and the way opened for a CALI, A CONFERENCE. I former», tory in UNO POPULISTS ASKED TO MEET IN NASHVILLE JULY 4 ïhr Call» llow«ra«r, I« Wetijv« I to the A|>prmal of t hr M «arar« «>< tbr Part » •Tbo Isiilsll*« ««4 Btofaraofluoi Mussi« Ara the Prop’«. Vie- MILTON PARK. W M MORGAN. JAS II FKHRIS A HE: STEIN BE IK ¡Lit. F W l> MAYS. JO A I’ARKEIt. J H COXKY. FRANK Bl It KITT. (Bates Senate, reveals bow nscl of the public time that body wa*tea by its slow method« and tbe uni. mi ted and uncontrollable talk of the k»qua'!ou« lurmber«- Tbis re*o!utlon has tw*rn before the Senate for month* And yet It was tbe privilege of a few to throw In its way obstructions which kept it In *us pru»«r* fur a long time l>»ng winded «pe«M be«, which presented do Informs tl*»Q upon tbe rondltlon of Cuba, and which were mainly a fi«*w of personal «*gutl»cu. ocrup «.! week* uf valuable time. '! be vote shows that thr arntlmmt of the Senate was overwhelmingly tn fa v»r uf thr resolution, sod that it <*ouM have I m * d pa»«rd by altuul tbe aame figures. If it ba«l been prv**rd to s tute last iHrwmber. But the rule« gave a few tbe opportunity of thwarting American seiHInwnt. am! of blocking th* «¡»r**dy tran«i*-tk»n of public busl- Philadelphia Item. Th. tnltiatlve ». 4 Merermdnm. Tb» *r>-at trouble witb our guterti To Pls« lbs Fight, metti la that lt I» gettiti* out uf touch To thr PouuBat Yotcra uf tbe Failed wlth tbe Tbe uattoo la tira people Rtgte« Res gulslng tbe un«l . t«*l btg; Ite c mm are too unwrteldy. ual fari«-gate «'on f«-r«*ur« at Nashville, T»*un , July 4 but mdrady morra TI ioumu -U may be by trad*« uul<»tMi. are dealt wltb by That a polltimj org«nlMli«*n may* growllug »ml grumbling, but nobody Cb.rf XX adllU «»f thr X|*aaa»'hiMfirtt« Hu reau uf lttitM»r ttatiatura. wb.*«* ret»*»rt live and thrive when Ita I« .»der« a K* combining with on* In ouw »««clIon of ’»• plain not^wly •tmw* that fur th* ¡»sal right year« And the reason the cuuiBry «ml with the other in an kU-lM» bow to sd Xokbndy know« what there have tawm LOCO «fnk««s. involving utlmr section, u to • ir u. . mu I üú ab to du. Tbr sjudUalv rush»« to tbe sn aggrrga!«» h«as of S*JXX>,U00 to e» surd tu Ailtuit of argument F rietino ¡--gislsturv. «ml buys wbal it want«. ¡»iuyrrs and workmm. w ’•» Mo < ur | t; rs - - of thta numtirr of strikes filC. or a The trust» do likewise. Tbe corpora d‘M * exist, and the reform pre*« si Ila si<«us ate firmly knit into cowpart U m I tUita m«»re ihau our half, wrre ordered recent meeting, with a remarkable les. am! tbr power of Initiative la tre* by a tat »or «.»rgantsattau. Forty three unanimity ra*|H»ndtt>* to the demand mrodoua. But the public is unorgan * >f erjr 100 werr whidly »um-ra»- for such a rotifvrrnrr, appointed this K«x|. is hr!|>l««sa, 1* melloni«*«*, It knows ful. el^veti out of rv^ry l»»i «m par­ com ni 111 w» ami ¡>r«-s«rll>4’d Its p»>wvrs what It wants, bu' ha« tu» power to go tially aiKH-rraful »ml forty »11 out uf and doth « at It. Tbr puwer uf the Initiative I» «•vrry !•»> w.rr fatlurra. IBs* lalmlng a faction« «¡»Irlt an«! dr Tim proportion of cnm|4rtr aurrara Is«k’ng. rllnlng m Impugn the motive« of «»fir Owing to th<*«r r»*a*»ns, thr public la tn atrikra wa» grratrat tu I MCI. »ml tt>» brethren, win» honestly differ fr< ♦tn us. falling behind, more and moiw. every groatrat nnmln-r at fallurra oo-urrwl In regarding the necessity for am b a ron- day IndlvMtial Interests outstrip 1K*4» By trait.-« th» report »bow» that frrvn*'«*. Wr net vt l hr|«'«»ra helicv«» it* ns an-atr--ugrat frw getterai interrata Mprdal laws uutmu » :. -r» .>rifan srmbllng at an rarly 1st© ax !u:;>rra getterai laws. Thr «Ums«-« move and er gtnkra in cur, ami lu tb« trad-« th <• get W 1U kt they want st thr expense uf where tlmre la llttla or Ho onrnul»a Thr future uscfulnrws. aye. tbe very I hr tt)« sarw. who du mH move. Tbr thxi atiikra lut»» n-aultr.1 moat itta- riiMrhcc uf !:.»• ¡»arty M«»*lf, In < - r ran elect mm to log‘«late, but aatnoudy 'udnatry ■ ' -«• Tb» Umt and Judgment» depends upon the coming tu the cl»s«M«s bribe thus* men after elec get her of tbr rvprv»‘-ntattr • * of th«* tlnn, luxl the laws which the ma«««*« th« larg.Hrt ntimU-r of at like* of any "rank ami hlrw In a spirit of ¡uitrlotlr want are not passe»!. The law« wbh^b trade, with the cotton Imluatry follow fraternity ami thr formulation of a thr rla-secs want are ¡ m •»«■»!. Am! tbr lug *o»rMI on tlm Hat, definite ¡»Ian of action for the future masaas c«nmH help themsrlv«»* They lu tho matter of pr »on IaU>r. covered which will pr«*chidr the |*«>*«iMllty of ran elect a new «o-! of i«*gl«bitt>rs next in tlm n-|.»rt. Chief Wadllti !M‘*l Just ns thr old «>n«s were fro« labor 1» very »«rlooa. A young and vigorous ¡uirty should Mo«»liig these things tbe maewM-s t»rcufue T !>.• --otitetitl-in by the UU.r leaden» In m» wise permit Its line of policy to disc t'ourag««!. and I gm al) b«*art tn the tliat prlaoti lalor i-H- - » for »rti.l. ■ I h * abapr«l by tbe a«‘tl«*ti of other par u *:k -f govern mental rmi >| w -I manufacturer» to reduce wait-« tlm !t should ami must be aggrewshe comlitions. In onl.-r to comjmt«. with tb<- Mint- 1» In ihr adv«**'Ji y of It« prim jpb w « Ise XViil not the Initiative and Refer»:» anawered In the rejtort liy tbr claim It has no worthy mission In th« field of dum give th«- BMM thr lavera*» they that In excrpttonal caara, ouch as rat politics ami lM*«*um«-s a plaything for i:«««! t«> « hange all lids? If we adopt tan chair», bruabra of a certain kind or unsrrupQlous <|rmagog«ir«. True I*opu a law giving !!X p*r rent, of the roter» •bora of a particular I Lie list« know what they want, ami will right to pro¡»o«r a law. and to have It might be »n. liar every ImnoraMr means toattalh It referred ba« k to a popular vote, w«.* They are Indlffrreut «« t«> w :,nt thr old not th«* mAsscs regain the o»ntn»l over LnfSfisp'rt Hank W re. k. !x»gan»f*«>rt. Ind.. ha« furnt»he' • • ok < r « 1. ’ • a : • a iH vn L«**t ¡«ubl.c offlrlnls nr naplrnnts should attempt tu control party action, it *4«<-m« probable Then. If Huit I« so. •ml the hanks are d«q»« ndrnt on de- the Omaha eohv«|jll«»n wlwly ro*'»!v«*»| why will not the reins of legislation l»r !»-'< »r* for their capital Whenever It put l»a< k Into the Itami« <»f thr maA*«*«? pay« Iwtter to quit busloeas than to that "uflli-e boldrni should I h * Inellgt The more wr reflect Upon it the more continue, a »usptiosfon 1« the natural blr to serve as d«*h*gate« in Prop!«• s ¡rnrty him I U h * Befonu tn«* Idea grows n¡**u us that when you (MHirwc In thin age of buahiv«» activity. The Pre« Idem of the National Bank at Press »X*s4H-iatl<>n. as n body, decide* give the massen tbe power* to prop°se fx»gan*|M>rt raked In hi ra»h • that proxies should, in no ra*r, hr ¡ mt . tulIt«*I tn ¡ mas ii|H»n party policy or n which the thought It >ery iiccoin mods ting of nomination*. I tide Kam to «tatahllsb a national bank cannot resist. People’s Party These precautions ihoukl t«c rigidly . where they could deposit their money adhem! to. for it cannot I m * galn*ald Paper. safely. When he had nvurwl a* big a that thr greatest dl*M nM'ms which C ..rti »*• Qnrrr ( •■»»•«» r»t. haul a* be could, the bank closed and hare arts« n In this country Inside <»f ; **There la Ilo u < m * of « hlahllraldug pos­ ho pl«*item- $3uu.f 11*. «ho. for t«.i j-i-.-ir«, li.-i. all th«* jMiwer. Tlx* voters In <»ur party, a pvr rapita II«* «entra amoug <’tl.d had au « m r pleasure or ol»ey tb«* «1.« turn of any getta whltr p'i»uIaQ«>D, nnd ributti* for a bank many tl»m»aiil|»r» one or more <»f tbelr servants, l»ut may ; tlmt irt|mutai<*d ««ilvlty and rnerg). will bitrilly lx- l gutal manage tbemMdvca command and exa«*t u I m M! ; I«*at1iig it tu In* inferred that thè Ar­ nient. The | h mit luit I» nue that da­ vnee. kansas ¡««»¡»Ir Mere Ibarilvr «m! with- mami» the •■»¡"•rii il- «■ nf nianhiHHl, and Voicing thl* prim Iple (hr National <»ui «* d « rgy. Gy rea sufi of th«* Nauti iu the kmiwlmlge vt the various trick» Reform Pres*. «v«*r true and loyal to «'limate ||ny<-nnlt>ilit 3 »»■ »» much out of ¡>Uc0 Isrk of «»liirthllig tu dr|M»*lt S«»w tnlnly mon* In t«»u< h am! »ympaihy ! b«»w b I miui thr ritmate of thè l*ak«»ta*, n» a minor would la- lit control of a rail w ith "tbr buys In Ihr tr«-m h« * • .E h . j ami «»v«*n bere In N<»rth X|U»onrlì lt mail train. uouhl I m * |M»llti»al leader*. l«>»k the ini I'o.H hly a l"iy »»' »«-lected for a I* rrrtalnly ««»Lt «-iioiub to mak«* a fri tlatlve In ap|M>lutlng this < •m.ini*••» I«» m biiMtlr. lt 1« n«»t «'Untate thr XX.>♦ job « bleb »tumid hat «- I hh - u nil«"! by a and nsslgulng to us the aperige duly ! and Bollib ttvrd a» mucii a» lt la a fair man uf extraurilluary trnat taicaua* <»f < nllltig n National d«*h gatf confer hl - 11 . -I- -I blit lilt le. 1 1 Ad<-|»t thr |»rilirlplr* of Ih* erne In tbe event othera, having Hr 1 starar |*r«»pta*a ¡Mirty imo lau and tbe wtade xi. It I« another Illustration of tlie fact power, decline to d«» «•». mi timi w III pr«»*j « t . Kbude Islatid. u«* that well paid latior I» the ehea|H-«t In Kvery honorable «•ffort having hern ; presume, ('untain* a* tuany ¡>«*up!r, in the end. Tbe hank director» will doubt- ma«!e to s«*curr n delegate (*onf«r«m «- pnqM>rl 1**11 to ¡>«* putatluii, wttblti ililrt) I.»» réalité thl» while bunting for tbelr wlthout giving <»ff«*n*e to any on«* uur ml»« I tig me»»ctiger. thlly wearing the Ih«*ry of l‘«»pul -m. day» of .tariatlon »» auy Stati» Iu thè IX rat or South. Th» Urge bai.kitig only to llUM-t (hr fate of thr ¡H-t|t|<»hn llurl«*«! tn III* fleet IL»«»t* which our forefathers laid at the foot' capitai of Rbode lalatid I» no! owtie-l A pair of hand •»«•wed. calfskin ta»uts by thè maaaoa, but belonga tu a tea, of tbr Brlllsh lhn»Dr, no other altrrna that were made fur John Pratt, of the remain« but to rrf«*r th«* qu|e of Ritmi» lalntid lt i» given Us a! Memphis wr, therefor.*, re of lwiEJ be believed be «houhl drew« up spectfully request th«* State ami county »traligi- wbat liba» creep luto thè a little fur the (Kva»i<»n, and paid a head» of nome peopte. Thla fellow Cof- commit t«*ra of ths People's party ■li< *4-tnsk«*r flu fur a pair of bouts Af­ liti «H-em» to tbltik fH.iple of Ih» Wral throughouttbeI’nkNI to take the neces ter court adjourned Ur wore hl« calf- aary st «¡ hi t <»«•*<• tire r<‘j»nTuDtaii«m in « and Sotith are of an Infertor race lx-t akin ta»ot» to »hurcb, town meeting* National delegate oonfrrrnrr, vvi.nh h hlm come U • «t >tr gu Smith empty- and fairs. In 1 h 75 Ur had them tapped, hereby ealie«l to tneet in the <-hy of hand*"! ami nmipet. In thr rffort to and In the Blaine-Cleveland campaign Nashville, Tmnrwrr, July 4th. . ÎH»T. niake an bone»« Ut Iti*, ami he wlll llkc In | xm they w< rr tapped again. Mime ly fimi few inferlur to blm»c!f. Yds and wr suggest that a Junt an«| proper j then Mr Pratt has worn the boots a» repreoriitatl«»!! In aaldcotif« ren<*r would »••uri World. often as once a week and they were I m » one del« gate for every a. mal ■till good when be wa» taken ill in The farmer'» Credit. Populist <0o< fu«i<»nl Votes of reran d The American farmer'» credit 1« all April of thfa y«*ar. lie died last week cast In any general election held »in « right, «■ a general rule, but he can't and w hen bl« children burled hlru they an*! Including IM»’.' In thr stmt that fail! afford to pay praaent ratea ut Interrat. put hi« feet Into the bunts which ths constituted autb«»rliles at ¡>r* «« n; In epite of the muehnxun growth that served bl in *0 welt existing should fall or refuse to a«t. the reform pr«*** and the (’«»piillM characterised the rapid development of A M oman Nawmlllrr. auine («arts of our great West prior to worker* In sm h K’atr or «-ouniy «.» re Mr» Oil»« Msaoll Slruti* run» a aaw and In the face of falling price«, IM»2. fusing, will assume thr authority m mill and aiilngle factory up lu the San | m »|| thr vote of those, an«! th, <»• «»lily, farmers who have failed to meet their Jactuto inoiiutatu« near Mtrawla-rry who Indorar the platform an«l will v«»t«‘ Interest have been few In number, and Valley. Rhe .«.raw not n»n II by prosy thr Straight I'«- pie’s parly ticket, ai< I their default small In amount com­ Hhe la at The railrusds or at ami'» l«n*tb, either make return to thr PreoldrOt of tbr pared to the rallr sd* her mill ten hour» a day for »lx day» » National Reform Press Aaoo* lathm. at that have gone Into res-elvera’ hand« tbe ¡Mat four years owed «»ver twice a« w«.-k. au.l the »even Him ahe hjl* In Okolona, Miss st a* • arly dlls ts p«a* mu< b as all farm mortgage* in the her iMiiploy know that «lie I» an exact Ilea ide ami luletlUent Mriwer of their work Relying upon the wl*rn tn th«- pine um-fuIneM» of all other political organ* regtixui of Main«, an«! h«-r father and last ion« In thr country, wr urge the mortgages on thr owned farms! Nurv- brother» were tlmbrr men and »lilnal Importance of thr prompt and d«-'’ldrd ly the farmer’s credit better entitles maker». action outlined above, and c*r»!lally him tn s*wlr bls interest than tbe ralL roads* credit warrant« their en<>mx»tNi Rome Hartford merchant» harp en solicit the sM and support of all ¡ mt refunding operations. — Farm and trred Into an s»»na «¡»proving our platform «»f prlnel with tbr <’e.i Home. tra! latlwr union by which union good» plra, trrespeetlve of past dlfferoiuM In party or policy feeling ««su-rd «hit by thrsr mean«, order will be {»rough! OUt of ronfuaion, confidence will *«r es­ tablished ¡n tbe hearts uf all trus rw t,n«tor(«l liria». The oierwhclmin* Tot«. 41 to 14. by which th« .Morvan belll<.-rcncy Joint tT.-iiutlvli w a» aJoptvd Lj th« lultrd MI»T Sra « «b««« I"• bllrally •* Tbrai» 1 r.ra T'mrra. Lus Angsle», < «L Fr« | w otnen suffer frutii certain dlsea ¡w**uhar tu their sex and liana I ly havi great de lies y in •¡•caking of such Illa Just why. we cannot *ay. Thro* wr »ilrnce it roch matters than there la ah«wit lb« ordtuary every «lay His. Ihxvasmnsily however, a woman of strong swnse u («Hind, and is an exception to the tula Xu. h a ih .r js Xlra. Rt«Me K Tl<«>rnp«»»»n >d 319 Fast First street« Lew Angelra ("al. This is what «he says: ”F«r five or ss year» 1 was arrio mly tl! with femala Oom plaint I nmk not go «lout, I suffrrr«i in tens* pain, and at times I was hanlly able to rtbl mysrlf np in 1*4. 1 wan then living in Man !k»msidllM> «fid 1 uhr*i I ¡■byah*)an who thimgbt be could rurw me. F«»r «■■’ven months I was unde» his care taking hi« prescriptums.^LuI ! • I !t>‘- c.O <»•*{ st all. and I grew Worse tr«tea»luf twHcr. Finally T ai)<»ll>rr pbyrlcian and I W a * und«r* hit *’«re (or «cverai mouth«, but he did m«t rm m**^ g»‘,’d than frat one. I trie«I al) sort« of rrmedic« with«,mt any Ira* nr th ial effects. I I * an w fv ’ * l>- W Fluk Fl" ¡•le, ami I rwolwd U> tiy them. I be­ gan taking tlkO pills. The effect ««■ wondrrfoL Alin^M imm<'4)atrly 1 be­ gan to improve. I have taken three pills now for six or a-ven mouths ami I •n) rntir« iy cured. I bad previously lnr»l every sort uf raomdy that I could think of, l*w»d«'« consulting many doc­ tors, and nothing hrl|M*J me until I t««>k th«’*«’ pills. They are th»* l*«t rem«*dy I ever used, and tbe only one I would n* omtu«'nd. I sin now .1» sell a« I ever was in my life ami have bad n<> return <»f my c«‘tnj»lainL “I tiMke this «Ukuficiil voluntarily , • ■ . V . t a ii!« m g a« I «0!!« «**1 to tn li * | ‘•Thia «tatrm«*nt 1« (»rm sohdr With a vi* w t«» helping others ami »hr» > ting their attrniion to thr greatest rar»ti«*al discovery of the agr—Ih. XX'llliam«' Fink Pills fur Pair People. (Higned) Mrs. Rosie 8» Thompson,** »Hi9 East First street. Siib**ribed and sworn to <«*f«»rr m«* this llthday of Augiirt, IbUfi. J. < ’. < Hirer, Notary Public in am! fur ! xm * .Angrl - county. State uf Ctalifornta. I>r. XXTIliama' Pink Pill* contain, hi • «uml« ii-< I form, m H thr « lemt-nt« necessary to give new life ami richnr** l«> the bltMs.1 11 nd restore shattered nerve«. They are an unfailing «¡»r. iti«* tor such dirn'ar**« as l«M*imotor ataxia, partial | aralysis, st. Y’itus* «lam e, s. i- «lu’ii, neuralgia, rhcuniiitiiim, nervous hi* 1 fachr, the after «*ffect of la grippe, pafl'itatmn of the heart, ¡«ale uii'i wal­ low «*ompleXHins, all form* of wuakne-* either in male or female. Pink Pll* ar«* sold by all dealers, or will lw* m 1 17114; mountain lea, lra*f«»r«* 175 m ; ran- di«*t»rrr) myrtle, IODO; j z<- n U irv, 1730; roat* (wittami thorn«»», before 1720; St. Peter*» wart, 1730; trum|»«*t flower» 1040, and wintrrlwrry, 1730. The exact discovery of some *|»*»*i» - i< not kuoftn, tbr «late of earlirat mcnti«»n bring given in that eaae. <*ans«la i« to have 000 addit><•’..»! money order offlors. There ar«» at present only about 1,300 u( such ««flic* in thr wboli* «iutninion. |*i*u*« <‘urr for Ooi>*umpti«»n ha« I*-«-*» a (tad **nd to mr XX ni. H M«< Irifan, < brratrr, 41««This, Me|«4. 17, I**»’» It th«» year in lr«*tai)>l, stami 150 tn Eng* ian*l, at K«»x*n atamt ninety «lay« .m l in Siberia only sixty days. DRUNKARDS C,7.E.EO TS* <*m» l«MT h*F «Irish W* Tl«**' « «*•»■» rl •'»« rr»fr fu» «»ir* h*a bram 41*' «* al) t*M«- f *r «lUnk Rilhuul ksOhruag •* H tbr H*twti»ra < !»••«. « «» ••F, Ks* hvPh *1»4 H «IH h* •*•»>! tra f*r-«»HÌ I h J.-1WH MPMMarr *tth f.til «lire-«u t»« t,..* •RrfiMi) IU»»)tua» ut« 11**1 frrara. I«> 44'»* In a home for anndwichmen in Lon­ don there are «aid to lie M-veral uni- veraity graduate* and »1 men. and a Hcotchman, who ran through «150,000 In three yearn. root». N«»MF. rit«»i»t < r* Alt Fa.trr- -i rup. t il. » - li,ht «uiere-t "iel of Le». i Ira-tv. i* m^l. «r«. Iìurarai F«» oevrt*" /- :• l. ex!, tre ur*r Cane •»« t» «irietl. »me li i. !«>r l.y flr.l-exra g’<- *v". la i-.n. M.n-.i* t: ó>, ftnnc ' vie "Tier ■ .Ai! ir nm« "Y*a rìeMra fe-ira ' a»«, th» nxn-it. »•»n. « It C'-«t« mftre to air-k» », I, Iti France than in any other i.ilirel country, Iteoauae the btiauieea I» mo­ nopolise. I by the (»vornment. •u WHEAT fili» Fnrtsnra bave « mmpo nastra **s • »«»»il br?inaine Ly tra*!«n< in future* W m» .«r tufi ¡»«r i ir •tirai« n*‘«< «>| r^trt^arra « iv « b He». » fs I vrrar«' etSe»isnea <»n ü r • < »... ar 1 Trade» and • liuaRaagh hn»»rair ihr <«t th* *.u»i- srrara l*«>w*ine, H«»t>h¡n« ft 1 •»., » b «■•<«> H- «rii ni Trini» |iM«n ófftr«-« iti FurUang, <«*, apdanr ran i «erallIra, to «rai. VIGOR’'MEN E«»ily. Quickly. Permanently Restored WeahnM*) Nervosase«», Debility» •«4*11 Ibra trrata .4 ravA» t»-*m rararij rartinrra »» • arwra»« . th* r*«*>tra of •»•*•<»<* •'«rkrava* » »- * b « k Fsii •»>•*»•«*, i i ulifis i ra»j «.*• gu»a (.» •••p*n. •« *■-><. • ■?)«*•* >rai rats4 MB •> led a »«J« k * ft rar. n, exclu»lv«ly will be h»r»ll««t I rum WvraMkararara*« In Ix'imgts a club. ¡ KltfM- tlosr l ar Veerment» the young«'st rh 1» HU A targ« num hr r of tbe nati« usi ta!w»t vrais td*l. A ov er VO. < orgsn jLAtk'tira are making active P***V arati« >ua fur the «nf«»ecvmeut of an % > i u » i i »Nr *« 11001 cght ’hour warb day «nu si g ail tal*»r ol the ('filtrai Mtatr*«, eocunien* ing XL»y I ami thr American F«*«i«-ration ** I ji I mt t* taking quite su a*llv» inter reetraree the hl Ja« ye te hwellhjr est lu tbr tuattkT uf «MÌu*wt!«»u Up>Q tbra «etion Here »e one ut nr^ay «seti- lm¡x»riant <¡u«w)tloii TL* ••ffl- ial «*rg*(> saeaiele o» thta pe«at of tb* fr»|rratl«»u f««r May «rails up»u aJl M S«» In i|4 X >rth Partis Mrret, ta!»or un lu n« tatt«lihg nsthuml cvsvrs L«Karra. Iti , *eya. tkaCMI this year tu take nrtl«»a Whh’h ülNlH,,«!* will place tbrtr «Tgaulxati<«ns In line I *» m train M * with this g»*n«*r*l ibovriuvot. lt «Ir clares that "sii i*!»»r u» iuuktng fura «ni io rk¡* isnry ss to what will br th onte uh * of this rff«»rt. Thr liwluatrta roodlti<»ns. the c iQ(*ri> tra lion of wrslth. tbe wta*l«Mbsl«F tntr*MÌu«*tb»D uf ms' hln ery In rummrrv** atwl industry, «ta marni« that fisses araioo «hall l»r takm «<« <>« «X < <«M whh b «hall give genuine. tangut XthlraU« « ralrabM’4* bvrahlp n«*r the asplrathms of the tail­ ing nu)«M*< It may tw that sii Ita* «uv nuora *• many nail» in • given I mi«* »■ WILL A FINCK CO.. SIS Ito Marbrai *t **••» rr*n< l».u i *| <*«* m « hoped f«»r cannot i»* attained at were formerly Okada by I.OOü men. 11 ----------- ----- - -------------------------------------a «Mi* fell «w»n to la ta»r, an«! tbr organlxattans w bici» ta»IJ c*»tirrtitl««n< *ta»uh! n»H !•.<** th«* <»pp«>r tunltyr of taking «Iu«« fidi Sillage of pla«'lng Ibernarlir* tn IB)«* wltb tbe gru wr »pg *s^;ariMO in - th « cot a th ot a right to th » ersi tremi (Mi*! wltb the general move jMUMVg I ,g or nit w-»at> "CAHTORIA.” and nient to «*uf«>rvv th«* eight hour work PITCHER H CASTORIA. ' Ota I hai - i . mahk day *»u Xlay I, I MU**” B - < PASE BUL GOODS AN OPEN LETTER To MOTHERS. t- nlnn I obli « Ir»«» Mark The tinl«»n la I ml la a traile mrak •U II tra«b* mark a buyer knows th« «¡ tt, of the pM*ls and thv prrsuu ut* ¡wr who put them «»u the mark«*!, wrote John K« bthi«*l tu a pa|»er «wot to tin- New X «»rk cirri- al ad <) lt«*f*»rui Aa s*M*!atkm'« c«»ufervt)«-<* It iu«-ai)« pre trctlon for th«* manufacturer and put» i' I ! • Uf: n |jl-«r| }■!« *«•« ' I f »r tbr «-mploy«'*, th«’ n»»*ti ami w<»ium wbo tiianufstturr the g<*'*U By it y«»i* can nt on»*«* ref*ogt>ix«» what «la««» «»f workers produc**d the article m<*m I mts of tradus unhmn, mm and women w h<» have organlx«tl tu Improve preamt (»i)«!lthm« in tbelr rtMq»evt*ve trad«*«. ■ ,.t Iwi ■ the tv »a* *, to educate tb«*maelvrs am! tbHr fellow worker* and to assist each other in time« of nr«-d and d *t)••«** XX'bovvvr tti’nka child lalH»r to I m * a hu * i a« •»!mid hay „ nm |« only w i. i Iw ir ?U«’ ms *n htlwl. XX h«wt«>r 1« ««»n vlnce*I that teuetutml F.«»u*« work 1« a dnnger tu populous communities n I kmi I«! IrekR on getting union lal»el«*d <»«*!* XX'bievve r iw'b-v «*« In lira» prln« .t-l»*w « f uni»»n;*m. think« It tu I m * s> fur Lrldtcr«. The committee of the Internal Iona * rsag<* for a national inuvemt'nt h» in angurate a nlur hour workday for the I km *U aud J<»t> brain'll ba* uut«l«* a report Mating I bat th«* short hours. They realise, they •>av. that «hbrt«*r hour« fan only be sc rur«*d !•> ui)it«Nl nvtl<»n and n vigorous And cun-fully j«!anu**«l campaign Tb« ststrinenl «•umdud»-* «• follow«; ' Xn :i«'th«* ¡»nipagaiula will tw In«!! tutcxl ail;**ng th«* allied branch«*«, and the rutninlttee decided Io send the chalí man. Jam«1« J Muq»i>y. to tbe l*c- troll cutiv«-utluu of the Internatl«»nnl |*i«*sram«t)s In Ion, which Print lug meet* on June 13 next, to s«*«*urc tbe active <*o • •¡»•‘nitlon of the pressmen In a few «lay* Intt-rs will Is* stmt to th«* various «ulsirdluatr union« uf the luiernsthMial Ty¡M>gni|*hl«wl I nlun. rohtnlutug a preliminary outline «»f what 1« )‘Xj«ectcd «ml asking f«*r the* ap|Milnttn« nt of a «ul«*ou>iulttea tu take «•barge of local work.** I ut» »r M• 11 Protrai. ! ile l.t* ■ lltiVe < HI te il of thè A meri rati Ceder ai l«»n uf lwl»ur bai» gotte int ins’Ut << 1’ X Povvderly lo thè pualtlon of «iiperlnteodetit uf Immigraiion. Th*» odi-lai Journal of thè f«*irrathm. in e«»iniueutlng on thè imttfrr, «ny* thè «x»ute U felt lt U» be "Ita d'tty to cali PreraUlefM M* KUilry‘ra Attetlllan tu tbr uuwliMlom of eueli mi apiM»tntment II w «« urg«*«l u|H»ti thè Piwthlent that the Immigrati««» lawe «tei ¡«irtieularly tbr contrari and many '«ber fraturr* <>f thtwm lawe were thè ressiilt «»f thè rf- furt* of live worfcer». imi that «me In •ympathy wltb laliur or at Ira et havMig thè confttlrtire or rvem llw mpr»*t «»f lal**>r «hotihi recelvc thè api*ointn> lat"»rer. whether «killed nr un*k’llrd. ■orail rv« «-nv hm titan SI .’«» per day A nsolution has t*rn passe«! that In th«- future all n embers <»f unions a Mil laird with tbr New York Central UA- Imr union «M mi M hire union rarriag« « when they wish tn attend funeral«. The heard of "dm*tloft of XX heeling, XX Ya.. Lae advertised for bld« for th«» err«1» "HliMcm nniM »tntr In hid» tliMt only uuli.u latinr will Iw rtu I. dr . S amuel pitcher , of ¡lymru. .Uint-htitrtti, ieri» the originator of “PITCHERS CASTORIA," thr same that h . bornr an i o to -------- - on rirry bear th» far~»imil» fi (nature of Wrapper, Thi» i» the or. nal “PITCHER'S CASTORIA," trhicA hat been, U*»'l in the homes of thr in ■•thrrt of .intriica f, r i i < r thirty years. LOOK CAREFULLY nt thr wrapper ami te» that it it the kind > oi h tor always l u¿ht / <' *" u fArr a n d A<1* thr »¡¿nature of Ur f, per. «Vo one hm authority frotn í>ic fu a csl *huh themtrals ire um J. lkeiu.jf brans < *( th< linrat q l A i .IV ir» i Berlu e >t K nu tv bv x met tiw raqutMts naiuril flp B cvjum * it Blhe mut! su»t>u a cup nd DuU'h Preven m t J. preven ra ummjMi'ed »r «4 the beans ng lew than one K* »uf» thrat » » • » • ■ < B • I r »-■«*• i «t)M»wraa fa;: J V » • « a « » » » » a • a a « a a « * « * » * o «