I» of the value of |77l. 17. Grain dealer* and miller* in Wallg Walla estimate that there will be at least 80 per rent more wheat in Walla Walla county this year than lent. There was more laud under cultivation then than is under cultivation thi* year, but the ftuer quality of ths grain new aiakee e greet differ eno«. r