Scio weekly press. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 18??-1897, January 14, 1897, Image 1

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t» rUBMMIKIi BV1«T THl Mt’AX. •»
ta ta» eitv *i*
b IO,
1.11 n • tiun’i • *t .1. tai Hil« voir
will be •Jk.ïTJ.TS, A« much ••
Crook. Cur*y, J*»»ephlne. Lincoln,
Malheur, Morrow and Sherman
The Irgtai «tore In Joint »raalon will
consist of fid republican», 7 demo-
»1 * «Pals, IT populists, 3 Mitchell repub­
*rr RrtntitM, inVarM^ljf IN «tra«*»,
ht ifMmtha.
I «•
ie licans, 3 rrpuldlmn and la* payer*»
h r at*r uu* *f wt»t i<M fh MvBnee*
% Irrrîiw’nf ra»ri al Ällr.IhHllS
** Imgur,
| Mitchell rrp'tMIran and
A» I *»v ’•
’ « Itrjl ls it.rijf» ftit(«t hin |Wtl 1 »»’f peoplsw, 3 Union blnietallc and I rax
♦ ■ .t lh* or ler la gi»m f»»f
p«yrr'« lengur an«l Mitchell repuMI
tie have no mnnev
I'-.r th«’ ronvcniencp nt»<i • I til Who II to bull* I rrattl« 1« Im- «use
h <*<» iihh < h I. i Iion <»f ottr t«-n*I- ate have «|a-nt II In sclarit-a to Indi
vidud« flven employti ent by th«
i*i «, tu* have ma le the iollou- «tale a» reward fur p «ill leal effort, In
ing clubbing urrangmicnU; lighting mtlem, lw*th ■ aibl'xir« an«l
'In. and In prlnlltig ton« of «»««*lrs«
U . < ir«*ff<«iiiiiti l’«irt I and $2 ’>» and tmr»M.| d«*im,*'if« a* stare r*
p-‘ n«e. If a man »ponds all hl»
\’«*w \ «irk World,thri«u
it wtstk
a *g«-s 011 a «pre«*, he w III have none
for breakfa»t In the morning -«Ore
C* «nian.
If th«* member« of the legislature
will fake a hint from the above and
act in acrordancv therewith, th«*
people all ..v« r the alate Will arise
Hi*<t «-all them "h'«-*s' I.”
yilv«*r Knight-Wnifin
i 7«'»
Enrio I i«*l*l and Eirvai«!« 2,<N>
to tin« nlx>v«\
ho will furnish y«»u pith any
rn r»»’ttgpHj«er or |H»ri«><i-
ic.l! nt :t tedtic«*a pri**«* ifttik-
«■ii it« cunnection with the
Th«*re «re <*mvddernl*le Indlcslion»
I’ltf «.«.
that th«* ftne Itsllia'l ti «n*l of Wnrte
w nt of a suffl* I *nt circulating me
'Hum. If th« bankers of thia cuun
The late hank failure« In Chicago I fry would pay l«»ae attention to the
and Minnrapolla havejuet one lesson udvkvof the graat tuonry umn >;»ily
that overshadows all other«. The of J .nr, don, which « largely eh gag
reuse tM'gned Is a »hrtnkag« of se .din wrecking business, and who
curlties. The language In banking are |*owerful enough to rake advant­<ance la bad loan«, and metra age of failures they would lend their
that tha »ecurille» h«*ki hy thrae br > valualJe aid to overthrow 'hr Eng­
ker concern* «ra not worth tha eash lish gi4<l policy. The railroad« of ihr
c-iuntry have ocaffy all fallen under
that has ia«rtl ehsissd on them.
No*, tonkers a» a rule are not lh ' the control or Into the owner«hlp of
n><>' <->
pototra <-f I tinys-
the hsblt of maslng loans * flirt, 'he
they regard »« bi<*. When the mon- They have laran eiHrial thnmgh rw
cywa* ativam-wd on the securlthe ,««rg.ini*itl*ai» and ether devlraaala
th«»y were uniloutHistly regard»! a* ' mhh I iim I prh*»- cuihjwrvd to (lie «*1
g-M«!, uiut pmtwMy w-»u *1 li.«,» ra ->f r««n»trii< lion. Au.»rK*xu afmk-
main'*«! g«xsl under other rsmdltltw«» t,»*l<l«*r« In rsll«-««d w rp.«r«Hon» as a
'han tho** which h»vwrxl«lrd In ihl« ‘ rub* have l«-«t ih-irtoV^iments an«l
«-•winiry for ihe |««t «Iva year«. Bui lh«* wreckrVs
la"-d«*i and N«w
’Urtt <t»»
th«* »«s'urili*-» have so 4»prwtat.wl In York have • V«*
ki «* a_
-t- •jwr
vatu«* th «1 they have draggtsl down harvest of Wealth which <»» pro
th«« InstltullUBs which made l«MPa tu< vd by Ainrrman la'sir.
upon them.
[ There Is but « hi C way tn give the
Assuming that inc««* Msurltto» \m«*ri. an people an o|>;« rtm ily to
were g.*«’J when the l.nnt d; f< .’••trice«’ th« fr hy hidus'ry,
mad«*, what hs« reus«s| them to d«s- and Ihat Way I* to ln«-t«*AS<- the vol
preclato? This 1« a fa*,tln«*n< iftfi-» um<*of atandsril money. W«* mran
Hon The h>«nL»rrs have controlled |
Mai««lsrd money, money Which I*
th* flusfM «•■ «.f tn«* country for man. < full legal H'n.Irr for -«II debt » puU
y«*-«r« ati'l hnvo ’.n <«| the "rxlitlnv ’ h«. and private, and which I* not re»
goh! »landaed" as th«» St. Ix*uis |>lst *(«*emalda In any other kind of
form puts it
if un«l«*r their new money. Money
policy s»*-urlHi*x have so d.-preelaled money
is nothing
more limn
as Io cati««» two of th«' atrwngenl «•re«IH, whether l«au««l by ih<*
tk«nk« in th«* middlo West to r!o«c government or hy private parlies.
Il«»lr door« not Io mention Ihe »rnal I What w«» want 1» m«ra full, legal
h r Institution» depentlent
U|xm 'eh«ler money, retiermahta lh debts
.hem. will I tl.«’ fset not se«-m Io «nil tax«-«, but ««ot tn oth«-r money.
«uggv»t Itudf io the«- men, and W«-mu«t have Ihl«, or th«* army of
sn«t many of them are men of raeog 1 the unemployed w ill ih<-r« *<M*. Pov-
nixed mental attali>mi*nts, that then- >*rty an I want will h I« o ln<-r«"t«r and
1« wimcihlng wrong in their |x»llryY the wealth of th«« nation Will hr
Would It not I m * wise Io Investigai«' WHStC’l.
sn«l a«*«*rtaln if they are n<>( wrong -
Ifdeinkcrs would study the »Uns
In their system, and purMuIng M ’I011 they uoulil ai«l In n—iorintr
|H»|lcy that vCItl ruin the larger p*«r ' prosperity. Th»* lltlle they giln bv
tion -f tlic InstiilllIon« i»hl"fi li iv. th«* incraaslng purchasing power of
large I'xma outstanding? t «-rt-iinly ■ Hu* money they have will la» mor«*
Ilion offs« t l«v the low rate of Inti*
th 1« w-nild to tli«* part of wjartom.
'I’ll'« Now« doe« rt'ft h«*slt,it«* to rat they must a«-«*ept to obtain r«*»«
charge the«c failure« directly upon onably goto -«s-urlly. B*-sid«»«, they-
the grind of the gold standard The ought to t ike into eon'lder «tion th«*
|x*llc.f adv«M*Htod by ihv E«stern v«st |<M»e« which the took« r» ot the
I ««anker« hs* turmsl to rend them- Colled States must sustain In th«*
They have toen «lelitoratoly run­ future by the bankruptcy of
ning enterprise and Industry and their d«*.bt«>rs. We ho|»* lluit Hie
affvoretlng nnd enforcing a policy Uinkcrs will appreciate the objisi
thnl has knixked tha ixiltntn ou1 l« s«on now presented and will hk I In
Jrom tied- r th<-msclver
Having relieving th«» distress of the «xitirttf *.
«cc.‘pted these «■•'■'iriti'»* it a cert Un
s |«, r l< log •
value they have pmce'wlwl to «to-
Why do the R«piibliiui le**d«-r«
prvcl'ifi» the same, and they ar<* now
( •••ling th«* rffi-cta of thelrown tillnd- contend Hint the tariff la the only
oe«« and prejudice Th«* Worship of subject 'or coinddi ruttori when the
Hie go'deif * alf .««el H i «* d«Mtruction money question Witt th«* ift.iln issue
of «liver ti’.v«* ramtdned to work in tile Cnm|»«ign? Because they
their ruin. Thera Is no «> mpitfiy to have use I the tariff as 11 »uveesaful
he «*xprasscl—■only a hope that their 1 blind for ao imtny year« that they
eye« may to open«»d. Denver News >*X| hh *1 to divert the attenti >n of tin*
' people from the main Issue by tariff
tinkering while they m*c-ure irglsla
. tloti for Hie took* atld the gol-lltra
: of Ixindon and New York.
influential pitiUcal o**-^ ¡« throttling
«>ur citlxens are faking so unusual Hie hgidalUte right at It« «vim
amount of int*-rc«t In the prc««»nf mencement. SouAtors Jnhnanb ami
». »«on of tlir f* gi«l «timi. They «■* Patter»*»« are ambitious men. l«ith
;,.-«•• that into election |*rnniis-» will of whom would not have given up
the fight for the prvs|«lciH*y of the
I m - mg wxl. That 1« to »ay. th«*
«.■md«* without a «triiggte uni«*«
r«-l*«-.*l <f nil usrl<*M oommlsslmi«;
Houin |«iwerful political Influence
tin- «fate H,«r«i for th«* «s|*iaftoitlon
hail la*cii tirougtil to lavir u|s»n
nf tax«-« a« now <*t»nstltiit««l; tho ra them With .’Senator Mitchell'» g**f*f
i ; : pri ll*- pul’ll*- fu'1-1* staretanl «I«« laratiotis In tin* la«l Hit-
for tifhrr than our put»llc s»-b«*>l»; urday'a Oragonlan atel th« with­
f*- |iiiri >g «Into officer to •* rv«* for draw«*! of benators Johnson an I Pal
flu ir <«u.«t itutiunal salaries indy Hint teraon from th«- flgttt f .r the- pre*d
torn ini*« th«- puMh* treasury aff f«-< » • I* fi« y of th«* senate, it l«egins to l*a»k
r*-. <-lv*«i by them; r**fa«al to appro» a» tf there had l»*e«i a <l**al ta-tw<*eii
pri"t«- pul II.- money f-«r the Oregon Jia* .Simon and Senator Mitchell. If
«u« h Is th«* «-a«-, S«* ii «tor MlU*h«tl
V)th,n.>l (iunrdjand numerous nth* I
will Im el«a-t««l Io «Uvc«*e«l him«elf oil
er mcmiurca t*i save the |n*ople’s
the rtr«t t»«il<rt. Can we «*vp«-ct leg­
mom-y, and, fliially, not the lenst of islation that will ts* »( value to the
ail, to conduct one st «»ton of the! people, hy a i*-gl«;.«i'ivo laxly that
l«-gl»latur<* on an Pconcmleat basis, can ho «aniirolli *1 if» can ta* » <fr*»ve
it !• ».if«- to *»y, however, tlist the of cattle? Is it any Wonder that the
;>COple will is- dlsapprdnt-d. No public treasury 1» |ia>t«-<l t«y u«iju«t
gr*-*t »mount of ti**m-«t and in-th<- «ml extravagaift »pproprl.ithms?
Inter* »’ * f tln* people legi»lation cat We «ltd hop«* *b't Hie |s- -pie bad
transpire, when It 1« *• ovhtent that ■ lammori-d ao pr«*»ist«*ntiy for re
t*l>- *«4f(lcal I»*«» is In tin- »addle, as tfeneffment and reform In poMIcev
|M*n<iiitir«* that the present s<--«ion
now appears to Is* th«* «-as,- nt Salem
woffl-t tm on«* that ail could pr*>udly
For any legislation that 1» truly In
refer to as the <rtie tb it turned the
th«»lr interests, lit«« people wlh hr ’tiile of <*«travagme«’ back t*» th«*
thankful, all the »«me, and ctideav- ways of economy and a pr**p<‘r re
««V to pfuer »fl I'l.tmo for jo'w and gar«l *0 Hie rlgh t* of llie loa«*«-« of
mlsapproprhrtluns, where they pr>>|e (he people. But we must confess
City la-long.
(hat this ap|s<r«*iit «l«-»»l In matters
pertaining to 'he election of C. M.
ft 1« fo to hop« <| that the friend- senator a««l Hie elocion of the pn«s|.
of »ilv« r In «»ongress will not at­ «lent of the senate look» ettreincly
tempt to Irnpred tariff frgi«l.«tloti,
diwouraging to begin with. Had
by appending »liver rider« tti th.- the contest for th«« presidency of the
bills. ftf«> country will
not hr
«emit«* liven brought to a vo««* as la*-
thoroiig'dy Astfsft««! that S new tir t»CCf*n Simon atel one of the other ol
Iff t w akin to the McKinley lull hl« repntitlom competitors, the dea*
w ill not cause pncperity to return, wool*I not have ap|M-ared «pilti* »0
tjolrt it 1« trie«!. Wlien a tariff law plainly < if coutst-the farae el«*etlng
to t tie Ifk lr-f f>t the toptftgfcafi ma
a president had to be goi/e through
Jorfly Is trltsf, and it is demonstrat­ with on last Monday, but the r. al
ed I list it will not Inciease the «-lection «M-curred l»»t week »1 Hie
price* of wlii-at <>r cotton nor th« lm|*erlnl Hotel in Portland, and wit
price of maiiufat'«Ir«si g'«*a|s for • x part!<-ipat«*<l In l>y fait a very fr a
f»ort. then tlie thick headei! Voter« ;«-rsoiiS, some of wbdiff were not
of th«* country will retnemtof that
11 emb-r« *>f the state senate.
tliu mlvixnles ot blim-talHsrh pre-
Yi**tc<l that ra»ull a« <1 that no pro.
p.*rlly C'liM ronie I»» the «mfHi'ry
u itlioiit a r«a-ot:anly fair prh-o for, into, under prtoent drruotoan
what we v*|M»rt| a i«~fftt that n*,
expensive pto-e tor Mpalrl
tariff, be ft high <«r hid, «*an eff«s-t („ run. By llie offl< i.«l announce
A tariff can only cause the Cofl«um merit we are Informed that the gov.
«■r« within a i nfriGy tn pay more rrnmenfs expenato •rom Match 4,
for What thev con.«»Me. Fxports, I*'.«.">, 10 June 1«, IH9B, were »T.J.W2,
to they Cotton, wheat of ffiahhfa« t ;l»n. without Including the rat of
ir«<! g«MsIs mn«t <-unip< to In the the navy, estimated nt;
world'« markef» Afth tho product» the secret expenses of the f tovt-rnor
Mother cmfnltf«-«
The only ’ « »ay General for diplomatic services und
in which th* market vatu«» of our (he ordinary hu«lr«*t of the fahha,
wheat, or «•«ffffili, of corn can to hi « vvhlch ts over fjd,«*»»,"•>«».
pr«-i lat«*!, !« tn Increase the volume
In th* «11 months from July I to
>f **ur »tiiinlard, <t* tit p*/liig money
the preseti» timi* It 1« rsthnated
I nfortunat«dy this fact ha« not torn aeiwl offk'lilly that IhuHpwnlsh army
Siirtlclelitly deninnalrated Io a ms bug coat »«».«»0,^10 ilKWr.
|orl'y of the Ameri<-au |»m>p|«* »«
Adi In return f»r all Ibi* ri
yet. 11-«* tariff butfib must la* cum itennr -whnt I im » Il 4rroCnpil«he*«i?
pl.-tely eSp!nd«si before many of - Th<* oMrlut •nnonnevmrnt n!4n
>nr h.*n6«< pMtth’ilc citlren« wiff to .rate« that th.* £• rti-tol debt bl ( uto
__ ... j |R n ,w |pJ.*,,igVI,«aNi,
_ a.. . ..La.: tearing
. interest
a '
••«•nvhmal. 1. t or SX.f
tlifs reason
w o ho|«C fin t to«- fflend of »fiver w ill .j
.1 ffv«*
nv«- ami
.*mi «
it p*r
p-r cent
«-en« per annum,
fol li re’. ,•.«...« bf th. to,ml
firn«*«' a :db«w I«« the way rt the I Th,
If no relief I» grant«*d to the court
Our county court will not have the
try by l*gi*dntion toe American
i tux rolls changed to conform to the
hankers w ill have .Yn 6lJ«*ct le«««irt ot
rulse« In property valUilloin a«
tIm gobi shiiidaril in Hie nell four |
m.ide hy the «tale l»n«rd of equslla*.•
years for which they are not pre-i tloti, but let lite rolls «1»nd as made
pireil. The business i*. which the.» 1
hy Awwr Desk in.« The state tax,
are engaged coni|»cls them to Incur!
however, will have tn lie |ml«l on the
obilgallons like other tiu«lm*«s men
t»i»i« of 1 t»t* «tat«* twhifd’« raise.
it if tino their ctvdlls A III larjfely
exceoi their debts, but they have
The Pacific nd road fumllng bill
been franta«Unit buainesv with com w is defeated In the National b*>u e
munltli-e doing taisiness st a loss lij
of Représentai! vos on Monday by a
r«*»w«n of Um shrinkage of v.«lu«*s i vote of IWJ to I Mi. *.Ve presume Hint
They cannot ridurre llie c«>ll«s-tloii the government will n*>w «rrnmenre
of Knut Is dur them without de proverdings of foreclosure »gu iti«!
• Toying their « U’ Whih |
’ «he roads.
prices an* falling they cannot liw
their money in «afe investments «*»• i Th«« progressivo |«<lie« of West-
< • pt u;«*ii a very lowrateof interest field, Imi , Is'Ued a ” VI oilian's Tèli-
Falling pri«*rs have d« »troy«««! per­ lion" of the We«tfl»!d New», tsar-
sonal credit, I hm - s IM c when price« Piff date of April ’I, l-«M. The |*sp-
foil It destroys the ability of Indus. ' *«r I« flll«*<l with matter of lntt*r«-«i
trloii« nu n t-ngx :««l in an» * klml of 'lo
V»» VW»»«»»<-»»|
SS» «l*>»IV
».’ » the fol-
women, sud we
busin.-.» t.« meet their otillg.Hon. ■ |„w,„r from a H»rr.-«|-.mfent. «III. h
Honesty gms, for nothing when hi * |he W|no„ ^(ntWl, ranllitng th «I It
emerprising iifft
h<>n.-.t, ,rvHl. u|io„ „ ,-j, er of vital Ittipnr-
’, however hon«-«t,
a-., no employment
«........ . or bualne««
.. their
can ftml
i |3rt,4 .. f-,
«ri » I ! I.-I I,,.
whi<-h hr
he can
c.«n reatine
reallm- a profit.
In which
ly rnr
for crntfFI
chirtpl C
arid bf»«
h -4* Hff<!
The svlng« hanks oiusl necessari Hist t i fia»«*
been at«|n
“ ‘ tu
nini 1«
ly fs- fn a dt-plorlMh conditio«*
there «»iu«l né more money to ra­ For fsuilly use It h «« no equid. I
vive t«us«ne»s and m*.p falling j
r**0li«mei.<l It " « 'ilhrt *1
pflces orthrv must inuvllabty fall-
todlfrS (of ¿dr hj
they lavwatod the fhoO.-y of fhelr
j « MogiU« A l.«l
: d.-farsttors in securities lo eoalge-
Itfkuli *p*<»n rr** Tn <!lj
if«rtn to pay Inter«*»« to their cus­
tomers at a tl iie Hh*-:l securities Of
I rrvt I». »bi*-
fbU lèi ■- \
1,1 k
we fl- v. fy mi" fi ril«>re Vai
, io.-, .--k • ..n • .,.*... . « ,.'* ■
iwiMrlhaurniw. 1 he shrinkage •«» !^'^
*|a-«*«/y enw intent of any tariff fegis «Ince th«* rev.auHon tog,,n’ to Feb- M-rurltiys hT* n.«-e»«arily fa’K-n
Glton it»*» ref>ül>tlc*n» may p*o(«.«e. «iiarv l«tc, hui«-I-6« ti «h ircele sai . m««»t
heavily mÆd
tifniri institution«
W whl,.h h»b.
In IntohM ' «n» ti ,«u*««*i •«i->in««th* «|i,n n< «•«.ku.«
Either the h-publlcnn« are rtgtd ot » " R * X«
t .
- U
‘ e-tw
h» * ’» v «
l H’i» >p4M«t»a <»-»* flH
they are wrong. The r«rttofry ha» I fn !«n thb ettoofi» hntirèv ami (he '»’««M wctirilir« to flirtato money' . inv«mt«<4l Any «>»»<• «in tf• t < anr^iitp» *v
r« 1 *••■« Itr-rf tvn t . ni •»■»»»(>• In M i**s > »tr I h *
toX »"«eresi to their depm-Jtnrr
leclde«! fo give the tariff another [lottery an«! d;'it!«*»<>h «tsmj»s
. w
a« a**. aak*a
■ X«
1 <»
.Ill I ol tl «. .4 Sa >*• (ItKa.l Many ol u« fmm» ,hnl ft will pnslue-d
oflìy, » J*/«m>.f*»l.
|Pr,., | I . I I • I h«j
t.-r, irai». J.annetir -
t « i Inaurarn e i-om|>ah|.-a
. . — differ I
'^'y altu
-Itu >le<!
bol bring the promised phofa-Dly ;. taxes hsvr pr*>'iu> r<l «>-. y >t,o«»i,i»»i ! « i-nHc
Har«i times have
a kna ro* IA«« it«»
for lira fn-uf«*<l,
t>ut the «unfority pnerouncts! sgaltisi
, K.«^
w.( -w
It will hr seer. 5 bn tn h is
it», anti we will hafe to Wait fot pmct-cnlfy lost esmtrot of Cuhw. I ami parti. ubtHv th->M» hotdli g life
] ■:
".My daughter, wh«*h rec«ikrrlng
timi« to^
demunvtrale that fn« t Taxes ntnM to* coilectrsf- nothing fiisur.««»«•«• |H«lfçies, lo keep up ilietr
pavin« nla, nml a (rtrgv peft-cmgjfeOf
',n •«" attack of fever, w.«s a ¿rani
thmogh [cm
p,. dm«»
«-Very oil«»
one must
»» ■•■■■“ tfie «-»fa-firn«
«• H'toOgii
. can he
-and «-Vet»
tn*«! *
're Eave
wire «di , «uff*-rrr
V:il. h wewillpNsH will he dearly IfhaV the fsVand'H deh< <>t fkh.. J*'*Or’rtr* hfH. 1 b
_ ...........
( from pain In the n lack
, „ , and
> taHight,
« . ho
«I al the rxpriutf «,( thou- . «»,«0 .fusi can nev«*f to paid. 'Ihr In«
« lini* «>f American liom«», with •" «urg,-nts are as «(ei. rrnlnfvl »• ever.
àn| rwdcfîtéd lucres*» rt eHme of ’ Thr sfsin/sh iioder Wry 1er g. afynH Nan Unfair way to tsinffscnt»*
II’. ’ «he
Ilf mtmhrt of rrmealee wltHoiil any
‘ ‘ a ol
«» Clijttn
ev. ry 41« rtptim- we con but wall I tHi'nlng planta/l«»*» en«f tiutchrrlng motif»/ ««f the ln«nred. The rapkl toflrfft «hr trini o *• toljlu
Yik^fhleira iftlaln’" •‘•In
il h«M
_ .. Mill,
.......... 4hif !*.
hodsuir'v the financial and «m*d
bl.’f (hey cannot tn« res *e nt htìHtm and twti>tfff*t«*ira
on entire i relief.’1 t'hatntM'rlaln’s
'r-....... ....... *» f’f’ff’’
.-s’-pn-r « o’*.
, In tit trig business of w»-ry deacrlf' Pain Balm is i sl*i a certain cure for
J’l’sipir Wifi tecomv »atlsfhif to re
**— ------- ------------
___ iklld by
**!'*'■ to our uhi time bimetallism and
Ort your trespass notimi printed Hon they cannot pr*~a«vr while rheumatism.
• B Mo»«.*- ♦ r a
• ’»' '«•«• pr ««rn ritv
an '■loth at thh office
f‘ir peofj«- H large »CC jwW**rl"g ««»
%» »
* ' «
_ *
( thè « oche ;
Th» Nlnrtrcnth Iìlennlal ses-lon
Oonvenrd al a short lime brfore
n »in. The ll«»U«e wsx relled toorif.
ar by H dph M<x.dy, chlcf rlerk rrf
l’iota Tnt QO l O stanoa ’ i O
thè U»t «esMon, and Davis nt V«sm* 1
lilla electral lemiaitory apewkrr.
t’pnn tsking thè chalr Speaker Dac­
ia upp«-|ntrd a rsihimlttrv nf flv«>
a a U
consisti««? rrf
BsrvUy, filanto/,
("Ben, TtiooiAa and Bllyeu <m ere
•uescAiac ran tnt
denti «le Th«> then adj-iurn ;
mi tUI t. l*. M
When thi» hottr arrlveti ih.» t»*i«n-1
Tba <xbl stavJaid BMWM luW pneva, tow ara;»» »v'*i I * s ' , '-<wl «IH4
ml'irr unta rati ready b* reperì
Whlto tbe H a,** wsa waillag. Il j
ws« rnt.*M ìlhi-d by esM.1 anogs hy -
thè Multnnm li qu.irtotfr* A« ft
A 43 •n 4<> Pa<« Weekly Farm and Family Faner. Fri< •. >i 0< » «
»«< evident the rspnmltt»*»« «loubl
»% ■ e h«4 nrx-WiiuK R-
A tt * H -ft ka>,'i*«i Z.twr St"cï «•» 1
n*»t report hsrfore "up|««-r. thè H'*u«<-
I*r 4»t’nr r* Mf
At lb* •»*»»< tfttr. F*.r M Atl» H* * U tclj thé
ndj ¡uro«-»! io ?
r M. A» ahntt, a
I lh« peepi« agatne« !»• « * f
»ricNai itiujiiil« us <4 ad awnopii1 tr« the »Il *e (o»J ll.iiiJarà
All «ho tea J h «n|«.-„-ty S|.,-«k,r |i«*.l-
that it it <be beat
clam on earth
<alha(lhe lloii«c to or«ler. An Al
lenipt lo «eli»* t a n«*W * onlinitlre o«l
credentlala Tire «)ur«ltoo nf i|«i*ir
um wx» rw|«i*l i«nd thè eh «Ir i»*<-l«l
«al that there wh « uh <|u<wum pres­
I »«uj tbs Atos» girai Jvsraal la eoanraltmi *1 h
esi. Somers tlirn movisi that «me
of tìi«* supreme Ju»ti«*rs h»* lnvlb*«l io
admlnl«t«*r Ito* oatli **f *«fflci* I*. Ito
inrntbrr«; r»r»i««l. Itoli cali w-*«
b« *N oar »r«t p 1 .1. «I I t nt .
1/ I
.a at J ». J*5
■lemaieied a*,u -il tlHsii'er» answvt
tn adwar e* a- I ••
• *n *vr'» v»‘-w
r lu lü.» tomlHtintk n oilrr whc f»rt
tra esuli «*1 oilcna. for p *»i >«c «ni | •< king.
«al to Ihclf nani«»«.
Speaker Divi«, who hy ihto lime
TWftMTY p*cKfT« er «trros
hsd lei otto- «a>p«|*|.*r «bly hy
The-v* *•<«(» ar« th«
in lhe n ar
III«* H.lvlce «if l"Hcn, decide»! tbe
P .rv ctf’-ft! f Eartfi Vr^etabtt
• nd L’lnwet **er H nf » 1» «.t»’ •> *e<*
wh.oto mailer that lu i Irans|iir««l In
Iton from a lt«t *»f >an vanetirt
•Ju* evening mh -I oh was irrogo
*• .»a Ur^r <• act Mir « a u a/i
I •
e •
lar and out of order. A h«*»«l«*d «le
I» s-on« al rat« I nr f ’•
1 h*
■ ■
a »
bili* w i« Hielt Itiilii'Pi'd In li« M.*m-
bbn »*
» s • t, r « * « . •
■ '
• tnd r «. Iti
»L. «• 1« VI • dtlxS.
er« ami ("Iteli. For « while it limi,.
r«l a» though H physical en.-ounter
might take place. Hut cooler Judg.
OhJrtif Sela.
ment pre»*ali<*«l.
M M I* I • K Ï .
Two raemhera of th«* cmtonil.l
Rv * Irtuv nf art «»*r ut 1”»i an!
l*r nf SR
Ì 4 i I x » H
II: 1 Illi Y Hi
I o il <rf th« «-•rv*Qlt rt»Uit «H
eomnilttee off«*re«l n ml*nri'v ri 4'ilV
•fRtr r»f IhiNfTti, ft»< th» rM»s»ntJ «»f I.inn,
|M>rt, but It w i* ruled out of order.
•h«« <1ui)
-Irllverwl an I «tat «1 »
st Hom no tan
A repu’Jtom crucus of ?*• mem» Ihr* hH h -Is»y »»f Itowr^twar A J» l**rt, »r
«tosrMRin • tu Ht (H.» « Irtntl: nonrt nf
tors of th«» Hou«» was Held. Son) reitmly «hr<vln Wli ut*n P l>»r I
rtern4 !>• .*•••<♦»(
ers w ithdrew from lb«» rontesl f -r It4tri«4»n II Hlnrtfll »c rwinf) nf • «Cr at>
« hool Clerk,
Phll Mrt«t» H«n. l'rv-Hwiirrr
the »wu* »
A|M»uk«*r nn«1 B«*nsoii of Josephine »» rghii, ’ «i»»:Uütiiitf fb<* iwtkir t *»f <*«*intu' -
Was elected ns the nut lis n iiiilii.*r, «imtbt'k h»r ihr
nt wHo«*l an I I.’ »Iv-r»!’^
Hin<1 m , «n i R»r the hNve*t<nent nf lltv Cnn*'
• »« M» r «<»« h tua
irt*l** thrrrfmw» *• r» ¿»(«InllIT*. an I Mtr
TWO * S î LV & F? • c H 7* T-
The Farm, FTeÎ3 an J PiresL*?,
11 ( t PRESS
Uvl M f<»U *4 AA I Nmnni %
Kn* i
bmin hit «M
*1rl>n ltn(s.
The «Mnslc was t*» order Ht which *nki 4ttk flM ObM
rn»<»v» i
II iS) o’cha'k hy PHttei«Mi, of M *tl * ^h*ltf?li»?nf M»i 1 ’!•* r»-^ «»f frm* k»«*k<r nn Ih
«•< S«>vrrtl *s e l<«4 * «»«st »h<
on, who |«tsi’r«f Gow «n. of Harney, t«<h
«leb ntlant« ft»r the «um * f ♦»»»* riio*i«Bn
in niimiuHtion ftif temporary prerl :
ü ‘1 Nin«t> Torre t<nil«rw A ï
«lent. There tadng no op|M«-ttlon, 'y reut« jl I M) with Intri«* ni tiare»
Gowan liaik th«* < hulr T**in|s>rir.v 1*t the rate of • pet «'*nt fwf RnRiIni
the IA«h
«f Notrin’wr
«n t tb
organ I Mt Ion w «« then cotii|>l**(e«l by I fhrther •««» of ito* Hu« Irei A TIR) h» »•»'
the «*1 sdlnti of th«» following <«thi*er«t I MY-Hr
«t!s»rHe«, 'n f«-e a«. 1 I h.
« «»•!• «
-4. «
• I
< hief clerk, S I«. M'sir.lw i I; «•«il«t- tills suf »«•«•■I «t F* ,
ant clerk. J A. Wilson; cnlemlar ’ «n.l -trvritol’ttf fttokt Ihr rcwl |nr»».wri)
•rrltw- l In plaltififFv tnr»tt«^>* ln<1 >«t<np-«ln
clerk. S. It. Mason; reading clerk, I tn bitt
Ik^lnHlflM at «
»wlnt Sortii
William R isiiiu «; serg«*.int-Ht-mils,
tuinnir« ha’t «n 1 H. t ch»,
t «tant trot».
<’. It. <’ro-mi; d«a»rkeeprr, J. E. .
‘ th«i North W»«« r»>rr»rt t»f th«
l» t
< •-»
Iilundt*ll; milling «lerk, H.
IE Uhl. a * DL h « - t
I Wife Notiti-at.N*t"
’•er II * <*n.t t ’.alni Mmulwr *• In Tow»»
ttelltng. ot Multnomah; Met lung, ♦hip II A»»»tfh liflui'i.'M j Wr*t ni tb* Wi
«tnrll* M*ri lian In l.inn crMinH Oifytm, m
of lame; P.«tter*«n, of M.«rl«»n; Du­ Ifhr North II imb nf wa' l ctaftn an 1 ranaHn
fur, of Wa»co, ami King, of IUk«-r, thrnt* Nhrth <• dotfrre« |n min Gire K*«
rhw tbrft.e Mvvtlh Ik.H •*!»•
were H|>|»*l*ifed a ouminlltre of ttvo
North •» 1« k ***** I' min h ira ü*si «,*>
on cndentlals. The senate tt|fii . thwn>r Horth iff.M rhe u> the plMc«’ i*
took a recess until 2 l’. M.
'w*tlr»iiln< kii'l »'"dltalt» intf if»,M
rt* t*
At the aft« rnnmi session Henator ‘ w«H <<» «RtWfy *■ *i J'Khftnrnt nnd •Irrrv
Joseph Simon of Multnomah, w.«a 1 an«1 «il rgjtota,
Th*rt*6»fe Mmirr H hwrwhv «lv«n
«•hs t«-«l |*etmatinnt president and the Will on Ai'iir*IO FrhrnWr) tlh A t»
otn**r tem|a«r»ry offkvr-’ were tn ide the hwnr of I •.«■imli I’ M. r»( «ait
permanent. Chief Justice M*»*re ihr Fn»»it f»w'r n( the «vift !•<»
; rlty «4 AlhM) In tflnn emint)
«wort1 in th«* m*w members and oftl frtr *i« »t i»«r•'.» «H' iltm ««• »I
«••■r«. A committee of tiv«< was ap ; bidder (»Hr m.«h th han.l ihr nai pm wr
|«.|tit«»l to tit ttie C’lnfe nsstlon of ; il» MkLt or k-t énd ’t**ervv «ni hcrvin'wh-o
Ì <?•*«*-t<> Wtilwfy
b «M
JtbltffHxnr «n
clerk A.
«Ircfra* km! ah <m*t* du»! t harifr« «»t nlakln
llesoltHlon« *i*r«' adopt««! for the «•en Mile
tHlk»! this 4th ’!«» »»F Jan lAr, t I»
ap|siintm<*nt of «*001111 lite«.*« I«» report
M < (iaiAMI
U| hmi the Viriiius st dr Institution«,
NhrrlfT <*f l.lrtn «vin
<>»• <<••«
with powrfr to employ tlrvrtaary
clerks st L'l per «lay.
A motion f*«r the sff|»dnr*nrnt of
an Assistant d*«oik»*rp«*r was voted
down ahet several earnclt 4fh-e« he«
In favor of rvtmmHy.
Tttk* »enat«*ailj.itirn««! Until I*'« A. h.
Wagon Shop.
(rtmuh »«de of bridge.)
M« III, oHEGtlN.
Th» daa*Cnt 0*11?.
■* I f-’l"»L s I A k 'I Nt«*/ !!irrf»»l
« 4!! .-n ” r rtirhkM' «■• Ml! at>.♦ Main «’rrrfg,
1 «• fir«’
« hhi I»
t. < t lar '■ ■re* Hi«
»HI m»««it nf rA*’*i »firm h.
Vieniti* bruì brr«
I d atietiil.
W , A » » in«, W K
F O. tiri»«
A '» I W . His . ’ « t'h
tin I ' I • ’ %f *
's, I '
a «, f ,
' •' ‘ < Wrt»i»mrn •<•»
• r»ir<?! «Ith H«.
John <« Hoir, M W
If. wheitnn, Arw
h •
I » M||»A* I 4»|M.f . . No M.
I . J R H i . t • r»f i I’) . r K
i ; bb
r - • er)
To* *’**)« » rnm«r bi M«
*••'* t.
hr»H O** It-r- . t»t nrr tif
Mill ____
mi l _
Main «. rv’rf w, ov rr
WlHIer. *h».fv A II
• ’*r*'
vlfmj In tii*rt wHli it*
!.. _
I. _________
MIM.1 »N.f. t*.
k nf K «H|, s.
Il s *rirr<
n (> F . Nn M
r.iitihtf «! M«
« •
l.nlHtK, I
Hl fi»w*t«,
n » lierai («««(•( *1
*brh« n Mt«r m «.
J Hkrnra,
EASTnnd S<)( TH
SliuHtu RoutP
—of the
) Ul »
• «pera« irais« !.•••► esrllaad Daily.
*- I* M
" :■ « M
v M
I*..«!- n.t .
, l«a,
Ai *.ri >tu«t«**s,i
Ihr «•<»» r •»«!»,. 4f.n «t >uv.t M«H >«t'| Iff,
¿tin» it»
Witfkdhtti »■, «uhm, Tu»nrr,
Tiitnrr. M«
•th Miti. II'«’«.
••«il, llaitory,
llnrr -
i lfy.
F g,nr,
« n in spiovi, hmin*« and « h «ta-
■ • (rviftì tv •
iittfiM.’ith Hi an ! ihciudihf
MaM.karg dall (Salir. I
L< .
I<H4»» l « i r *
. Ar
4 tu T II
l 13 F M
* W.
Salam rara-wg»», bally.
« ¿~rrmr “ "K7i ÄST'” »I i"l«B rn
I, I • «,«. n,
The ctonliig «es«|on «il tira tiri |>nii
Hslliig «et Up a shop Lil the Hliit'
Irglslalllh* Wlll 1*e 0*11* ot greti In.
fir«'-«- so
o fir-»-«-
Is.rtHoe«1 llìe |toi|.|e «d «!r- gon ioti j tin«- ar«* |<r, p*«r«s! to «lo
n -ilinrt
’liort *intf«*c.
*mtl«*r. I Ilv
(vis th mb ■
cvrry one wlll •»* Ini« re-icd li« lb «r •»pl) ” ill
T ' !
I I- llgr. reasonable,
r«* I«om
log, fr*«m day io d.iy, a r»*|i.*rt **f Ibi*
drl|la*r«liohs «>f lini! tskty. No tot
I Ht M H»h
t»*r nor «h.-»»|>«-é lònililm of drtily ;
/’ItuHfta»» « It III II w-rvli-M a» II « W
prtrvetllngs din he «ibi ifhrd (Iran ' ’
I»’ I
M , '»1 the f »Ht
!• I > In
’• Z’
ihst <>t Ho* D ni) < ipltal Journal óf r«« H «Hfi«tIK. 4 in my
KA It. Th« pul th* frtMlAll) hivll»«l t<> Kt
Malrm. The «sllbir (las A membri-
fc* Ut I». C llatilthln. pR«rnr.
nt thè la»t -e«s!on, and I» wr I qu.,1 !
xó Mukai i»t* iitEhvTih«»'*
|Irtrd tu gel ut Iti« ttor Ind'ilrdoX«« V Hr dl»i
!«O in
inputì» «t t’i* M
►. ehthrh.M
a< il A M a>»«I T P M
of li-rtlslallve msHef»> As Urli a» thè i X.
HBV M»njrhVM»iinin, |*a*tbr.
furnl'hlng of h cflMpli te rejairt
mnr’Ami 1
f n*\ K •
• a * ’ n 'M«’hf b. at
’ ▼ iMvt
in? »• « h h<* «I hn «
The Joilrnx! wlll you tiut nnr
/ -»m it p ir. ai tb«# hr’- la»» « htm h
cent |s*r day end all c«n affor.| lo
Mr* A.<»
Frr* M a. N f Hill.
• . I l,l' l*M
I*» M*s
tabe 1,1. Rut«* rlptlons fet*elvPi| ni «lu
»I -n.l •• I I», . I ■ s -.
■ h a* I. • m . »»-I
thlt off! «-e.
* JB P m. »* th»- M K ri un h
e’MITD X li »I 1t«l. A rvl’:.S »I «h» M It
rlolrth. *♦» fl u «.Old»» «*« r»*h «l.SlS
!l A, 3 E M
Itrilol l ‘T xl*l* ot ,L •rn'b. m iKs »an<l<U ■««•wen niarih ,
(“tn Im •HpF,l*‘l*l
I J!
W-ltoLlirk «hrlaSr>«l<l
I«a«ly «srepi s«iti<toy.)
A M. !Nb. lt«»H; I’rop'rlbtob,
JkU. Oregon.
i t*»lWtN «I M«xV M il* d| rLvr» r. n
Il UK « SAwb alt t* M
G o * h I hlrm uts st rraahnaM*«! f"tej. !
Hinge lln«- «<i MürAhrV. I’ninnw-h
dal meli !*<lnVt*V«*«Ì
»» «I fron« All ■
pointa. itiir»as hiaardtsl li>' ••«* day ■
W» weyk
». U l*»Strl.,Slips
IM»« m ra»»'t i*iu*ir”
Lesa pm »«eli*, ''fila
Hißbr* 00 .T’aleqUM
h r ra ,vM. ». •*
" Ml %i,i
>air h .
i«4A p. m ’
; k >* a.mi
I’iHlhp < tir«« on < ig’h’ii Route;
T aliala 2'nff«? Blaapara
*>t’«*Yi*< I.»«» »i rri’ici« « ins
ItH'-nM th thtvawli «rais».
\V ‘ * s
* r
Wert Slth* IHvIklon.
Sri«««* pwe»to«,a «»tu«wvvwiiio.
e»ll tfaln «gir »«Ivpt k'ih-tsy,
• rn , V
H «^ «• «e
T.T .
X« .... «hrvstlll
st • «m
,,<t*,rO «
e'r-rfrt’•hn-hl) ,
.. MeMlnelU*
»n »r •
«>.•'•«’■ »
fl »1
I.M p ni
L -. I» • >ni.r«t wilt, t rainl
a r?
»•» r>"i3
k VT n
* ì tr
»» «Wit
M. K.
e r,|
. .1 •»