Scio Weekly Press. REPUBLIC OF CUBA. Promulgation of the Constitution of the Revolutionary Government. RIOTO S TURKS. Another Slaughter of Defenseless meniant Is Reported. PORTLAND MARKETS. A car of grapes and one of sweet po­ tatoes arrived, and a large lot of steamer stuff was unloaded on the street, but it all moved off well at steady prides. Peaches are coming in slowly, and are about done for this season. Eggs are still steady at the quoted price. Other lines are unchanged. London, Oct. »7.—A dispatoh to New York, Oct. 18.—The Herald to Declares the Fight Will Not Daily News froifi Constantinople says: Marines Were Landed From Useful Information Concern« OREGON day says: Reliable news'has been received that The constitution of the Cuban revo­ Take Place in Arkansas. Foreign Warships. ing Farm Work. [fifty Armenians' were killed, and a lutionary government has been prom­ number wounded at Althissar, in the ulgated. The text follows: i vilayet of Adin, on the Analolian rail- PROBABLE DEATH OF THE QUEEN “The revolution for the independence Wheat Market. HATCHING AND REARING CHICKS and creation in Cuba of a democratic MILITIA MAY BE CALLED UPON way, by a Moslem mob. The local market is moderately active, The slaughtetoccurred on October 9, republic, initiated the 24th day of quotations are unchanged, as fol­ which was mancet day, when many Trouble Had Its Inception Through and February last, solely declared for the lows: Walla Walla, 45|£@46c; Va ley. Her Dislike to the Newly-Or­ More Protection Needed for separation of Cuba from the Spanish The Governor Says He Will Not Allow i i Armenians had gathered from adjacent 49@49}£c per bushel. During the week The Poultry Architect Gives Some Good ganized Soldiers. The Pugilists to Meet Even I villages. Early in the morning a Turk­ monarchy. Ideas Which May Be o.* Inter­ five shipshave cleared with grain cargoes Forests of the Country. ish rough, finding that the Armenians “The elected delegates of the revolu­ to Shake Hands. est to Poultry Balsers. Washington, Oct. 16.—Information for this port. tion, in convention assembled, have ■ were not armed, picked a quarrel and of a formidable uprising in Corea, re- Little Rock, Oot. 17. — Governor | Produce Market. Almost every poultry feeder has r I shot one of them. There was then [ suiting in the disappearance and prob­ now formed a compact between the PRESENT LAW IS OF NO VALUE world and Cuba, and pledge themselves Clarke’s determination to stop the Cor­ raised on all sides the cry, “Why hesi­ able death of the queen and landing of F lour —Portland. Salem, Cascadia and some particular way of hatching and to the following articles of the consti­ bett-Fitzsimmons contest was empha­ tate to massacrethe infidels?”' A mob | military forces by the United States Dayton, are quoted at $2.75 per barrel; rearing chickens, and the following Golddrop, $2.8’5; Snowflake, $2.75; Ben­ novel plan, in the Poultry Architect, sized today in the presence of General of Turks, armed; with revolvers, then tution of the new Cuban republic: I and European powers, has been receiv­ ton county, $2.75; graham, $2.35; super­ has some good ideas that may be of in­ The Coining Congress Expected So to “Article 1. The supreme poWer of Taylor, brigadier-general of the Ar­ looted the market and massacred the ed by Minister Kurino, of Japan, from fine, $2.25. Amend the Law as to Secure the republic has been vested in a coun­ kansas state guards, who was sum­ helpless Armenians. Their bodies j the foreign office at Tokio. It is quite O ats —Good white are quoted weak, at terest to our readers: The plan con­ cil of ministers composed of a' presi­ moned here by telegraph to confer were thrown into wells. It is stated sensational, indicating the landing of 22c; milling, 28@30c; gray, 18@19c. sists in having a separate, yard and Just What Is Desired. dent, a vice-president and four secre­ with the governor, in regard to the that the mudir was responsible for the Rolled oats are quoted as follows: Bags house, for every three sitting hens. Washington, Oct. 18.—It is expected taries, for the dispatch of business of strength of the state militia. General attack. No women or children were J marines by Russia, the United States $4.25@5.25; barrels, $4.50@7.00; cases, The house consists of a small lean-to that the Western members of congress war, of the* interior, of foreign affairs, Taylor was in conference with Gover­ injured, probably on account of the I and probably Great Britain. $3.25. shed, built of matched boards or other The latest dispatch to Minister Ku­ H ay — Timothy, $7.50@8 per ton; material, and lined on the inside with will make an effort during the coming and of the treasury. nor Clarke, for an hour this morning, maimaikan, from the village of Gleve, rino states that a force of Russian ma cheat, $5.50. session of congress to secure some tarred roofing. The house occupies a “Article 2. Every secretary will and when seen by a reporter was pre­ three miles distant, who made valiant amendments to the law regulating the have a sub-secretafy in order to supply paring to take the train- for Hot efforts at the risk of his own life to rines, forty in number, has been land­ B arley —Feed barley, $11 per ton; space of 4x5 feet on the ground, is four brewing, nominal. ed. Thus far they have confined timber reserves. It is generally con­ a vacancy. Springs. General Taylor said the fight save the Christians. Otherwise the M illstuffs — Bran. $10.50; shorts, feet high on the back, and five feet in I themselves to guarding the Russian le- sidered that more protection should be “Article 3. The attributes of the would not occur. His purpose in going slaughter wâiïS'jiave been complete. gation near Seoul. United States ma- $13.50; middlingst $15@16; rye, 75@80e front. Has a door two feet wide. It afforded the fofests of the country, but ministerial government will be to dic­ to Hot Springs, he said, was to warn The panic ra reliving in Constanti­ per cental. also has a 2x4 foot-window in the just now it is very difficult to protect tate all the relative dispositions of the the people there against the danger to nople, on accounflof this attack, and | rines were landed from the Yorktown B utter —Fancy creamery is quoted at front, facing the yard, to admit the I to the number of sixteen. It is believ- timber, not only from the depredations civil and political life of the republic; which they would subject themselves, the Armenians ari again flocking into 22j^c; fancy dairy, 20c; fair to good,15 sun. The house is floored with of thieves, but fire, the latter being to receive contributions; to contract should an attempt be made to have the the churches. The police disregard . ed British marines have been landed. @17J^c; common, 12J£c per pound. matched flooring, raised six inches I Besides these the Japanese have a con­ P otatoes —New Oregon, 35@40c per above the ground. Adjoining the the greatest enemy of American for­ public loans; to issue paper money; to contest. The state guard, he said, was the safe-conduct ¡•Ards girds given to the Ar- ests. Representative Hermann inter­ raise troops and to maintain them; to in good condition and amply sufficient menians__by ; __jeign embassies, and siderable force of soldiers at Seoul, sack. house is a yard 9x10 feet in size, in O nions —Oregon, 75@$1 per cental. [ who have been preserving order. ested himself in the forestry legisla­ declare reprisals with respect £@9c; dry salt ing a profit out of the by-product of his 7J£@8c; dried beef hams, 12 dairy. This will consist of skimmilk, cles placed before it by Governor rioting shall be executed; all partici­ irresponsible andjawless class, and that sides, ton’s foremost citizen, and the services for an election. ; their acts cannot be laid to the Japan­ @13c; lard, compound, in tins, 7%; i buttermilk or whey. They cannot be Clarke. The scheme is to turn the were attended by crowds of people. pants sentenced and all implicated shall “Article 14. The secretaries are to lard, pure, in tins, 9>£@10c; pigs’ feet, The funeral service of the Episcopal take part with voice and vote in all de- whole affair over to the Hot Springs be tried. The commission will prob­ ese people or government. 80s, $3.50; pigs’ feet, 40s, $3.25; kits, I fed back to the cow to make more ihilk Association. That association was in­ ably be—«-.jourus-l. Au imperial de­ church was read at Trinity church, ! liberations. $1.25. Oregon smoked hams, 11 %c per i of and, according to the opinions of SYMPATHY FOR DEBS. pound; pickled hams, 8j^c; boneless many of the best dairymen, this is the and at the cemetery the Rose Croix or­ “Article 15. It is permitted to the corporated by William Babcock, John cree has been’issued which refers all of hams, 10c; bacon, 9c; dry salt sides, 8c; best disposition to make of these ar- der of Scottish Rite conducted the cere­ secretaries to arrange for all the em­ C. Lonsdale and Charles H. Weaver, the Se Chuen officials implicated to the A Resolution Adopted by a Section of lard, 5-pound paiis, 9%c; 10s, 9J^c; ! ticles. Then there are calves to feed monies. Most of the state officers at­ ployes of their respective departments. all of Hot Springs. According to its board for punishment. ’ ’ 50s,9c; tierces, 8j^c. with them, but probably better than all the American Railway Union. tended the funeral, as did many of the It is supposed ~the commission has “Article 16. The sub-secretaries will charter, the association was organized H ides .—Dry hides, butcher, sound, ' in the hands of the average man the Devil’s Lake, N. D., Oct. 16.—The per pioneers of Puget sound. The honor­ constitute a legal body in cases of va­ to “carry on the business of maintain­ concluded its work. pound, 13@14c; dry kip and calf­ pig is the best factor for working out a general board of mediation of the skin, ll@13c; culls, 3c less; salted, 60 ary pallbearers were: cancy of the secretaries of the state, ! ing a park or place of recreation in or EXTERMINATION OF SEALS. American Railway Union has adopted lbs and over, 8@8j£c; 50 to 60 lbs, 7@ profit. He will eat unlimited quanti­ Governor J. H. McGraw, Hon. J. P. having their voice in the deliberations. near the city of Hot Springs, where races, athletic sports and games could the following resolution, addressed to 7J^c; 40 and 50, 6@7c; kip and veal ties of skimmilk, buttermilk or whey Hoyt, Senator Watson C. Squire, ex­ “Article 17. All outside armament I skins, 10 to 30 lbs, 5@6c; calfskin, sound, and get fat on all of them, but he will Governor Eugene Semple, Colonel N. of the republic and the directidn of be practiced and exhibited, and means Annual Report of Governor Sheakley, the employes of America: of Alaska, to the Secretary. “Though overwhelmed and shatter­ 3 to 10 lb3, 6@9c; green, unsalted, lc be wasteful unless the feeding is done H. Owings, of Olympia; Hon. H. G. operations of war will be directly of entertainment furnished either to Struve, T. M. Reed, Olympia; Jacob under the hand of the commander-in- the public or to such persons or associ­ Washington, Oct. 17.—James Sheak­ ed in the great strike of 1894, its mem­ less; culls, l@2cless; sheepskins, shear­ in the right way. For this purpose 10@15c; short wool, 20@30c; there is much to learn, both about the Furth, Thomas Burke, M. S. Drew, chief, who will have at his order, as ations as may be admitted thereto.” ley, governor of Alaska, in his annual bers blacklisted and scattered, the lings, nature of this kind of feed and the hog Under the charter the people inter­ report to the secretary of the interior, union has risen and is lighting the medium, 30@40c; long wool, 50@70c. Colonel G. O. Haller, Hon. R S. second in command, a lieutenant-gen­ himself. The milk or whey must not Greene, Colonel H. F. Garretson, Ta­ eral as a substitute in case of necessity. ested-believe they can conduct a boxing says that on the Fourth of July, the way to industrial freedom. The rail­ be too old or sour, and it must be fed Merchandise Market. coma; M. R. Maddocks, J. D. Low- “Article 18. All functionaries of match limited to a specific number of cutters Rush, Corwin, Grant and Perry way interests of the country are rapid­ man, John Collins. S almon .—Columbia, river No. 1, tails, in conjunction with ground feed in the whatever class who are able, must lend rounds, with soft gloves, without vio­ were in the harbor of Unalaska and ly passing into the hands of a few meh, 1.25@1.60; No. 2, tails, $2.25@2.50; proper proportion. The hog must not reciprocal help for the better accom­ lating any state law. When informed gave the natives an object lesson as to and the only hope of employes lies in $ fancy, No. 1, flats, $1.75@1.85; Alaska, be too old or of a non-fattening kind, “Fitz” Doesn’t Like the Change. plishment of the resolutions q® the of this scheme, Governor Clarke stated the proper and pariotic celebration of unification, and progressive men are No. 1, tails, $1.20@1.30; No. 2, tails, $1.90 but he should be young enough to take that the state chartered corporations the day. On the disappearance of the active in their efforts to bring this Corpus Christi, Tex., Oct. 18.—Mar­ ministerial government. kindly to milk and of a breed that about. To our beloved president, E. @2.25. tin Julian leaves here in the morning “Article 19. All Cubans wiljl be and associations for legal purposes seal the governor says: S ugar —Golden C, 4J^c; extra C, 4%c; for New Orleans, whence he will go to obliged to serve the republic with their only, and that no violation of the law “No one at all familiar with the V. Debs, although you are behind dry granulated, 5J^c; cube crushed and knows how to utilize the muscle and Hot Springs, fully prepared to carry persons and interests, acocrding to would be tolerated under the guise of past history of. the islands can look prison bars, deprived of your liberty powdered, 6c per pound; >£c per pound fat-forming qualities of feed, In amusement. He was not prepared, upon the deserted rookeries today and by a corrupt and servile tool of cor­ discount on all grades for prompt cash; other words the subject mu§t be studied out Fitzsimmons’ part of the agree­ their power. barrels, %c more than barrels; and all modern knowledge on the sub­ ment with the Florida Athletic Club. “Article 20. The property, of what­ however, to state just wliat legal effect not realize with crushing force how porations, backecf by rotten adminis­ half ject learned. There are excellent sta­ Both he and Fitzsimmons are much ever class, appertaining to foreigners, the proposed change would have. great has been the diminution of seal tration, you live in the hearts of the maple sugar, 15@16c per pound. C offee —Costa Rica, 22@23j^c; Rio, 20 tion bulletins on the subject for those surprised at the statement in Tues-1 is exempt from paying taxes in favor life, especially the reproductive class, common people. The employes of the Great Northern are with you, as they @22c; Salvador, 21@21^c; Mocha, who will take the trouble to hunt day’s papers of the change in the or­ of the republic, providing their respec­ the females.” 1 CONTINUED A WEEK. 29@31c; Padang Java, 30c; Palembang iginal agreement to a sparring exhi­ tive governments recognize the bellig­ The governor/says the claim of the were in 1894, and honor you as a leader Java, 26@28c; Lahat Java, 23 @2 5c; Ar­ them up, but no very modern book' bition with soft’ gloves. He indignant­ erency of Cuba. The Durrant Trial Postponed on Ac- Canadians and British that the exces­ who will yet lead to victory.” buckle’s Mokaska and Lion, $22.80 pei bearing directly on this point. Harris ly denies that Fitzsimmons would en-1 “Article 21. All debts contracted sive killing of seals on land is the cause 100-pound case; Columbia, $21.80 pei “On the Pig” was once the best book count of Deuprey’s Sickness. about breeding and feeding pigs, and DENIED BY BAYARD. 100-pound case. gage in any such exhibition. Fitz­ from the actual initiation of the war of the depletionlis disapproved by the San Francisco, Oct. 17.—The trial C oal —Steady; domestic, $5.00@7.50 well worth studying, especially in con­ simmons said: of Theodore Durrant was today contin­ statistics. He says that on the rook­ will be paid. per ton; foreign, $8.50@11.00. junction with the bulletins referred to. “The proposed change of rules is a “Article 22. The ministerial coun­ ued until next Monday, on account of eries now there pre many male seals, He Says the Alleged Ultimatum Has B eans —Small white, No. 1, ", 3c “ . per Not Been Sent to Bugland. fake. Sjuch a show would not be of cil has power to reduoe any member the illness of Attorney Deuprey, lead­ while females afe scarce. The diminu­ pound; butter, 3c; bayou, 2j^c; Lima, Useful Items. any credit to either of us. They are for just cause in the judgment of two- ing counsel for the defense. While tion is due directly to the killing at London, Oct. 17.—Ambassador Bay­ 5^c. Warm linseed oil applied briskly just using us to let the Florida Athletic thirds of the councilors. sea, where no discrimination can be ard was interviewed today respecting the prosecution made no objection to C ordage —Manilla rope, lX’inch, it with a soft cloth makes a nice soft pol­ Club sell more tickets and the citi­ ‘ ‘Article 23. The judicial authority the motion to continue, Judge Murphy made as to the sex of the seals. He the report "circulated in the United quoted at 9%c, and Sisal, 8c per pound. ish on woodwork. zens of Hot Springsdraw a crowd to will proceed with entire independence was reluctant about giving his consent, says that better protection must be States that he had been instructed by B ags .—Calcutta, 4Xc. Woolen goods should never be wrung R ice — Island, $ 5@5.25 per sack ; Ja- town. Supposé the referee called the of all the others.” granted them than is afforded by the Secretary Olney to submit an ultima ­ and announced that the trial would be after washing, for this stretches them. pan, $ 4.50@4.75 . fight after Jiin had landed on me or I Paris tribunal, and that the schooners tum to Great Britian on the Venezue ­ resumed next Monday, whether Deu­ They should be put through a wringer had gotten in one of my chance blows, Want the Contract Cancelled. prey should have recovered or not. have not been able to make the usual lan question in the form of a dispatch and hung out to dry. as they call them, who would be the SAN FRANCISCO MARKETS Tacoma, Wash., Oct. 18. — The Mr. Deuprey is suffering from a severe catch this season, the oatchof the Brit­ the substance of which is said to be Bread should never be kept in an champion? I came down to fight Cor­ Northern Pacific Steamship Company attack of rheumatism, which has made ish vessels being not over 200 per ves­ that the United States would never airtight place, for this gives it an un­ bett, and all I want is the time and has asked the government to cancel its it impossible for him to attend the sel. consent to British occupation of the , 'I _____ F lour —Net cash prices: Family ex­ place, without any bloody interference. contract with the company in regard trial for several days, but his physi­ disputed territory unless the right to tras, $3.35@3.45 per barrel; bakers’ ex­ pleasant and stale flavor. It should A PREACHER IN TROUBLE. In the meantime I shall train until I to carrying deported Chinese to China. cians believe he will be able to resume it is determined by arbitration. Bay- tras, $3.15@3.25; superfine, $2.35@2.60. be kept in a wooden box or eathenware B arley —Feed, fair to good, 60c; jar, with a cloth over the top, or if a | ard, after reading the article published such place and time are selected.” his duties next week. The rate allowed the company for car- Cards for cover be used, ’ssran holes should be choice, 62Uc; brewing, 62J^@70c. in a New York newspaper, dated Wash ­ The defense has only a few more an Illegal I urpose. i rying the Chinese is very. low, and it J ackson-H arms worth Expedition. W heat —No. 1 shipping, 95 perctl; made in it, through which the air can ington, October 3, said the facts seem ­ witnesses. After disposing of young penetrate. Fresh bread is very indiges­ Denver, Oct. 17.—Rev. Frank'Hyatt ed to have been evolved in the fertile choice, 96Xc; milling,”97>£c@$l.02^. Brooklyn, Oct. 18.—At today’s ses­ is not very profitable. The main rea­ Lenahan, the rebuttal will be rapidly O ats — Milling, 75@85c; surprise, tible, and is improved by being kept a sion of the American board of com­ son why the company desires to be re­ approached, and the end of the trial Smith, late of the North-avenue Bap­ brain of the writer in the same man­ 80@85; fancy feed, 75@85; good to day after baking. Home-made bread, missioners for foreign missions, com­ leased from the contract is on account can be calculated by days. In antici­ tist church, Cambridge, Mass., seems ner the spider finds material for her choice, 70@75c; poor to fair, 62}£@ when properly made, is very much mittees were elected on home depart­ of the recent order of the treasury de­ pation of the speedy announcement of quite likely to be placed under arrest web, from her own interior. He ridi­ 67c; gray, 67J^@75c. partment that the steamship company more wholesome and nourishing than ment, foreign department, foreign mis­ H ops —Quotable at 5@7c per pound. the resting of the defendant’s case, Dis­ and taken back to Boston as a prisoner culed the statement of an ultimatum leave all its Chinese passengers at Port baker’s bread. of the federal authorities. He is now sions, to select preachers, place of next P otatoes — Sweets, $1.25@1 50; Bur ­ trict Attorney Barnes and his first as­ in this city, as a candidate for the pas­ being drawn up by the United States meeting, nominations and the treas­ Townsend on its way to Victoria, and sistant, 60@85c. Edgar Peixoto, are putting torship of thq First Congregational and said he could not seriously discuss banks, return there afterward to take them on Dairy Dots. O nions —Good to choice California, urer’s report. Several hours were oc­ the matter. their rebuttal testimony into shape, 35@40c. As soon as cool nights, or cold cupied in the reading of reports from their journey. The precaution is or­ and it is so that it can be placed before church, of which Rev. Myron W. Reed W ool —Spring—6 to 8 months Calav­ nights, come, stable the cows. Morris Park to Reopen. Southern and Western states. A com­ dered taken to prevent the celestials the jury with even more celerity than was formerly in‘charge.' According to New York, Oct. 15.—Everything is eras, defective 6@8c; Northern, good to mittee of nine was appointed to adopt from being taken ashore at Victoria by their case in chief. the warrant in the hands of the gov­ Rational care is what the cow needs. choice, 12@13>£c; do defective, 8@10c; some means for the relief of the finan­ habeas corpus proceedings and released ernment officers, Rev. Mr. Smith is in readiness for the meeting of the new iambs and fall clips, 5@6^c; Ne­ | She does not need pampering. after the ship has left, thereby defeat.- cial condition of the board. charged with having written and Westchester Racing Association at vada, spring, light and choice, 9@llc; It is possible that a dairyman may ing the attempt to return them., mailed postal cards bearing remarks of Morris Park, which will beign to this heavy, 6@8c. Fall—■Short, trashy San | buy all his cows and achieve the great­ Texas* New Law Is in Force* Opposed to Religious Congresses. Austin, Tex., Oct. 16.—The supreme a scandalous nature, referring to cer­ week with a brilliant card. The pro­ Joaquin plains, 3@5c; good do, 4@6c; est possible success, but we do not be­ A Series of Billiard Tournaments. Washington, Oct. 18.—It is author court today handed down an opinion tain members of his Cambridge church, gramme is the best of the year. It Southern and coast, 4@6c; mountain, lieve it. New York, Oct. 18.—Maurice Daly in the case of the tax collectors of which body, it is said, is divided into was especially framed to command the light and free, 6@7c. itatively stated today that recent re­ Start with a good cow, is the advice B utter —Fancy creamery, 21@22J£c; ports of Monsignore Satolli’s purpose and Frank Ives today announced a Williamson and Hayes counties, seek­ two faotions, with one of which the best horses in training. It was de­ given. Yes,- if we have not the ma­ seconds, 18@20c; fancy dairy, 19@20c; series of billiard tournaments, for signed that not only might the new as ­ to go to Rome to attend the pope's ju­ ing to force the controller to issue clergyman seems, to be very much at fair to choice, 16@17c. chine we cannot expect to turn out a bilee in January next were untrue. which they offer prizes aggregating them a prizefight license, under the outs. While the warrant has not yet sociation win at once for itself the E ggs —Ranch, 30@34c. product. Dr. Rooker, secretary to the delegate, $8,000. Their plan is to afford play­ law passed at the regular session of the been served, it isstated that it will be. premiership of the turf, but that the C heese —Fancy, mild, new, 5@7c; We cannot make a good milker out says Monsignore Satolli has determined ers of the first, second and third classes legislature, last spring. The court de­ Rev. Mr. Smith denies in general all year should have a brilliant ending. common to good, 3@5c; Young Amer- not to go to Rome at that time or at an opportunity to show the public their clines to mandamus the controller on the charges, though further than that This meeting, it is realized, will be the ica‘, 5@8c; Eastern, ll@12c; West- of a cow that was not born a good milker, whatever we may do. It is reccommendation and the gurantee for ern, 10@12}^c per pound. any future time, nor has he even con­ relative ability. No player will be the ground that the special session of he refuses to say a word. time and money thrown away to at­ given more than 400 points handicap the legislature nulified all previous acts 1896. Its promoters are procceeding sidered such a trip. tempt it. Japs Kept From Corea. in an 800-point balk-line game, and 75 ■or laws on the subject by passing a with enterprise and resolution. Meat Market. The Plant for the Dynamite Guns. points in a 300-point cushion-carom new law making prizefighting a felony. Yokohama, Oct. 17.—An imperial There are two things on the farm B eef — Gross, top steers, $ 2.50@2.60 ; Purchased Colorado Mines. ordinance has been issued prohibiting Washington, Oct. 18.—The war de­ game. All the best players in the fair to good steers, $2.50@2.60; cows, that are an exhaustless mine in a com­ partment has appointed a board con­ country are expected to enter. Japanese from visiting Corea without Denver, Colo., Oct. 14. — Dennis $2.25@2.35; dressed beef, 4@5J^c per paratively small way: The dairy and A New Transatlantic Cable. sisting of Colonel L. S. Babbitt and a special permission, from the govern­ Sullivan, T. Burke, Senator Bolziger, pound. poultry. Manage them rightly and Board of Foreign Missions. Lieutenant O. M. Lissack, ordnance London, Oct. 15.—The Times’ Paris ment of Japan. A dispatch from Seoul and some Eastern capitalists, have in­ M utton —Gross, best sheep, wethers, they will pay. department, and Major W. H. Heurr, Marseilles, Oct. 18.—Mail received correspondent says that directly parlia­ states that during the confusion which corporated the Vendone Mining Com­ $L75@2.00; ewes, $1.75; dressed mut­ If three-tenths of one per cent of fat corps of engineers, to meet at San here today from Tonquin says a French ment opens, Lebon, minister of com­ followed the recent attack on the royal pany, and bought all the property of ton, 4c per pound. is left in the skim-milk, instead of V eal — Dressed, small, 5@6c; large, 3 Francisco about November 20 to report column, in a fight with pirates recent­ merce, will submit a bill ratifying the palace, rioters entered a bedroom and the Herbert Mining Company^ and two-tenths, in a separator creamery re­ whether the plant of dynamite guns ly, lost thirty men killed, and had over contract for a a new cable to be laid murdered three women, one of whom some adjacent mines comprising about @4c per pound. ceiving 1,000 pounds of milk a day, Hoos — Gross, choice, heavy, $3.40@ just completed at the Presidio fulfill 100 wounded. The fight occurred at from Brest to New York, with branches is supposed to have been the queen of forty aores in Gilpin county. The price 3.50; light and feeders, $3.00@3.25, there will be a loss of about 340 pounds Panai. I Corea. contract stipulations. to the West Indies and Brazil. paid is in the neighborhood of $480,000. dressed, 4%e per pound. of butter f