Scio Weekly Press. FROM WASHINGTON CITY. EASTERN MELANGE. PURELY PERSONAL. FOREION FLASHES. PORTLAND MARKET. FARM AND GARDEN. PBODtlCE, FRUIT, ETC. Senator. Frye will deliver the. eulogy W heat —Valley, $1.12>^@1.15; Walla on Blaine in Boston; May 3. No man , Walla, $1.05@1.07J£ per cental. ITEMS OF INTEREST. Prince Roland Bonaparte Will F lour —Standard, $3.30; Walla Walla, Florida Orange Crop Probably knew him better. Try high feeding with old Brindle. SCIO....................... $3.40; graham, $2.90; superfine, $2.50 President Howe, of the'American In­ Visit the United States.. the Largest Known. There have been some remarkable, stitute of Mining Engineers, is a.son of per barrel. O ats —Choice, 43@45c per bushel; fair, yields by very common cows. Mrs. Julia Ward-Howe. Secretary Hoke Smith gave a hearing 40c;- rolled, in bags, $.6.25@6.50; barrels, A good horse can no more stand on Mr. Gladstone would be the favorite the representatives of the Big Black­ $6.50@6.75; cases, $3.75. bad feet than a good house can stand on boarder in an American private hotel. . OCCIDENTAL NEWS. to foot Mining Company and the Bitter f H ay — Best, $11 @13.50 per ton; com ­ a bad foundation. MANUSCRIPTS OF VICTOR HUGO. Root Development Company on the THE PENINSULA OF MICHIGAN. He is fond of rice pudding and prunes. mon, $9@10. Perhaps your old Brindle has never question of the revocation of their per­ Mrs. Lamont, wife of the popular Sec­ M illstuffs —Bran, $16@17; shorts, had a full ration., in her life. Not that mits, granted some months ago, to cut retary, will remain in New York until $19@20; ground barley, $23@24; chop per cent of the timber on twenty-six the dose of the school year liberates her $18 per ton; whole feed, barley, 80 she has not been experimented with to Bill Extending the Time of Cit­ 50 The King of Siam to Make an Inter­ feed, sections of land in Montana. Nebraska Will Elect Her Presidential children. @ 85c per cental; middlings, $23@24; find out how much she could eat. If you have a cow that always excels Secretary Morton of the Department izenship in Arizona. Susan B. Anthony has weathered the esting Display at the World’s per ton; brewing barley, 90@95c per Electors Herafter by Congres­ of Agriculture has devised a plan to test gales of adverse criticism for forty years, cental; chicken wheat, $1.10 per cental. ■ the othfers in yield breed her to a pure­ Fair in Chicago. sional Districts. bred dairy - bull, and if she has a heifer the fitness of applicants for positions and still clings to the hope that she will B utter —Oregon fancy creamery, 27)^ not governed by the civil-service rules. yet be permitted to vote. @30c; fancy dairy, 22}^@25c; fair to calf treat that calf better than you ever good, 17)^@20c; common, 12%@ 15c per treated a calf before. Mrs. Langtry has made a success of HIGH WATER CAUSES DAMAGE. Each applicant on filing his application will be required to answer a set of ques­ pound; pickle roll butter, 30@35c per In feeding a cow we must go about it her display of good clothes. She has a Universal suffrage in Austria is favored roll; California, 40@45c per roll. tions as to moral and physical qualifica­ Western wheat-crop prospects are not ! $175,000 yacht in which to enjoy her sea­ cautiously; not stuff her with all she by the native Bohemian party. tions and on the work which he will be encouraging. C heese —Oregon, ll@13c; Eastern can eat the first Week, but train her ap­ sickness, and be fashionably, miserable. required to perform. He hopes by this Rumor says another American Cardi­ Twins, 15c; Young America, 16c per petite and digestion by- gradually in­ Another epidemic of grip is threatened Verdi will have a gold mine in “Fal- Brakeman on the Atlantic and Pacific means to secure a high standard in the creasing the amount fed. in New York. staff.” He has already received $32,- nal will be named at the coming consis­ pound. department. Becomes a Hero and Receives E ggs —Oregon, 16c per dozen. It is a difficult matter to doctor sick In 1892 the railroads in Pennsylvania 000 for the opera, and will have 40 per tory. P oultry —Chickens, mixed coops, $4 animals. It is comparatively easy to A Republican Senator, who stands killed 1,439 persons. The Senatorial elections in Spain have cent of the performing and publishing a Purse—Etc. high in the party councils, says the pro­ resulted in a sweeping victory for the @4.50; old hens, $5@5.50; old. roosters, keep them well- "by giving good food, A case of malignant typhus has ap­ royalty rights. $4@4.50 per dozen; dressed chickens, 16 pure water and clean quarters. These posed. Senatorial investigations of a pri­ peared Monarchists. in Cincinnati. Buffalo Bill now stands at the head @18c per pound; ducks, $6.50@7.50; matters should have attention. vate character and the reorganization, Russian and Austrian emigrants are and front of American citizenship. He The World ’ s Fair has taken in $200,- geese, $10@ll per dozen; turkeys, live, schemes will come to nothing this ses­ Pound for pound chicken can be Counterfeit dimes, composed of anti- j sion. They cannot be considered while 000’ in admissions already. told President Cleveland that he was prohibited from passing through Prus­ 15c; dressed, 17c per pound. cheaper than pork, and who will mony and tin, are in circulation in Lane . the contested seats are under considera­ A syndicate is reported to have pur­ not an office-seeker and wanted abso­ sian territory. V egetables —Cabbage, $1.50@1.65 per grown county, Or. The population of Ireland in 1891, ac­ ¡cental; onions, $1.75@2.00 per cental; say the boiled chicken is not more grate­ lutely nothing. tion, and when that subject is disposed chased the New York Times. and healthy than the salt pork and Mrs. McWhirter has begun suits at , of the Senate will probably adjourn, as James J. Hill of St. Paul, the railroad cording to revised returns recently is­ cut onions, 75@90c; potatoes, $1.00 for ful Nearly 400 applications for patents magnate, corned beef everlastingly found on far­ Fresno for $30,000 insurance on,her hus­ the quorum would otherwise disappear were has a splendid collection of sued, was 4,881,248. Garnet Chilis; $1.25 for Burbanks; new, mers made last year by women. ’ tables? band’s life. Chili and Argentina have settled their 5cper.pound; Oregon turnips, 75@90c French paintings -bought on his own within two days after the President no­ Treasury Department has plenty judgment. He talks as understandingly boundary dispute by fixing on the sum­ per sack; young carrots,75c@$1.00; sweet­ There are some very prepotent good The Astoria canners fixed the price at tified the Senate- he has no further busi­ of ■The gold for all practical purposes. mit of the Andes as the boundary line. potatoes, $2.50@4.00 per cental; cauli­ cows among the scrubs; they transmit of aft as of railroads. $1 a salmon, and the Fishermen’s Union ness to present good qualities to their calves in Arkansas proposes to tax all sleeping- demands $1.15. William Ordway Partridge, the Boston Minister to Germany William; Walter flower, 90c per dozen, $2.75 per crate; their Secretary Carlisle is having prepared spite of the scrub bull by which they are sculptor, gets $.10,000 for his statute of Phelps is to have his portrait painted by celery, 90c per dozen; artichokes,.. 60c served. The American Historical Society has a list of the employes of the Treasury car, express and telephone companies. These cows should be tested by dozen; lettuce, 40c per dozen; aspar­ instituted two libel suits at Portland Department, with the salaries they re­ The new iron-pipe combine in the Shakespeare, and Will receive $27,000 for Herr Koppay,,the noted German artist. per ll@16c per pound; parsnips, 85c high feeding. ceive, and -will have it arranged by Southwest will have $20,000,000 capital. his equestrian statute of Garfield. He against the Oregonian. Prince Roland Bonaparte proposes agus, sack; beets, $1.25 per sack; radishes, Farmers desiring to improve the dairy traveling through the United States this per AH the men charged with crime in States. The list has been prepared al­ Americans can now buy bait in New­ is only 31 years oi age. 25c per dozen; green onions, 18c per qualities of their cows without decreas­ ready to such an extent as to show a foundland without taking out a license. The Empress of Austria has translated year with the object of study and re ­ connection With the labor troubles in the dozen; rhubarb, 9@10c per pound; Or ­ ing size so much as the use of Jersey great disproportion among the States, An artful New York Italian has made ‘‘Lear,” “Hamlet,” and “The Tempest” search. Cœur d’Alene are now at liberty. egon, 50c per dozen; green peas, i0@llc; would should try the Guernseys. some, having many more clerks than their Father Joseau, a Catholic missionary spinach, 3%c per pound; cucumbers, bulls There is talk of reducing the miners’ proper quota and others less. The Sec­ about $8,000 by raising $1 bills to $5 bills. into modern Greek, in which language The bulls of this breed often" exceed pay at Nanaimo, B. C. The union is retary, it is understood, intends by every A bank, exclusively for the colored she is wonderfully proficient, talking and in Corèa, was terribly maltreated by a $1.75@2.00 per dozen; string beans, 2c 2,000 pounds in weight. mob recently, being beaten into insensi­ per pound. very strong there, and a strike is not at means in his power to reduce the Dis-- race, has been organized at Anniston, writing it like an educated Athenian. Grain may be thrown into a litter of Oliver Wendell Holmes is sensible bility. all improbable. F ruits —Sicil-y lemons, $5@5.50 per trict of Columbia’s list of employes so Ala. Mme. Navarro (Mary Anderson),.who box; California new crop, $4.50@5.00 clean straw or hay for the fowls to Bands of Apaches are away from their that the States may receive their proper Cattle in the Colorado country win­ enough to be very particular about his for it, but no food, hard or soft, reservation in Arizona. So far the In­ quota of appointments. tered exceedingly well during the late diet and means of living, and to take is living at Tunbridge Wells, England, per box; bananas, $2.50@4.00 per bunch; scratch care that no unwise indulgence on his is reported to be writing her reminis­ -oranges, seedlings, $2@2.75 per box; na­ should be put where the ground or litter dians are charged only with frightening cold spell. Assistant Secretary Bussey has ren­ 1 part shall benefit the doctors or shorten cences. vels, $3.00@3.50; cranberries, $12.50 per is dirty. It is not wholesome for the people and being very saucy. New York’s Board of Electric Control his days. dered an important decision in the mat­ hens, and may prove detrimental to hu­ It costs about $140 to have a ton of ban-el; apples, $1.50@2.25 per box. Governor Murphy of Arizona has ve­ ter of the claim of Joseph P. Smith for is still laboring to get the wires under man beings who may partake of their There is a fortune in store for the au ­ goods transported by carrier from Ma- toed the bill passed by the Legislature an increase of pension on the ground of ground. STAPLE GROCERIES. flesh. thor ■who has a long list of good-selling extending the time of citizenship from new disabilities, in which he overrules The Cherokee Strip will not be opened novels. Ouida has written altogether taddi to .the Pool in Africa, a distance of H oney —Choice- comb, 15@17c per 'Kansas has always prided herself on six months to twelve months. the action of the Commissioner of Pen­ to settlement in time for the planting of twenty-seven novels. They still enjoy a 230 miles. pound; new Oregon, 16@20c. being a great wheat State, but it is said It is a fact of curious interest that ir­ The whisky smuggling on the west sions in allowing an attorney fee of $10. spring crops. S alt —Liverpool, 200s, $15.50; 100s, that her poultry product sells for more large sale and return large royalties to religious France sent the Pope more $16.50; 50s, $17.50; stock, $10.50@11.50. than all her wheat. If, however, things coast of British Columbia is not as ex­ The claim for increase was made under The Atlanta Constitution is earnest in their author. “Peter’s pence”—$450,000—than any tensive as reported. The bulk of it is the act of June 27,1890, and the Assist­ declaring that Georgia is entitled to 2,500 D ried F ruits —Petite prunes, 10@12c; go on much longer as at present writing, If the Infanta Isabella of Spain comes other nation. ant Secretary bolds that all such claims Federal offices. from Victoria, not the United States. silver, ll@14c; Italian, 12@14c; Ger­ all self-respecting hens—to say nothing to this country, she will show the Chi ­ An estimate based on official figures man, 10@llc; plums, old, 5@6c; new, of other bipeds—will leave the State. Reports have been received at Phœnix, should be treated as strictly’increase Two ex-Auditors of Illinois are being cagoans that a woman of forty-two can A. T., of new and rich placer diggings in claims whether new disabilities are sued for the recovery of interest on State dance like a girl, hunt like a M. F. H., places the receipts of Paris theaters last 7@9c; apples, 6@llc; evaporated apri­ the southwestern part of Maricopa claimed or not, for which a fee of only money placed in banks. How Business Men Lunch. and drive a four-in-hand like the Presi­ year at 22,000,000 francs more than the cots, 15@16c; peaches, 12@16c; pears, receipts of-1891. 7@llc per pound. county, about thirty miles north of Agua $2 can be allowed. It is said .that prob­ dent of a coaching club. Business Man (vainly trying to get a lunch) Thomas Helm of Austin, Tex., offers ably 200,000 claims will be affected by R ice — Island, $ 4.75@5.00 ; Japan, $4.75 Caliente. ■ An elevator is being built in the House —At what hour is this rush over, usually? $500 to any one who will secure his ap­ Among the latest of the prominent Superintendent Hussey of the British this decision. of Commons, London, so that women per cental. Restaurant Waiter—Half-past 1, sah. pointment as Postmaster at that place. actors to reply to Elbridge T. Gerry ’ s C offee — Costa Rica-, 22c; Rio, 22c; Columbia police at Victoria has decided Secretaries Gresham and Carlisle while .Governor Northern of Georgia is tired violent assault upon the women of the need not climb eight flights of stairs to Business Man—Well, next time I’ll wait Salvador, 21%c; Mocha, 26%@30c; Java, to go north in connection with the In­ looking into the expenditures of the the ladies’ gallery. until half-past L stage is John Drew, who points to his of politics, and has become enamored 24%@30c; Arbuckle ’ s, Midland, Mo- dian excitement over the alleged Sorrow Behring Sea Commission reached some Restaurant Waiter—Bettah not, sah; nui* Prince Ugo Boncompagni, a high Ro­ kaska and Lion, 100-pdund cases; 25 distinguished mother, who began her Island massacre. allowances which were extravagant and with the life of a religious missionary. professional career about 9. years of age. man noble and formerly Clerical mem­ 35-lOOc per pound; Columbia, same, fin’ left then, sah.—Philadelphia Record. The right of a saloon-keeper to eject The International Nickel Company, should be discontinued. It appears that He holds that the children are better off ber of the Roman Municipal Council, is 24 85-lOOc. How Ho Got Rich. which owned the great nickel mine at everybody connected with the commis­ female crusaders from his premises is to on the stage than in any other occupa­ about to enter a monastery. B eans —Small whites, 3%c; pinks, 3c; be tested in the Illinois Supreme Court. “I was alwaj's poor when I was boarding," Riddles, Or., has sold a two-thirds in­ sion,- from the stenographer down, have tion that is open to them. The financial situation of Chili has bayos, 3%c; butter, 3%c; lima, 3%@4c said Smith. The trial trip of the cruiser New York terest in the property to an English syn­ been given very liberal allowances, which been greatly relieved. The Government per pound. the officials of this administration in­ has been every way successful. All “How did you make your money then?” dicate for $600,000. will take up the forced loans of Balma- S yrup — Eastern, in barrels, 40@55c; asked Jones. The Bonanza mines in the Harqua clude under the head of “ useless extrav­ cruiser speed records have been sur­ ceda, amounting to $9,000,000. in half-barrels, 42@57%c; in cases, 35@ “I began to keep boarders myself.”^'' Halas, Yuma county, A. T., cleaned up agance.” There are, it is said, eight or passed- BUSINESS BREVITIES. The inventory of Victor Hugo’s manu­ 80c per gallon; $2.25 per keg; California, A Chicago syndicate of capitalists is $150,000 as the result of the last month’s ten officials connected with the commis­ scripts has occupied his literary execu ­ in barrels, 20@40c per gallon ; $1.75 per run. This is the largest chunk of gold sion who are receiving more than double contemplating the establishment of an tors eighteen months, and they have keg. pay by drawing $6 to $15 per day in ad­ extensive packing-house plant in the Paper.barrels are a success. ever run into one bar. 400,000 papers and notes classified. S ugar —Net prices: D, 4c.; Golden C, dition to regular salaries, which range City of Mexico. The cigarette manufacture is decreas ­ During high water on the Gila river a from $1,500 to $3,500 per annum. Ru­ 4J£c; extra C,4%c; Magnolia A, 4%c; Last year ’ s profits of the Cunard It is learned positively that a dispatch ing. few days ago a large section of the dam mors of these exposures have made Steamship Company were exceptionally granulated, 5%c; cube, crushed and of the Gila Bend Irrigation Company’s quite a stir in the department, and some has been received from Oxford bv the Locomotives now have electric head­ small, because of the low freight rates powdered, 5%c; confectioners’ A, 5%c EAST AND SOUTH canal, sixty miles southwest of Phœnix, interesting developments are expected. Yale Boat Club opening negotiations for lights. per pound; maple sugar, 15@16c per and the suspension of steerage trade, an international race. was washed away. The damage is England is building a ship that will ■ Monaco is- reported as planning to pourid. The Senate Committee on Foreign Re ­ stated to be not less than $100,000. C anned G oods —Table fruits, assorted, —VIA— The City Electrician of Nashville, cost $4,750,000.! hold a universal exposition next year. Oregon has five live ex-Govemors, and lations held a meeting the other morn­ Tenn., states that it would be very dan­ Europe is. reported to have 50,000 Monaco has a territory of eight square $1.75@2.00; peaches, $1.85@2.10; Bart­ ing. It is understood that, while favor ­ lett pears, $1.75@2.00; plums, $1.37%@ gerous for women wearing crinoline to match factories. all are Democrats but one—Hon. Z. F. miles and a standing army of 126 men. 1.50; strawberries, $2.25@2.45; cherries, Moody of Salem. The Democrats are able to making public the text of the cross .the electric car tracks. There are over 21,000 Western Union The Russian Government has sus ­ Russian treaty, it was unable to agree $2.25@2.40; blackberries, $1.85@2.00; Hon.'L. F. Grover of Portland, Hon. W. Rumors of a shortage have led thè telegraph offices. upon a favorable report by reason of dis- pended the coinage of silver rubles on raspberries, $2.40; , pineapples, $2.25@ W. Thayer Of Portland, Hon. John Randolph County (Mo.) Court to begin —OF THE— private account, for the reason that the agreements relative to tbe correspond ­ The kegs used for the exportation of 2.80; apricots, $1.65@2.00. Pie fruits, Whiteakèr of Eugene and Hon. 8. F. an investigation of the books of County ence accompanying the convention. A silver ruble is now cheaper than paper. gold hold $50,000. assorted, $1.20; peaches, $1.25; plums, Chadwick of Salem. Treasurer Matlock of that county. well-known Senator, who is the cham­ Challemel-Lacour, the newly elected ,$1.10@1.20; blackberries, $1.25@1.40 per The annyal. production of. nenner av- In the suit of John Doe against the pion of general humanitarian, legisla- •_ ... For a long time hitherto New. York "* "member of the French Academy, has dozen. Pie fruits, gallons, assorted, ■ Wulfri rm M ini ng CoT Wj»anv, tided- -in the tiôri, states 'ffiaTFwKen published, the " city bonds have sold, at a premium in all "erAgee 23,0(10 tons. ' been chosen President of the French $3.15@3.50; peaches, $3.50@4.00; apri­ Los Angeles United States District treaty will be found neither more nor the markets of the world. Some new 3 Electric lights are extinguished by a Senate. He is a Senator from Bouches- cots, $3.50@4.00; plums, $2.75@3.00; Court, involving the title to disputed less objectionable than several other per cents have been selling at par. clock arrangement. Express Trains Leave Portland Daily. du-Rhone. blackberries, $4.25@4.50. ground in the mining claims at Calico, treaties, which bave been in operation Twenty-five cents a day is good wages A Washington special to the New York V egetables —Corn, $1.50@1.75; toma­ Judge Ross rendered a verdict for the for some years. The criticisms, he says, H erald The promise made by Mme. Schlie ­ South. North. says that President Cleveland has for a laborer in China. mann after the death of her distin­ toes, $1.10@1.15; sugar peas, $1; string plaintiff. Several suits are practicaUy are due to a conception of the effect of finally made up his mind to call an extra The New York Central has increased 7:00 p. M. Lv ........ .P< rtland ...... ...Ar. 7:35 a . M. guished husband in 1890, that the exca­ beans, 95c per dozen. settled by this decision. the instrument upon the garbled ex­ session of Congress next September. p. M. Lv......... ..Albany....... ..Lv. 4:23 a . m . its capital to $100,000,000. M eat —Corned beef, Is, $1.50; 2s, 10:23 vations at Troy would be continued is 8:15 a . m . Ar.....San Francisco.. ...Lv. 7:00 p. M. The advent of a Chinaman at Great tracts of a surreptitious publication of Birmingham, England, manufactures about to be fulfilled. The Union Club of New York has en­ $2.40; chipped, $2.55 @4.00; lunch Falls, Mont., who proposed to open a the treaty first sent to the Senate. gaged Captain Charles Perry Smith, late 180,000,000 of pins weekly. Roseburg Mail—Daily. tongue, Is, $4; 2s, $6.75; deviled ham, The eruption of the San Martin vol ­ laundry there, created much excitement, 8.30 A. M. Lv.»....... . Portland...... ..Ar. 4:30 p. M. Assistant Secretary Spaulding has I of the Palace Hotel, San Francisco, as Twelve million fans are exported an­ cano in the Tonalo district, State of $1.75@$1.85 per dozen. and caused a mass meeting of laboring A. M. Lv......... ..Albany....... ..Lv. 12:30 M. its Superintendent at a salary of $5,000 nually from Canton, China. F ish —Sardines, %s, 75c@$2.25; %s, 12:45 men, who sent a committee to consult written the following letter to Collectors a year. Chiapas, Mexico, has created great 5:50 p. M. Ar......... Roseburg...... ...Lv. 7:00 A. M. The highest price ever paid for silver alarm.. The flames afone time shot up $2.15@4.50; lobsters, $2.30@3.50; sal­ with the authorities. Police protection on tbe Pacific Coast : ‘ ‘ The department The Delmonico Restaurant at New mon, tin 1-lb tails, $1.25@$1.50; flats, informed that the practice obtains Albany Local--Daily Except Sunday. was $1.21 an ounce, August 19, 1890. was given the Chinaman, but he was is 1,000 feet above the crater. will have to move from its well- $1.75; 2-lbs, $2.25@2.50; %-barrel, $5.50. 5:00 p. m .IL v ..........Portland..........Ar.I10:30 a . m . forced to forego his design and leave among Chinese laborers in this country York Lots of land is changing hands now in Railway extensions are to be built in known stand in May. The Wormser 9:00 p. M.|Ar........... Albany..........Lv.| 6:30 a . m . of entrusting money to merchants, which LIVE AND DRESSED MEAT. town. Upper and Lower Egypt to a cost of is treated as a part of the capital in the Brothers, bankers, have bought the Franklin county, Kan., at $40 an acre. B eef — Prime steers, $ 3.85@4.25 ; Lebanon Branch. The Planz murder case at San Jose- is business. Chinese laborers who have property. The sixty-four corn-canning factories £1,250,000. The existing line from Ghir- again before the people in the shape of made such a disposition of their savings, A friend of the Pennsylvania Hospital, in Maine put up 13,161,028 cans last year. geh to Keneh will be extended and a choice steers, $3.75 @4.00; fair to good 1:20 p. m .IL v ........ .. Albany..... .....Ar. 3:25 P. M. 2:09 P. M. Ar ........ .Lebanon.... ....Lv. 2:39 P. M. steers, $. 3.00@3.50 ; good to choice cows, hints at evidence being found, and that although not actually engaged in busi­ Philadelphia, has presented the institu­ Twenty-one thousand persons are em­ narrow-gauge railway built to Luxor. a . M Lv........ ..Albany.... .....Ar. 10:21 A. M. $3.15@3.75; common to medium cows, 8:10 sensational arrests will shortly follow. ness, have claimed to be merchants, and tion with $50,000, with which to pay for ployed making pins at Redditch, En­ 9:00 a . M.|Ar ........ .Lebanon.... .....Lv. 9:30 À. M. During the past year, it is calculated, $2.50@2.75; dressed beef, $6.00@7.00. The theory Of suicide has never been say they are thereby entitled to leave the a new building for the Out-patient De; gland. that the vast sum of over $700,000,000 Woodburn- Springfield Brancli. M utton — Choice mutton, $ 4.50@4.75 ; popular, the appearance of the clothing country and return at pleasure. The de­ partment; During the last year the imports of spent in the British Isles in alcoholic fair to good, $4.00@4.50; dressed, $8.00; 8:30 a . m .IL v ..........Portland,.........Ar.I 4:30 p. M. and the shoes tending to show that the partment desires you to closely scrutin­ A bill providing for the election- of woolen goods amounted in value to $35,- was drinks, and even this is less by some $1,- lambs, $4.00@4.50; dressed, $7.00@8.00. 2:06 p. M. Lv......... West Scio.........Lv. 10:37 a . m . body had been dragged to where it was ize the certificates which may be pre­ Presidential Electors by Congressional 792,905. 5;45 p. M.|Ar...........Natron..........Lv.I 7:00 a . m . 500,000 than the expenditure of thé year H ogs —Choice heavy, $7.00@7.25; me­ found. The murder was committed last sented at your port by returning Chinese districts has passed the Nebraska House, During 1892 there were 1,768 strikes in previous. dium, $ 6.50@6.75 ; light and feeders, November. DINING CARS ON OGDEN ROUTE. and to require evidence of the standing and is likely to pass the Senate and be­ the State of New York, involving 25,764 In the province of Antwerp, Belgium, $6.00@6.50; dressed, $9.00. The Arizona Legislature has passed a of the holders as bona-fide merchants, come a law. persons. thé unofficial referendum has resulted V eal — $. 4.00@7.00 . bin which provides that upon the peti­ actively engaged in business. In no case More than five hundred street rail­ in the approval of manhood suffrage by The Lower House of the Kentucky S moked M eat and L ard —Hams, Pullman Buffet Sleepers tion of the parents of fifty pupils in in­ should Chinese be permitted to enter as Legislature roads are operated by electricity on-this 15,754 of the 18,701 men who voted. large, has declared against the 17@17%c per pound; hams, me­ -AND— corporated cities and towns a teacher ' merchants unless their right-to. the priv- marriage of cousins on the ground that Continent. per cent of the electors went dium; 17% @18%c; breakfast bacon, 17 must be employed to teach Spanish. -The 1 ilege is clearly established, and where it children of such marriages, are frequently The Bessemer iron miners of Michigan Forty-three SECOND-CLASS SLEEPING CARS to the polls. @18c; short clear sides, 14%@15%c; strongest opposition was from the sec­ appears the practice herein referred to is admit the formation of a pool to limit Attached to all through trains. A .cable to the New York Evening dry salt sides, 13% @14c; lard, compound, tions where Mexicans predominate. The 1 attempted the certificates presented weak-minded. their output. The United Brotherhood of Switchmen Post says : Much damage has been done in tins, 14%c per pound; pure, in tins, ground' Of the ’opposition was that the - should be ignored, the holders arrested More gold has been obtained from West Side Division. result would certainly be the exclusion and the -facts reported to the depart­ held a secret meeting at Philadelphia. Spanish America than from any other to crops in almost every part of the 16@17%c; Oregon lard, ll%@12%c. Between Portland and Corvallis. No definite resolution was. formed as to United Kingdom by- frosts. In some HOPS, WOOL AND HIDES. of English in many schools. ment.” _____ Mail train daily (except Sunday).______ a strike when business is crowded dur­ part of the world. parts of Hungary cereals as well as The great project of irrigating the Mo­ The question of sheathing our naval ing H ops —Quote 12@16c. 7:30 a . m .IL v ......... Portland.......... Ar*I 5:30 p. m . A new wire, called the Hungarian, fruits are wholly destroyed. thé World’s Fair. jave desert by means of a mammoth vessels W ool — Umpqua valley, 16@17c; fall 12:10 p. m .|Ar.......... Corvallis......... Lv.| 12:55 p . m . is covered with three coats of thread and is one to which Secretary Herbert, There are on file in thé Postoffice De­ two coats of celluloid. dam to be built at Victor Narrows, on it is said, The King of Siam, at his own expense, clip, 13@15%c; Willamette valley, 15@ At Albany and Corvallis connect with trains proposes to give some earnest the line of the Southern California rail­ consideration. Naval Constructor Hich- partment more than 5,000 resignations has decided to make an interesting dis­ 18c, according to quality; Eastern Ore­ of the Oregon Pacific railroad. From all sections of the Southern cot­ play in the Manufactures, Agricultural gon, 10@16c per pound, according to Express train daily (except Sunday). road, appears to be an assured fact. born has prepared some important data ■of Postmasters. These cases will be ton belt come reports of a largely in ­ 4:40 p. m .IL v ..........Portland..........Ar.l 8:20 a . m . Documents for the formation of a com­ on the subject. He shows that the At­ considered and disposed of before any and Forestry buildings, at the World’s condition. creased cotton acreage. H ides —Dry hides, selected prime, 7:25 p. M.|Ar.......McMinnville......Lv.| 5:45 a . m . pany have been completed and signed. Fair, and will also erect a royal pavilion on her trial trip with a clean bot­ 'cases of removals are taken up. There are quite a number of Women in of elaborately, carved woods. The capitalists interested are Eastern lanta, 6@8c; green, selected, over 55 pounds, The admission fee io the World ’ s Fair tom attained a speed of 15.5 knots « men from Duluth and elsewhere. The an hour with a 3,345-horse power, grounds will shortly be raised from 25 New York who earn their living by tak­ Socialist delegates from Germany, the 4c; under 55 pounds, 3c; sheep pelts THROUGH TICKETS ing in “baby boarders.” Canada and Europe can be obtained at expenditure involved is about $1,500,000. while Netherlands, Belgium, England, Switz­ short wool, 30@50c; medium, 60@80c; S'ates, the Boston, her exact duplicate, cents to 50 cents, to discourage visitors lowest rates from Mrs. M. E. Woodmansu, agent, More than 500,000 lizard skins were erland, France and Italy at a meeting in long, 90 c @$1-25 ; shearlings, 10@20c; tal­ We tSeio. R. KOEHLER, Manager. “There’s more whisky on the west with a comparatively foul bottom made until thé work, which must now be. shipped E. P. ROGERS, Asst. G. F. & Pass. Agent, Port­ to this country last year from Brussels have decided that the Interna­ low, good to choice, 3@6c per pound. coast than in Victoria,” remarked Frank but 13.8 knots on 3,390-horse power. pushed night and day, is completed. land, Or. the State of Tobosco, Mexico. tional Socialist Congress in Zurich shall Adams, who has just returned to Vic­ Constructor Hiehborn bolds that the .im­ John J. Rhodes, General Manager óf The fish hatchery at Selkirk, Canada, begin on August 6 and last for one week. toria, B. 0., from that section. “The portance of the preservation of the bot­ the Minnesota Bureau of Coal Statistics, which has a capacity of 15,000,000 fry, is Indians are all drunk, and the sealers tom of steel vessels' from corrosion and Hamburg, which last year was the been arrested on the charge of com­ said to be the largest ip Canada. have a hard, time in getting a crew. fouling can hardly be overestimated and has stronghold and' the chief abiding place mitting perjury in giving testimony be ­ Whisky is .being smuggled in by the is continually emphasized by the reports fore the Legislative Investigation Com­ The silver output of Colorado was in­ of cholera in Europe, is now in such a wholesale, and the red men are having a of loss of speed and increased coal con­ mittee. creased last year by 3,000,000 ounces in healthy state that the doctors have the high old . time. The Whisky is coming sumption received from our new un-, spite of the low price of the metal. blues., and, as a cable dispatch says, “ it Statistics prepared by the Bureau of from the American side. I never saw so sheatbed steel vessels now in commis­ There is $12,000,000,000 of -life- insur­ seems as if the epidemic had cleared out much drunkenness on that coast. There sion. Unless our cruisers are to be con­ Statistics for the year ending February ance written in all parts of the world, the other maladies.” does not seem to be any government fined to cruises of short duration in the 28 show a balance of trade against the and of this nearly one-half is placed in Twenty-six members of the anti-Se­ control there at all.” neighborhood of our own ports, it would United States of $32,000,000, against a this country. mitic party in the German Reichstag are balance of $171,000,000 in favor of the appear that they are deficient in the While in the railroad yard at King- Many Americans are investing in the back of the bill prohibiting Jewish im­ man, A. T., Charles H. Reno, a brake- most important , quality—the ability to United States for the previous year. coffee lands of Mexico. The crop this migration and the naturalization of for­ maintain high speed at sea for long pe ­ The Florida orange crop this season year will be very large, and is selling at eign Jews. The bill is designed to catch man, observed a runaway engine ap­ proaching at great speed from one di­ riods. The additional expense incurred will probably be the largest ever known. $27 per quintal. votes in the country districts where the in putting oh the sheathing of wood and The trees are now in blossom, and are so rection and passenger No. 2 from the Judenhetze spreads like an epidemic. A controlling interest in the Lake Su ­ ; copper is in reality a great saving dur ­ Equal with the interest of those having claims against the government is full of bloom that should only half of other, both on the same track. He Recent additions to the British Navy that of INVENTORS, who often lose the benefit of valuable inventions because perior mine, near Duluth, has been pur ­ ing thé lifetime of a ship, as it obviates: them mature the trees would not hold quickly sprang to a sidetrack switch rendered necessary a large increase of the incompetency or inattention of the attorneys employed to obtain their , and shunted the engine, which was de­ the necessity Of frequent docking and the fruit without considerable propping chased by the Wetmore-Merritt syndi­ have in the number of men required. In patents. Too much care cannot be exercised in employing competent and reli­ cate for $250,000. railed and somewhat damaged. The en­ the largely increased coal bills-when the and bracing. 1890-91 there were 68,800 men on the gineer had jumped from the cab as soon the metal bottom is foul. For a vessel The discovery is reported to have been The largest order for type since the fleet list. In 1891-92 the number was able solicitors to procure patents, for the value of a patent depends greatly, if not as the locomotive became unmans geai 1 j, like the Chicago tbe cost would be Le- made that the peninsula of Michigan invention of printing was for 75,000 71,000, the present year 74,100, and for entirely, upon the care and skill of the attorney. With the view of protecting inventors from worthless or careless attorneys,- but the fireman had remained at his 1 tween $300 and $400 for docking alone. west of .the Sault and Mackinac to the pounds, given to a New York firm by the the coming financial year provision is and óf seeing that inventions are well protected by valid patents, we have re­ post. The latter escaped uninjured. A To this sum must be added about $1,000 Montreal and Menominee rivers and Government Printing Office. asked for 76,700. for scraping and painting. In Great from Lake Superior to Lake Michigan tained counsel expert in patent practice, and therefore are prepared to purse was made up for the brakeman. It is estimated at Washington that we A Hungarian inventor claims to be competition has brought the and the straits has never been legally sow 54,000,000 bushels of wheat, and eat The Chinese Six Companies at San Britain Obtain Patents in the United States and all Foreign Countries, Conduct In­ charges for private docks down to a min­ ceded to the United States. 300,000,000 bushels. This approximates able to spin ordinary wood pulp, or cel­ Francisco have issued a new circular of­ imum, terferences, Make Special Examinations, Prosecute Rejected Cases, lulose, into yarn, from which all sorts of but the docks in India, China, ficially and openly advising the Chinese Australia and on the Pacific Coast are Millionaire Potter of Chicago has 1,000,000 bushels a day for our wants. textile tissues can be made in .the ordi­ Register Trade-Marks and Copyrights, Render Opinions as to to refuse compliance with thé Geary law. very expensive.- ■ Captain Hiehborn rec­ deemed it necessary to publicly deny un­ Twenty thousand tons of matches are nary way, equaling in durability, ap­ Scope and Validity of Patents, Prosecute and A translation of the circular is in part as ommends that all cruising vessels in­ der his signature the story of the news­ exported every year from Norway and pearance and fastness of color the best Defend Infringement Suits, Etc., Etc. follows : “ This registration law is not tended for general service in foreign wa­ boy, Dunnivant, that he (Potter) rail­ Sweden; this furnishes about one-third cotton goods. If his scheme is practi­ right. AH authorities we have consulted ters be sbeathed if above 1,000 tons dis-- roaded Dunnivant to the penitentiary to of the entire number consumed in Eu­ cable, it will revolutionize the textile in­ If you have an invention on hand send a sketch or photograph thereof, to­ agree to this. We have employed five placement, and that vessels of less than get him out of the way of his daughter, rope. gether with a brief description of the important features, and you will be at once dustry. attorneys to go to Washington at the 1,000 tons displacement intended for gen­ whom he wanted to marry. Since the Cape diamond-fields were Langtry raced back to London from advised as to the best course to pursue. Models are seldom necessary. If Supreme Court to fight this unjust law. eral service as cruising gunboats, etc., be are infringing on your rights, or if you are charged with infringement by The result of the efforts to increase the. discovered in T867, 50,000,000 karats of her Mediterranean yachting tour with others Wait until May 5 before you do anything. of a composite construction, with steel­ stones valued at $350,000,000 have been the utmost speed when she heard the others, submit the matter to us for a reliable OPINION before acting on the Wait and we will help you. The Chi­ framing wood outside, planking and cop­ trade of the United States with the coun- | exported. matter. These would load up two big news of the death of ’Squire Abingdon tries of South and Central America nese Minister has gone to the head men per sheathing. Baird, but except to lawyers she has seems to be an increase in the exporta­ coal trains. of the government to get decisions, and THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, sheen ranch in the world is been at home to nobody since. Her big, 618 F STREET, NORTHWEST, tion of American agricultural impie- The largest . „--------- .-------- we hope to get them soon, in order that WASHINGTON, D.C. costly mansion in Pent street, London, ments, the figures of one country, the in the counties of Dimmit and Webb, France had in operation on December our people may not be arrested and sent p. o. box 463. JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney. is believed to be in her own name, though Argentine Republic, alone showing an Tex. U /' nn It contains upward of 400,000 to jail. We ought to do what is right 31, 1892, 35,383 kilometers of railway1 and not pay money for registration, and lines, an increase of 724 kilometers over increase from $327,000 to $1,391,000 dur- acres and yearly pastures from 1,000,000 Abingdon’s right to smash the furniture 49* Cut this out and send it with your inquiry. used to be recognized. ing the year. I to 1,600,000 sheep. thus lose our respectability.” the mileage at the end of 1891. Assistant Secretary Spaulding Writes a Letter to the Collectors on the Pacific Coast. OREGON The Shasta Route SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. FOR INVENTIONS.