Scio weekly press. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 18??-1897, June 18, 1897, Image 1

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Mandate, In the s,l,stlon id
dollars. Every o'-llgitlim of the thdr duty will be no cicuw fur the
pil'4'c officers and continuance In Unlt»l States Is piyablu in coin or violation, by lit« l*n-ai<i«nt and
!» I-CULISIIKI« klF«TT1l office. Is the only remedy. If every greenback», except the Internet on Socr< liry Gage, ot their offi, lnl
We live umlvr a government
i voter had the o|ip,irtunlty at the the public debt, which is payable Mths
r. L. Dl’UUER,
Tbeiawa pmvids lur the
primary <d naming whom he nay
i» «a» <‘trv ur
. is md a Btatule of the Unltod Slate* <loubl>- -landarxi, «nd the ««|U»I leg
I.IW <•»., 4VUE4.ON. I
which giv«M any preference to p-,ld •I tender valua of gulil aitd silver
g.les could go up to the c>uniy con
TI «•«» «
ouin over silver coin. Never has! J Ularn. We have a gold alntxlard
I vent tons, know Ing ju«t what to do the Unitad xtates promised lu |»t) by Execullv« usurpation «Wily. Wc
Ut Hao-ilHs
............ * • to stisfy. In a reisonallo degree,
a »ingle dollar In gold coin, it I- hope tli>- I'rcsldant will long hnal
tv, s-muai if noi !•>-! I» •'l.soro.
1 a»
the desires of his conallturncy. perfectly lawful for the tfacretary ol tat« In-fora ,-mbarklng upon the sea*Mlsl-r r»l*s at ISir,ll»l»« r»i* l»
This would usually select men aa ■ th<- Treasury to (sty gold coin •« of i>ulin*-all<M> on whl< h Mr. (1«V*-
»• '
Tisi » -Ut »4«*,i l«-m-«ts m-.-> - n»M ’• •
nominees for office that are honest ' long as he has It to p-iy. When he I ind wrecked his adniinistrslxMi.
«bea ihaot-lst „ai**n t-« tkair ino«»*
The gold rsld on the titmsury nev-
— • nd c»|«l4e. After the mndldaie k has n<> gold coin, but has coin, he
ett-cti«! to office tho ¡a-oplc should ha» 1», authority to porch«* g<4<i or *>>n>uicnc<-«l until President Har-
tie smpowered to vote him out of «-oln by the issue and aala of txmds. rlson's X -cn-tary of the Trrwaury,
»Hilo, aa-ured the
office, whenever »he fact waa rvll The resumption act of 1H7> author Chariea Foaj
Without doutg the greatest dan­ Ably established that he w»» illahon- ixesl him to s«U borela Io obtain tMnklng L uxm A wu I they ism Id ai-
ger to the purity of the Ameri<-an „t or ltx*t|Halile of performing the coin with which to provide for re waya have gol-i on asking fur If.
(Millllcsl avstem, Is the |«illlic»l I*»« I Idullesof hla office, if the tenure -I'-mpilon. But he cannot acll bond* It haa continued ever ain,-«». Mr.
We And him In evidence In a great­ ' of an office of tn offi er dc|>ended for till« peri«i»e when he has al i Carllale followed in Mr. F«»ler’«
foot step«. The al tuple remedy for
er or I««» degree In every ward and j|H>n hie giving re«sonal4o sail»- ready sufficient colli for this pur .
the evil of “lhe en.lle«» chain" is
; n • in« t throughout 1-h« entire na > faction in the performance of bls
tn er I current di-man’l«, This Is the , for Secretary (isge. with I’tealdedl
lion. Cndoubtedly leaders or dl otflcial duties, undoubtedly we
McKinley'« approval, to privately
plain letter amt spirit of lhe law.
rectors are nece»«nry In any (»»Illi j would have • much better publlc
There Is now in lhe Treasury of i sav, through the New York sul
csl system, for without some r«< "g ei-rvk-u from < ur officials th .in we
the Unite«! Stales twenty two mil- | trei-ury, to the tMtiklng hou«e of
nlrinl directory, politics would is [now have. The j»eople ought to lion» of silver d-dlira. and at»>ul one ! li-'idellMck,
ickelheiiticr 4 O-.,
chaotic and In even a worse coodl ever have the power to leg illy turn hundred anil flfly millions of gold Mxsre Frrren, J. Plurrepont Mor
lion th in are our drn»«dy (»qmlatcd j i rsacsl out of office. Our ;■ »II ileal coin and bullion This Is wholly In i g io A Co., Hellgtnan A Co., snd per-
cities at th«, present time with «y«tem will never be I rec from cor «Impendent of the coin reprvaeiited > tiapsthiee ur four Others;
"Gentlemen: All United State»
their large numtx-rs of foreign and j rutdlon and dishonesty until *H|)P by gold and silver certificates, which
native tmrn eltlsetta. who can 1». and | such power I» liMlged in thu lunds »re a demand U|M,n the treasury. not«*« are r«*de«<mal>le in gold or
The irensiiry Is al»>ut tc la, raided. «(Ivor unin at tho option of the gov
are manipulated by the (Hillllcsl
j of the ¡»e,qile.
Indei-d, the raid has already com- ••rnnient. Hold Is not (Mid on de-
I xxm nt
«-very municipal, county,
Mr. E. Hofer of the Capital Jour
II Is prolmMe that within nnind by any other government
state or national election. Nor do«» i nal has putillshisl a |mmphlel cn
sixty days there will I m - less than than that of (he I'niled Xtatea, nor
our (X4lll<*al system seem to In­ titleti "The «,'hiHil of Politics” that
<>m hundred million« of gold coin by all great government tmnk, like
growing any purer, n<'vcrthel<--- In very thoroughly discus««-» the "po
ind bullion in ths treasury, The the thinks of England, France, or
nearly every city, vlltag«, hamlet or litlcil boas” In our (Hilltirnl system question« will (hen arise, as they Germany. Th«* Bank of England
neigtiisirhisHi Hie patriolic honest \li should read It; for it I» an eye did In Mr. Cleveland's time: First, plix-ea a nrcmlum on gold w henever
cltlaen and politician endeavor* to ofwmer. It show» conclusively the shall the gold »11 tai allowed Io run it plea»«*» to check the deinaixi U|»>n
dethrone and retire to oboecurlty dang« r« that menace us from t»i»»- out. In r«*demplion of i'nited Stales it. France and Germany pay silver
the “Ixis»'* when he makes him Ism In politic«, and (mints out. In notes which are lawfully rtsiuoma to whatever extent plenace them
self too obnoxious Io l«< tolerated our opinion, the only meant by l>le In »liver, for the nccomiHl-ition arxl disregard demands for gold.
by lover* of an huneal (Mihtlcal »>•»■ which wo can escape this corrupt- lot foreign countries like Austria 11. r*-nf Ir (tie United St it.--, fol
and Japan? Nttcund, when the gold lowing the example of these great
ing influence i and «xrtnpell honesty has all been thus exhauated, shall commercial nations, will pay silver
Reform parties and organisation»
and economy < on the pwrt of our bonds I«’ issuetl with which to buy coin in redemption of its notes
are not free from thia objrctk>n«bl«- puNIc official».
more, under the pretended authori­ whenever it shall appear to Ins mor«’
Individual. Th«- people’* |H«rty had
ty of the resumption act, when It is convenient than to pay gold. You
1 ■■
warvely cast «iff it» swaddling gar
plain that that act confers no such will, therefore, please lake notice
mm!» when it had I • >n,m« <
authority? Third, If It is unlawful that you will not tie allowed to
fighting boaalsm within 11» own
The »(leaking by lion. Win. J. to »«<11 bond« to obtain gold for ri make any considerable drain u|H>n
ranks. A» that |H«rty has grown In Bryan at this pl»”,> on July 12th will ■ lemption pur(Hj«os so long as there trie treasury for gold, But demands
strength until it» chances ol *H,n be Hlteiid.-d by one of the largest Is In the treasury enough silver coin for coin redemption of I’nlled
becoming the dominating controlling crowds ever iiuwmblcd In the state. therefor, th« sale of ionds under States notys will always be prompt­
ly met with their rudemption, eith­
influence In national affair» ««ema There will not only he two excur such circumstances is an impeach-
er In silver or gold coin, at the op­
giHsl. the («'tty I hmm whose linilt«»! slon trains—one from Kalem and alila otfunse. As tho next House of
tion of this government.”
rx(wrleiice In political tricks and
This la plain, practlcie, business
coming In private conveyances from . «nlurciog the law of the land, would
chicanery made him an easy vic
every direction for a distance of it lui wine to challenge the impeach­ sc may, ’«nd Is j-W'ly <►« course that
tiin of the veteran wire pullers of
forty mile*. Tho»«, coming from a ment power of Congress for the is pursued i>y every bunking house
the opposing partle«, Its* given distance by private conveyance will benefit of a very few o|>erntior» in In America, whether they put It in
place to the ahar|>, shrewd, politi­ arrive a day or two before the q»’»lc gold? Fourth, if It is not the in­ that language or not. The payment
cal wire worker and I»»« that Is the lug and most of theae will camp out. 1 tention to break the law, as Mr. of gold in redemption of »liver ob-
«•qual in political trickery of any of We have ample grounds for camp-| Cleveland did, by selling bond» ligations is ridiculous Htwurd, and,
the old ¡mrt / to«-« ». Just so long Ing purpose«, and our citlcens will while there Is sufficient silver coin when done through the unlawful
side of I Hinds, It Is criminal.—Cin-
a« thore Is but one |H>litleal I h > m I endeavor to mak« ever)thing r •» In roncryo, why not leave the gold
einnata Enquirer.
who, with his lieutenants, »trik- plea«unt as (Hmslble for all i who now in the treasury untouched, and
redeem all (’lilted Htatea notes, thut
er» and heeler», wield the control- , '"•,”*-
lhe time for the »|M*»klng han are presented, in silver dollar»?
ling Intluenco of a (»>111 leal (>arty In
been ret nt H o’clock, and Mr. Bry Every man of sense knows that the
a state, county or city, all 1» ap|Hir 1
Two things are true—one that the
an wtllle followed by other» ami twenty two millions of silver dollars
ently serene and smooth as oil u(H,n
the entire day devoted to apeecb- t>elonglng to the Lulled States gov­ llepunllean party promt»«-d proap« t*
waiter. The 1» ms can then conipleti making. The great champion of ernment and now In the treasury Ity upon the election of Mvkinley,
ly cover u|i his tricks and |">lltlc«l lhe people will arrive at Allwny would constitute a sufflcient coin the other, that tho pruml«e«l pros­
cruokedn«»« from the great mass of Hunday morning on the overland, reserve for redemption purposes for perity has not com«1. On the con­
hl* party. But let s rival fsetion or and after bre-kfastlng In the county the next four year*. If it should trary, bankruptih’S Increase, and
boM spring up In the tame city ««at will come over t » l«etianon and not, it is being re-enforced every I (Hiverly and want continue to en­
county or «late, and you will be s|>end the day w ith hi* friend, lion. div by sliver certltic.iles rvcelvid large the nuiutier of their victim».
for tax«*« and duties, and these «Il­ Hence it Is that the republican [sirty
completely astonish,d at the mtt«n M A Miller.
ver certificates cun al way« be ei- either knew they had no policy In
ne«a and corruption that you may
for a like numbar of the »tore for the country which would
Lave been Innocvntly supporting.
from la-tianon to Oregon City. The silver dollars held tn the treasury bring the priwqa-rlty they |>n>ml«ed
\\ e »<»• the eff,-ct of such rivalries
or that the Republican party did
milnmd com|»my w ill run the excur­ for their redem|,tii,e.
In our own state and county In all
not kuow tlie (»>llcy It proposed
sion trains from Kaletu *nd Eugene
The long nod short of It Is that
th no of the leading parties. The and take chanct-a on getting enough
would not pruduco prosperity. In
¡¿olan-Ximon tight for boM-ship in business to make them profltable. I the administration will aooo he call the one ia»- they t>4d what the
ed u|»>n to decide whether it w III,
Multnomah county 1» »till fresh in
Hon. M. A. Miller deserve« much i without any authority of law, und vulgar would cull Ilea; in the other
case they are too Ignorant to govern
the memorlce of all; and would credit for securing Mr. Bryan and I
therefore In violation of law, In
have prubnbly been continued till making all the arrangement« for crease Hi« interest-bearing debt of the country, and they obtained of
the i>r«*»ent time, had not Ixitan this great meeting He will con­ the United States in ordvr to buy flee under fal»«’ prelenovs. We are
of that uncharitable number who
become too deeply mix «»I up In tinue to superintend the srrange gold to swap for an even amount
believe that their lea-lers krn-w there
amuggllng to extricate himself
of greenbacks, when every one of j
waa not a word of truth In their
w ilhout the taint of a criminal nt
Mr. Miller and Mr. Starr, chairman ! silver dollars, of which there Is »1- promiare, and that they made the
Inched Io him. Hail >e received
of the Ih-mo. ratlc stale central com­ ways a sufficient amount In the promises purely and simply to cap­
the punishment ho richly merited, mittee, will have charge of I
the treasury for redemption purposes. ture vot«n. In oilier Words, they
he would now la, looking through
special train taking Mr. Bryan to The nation now |>ays about a million committed the same character of
priaon hur». Only money saved Oregon C'lty.—Advance.
I of dollars a month ns Interest on the I’ffense which the confldence man
cMiimits when he obtains money
him while hl* cum pen Ion In crime
bonds thus unlawfully Issued by under false pretenset.
Is doing 1-usincas In
Grover < levclsnd to I m * «wniqx’d f r
Two thirds of the American vote
country. No doubt Him, n waa
our p*|>’-r dollnra, and then bought at l«*«st WKirfn favor of Bryan and
eijiiidly as corrupt anil dishonest n«
Ihw-» any t>uslof-sa mon feci under Isti'k again to la' »gain so BW«p|M*<l. »gainst Mt-LInley. McKinley’s ma-
I hi L ui , lait he was and 1» just a little
any oliligntion to pay hl* notes In Il la a dishonest and criminal game, lorllles were drawn from the colorist
text smooth to 1» caught He 1» gold coin when the note contain* no anil we do not believe the admlni«- I «
' Vote which still suiqHHM-s that It 1«
•till doing business «t the old stand agreement lodoau? I ha»« any bank (ration of President McKinley, or
voting for the |-«rty ol Idn-rty when
anti Is «1111 a very large thorn lu the allow A de|Hmilor Io dictate, What ofnny other President after him, it votes lor the slavemasters of the
tle.«h of the republican party.
kind of money hl* check* ahull be will dare to do IL
gold ring; from the foreign voto
Every statement In thia article I» which since the the public lands
Our own party In ldnn county 1« pnld In? Do depositors, nine-tenths
now I’elng subject,»I to an ordeal of whose cash deposits are In silver tm»«si U(<on the laws of the land, were exhsuste«l has congrt-gattvl In
which wo hope will result In It* certificate* and the other tenth In They can he enslly referred to. the cltlas and learned notnlng of
poriflcatlon. If the warring fai- greenbacka, claim the right to have The resumption act of 1*75 and the free Instltuutlon In this country,
their charts paid exclusively In coinage ret of 1*7» n«*«-d alone be
lions In Albany can Iw» hellevwl,
and from th'we who arc weak, and
gold coin? Ihw’» any merchant i consulted. The former provides
we undoubtedly havo nome very
think he I* wrong»»! when his cus­ for the redemption of greentateks In dependent upon manufacturers and
ted men In the populist party and
tomer* «quart, tin Ir account* with ¡coin, but not In gold coin. The lit­ cor|M,rations
wo an-very rapidly taking up the him by imylng »liver certincate*?
ter restored the unllmltcil legal« elements en*bl**<l the Repute
practice« of our repulilleati and I ha-s any Importer feel calle,! upon tender quality of the »liver dollar llcan party t-> seixc power. Instead
democratic bretbem. The ques­ Io pay hl* duties In gold? I hie* and llniileil the authority to aril ; of granting the country prosperity
tion ia how can we remedy tho ex any dl«ttller or brewer or other In­ bonds, not to when the treasury was a« waa pfwnltrd, evrry move thus
Isting evil.* oftht-iliy? Wo know ternal revenue tax|Myer hesitate to short of gold coin, but when It was ' fat of the IP-publican party han
that there arc itishonrsi ni«-n hi all |«ty !'tj!?M Mtstea 1st»« In »liver ah nr t of an v kind of coin. General reen to lurther re«luec the n>a«»e»
|Mrtlcs, and that they are frequent­ certificate«? Who pays any gold Grant said the best way to secure i to hvlpieas dependence, Io the end
ly, through the manipulations of coin to the United Mtatea? There the repeal or alteration of unwise that* concentrated capital may rule
I* no law which require» any such laws waa to Infotce all which are In
the "I hms ” nominated and elect««l
the country, and manhoo«l suffrage
payment. There 1» no statute un­ existence, Neither the President
to office. How can we Insure reas-
!«c supprvsaed or abolished.
der which the United .**tale run ac­ nor the Xes-retary of the Treasury
onaMc honesty, Integrity and cap«
There Is ooihlng more manifest
quire a single twenty-dollAr gold ha* any power to pick and chooae
Ltlily In our puNIc men? We be­ piece. Mot even by the »tie of which laws shall he oirryeil and than that the continuous contraction
lieve the application of the prlncl- bond*. A »ulm-rlptlon for United which dlsolwyed. They are under of the money volume I* the enure of
I’l-c of the Dilative and Refferen Ntatea bond« would I m * ii puMIc due, oath tn execute them all. Th« fact 1 the auf?«’rlngsof the people. Where
duo, <i uplc-.l with llic Imperative amlioiild I* discharged lu silver Cleveland and Carlisle violated the purchasing power of money In- I
>ciü ïriij.
cr<-1«<■» and the price of wages and
property diw linr, concentrated cap-
Ital wIII grixw nioru ¡»»wrrful. ami
indivi lud minho.*! <>f l<" on*«
que ii-e. .Mr. McK inlev lias an far
Indicated hi« policy by plsdngal th«
h • <d of tin- Stale !>epirtm<-nt the
I ider of the conspiracy which h »
deprived the world of the use of
silver a* money soil douMid the
purchasing power of gold. 11« ha*
also placed at the head of the Treas­
ury I »•>(«■ rt men! a man noted as a
cun traction !■»!. who was knew« t»
be In favor of the retirement of all
kinds of money excepting g->ld.
What he would do after lhe I, 1» not
fully explained; Lot It 1» understood
that he would allow the people to
hive no money hut gold, except
such as the govern men t would I-
sue and give to the tiank» without
any con>idcratlon whatever, and In
that case he Would authorise the
banks to loan th« same and charge
any rate of interest they might de
sire. He would also empower the
tamk'i to contract and expand the
currency as would best »ult the n|w
«ration» of the »peculator* I with
whom they arc connected, i t>n the
top of all this, a tariff hill 1» prnpna
cd which will tax the («sip!«* to buy
up greenlmcks and treasury notes
and take them out of circulation,
with the l lew of further contracting
the currency down to the fstsi« pn>-
|»„<--l by the Se, rrtary of th.,- I rv i-
This I* tho way the Bepublican
party 1« redeeming Its pledge». Wo
cannot compete w ith the volume» of
f ilschoiHis which the gold press are
circulating aa to tho evidence of
coming pro«|H'rlty, but we call upon
each individual, whether he be
local tmnker, (ruder,
manufacturer, farmer, or mechanic,
to say whether the wave of pro»
parity Ini' reached him. If no man
can I xj found who has experienced
the sensation of g-neral prosperity
in the country, why should a hire
ling pre«» pretend that such a stale
of things exists?
vVc are thwnkfu! that the |M>op!e
are watching tho purty In power,
and are ta-ginnlng to *«>e that It ob-
t lined office through false preteno-
es, and that • it has i»<> sympathy
with the mass of th-» people, Irui
that its only puri>ose is to co-<q>ernte
with and increase tho power of
concentrated capital, to the end that
democracy slmll give place to pluto­
cracy.—.silver Knight.
Mr. Isaac Horner, proprietor of
the Burton House, Burton, W. V«.,
and one of the most w Idly known
men in the state was cured <>t rhet.*
inatism after three year» ot suffer
Ing. He say«: “1 have not sufficient
com run nd of language Io convey anj
idea of what I suffered, my physi­
cians told me that nothing could
be done for me and my friends were
fully convinced thut nothing but
death would relieve me of my suf­
fering. In June, 1‘HH, Mr. Evan-,
then »iilesimin for the Wheeling
(•rug Co., recomended Chamber-
lain'* ruin Balm. At this time my
fiuit and limb were swollen to more
than double their normal site and
it aevined *o me my leg would
burst, tail snoo after I lug.m using
the I'aln Bdiu the swelling lu gan
toile, reuse, the pain to leave, and
now I consider that I am entirely
cured For sale by l w I'F.P.KY.
(let your trespass notice» printed
an cloth at th I' offi>-e.
Lug TrcnblM ui Con*un;Uon Car­
ba Cured.
Tit.-ti«itn<nl-hrd *»w lorfc rlkmW.T •
mon-list Ing hl»'H««»>»rrr ni » m-
liable and slas.luts care fc.r eumaislM
Fu.monsry Tabsn-n‘«»Is an«l all l»nwohlal,
liman, lung siet climi diosm-s, atuMsim
musts •■ulahrmliai aib.aions. grn-nU 4»
ell •• an-I wnaan-ea, w— nt Rish, and all
...illt-n« of warning away, will wnil TIIKkt
raKT. ItoTTI X." all <1X1*rrnt nt his *-•
IHvvorlr, to any atlteuwl owler nt Ih»
W-to l-aa-u, writing tor them
Ili» --Sew «tamtiaie Trrsitm-nl** baa enrrnt
limosa».Is permanent I) by Ita I linei y ti»,
and he «modera It a simple pmWaekmal duty
to »«String humanity to donale a trial or
his Inta’llbl* rare
» tener -tally 'ieveU-pe» new Wnn-lera, and
this gose chemi-t, jsOienily et|wtlmentlng
ft,r v-ers. has pmd-.H-ed rv-,llls a*
• ■ humanity as ran barlaim*! by any mnd
♦rn genius.
Ill* -sarrtkwi that Inng tmn’ tw-
and eon sum pl Inn ar* curable tn any climate
Is twnswn >>y •’beartMl triterà id stalliti le.”
S HM In hl* amrrtnan an t gim.|»«n tale m
wwsis ttummn Is finta th--» cnra-1 In a>|
yaris nt I he world
Médirai esjwrl» ewwwle that hmnrblal,
< *>e-t and long tmnliles lead III I'MMmi • ton
whlrh. uninterrupted, »man« »i«»iy an!
certain . Ira th
aimply »me t« T. A. Sine’lwt, M.
Unewirr-i, New Tnrk. glrlng prwtmfflnr and
riprese a-' lrwaa, and tM Ore m-dlrtne will
K promptly »st. ••’ihrer» shnttid take In-
»»ant awr nt to* <rn..rr<'is prnprtwltlmi
p —sr tall the 1 met nr that >nu saw hl»
»• r tn the W-tn P h wee
T. S. Coir . Scio’« enter]«rising «leulvr in every­
thing |>ertaining tohis line of btisitu »», makes thu
I'lUttlilT! H « fvwfure»
T»»at ««vrumen *• Hre.f IO ««I,
An-I n J-«»’•!1. «-*11 mat >■ «
I U m iw * w grw-wlu «bai towb ic hk.l.
T<» Inwnre »hl*.
h «ni trimming».
I *••!«■»-i with <rew’e«t «re,
•». ■
¿-e. - :• «»f 11 . w . • ■
I <w-i gw«renuw to reat.
Fl MI Mt like«
t« a ftwrtnr
• • rn ;n»i («ta » tblnf
KtoOWlM* Ibi» I I»’ »»Mir» t<N,
Ali l ui«few I« Anttiiad trail.
i » i
a>miITT.«TTt.a»»-t rmstt
At« H mb Iwtlhtna I rwtttiMae
Rein* ntr <»«*«*U air re««*»! bprwiw!
la itw W« fa>l .•*• !-!!•«, llh«
Re|iitiriiitr done in it («atisfiictiirv manner
while von wait. Come ami see me.
DI io PS
*atl4.’r(. 1 r
A f
W alau letter» fr. m th aa
wh .have ,.een cure ! ot «her d ^ajart an I rrinetul^r that "»
haa and itn never
(ail u» quickly rrllrv* an i pwnnanently cur«
we* t g |4V4
Pua are
Your batil« of
s I'rwva
It wm for aa old frtaud, Mr. Wm.
Kdward« >’f Martlitctown Wit
He ‘ aa had ’*•»• aigia in tela elk««l • ¡Tering a gr«al daa!
na)n «• ts ,«-h «. t that It aft*, tdd hU heart • 1 he *
.1 but « <>* m uq a.,
1Ut ..f « «mutbere 1
re* ng
if« hae twwn ur><l«r IL* rar* cd the a.t'at « ,uen| phy»‘.<--au« but found ho rei ef
unlb ¡gave him a d<«r of » b'opa.
The »• ry fif t ulg’.i L*» r«at*»d w«U, ai. I ba« eveyaiu •
and 1« gaining laliy
I naya^if am ■*? tear»
Ja I began taki g *
r r. «M'.clire Hat April
for Rheuinatlam whwh i Lava had for aa year« a «o for a weak baert
Move tak'.ug
“I l>ro|-a th* Rbaumatiam ha« all diMpiwared, the «• .*• ••• 1« <
«• from my Jolnia. at ! my
heart uw««r miaetre a t*ai
I am to da» aw«
at a< w h ah all • we l<
• s fh
on1» whah I ’
a -und my 1 sg’e f p'«
■ td •
¿h toh««?d a .»ve? the w r. 1 and
I -
c . x. >.
. a
. a
Mr« t> r < • ver W ,<.« w Meve: « g (N> |||
D s « b Sia -
J-si *»« 1, lari
(tier M yr«re «r» I hail i , u -1 r-*«ri
Au*! ffirw y r* aj-c.| with m> !;!•
Il k 'itu»
• tairm a«i a •’ttnrrd i -Al I b*«« h*J •»•*?
• i * IlhxttuAl «nt hi -I Tbr*ml Tr«- it r.
, a . •
■ a ■.. ■
- I - .
Uuab.r u> fitid any relief f«»f 1b-nr ‘l.a*«ar*
I r«>mu»et«ml taking only l»o vnimtha
• ’-<• tMwn linlrel «»«naiip. t.
JUready mi evugh Uaariitireiy d *•. i-«*ared
at '! th® Kb®t>n«atlatn * . > h f->t a f< w v«ar«
C’i I *»
■ I-, make a •
rural, mJ I am frrr fr- an Mrtn
n»la 1«
th«? ■> >>l ww irtful at -! t!-.r .
«t remedy
• ver <Uat'ov«re»L I am more thank f t I*» you
U«an word« <an Cell and I want •«eryl>--!y to
• * i •.
h aa J
Alli» « '«J. I am •>*■* TV ri»M «»id, I am feel
lug !•*<’-«r than I kdid tn year«
lahall bo glad to anawri any <|U»«lb>n« re
ganlh.g my caao from anyone et.- -udii.g •
l* -
MRs. SAM( KL RlbLlT LlUbhe.•!. Ml h
and hay
I find ch» hotel« of •’ I PROFS ” to t> • very
t”-’ I ai d J um what you • aim
Mr Wife baa
b-ren ajfTrfing with (‘aiarrh and liar Fewer
over H year«
she La» ir e-! «writhing and
doriofesi m jrh but no cure unit, ate tried
M| DROFM" which cooipldtely cured her.
Ym»ra truly
Rni L VoMWALp.
March II. IWH.
Milhank. • 1)
neuralgia and sciatica
For twenty Ion« year« my wife »uffetatl on
told l«rttir«a from ha iatha nod N»ura!g.a
an i I t! atik God for th* day that » • ir h«aw
•n «writ remedy fell into my band», for It
cofupletelv cured her
1 am a mlmater ot
and when ! Rn4 any who »tiffer.
cannot help Lui rocotntueud • DIU>rS", for
I know it will do more than you claim for ll.
R*\ F M. UUUFKil. A aahiLfctou < ei«ier. M »,
I'aaa Niaa
It 1» with plea•• ir« | apeak of y»ur pflro
¡east remedy *»d of th« g«»*>«i It haa dun« ma
F«»r the laH eight year» I have t>e»r>i an Incur
ab.e t ripple ff’HM paralyala and rheumatism
Juet think fur eight yaxre a loaal crippla not
abte to earn a ttonny nor ah • to wait of «t*p
on SUe gtouruf without tn« aid of aotnetLutg
to «ean on
Heaven b e«« the man who dl*
. t«-nl thia remedy, for. tba- k« to him an 1
' I • i a •’.>»•'.« an I able I«* •«■ »,
I have on It taken tw*» thtrda of a bottle, but
have not bad a
In my < •« k auu e I
levt I he fi •! d ••««’ and after th* aeroud I
waik.uj acr,v«a the n.Mir. which | bat* n,>t
d**nr lb year«
I I- o» thrown
tny can«
a ’> -
r i
d It again. Tn any m.*
•en lit »• me a two cent afamp ! w
**i,d ai‘y
«,•»*, 1 ,
B -I»;-J »„.«OJ
and va <r ft at tl
Mf drop
Tfeankf liy youte, Rl»W
tuua ttaii btfret
Biouk (Tty. Iowa.
Du« hiM
Sacre «aia t«a i«wn
I w’ab in »all you and I » iftert: < h b autte
tnticb good _ * g _ l)R»’ haa don« me.
t hl the
It t i • >ear ! t
* ‘
------ — '•(
« «I •
f rest (a**, with . Lnaiu
-..-uruiHry Hhenmati««. and
I «a« dortored by a« gt> -! bhy«irlan« «• ih •
country haa bui Lbey couid tt«H cure me <»n
Aug atk. I Legan l«> Uke iDk(ir>
tbal Urne ®*«ry Jolnl tn my twely and
ttanta «are «Uff, «o that I Csujld noi
itt >ved
Fven mjf Inoro« waa grttmy rn
that I eould hatdfy ai-eak ao any wn« r «» t
uiid«raUr ! »•. bui lodar onlv ireveii «eri •
fr«>m «Lai Hm«, 1 am alwolutely rurud and
thauk you and G»x1 f >r my recovery
Gratrfully your».
IIOILACI F ANl>RI<b<>\ McOacben Rana
< th«ae lettere
aen4 fot a larga boi
* ■
• 4 • - « , •
• r .
• <- •
I ; ! : .
na« litui **» curalfla , Mrtatlra, < alarrh A«thina, I >F*P* !»•!•. Barbai -ho. Ilwy
trarr. • lev t>i»w«ue«e s er v ou«nr «e, N«rw<»u« aud Seuralgl« llaatlwch««,
Itxart Wealtuo«« Tootbwcho. Kararhr «roup, •• la Grippe,” Malaria,
Creeptn« >’ Hmhtie««. Hrowrhlll« and kh:d; Idlwawa
• FIV K HHni'« to tb* name and doee
tt:«a •>▼> 4.-»•«•>. |l <». HI« Nwtlaw fof
M nr> Rampi® baAl)« preraMbymatl ’*-*
a > J by dtugglata, bui only by
• at.4 owi
agente A genia appetii t«t1 In naw terrttury
1f voti h«va no< «off leni muAderkC« after rea '
a aa
SWAMSON RHEUMATIC CURE CO., 167 Dearborn Street,
S. A.
Rv ♦ Irtur nf an r «r* «itamî or trr ni ««»b*
at tli»’ Willamette
Mar bl« Work*.
tuly lanur-t outfit th > Inuit i«»urt f«»r G m
»tale of Oregon, fur the rovnty of Linn, to tn*
•lüly fllrertod, tiehrrrrd an>l dafr*l on the Mxh
»!a> Of
May, A. I»
In a certain •■"!
In mid mort «herein F renk Kkrrflk« wa»
rialntltT an«1 J h Mtentna
«|rfr>n<UHt( In
«htrhmid «utt Ilie m«! Frank Karman *a
P'ainlitr rrvttrrtrrd a tn-igmeut ag-.»;O«i Ihr
«•1*1 J
II Rtmma defrn tant, on liw ltl> >la>
of Mar. h A P. IW7, h»r Ih« an im o< W’>
with IbtrfM’ IhMreoM at Ibe rate t>( • per cani
fwr antitipi fr«»m th«* <th Hy of Adgnwt !*<
«• »«’•te atMl
and lit®
•»»•« of F”
.||«bttrwtnrn!i* <*f Ihlw arti«»n; '»ntering. nd-
<«t iMlntf «n<1 »Wrreing that the «irerl^t
l«r«k|*rtv to «It.
•» W % of MrrlboM tX Tp- |D • R « K.»
rtilUinrifr M«ri-1Un. l4nn <*<»<inty. OntgOB,
rsMttaliiinK iffl ». rr» iimh v or lr»u. tee m»l4 tn
«MtI•() «wähl ImliimMnt, »inrrww an t nrwfa.
that I
T b<-re(t»r«-
lw b<*rvt»y <hrn
« lt| »H»
4a 1 unlay the >• day of Juttr A I* tart.
t»f ml<l
al Ihr Hour «»f oti« oYkw k I' M
!a> at thr firmt -Itmr «»f ihr tourt Ik'd
I hr eh y «»f Alhany, Lluu muni y invg- n,
i’fTvr f«sr anir al |Uil»tt< a«M<l«m to tl*r Itiglt
• *t !»l.t-l««r
m«h fu baiti. Ihr h«l juofirr»
tjf In «aid al lach uw »»I, and dtWiil*ffd In
-aid or Irr
and !<► ur, alt Ihr t!«ht( ttth
and Intrrvat of Ihr
«al l a’wor narnr ! «Im»
fr intani ha<i in
<*r t«> ihr Waid atatv« tfa*
»« ri <*d premiava tr» «atlwfy mid drrrvr and
■mai« and a*« ruin* r»ai<.
Imi rd ihkl M»h -lay nf May % t> l»»7
M <’ O airiui
»hrrltf of Linn county Oregon
Monument« and Tablet« from
the celebrared Rv<l Beach,
Barre .ititi Quincy Graniteti,
at price« that will tuttonieh
you. Shop ott Second St.,
opposite R. G. Wataon’a »tore.
F. WOOD, Jun.,
T wb MMMF T»»Df
ooevaicHT« a».
Foil:« Tor FaKloatlon.
Iutud Office al Oregon City, Or.
May 12th, IMT7.
Notice Is hereby given that the
following-named -eller hu» tiled no
tlce of hl« Intention to make float
proof In support of hin claim, and
that said proof will he made before
the ll«’gl»ter and ll«< elver nt Ore­
gon I Uy. I »re , on June 2»th, l«!»7,
vl«: Edwin V. «inltn; Il E. I*W7.
for I he N I of M W | of ,**ec. ill and
N E I of N W I of Xec. 16, T I* lo X.
Il A Fuuit.
He names the following witnesses
to prove hl» contlnuoi»» resilience
upon the cu 11valloh of »aid land,
vl«t James Munroe, John C. Roe
and William W. Caskey of Berry,
Oregon and Janie* B. Moore, of De­
troit, Oregon.
Ilonr.kT a . Mn.t.y.n,
R«hs»Hbe for th» 1’11»«
Noue» For Publication.
luind Office at Oregon Cltv.
May i-th. I»'»7.
Notice is hereby given that the
following nanitwl wller. has tiled me
tlce of his Intention to make final
pn»if In support of his claim, and
that «aid pri»d will rw made Isifore
the Co. Clerk of Linn Co. st Albany,
Oregon, on Julv Bth, I«»?, Vfi;
Etank Wain; II. E. «/rfiS for the
X W ^if Xee. .14 Tf> IO Hill Fast.
lie n one» the following wllnc-s«*»
to prove his eonllnuoos rrshli^, »
tiisin and cultivation of said laud,
vlr; J A Craft, < T. Craft and
J. Im A Whit ■ of* Isirwisni and <1
E. Burniester of Jordan.
hoMKKT A. Mil l CH.
Ref 1-,er.