Scio weekly press. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 18??-1897, May 27, 1897, Image 2

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    • •
Scio Weekly Press.
4 f»« ale to OHIelal» !«»t lao '-4at»
W 11 «••»•<• fa ito» 4
New York
May 24 —A
Harald dis-
Tl*© joint inev*lig*tion <»( th© R ut
well, and
there i» tanne »larger that th© l*nit»d
Slates representative will Ar»*I him»©U
(orcwai to witfalraw 1«-* an*© of «folay
m*l tbs t»*mlency to ;«»litelv a»k an-1
m»>»t on undesirable aaodilhms.
New» <»'U m - s that Ferra, xfo fgnrel
in Getterai L-***» r«-j>ort of th© Ruis
i a*e, and wh«* was in jail with the on-
.'«»rturyate American m <»uaiufo ««a at
the time *»f Ru.s' death, li as lM*en ro-
arreete*) quietly, prul*ably as a warning
to him and others that while Spam
• onaehta («ditelv V» a free Ameii an
investigation, sh© has her for..»
«forni th© duty of her sul *je©t • in a ras©
of this kind
F»n rs a»*prta that he i»
an Ataetican <1It man, I *ut n«»t regis-
It i» «ani al-*» that sine e Mr.
boon’s arrival an .1 J.«»t )•©!«»rr (teneral
L'© brgaii bis In»vrotigatiuT' Word ha»!
(■en !♦•©■! <fown the hrie tktat «dl per»
»rms wie» talk©*) ««ver m neh afo»ut foul
I*Irr, no matter
I«y w >1
i«»w pri»
may !•© 1
any coat
General W«»y|©r i» ©xpecled b©t©
MiHi, an-l h© lia» «eut ahew«l of bim a
fot*g interview to th© l«»cal près* in
winch |>© ntak» • (h© slatement that tbe
Cubant ar* wnrtby and intelHg*’”5
|w-opl©> ami that a» font western prov»
inrsw are wholly pmûhml, th© lime to
put th© refor tns in opérât ion ha» r»«m©
* am * «fose r¿ t g©i s!«u>g very
William J. Bryan haa sc»'©pt©d an in*
vi tai ion to B|M*ak at Gl»d»t«>ne Park.
Hear Oregon City, OO th© I2tb of July,
th© day iM'for© th© annua) Chautauquan
asæmblv will o|«©n
Hi» «ubjtxt will
! m - <*Biin©talli»m. ”
From (Tark’slcn» works, t'amhridg©.
lia» tw-«*n »!npj»©*l in a «p»* ‘¿I | atb>r car
two discs which form th© lens for th©
gro»( Yerkes trb«s «»(*©, th© largrct let»»
©ver ma«!©.
Every precaution »••
taken tu n»»nr© th© safe tr»h»p*r<aU<m
of th© «’•«•tly lena.
They were ina.irrd
lor their full valu©, $60,000. The lene
represent nearly six years of careful la*
. «
V •
*♦ *
» *
> •
• j
Captain Miller has information that
tli© w ar 4©|kartmriit has appropriabml
$ J 4.000 foe a tran»|©W*V*Mi fund for lti©
army |* m » i at Kpukane, which rusk«** a
t«»tal of $11)6.000 this year. Th© sun­
dry civil bill earn«*« $ «o.üoo mum, all
• l» «iw (V ««•I» Su V¡ * 4iall<*(*
Madrid May 24. —A •»•mi*«‘ffl«’ial de
to (raits/er two oom pan if« to Mitokane,
pr»»l*ablv from F*»rt Khsmuo
A« fast ristai ion is is*u<d that Kjain will
a» the barra<k» buildings ar© built. never »gre© to («»reign m«*liatÌ<M? in the
• Cuban qæstfon. whi< balie rogards »•
ex* lusiwly concerning herself.
Walla Walla an ! HhermaB.
A »i©** tai to th© New Y*»rk .fourni
f *
Havan *
-•j- n »
private letierw by Weiler’» |«»«'toff| ©
employes him l«een inad** the »ubp** I of
energetic prot»*s{» by mor© than <»n© lo­
cal « t»-ul
Th© rcpr»* ntativ*
f a
b-adiiig *outh Ainrn- an republi* went
(ieraonally to th© jm I ac © to «»»mplain
that hi» mail, I «»th u(Tv ia| and private
had !•©••»» lampe rod with, while Dr
Brunner, t»f th© Unit«*! Stat«*« marin©
bo»pit4| iH-rVb e, detailed here a» as­
sistant AAinlarv ih«}*©<'tur, attach«**! to
the Am» rr an consulate, r©»'©iv©»l «*©*
©ral |©CI«*rs from til« Wife, th© ©nvefop©»
of which had been clip|***d off at th©
protofffo© before delivery
They were
delivered o|»©n. no attempt whatever
f *vit;g Iw-eji m i le t<> >»t> -a! the fa ! of
»’ *n
I *p»*n th©
t«»r -
plaint General L-c »©nt a »harp not©
<»f protest to the ra|»tain-general softl -»-
Th«' gen©ral traff!
manager of ths
(>. R «V N **ay« that all th© railn«w<ls
intero«tr*l have ag'«*«*d to put into effect
th© new grain rat© OH June V next.
Tin» action will I m * tn a<**ord with the
law pa• »©»I b) th© last WaahlngUMI leg­
islature. making a rwluction uf 10 |*©r
rent on previous rate*.
It is estimated
that the new rat© w ill * ffect a saving
for th«- farmer» of Eastern Washington
an«l of Northern Idaho of from $160,-
000 to $300,000 a year.
Georg© Francis Tiain has reoptnad
his claim to th© city of Omaha, and he
intends to pre*» it to the last.
If lie
wh m I.«* will bs worth $-*'’ 0
w ■!'. bs no |«*r»rer than ha
is n««w. Certain <»f his friends have in­
vestigated th© matter, and they are
con vit»«-©»I that hi» causa is ju»t and
that th© claim growing out of the old
Union Faoiflc litig»ti«m and sul»«©quent
procee'lings III whir!» h© W a » legally
declared a lunatic i» valid
An expedition ha» ju»t left Philadel­
phia that h i» for it» object th© explora­
tion of th«- country around Mount st
Elias, Alaska and ¡••-»ihly th© awent
of that mountain, whim for a long tims
wa« con»i«l«*r©*l the highest in America
A iiumfor of |*eople have been poi­
son©*! in Oakland, Cal . by eating straw
I «*rri« •
Th© physicians declare that
th© strawberries have bwn in COUtaot
with some poiroimu» matter used ny
growers to destroy plant insects There
have i«een ira« «** uf F a « U groan iï. S.-U1C
of the fruit offered for sal©.
It in reputed in Guidon that the an
onyinotii philanthrupiat «ho contribut­
ed £25,000 t<> the fund prupoanl by the
I’rin.-eaa of Walea to fee.1 the atarvmg
on the occasion of the queen'a Jubilee la
William Waldorf A.tor.
Following the recommendation of
Commiaaioner Hermann, of the general
land office, the attorney-general haa in-
atroetel the United Htalea diatriet attor­
ney for Oregon to aaaprnd for the prev­
ent the legal pm.-ec.ling« pending in
that diatrict growing out of alieep paa-
turing within the limit« of the Caeaada
Armistice Declared Between
Greece and Turkey.
i»«l<»« W lti r«lsl»||«to A
A 4*l«**l Í
Tto© p«w»r» 4 *»M»ia»r
lag Term» •(•*•»«• l amia l>»s«r4*M
laHvlon. May 24 —The armi«t«re
agreement between Turkey »nd Grrav
stipulai©» that a mix©*! 4XMnmis»u»t» <»f
officers of •ufw’ffor rank »hall ©stsbii»h
a neutral rone between tlwr two artui©».
and that no advance «ui either flank
»hall Iw* («rrmitlrd. It is undvtfKoud
Turk«*y w¿nt» iba aommiasum taba
«-< f.»titui©d of foreign military attaches,
with th© two «rtiiir«.
C rown Pnn©© Constantin©, it i> said,
•©nt a personal appeal to th© <nt*r I«»
not allow tls© (ir©©k army to b© cifuabad
by a f«*rc© four times greater than it-
•elf, and that, as a ctmaeqtMmcs, Ui«
mar insistisi *»n th« armistice»
îh» l’aj^r» MlgawH.
Athen». May 24. —An arm iM ire be-
tween th© Turkish and Greek lnt*f e in
T brasai/, tn extend 1? day». wa* form
ally concluded tolay.
Constan tin«-pie, May 24.— An ar pus-
lice was formally rooclmlv»! today for
seven »lays fotween th© Turkish awl
Greek troops on the frontier of Epirus.
the Arwtlstle© 1» (leaerwl.
Constantfoopfo, Muy 24.—Th© arm-
istlve concluded today 4» general, ami
in ludrw th© land at©! •©« forre« of b»th
r»*tii I m H aoim . Th© ambavsador* of th©
j«owrr» met thia afteriHiOft t«» ct>n»id«r
terms <4 peace.
W Sal <»reeee W III r»y.
<*»••« !'• vfa*«**MMr• »»f I Mrrrll*
nt i>«kl«nil Ytarli
*»an Frani't*’»'. May 34 —Lucretia
B«>rgiA a brown filly. 4 year» old, by
un|k Brutti», out of Lafette, fo**l an*I
owned hv William B*w»t* Ac Son, uf ban
J««»«* now h"l !• the world’s r«*©«'rd for
four mile*.
A fur Lu* r« lia Iforgia'r
• i< ' id -
4. With » j-**r rid«*.’
tip, in th© Ingle«' I© Makes at four
mil©», throe u«-ek» ago, th© «»wner d©
terii»in«*l t«» »©nd hi» l»«»f»e f«*r th© r»'* ■
od, heli©*l«»g that will’ a g«*»! rt«foi
•b© ©«»uld l«»*©r th© <’*i»t an*! |*erha)»
the worl«l*s r«**t»r*l.
Th© rowult of to­
day's trial «1 • "•«*!•*I his ©X|*e* tatmns.
*plen*lidly ridden by J«M*key Claw
• hi , a cfov«»r light weight pifot, an<l
|tM<'«'d by peter I! «»v«-r th«* third mile,
and by iii»lall4tor over lb© fourth,
Mor© I0O.O00 - 4>«-» uf salm< n both of th© latter Imr»«-» owned by thr
It«« !», !»:;<-retía Iforgja r:.Y«*r©d th«
pack at Astoria.
«listane© in th© wonderful timi* of 7:11,
Th© fatmni» Tond«* pr)**n in N«*w 4ii<l C.aJ. (••«•. in the ! < •* «•( 4 »Iron,»’
Y*»rk is t" *-»• l- rr* low n I«» give way to » i nd blow i ng down th© l*ark »trot-h.
l it»* f* **r l ' f*>r fvur mile» again*!
a new and bandiwun© structure.
11m© ha« su*od at «.lA’j for 31 year*,
Clou«»© Cfodiu». •<©*! I»
stru k
having I»«en made by Tt*nbr<*ck, th<
by lightning am! *©ri«m»lv iu)ur«**l nt
©»«!«• brat<*i di*lan<Mi hor»«', Septembei
lu» bom© on Mill • r»*« k Walla W *lli«
27, 1*76. at I M'ussvillf«.
Th© rompeti
county, Wa»h.
P«»rt)an«l, <^r , will celebrate th© •t'Mwl for 23 y©.ir» at 7 13'*, mad© by
Fourth of July thi» year
Committee* Fellowcraft, al SMiratoga, on AuguM 20.
have ! «*«*ii appoint» d and plan« di»
r'i*n»-.| to hav© t!»«« flnest cclebrathm
High II hi4 at IC«»»«lar4.
©Ver «©eh in that ©ity
fUNksland. It. C . May 24. —R«wsland
Adolph L Luetgert, a w. II km*wn
ha« many large new hotel buildings,
•«usage manufacturer of ( hu ago, ha«
the sup)«orts of which are two-by-fmii
lw**’n art«‘«t*’d a u**d <»( murdering hl»
There wa» a high wind to
w 11© «h I b g her L*!y in * id is
day. ami unr of thm<* buildings toppled
hide th© tra* » • of his crime.
il was a new hot«d building,
Th© New York H©ral«Vt »f*»clal from three sturie« high, 26x70 fret, on
M t lfi-I »*-. » no doubt romain» that th«» Washingtun »t»rrt. (»ring rr**cte-l by
work <•( pa« ilication in the Philippin© Henry Ro©r* ami a man named Purveil.
islwrxin is at a »tan istill. Th© gravity Tbr building, on which there were sev
uf the situation there has la-en fully rtai mm at work, fortunately fell at
r©v« - a !©d by a ourre»|«*ndrnt in Manila, thr noon hour. »«» no on© was injure*!.
I . v©» iuaii V iiicid«*iits w ith «lat©» to Thr roof was ready for shingling.
show that the in»utg*iit I m nds are »till fell flat, an enormous pile of lutulM*r,
•nd discloses the fact that there war
Special reports from the primi pal hot a nmrt isrd I »»a rd tn the whole
nor a tongue-an«! *gr<M)Vt
frmt at I grain «•enters <»f California an- beikling.
n*>u > a general rainfall. Which In a few piece, The nails used at th© moat ini-
portant points of »tram were only 2
cjir ' ii ha» injured th© hay crop and tn
ar© roveral
other *« • lion* ha» <x»m© too 1st© in the inebea in length. There
► a- n to I m * l-eneficial. TlteCalifornia »Huilar foil Id I ng« here, ami there il
wheat crop will !*■ generally light, but al««» a bull'll ng in»|«wt«»r drawing a
growing cereal» h»»k much l«etter alohg (airly monifloenl »alary fur the work
he 1» aup)Mi»*«<l to do.
tli© fiMithillt than on the plain».
Firms and individuals in this ©«»un­
try interewt«*! in Ira»!© with Cuba, and
who desire |*©»<’© in th© island a» **»n
a» |M»«wibfo, have «««nt Io th© t * rotary
of state a memorial, setting f»»rtli how
their butin©#« interacts are suff»-ring,
• nd giving fa< t« about the struggle <a
Cui««, in th«» hop© that measures may
ba • levi«»cl to terminate the war.
,* » •
OM«K)!( pst' ii from Havana via Key West say*
Th© pr»*sident ha» «©nt to th© »enats
th«* name of William W Morrow, of
California, to b© Unit©»I Mat©» circuit
jmlg© 1<»r th© ninth judicial district.
Married •! Ara.
San Fram t« •«». May 24 — D»n Jo»«
I Barrilla», the 1U-year*<»!«! nephew of
(lie »-1 president uf Guatemala, am!
.Ui»» Kai© Kit -«*y. th©
'laughter «»( C. (’. Kinsey , »»f this city,
w Im have tsron engaged for »it month»,
d«*»pit«a th© ob)«% lion« of the young
lady*» |x»r«*nts, wen* marrod by Cap
tain J S»-h«vi«‘h on l*oatd the tug V»gi
hint «»iltsnl© th© heads on Monday last.
The romantl*' affair would proltably
have remain««! a arcret longer ba*! nut
tfi© d«’p.irtur© of the young bridegn»«*m
(or Ceiiirnl America on the steamship
Citv of Hyduey yesterday brought mat­
ters to a crlMia.
Young Barrilla» i» re­
put«*! to I m * very wealthy in hi» uwt
Athens Mav 24 —M. Kalil, th© pre­
mier, in th© oourw of an interview to«
day. saul:
“TI h * indemnity winch Grow© will
pay to Turkey will be in proportion to
th«* rensriwof (irww and her finan*
ctal piwitiun. Th© ©»••!*»ti of territory
is «»ut of th© question
Gr©»*©© canwl
accept a modification of the strateg1'*
frontier which wool«! remler eusy raid
ing of Greek territory by arm«*l band«,
and whi< li would romp©! Grssc© to
maintain a num« rou» army in ord«*r to
prevent incursion».**
Turto* *ervf I*» <»•«!•
L>nd«»n. May 24.—TIi© c*»rrr»|H»n«lent
of th© Standard nt < 4m»tanlin«»|d«4 «ays:
Th«« armiMti« © ha» < Aim d widespread
discontent among th© Turkish tro»»|*
in Th©«**aly mim I Epirus, and tbr niili
(ary commission ha» oriier«**! the must
prominent grumblers to I m * w<nt home
under (TO’ort. Th© prn*»t» who ar© with
the army have Iwen instrm t«-«! to
preach »¡*'« ial sermons exhorting the
suldiery to I m « loyal and •*li©di©nt.
iin|<«*rial onier prohibits th© sale of
drawings, phot«»grAph» or poetry deal­
ing with the war, or with th«» exploit*
of th«* commanders, the «»hj«-ct of th©
prohibition being to prevent »n indi­
vidual general becoming a popular hero
Ihr 4 ««n«l II «•»«»• of I'rerr.
Lmdon, Muy 24.——The R«»me corres
]«ond<*nt «»f the Mai I •ays lie learns on
g«M«d authority that th«* powers Lav«
agr«-4-<l upon the cliirf conditions oi
)N*acv. nam«*ly, an indemnity of £’5,
000,000. guarant»'««'l by a control of thr
Greek customs, and the recti (lent for
of the frontier, the details as to which
have n<»t yet I mwo settled.
\rg<iflatlun« Villi llr fllrert.
ConMtaiitinople, May 24 —Alth<»ugl
it im not definitely <lr*’i<lr«|, it i» thought
p«‘A‘ e nrgoitationa will l»r condtnrtr*
l»rlwr«‘U Türkei and Greece direct, am
alter ward, following the precedent ul
thr treaty of San Stefano, thr treaty
will I m * »ul>mitl«-<l toa (2uru|M-an confer
enee, probably to ìmp lu i I at Pana.
I.atnla I» lirarrtr«!.
l amia, May 24.—This town 1» d©
•erte»!, w lib the exception of the pro
f.N't, n.-w»|ia¡«-r corrcwp.ndcnta tafo
graph op-ratura and a few other«.
(Irrrto» lgi'«»vr«t l l»g «»f Trttrs.
Berlin, May 24.—A telegram rc
ceiv«*l from Constantinople this after
norm say» the effort <»f H<e Turkish
commander in Epirus to tr«*at w ith the
Greeks for an armUlire r«t>uh«*d in a
failure, owing to th© < « f '•< k* having
ignored the fl.»/ of truce and having at-
tcmpt«*«l ye»ter«lay, with two hattalum»
of tr«Mi)w to make a fresh incursion into
Turkish territory.
The ((seeks, it is
further staled, alm» »helled the Turkish
1» siti«>n.
in ©»•nrlu«’i«»n, th© Constantinopl©
di»|'Atch »ay» the Turkish government
<liw laims all r«W|*un»ibility fur w liât
may follow.
Lmdun, May 24.—A dispatch fron.
Canea says the Cancans have tiroide*!
San Fmiu'iMCûk May 24.—- The w«-ath to co-operate w it h the ad miráis rom
rr waa rl> < •sively hot here yiwterday mandi ng th© fleets oí the foreign pi»w
and early in the day the lhrrm«unrtei ers
in orgamxing th© governmen*
gave imln ationa of breaking thr rorord forces.
for the flr*t Io »lay* «»( May.
It r«»*e
V«*r Ih» I’ari» K • | o »»I(| hm .
all the morning al an alarming rat«
Washington. May 24.—Th«* »rúate
until iKN'nlimr, when it reached Hi
Then it »t«»p|«rd, and al) romm litre <»n i nt urna t tonal wxpmdtinM
rham r» of a new record were got»«. derided to rv|»»rt favorably a r rao hi lion
But it ramr very rh*M* to making» new providing for an appropriation of $350.
mark, for only twice in 26 year» have 000 fur proprr reprtw-ntatfon of thl»
there l.'-rn holler tlay» in May prior U government at thr Flaria r*p«»ailion of
thl* »late.
1‘rnalty far T rafa w recto Ing.
IM th» Sp««*h«»
Pittabnrg. M »T 34. — It i. «tate*! that
an intornalional l.iry le tut« lru»t haa
I km 'U formed l»T coli* lulation of tin*
four larg'-H tube manufactoriaa in Eng
land and the two tula* planta at Klwatai
3-r.t I 4-ornv*Het f’x
< Wuttllt l»«lknla Twlilrr.
Omaha, Sell, May 24 —A » jmm - i «|
Hlnvk t«»lay signed the lull providing to tbr Bee from Howard, H. I)., «ays a
th© death penalty for train wreckers eye 1«me |Ni»«*od over th© northern («rt
who eau** death.
of Miner county last mghL Tli© great.
e»t damage was «fon© at Carthage.
The » l«»»»«l l.ttwr»-
St. Louia. May 24. —A »|«rci«l to the Patton an ! Jackson*» elevator, the
Republic from Sew Orleans aayw:
It Northwestern depot an*l »©vrral small-
No lives
i» thought there will be no furthei rr buildir**« w«-rr «fostroyed.
Th© dam
damage done by the overflow. The were bait so far as known.
¡«»•»'•il hi lx»ui«iana are estimated al age is extensive to farm property.
$14 600,0(Mi; io»t aa æriou» a I«*« a» in
many pm Imi» year* of overflow, when
Glass brick« with a id low centri are
thr river wa» n«»t m arly aa high *• J found quite ’fosirald© in Germany for
it now
the construct ion of ..:.•*•■ ratones
raug'-Jforeet reeerTa.
% W iHiikk In thr <
Vancouver, B. (’., May 21.—Th©
sl Louia. May 24 —George A
first of Die trials arising ««ut of the
for, teller of the Third National bank,
tramway disaster at Feint Ellice bridge,
wa » fonnl <lead at tbr Normandie ho­
Victoria, la»t May, was e«»n< hided this
tel thi» afternoon.
Hr rommittrd »ui-
afterii«Min, wh©n the jury decide»! that
ei»le by »hooting htm»r|f with a revol­
the city vai liable for the |i»a»t©r.
When found, Taylor had in hi»
Tbe plaintiff, Mrs. Gordon, wh.■•** hus-
hand a letter from a woman, not hit
band was kill©*!, was aw ar«fol $10.000
wife, and her photograph.
damage»—$7,000 for herself $1,000 6»r
William Moore, of Snow Hill. M*l.,
her eldtwt son. $ 1,500 for th© youngest
child, ami $5o0 for a ate|>ron. Judg­ on m wag»*r «»f Ave rent», attempted to
kum a "pOMUni. and 1» u«>w no»unnn*r
ment was g;rm tn th«' tramway c«>u«
thr Io«» of a |»art of hl» noee
party, with r**»ts.
Washington, May 21.— *rerrtary of
the Interior Bliss »ent to thr «enatr to­
day a ropy of the re«*© nt agreement be­
tween thr Dawe* commission an I the
Choctaws and Chick i»awa.
With the
agreement hr sent a letter of ihr rom-
miwinti of Indian affair», in which ho
•ays Ihr agreement represents the m«*»t
ím¡Nirtant prop» «dl hm relating to In­
dian affair» with which thrgovernment
ha» liad to deal m recent y«*ars. Titers
it involves I 11,836,000 acre» of land,
14.600 Indiansand 1<M) 000 whitaa.
•tate» that so far n«» • »t» j*t I« »ns Lav#
bean tiled in the Indian <>flke.
iwria»^ Rwacwtwb©
< •mstllwewtS M»««w Talk«
Belligerency of Cubans Rec­
ognized by Senate.
Washingntn. May 22 —Tl»©
and ©xcitii.g 4el«atr on th© punt résolu
lion re* ogni si ng a »tat© of war in Cuba
and declaring that »itici neutrality
«hall I* maint»ine*l bv tbe Unitisi
Mates, was rn«l©*l wlien th© rerolutUH»
t me •« mm I th© »©nal© by th© tfocieiv© vote
of 41 tu I 4 at a late hour this after»
Th© announcement «»( th© vote
was r©c©iv«*d with l*in>n)tuousapplau**',
which drew from Hawley an rmphatn
pr««tr«i <<4ii«»t "mob tfotnonstratron
the restdution *• |»<«« mw I i » a» follow«
*’R©»*»!ved etc . That a <s*n»lili<*n of
gldie war exist» between th© govern
m nt *»f Mpem and lb© g«»veinm«*nt pr*»
claim©*! an«! for »« hi »© tim© maintait»©»!
by force «>( arms by th© people of ('nha,
and that th© Uniteti Mat©« <»f Am©rn a
«hall maintain a strict neutrality I**-
tween lb© «'•»•tending parti©«, according
Io each and all th© rights of heiliger-
ency In tbe |s«rta and lb© territori pf
th© United Mat©*.**
An analysis •( the vote «hows that
th© afhrmati»*- vote *»• ca»t i»y I* K©
publican«. IS I>©m«w*rats and four F«>p-
uliats, and ths negativ* Vota by I? Re­
publican» and two Demnrrat»
t«» th© filial vol© th© moti«»n «>f Hal© to
refer th© resolution I«» th© «■• num ill«©
n foreign relation»
banks proj«'”**’-d a *ul»*titttle providing
that th© president ©Blend th© g«»*l
■ ff|< ©» uf th*« United Mat©* tu Sjiain t«»
ward •«•*urirg an end - f lit* conflict,
slid th© «litimat© in«i«*p©n<i©nc© of th©
I • '
I ■ <*. '■ » . •« 4 « • .4 ' ■ ' ' * • -
n<H» IS, Then follow***! th«* adoption
of the original resolution
Th© voting
«M-eiirissl after an ©veiling «fohate, |*»r
(: i|*at«**l
in by Thurston. Elkins
Whit©, Fairbank». Ilafo, H|«ouner and
Thurston, who pr©*i«!«rs| over
th© Republican cunventum at M.L»* h ».
r«**i»l I ©»I th© stirring »•su» when th©
<onv©nti«>n inserted a l uí an plank in
lb© piali« rm, and ’leclare«! thut this
resolution W.U» a partial fulfillment of
that pfodg©
Elkin» and W hit© urged
a conservative cour«**« and an inquiry
b •
• i. i ? » tn <
Then cam«* th© first vote, that on th©
motion of Hal© to r« («*r.
It wa« a test,
ind » «fofeat of the motion ss*nnsl the
pa^nag© of th© rr s*dulit»n.
trits! t«> st©m th© tul© l»y offering th«»
compromis© pr«>|M«*ition, s*«m©wh»t on
th- line» of th© Cuabn plank a'lopted
«I ht. L«uis, but it met the asm© tat©
»• th© Hal© motion.
Tins brought Hal© («»rw ard for a final
He Spoke with int©n»e earn
• «ti «••» and feeling, and w;lh a trac© «*(
Thr Mentlliig <»f
In Vturrlran« in
bittern©»« in hi» w«»rd*.
lie declared
Caha I" *»* < i»urriti uf «pain th« ©foments op|»ets| to th© opp*>-
Washington. May 21 —In kii author­
• iti«»n—D ni'M-rnts an i Pupuhst»—had
ised interview, the Spanish minister.
furi; i shed th« bulk in fav<»r uf the res-
Dupuy de Lome, broke his diplomatic
olutron, aii«l that th© f*>reign jni I icv of
»lienee, and said:
th«* a hiiinistration wa** thu* to L» <h
"I atn going at oner to call on th»*
tat«**! by II« opponents.
He expr« ••©•!
pr«-»idrnl and >xpr»*- my gratitude (or
th© fear als«» that th© rsrolutfon would
Ins splendid artion ami thr kindly con­
I *a I to wai with Spam.
sideration shown in the wording <»f his
Sp»M’iier ad«l©d his protest against ty­
m«»sMagr. Notwithstanding thr activity
ing the hands of the administration.
of thr pu)M*r» that arc Imatile ami tin
(forman «d««»*-«l th© delmte r»-»**nting
]U«t, our cause has again triumphed.
C •' •ugg'*«tion that party lin*-* wer©
Wr are sirouger to*lay w ith President
di iwn «ni th«« résolution, and a»*«*rting
McKinley am! Secretary Sherman than
that th© a lininn«*ration should have
we ever were with thr Cleveland ad­
•lispalcl «d a war v ©» m ©| to Cuba to pr«»
t'M’t cur official» on tli© island. Th*
“Spain has no objection whatever to
final vot«’ was then taken and the ■••n
the United States helping her own rill-
ale adj«»urn*-<l t«» Monday.
Ten» now r«***id'*nt in Cuba and all«*) god
llrllrf Kill •‘•••r»l
Th«» way that th©
to tie in d iat rose.
chanty is distributed it entirely the
Washington, May 32 —The house
affair uf the Unite«! Stat«*«, and not unanimously pa »»«I the ('ubati relief
that uf Spain.
rriMiliition, appropriating $.'»0,(100 for
“Thii government expressly «tat«»* îemm I an I »uppbe».
that only Anirrhw are t»> I m * relieved,
f«»r H«»t»»r
therefore no authority is a»k«*d to (««•'d Ihf **Kar«*nr«»" I«
Dni'lon, May
34 —Barone«»
tin* »uhj«*cui <»f Spain.
if Arnrrn'ans
have »uff«-rrd through mgenciew of war, Turkheim, formerly Jeannie Y«»ung.
it is their misfortune to l*e tn Cuba at win» Indieves that she was decoyed from
this particular time
Spain «!■**• not hum© to prevent her ap|w*aring as a
care if the United state» maintains her witne«* in the Fair will r««*. ha« de­
citisriis lti luxury. St» long »u* »hr dis­ parted for Liv«*rp»N»l, a hen« r »II© «all«
She was a<voin jm turd by
tribute» her !<ounty through th«* con­ for Amrri ■.»
her 4 y*-»r-old »i»n
H**r companion,
sular agents am! only in thr towns.’•
who ciuir with her frt»m San Fran«* oh *».
% Xa« y far < uba
will ui«'t her al LiverjMiul ami «ail
(Chicago, May 21. —A »laudai to ths w uh her.
Timea Herab! from New York «ay»:
Thr baronr»» says that Von Turk
Behind the movement (or the passage heim was very nimh disappointal on
uf the Cuban rasidutmn it a *»l«-mn reaching London two w« roks Ago, tn
pledge made by thr Cuban junta to Ha fli»d that lite remit tarn'© • II© had ©X-
•up|»»rtrr» in congres* that four t-ITl’o­ ¡»•'Ctr’d was 13 .(MM) »bort «'f the amount
live turn of war flying the ('uban flag promise*! him.
He did not know
are only awaiting thia recognition to whether Mr. Delmas, Mrs. Craven’s
tAkr to th© æa». ThwMi vessels, il is lawyer, had falle»I to send the amount
declared, will tie obtain«»«I in England, or whether Ifotr* tlVr Stillwell «retired
and it la »«wrrtr’l that urmiig'-iiiriiti It
II was while Von Turkheim was
have already I «sen perfected by which smarting under this diaapiuintmrnt
they will be manned, thon»ugl«ly equip­ th it h© revwifod t«» the barunrae, she
ped and will !•© realty to »ail the very ».»vs, that be married her in pursuance
«lay th© belligerency of the Cubane it of a plot to get her out of thr way.
re« ug nixed.
He raggewled to her then, she «ays, that
they "st «n I I«*’ logrlher I*» make Dr!-
Military Train to rar to «»«I.
mas |<ay a large sum of money. The
Cologne^ .M«« •-HI.-— A train convey­ >Nirnb<Me de* lared that tf Von Turkheim
ing a detatbment of reserves ft<»tn ventures to return to Man Franvie-o,
Westphalia to Meta was wreck©«I t«x!ay •he will pt'»route him
between Hillu»chrrm an«l (folsrherm.
Nine men are known to have lieett
Montevideo, May 24 —The Vruguai
killed, and 36 injur©»!. Th© aceMent an tnwi)« have defeat«*! the insurgents
wa« caua©«) by th© train breaking in under Lamas and Saravia
It is off!
two. the roar |N»rtion subsequently < tally announced thr insurgents have
overtaking and crashing int«» the front I «ven completely routed. and thr revolu­
tion in <V»n»ider©»l a« ended.
•• ».. ,
* !• ». A
Thr 4 Ity Hria I latola.
PiilliiKn, W»«h.,
TVa»liirixi<m agrlcultoral cillrgr ea<lrta,
125 in numti.r. under eoiumnrid of
l.ivut.-luiil Htorkl«, I*. H- A., tiavr
Kime lulo llieir annual camp and «ill
remain for a wwk.
Washington. May 21.—Another stir­
ring delete on Cuba acmrrwi in th«
senate today
It was of th* give-and-
take order, with sharp parllantsrttary
fencing. Th© main speeches were mads
by Foraker, Cannon. Lind»ay and H<«ar
l< was the first spe©* h of any length
ms»fo by Foraker sine© ho enter*! th©
•©nate. an*I. tn addition Io this, th©
Ohio »©nator is one «»f th© Cuban sub-
rvHutuitie© of th© commilte© on foreign
He s|«>k© in favor of refer
the reiMdutron tn a committee,
but declarwl his pu?|«n*© of »U| porting
the reaitlutioQ rerognising Cul*an bellig-
ervn«jr when it ibould hr n*|»»rt©d by
th© ©urnntilies.
Cann«*n wa» hitter in his denuncia-
lion *«f M|'ani»h airm'ity, characteriaiag
the captain general 4*f <*til»s »-• "that
mad dog W©G©r.'*
Lin* I »ay 4« h lared that if the informa­
tion furni»|.*w| by Unit©»! States consuls
was so sh'M'king as tu sul’jei t them to
«lang« r nf a»a«Minairon if littur name«
wer© 'ii»* !.'*r*| |t was time t«> «©tvI war-
to Cuba and to terminat© all
diplomatk1 rrlatn»n« with that «'ountry.
It wa» tfoveloproi, in the «uur»e of a
rol|«M|uy l*twr*r*n F««rak©r, Morgan and
Vest, that il*© »tat© department had
withheld the asm©» of Unit©«! States
ctHtsuls reporting on the serrous condi-
Iron of affair» in Uuhabevaii»© it might
1«>A=1 tu S! —u^,■ . jr’lfA
r*| l' -■ . ■ ©.L-
tiKW' <u<ri>>u» pl.,,.- uf t hr »iil F"**t. »• *'
wa« time to protiR'l our off! tala with
warahi|«i if their personal liberty was
threaten©*! for makir g rojort» to their
/■•I* ’IHIO nt
No s«*tion on tb© resolution was
taken, and bforgsn «aid he hoped tn
•weurw a v««t© tomorrow »n Hale's mo­
tion to refer
II© d«*wir©d to <l*> this,
h© *as«l. in order that th«* Cuban r»w«*
hit ion might not antagouis© tlie tariff
W ben tli© Cuban roafoutron ©am»* up.
Chandler inov«*d that th«* a*l)«»urnment
today I»© until Monday, «lie tabuing at
tbe »am© tun© any intention **n the
part (»f the op|<*nent» of th© ro«oltition
to delay action.
The debate pr«» ©***1©«!
• »n Chandler’* motion, and brain bed off
into un©i|»©cted channels.
V«**t said h© had * m ** h statements to
tbe effect that tlirtw menil>eni «»( th©
romniHltw* on foreign relations had
virtit*«d th«« state d«’partiiient and had
bad a<•’•♦*»• Ui the «*vid©ne© furnish^! by
United Mat©» consuls. Why was it
that tlire© ronators ha*! tins information
and th© *enal© di«l not have it*
M«Hgan an«»wtT'*d that thr« *• *•• iiators
on th«* '«nnmitl»'« fold l**»'n *«’iit a» a
subcuminitt«*'* to the president and sec­
rotary uf stale to ronfer on the Cuban
subject. They had received certain in­
formation, an I th© injun* tion »** laid
upon them that th«' name <»f General
L*«* was not to I m * us©*! m connection
w ith the information.
I armer < •«Irl« in < «Hip
W.»t Point, N. V.. May 24.—Th«
«|UAHrrm.«»trr at West Point has just
made thr startling discovery that flvs
of the gun» captured in battle from
the Mexicans by General s»«»tC» army
have Isen stolen. The cannon haw
lain for nearly half a rontury on th«
bluff overlooking th© Hudson, wh©rs
the trophic» of our wars with England,
Mexico »nd the South are rang«*!.
Th© hietory of each pieco I» engrave»!
<»n it» surfs'-r.
H<>w they wrr© stole«
is nut known.
Boetoa, May tt. — Mi»» Fannie Kiel,
ardo.n the fauioua wealthy old maid
iui»er hermit, »tarvcl herwlf to death
in her imp-netrable caatle here yeeter-
day, while from »50,000 to (100.000
lay hoarded. She waa 75 year» of age.
For half a .eulury no human loot
•are her own had criemed her theahold,
and »he had not »tep|«»l outdoor» In all
that time. She lived in a miserable
tenement hottae In the very buaieat »ac­
tion of the city. She owned the houae.
and kept it looking aa if vacant all the
lino- all il,r blind» being e’ -aed and
the dour, locked.
May 20 —Cuba again
in th« senate
t<»iay. It drew large crowds to the
galleries, and hrnught out two notable
»pa*r«*hrs, th© one by Ma«oo in favor of
the Morgan nwnlutioo. and the other by
lliMtr, in opposition to it.
The lllinoi» senator picture«l in for-
vid terms th© di»tr«s»s in Cuba, dwell­
ing particularly on lh© starving condì-
tioi»» of mm » Unit©«! Htatr» citifens. as
retorted by th© president, ami called
U|»»n lb© »©nat© I«» throw off its leth-
trgv and pa«© the \|<»vgan resolution
Mason ha*! several sharp tilts with
Wellington, the latter protesting that
he was tiring misrepresented.
It l«*i
tu considerable <x>mmotroti in tbr gal-
lene©, 'luring which Wellington d©-
dare» I that be n>ul«l not he ebuke«! off
I © nt*** of th© gal for !•*«.
by th©
Hoar »p«>ke in hi» usual mlm and
digmfl «I style, and t«M»k «M « iMHOI' I«*
derkfo bun<x*tnb© app«*als to cunstitu
U> our natumal
ent* airi brag g ♦doc i
Hoar’s criticism», although
impersonal, were « fosrly aimed at
Senator* Galllngrr ami Haw
ley also spoke, the foruter (or tit© reso-
lutino, atol th© latter urging that the
Cnltr»! Nt»i*-a «houhi nut ru»h into war
while our nuui defense* are manifrslly
© ex ’ up led lb© («»©©ground
4 «»rbrll • <
A Resume of Events In the
\sIg h »«*r 1 ng
An in»|w*« t«'r of th© pi*»lAI department
I I»« »- ui («» " a I* ui l*» ©*tabli«h a
i - a I mail •« r% o'© in Marron county
M inv eberriew ar© »aid t«> have fallen
(r in th© tr*«ra m 'Miuthcrn Oregon «lur­
ing If«*« I a* i week of ten «lays.
Grower« in Linn ««»unty ar© cultivat­
ing their !-••!© well, an«! th© pr*«M«nt
» iill<«*>k juatiti«** them in hoping (or tin©
Th© U cumi twv creamery is roeeivAng
ll.iMMi ¡wuiids of milk per day. and it
is ripe« t«r*l the figure» will S eme U I m * lll-
.-rea»ed to I A, «MM»
* f »i V a < Math*
cuunty. flouring mill ha» iteen pur
c!«a«©«L Tl»«’ mill will hav© a capacity
of 50 barrel« a «lay.
Grasshoppers al<mt thr Site <»f a flea
. »-• th* K » the b At hi nelghb««rb<MM|,
Cmatilla county, that they rat»© in
W 4
M »V 'O
xktnmitt«*' »o |»rivil©g«-« and ©I« non»
Hand l Parker will soon »tart from
today heard an argument by C E *4
Huntington with 30.000 head of sheep
W« mm !, an attorney of Portland. Or
in «»verland for Gd»s»n. F«**» A Co., to be
supp«»ft •»! th© daim of Hon. Il U. delivered at •<une punt in S«bra«k t
Cor I «eit to a »©at in the •rnat© to sue- It will Lik© alami Are month« to nuke
r<-©d >©h4tnr Mitch«*!! under th© 4p the drive.
pointment of th© governor *»f (>rsg’*n,
Til© big ditch which ha»
but lb© «*omiiiitte© t«a»k n«» aotion. Mr. coura© of
• -on»tru«*ti«»n for
\V« mm I «'ont«*nd»*l that th© appointment months for U •• Flick ll»r Mining C«uu-
was valid I m All»*' there had i«©©h no pany, in Baker county, ha« !»©rn com
II© pl©t©«! and mining will «*> ii !•© cum-
•e*»i<»n <*f the Oregon l»'gi»latute.
held that faillir© t«* org »>.!•© w »• ©»pn
m«*nc«-*l tn ©Ari»«'»t.
aient to hotting n«» *©*»o«n. an*l for this
N»» »te|«s will b© taken to build A new
r©A*«*>n th©r© had lw»©i> an interregnum
rotirtlrou»© in < •»•»« county before lb©
H© argue*! it wa« th© intention
■«•ming s**A»t»n. Th© defendant county
framer«» uf the «vu»»litul
h (« id«- ! an an»wer to thr complaint of
should I»© at all tim«'*
th***«* wh«> are »«king for an lnjun«’ti**n
the *©nat©; that, a» I
to pr* trot th«- ■ on st ruction of the Court*
th© «overdgn »tat©» •!««
roselite*! by their am ha
Th© com mitt©©
fliially on th© case at II»
1 »•
in th©
tU |M»J>
« ««Hr© ><»»«11» I m M mn I«»»
«•*'1 II*» H•»»«••» H««l»l*e*l
k lllr.l
Denver, Col«» . M av 20.—A rr|w»rt
wa» publl«he«l in an evening paper here
vrwterday tu th© **ff'-<t that
Haiiiiil«»it. a contra* t«ir hi* wife. Mr»
Catherine llamilfon, his aeui , I*©*», aged
IM. wliohve*! tn Denver until recent­
ly, wer«* mnrd«*r«d in a »mall village
n«*ar H«'l©na M-nt . thu*© weeks ag-*
an«! th© crim© *tippr©*i»©d in order to
tmabfo Mont« • mtl - ■ • ’ * ■ • • ‘ ■
in i’ !•■ • -
Mr Hamill ri win« 1 a I liv««l in lh*n
v©r ?O year*. dj«|r<**-d of hi* pro|**rlt
her«* last February, and left with hi»
family, going first 1» <)r©g«Hi and later
to Montana
Near Helena, it 1» said,
he ©hg«tg«*d tn brickmakihg
<ng to th© report which has KMK'li©«l
friends uf th© family in thl«* city, Mr.
an«! Mr Ilamilt«>ii were fouti«l dead in
¿••«I w ith their throats c ut.
M i < m Hamilton wa» als«» d«*ad in b«««l
witii her throat cut, and many brui«©»
»1« her body.
It is stated that apirear-
thee* indicated that an Attempt bad
I mw ’ ii in a-1«* to out rag«* her, and that »h*
was kill«-«I aft«* a struggi© twf«ire her
t**ailai«!« hud a« umpltshed their fiend-
i»li pur}«*©
L**» Hamilton had evi-
foiitly mad a «(©sperate fight. Hi*
foslv la* on he fl«M»r, ami wa* literally
All th© finger*
and. except the forefinger,
«fo’Wing timi he had
tsur or knife.
Hi* throat
The railroad rumpany in Jackunn
rounty brought suit against th© countv
(*« i«'*t|Aill th«’
»»I«-« I »«'li of $ I M OOO
lair« all-g©d to I m ' du«’ th«' County.
With th© Orrg«*n A California company
i» j*»ined in ihr suit th© Southern Pa-
Citi«- ('"tnpani against which i«o taxes
« ■
t f
. » ■ . Uh*
would give th«* f»d« ral courts jurisdic­
tion. »h<»ul l that ■ t<m| any remain a
luarty to the suit.
W 4»«h If'gtoM
bu g distance
r©»* h«*»l Asotin«
trl©| hone
Salary warrant» lu Whatrom county
a»*l«i la«i month for os renta.
The grand folg© of M **»n« will meet
in Seattle on thr Sth uf June.
A «bipload of rodi froui Bellingham
I ay h i* been receive*! at Grays harbor
for lb© Iig?l• t*♦•.
Thurston rounty fruitgrowers hai©
organ ixt-1 under th© nanir of the Olym­
pia Fruitgrower»* A*»*«**'lation.
George Alsip has •trai«*! up his
hr icky ar« I in Ellensburg,
Hr will mak««
al lra«t I(M).IMM) bricks and more ar©
The annual ©reamn of the Stale
T« a her«* Aas'N-iatlon will II© held in
N* w Whatcom from June 2M to July 3,
Tl i© Htanwnod ©roamery one day re-
• ntli reeeivfsl 11,836 puun«ls of tuilk,
hreakntg its I »•st previous record by
2,000 ptMifola.
that lw<> m**n *fi
Th«* I»«»
»a« k«*d. and it i» la*
•eciired al»»ut $MX>.
it 11llam Brenner, of S«-io. and D
\l he«*
«>( L«hati'>ii at© buving f«*»*d
h* /• i • ar S- 1« f»»r -In;merit to Nebrim
k i
They hav© laragbl about 600 bead,
f««r whn h they ¡»aid from 3 t«> 3
a pound gr* ••
K io w a* a
urn II ng
centrr of industry last Monday, a»
wagon I« m *«I after Wagon food uf pigs
• er© brought in.
I’r !»♦• •»»»«• til
< *F«r <»r*
Th© <pi«*»tion whether or imi school
districts »hall furnish text fo*oks and
• ippli«-» (re© to pupils will I m « voted on
in Washington, June 13.
Tlmro ar© five »awmill», with an
EK-rag«- < apt* It v of M0.000 feet daily,
and five »hiiigi«« mills, rutting 500,04)0
• hingles ©t.-ry day, tributary to Elma,
in Chehalis ««»unty.
« .«■htn «*n M *
partiii**nt h»» ha«l
aetnifing •!»’ p* t‘•
ttonw of grain from ibis «'•»untry to in
dia that it ba« now under <»»n«bl©rAto»n
At a meeting of th© directors of th©
tl • f • > j » t v • 4 . k
: g !•
« • • -' -ity m ««hols in Walla Walia, it wa» dc-
tu amend th«* r« ••»hition under which cid<*«l to a * Id a month Co th«* och<M»l
term, which makes the term the »amo
it h» proceeding
That r»*«ulutfon r«-«|uir©* th© grain to Imgth A« Iwlor© it wa* reduced In IH:»3
b© carri«*«l in an American v © m »«-1
It Th© schuols will therefore, cloaa on
th«* iMth «»f June this year.
happens that tb«-r© ar© very («*w Am«*ri
• an steamer»out»id© of th© regular lin«*»
Th«* city treasurer of Kverett at the
• ti«l th© «l©|«artm©nt is unable to Oulu ply last *©wsi4Mi ”f the council r©|»«rt©d a de-
with th© tern»» of th© act of ««»tigM—• (h it ««f $3 39«. 34. f««r th© first four
uidtMMi it turn» to a »ailing »hip.
Such months of th© pr**-©nt year.
The esti­
a »hip <’*»uld not reach Bombay in mated receipts for the r«-maining eight
mu* h l***s than IJj months, by which months ar© $ 14.660, «-stimat*'*l ©XpeMt**,
lim© th© (aminesufferers, for whom th«’ *19,720.60; deficit for remaining eight
relief i» intended, might b© expected to month«. 6,170.60; total deficit for *lie
I m * either starve«l to death or in |» mmhwi - year, $7,663.4L
siun a©w crops «if ri«*e. Therefor©, tin
Th© mayor of Seattfo, in his annual <
I©«» an American steamer can l«e pro­
m«*a*ag© to th© «vmncil roetHnmend©«! '
cure« I at New York in a fow «lays, it is
that tli© rot ial ©vil lie regulated by re­
pr*»l»abl© <M«ngr©»» will I m * a»ke*| to re­
stricting fallen women to a preacrilic'l
move the injum*ti«»n and allow the de-
■llrttrict; h© urge«! a further r©*!uction
partmerit tn charter a steamer of an
in « Ity exj<-n»©a. and that the city’s
other nationality, whi« h may l«e al­
I«© increased by li«v>nseic
lowed to carry th© Arneri in flag for
Tii© merit system in lore«* under the
th© «Mvasitm. A steamer 1» wanted »!••»
n©w charter law rneivea tlie mayor’«
at San Fran* I* *» for a Ilk© purp»**. but
heartiest approval.
it is -ahi the n«*©*l is not so prtweing.
r Th© Skam«>kawacr**Am©rvf!a»t month
mad«' I 606 |<»und» of butter, «nd it fo
Trial Irlp «»f (•unb*»al».
expoi-ted that double tliis amount will
Valle) • Cal-, M.iv 30 —Thr trial trip b© mad© thia month.
The remnant of last year's crop is
•( thr gunboat» M iriettaand Wltoeling,
After th©
rerent ly la»H»c|»<*d from thr yard of th«* b©ing mark©te*l in Garfield.
Union iron work», will I n » held under a rrqiiirements of r©*«-«* ling and spring
•©©•ling, it ia I’eiiev«’«! that from 6,000
board cotiipn»iiig Captain Bummer and
Lieutenant R«»|**r of thr monitor Mon­ I«» 10,000 bushels remain unaold in the
ad nock, and Chief Engineer Richard territory tributary to Garfield.
pr«*»©nt pri«'©* this will lx* a pleasant
Inch, of thr Marr island navy-yard
Thr mure* t» «»ff Bluff point, in San pick up toward summer ©xpenstwi.
was thought that •.•nr«M*iy • bus!** ! ir-
F»A» i -
•• L*y, uii dal«-» io br hereafter
main<*l in the farmers' hands.
*h©riff '•ims ro. « fitly •*.Id 1,420 acre»
of land lielonging to the Patous© Irri­
San Lui» Polo» I, Meli««», Wav 20.— gating Company, at Colfax.
Rome io Vidales. a prominent member H. Ilinchman.ot Ta<w>ma, a heavy cred­
of the legislature of till» »late, when itor of th© firm, secured judgment
riding along the highway near Tan an* .«gAin»t th© irrigating rom|>atiy( and
huitl. wa » flr«*d upon from arnbtudi and had the land rol«! under execution
killed. H im mtsortsin ex’apwl.
I!inchin>«n is bidding the land in and.
it 1» said, will complete the work begun
klllrd Wbll© Klryrllng
several years ago, and fit th© Ian«! for
Lindon. May 20.—H. B. Cbaml'er- fruit farms.
lain, of Denver, Col«»., wa» killol while
W J Bryan ha» sent a telegram to
yesterday. *«<*attfo politi' ians, saying that it will
Chamberlain w»» formerly president of I m « abmdutely irnpissihfo for him to
th© Chami-«»rlain Investment Company, visit Washington, I«©« ause of «»ngAge*
Denver, and connected with several tnents al ready made.
NswIYurk companies.
»hoi |*r«»m Imhukh