Scio Weekly Press. CHICAGO’S MORAL WAVE. It Is to Be Revived and Intensified as Much as Possible. THE TREATY OF PEACE Chicago, June 7.—President Baker, SCIO HE WAS NOT DEPOSED. Archbishop Kenrick Still in Possession of His Title. Rome, June 6.—It is stated at the Commercial Provisions of the Vatican that the brief cable from St. The Dallas People Confident to grant immunity to 'the racetrack Louis announcing the pope’s deposition Oriental Agreement. of the Big Mill. gamblers. Not only is the war on of Archbishop Kenrick and nomination OREGON of the civic federation, is not inclined PORTLAND MARKETS. There is no particular demand in any of the produce lines, but receipts are not heavy, except, in the case of berries, and the market cleaned up well. Cali­ fornia vegetables are scarce. Oregon berries are plentiful and sold lower. Eggs are scarce and quite firm. Useful Information Concern­ ing Farm Work. gambling to be continued, but it is in his stead of Archbishop Kain, is due likely the procedings of the grand jury to an unfortunate misapprehension of a Wheat Market. that set the gamblers at liberty, will THE TRANSFER OF FORMOSA cable from Rome, which summarized STEWART IS STILL NEGOTIATING There is no market at present, as SULPHUR IN POULTRY HOUSES get a thorough overhauling. “Now the action taken by the congregation of dealers are without ships. The grain that the Hawthorne track is running Tlie Concessions Will Open Up to tlie the propaganda. The written decree year is practically closed. There are a again, are you willing to state what was mailed to the United States sev­ If They Secure It, It Will Be Fought few ships yet to be loaded, the wheat Valuable Suggestion for Poultry Rais­ Enterprising Islanders Many Im­ for which is in eight. Based on prices ers—The Best Method for De­ Outbreak Against Christians the civic federation proposes to do about èra! days ago. It does not depose Arch­ on tlie State Fair Grounds the portant Ports and Localities. ruling in foreign markets, export values li orning—Stock Notes. it? ” Mr. Baker was asked. bishop Kenrick from his present title Third Week in October. Considered Inevitable. are as follows: Walla Walla, 51@52c; Washington, June 6.—Minister or position nor appoint Archbishop “Well, you know tlie grand jury re­ Valley, 54c per bushel. In a recent issue of Poultry Keeper, New York, June 5.—Fitzsimmons, turned ‘no bills’ last week in the cases Denby, of China, in a dispatch dated Kain his successor. Such action could Dr. D. H. Dalton, of Pennsylvania, Vendig and Stewart called on Lawyer Produce Market. of the men who were arrested pre­ May 25, has furnished tlie state depart­ only have been taken through a papal suggested a point on the use of sulphur STRONGER NOTE TO THE PORTE viously. ’ ’ ment a synopsis of the treaty of peace bull. The present action is the decree Friend at his office and discussed the F lour —Portland. Salem, Cascadia and fumes for the destruction of lice in the “Does this then put a stop to all at­ between China and Japan. The com­ of the congregation made for the pur­ pros and cons of ' the big mill. They Dayton, are quoted at $2.60 per barrel ; poultry house, and as a disinfectant, tempts to suppress gambling at the mercial provisions are as follows: pose of assisting in the management of all agreed, that everything looked Golddrop, $2.60; Snowflake, $2.60; Ben­ which is not generally known or is not ton county, $2.60; graham, $2.20@2.30; The Crisis, Already Grave, Has Been tracks?” A new treaty of commerce is to be the administration of the church prop­ promising for the meeting between superfine, acted upon. He recites the fact that $1.90. “I think not. We shall, however, made immediately after this treaty is erty of the archdiocese. Had the arch­ Corbett and Fitzsimmons. Lawyer Intensified by the Threatened O ats —Good white are quoted4C per pound. been cabled. F resh F ruit —Apples, good, $l@2.50 anese navy department, has been ap ­ tion of the late secretary should be per­ over knickerbockers. Mrs. Catharine take all possible means to stop it if any per box; common,75c@$l; new Oregon, seem to grow on the surface of the fect in every detail. In order to get pointed governor of Formosa. The McCulloch said today in reference to attempt is made to have the contest $1.75@2; strawberries, California, $1@. cells, partly by the destruction of the IN THE DIVORCE COURT. the measurement necessary for a work formal transfer was effected June 22. his sermon: 11.25 per (rate; Oregon, 5@6c per pound ; cells and partly by the conversion of come off here. ’ ’ some of the substances of the cow’s Foster will return to the United States cherries, 75@90c per box. < liampion Corbett’s Wife Mas Asked a of this kind, Mr. Parks and a repre­ ‘ ‘ While it may seem undignified for sentative of the Gresham family, com­ on the first steamer. W ool —Valley, 8@10c, according to blood into fat. They trickle' down in Legal Separation. . a minster of the gospel to leave the Salvation Army Defies the Ordinance. quality; Umpqua,7@9c; fall clip, 5@6c: and with the milk, and are held in sus­ Tlie Allianca Affair. preaching of salvation to indulge in New York, Jtu@7-—The World this missioned by Otto Gresham’ to take Los Gatos, Cal., June 5.—The local Eastern Oregon, 5@7j^c. pension in it, not in solution, as are charge of the matter, paid a visit to the Washington, June 6. — The state de ­ 1 comicalities about women ’ s bicycle morning says: Rumors are current corps of the Salvation Army has • bid­ H ops — Nominal at the following the other solids in it. They mostly tomb of the secretary in Oakwood cem ­ partment today received from United dresses, it will riot worry the bicyclers den defiance to the recent ordinance range : 3@5c per pound. that there is trouble between Jim Cor­ come during the latter part of the N uts — Almonds, soft shell, 9@llc milking, probably because they do not bett and his wife, and that she has be­ etery. The casket was opened and States Minister Taylor, at Madrid, the any, for few women depend on the pul­ passed by the board of town trustees to Sculptor Parks directed the movements complete and final answer of Spain to pit for their fashions. While I have per pound; paper shell, 12}4@14c; new gun proceedings for a divorce. Mrs. the effect that hereafter no drum-beat­ move so .quickly or easily as the liquid Corbett was seen and refused to say of an expert, who with a delicate set of the demand of Secretary Gresham fora not yet found time to learn to ride the ing or horn-tooting would be permitted crop California walnuts, soft shell, part of, the cow’s milk. The fore milk instruments, took an accurate outline ll@12!£c; standard walnuts, 10)^ @ 11c; disavowal of the firing on the United bicycle, 1 congratulate all women who whether or not she intended to sue for of'the secretary’s face and head. Mr. States merchant ship Allianca. The do ride, and especially those enterpris­ on the streets of Los Gatos without Italian chesnuts, 12)£@14c; pecans, is thinner than the strippings, because a divorce. first getting permission from the presi­ 13@16c ; Brazils, 12>^@13c; filberts, the globules of fat do not free them­ “I have nothing to say—not a word. Parks then verified the measurement document was brought to the attention ing women who have adopted a more dent of the board. The corps appeared 14@15c; peanuts, raw; fancy, 5@7c; selves from the internal linings of the and made a sort of geometrical draft of of the cabinet by Acting Secretary Uhl. healthy, more cleanly, less dangerous I will neither deny nor affirm the truth Main street last week as usual with I roasted,- 10c: hickory nuts, 8@10c; co- milk ducts so quickly as the liquid of The answer is said to be entirely satis­ and less expensive style of dress. As | I on of the report,” she declared. Corbett the design. their drum and cymbals. A warrant i coanuts, '90e per dozen,__ *(Sï®*ïnTiS: "nwu" -Eastern hams, medium, factory to this govemffient, as it fully to the irnwi^^tyof JlRjlUJf! 'Blight 1*JF P1LW The condition of the cow’s blood and was not in the city and could not be w «—»»»»<»«■ -m the 'saiTO? l_m<^bo. 1» lvuuux— ml nm i. ll. I ll!é@12c per pound; hams, picnic, ^¡TJ*TSacle"^Spain^bin^it^replji™disavows breath with che bathing costume or the the arrest of Captain Wright, charging |3>2@9 c ; breakfast bacon 11>4@12 c ; her nervous system very largely affect seen. His manager, 'William A. Bx-adv, her with violation of the ordinance. clear sides, 8J^@9c; dry salt •the quality of the milk she gives. Bad Corbett, when the foremost amateur | P. D. Armour, jr., of Chicago, filed to­ the act of firing upon the Allianca; ordinary evening dress worn by fash­ When arraigned she entered a plea of I short sides, 7}^@8c; dried beef hams, 1'2 feeling, foul water or the absence of expresses regret at the occurrence itself ionable women. ” athlete in San Francico, met Miss day in the federal court a petition al­ not guilty, and her trial was set for. @13c; lard, compound, in tins, 7^; salt will induce in the cow a condition Mrs. Heaton Owsley said: Lake. She was studying to be a teacher leging that the late Paul Schulze and assures this government that Saturday next. Instruction were re­ lard, pure, in tins, 9K@10c; pigs’ feet, in which she will not yield good h ilk; measures have been taken to prevent a “ The ridiculing of any prevailing fraudulently and collusively conspired in the state normal school. It was a ceived from the San Francisco head- 80s, $3-50; pigs’ feet, 40s, $3.25; kits, a similar condition with its consequent repetition of the same. bicycle costumes worn by women im ­ with the Northwest Thomson-Houston $1.25. Oregon smoked hams, 11 J^c per case of mutual attraction, - strength­ presses me as very foolish, especially quaters of the army to make a test pound ; pickled hams, 8J£c ; boneless effects may be caused by neglect, ex­ ened by the opposition of the parents Electric Company to transfer to it case. Sentenced to Be Shot. in a pulpit utterance-supposed to be ser­ hams, 10c; bacon, 9c; dry salt sides, 8c; posure, abuse or excitement. A cow on both sides, and culminated in a run­ stocks and bonds of the Tacoma Rail­ Madrid, June 6.—-Gneral Prima de iously intended. There is nothing in­ lard, 5-pound pails, 9%c; 10s, 9%c; has a peculiarly delicate organization, way & Motor Company, without re ­ Protest Prom Organized Labor. away match. When Corbett went to and must be handled with kindness, Rivera, captain-general of Madrid,who trinsically immodest in either bloomers 50s, 9c; tierces, 8j^c. ceiving full consideration; that for $1,- Chicago, June 5.—At the meeting of Salt Lake City in 1886 to fight Dun­ and any man who abuses a cow beats was shot yesterday by Captain Clavigo, or knickerbockers. ” the Chicago Trade and Labor Assem­ can McDonald, Miss Lake followed, 250,000 bonds of face value and a large is better. The trial, of Clavigo by out the profit, for she will pay him back Meat Market. bly, held at the bricklayers’ hall last acting on secret arrangements, and the block of stock, the street railway com­ court-martial began today. In his de­ An Exile’s Tale. B eef —Gross, top steers, $3.00@3.50; by giving less milk and that of a poorer pany received in money and property couple were married by a justice of the , Sam Francisco, June 6. — Karl night, the committee appointed to in­ quality. The globules of fat are so only $800,000. They claim that fense, Clavigo stated he was driven to i Kleeme, ex-chief of the Hawaiian vestigate the legality of the proposed fair to good steers, $2.50@3.00; cows, numerous peace.' that in a thimbleful of milk commit the deed by persecution to $2.25@2.75; dressed beef, 5@6j^c per Schulze .paid the electric company Mr. Lake, the father of Mrs. Corbett, mounted police, has sent an affidavit to use of street railway cars as mail cars pound. there will be found millions of them. which he had been subjected by Rivera. said today in regard to the report that $350,000 for the Steilacoom road, a su­ He declared the general acted on the . Washington stating that he had been submitted its report. It said so far as M utton —Gross, best sheep, wethers, It is estimated that there aré one thou­ burban line worth but $60,000. On his daughter had sued for a divorce: imprisoned and exiled because he de­ it could learn there was no legal au- $2.60@2.75; ewes, $2.25; dressed mut­ sand millions of them in every cubic influence of a demi-monde who had a “The case is in the hands of Messrs. account of these transactions they de­ grudge against him. The general, he clared against the immigration of Jap­ •thority for the issue of permits for the ton, 4@4Xc per pound. inch of milk. From these specs of fat V eajl —Dressed, small, 5 @6c; large, 3 the butter is made. To get them out Howe & Hummell. I can’t say if the clare the company has an equitable off­ further stated, had ordered his pay to anese which the Dole government fa­ use of these cars as mail cars. In the @4c per'pound. suit is commenced. If not, it will be. -set against .the Thomson-Houston Elec­ be withheld, with the result that he vored. He says he had no connection course of the discussion on this subject, H ogs —Gross, choice, heavy, $3.50@ of the milk, is the task of the butter Jim is quite crazy—that is certain. He tric Company of $746,000, and ask that became obliged repeatedly to call upon with the insurrection and no prior Delegate Pomeroy denounced thè op­ 3.75; light and feeders, $3.25@3.50; maker. They are too small to be the amount due it and its assignees on position to the use of street cars as mail has not been himself for some time. strained out' with the smallest sieve, dressed, 4^c per pound. the generosity of his friends. The knowledge of the intended insurrec­ the bonded indebtedness be reduced by The woman who will be named as co­ Fifteen hundred of the largest of them court pronounced the prisoner guilty tion. In prison he suffered from asthma cars as opposition to the progress of that amount. The bonded debt is $1,- respondent has such complete mastery Merchandise Market. placed side by side'like a row of mar- and sentenced him to be shot tomorrow and lack of food. He was told if he civilization. The real objection to the over him that he does not know what 350,000. The Armours are stockhold­ morning at 5 o’clock. S almon .—Columbia, river No. 1, tails, , bles would not measure more than one did not leave the country he would use of cars on street car lines is said he is doing. He brought her to' this ers and do not want to see the stock be tried by a military court and his to be that in times of labor distrub- $1.25@1.60; No. 2, tails; $2.25@2.50; inch. If left at rest they rise city only a short time ago and they wiped out two brothers would also be arrested. ances the government might use the fancy, No. 1, flats, $1.75@1.85; Alaska. ■ to the top because they áre lighter than A Murderer Bound Over. 1, tails, $1.20@l.'30; No. 2, tails, $1.90 the liquid in which they float. The stayed together in some hotel for He was denied medicine brought by his lines for the transportation of troops, No. Tickler’s Eventful Week. Port Angeles, Wash., June 6.—The @2.25. and in a case of a street ear strike the three weeks. I do not know the Carson, Nev., June 7.—John T. preliminary examination of Henry An­ wife to him. He says Captain Davies, S ugar —D, 4//e; C, 4%c; extra 0, 4'c; heavier parts of the milk are drawn' woman’s name, but my daughter has Jones’ attorneys turned the matter of derson, who on May 24, killed Phillip who landed arms for the natives, men would be compelled to refrain dry granulated, 5%c; cube crushed and I down by the force of gravitation, and as from stopping the cars, or else come po wdered, 6%c per pound; Xc per pound i the serum of the milk, composed of told me that she belongs in Chicago. the .bullion which they found in Pick- Brown, an Indian, on the Ozette reser­ turned states' evidence and informed Mrs. Corbett has refused to give me ler’s yard over to the government, and vation, was concluded today in Judge against many revolutionists to effect into conflict with the federal authori­ discount on all grades for prompt cash; water, casein; sugar, albumen, etc., ties. any particulars about the case, as she the officials made, no further search. Brewster’s court. half barrels, %c more than barrels ; moves downward it displaces the cream Anderson was his own escape. maple sugar, 15@16c.per pound. said she does not wish to pain me.” globules and forces them »toward the A complaint was made out and a war­ bound over to appear before the United C offee —Costa Rica, 22@23 J£c; Rio, 20 top.—Farm and Home- Final Transfer of tlie Fair Wheat. Corbett, when seen tonight, posi­ rant issued for the arrest ..of W. J. States district court in Seattle under Uneasiness in Newfoundland. @22c; Salvador, 21@21J^c; Mocha, San Francisco, June 5.—The final tively refused to be interviewed on the Pickier. Commissioner Edwards fixed $5,000 bonds. The defense did not go St. John’s, N. F., June 6.—Another 26j£@28c; Padang Java, 31c; Palembang Caustic Potasli in Dehorning. subject- his bail at $1,000 for his appearance in on the stand, and the witnesses for the adjournment of the legislature occa­ transfer of 179,600 tons of wheat, be­ Java, 26@28c; Lahat Java, 23@25c; Ar­ J. M. D. .writes in Orange Judd longing to the Fair estate, was consum ­ buckle’s Mokaska and Lion, $22.30 pei Farmer: “In the spring of 1894 I ap­ court next Tuesday. Bonds were fur­ prosecution, who were Indians, made sioned uneasiness among the public, mated this afternoon. Four leading Japanese Manufactories. 100-pound case; Columbia; $21.80 pei plied caustic potash to two calves as a de- nished. Pickier has had an eventful a strong case against Anderson, who especially as the newspapers publish San Francisco, June 7.—Charles E. week. Monday he was“ arrested for as­ claims to have killed Anderson in self­ press clippings .tending to show that shipping firms, George W. McNear, 100-pound case. C oal —Steady; domestic, $5.00@7.50 horner. I supposed it had proved effec­ Pearce, a jute and cotton manufacturer sault and battery and fined $10. Tues­ defense. Much excitement prevails in certain legal points require to be Eppinger & Co., Balfour, Guthrie & tive but early in the autumn the horns per ton; foreign, $8.50@11.00. Co., and Girvin, Baldwin & Eyrie, of St. Louis, who has just returned day he was arrested and bound over to this section, as it is claimed that only proven before the loan negotiations can B eans —Small' white, No. 1, 3%c per began to grow again and are now about were the purchasers at $17 a ton, the from a trip through the Orient, is óf keep the peace in the sum of $100. a United States commissioner has au­ be concluded. The legislature may not. pound; butter, 3)£c; bayou, 3c; Lima, two inches long. The small horn was the opinion that Japan will soon be­ Tuesday evening he was suspended thority to bind a prisoner. A habeas proceed to .business until after Colonel certified checks given in payment 5^c. . ...25. taken off completely. What was the Secretary Bum£return from England, amounting to $3,053,200. McNear’s come an important factor in the manu­ from the mint by Superintendent corpus has been applied for. C ordage —Manilla rope, lj^-inch, is trouble?”- The failure to completely claim against the estate for storage was if lie can tne end of quoted at 10c, and Sisal, 6c per pound; facturing industries of the world. He I Adams, and today was arrested on a kill the horn germ was. undoubtedly June, asTit i| essential that all regrad­ $110,000. The court allowed $89,000 says the reports of the United States | charge connected with the' finding of Denounced, the Supreme Court. due to an incomplete application of the as comimssions to the brokers who ne ­ consuls Show that tìbie competition the bullion. This afternoon the hear­ Spokane, Wash., June 6. — The ing ef the salaries and reducing of potash. Best results are obtained by Wages Increased at Steelton. which the United States has to fear is ing of the case against him for threat­ Trades Council adopted resolutions to­ grants shall begin before the next gotiated the sale. Harrisburg, Pa., June 6.—Notice of Operating on the calf as soon as the not that of Europe, but of East India ening the life of Flo Stewart, the night denouncing the supreme court quarter. Mrs. Hartley Must Go to Prison. a 10-per cent increase in wages was horn button can be located. Clip off and Japan. He visited Japan to in­ woman who told the story, came up in for sending Eugene V. Debs to jail, Carson, Nev., June 5.—The request posted today at the Pennsylvania works the hair covering it,' wet One end of vestigate the advisability of removing the justice court, but was dismissed in “for no other reason than it' was rhe An Inch and a Half of Ground. for a special meeting of the board of at Steelton. The increase affects 3,800 the stick of potash arid rub the horn the works of his company to the the absence of the complaining wit­ wish of a greedy corporation and the San Francisco, June 6.—J. K. Prior pardons to consider the case of Mrs. 'men. The works are now running until it has a fed inflamed appearance. Orient, and before his return will ad­ ness. plutocratic thieves of the country.” and Claus SjSeckels are having an Alice M. Hartley, the slayer of Senator full in ex e;-y department for the first When the scab comes off examiné the dress thè chamber of commerce of this The'supreme court is declared to be amusing dispute over an inch and a M. D. Foley, was complied with and time since the company passed into the calf’s head, and if there is the slight­ Oscar Wilde Is Not Insane. city on the result of his investigation. est evidence of a. horn, repeat the opera­ London, June 7. — The • Morning factional, whimsical and unreliable, half of ground. Spreckels recently the board met today. Petitions from hands of receivers two years ago. tion. Watch the animal and if thé Times denies the report that Oscar being out of the reach of the people purchased some property on Market all parts of the state asking her release The Bonds in Southampton. street adjoining a fine building owned were read and many friends spoke Reported Sale of the Nanaimo Road. horns begin to grow give another ap­ Wilde is insane, and Claims he has and irresponsible. It is further declar­ Southampton, June 7.—William E. never been confined in a padded room. ed that members of that body have by Prior. It was discovered that Pri­ in her behalf, but they were of no plication. If J. M. D. had observed Victoria, B. C., June 5.—It is re­ this, he could have prevented the growth Curtis assistant secretary of the United It is stated that Wilde was started to been known to change their opinions, or’s building trespasses one inch and a avail. When a vote was taken one was States treasury, met the steamship work in the treadmill according to the on important matters without inform­ half on Spreckejs’ ground. Spreckels for pardon and four against. Mrs. ported here that the Messrs. Dunsmuir when he found that the first application Paris here today, and took charge of usual prison discipline. After a few ing the public of the reasons, causes or will not sell this small section of land, Hartley is sentenced to eleven years’ have purchased the interests of Crocker had failed. The caustic had evidently and other California capitalists in the not reached the h'om germ and it filially the bonds which were brought over by days he was sent to 'the infirmary, amont of consideration for such and Prior will not move his building. imprisonment. Esquimalt & Nanaimo railway and developed. This method .of dehorning So far the parties have failed to reach Logan Carlisle. The bonds will be where it was found that he was suffer­ changes of opinion. the Union coal mines at Comox. James has been tested not only by careful ex­ Tlie Big Telescope Finished. an agreement. I taken to London, and placed in the ing from melancholia and trouble of Cambridge, Mass., June 5. — The Dunsmuir, president of the company, periment station men, but by a great strongroom of the Rothschilds; After the stomach, The disorder of the Ingalls Is Pessimistic. He Prayed .or is Sight. great forty-inch lens, the highest tele­ could not be seen and other officials did number of practical .stock raisers and being initialed, the bonds will be stomach ceased after two days’ confine­ Lawrence, June 6.—The university Metropolis, Ill;, June 6.—A preacher scope glass ever made, which Alvan E. not know anything about it. formally delivered to the representa­ ment in the hospital, and Wilde re­ chapel.was crowded to its utmost ca­ farmers, with satisfactory results. If tives of the bond syndicate. thoroughly applied it will prove sue- 1 turned to the prison feeling geatly im- pacity this morning, to hear the ad­ named Benton, blind from his birth, Clark has been working on for more cessful in nearly every case. It is by An Altrurian Colony Split Up. dress of Senator Ingalls to the law received his eyesight last night, and is than a year for the Yerkes telescope, is poved. His melancholia continues. The Stanford Suit Commenced. school. He took a somewhat pessimis­ today the happiest man in the city. He completed, and will soon be shipped to ■ Santa Rosa, - Cal., June 5. —It is far the best method of getting rid of tic view of affairs generally over the is a preacher for the United Brethren its destination. The Yerkes telescope rumored that the Altrurian colony, lo­ horns. San Francisco, June 7.—“The hearing The Rev. Gibson Will Lecture. here, and he claims that the receiving will be so much bigger than the Lick, cated at Markwest, a few miles from of Mrs. Jane L. Stanford’s demurrer to Stock Notes. San Francisco, June 7.—The Rev. country, and suggested the necessity for the suit of the government against Le­ George Gibson, pastor of Emanuel display of great wisdom in dealing of his sight is the direct answer to now the largest in the world, that its this city, split up into two factions re­ With proper management medium prayer. Mr. Benton is 30 years of age. promoters are confident -that astonish ­ land Stanford’s estate for $15,000,000, church, announces that he is going to with questions now agitating the pub­ cently. Work on the big hotel started ing discoveries may be made as soon as there a few weeks ago has been stopped, weight hogs are the most profitable to said to be due the government for Cen­ deliver lectures on the murders com­ lic mind. grow for general market. To Prison for Life. it is set up. and it is reported that the dissatisfied tral Pacific bonds, was commenced in mitted in the church. The title will Strikers Taken In. Detroit, Mich.,tjune 6.—The jury When fattening an animal push from faction purchased the Crigler ranch, the start—gradually at first, of course, the United States court this morning be “The Crime of the Century,” and Byrnes to Rival Pinkerton. Providence, R. I., June 6.—There in the case of Mrs/Nellie Pope, charg­ before Judge Ross, of Los Angeles, his object is to raise funds to pay the has been a slight increase today in the ed with the murder of her husband, re­ New York, June 5.—It is reported above Cloverdale; and will go there and —¡and save time and feed. Judge McKenna believing himself dis­ church debt. Gibson is once more working force of the several mills turned a verdict fof guilty this after­ that Thomas Byrnes, ex-superintendent establish an independent colony. The Overfeeding is waste—for indiges­ qualified because having once been a using the study in Emanuel church, which Opened their doors to the return­ noon. She was immediately sentenced of police, will organize a private de- colony stated at Markwest under flat­ tion is the result and food that is un­ trustee of the Stanford estate. tering auspices last fall. digested is wasted. where Minnie Williams was murdered. ing strikers yesterday. tective agency in the near future. to life imprisonment. h