Scio weekly press. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 18??-1897, August 06, 1896, Image 2

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down the creek almost to the • place
where the Blackwood road ran across
The rumor that Queen Victoria'in­
ill. it.
They had passed the stream per­
tends to retire in favor of the Prince of More Salmon Than the Lower River
haps 50 yards and were toiling over
Wales is again current in London. It
a narrow bottom -into which the hollow
is added that oourt circles are greatly
Astoria, Or., Aug. 3.—The receipts By MARTHA M’OULLOCH WILLIAMS. expanded when Dare stopped short,
troubled regarding the condition of the of salmon at the various lower river
flung up her head and cried in a star­
OREGON queen’s health. Such reports have fre­
canneries continue unusually heavy [Copyright, 1894, by American Press Associa- tied voice, “Mammy, mammy, what
K tion.J
quently appeared recently, only to be and are far in excess of the capacity of
can that be?”
semi-officially contradicted later, but it several of the packing establishments.
chapter hl
‘ ‘D-d-de—d-d-debble, I re-reckon, ”
seems that there may be some actual Today the fish were so plentiful thit
“Black Mammy, I want to go get mammy said, with- chattering teeth; for
foundation for the statements made. one of Kinney’s men delivered ueirly some blackberries. ”
a wild, shrill crying came out of the
It is added that her majesty "has de­ 100, and near Sand Island it was re­
“Lis’en at dab now, will yo’? Miss
cided to spend her time in future at ported that the water was almost alive Dare, didn’t yo’ hear ole marster tole me ground, apparently at their very feet.
Comprehensive Review of the Import­ Balmoral or Osborne, and will give the with large Chinooks. Many were re­ rot ter let yo’ oaten my sight twell he
ant Happenings of the Past Week Prince and Princess of Wales the use ported to have been taken with gaff came home, an here you wantin ter go
’ Dare held up a warning hand and
Culled From the Telegraph Columns.
said after a minute of listening: “No;
themselves in the midst of a great po’ white trash-”
it’s somebody in trouble. I hear them
“Yon roi<come. too, though I ain’t calling ‘Help! Help!’ but it does sound
Storms in West Virginia have cre­
school of fish. At one or two can­
Is Deaf, Dumb and Blind.
ated great havoo and railway traffio
curious. Where on earth can it come
An interesting experiment in educa­ neries, where too many fish were re­ afraid. ”
“I cain’tdat; .got ter spin my stockin from?”
has been suspended.
tion will be commenced at the deaf, ceived, the loss is heavy. Tons of the
The members of a camping party dumb and blind institution at Berkley,
“Come ’way, honey, do"! ’Tis de deb-
near Oakland, Cal., were forced to Cal., on the opening of the sohool year Kinney’s on account of the lack of twell de evenin; den I’ll sen Suse ter ble, Itellyo’. Heso’ateful—desdoindat
climb trees, while a madened bull de­ in August. Graoe C. Sperow, aged 10 means to preserve them until they could fotch yo’ mop .¿lackberries, an yo’ kin ter fool yo’, make yo’ sorry for him and
stroyed their camp.
wait so he kin ketch yo’. Run quick. Oh
years, who was been stone blind from be canned. As many as possible have shake a stick at. ”
“I don’t like waiting. ”
Lordy! He done smelt us; des hear ’im
E. L. Harrison, who was formerly childhood and is now almost deaf and been salted for the winter use by the
“Is yo’ gwine anyway spite er me?” hollerin worse’n er 2-year-old bull.
traveling auditor for the Northern dumb, is to be made a special student citizens in the west end of town, and
“Not in spite, ¿ut I am going. Spin Dare, you Dare, my chile, come ’way
Paoific railroad, committed suicide in and educated at the expense of the were freely given to all who would
away, mamniy. I’ll never tell grandfa­ f’m dar, I tell yo’. ”
Tacoma, by shooting himself in the state. This ohild will be given a nine carry them away.
Fishermen assert that never since the ther; you needn’t either. ”
Black Mammy shrieked as Dare ran
mouth, the bullet from his revolver years* course and will receive instruc­
“Ef go yo’ will, I got ter, but you is I swiftly forward, stopped abruptly and
penetrating to the brain and killing tion from a special teaoher employed canning industry began has such a run
for that purpose. This will be the been seen. If it continues until the the ill convenientest gal, hungry fer looked intently into something at her
him almost instantly.
blackberries -wid horse apples des meller
A freight train on the Vandalia rail­ first attempt to educate a deaf, dumb close of the season, the chances are fa­ as dey can be layin right yer under yo’ feet. In a minute she called: ‘ ‘Mammy,
come here, quick! Some one has fallen
road ran through a bridge near Craw­
had been anticipated. An unusual nose. I don’ t«in de goin so much, but into the big sinkhole. We must get him
fordsville, Ind., killing Conductor great interest centers about the case.
feature of the situaton is the quality of I does hate ter see yo’, er Overton, act­ out before it rains, or he will drown. ”
McKenzie ’and Fireman John Herber
Schrader in Texas«
the fish, which is fully equal to those in like er po white. All dem lives in de
“Take keer. Don’t you fall in, too,”
and seriously injuring Roadmaster J.
August Shrader, the so-called divine taken in June, the flesh being excep­ brier patch^dis time er year, des same mammy shouted, waddling up at her
S. Brothers and Engineer Bowman. healer,
put in an appearanoe in Dallas, tionally red and firm and the quality as de -'^hjiKjitts. ’ ’
L best speed. Dare indeed knelt perilously
The wreck was caused by washouts.
then ran rnear the verge of the earthen pit, up
. Tex., whrne he treated -2,0.00 persons in of . oil abundant.
=i- iirnw
-Rev. Geo. P. -Knapp; -who was ar­ rour days. Some reported they had
down the jtizra^Reps, calling as she whose smooth, straight, crumbling sides
rested in Bitlis, Eastern Turkey, on the been cured. He left suddenly, leaving
went: “Musty Damsel! Here, here!” its occupant had been vainly trying to
charge of conspiring against the Turk­ the following note: “I am called |
At- sound of their names a couple of
despite the drawback of a badly
ish government, and who was once lib­ from here, and obey my Father’s will. ’ ’ Texas Stan Slays His Family and Dis- j foxhounds, Ink, lithe, many spotted, | I climb,
sprained arm. At sight of Dare he
erated, but refused to leave the country
poses of Their Dodies.
got up fromlhe-grass, where they lay said fervently: “Thank the Lord! I
Successful Filibusters«
before his innooence was established,
Austin, T^x., Aug. 3.—T. E. Burt, panting and tapping at the flies, and shall not have to die in this hole, after
Passengers from Havana, arrived in
has again been arrested and will be
ran away to fleir young mistress, who
Key West by the steam'er Masoott re­ a member of one of the most respect-, stood beside th yard gate, waiting Black all.”'
tried on a charge of inciting riot,
“How came yo-’ dar?” asked mammy
t E. L. Moody, a logger, made a cow­ port a rumor of the successful, landing two children, aged 2 and 4 years, last | Mammy’s slowapproach.
ardly attempt to murder Mrs. H. J.
Spite of his ill condition the prisons!
Friday night, and placed the dead j She fitted w^l into the joyful sum­
Bunn in a hotel kept by the woman’s cinity of Cienfuegos. The expedition bodies in a cistern. He left the city I mer morning. Her clean pink calico answered, laughing: “Because of a pig,
husband at Elma, V- ash.
Saturday night following the terrible frock fell awaj from a round white auntie. 1 was riding along the road
stabbed his victim in the wrist and in of Captain Cabrera.
deed, after advising several neighbors throat, whose, promise was repeated in there just after daylight, not dreaming
the right breast with a knife, and then
Oregon’s School Census.
not to drink the water in his cistern, | the wrists revealed by loose sleeves, ful­ of such, a pitfall close at hand. All at
fled, leaving Mrs. Bunn seriously if not
The state school census, which has as it was polluted. His relatives be-1 filled in the rose and ivory of her face. once master piggy got up from "his pud­
fatally wounded. Moody is still at just been completed by Superintendent came alarmed at the disappearance of I One bare hand lifted the pink skirts high dle at the roadside. My horse shied vio­
Irwin, at. Salem, shows that there are his family,-and began an investigation, | enough to show ,two small proud step­ lently this way, stumbled, broke the
A Havana dispatch says the polioe in Oregon at present 129,623 cihldren resulting in the finding of the bodies | ping feet in quaint buckled-shoes. The girth and pitched me and my saddle to
today. Burt bound his wife in a other held a. small , basket -woven of fine this depth, from which I had begun to
have captured a collection of maps of of school age.
after tying her feet ancftaeck white oak splints. A mop of yellowy fear I should never escape. ”
the island, highly colored, showing the
Republican State Convention.
“Dat dar place des broke in las’ week.
together, and then dropped the body | hair showed under a big palm hat.
supposed insurgent headquarters in
The Republican state committee of into the cistern. Both children had Brows a trifle darker arched over deep ’Twould er bin fenced an kivered ef
Cubitas, the rebel flag and picturing
various chiefs of the insurrection. The Washington decided'to hold the state their brains knocked out. His brothers blue eyes that were full of merry mis­ master had knowed hit wus dar; but, po’
maps bear the imprint of a Barcelona convention at Tacoma on August' 26. have offered a reward of 1300 for his chief as the fat dark figure waddled man, he got so much on his min. But
slowly toward the gate.
say, mister gentleman, yo’ mus’ come
firm. The Havana stationer, Don Fer­ The convention will- be attended by apprehension.
“Own up now, mammy; you wanted out er dar er be washed out. Rain er
Burt was at one time a Bl
nandez, in whose possession they were 436 delegates.
comin. When hit do come, dis yere sink­
furniture dealer in this city, but gam­
found, was arrested.
Judge Carpenter Dead.
bling got the best of him, and last year sel, ” Dare said, with a dimpling smile. hole runs er ribber. ”
The two daring navigators who left
“I never, ” retorted Black Mammy,
“Only tell me how I can. ”
he failed and was indicted for embtz-
New York June 28,- in a sailboat but that Judge George M. Carpenter, of the zlement, but his brothers succeeded in drawing down the corners of her mouth
“Lemme see. Is you hurt bad?”
eighteen feet long, to cross the Atlan­
“Only my arm. Otherwise I think I
getting him out of the trouble. The in a vain effort to keep up a semblance
tic, are all right. They were sighted trict of Rhode Island, died of ^paralysis governor has offered a reward for his of her grievance. ‘‘I dunno whut things could have managed to scramble out. ”
on July 19 in latitude 53, longitude of the heart.
The problem of rescue was no easy
arrest. Nothing is known as to Burt’s
Epidemic of Suicides.
wid de rumatics, I reckon. Pear lik’ one. There was not a house within a
31.55, by the American liner Indiana
whereabouts, although telegrams have fer
and asked to. be reported. They ap­
Driven to despair by different causes, been sent all over the state and to out­ I ain’t never gwine git de time ter spin mile of the spot—no place indeed where
peared to be in the best of spirits and six people attempted to end their own side cities. No motive for the crime is dat yam. Twix’ yo’ projeckin an ole help could certainly be got. And the
marster’s po’ ole Diney ha’ ter be storm was coming on so fast that long
required no assistance whatever from lives by suicide, in Chicago in one day. known.
spryer’n a hopper grass,1 den cain’t do ere aid could be summoned the earthy
the Indiana, although provisions and
Devastated by the Storm.
everything. ”,
water were offered them.
cavern would be flooded, for sharp hills
'The most destructive storm in the
Dare laughed outright, crying out: drained into it, from which the heavy
It is rumored that the Turkish gov­ history of Sunday Creek valley oc­
Suffered a Severe 11088 “Mammy, mammy, what fibs you do rainfall would run at racing speed. The
ernment contemplates an issue of paper curred at Gloucester, a mining town ! Grass Valley
tell! You’ve got 10 pairs of good yarn pit was about four feet across at the -top,
From the Flames.
twelve miles north of Athens, O., re­
stockings now. I counted them last time widening to five at the bottom, where
In Viotor, Colo.,fifty pounds of giant sulting in the almost total destruction
you opened your chest, and then you beg
powder exploded, causing $5,000 worth of one of the principal thoroughfares of | o’clock tonight, an alarm of fire was me to knit more for you. I won’t un­ the mellow top soil still lay in testi-
I mony to the freshness of the cavein. If
of damage. Many people were cut by the town. The fury of tbe wind is {
less you giveaway at least half you’ve I it stood for a year, clay would settle on
almost indescribable.- Buildings were- The fire started under a store occupied I got.”
glass, but none killed.
| and around it till it took on a funnel
over,trees torn from their roots, by Ismert and Webbe, and spread with '
In Sedalia, Mo., Mart Crawford, a ■ toppled
’lo^Sp yo’re comin, ’ ’ mammy ; shape, from which escape would be
•—aedti on~'fbremga"TOr t ht i- M t tau tr rfpsF'
ing was enveloped in flames, and the I
passed through it: was as awkward, a trap as eveu good in­
cific, was hanged by a furious mob for Nearly every building in tbe town is I adjoining buildings commenced to burn i Then, os ?
“Whar is yo! Sad sot fer? De ole fiel tention ever led a young fellow into.
the attempted rape of a 16-year-old girl.'
day creek, is a sweeping, raging torrent.
er dem big fellers—des er bustin wid
Dare looked into it to say: “We will
The 6ooialist congress, which met in Several houses have been washed away, looked as though the whole center por­ sweet
juice—whut grows de yother side get you out somehow. Don’t be un­
London, proved to be a noisy gather­ and word was received that the list of tion of the town would be destroyed.
de creek bottom fiel?”
easy. ”
ing. Scenes of violence were enacted dead will reach fifteen.
The fire department of Nevada City
“The creek, of course. It’s shady
What wonder if to its prisoner she
and a free fight was narrowly averted.
came over to assist the local depart­ there. The sun has not got over the hill­
Mine Burned by Strikers.
ment, but a scarcity of water hindered top yet,” Dare [said, running down a seemed a very angel of deliverance,
The coming year it is said wines will
The mine of the old Pittsburg Coal them so they were of little service un­ narrow woodland footpath. The two though there was nothing the least an­
come high, owing to the failure of Cal­
gelic in what she set about doing.
ifornia’s grape crop. Little wine will Company, at Hymeau, Sullivan county, til an extra head of water, was turned dogs plunged ahead, running out now Wherever mammy went her pocket held
and then in leaping circles through the
be exported from the golden state this
from the miners’ organization visited partments did great work and confined shaded depths on either hand. The slope always a barlow knife. By help of it
the mine and sought to induce the the fire to the block bounded by Neal, was long' and gentle. It was a full mile her checked' cotton apron and striped
A- New York dispatch says Senator miners to quit work. The watchman Church, Auburn and Bank streets.
linsey petticoat were cut into strips, then
Hill is now in favor of a third ticket. was captured, carried some distance The loss will exceed $100,000, it is I before they came to the creek, now a twisted into a rope long enough to
The information, it is said, comes di- and the works burned. The loss is thought. Insurance in most cases is [
reach quite to the bottom of the cavern.
summer whispers over the smooth, clean,
reot from a personal friend of the sen­ $25,000.
small, and the blow is a hard one to ! pebbly bed. The eddy round the root of By knotting three or four stout sticks
ator, who is a prominent Democrat.
crosswise in it and making the upper
the jjty.
a big sycamore made a small shining end fast to a fencerail laid at the top
Italian Warship Destroyed.
A stockman named John Lawrence
The Italian armored wraship Rola,
it gave the stranger the foothold he had
was found dead upon the range near
Vincennes, Ind., Aug. 8.— Thomas I ute to look at -herself. Black Mammy so vainly sought and brought him safely
Union, Or., with a bullet in his head of about 5,800 tons displacement, was
out of the miry pit.
and a pistol lying a few feet away, It struck by lightning near Rome. The Prather, a farmer, and Miss Maud I
“Come away, chile. Bad luck come
As Black-Mammy brushed the earth
is supposed that he committed suicide. flames spread rapidly threatening to Delay, daughter of a wealthy farmer, soon enough, widout stoppin ter conjure
reach the magazine. It was found ne­ eloped from Sanborn, this county, and I
from his sleeve «she said, nodding to­
The trial of the South African raid­ cessary to sink the ship by discharg­ drove to this city and were married. hit up, lookin at yo’sef in runnin wa­ ward Dare: “Hit beats me how she
ers has ended in London, and Dr. ing torpedoes.
They then drove back-to Sanborn, when ter. I: Pec 'we gwine git wet anyway thunk erbout dat dar easy way. I wus
Jameson has been given a sentence of
an altercation took place between .’fore we see&home agin. ’Tain’t no studying'’bout makin yo’ ketch holt er
Both AreDead.
fifteen months imprisonment without
Prather and Clyde Delay, a brother of dew hardly on de bushes dis mornin, an pole, an den me ba’rin down t’other
Robert Stark and Abe Tinkey, the the bride. Prather fatally shot the | pears ter me lik’ I been hearin hit thun­ end an fetch yo’ up daterway; but,
labor. The others received light sen­
former a merchant, the latter post­ new brother-in-law in the abdomen. der ever sence we started. ”
s’posin de pole had er bruk, we’d er been
Thus adjured, -,Dare rah lightly over in a bad box sho’. ”
In Quinoy, Ill., five fatalities by master at Sequim, Wash., attempted The elopement was planned some time
drowning or otherwise occurred in to acquire a cheap jag on wood alcohol. ago, but Prather’s marriage license the stepping stones and on to the corn­
“We certainly would, ” the stranger
forty-eight hours. James McLean was The effect was such that within a lew was forcibly taken from him by mem­ field opposite,, where all the fence was said, laughing, though his lips got white
killed by an accidental fall from the*
at an inadvertent touch. “I can never
bers of the young woman’s family.
roof of the Ricker National bank; Her­ tion both men died.
be grateful enough to both of you. ”
Neutrality Proclamation.
bert Harrison, a school teaoher,. Fred­
“We did nothing,” Dare said—‘
Its Glory Has Depatted.
erick Gross and Fred Baumgarten, sons
“nothing that is worth a mention.
has issued a-proclamation bearing date I
of prominent citizens, were drowned Republicans and Populists held their
Now, sir, as you seem a stranger and
in Bear creek; George Betero, another national conventions in St. Louis, will of July 27, again commanding citizens
are not very well, may I not ask you to
youth, was drowned in a pool south be turned into a Madison square garden
go home with us? My grandfather' is
of the city limits, and his two brothers for horse shows, bioycle meets and
away, but we can give you rest and shel­
were saved only with great difficulty.
ter. ”
other great indoor sporting enterprises be vigorously prosecuted. The presi­
“Ah, you are”-----
Pennsylvania was visited by a disas­ the coming fall and winter.
dent cites the decision of the supreme
“Dare Overton. And you?”
trous hurricape, resulting in loss of life
court in the Wiborg case in order that
“I—oh—my name is—Haywood—
Heavy Damage in South Dakota.
and property. Steeples were blown
citizens may not be misled as to the
Allen Haywood—at your service. Miss
from churches, adjoining buildings
Dispatches from Melitte and other meaning of the military laws.
Overton, my whole life will not be long
were crushed, houses wore unroofed, points in South Dakota state that a hail
Oil Tank Exploded.
enough to thank you for coming this
and trees broken off or torn up by the a storm devastated a stretch of. country
New York, Aug. 3. —Two men*were
i way today. ”
roots. Great havoo was caused by the sixty miles long and five or six miles
"The rain sent me, ’’ Dare said, with
heavy rainfall. Two lives were lost, wide. The damage amounts to hun­ fatally injured and three others se­
a little smile.
verely burned by the explosion of a
thirty-six injured, some fatally, and dreds of thousands of dollars.
tank at the Standard Oil Company’s
“It was rain front heaven for me,”
property damaged to the amount of
A Terrific Explosion.
works, at Cravens Point, Jersey City,
young Haywood answered, so low that
$100,000. A boarding-house near Cecil,
today. The fatally injured are: Rich­
Black Mammy .did not catch the words.
Washington county, was washed away
Notwithstanding she watched him
and its occupants, fifteen coal miners, plosion in a powder magazine at Fuen- ard Cunningham, and John Goldsmith.
narrowly as she paced homeward
were drowned. Seven of the bodies fkirchen resulted in the death of five The Works were set on fire by the ex­
through pelting rain at the young cou­
have been recovered. Eight are still persons, injuring eighty others and plosion, but the flames were extin­
wrecking the town hall.
ple’s heels. Soon as they were indoors
guished before much damage was done.
she sent Dare to her own room and set
Two cable cars broke loose at the
Driven Out by Cretans.
Not Paid to Do Campaign Duty.
about finding dry clothes for the man so
top of the Ninth-street iholine in Kan­
Postmaster-General Wilson has is­
oddly thrown on their hospitality. Evi­
sas City, and dashed down the declivity sued an order to the railway mail Mussulmans supported by Turkish
dently something had disturbed her.
into the Union depot sheds. The grip clerks directing them not to take an troops while engaged in pillaging the
fence was one mat of laden
car and those on board esoaped injury, active interest in the political cam­ Adomati district of Crete were attacked Where all the
f ST vines.
but the trailer was thrown from the paign such as would be involved in at­ by 1,500 insurgents. The latter drove one mat of laden vines. Very shortly the
track just inside the elevated sheds and tending political conventions as dele­ the Mussulmans and Turkish troops baskets overran, though the pickers took
literally smashed to pieces. Several of gates or making political speeches. out of the district inflicting serious only the choicest fair fruit. Dare held
the occupants of this car were badly iThe postmaster-general’s circular ex­ losses.
up a rich Cluster and said, with the cen­
hurt. Among them are George D. pressly states that he does not desire to
tral berry‘between her lips:
Fearon, of Kansas City, and his two sis­ control their opinions on poliitoal mat­
“Ain’t you glad you came, mammy?
ters, Mrs Gay and Miss Fearon, both ters, but they must refrain from tak­
of New York. Mrs. Gay suffered an ing an active part in political matters. and the addition of figures at the same This is ever so much nicer than even
spinning on the piazza. ”
injury of the spine.
“I ain’t gwine say twell we git home
To Test the Law.
Ex-Congressman Bynum, who is a
agin. Time enough ter crow when you
St. Joseph, Mo., July 31.—A freight know ye ain’t gwine ter cry, ” mammy
member of the sub-committee of the
sound-money Democrats, which is ar­ the right of Postmaster-General Wilson train on the Vandalia railroad ran said sententiously. Then as an unmis­
ranging for a national convention to to prohibit them from carrying their through a bridge near Crawfordsville, takable thunder peal came down the val­
nominate a sound-money ticket, says own railroad letters or those of other Ind., this morning, killing-Conductor ley: “Lis’en at dat Rain’ll ketch us
that 15 states have already indicated toads. The Lake Shore will make the Fowler, Brakeman McKenzie and Fire­ sho’ fo’ ever we gits ter de house. ”
that they will be represented at the test. Its superintendent has issued an, man John Herber and seriously injur­
“Not if we walk fast and take the
meeting in Indianapolis August 7. order to all other roads’ employes to ing Roadmaster J. S. Brothers and near way up the hollow,” Dare, said,
There are a few Western states that carry mail pertaining to the business Engineer Bowman. The wreck was looking doubtingly at the sky, whence
will not be represented at the meeting, of the roads, and letters from other caused by washouts.
an inky wall was rising out of the south­ “I— oh—my name is—Haywood—Allen
he says, beoause the time is too short. roads relating to joint business affairs.
Haywood—at your service.”
west Black Mammy gave a groan.
Bynum says Minnesota has already ap­
“I knowed better’n to be here. Why _ “He talk fa’ar an squar, but J don’t
pointed delegates. - Delegates have
didn’t I do better?” she said, puffing after lik’ de favor of him,” she. muttered
organized in several states, and. Kansas the law, but the government would be to care for in their cells. It is be- her young mistress, whose skimming under her breath as she went to and fro.
has sent word that the state will be or­ very apt «to accommodate them by pros­ ; lieved the care of the plants will have motion had already put her well ahead. A little later in Dare’s own chamber she
ecuting the violators.
I an elevating and reforming influence.
ganized immediately.
To reach the near cut they had to go opened viaU of wrath, saying as she
Scio Weekly Press.
5 ..
Victoria to Retire.
stood an ebon statue of outraged family
pride: ,
“What you spec’ I’m gwine tell mars­
ter ’bout dis yere caper? Reckon it
gwine please him ter hear er his gran’-
chile traspsein round arter blackberries
lik’ dee warn’t no nigger could go
gether um fer ’er, an den fin um sink­
holes full er strange mans an fotchin
um here lik’ we didn’t hab trouble
enough all ready ter our hands. Like as
not master’ll say yo’ done clean fergot
you wus born er Overton—hit do ’pear
like dat ter me—an if de Lord hisself
knows whut yo’ gwine do nex’ I wish’t
he’d send word. Yo’ done clean beyond
me. ”
* ‘I’ll save him and you the trouble, ”
Dare said, with her dimpling smile,
“for in strict confidence I mean to make
a sling for Mr. Haywood’s arm, now
that yon have wrapped it in vinegar and
brown paper. ”■
“H-m-m! No need er dat. Ef he
got de sense he orter been born wid, he’ll
stay dar in dat bed twell marster come
home. Den let him sen ’im back ter
town whar he come from. He’ll think
yo’ metty forrard ef yo’ set up ter re­
tain ’im lik’ he wus yo’ beau. ”
“I don’t think he will, ” said Dare in­
“Will whut?”
“Stay in bed, or anything. ”
She was right Allen Haywood did
nothing of the sort.
The “Boy Orator of the Platte”
Is Thrice Chosen
Sewall, However, Was Not Acceptable,
and Thomas F. Watson, of Georgia,
Is Given Second Place on the Ticket,
William Jennings Bryan, of Ne­
braska, who was nominated by the
Demooratio national convention at Chi­
cago, a fortnight ago, was, Saturday,
at St. Louis, made the standard-bearer
of the People’s party by a vote of 1,042
to 321.
The Democratic-candidate was nomi­
nated in the face of his own protest, in
the shape of a telegram, directing the
withdrawal of his name, sent to Sena­
tor Jones, after Sewall, his running
mate, had been ditched for the vice-
presidential nomination Friday night,
and Thomas F. Watson, of Georgia,,
had been named for the- second- place
on the ticket. It was also made in the
face of an opposition so bitter that,
, -after the convention adjourned,
I, of the radicals held a “rs
The house at Ridgeley was square, ' I ®i°n. '^_^_l^_
The last session of the convenTTSH?
solid, sparely furnished and scrupulous­
ly clean. A tall narrow portico shadow­ which lasted from -9:30 o’clock in the
ed the front door. At the back the roof morning until 5 o’olock in the evening,
hung over to form a generous shed pi­ was marked by scenes of turbulence
azza, upon which, at the west end, the
overhanging gable of the log kitchen
abutted. All the fair weather through
this south looking piazza served as a
dining room as well as lounging place.
The day whereon fate thrust Allen Hay­
wood upon Ridgeley hospitality gusty
sheets of rain drove all across the floor,
so Black Mammy was fain to fling wide
the shutters of the big square room lying
to the right of the front door. Somehow
she felt a curious reluctance to do so.
“Hit fa’arly gimme de creeps, hit do
now,” she muttered, rubbing away at
the big mahogany table she had rolled
to the room’s middle. “Maybe hit’s all
right. Dat dar man jest ornery stranger,
but de heabenly marster knows I don’t
lik’ de favor of ’im. Do’ ’ant ter see ’im
er settin yere in dis yere room opposite
Dare, an nobody else but des dem two.
Hit’s too lik dat yother time. WishJt ter
J Bryariï
Lord ole marster wus here, but de way
hit’s er rainin now we ’on’t see him
'fore termorrer. Dat dar creek is past and noisy excitement, which several
fordin now, an sho’ as I’M Diney he times bordered on actual riot, and
went ’crost hit dis mornin, ’case I hear which almost precipitated personal col­
him ax Jubilee ’bout de nigh cut tn de lisions. The Texas delegates headed
Bilin Spring neighborhood, whar ole the opposition and olnng to th6 middle
Aunt Jincey live. Uster be house gal of the road to the last.
The Populist Bryan managers decid­
here, she did. Wonder if she knows any­
thing ole marster wanter fin out? She ed early Saturday to disregard Mr.
so ole, mos’ er hunderd, dee tells me. Bryan’s telegram of Friday and to
I s’pec she won’t remember him, but 1 nominate him and straighten out the
don’t know, she big conjure ’oman, tangle afterwards. They started out
she is, an no tellin whut dee do, dee so to rush his nomination through before
any other candidate could be put in
“Who are you talking to, mammy?” the field.
Dare asked, stopping short in the door, I General Weaver, of Iowa, the Popu­
a picture of rosy, excited eagerness, j list candidate in 1892, in a masterly
Without waiting for an answer she dart- | address, placed Bryan in nomination,
ed at the old woman, snatched the cloth . and General Field, of Virginia, who
was formerly Weaver’s running mate,
from her hand and said coaxingly:
“I’ll do that, mammy, and set the , after a brief speech, moved to make
see—help Susy, I mean. You know no­
body else can cook like you, and I want
a real nice dinner, the best youoan pos­
sibly get. ”
“Umph! Whut reason yo’ so bad off
'bojit hit?”
“Oh, because we have company,
strange company, too, somebody who has
seen a heap of the world, though that
does not make a difference. You know
how careful grandfather always is about
strangers, and really Mr. Haywood”—
“Is datids sho’ ’nough name?”
“What a question, mammy! It’s the
one he gave us. You heard him. ”
“I did dat. I seen him, too, an hit­
pears lik’ ter me he didn’t say it right
easy, -straight up an down. Dee wus sor­
ter hitch ’fore hit come out. ’Sides he
don’t favor his name. I knowed plenty
■Haywoods back in Car’liny. ”
‘‘Who does he favor?”
I to be continued .1
His Mistake.
The New York Recorder gives a
«tory of a young lawyer who evidently
did not consider the well-known learn­
ing of the judge a sufficient reason for
omitting evidence of his own attain­
z The judge was compelled to listen
to a case that had been appealed from
one of the police courts. The young
practitioner who appeared for thè appel»
lant was long and tedious; he brought
in all of the elementary text-books, and
quoted thè fundamental propositions of
the law.
At last the judge thought it was
time to make an effort to close the argu­
“Can we not assume,” he said pomp­
ously, “that the court knows a little
about law itself?”
“That’s the very mistake I made in
the other court,” answered -the young
orator, “and I don’t want to let it de-
feat me twice?^™
About fifty seconding speeches were
then made, and some of them were
both eloquent and brilliant.
The middle-of-the-road contingent
insisted upon knowing at every oppor­
tunity whether, in view of his tele­
gram, Bryan wou'd stand on the plat­
form and acoept the nomination. But
all these pointed questions were neatly
parried. Judge Green, of Nebraska,
and others, vouched for Bryan's sym­
pathy with Populistic principles, but
that was all the satisfaction the radi-
cals could get.
A roll-call by states was taken, and
when it was completed, it was found
that Bryan had 1,042 out of the 1,34!
votes in the convention. Frank 8.
Norton, of Chioago, was the only othei
candidate. Ignatius Donnelly, of Min­
nesota, and General Coxey, of Ohio,
were nominated, but their names were
withdrawn. Norton received 321 votes,
Debs 10, and Donnelly 1. Norton gol
the majority of the solid vote of Texas,
Michigan, Missouri, Rhode Island and
Wisconsin, and a respectable portion
of the votes of Alabama, California,
Kentucky, Illinois and Ohio.
The demonstration when Bryan was
declared to be the ohoice of the conven­
tion lasted fifteen minutes, and was
fully as enthusiastic as that tendered
the Nebraska man at the Chicago con­
Saturday morning a motion was! in­
troduced and oarried that the national
committee be given plenary power in
all things connnected with the party.
The Vice-Presidential Nominee.
Thomas F. Watson, of Georgia, who
was a member of the* Fifty-first con­
gress, and who, in the Fifty-seoond
and Fifty-third congresses, unsuccess­
fully contested Colonel Blaok’s seat,
was nominated for vice-president by
the convention on the first ballot,-short­
ly after midnight Friday night. The
Don’t Misjudge His Strength.
nomination was made unanimous be­
Do not underestimate the strength of fore the result of the roll-call was an­
your competitor. He may be a better nounced.
buyer than you. His lieutenants may
The nominating speeches- occupied
be better skilled in mercantile tactics.
His capital may be more abundant, and exactly six hours.
The convention adjourned after
therefore can be well turned,over at
less profit. If you want to be victorious Bryan had been declared the nominee.
there must be no sleeping at your post. > After the adjournment of the con­
Throw out your skirmish lines of good vention the national. committee held a
values and honest modern methods. meeting, and after a spirited confe<°t,
Let it be a matter of positive knowl­ elected Senator Butler, of North Cdko-
edge with every member of your com­ lina, on the second ballot as national
munity that your store is on the ad­ chairman.
The first three days of thè convention
vance every season. If your store is
renowned for everything new and were consumed in organizing, appoint­
good, if your prices àke always right ing of committees, eto. The platform
and your methods aggressive and at was adopted Friday afternoon.
Senator Butler was temporary chair­
the same time honorable, victory will
man, and Senator Allen, of Nebraska,
be yours.
permanent chairman. General Weaver
Bilzim—“I’ve found one good way to was chairman of platform committee.
A committee of one from eaoh state
get around the high flat nuisa.nee when
I go to the theater.” Jabzin—“You [ was appointed on the seoond day of the
have? Let’s hear it.” Bilzim—“Why, conveniton to confer with the commit-
buy a seat in the front row, of course.” ! tee of seven from the silver convention,
but after a stormy session of two hour®
—Roxbuxy Gazette.
nothing was accomplished and they ad­
The bicycle will never reach the per­ journed.
fection of invention until it is made
Whenever thè invention admits of a
with a lawn mower attachment
i model the inventor is required to furnish
it, of a convenient size to show properly
Rise and Fall of a Town.
Red Mountain, Cplo., which four and to the best advantage the working
years ago was a prosperous camp of j of the device. *
The board of -aidermen of Boston
several thousand people, and did the
largest money order business of any ■ passed an order the other day appropri­
camp in the San Juan country Is now ating $301,000 for the ventilation and
i sanitation of schoolhouses.
without a postofflce.