Misleading Street Car Signs. A victim of the ingenious system of misdirection by signs upon the street cars has related to me his adventures in making an economical transit across the city. His itinerary consisted of a trip to the New York and New England railroad station, where he was to. pick up a gripsack and umbrella left at the parcel room in the morning, and thence to take a train out of town on the Eastern railroad. This was to be done at the small cost of ten cents, by avail­ ing himself of the admirable facilities in the way of street ear transportation. He tells me that he first boarded a ear on which the name of the New Eng­ land railroad rwxtion was prominently displayed, and sat in peaceful confi­ dence until he found himself in the neighborhood of the Maverick bank, when a question put to the conductor drew out the information that the route named on the sign board of' the ear would not be followed until “some time in the fall.” . He took a herdic and thus made his first station. Securing his gripsack he thought himself fortunate in finding a car just passing whose signs told that it was on its way to the “Eastern depot.” When some point in the South Cove was reached he learned from the con­ ductor, on inquiry, that if he should get out and walk to the next block he would find a car going in the opposite direction which would take, him to his destination. He then hired another herdic and managed to catch his train. —Boston Post. A SÚIGVLAB SOCIETY. THE “SHUT WHOSE MEMBERS NEVER W fcACH OTHER. A Unique Organ ol Invalids Whose 1,800 Members Arr Distributed Through* out the World—They Exchange Letters and Photographs—Their Magazine. New York city is the headquarters of a society whose members and associates. 1,800 in number, are scattered over the five great divisions of the world. It Is an association scarcely known beyond the circle of its own members and their Indi vidual friends and acquaintances. It is never mentioned in the newspapers. It is governed by no laws or rules. Yet there is nothing secret in its origin, aim or organization, for it is organized. It is not a charitable society though it does not despise donations, and its members are willing to help each other to theii full extent. Its name will not be found in the directory list of organized associations in this city. or. in fact, in any list whatso­ ever Its members never meet together, never see each other, never exchange handshakes or othei greeting in propria persona. It has no club bouse, no rooms for social gatherings There is no annual dinner, there are no periodic festivities or celebrations, as with most societies. The organization alluded to ia an altogether unique affair. This remarkable sisterhood and brother­ hood—for it includes persons of both sexes as well as of all ages—is called ths Shut In society. Its members consist of men. women and children who' are “shut in” by disease from the outside world, of invalids who seldom or never leave their rooms, or perhaps even their beds, and who in some cases have remained for more than a generation in one never changing spot, catching sight of life and nature Paid Off in His Own Coin. A remarkable ease of “diamond cut only through the window. “ Well! Well In That’s the way you feel after one or two of Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets have done their work. You feel well, instead of bilious and consti­ pated ; your sick headache, dizzi­ ness and indigestion are gone. It’s done mildly and easily, too. You don’t have to feel worse before you feel better. That is the trouble with the huge, old-fashioned pill. These are small, sugar-coated, eas­ iest to take. One little Pellet’s a laxative, three to four are cathartic. They regulate and cleanse the liver, stomach and bowels—quickly, but thoroughly. They’re the cheapest pill, sold by druggists, because you only pay for the good you get. They’re' guaranteed to give satis­ faction, every time, or your money is returned. That’s the peculiar plan all Dr. Pierce’s medicines are diamond” occurred in Boston recently, ORIGIN OF THE NAME The name of the society was suggested sold on. not far from the Providence railroad by the words. “And the Lord shut him station. A druggist had fitted up a in, Can you ask more ? ” from Genesis xvii, 16, where refer­ I If Vou have a i ¡COLD er COUCH,! > CONSUMPTION^ ; I SCOTTS j acute or leading; to | ; ! EMULSION ! AND HYPOPHOSPHITES ! OF LIME AXD SODA pure con ijvi : k oik . ' IS STTJEVES CURE ! ( XT. ( ( This preparation contains the stimula- i ting properties of the Hypophosphites 3 and fine Norwegian Cod Liver Oil, Used J by physicians all the world over. It is as j palatable as milk. Three times as effica- { cious as plain Cod Liver Oil. A perfect I Emulsion, better than all others made. For ) all forms of Wasting Diseases, Bronchitis, ! j 5 J ( ( { 3 CONSUMPTION, and as a Flesh Producer c { there Is nothing like SCOTT’S EMULSION, j | It is sold by all Druggists. Let no one by ( C profuse explanation or impudent entreaty C c induce you to accept a substitute. > Scrofula, ELECTRICITY IN SURGERY. Cancer of Womb Cured'Without- Fain. Last Wednesday Mrs. Long of Rich­ woods came to Dr. Toel to be operated upon for a caiicer of the womb. The growth was removed by means of the galvano-caustic battery, not a drop of blood being lost. The operation was en- tir ly painless, Mrs. Long quietly chat­ ting with the Doctor the whole time. Mrs. Long returned home in the after­ noon and is getting along very nicely.— Peoria Journal. Dr. Toel is now located in Portland. The cancer, with hundreds of other can­ cers and tumors successfully removed by hipa, can be seen in his office. Dr. Toel has studied four years at the Universities and large Hospitals of Germany, Switz­ erland and England, and is the only sar- geon in the Northwest who operates by electricitv without loss of blood. DOCTOR TOEL Makes a specialty of Diseases of the neat corner stora and had established at once á fine trade. One day another druggist entered his store and said: “I want to buy you out. How much will you take?” “I do not want to sell,” was the reply. “I expected that an­ swer,” said the encroaching person, “and I am prepared for it. Now, if you don’t sell out to me I will open a drug store in opposition on the oppo­ site corner. How much will you take ?” The druggist, offended at this species of browbeating, said he would sleep on it and report the next morning. At the appointed hour the aspirant was in the store and a. large price was named. The bargain was bound. The druggist who had been thus ousted from a cor­ ner which he had fitted up with a view to years of peace and profit sought the pwners of the opposite corner which had been held out to him as a threat, secured from them a long lease, worked night and day, and now has a drug store in which any. community might take satisfaction and repose confidence. What is more, he is doing a better busi­ ness than he did in the former locality. —Boston Saturday Gazette. ence is made to the Creator’s inclosure of Noah inside the ark. In a polyglot Bible the marginal texts imply that these words may be taken in an emblematic as well as a practical sense, and that when the former meaning is bestowed they signify a kindly and protective Providence. It is in this sense in which the term “shut in” has been appropriated by the society. The name was bestowed by Mrs J M £>. Conklin, of Convent, N J., and the society itself originated in 1877 among the contributors to The Advocate or Guardian, the organ of the American Female Guardian society and Home for the Friendless, in this city Some of these contributors, secluded by sickness, exchanged letters of sympathy and this formed the basis of an ever widening communion which existed for eight years in an unorganized condition. The society was finally incorporated in August. 1885 Its objects are mainly to relieve the weariness of the” sick room by sending and receiving letters and tokens of re membranes, and to testify to the consola tion and help derived from religion To be a sufferer, shut in from the outside world, constitutes one a proper candidate for membership There are about 600 associate members who are not them selves invalids, but who. being in deep sympathy with chronic sufferers, devotes considerable portion of time to their re lief There is an advisory board of fif teen persons chosen from the society and A la Mother Goose. selected from different parts of the coun The Nawab Vicar ul Oinrah recently try. their duty being to confer personally by letter concerning the interests of tendered a breakfast at his magnificent or the association new. palace near Hyderabad to the En­ glish viceroy of India and his staff. Whether he borrowed an idea from Mother Goose or his imagination was inspired by the same muse that inspired her we cannot know, but certainly ap­ preciation is due him for making “a true story” of that fascinating rhyme about the “four and twenty blackbirds baked in a pie.” It all happened at his breakfast. “Large, but not suspiciously large, cakes were handed around,” writes one of the guests. “As they were opened a little amaduvad, or wax bill, flew chirp­ ing out of each and alighted on the flowers and shrubs with which the ta­ ble was covered or flew about the room. “There were sixty guests, so that when the pies were opened no less than sixty birds began to sing.” Nose, Throat and Neck, Skin, Urinary Organs, Female Diseases and all Surgical, Operations, as for Fistula, Piles, Strict­ ure, Cancer, Polypus and all other Tu­ mors and Ulcers. Operations performed by means of electricity without loss of Changes in tlie **Big Dipper.” blood. Office — No. 70’4 Washington street, corner Fourth, rooms 3, 4 and 5 One of the most notable examples of Washington building, Portland, Or. the constant and yet almost imper­ See this paper of the last three weeks. ceptible changes taking place in the Can be made easily by heavens is to be found in the motion of raising chickens. Our large 32-page illus­ the seven bright stars collectively trated catalogue tells known as the big dipper. Huggins, all ab^ut the noted astronomer,, is now engaged INCUBATORS, in proving that five of these stars are moving in the same direction, while Brooders, what to feed chickens, in fact all the other two are moving in a direction the secrets of the directly opposite. Prof. Flainmarion chicken business. If you only keep half a has reduced Huggins’ calculations to a dozen hens, you need this book. It gives system, arranging them upon charts. more information These ingeniously constructed heavenly than many of the books sold at 25 cents. outlines show that 100,000 years ago We send it free on re­ the “Dipper” stars were arranged in ceipt of 4 cents in stamps to pay postage. the outline of a large and irregular PETALUMA INCUBATOR CO., Petaluma,Cal. shaped cross; and that 100,000 years hence they will have assumed the form of an elongated diamond, stretching over three or four times the extent of ¡For LOST or FAILING MANHOOD; sky now occupied.—St. Louis Republic. MONEY FOB I General and NERVOUS DEBILITY? I Weakness of Body and Mind, Effects lof Errors or Excesses in Old or Young. Robust, Noble MAXHOOD fully Restored. How to enlarge enla rge hnd Sñ¿ ilOOD tally.Restored. Strengthen U KAK, UNDEVELOPED ORGANS & PARTS OF BODY. Absolutely unfailing HOME TREATMENT—Benefits in a day. Men testify from 50 States and Foreign Countries. Write them. Descriptive Book, explanation and .-proofs mailed (sealed) free* ERIE MEDIQAI. CO., BUFFALO, N. V. I CURE FITS ! When I say cure I do not mean merely to stop them for a time and then have them return again. I mean a radical cure. I have made the disease of FITS, EPIL­ EPSY or FALLING SICKNESS a life-long study. I warrant my remedy to cure the worst cases. Because others have failed is no reason for not now receiving a cure. Send at once for a treatise and a Free Bottle of my infallible remedy. Give Express and Post Offica H. ft. KOO.T.M, C..183 Pearl SSL New Tort» Big G is the acknowledged leading remedy for all the unnatural discharges and private diseases of men. A certain cure for the debili­ tating weakness peculiar to women. I prescribe it and feel safe in recommending it to all sufferers. M D., D ecatur , III. Druggists. $1.00. Trade HOW TO WIN AT CARDS, Dice, etc. A sure thing,sent free to anyone on receipt of 4c, stamps io pay postage. Address or c ill hl person, BEL. SUYDAM, 22 Union Square, New York. WINTER IS COMING. Sfend to Sinitli’s for your winter outfit. They have the biggest stock of underclothing. They have the best boots and shoes. They have the cheapest hosiery for everybody. They have the Greatest variety of dry goods. They have family groceiies of all kinds. They have dried fruit of the new crop. They have canned goods at wholesale prices. They have warm mittens and gloves. They have, blankets from $1.25 up. They have comforts from 90 cents each to $5. They have overalls of every size. They pay spe­ cial a+tention to all orders. Address for full particulars and copy of Home Circle (free) | O.ash Store, 418 Front Street, I San F ra n ci so. Ca I. STEINWAY, Gabler and Pease Painos Meaning the B est P iano M abe , and the favorite cheaper Pianos; all Musical Instruments; Bands Sup­ plied; large stock of Sheet Music. S teinway H all , 206 and 208 Post. Street; M atthias G bay O o . Call »pli nee our ugw rooms »nd new stock. An Ancient Bank Note. Mr. Barber, an antiquarian of West Chester, Pa., has recently come into the possession of a Chinese bank note of the Fourteenth century. It is a note of the Ming dynasty, made of fibrous paper of a grayish eolor, covered with Chinese characters. The owner says there are but two other specimens of these early bank notes in existence, one being in the Imperial museum at St. Petersburg, Russia.—St. Louis Repub- Hr» Circus Men Smoke .Good Cigars. I shall probably sell a box of imported cig M-.s the day Forepaugh’s circus strikes Lewiston. Forepaugh’s and Barnum’s men always smoke the best imported cigar they ean get when in this city. Two for sixty cents always hits ’em. .In the winter, when there are plenty of theatres and' operas in the city, vie al­ ways have a big trade on imported goods with star actors and singers. The Key West trade has been picking up very fast lately. The local trade in these goods is way ahead of the im­ ported business. • Key West goods run all the way from §60 to §100 a thou­ sand.—Interview in Lewiston Journal. Electricity as a Purifier. THE SOCIETY MAGAZINE. Mrs Mary L Dickinson is the editor of The Open Window the organ of the asso ciation. a neat twenty page monthly maga. zine. As a rule, the reading mattei be trays only an average order of 'intellect, while at the same time It remains true that some of the members of this remark able federation have minds .that are as cultivated as their sensibilities are acute. The vast majority are women The rea son for this is that there are more chronic invalids among women than among men. and that the gentler natures of women, thus . afflicted, lead them to this sympa theticintercommunion, whereby they f irm cherished ties with fellow sufferers whom they have never seen and never will see. Many of the “shut ins” are poor and support ¡¡themsel ves One of them, pos sessed of some literary ability, has secured entrance into not less than twenty seven magazines and newspapers, more than can be said of many talented professional writers in the enjoyment of health and strength .Another, who is compelled to be constantly on her back, has executed some exquisite lace work, but so slowly ¿nd with such difficulty that it is scarcely an exaggeration to claim that every stitch took an hour One member is an agent for magazines and journals, a good many get up devotional and birthday boxes scrap books, crazy quilts, paper flowers, paper boxes, dolls' clothes, etc., occupy the time of some. Interchange of photo graphs and letters is popular among in valids who read about each other in The Open Window It is stated that the ex istence of the Shut In society has a tonic effect upon its members They constitute a unique phalanx, bound together by the tie of suffering the bondage of a room, vet sparsely spread all over the world From Sweden to the Sandwich Islands from the Netherlands to Syria, in India, Burmah. China and Japan the “shut ins" are to be found, as well as in the towns and cities of Great Britain and the United States. Invalid children who wish to join the association may do so In fact, especial attention has recently been given to juvenile “shut ins” between the ages of 5 and 12, a lady in Plainfield and one in Boston having them in particular charge A missionary society has likewise been started, called the invalids' Bieniliary.— New York Herald. The “Torpid Liver*’ Myth A silly notion that is widely prevalent is that relative to Inaction of the liver The term “torpid liver” is in every one's mouth, and is held to account for every bad feeling, whether it be to excess in ' eating qj drinking, late hours, lack of i muscular -exercise, excitement over bad I ventures on the market or other forms of dissipation. The liver, is quite an import ant organ, and has m ueb to do with the secondary processes of digestion—those which go on after the stomach and pan qreas have done their work —but it is in nocent of most of the sins laid at its door The bile is manufactured in large amcunis daily, but. we know positively of few uses I to which it is put in the body, and of stii. fewer drugs that are able to increase the daily output. If we were certain that we could, at will, stimulate this huge gland to secrete more bile, it is very uncertain that any benefit would result from arous ing it from its torpor Boston Budget. Eels contain as much poison as vipers, according to one studious Italian scientist. Aftercareful investi­ gation he finds that an eel- weighing four pounds possesses enough venom to kill ten men. When the. fish is cooked, however, the poison loses its power.— Chatter. It has been discovered that a current j Not Her Size. of electricity passed through impure j Customer from Seedville—Do you water restores it to purity .by destroy­ ing any living germs with which it may | keep the best make of shoes here? City Dealer—Yaas; our shoes are all be impregnated. Ariimalculæ which escape the eye, and which almost éludé | A No. 1. the microscope, cannot escape the all I Customer from Seedville—Then you searching power of the electric flash.— ! can’t suit me. I take B No, 5,— ¿krgosv. A PREVALENT DISEASE. Ten Symptoms Peculiar to Churcligoing Members on Wet Sundays. When preachers hanker for a rest the flock ean hardly be condemned for doing likewise. With the mercury traveling above the 90 mark the inducements for churchgoing are hardly as strong as When the temperature is more moderate. And when the regular shepherd is tak­ ing in ocean or mountain breezes the part of the flock which by necessity is compelled to stay by the stuff can read­ ily find excuses for absence from church when a strange preacher fills the pulpit. What with camp meetings, watering places and hot weather the stay at home preacher meets with slim congregations, as a rule, during dog days. There are not a few churches in this city of which a large proportion of the membership are absent from the city during the months of July and August. Some churches take advantage of the summer lull to clean and renovate. It has come to be understood that the pastor is to have his rest at this season of the year, and most of the churches stipulate this when the bond is made. In the fine of absenteeism from church services the following is suggestive: “The attack comes on suddenly every Sunday; no symptoms are felt on Sat­ urday night; the patient sleeps well and awakes feeling well; eats a' hearty breakfast- but- about church time the attack comes-'bn and”continues until the services are over for tile morning.” Then the-patient feels easy and eats a hearty dinner. In the afternoon he feels much better and is'able to take a walk, talk politics and read the Sunday papers; he eats a hearty supper, but about church time he has another at­ tack and stays at home. He retires early, sleeps well and wakes Monday morning refreshed and able to go to work, and does not have any symp­ toms of the disease till the following Sunday.' The peculiar features of the disease are as follows: 1. It always attacks members of the church. 2. It never makes its appearance except on the Sabbath. 3. The symptoms vary, but it never interferes with the sleep or ap­ petite. 4. It never lasts more than twenty-four hours. 5. It generally at­ tacks the head of the family. 6. No physician is ever called. 7. It always proves fatal in the end—to the soul. 8. No remedy is known for it except prayer. 9. Religion is the only anti­ dote. 10. It is becoming fearfully prevalent, and is sweeping thousands every year prematurely to destruction.” —Pittsburg Dispatch. THE HISTOGJENETIC MEDICINES Bring Health and Happiness to Gladden Six More Souls Made Happy by Dr. Dar­ Many Hearts. rin’s Electric Skill. S eattle , W ash ., December 11.1890. Ed Hynes, Albina—Catarrhal deafness; Dr. J. Eugene Jordan, Seattle, Wash.—D ear restored. P. ”G. McFarlane, Vancouver—Sciatic Sir: One year ago last October my little girl was vaccinated against my wishes. Her arm was rheumatism; cured. Geo, C. Scotien, Albina. Or.—Ringing inflamed for seven weeks. After that her head broke out in terrible sores, discharging pus and noises in the tar and deafne's; .cured. J. R. Cunningham, Wapinitia, Wasco never healing until spring. She had such ter­ county, Or.—Total deafness two years in rible pain in her head that it drove her almost one ear and partially so in the other; insane. In August she received a fall which cured. made her much worse, and she was taken with Mrs. J. E. Smith, Prineville, Or.—'Nerv­ spinal meningitis in its worst form. She grew ous debility and general weakness, almost bor- ering on insan ty; restored. constantly worse, and the doctors couJd do noth­ Henton McCoy, Dufur, Wasco county, ing for her. She was just about dying, perfectly speechless, almost blind and suffering intense Or.—Deafness and terrible pain in the ear and bead for six months, until tie was agony. We had given up all hope, and would nearly crazy; restlessness and ii somnia. have been glad to see her die to end her terrible Restored to health by electricity after all suffering, when, hearing through Mrs. McDou­ other treatments had failed. gald of Dr. Jordan, we sent for you. When you came, about 9 o’clock in the evening, you said B ts . Darrin’s Specialties ’ and. Place of she was as low as a child could possibly be and Business. be alive, but that the Histogenetic Medicines, if Drs. Darrin make a specialty of diseases used according to directions, would cure her. of the Eye, Ear. Nose and Throat, and all We began giving her the medicines at 10 o’clock nervous, ch ronic and privatediseases, such the same evening, and she never had a paroxysm as Loss of Manhood; Blood- Taints,, Syph­ after th at. Previous to this the spasms would come on about this time in the evening and con­ ilis, Gleet, Gonorrhoea, Stricture, Sper­ tinue without intermission until 4 in the morn­ matorrhoea., Seminal weakness, or Loss of ing, during which time we had to hold her in Desire of Sexual Power in manor woman. bed to keep her from injuring herself. When All peculiar Female Troubles, Irregular the struggle was over, she would lie more like a Menstruation, Displacement, etc,, are corpse than a living child. As you said would be the case, the cure was slow, but sure, and she confidentially and successfully treated, is now peifect-ly well. I cannot sufficiently ex­ and will under no circumstances tak“ a press my gratitude to you for what the Histoge­ .else that they cannot cure or benefit. netic Medicines have done for our child I Consultation free. Charges reasonable. remain very sincerely, Cures of private diseases guaranteed and MBS. OWEN DUFFY, -never published in the. papers. Circulars « Taylor’s Mill, Lake Washington. RUPTURE AND PILES CURED. We positively cure rupture and all rectal dis­ eases without pain or detention from business. No cure, no pay; and no pay until cured. Ad­ dress for pamphlet Drs. Porterfield & Losey, 838 Market street, San Francisco. Flirtation is ably defined as attention without intention. Frank ~W, Gillett, 221 Second avenue, New York, writes : “ I deem it my pleasure to testify to the phenomenal effects of B randreth ’ s P ills i upon myself in eradicating from my sys­ tem the most aggravated form of indiges­ tion, the attacks of which were nearly as severe as spa ms. After a costly treat­ ment two boxes of B randreth ’ s P ills have put me in a better condition than I have been for years.” WobmClqs.. S wellings THE CHÄBLES A. VOGELEB CO., Battimare. UM. For wet or sloppy weather you need EDSON’S PATENT WATERPROOF GA RMENTS and PAR- RET’S PATENT WATERPROOF DRESS SHOES f.r ladies and gentlemen; fully guaranteed or money refunded; nothing equals them. Send stamp and address for full particulars. BLAIR & DERBY, General Agents, A Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. Superior to every other known. Used in Millions of Homes— 40 Years the Standard. Room 5., Green Building, Portland, Or. Agents wanted—ladies or gentlemen. - FAY’S LATENT laoiOo-Lgatter Osofing. Delicious Cake and Pastry, Light Flaky Biscuit, Griddle Cakes, Palatable and Wholesome. No other baking powder does such wotk. The cheapest thing in the market for houses, barns, icehouses and outbuildings. Write for catalogue and samples. PACIFIC ROLL PAPER CO., Pacific Coast Agent 30 and 32 First street, San Francisco, Cal. A German Compliment.—Young Lady—If you don’t stop paying me compliments I’ll put my hands over my ears. The Herr Professor—Ach, Mees Ghones, zey are too schmall! IE YOU HAD A FRIEND About to visit some section of country where malarial disease, either in the form of cnil sand fever or bilious remitient, was particularly rife, what would be about the best advice yon could give him? We will tell you—to, carry along or procure on arriving that potent me licinal safe­ guard, Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters, known throughout malaria-plagued regions, here and in other countries, as the surest means of dis­ arming the miasmatic scourge and robbing it of its fell destructive influence. Not only does it fortify the system by increasing its stamina, but overcomes irregularity or digestion, the liver and the bowels, and counteracts the unfavorable effects of overexertion, bodily and mental expos-! ure in rough weather, or occupation too - seden-1 tary or laborious, loss of appetite and excessive j nervousness. The functions of alimentation, Will positively cure Nervousness, Loss of Man­ bilious secretion and sleep have in it a most hood, Impotency, Lame Back, Rheumatism, In­ digestion, General Debility, etc. powerful and reliable auxiliary. Price S5 S1O and STS. Also Drugs, Trusses, Crutches, Elastic Stockings, Watts—Wonder wh they always call a loco­ motive *• she?” Potts—Maybe it is on account Shoulder Braces, Electric Insoles, Etc. of the horrible noise it makes when it tries to whistle. If every woman in this land knew for herself the actual quality of Dobbins’ Electric Soap, no other washing soap could be sold. Mi:lions do use it, but other millions have never tried it. Have you ? Ask your grocer for it. He—I love you passionately, my darling. She— Ah! T l .at remark has the genuine engagement ring. JOHN A. LAUE S tate of O hio , C ity of T oledo J L ucas C ounty . j ss* x F rank J. C i - ieney makes oath that he is the senior partner of the firm of F. J. C heney <& Co., doing business in the city of Toledo, county and State aforesaid, and that- said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot, be. cured by the use of H all ’ s C atarrh C ure . FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in ray pres­ ence this 6th day of December, A. D. 1886. [ seal .] A. W. GLEASON, Notary Public. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. Sold by Druggists, 75c; • -- ------ » ..... — A contented wife is apt to have a contented husband. Beware of imitations of the celebrated Seal of North Carolina Plug Cut Tobacco. T ry G ermea for breakfast. Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Corn», HEADACHE, and ALL PAIN. The California Positive and Negative ELECTRIC COUGH CURE CUBES COLDS, CBOUP, C0KSUMPTI0K. Sold by all Druggists. Kach 25c, 60c & $1. Creasinger & .Co., Prop’s, Los Angeles.Cal. The Reliable Druggist, Third and Taylor, Portland, Or. VASELINE. ONE DOLLAR sent us by mail, we will de­ free of all charges, to any person in the F IR liver, United States, all the following articles carefully H. T. HUDSON, —IMPORTER AND DEALER IN— Guns, Ammunition, FISHING TACKLE, ETC., 93 First Street, Portland, Oregon. packed in a neat box: One two-ounce bottle of Pure Vaseline;.. 10 cts. One two-ounce bottle Vaseline Pomade...15 “ One jar of Vaseline Cold Cream. ............15 “ One cake of Vaseline Camphor Ice......v..10 “ One cake of Vaseline Soap, unscented. ...10 “ One cake of Vaseline Soap, scented.........25 “ One two ounce bottle of < White. Vaseline,25 “ —$1 10 Or for stamps any single article at the price named. If you have occasion to use Vaseline in any form be careful to accept only genuine goods put up by us in original packages. A great many druggists are trying- to persuade buyers to take VASELINE put up by them. Never yield to such persuasion, as the article is an imita­ tion without value and will not give you the result you. expect. A bottle of Blue Seal Vaseline is sold by all druggists at 10 c- nts. tlA man’s work is from sun to sun,” and wom­ an’s work descends from daughter to daughter. Chesebroiigli M’f’g Co,, 24 State St.,New York. Get one of the celebrated F. A. Loomis’ Double- Barrrel, Breech-loading Shotguns, Top Snap, Bar Locks, Damascus Barrels, Fancy Stocks, Pis­ tol Grip and Greener Treble Wedge Fast, 12 Gauge, for 8»25. h o Sent by express with 25 Brass Shells and Re­ Sent free. PATHS UK O’FA JR KE LU, At­ loading Tools upon receipt of price. torney-at-law, Washington, D. C. ,NVENT-%TGU' Io I Eli ! Ö H « Io Obtain a Patent CURE Biliousness, Sick Headache, Malaria. This Picture, Panel size, mailed for 4 cents. j. f Makers . S mith & co., of “ Bile Beans,” BILE BEUS. 255 & 257 Greenwich St, N. Y. City. C.kW. BOYNTON SAW CO., • -MANUFACTURERS OF THE----- Lance Tooth, Dexter, Simmons anil Champion Patterns Saws (Warranted). Wedges and. Sledges for Woodchoppers, Portland, Or. C.W. BOYNTON’S LATEST PATENTWONDER SAW There is a beautiful farm - just back of Ocean Springs, Miss., owned by Mr. Parker Earle, who, very wisely, allows no man on the place to use a whip on any of the stock. _ It is said that there is but one old whip on the farm, probar bly a relic of some other owner, but the old whip is not used, and the faryi does well and the animals work with a.will and never feel the lash. Kindness can run. anything, even a farm.—New Or­ leans Picayune. PAT.N0V.a5.18B4- ■■Ki-, - ARE THE BEST FOR ALL SOILS AND CLIMES. GROWIM g®1 g® g®, 8L® O for you, OATS 135 bu., WHEAT 10 bU.. . CORN 100 bu. POTATOES 500 bu. per a. BSTSend 8 cents for sample farm seeds and catalogue. I^Send 6c. for pkg. KAcme Radish” and elegant catlg. Our Catalog is the finest ever published in America. On Trial35 pkgs. Earliest Vegetable Seeds,post pd. $1. 15 pkgs. Elegant Flower Seeds, post paid,JO bents. : Freight to Pacific Coast States./ ' ~ Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys­ tem effectually, dispels colds, head­ aches and fevers and cures habitu.-1i. constipation permanently. For sale in 50c and $1 bottles by all druggists. CALIFORNIA FIG SÏRUP CO. The Order of Freemasonry is said to have been established by Solomon at the time of building his tempi». The order has been derived from many sources, but not till about 1717 did the second stage of its history begin in London, which is, in fact, the home of Masonry as now taught. The first lodge in the United States was organ­ ized in 1729 and was then under the jurisdiction of the grand lodge of Eng­ SAN FRANCISCO, CAL, LOUISVILLE, KY. NEW YORK, N.Y. land. The emblem of the order in most common use is the square and the compass worn by members of the Blue lodge. Besides this there are several _ ________ PEOPLE write for Lee illustrated designs worn by more advanced mem­ A family paper on surgical operations ii Rumors, fistula, piles, varicocele, bers, among them a keystone for the S hydrocele; braces, appliances for F m. Jn »k Wk deformities, female complaints; Chapter degree and a Maltese cross for confidential book for men, why thousands cannot get cured of special, private, the commandery. There are also hun­ ! explaining chronic diseases, eyes, ears, lungs, seminal weakness, loss of manhood, gleet, syphilis, unnatural losses, results of abuse or dreds of men entitled to wear the Con­ excesses, which unfit all for marriage, happiness, or life’s du­ DR. LIEBIG’S WONDERFUL GERMAN INVIGORATOR-. sistory, dr thirty-second degree badge. ties. the greatest remedy for above complaints. To prove its merits, trial bottle sent free. Address, DR. LIEBIG & CO. 400 Geary The general design of this emblem is a $1 St., San Francisco, Cal., or 301 W. 8th St., Kansas City, Mo. cross on which rests a crowned double | •valuable information to all sufleringfrom headed eagle, with the figures “32” on disease. Home treatment. P< rtland Dis pensary, cor 3d and Alder, Portland, Or. a smooth triangle on the breast. —St. Loqjs Republic. N, P, N, U, No. 37CM- F- N. U. Nq. 447 CIST MOM THIS, FREE 1 CURES This interests You RELIEF PROM INDIGE -TION. A Farm Without a Whip. Masonry. FOR PMIN Standard Smoking Tobacco for the. army. Beware of Imitations. The gen­ uine “Seal of North Carolina” costs you no more than poisonous imitations. Two is company*-three is being chaperoned. — - " • Eich year finds “lirotm’s Bronchial Troches n in new localities in various parts of the woîld. For relieving Coughs, C dds Lemon Squeezer. and Throat Disease« they have been proved One of the best lem on . squeezers ever reliable. Sold only in boxes. invented has just been patented. It is designed especially for hotel keepers, and others whose business ineludes that of making lemon squashes and similar drinks. It is worked by the foot, and can be operated quickly and easily. It consists of a sliding bracket containing a cup for the lemon and a superlying stud for pressing the same, a glass fit­ ting underneath. Pressure is made by the foot on a treadle, to which is at­ tached an iron rod, -the other end. of which is connected to the sliding squeezer. Care has been taken, in the design tp avoid all sharp edges, and the cups are made of the hardest iron­ stone china, and extra thick to avoid all risk of breakage. The cost is stated to be less than that of the screw presses now in use, arid the speed with which the squeezer can be manipulated and its simplicity are excellent recommend­ ations.—New York Commercial Ad­ vertiser. REMEDY A PIPE. and question blanks sent free. Offices, POISON D r , J ordan ’ s office is at the residence 70J Washington street. Portland, Or. Few smokers fully realize the of ex-Mayor Yesler, Third and James. danger of smoking new or improp­ Consultation and prescriptions absolute­ erly cured Tobacco. The medical ly FRfeE. Send for free book explaining the Risk - staff of the German army discov­ genetic system. ered this was a fruitful source of ¡C aution .—The Histogenetic Medicines throat disease. atesold in but one agency in each town. The label around the bottle bears the following ■ The subsistence department of inscription: “Dr. J. Eugene Jordan’s His­ the U. S. Army have adopted Seal togenetic Medicine.” Every other device of North Carolina Plug Cut as the is a fraud. , ___________ The Proper Way to Study Europe. Among the renovating forces of my later years I must name three seasons of European travel and sojourn, each of them when I was in special need of rest and relaxation. I returned each time with the feeling that I had thrown off a full half score of the years reck­ oned as mine. I was between fifty and sixty years of age when I first went abroad, and I have been glad, that I first saw Europe so late in life. What a man gets by foreign travel depends on what he carries with him. He finds answers only to the questions which he is prepared to ask, and the longer he lives the sàbre numerous are the inter­ rogations which he has in his mind to put to and concerning the places and objects that he visits. Then, too, the power of enjoyment as to whatever is grand or beautiful grows, or ought to grow, with one’s years, and a lake or mountain, a palace or cathedral, a pict­ ure or a statue, is more, means more and tells more to a man of 50 than to a man of 25.—Professor A. P. Peabody in Forum. PERSONALS. new 17 day Radigli JOHN A. SALZER,^LA CROSSE. WISCONSIN. C hichester ’ s E nglish , R ed C ross D iamond B rand THE ORIGINAL AND GENUINE. The only Safe, Sure, and reliable Pill for sale. XMy' Ladies, ask Druggist for Ctiich.^ster’s English. Diamond Brand in Red and Gold metallic \ y boxes sealed with .blue ribbon. Take no other kind. Refuse Substitutions and, Imitations. All-pills in pasteboard boxes, pink wrappers, are dangerous counterfeits. At Druggists, or send ua 4c. in stamps for particulars, testimonials, and “Relief for Ladies,” in letter, by return Mail. 10,000 Testimonials. Name Paper. CHICHESTER CHEMICAL CO., Madison Souare. Sold by all Local Rruggists. PHILADELPHIA, FA. ographers of both sexes, attribute their success to a course at the Portland Busi­ ness College, Portland, Oregon, or the Capital Business College, Salem, Oregon. Both are under the management of A. P. Armstrong, have same course: of study, same rates of tuition. Business, Shorthand,Typewriting, Penmanship andBig- lish Departments. Write to either for joint Catalogue and specimens of penmans!! p.