* «/ ’ -K # ? - » •'¡St TA» Hijtut ÀJC.^uez. of th* list few day* sei m Io have ta-en genera! and Will Tbe l eiilr»l |iapti«t a««« iation Et>. .«a io l*ur T«« the EKtron <»r th « P hemo add |. rgelv to crop yields." conve «*-d io il» annu ii wsiwmlJ) in A« there app« ir«-d tn Every mie .Ima Id cvmr* t<« Lelrw , TIIITK8DAY. Jl’.NE owing to Ihr ralyy weather «•( tlil« city un la»i Thur-'l »y. fh* nt the column« of the PMIQMt. *«»mc Tuc*d«y tin- Ma««-ala*r pi«-nicat Jef* mm <>n Satunl «y, July 3. to «ele.! Ic—frat'ie color* Midi*. ler««Hi Was |.o»l|«ai.rd till Saturday l«r «tv Independent* l»ay. linn. N.I Ivodaine of mini«ler» .imi delegate* time ago a abort accouet <«f the T.y rd tlo-ir v l«il tu S» l«i. ulm u i« drowned in the vicinity of ami i'V per yard. < ir> uit court w|il convene In Al- the Corvelli« < 41« ge, will remi the i The \ laitnr» uere « ot«-rt.ii>i*-.| t.< Prineville, I thouylit a «bort Item fhalmsr. ¿I 4* *» Gi Mop hmitrm Ì 4-)G Intiy next Monday. The dorket 1« Tli* correct »tyle. Ih» larath.ii of lmle|wnd« n.-e. flie , bollirei« of ttit* city ami viilnlly, giving a little m te complete out­ »•»» tbBT’l. gly la- t ul two or three iglm- |>i •*•»»* In «»till«* M|U«re al ..»• A. M., iimlcr the »«• Ih* Ramncy brfck. Tue bu»ini«** «.f from one of hl« old time friends '«»atint Iva* tdtr. I A 'lob —«d un Sntur- grv«t fol wear, a «even I We have not learurd what thr bbl» Iy «« nt glove, and liettcr C. II. M «Hague. Every effort I« day afb-riiuou. A litcrnry pr««gr «m m.irrn*«l Mi«- Matll«!« Mliter, «laugh and «% . • «’m« . mi the Slnll-urn »ln«>lti' u*e were, la-lng made to make thl* a grand bytheyoung p««>p|r wa* rendere«. > r of Bl« har«l Miller ftf M la-autiful ground« ' <>n >Wturti«y ev«-iimg. Mi«» Wiuutr eounty. Hu lived tor « number <«f I l . |"W I 11'1 »«* .«.••- I i,i-v«-n 1er, Blue, Pink. >>ti the tmnk of the *pf 11 ay« ooar St io, ami w ■« lovetl ami Cream, Y.llow' Bla« k thr cuiitract. am. Follow Iliff ia aome of the prli- welcoiDej re»;mnw by Mr. Miti«» k, reapeclrd bv nil wlm knew hl n all al 7ÚC |n-r yard. Altiany Will have aprt lai attric- <-« that will <>v given «day: llurw| u! McM imi ville •‘I m Io INck,” ae he w «« familiarly I lor »l<«’k I* large—<«ur The f.Uluwing 1« i li»t f a life *»ving crew sic: idcycte race. I milov, fir«t pti*c ing: |*r«>f. W. J. < r«wfor«l moder l>l,-.H.-rL ntor, ¡6-na; R«-v-, C. C. sperry mid , «wh wa* mi place of oltterm-««, gentle |7 .-gi, M-mnd price »2 «’*••; bicycle MHtmt». <<» m i-mli une», narro* edge- J I I mi i.;«>rl >4 near E«rw<»«l, r«cv two tulle«, laiy« under I* year«, W. I'. FIm«»r«-, Urowtwville; II. W amt g«-nial all hl« life t«i th* end tc and up; Heavy cotton Ring, E Northup, A. J. Huu«Jk«-r, Few nu«n had more friend* or i lore* »uit i'4e *«»r trim in eirleivorlug to get aiu-S'l of some f.’»; fool race loo yard« SB»; foot rae» ¡ E. Fa< MlnnvUlet J. S. Wallace, C. IL 1.« de* vor Integrity mid tiotmr is ENfiRMot’S. breaking of one of lil* leg* ju*l uumvrou« to nmntion. mar, Eugetio ih ••man, I alia non; A. marked all hi* iiiteriaiur-a' and hi-' ix'bmuin e»t<-tida ti insilai Imita ­ ihov* Hi" ankle. A physician of I. Black, J. W. tbti.rm', ln«i«-pvu relation« to all men, and call« forth lo-lsiliou wa« called ami adjusted timi to l.inn county, state of tir« goti dcnce: «*1b.iy I*« k Slny l-«i , A. W. the tio|«u an.i liu*t of a belief ami and the whole tnil««l Htatcs to I the fracture. Agent for Butt'-ri« k j««lteru» »o.Mler, i A W '■ <1) Gllmmi I n more gtortoil« retting place In til«- . Rufu« um lt»i of tin- Oregon dial® Fair for IM < till J A. I llAHi lit ». i» i hit II. W. f tttmiv. l<»7 togvthar witli a «-onqJimfn I i.omp-Hjn, Attany, W. A. Liud-ay, Y<»U will |'t «»lilllil V <’• di«c !<■ « I. «irm.in ol F.x. t oui. S.d'-m. tsry th krt for the M ason. The \lbmiy, Julv «!. t«» e> |«brate maiMgi-ment appear to hive made IMzgatea- Joiu« Itavi«, Mr« Gray uur National littl' p« ti'leii« >• 5rru &t Lobxac¿ ‘I he Saii.t« of I• I will ci.mmdn« UHUswd ■ xerllon* Io make till« Ml»a Ella Pavla, She,! I»; P. < . Volt'll find our »lock til years fair a »u<grm mid i>r--mium» for »l«ick ex Mi»« F.-ter Swan-cii, C. lì. Scott, N Camp grout««! 1« I I mile «-■ulti of I wi-li to announce Unit arrange- Biirllantl. We have juM cotu- liibils arc fully up to the «tandai«l merit« Imve l . • Mlnnio Tlmm|««on, John bitiinip»on, Mi«« A.bile Walt.« . , Otto at Albany an*l can tn>M -p«-««k nt i.ohnnm. mi Monday morn* It l< VllMH’lkHl I I io- i >r< g * uian - iy «: Mr U’.ili i o- Ing. July l-’tli it « A M ' lagninoli: J. Pickenn, C. W. Stage, Evi-rybody invited. supply your want« with any- i that E. N. J rttt»!rv4 ut (tin* tUiml Every « (L.rl i« l>< Ing imide by the Eogcr; A. M. Brumhack I. ■"iwtc’le pr**ch*r) of A tiling in the 1’ry Good*. I nt B. latwlcr, manager of the Lawler . » ■ . : : ■ gold uiln« «, w ho 1» now in Lon>lon, pi ->ple of Evitinoli to m.ike it plea«- Mr*. S Grovt-r, M. Minnvllle; I. N piling ’ lotxii«, <>r shoe line. ! meeting. Warmouth ami wtfc, A. W. s(>in.«rd will return »horlly, aci’iimpmird by W«' are recci • ing new Mr«. I.iwlrr. In a letter roc« lv«-«l alti sod agreeable for thus«' desiring Mi-« Minili«' Stanard, Ilrow navi Ile;' • lo coinè anil hear tliu great orator. Mr. f«a.te Il««rtit r, proprietor of good* frotp tlic 'o 'i■! ■» ev­ from him yesterday. Il is learned \V <• iiave plenty of good camping Mi-« E ìiza Scott, Tangent; Mi«« tlic Burton llou-c , Burton, W. Va . ery week anti will make you that the company lie represented In grounds Will' ll Will bo free Io any Jcnnic Case. Effit- linaiuoli, Ida 'I unii one of the niiMt whlly known Hut<'hlna,<»ak Creek ibipti«t churvh; "j«-ratli>g mines in Die QunttBViile olle desiring to u»«' them. a« low priced a« the lowcit. mv.i In the «tate wa- cured «if rlicu You can make yuur.-< If at district h «» !aM»n entirely reorganlx- la iiauun ; .vicini- .« cor«ll«il invìi*, S. Bond nini wife, llalacy; G. li matlam after three year« «4 -ufT r ( rawfortl ar.<| wlfe, Mr«. H. !.. bàirie 11 - g home in our »tore whethet • ■'I, ami In- will s»sm return to take timi Io Illi. 11I . . • i ;., r-.ni.ii li irgn of tin- work, to be Turtier; J« »«ie llaekleman, Ni III. comm imi of I mgo >g" to c.iovev any you wish to purchase or not. i-iirrt* d l, my phy «i- '* I'rict - j 1 w a \ - tin low c»t. visit tilirianl, Mr. laiwler i>s«l ilí» C -iXac»» Trutta. ami wife, Jo-epli Craven». Mi«« Vi­ ciao« tol'l na licit nothing cotil'l ••yi « treated ■< i d the sight of one re Io m b i- In-. ii greatly unproM'l. „ Jack 'Jone* ha* porcha«ed Irom Imli-pcmlen«-«*; Henry Cyru«, J. W. Refill. I‘cficock A ( *o On their way to Oregon, Mr an«l 1 C. A. I."U I, the Wlgmam lee Cream: Garbimi, J. M. |ia»«ler, W, E. Ar­ fully convinced tint nothing bill di'Hth would relieve me of my »uf- Mr». I.awl> r w III make n »hurt stop Parlor», nn«i took charge of the »uine , nold, Providence churvh, T. J. Muti feting. In June, l-'.'l, Mr. Evan«, i List Monday, lie purpise* to con­ kt-r«, L. I,. < alav.in, S. b. Titu«, J. Srl®, Oregon. it Sill Lake < By. then .ilcam.in for the Wheeling ALBANY, OREGON I i ' mh I turtiout» at re ««hnalilt- rete-. The Southern Pacific company has tinue the ice cream t»u«im"« on Sat-i L Arnold, Scio cliurch l»rug Co., recomcml« J Cha'tuber Stag«-line lo Munkcr«'. 1 ornilo r Visitor*—Mi»«e« Sarah Scott, lecl.li-d t«i but on a special daylight unlay«, Sunday» and «pi-cial occas­ Inin'» Pain B.ilm. At tin* time my «'Ini meli ctHiveyeti lo ami frolli all tram from Portland to Sail Francis ion« and M-rve lee cohl drink* at nil Alimi McCutcheon, C. W, Conver-e, f«a>t nn«l limb were «wlli'n to more jiolnt«. Hor««-» iMMirdeil l«y tlie day LOCAL B7JCTITI23. • «for th«-< liri-tlan Endeavor meet time«. He *.vlll incrouse the stuck Ben Blood, t .tritoli; l-'red l'hump-on than d*.'Ub|u their normal size ami ! or w eek ing. Till« train will leave Portland ■ >f confectiom-ry, cigar«, totwci«», ; Mr». C. A. Eamar, Mr Mei iirdy it M-emeti 'o me my leg w<>ul«i Ht’iui Ui<* nd uf kiKAiit A .M v I m r, it .'i o’clock on the morning of July ••te.,jMlid nlw ay» tie nt your service wife amid.«lighter, Mi.«-< »rn \\ nilaCv t>ur»t, but aoon nfter I In ganuMing of Albany in another column. the, unvcr night ami continue on the w ay likirta. laa-k.l , wife, Mi» Eunice Mundinger, T. cured. For «ale by Ew ix«,«V Prt itv. I For Sale—Stolt» Hr«l cl«•» d.ilty to Han 1 r.inciM •> tile next morning, cow«. Inqulio of J. S. Morri«. M*. ■-«» • 4» * Northup, Fleta IJeth reaching (lie latter city on the even M A Y ARN'ol.H In .Seattie,W ig h Northup, Petti 1 - I : i • • |. 1.1« • • t«> g«« I«>r fit-! oti June I.’, lir.mgo Scott May and • Nortbup, McMiniivile; A. .v. Fulk- "For three yearn wo have never- Nice, nonby, new g.»>«l« arriving Illg of July bill. I llis will la- Ml el- claim dentistry. Teeth til 1« <1 < irrle T. Arnold. <-r-on, MonqAiilLL iH O. U. Este» O.k- been without Chaiuberlain*» («die. daily nt s. M Itanivl*» < all and «<« <•1^11* chance to »eu all of Western Well, well! M.> our old friend land; Mrs. JlU *1. ’I. Curl, Mr. Mit lllop Ch.ilern and l»i.irrlm-1 Remedy In or extracted without pain. lh«m. Oregon and the Sicremcntu valley Scott ha« finally »evered Ilia <>|,l Everybody »hotil«l go over to Let. 4 < .dlfornla by daylight. Itaubt time reliitimia with bachelorhood Jun. Ml» U.itlie Chesney, John th«« hoUMi," nay* A. II. Patter, with Morrison, Alluny; Mr. Short, Me E. C. Atkin* A é<’<>., itidlnrtii|H»|i«t anon ami tieur Wm. J. Bryan on I«—» many <4 the « lliz.cn» o’ Oregon ami has Iwcome Ju«t n plain ordinary < leay: A. F. Beard ami wife, Mrs. Ind., "and tny wifi* Would i<- >i will take advantage of tins oppor- July I.*, at k a . m . ev< ry day married man. We »ciiree Ibail Follis an I husbind, Stayton; think of being without Hour a« n Order« for wn»hlng by the Albany lutiity to take a «layllglit trip iy thought lie wouhl ever gain hi« Mr. T. J. Fullls, Mrs. Henty Folii». bottle of till« Beniedy in the »urn Steam laundry taken by II E through < »regen and t allforuia. <>w ti convent, much I« «» that <>( hi« Kingston; R. Thompaou, Agustn tiler »ea«on. We have u«ed It w|ih Palmer, nt !»r. Prill'« office. Siti« fair bride, to commit aucli a com Dawson, Albany; Mrs. W. A. Lind­ nil three of our children nnd it li i- rsasoKAL MsimoiT faction gmiraiitee«l. moiiplace olTmice. All the aame we sey, Misses isiura »haw, Edith iViu (South »ide of bridge.) never failed to cur«-—not »imply Take your egg» to Head, Pern « ck C. V. J'liHikoii drove d«»wn to >41 wi»li our friend« a very large . Albany Oregon, they p«y tin lem la»! Saturday. j llty of marital felicity. May Scott Mia* Juney Compton, Isaac Com|«ton 1« all right, nini any one who tri," hlglicat mniket price, mid give you «•vet Carrie tin* affection, tru«l mi l I iidejM'iidence; Everett Parrish, of Sodaville Nelson Cochran, it will timi It ao.“ Fur «ulti by Ew Having ai't up a «hop In th" at«.v> n large «lock to »elix t from. in low n yesterday. ■olitldrn. <• of tlic wife of III» Ixivom, Brownsville; Dan Powell Prineville; line are priqaired to «io rir-t*< bi«* |X(J A Pl.I.llY. Mr. Ju-on Wheeler of Albauy md May Carrie ever pi.e«« that C. A. Nutley, Portland; mid Mrs. work on »bort notice, liiwthiue * Tlic Star Bowling Alley of thi« city trial. Charge« re ri.nable. -.ime uvei la«t Friday. true loyalty md love on the part of Henshaw and daughter, tkik Creek. 2170 Tour Oriuu ha» |u*t la < n completed. it It I« i« -e« M < Gill ami family are attend her liu«l«aml that will iii«ur«< true ond to none in the «tale, Wed tie« Asauxl Texchsr» laatl’.uw. hnppine»». Here 1« our PuC Ncvtt, day ha« been »« bct« «i e-jM-clally a- ng the Turner camp m« uling. Few realize tbit elicli «w visiting r< Notice 1« hereby given that the Wtikelev’a Squirrel ami Gopher I’v itile» mi iiray'i« river, Washington. ikator Prill having I'aated II llll'f* DEVAN'EY In l.obanon Annual County Institute for tench- terminator i« the moat rffecllvti and S. I Shore amt family went doWIi oli Juiie I T, l . 11. I.imir oflh-i.itiug Scio, ran be found nt III« Office, It economical p>ra of Linn county, will la* hel«i in I io the i uruer camp meeting Satur Mr. S. D. 1 iiu* and Mi*.« Minine Al «lu<-«-«l to kt cent«. the liutldlng formerly orrupird Altiany, < »r , beglning July 13 M»7, ‘■or «ule t>y J S, Morri« «X t Agl pt.a Ih-Vaney, l>oth of Limi connly. I lay. l»r. Hyde. Calin promptly atlemled, Mr. Tltus ia il «ucces«ful It-acinT. «nd will I»« in session for two week«. 1.. L. and R 1» t alavan Were ill d iy or night. of Scio, and hh alfe I» a grami Teacher» and those who exited to Albany on bu»iue»« the first uf tbe rhe I .i«t«-»t anil Most Styl­ S. C. Browne, M 1»., gradual«- ol «iiiiighler of E. P. ItaVanev of orar teach are expected to attend at least ish Rig* kept by any stable the I a I cc II c Medh-nl institute, Cln week. tin- first three days of ttiu Institute. M. V. Bilyeu ami family ar* visit­ flit« city. ì he Pur »» estenda con clniinlll, Olilo. I all« promptly an« in tue county can be fotlliil Tlioae who expect to take the! ing al the !mme uf hi* fatner in-law gratulatimi«. wen-tl. < iffi< << in rciddence nezi i comity eiamlnatlmi for county cer here. Svcial attention given d«»«r to Si l«i l'Kl.»« office, Scio, < »re F. I'. l»eVaney. lltlcates, will I k « greatly aide«l if to boarding horse*, Stock Slod t»uting |>irtiea for the M.ickla-rry gon. they attend the entire session of the coral an-l scale* connected :lel«l*. Jeo«»t, mountain«, etc , are <)|Z»EN — Al O.ieid i Wn«li., on Junv i | Ì., m , /W* Knvol<»p0, White Wovt'i Extra Hundred- of thou-and« have 1« <-i. 17, 1*»7. Mr» Lizzi* (llud»on) < »1 with the barn. <'liargi a rea­ Thick, only 5renin» cow I m ing arranged. hiilm i-d to try Chniiibetlalti'ii Cough The institute will is* conf Porti imi ami ■vt«-n»ivi- repair* lo G. F. Codey’» G.ssl quality cent». Richmond Wheeler. It« merit« for tbem-i-lvc« nr<- to-day Blood |M«l»onliig wns tlie cause of , Butler l»i«li. Cream Pitcher, Su­ A. s. M> ihmald, of Brownsville, County Sup't. It« warment friend«. For «ale by tierileath. Mra. Cary wa» at thr! gar Bowl, Spoon Holder the four md of circulating library fame, wa ­ Ewtx«. A I'»a tn . |«eie««s, only |.'ie«,ot« hed«lde of ber daugliter wlien »he i X& ms R Z.» c U ob . in our city on Tuesday. p|H««ite tlic |4 i-ilng mill» a The Helo pl tiling mill« Hud Ing the wliit you buy? Cub-«« the InrlH •By. Office next «hair to «trug »tore; hour «Upply of power a« obtained from week. 'Hie mint Important l>u»i- Ml«« Maud Bilyeu, of thi« office I» I'ui'i-ii a gr«'iit'-r Increii-e in w ha t ne«» wn« the elect Ion of officer*, It to 12 A. M. ami 2 to 5 P. M. < u have to m -II, then wlmt It doc­ |a-il in Ihr tor what you hnvo to buy, It will I m l>.K V Ili.A« «m Kh. o"H« M ««'i»rh> ed and are now netting up a new llulnoti, ot Stay Ion, grand matter; > i failure far n« you are concern «•uuntry. «'X/T7.O «team engine that w ill furo i «ti ade J It Cleland, of Portland, deputy BLACKBI RN a snMERs Ml»» Bertie Cary of independence quote (tower at all time» for |>l inIng* gniml master; J M JE h I miii of J.u \\5 A.y '■ triiniM mi i i« . iceompanied by Ml«« Spark* of Oik blo-rlff tinltie« frii-tmt|«t purpaana. Hence every one want­ gene, »color grand Warden; W J attempt to break jail by Joint P ai land Calif, arrived in thi* city on ing anything In their line can I m « ac­ Butcher of Biker City, Junior grami ALBANY, OBEGON. ti ruoti iind iitmtli« i pri-ont r o i Tu» - Munday for « few d iy« visit with commodated with dl«(iatch. j warden; J Mayer of Portland, grand ' UwiHiu •« ,t a , Flm« ^«rlonal IU»nk llnll'hn« und piacili In g «al order prompty, dry evening. 1 he prisoner» w< r, relative» and friends trustee; l> C McKereherof Portland, , by A, W. HAtil'.Y. I'rlce» In aeeor Markit aepsrt. Mr. ihin Powell of Prineville, loenkii'g a Itole through the nule, grami treasurer; Ustnes F Robinson j «lance with the tlii.es. shop nt u,, ■riu M iotati ..«» wall 'nin the curi idor, where they brother of A. T. Powell of near tills of I.ugene, grand secretary. ... A fio It «I WW At I. AW . fxistoffieu. Scio, < Iregon. Wheal 6& rt*. per bu. are allowed to pa»- the day, u«lng i. City, has been visiting the latter for grami It si ge of the Eastern star nl«o ALBANY. OB. <>at«, 8H " Wimlow weight n« n lettering ram the past fvw day». He will return »» Mil. L / ' '* In I i imt « •• U. it Fir*’ N»f •« , elected officers, as billow*: Mrs. ' Flour »4 i«» L. II. MONTAN YE, a* hank. A! dv ill-«-A er< d what wa« going to hl* home In a day or two. Bran 12 (»0 ton. Madeline Conkling of Roseburg, AiniMMT Ar l.%W 9 at Mhldling« 13 on anti r« |>urt<-d. The prl«<>net« w l«l grand matron; Rev. t . C. Puling ol Editor Smith of tile Silver Imprint ALBANY, <>IL t 'h«q>, f l'i |mr t<»n. in «’mhn bul>4ln<. remilo tn the engv« from it l««>n. Portland, grami (stiroli; Mrs. K. was attempting to do bu«ine»s In Potable». 7'»ct« |M»r MCk ___L_ _ _ I Th« Albany Tannery I.utkeof Portland, grami assistant i.~ A per lox. Wotk ia Ih-lng volunteered on the Evans thi« w«-«-k ami »t<>|>|>e«l over Buttei, creamery Jf»: ranciie 12 p fb. matron; Mr«. Jessie Cavanua, grami Saturday night in this city on hl» road leading frmn the Kelly Itrldg, Ham", lit* per II«, Mr-. Muckle SL Ht-lctis, on tiio Cratrtrve, to the s-«tnl« r-m return. !!>• f«tll«*d L> find atty p,..» Shoulder«. He per Ih. grand treasurer. perlty up In that locality. bridge. Owing to tlic fait timi Bacon, He p<>r Ih lami, 7c per III there 1« not ■ notigli of avallimi« Er in'- Butcher returned from hl» Proprietor. f'»r »»11 kinil* of hides and Xxcuruoa ta Aàbuy Chicken«, 3 no per do» work in thi« locality, t«i put th« visit tu Tlic Italic« last Saturday pelt*. SCIO, OREGON mad tn n pan*at«le cmnlitlon, tin He state* I» at time* there seemed wimti . i » -rvziiii rAtmrrt urv <•» 'X- *’• Barker of Allmny was in ' 11 aho ha« a full Htock county court «bollili give Mime aid to him to I m * quite lively owing to W «X. M-II twirl í« r I All kind« ot fr« -h in» «t» constant- "-!• • this city yesierday pouting bill« und ."•ia-»;t«hr*l hott«« In OñwM ’ •ka’arj , , „ . . IV <>n hnnd an«l will »old at tli* In rvpniring the rout. Tmn ll««lt the he ivy «lock shipments and I?««*, ftavabk* of ilarncRK ami Ladigo . arridi' util rit* num «rrnnipnitiin exc ursion from Nt h, loj h M ||v|f t r|(f.w. r|m> freah flth Pvrmanrnt Krt» rr»»«r. F nrI««ar haa luilicltcd tóo day« work fr« m handling of the wool clip. Mrs. hrvaitfon wlfg t'lft^M ! » «miri rnv« lri|xr Thr Nation Altany AI I m ny* un on July 3. il. The truhi train u will ill l.ilogna, l*i| people living <>ul»i«lc Itic di«trict to Geo. Furguson, his »Isler, who Hie» al. rv|iiirt< « -Iimiiti « nt <| |dati« for all t'llIAWH <«f rat petit rv. at I lie lower t living t'rirea, i for iiiriiihliiitg |>iatl" atl«l e-ti||||lte •it f<»r «■••ntr ietM thiit .-in’ tiw i nr- ib", tfay, i girtn To * I « • »*» T . . . ■ r»v : i li.»-, - ,t-. aa# a -, H i t l»|'i 10 00. <• W «»rii. j.. RIVER I »I X ISK >N. l'»»rr«n-l *n •* i«»•«» I.* I « V Worth. « M. ■ « u. %r , I.V I I V e » • C M. Th«» »•«*»* a • • ■ i’ a i «»■ *.«»n«! ' »**n hkitfalMl a •. Na h* tn I M«ri n Jrth'iwm, I • 11 a a » , ll«rri*burir, J met I« ft » it y. > iiMrttr, < »»I Ukkjw <»»*«»* », hrw'iia, linklaud an<1 tali Ii<»n<* fr»*tu K«*«» «HiHlh to a» I if i It ng ' \*h.M»i-t, •<«»** t**»rg X M l.v . . I’otf land •• XI ' Lv AHatn> .. 1 VI KiMM'Eti rg Ar L» l.v « I* M I.' 5s I* M v A M I rlMtioii Mrniirb l«uH> ♦ -ve pt ’»unlay i Un» t.rtianoit ÀIban> l« « litg f ar |a| llrnuate. M «»«Mll.tirti iMlly r ^erpt Natality.| Î i 9 M; p.m JA p,íí» J» fin Lr I Lv Ar w ■ - I.» I lirai ».ui. - '•• I lining ' ar- <>n < Jgileti Route. Trllr.u LuTot Starar» -un- Albany's Cheapest Stare. REPAIRED 0IS2Cir. I i o irt. r • for ■ .«mie -r« i.il trav, II-., I«««tel I'* '-1er*-. Motor enra i «*« ■ tl« «Il r «tir" ««I d- |»'t • « " I t .1. i* lira Park, i r-e tai* to and from the house - • .«» Ätnrrt»,! »»f Flfwt aixcl -•«LSAJt'T, GREATEST STORE. A. G. PKILL, ORE, J ALBANY'S »* .7 4 r Clllplovt ■!, ' l.i' \ 11 IL »nie I imk i l:g. 1 i " t . '«le «uppil« I w ith the t>e«t the market* afford. Street « ar line run* «linei to th* lloU«e. Wagon Shop. BARNES & MUNKERS, frwietur. • i < , i V - «i » n'i5«, , am « Attach* I Io through Imin«. W« t Siti»» | >i vision. Hilwerit t*r»rttMft«l » »Iti < «r b i» 111« . Mail fin n '.«Gy e tt ««pt Ruit’Iay • ;■ $ ■ •f ’ » » • ■ » X ' t , < r |.v » a Xf".A f m | if pm . « .i ’ .< » ■ r traine rw ! I r • -**»! . » «j-• f m'ii i r- : • ■ H • t iK r i. ept Mnn.lny , !’• • ’ !”»•! M M • ■ v i » p «ri* * y * ■ m s». * m bit»« « miihf« ••♦»»» »( M vnFtno with fi«*» * r • xt •’’’«fa» 1 •< b” Kr%N ani « IIINA. *al.|n< latra «m appuratimi. l a ' • ‘ i «utrrn p»»!nta an-1 Ftt* * H • ** a w* I %tta» iq In « mi '• •« I Ir» M < - M. tttMl»*«r. ||«kt*t akrrtit., Wt-wt W. KopHl.tn Ma”a.,»r. J ri «»tu«. \ avi «4 9 .t I««« Agt-tif, ff»rl «ntl.itt. »- • CITY WMÍ jhehíbhestcash '« Scio Hold L W RICHARDSON, t.- ’• •» f -** 3. ¥. Ma»» >, i ¡ i’ '«'» ....SCIO, OR........ First-class aceommiMlatiomi. Tablea supplied with the I» «1 the market affonl«. lU-r» irmw O h . In ran Wnllnr« ,nr <*« v mT" i tm«lqii irter- for t ommerclal Traveler*.