VOL. NO. SCIO, LINN COUNTY, OREGON, FR»AY, OCTOBER 12, 1894 VI. lUs«KÊ Company was held yesiei’day after­ noon at tho office of the compagy at Mr. Gresham ment no injury to. Alexandria, Va. ihe Mowing res­ IS PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY, BY olutions Were ddoptedpi the United States in its foreign re­ T. L. DUGGER, lations by clumsy and impudent Whereas William R-wearst, the IN THE CITY OS’ proprietor and publishei*t)f the San- message to the government, of Jap­ Francisco Examiner, itkthe latter ¿CIO, MMK CO., OKEGON. an, when‘troops first landed in Corea. part of the month of .»ril, 1894, TERMS: He was merely stupid—just a plain, brought a suit in equity ® tho Su­ everyday, corn-fed pumpkin, trans ­ ?er annum, invariably in advance.......$1 50 preme Court of the DrLmct of Co­ • ix months.;. “ “ “ ........... 1 00 lumbia against John '^fciderburn. lated, by a freak of executive irre­ general manager of JthÄJxaminer Advertising rates at fair, living rates,to be sponsibility, from the Western pru­ laid monthly. Bureau of Claims and ’ ay [managing Transient advertisements must be paid for nes to the state department. attorney of the Pres? CH fcs Compa- when the order is given for their insertion. It is not surprising that the text ny, and made charges^ K-the bill Newspaper Law. and in said suit againstj fc integri- of Mr. Gresham’s message and the ty, honesty, and busincl Iqualifica- bribers who do not ^give circumstances under which it was tions of the said Weddei (rn, which tiee to the contrary are sent, should become known to the were proved to be_ wRiy Untrue as wishing to continue JUST ARRIVED AT people of the United States first and false to the s .lisfaefton of .the I’iptions. Equity Court and a driffie to this ibers order the discon- through advices from Japan. The if effect having beet rendéiêd oh the iir-periodicals thepub- secretary was not likely to confess a tiriue to send them what a blundering' donkey lie had 18th day of May,: 595, a® a Kupple before them, having abandoned mental rlecreo’eOjiflrwjiJl b arp paic/. su-bscri iww neglect to or re- Jaeau.JU meed -tbe l'u 11 aatrmit of h is-; Mwitflfcm,- rtf® only -eoiiwiipirahlrt-pn rtffi 3« — day L..„ or MjJ'.zfyi', fuse to Sake tl eir periodicals from blunder would not have been ap town between the frontier and Pe­ TVhereas, theJiSitf bill contained 'theoffii ¡e to which they are directed parent' to an ordinary observer, untrue arid mi/eading-istatements they ar 3 held responsible till they though the quality of his boorish­ king.- Meanwhile, seventy trans­ concerning the^’ressOums Compa­ The past week we have been receiving large invoices of new ports are conveying 30,000 new have settled their"'bill and ordered made by th/saiilUegrst to injure ness was unmistakable, before the troops, from Japan, to land on the ny ifipir paper discontinued. the said Wecl^rburn and to escape 4. If subscribers move to other complete development of Japan’s shores of the gulf and approach the liability uncls? a contofet then exist­ 0 0 o o © IN places without informing the pub­ purposes and the demonstration of capital from the nearest point on the ing between the Examiner Bureau, lisher and the papers are sent to the of Claims and the Press Claims Com­ former direction they are held re­ her capacity to carry them out. coast. Chinese troops are said to pany, enterdH into with the full ap­ But a person fit to have charge of sponsible. have abandoned Moukden to oppose probation anti approval of the said a. The courts have decided that the foreign affairs of the country the landing of this new force, but as Hearst, his Attorney at law and at­ refusing to take periodicals from the would have had inkling enough of the other body of invaders is close torney in facj,; which statements ... .AND A SPLENDID LINE OF.. s • • © office, or removing and leaving them were proved lohe false and founda­ uncalled for is “prima facie” evi­ the real .situation in the east to have upon their heels, they might as well tionless, and which have greatly saved him from a display‘of igno­ have stayed where they were. injured and damaged the business dence of intentional fraud. rance so crude and of presumption Probably the movement of'both ar­ :'f the said company; and so unwarranted. mies has been timed so that they Whereas, the said. William R. LET US HAVE ANEW DEAL. Hearst did cause to be prominently This is the situation, as it now is will meet under the walls of Peking. published-in the San Francisco Ex­ and still more to follow... .all nice, new, nobby goods and M* The contract with the American understood: Loss of independence This would give the land force aminer, on the first page of said pa­ H ard T imes P rices Our Stock of Clothing is still Book Company, which has been in by Corea, to whatever power and by about 500 miles to march and the per, the said damaging charges con­ tained in the said bill, the issue of whatever means, threatened the troops landed from transports about existence during*the past six years Large and Complete and is going fast the said newspaper being widely between the state and that company national existence of Japan, as loss 100. But the latter may be expect­ disseminated in- this country to the at the prices we make. injury of the Press Claims IS about to expire, and the company of independence of Belgium to one ed to encounter some little resist­ great of the great powers of Europe would ance, even if they flank the Taku Company; and is laying its wires to secure a renew­ threaten Great Britain. This inde­ Whereas the said William R. forts and march around Tien Tsin, ^Highest price always paid for all kinds of merchantable’ al of. the same ‘ contract. To say pendence was threatened openly by as they probably will. The Japan­ Hearst has further published or caused to be published in his said nothing against the present text the Advance of Russia on one side ese don’t want any forts. What newspaper, and has widely circula produce in exchange for goods. books used in our schools, which and of England on the other, while they want Is the capital, and they ted the damaging statement that may or may not be' as good as can China, the puppet and jackal of want it quickly—before winter one Frank L. Browne, of the city of Houston Building, Scio, Oregon.- Washington, a person wholly uncon­ be secured, it is enough to condemn England, was undermining i tsecret­ makes campaigning uncomfortable. nected with the Press ■ Claim Com­ entering into a new contract, to ly from within. Under these In­ Their campaign is as well planned pany, is in charge of the said busi­ know that' the American School fluences, the nationality of Corea and as well executed, so far, as that ness of the said company, which WE^THeRFORD & CHAMBERLAIN- ..statement is untrue and harmful ATTORNEYS AT EAW, Book Company is a sort of trust and was decaying and crumbling away. of Von Moltke in France. and injurious to the company’s in­ ALBANY, OB. IA few years more would have seen terests arid calculated to shake the is making enormous profits off the in Flinn elock, over First National Religion of Spiritualism, Watson,...........$110 The Orégon legislature of next deserved confidence of the public in bank. Studies in Psychic Science, Tuttle.............1 25. Incorporated. people of Oregon, who were foolish her the helpless puppet of China, The Religion of the Future, or Outline of winter will not have a very easy •the said company; therefore the equally helpless tool of England. spiritual Pnilosophy, by Rev. S. Weil, enough to give this house a monop­ It is resolved, that the president L. H. M0N3?ANYE, Albany, Or.' paper 50 cts, cloth.................... . ...... ..1 00. The Corean rebellion was a-pro­ duty to perform, providing-it is of the Press Claims Company be and oly of the school book business. test-of the more intelligent and pa­ Psychic Facts arid Theories, by Rev, M J. ATTORNEY ' AT LAW, governed by a consciencious desire hereby is directed* to forthwith in­ Savage,paper 50 cts. cloth ...............,..1 oo, T e company has had no scruples in triotic nobility against this reduction ALBANY, OR. The Question Settled, Hull, pa. 50c cloth I oo. to perform its duty. Its chief aim stitute the proper proceedings in the ©^'Office in Strahnbuilding. a sorbing all there was in the busi­ to dependence upon the foreigner. The Contrast, Hull, paper 50c, cloth......... 1 oo. courts against the said William R. should be to reduce taxation and Hearst to recover damages for his Spiritual Alps and how to ascend them, ness, either, for it would allow re­ That rebellion was encouraged by Flour, W. R. BILYEU, by Moses Hull, paper 25c, cloth................. 50. the cost of running the state gov­ untrue, misleading, and libelous Christ and Mediunship, Hui]..................... 10. tail dealers scarcely enough margin Japan in her own interest, which Attorney aiHi Connselor at l4iw 9 ernment, for the reason that justice publications concerning the Press Romance of two Worlds, spiritual novel 25 Wheat, io pay them for the trouble, and say wasthe samsasthat of the Corean requires that the salaries of public Claims Company, and further, that ALBANY, OR. Life, by W. ^r. Wheeler, spiritual novel, 50- we, the stoclrhorderri'