Spray courier. (Spray, Or.) 1???-19??, July 20, 1916, Image 2

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    .. ,
gprnj : Courier.
(CtjursUap 3TuIp20; 1010.
Published ; Every Thursday by
D." I'Ricli Editor and Publisher
$j.oo" per Jcar. jn
" advance,
rSntrpd -u teeond-elnM matter April
, IW4, al pott-olBce t Spmy. Ore"
nWr tit I ot qt Coi)trrw of Mafoll 1 tf;0.
Professional Cards 75 cts. per month
' Pisplay ads One square 0.T8
' " One-lourth column 2.50 " '
, " One-half column 4.00 " s
Que column 8.00 " ;
Business locals per line first insertion
10 cents, subsequent 5 cents.
Special rates for longer time.
Payable in advance In each case.
By C- L. Jamison.
A small patch of clover was
planted about a year ago by
Ike 131 an n on Mountain
Creek to see if r3t1 clover wna
hardy enough for that section,
The crop this year will run
better than two tons to the
. acre and may make three. ; !
' There is considerable alsika
clover being planted in the
county and it is probable
that over a thousand acres
have been seeded to timothy
and alsika this spring. Most
of this is making a good
stand and in several places it
is taking the place of rye.'
Mr. E. L. Potter has beeni
in the county the past week
figuring out the cost of beef
production in this, section.
He has charge of the cattle
fattening experiments at Un
ion and is secretary of sever
al livestock associations. It
is; found that there "is con
siderable difference in the
cost of producing steers on
the various ranches and that
there, isn't the profits in the
paM a business that are gen
erally supposed. ; ; .'
This closing of the open
range ard , the high price of
land ' are making beef cost
more money and it is a real
problem to find some meth
od , of .reducing costb and se
curing better prices.
. Would you like to know
' (without trying, we hope) a
tested1 receipe for scandal?
Here it is in the words of a
' discriminating obs e r yer :
''Take a grain of falsehood, a
handful of run-about, the
same quantity, of nimble
tongue, a sprig of herb back
bite, a teaspoonful' of don't-you-tell-it,
six drops of mal
ice and a few of envy. Add
a little discontent arid jeal
ousy, ard strain thru a bag
of ' misconstruction, cork up
tight in a bottle of malevo
lence and hang it out on a
ekein of street yarn ; keep it
in a hot atrnospheye, shake
it occasionally' for a few days
and it will be ready for use.
f4et a. few drops be taken
before, walking out, and. the
desired results will follow."
Biblical Recorder .
Notwithstanding' the re
port that Baker County
would tako no action in the
matter of making the survey
for" John; Day Highway thru
that , county, at a meeting of
the County Courts of urant
and Baker, held jointly at
Austin a short time ago," the
Baker County Court assured
the people of Grant county
that an appropriation would
be made covering, the ex
pense of survey thru that
county, .The survey has De-
gun under the management
of Engineer Scott, and it will
be completed and estimates
furnished the State Commis
sion by the first of Novem
Who owns the Wheeler County
Fair, to be held in Fossil Sep e nber
19-20 1916? This is your Fair,
vou live in the County. Its
officers are simply running it for
you, it is hejd for you, but if you
do not go aud take some interest in
it, you get but little good from it
If your neighbors go aud you don' t
they gain and you loose. They
have a chance to see and learn the
new ideas and methods and have a
good time and you dou't, they
add to their store of knowledge
those things they learn from others
and thus increase their comfort and
capacity for money making. Don' t
let them Eret ahead of you. This
is the year tor us to go to the fair.
Let's do it. Remember the dates,
September the 1920, 1916.
Isolated Tract.
' Public Land Sale. ..
Department of the Interior,
U. S. Land Office, The Dalles. Ore.
-' .-" June 1G, I'JIC
Notice is hereby given that, as di
rected by the commissioner of lhe
General Land office, undei provisions
of Sec. 2455, R.S., pursuant to the
application of Alice Iremonger, Se
rial No. G14186, we will offer at public
sale, to the highest bidder, but at not
less than $3.00 per acre, at 9-45
o'clock A. M. on the 23rd day of Aug.
nest, at this office, the following
tract of land: NWSWi Section 17,
Township 11, South Range 25, East
Willamette Meridian (40 Acres").
The sale will not be kept open, but
will bedeclared closed when those
present at the hour named have ceased
bidding.' The person making the
highest bid will be required to imnie
diately pay to the Receiver the a
niount thereof.
Any person tlaiming'adversely the
above-described land are advised 'Jlo
file their claims, or objections, on or
before the time designated for sale.
" L. A; Booth, Receiver.
,-. 7-6 8 17 .
Public Land Sale Department of the
, ; Interior.
U.S. Land Office.The Dalles, Oregon.
June 14th 1916.
Notice is hereby given that, as di
rected by the Commissioner of the
General Land Office, under provisions
of Sec. 2455. R. S., pursuant to the
application of Dayton A. Jenkins Se
rial No. 015332, we will offerat public
sale, to the highest bidder, but at not
less than $2.50 ; per acre, at 1040,
o'clock A. M.. on the 17th day .of
August, .next, at this' office
the following tract of land: S of SEJ
nESE, Sec. 10 and NWSWSec. 11
T. 10, S. R24, East. W. M. (100
Acres), "This tract is ordered into
the market on a showing that the
greater portion thereof is mountain
ous or too rouf;h for cultivation."
. The sale will not be kept open, but
wi ll be declared ; closed when those
present at the hour named have ceased
bidding. The . person making the
highest bid will be required to imme.
diately pay totbeReceiver the amount
Any persons claiming adversely tht i
. bove described land are advised to
file their claims, or objections, on or
before the time designated lor sale.
. L. A. Booth Reciver-
6 29 S -3,
""' Department of lhe Interior ,
U. S. Land Office at The Dalits
: Oregon. June lUtu. 10 Hi.
Notice is lierhy given Hint Peter
Hartmau Jr, one of die heirs and for
the heirs of l'eler Uarttunu 8r, de
censed of Winlock Oregon, who, on
September 28th l'.M'J, made homestead
entry No. OoXtfl, for WJSvVi.SLSW
J, Sec. 1-& NEJNW'j. Section 12,
Township 8 South, ltange 231nst,
Willamette Meridian, has filed notice
ol intention to make Final l'ive year
Proof, to tstobitsh claim to the land
above described, before Scott Saset,
Clerk of the Circuit Court, at Fossil
Ortgon, on the 4th day of August
Claimant names as witnesses:
James a. Hunt, James II. Medlock,
Edward E. Mathews, Ralph W'.Af ne,
all of Winlock Oregon.
II. Frank Woodcock, Register
C29 8 3
Department of the Inteiior,
U, S. Land Office at The Dalles,
Oregon,' May 20th 1916. '
1 Notice is hereby given that George
E. Gilbert, of Winlock, Oregon, who
on Sept. 19th 1912, made Home
stead Entry No. 010737 aud on June
4th 1914. made additional Home
stead Entry No. 013358, for SEJ,
Section 21, EJNEJ, SV jNEJ.'fii
NW'i, Section 25, Township 8 South,
Range 23 Fast, Willamette Meridian
has filed notice of intention to make
Final Three Year Troof to establish
claim to the land above describe!,
before David E. Baiter U- S. Commis
s:jner, at Spray Qiegon, on the 8th
day of Jul', 1916.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Burr Frutchey, Wesley Rowley,
Archie Boyce and James S, Hunt
all of Winlock, Oregon. 0
H. Frank Woodcock, Register.
61 . 70
De'putuieiit of the Interior,
U, S. Laud Office, The Dalles, Ore.
June 2, 1916. ,
To Francis Eleanor Kyle of Spray
Oregon, Contestee:
You are hereby notified that Eli G.
Phillips who gives Spray, Oregon as
his post-office address, did on April
20, 1916, file in this office his duly
corroborattd application to contest
and secure the cancellation of your
homestead Eutry No., Serial No.
01 1516 made April 5, 1913, fot NEJ
SWi, NW4.SE4;, Section 28, Town
ship 9, South, Range 25, East, Wil
lamette Meridian, and as grounds for
his contest he alleges that said
entrywoman has not established
residence upon said land. ' ' ; .
You are, therefore, further notified
that the said allegation will be
taken as confessed, and your said en
try will be canceled without further
right to be heard, either before. ithis
office or on appeal, if you fail to file
in this office within twenty ..days
after the FOURTH publication of
this notice, as shown below, your
answer, under oath, specifically re.
sponding to these allegations of con
test, together with due proof that
you have' served a copy of your
answer on - the said contestant either
in pei son or by registered mail.'
You should state in your answer
the name of the post office to which
you desire future notices to be seut
to you.
H. Frank Woodcock, Register. .
Date of first publication June 15 1916
" " seeond " " 22 "
"third ' ' " " 29 "
" "fourth " July 6,"
WilhlU Many Improvements
Mot Subtcribera coniocr TODAY'S
a genuino nccewit bwjM it i.(tn.',y
helps to oIve almost every problem tf the
vt'de, mother and horacmsltcr.
You will find tho clever fiction enr'.
romantic ftoric bom real We like rn'reihi: f
breezes over fii.lt h '.
Cowcrt. ' ,
You will love TO
DAY'S not or.ly
became it is pratii-
cal end tiepc;;c.;lr,
beeaufe rv-ry
M into
number vul bni.g
into yrui liomi j ),
1 ...--
''Asij'V ''P'I4ion encotir- i
A yean lubtcriptian coati you only
50 cents. Many tingle iuues will b
wonn mat to you in noney-saviiig icen oz&
pleasure, bubscribc today.
P.S. If your chnrch ncdm rnnnev. wn!
fat fro iuii. of TODAY'S $100.00 Ch Cict
to i V'iT Church. Send for froe umple copr
President, Woodrow Wilaon;of New
Jersey ; Vice. President, Thomas Mar.
shall, of Indiana; Secretary of State,
ktliert Landing, of l'enusjlvanla ;
Secretary of Treasury, William
U. McAdoo.of New York; Secretary
of War, I.iudley M. Garrison, of New
Jersey; Attomey-Cicneral, Thomas W
Gregory, of Tennessee; rostinaetei
General. Albeit S. liurlefon.ofTexas;
Secretary of Navy, Joseph u Daniels,
ol North Carolina; Secretary of Inte
rior Frankliu K. Lane, of California;
Secretary of Agiiculture, David A.
Huston, of Missouri;. Secretary of
Commerce, William C. Kedfield, of
New York; Secretary of Labor, Wil
Ham B. Wilson, of Pennsylvania;
Secretary to the President, Joseph P.
Tumulty, of Mew Jersey.
State of Oregon
Senators; George E. Chamberlain
aud Harry Lane. Representntrves;
C. N. McArthur, V. C. Hawley and
N. J. Sinnott. Supreme Judges; T. A.
McBride, Geo. II. Burnett, H. J.
Bean, F. A. Moore, Robert Eakin.
L. T. Harris and Henry E. Benson.
Governor ; J.E.Withycombe. Secretary
of State; Ben. W. Aloott. Secretary of
Treasury; Thomas. B. Kay. Attorney
General: G. M. Brown. Superin
tendent of Fublic" Instruction; J. A.
Churchill. Trinter; R. A. Harris.
Engineer; J. H. Lewis. Labor Com
missioner; O. P. lloff. Rail Road
Comiuissione; F. J. Miller. Water
Superintendent; G. T. Cochran. Rep
resentatives; C. C. Clark and James
S. Stewart. Senator; W. II. Ragsdale.
Food and Dairy Commissioner; Dr.
J.W.Bailey. Circuit Judge of 11th
Judicial District: D. R. Parker.
Whekmjr County
Attorney; Joseph K. Starr. Judge;
Henry 1). Ktyes. Commissioners; M.
Dukek and It. E. Wright- Clerk;
Scott Sasser. Treasurer; A. B. Lamb.
School Superintendent ; Henry J. Sim
mons. Sheriff; Oscar Kelsay Asses
sor; Peter Hartmau. Surveyor; Robert
Will practice in all courts in the state
United States Commissioner
and Notary Public.
Flllnga. Hruofa and all Land Bualnau a
Specialty. Ueeila and Mortaairea ?urfully
Prawn. A lume upplv of laical Blanka
kept on huud
G. W. Hawes
Whiskers amputated without pain
or whiskers returned.
Office in Courier Building.
H. II. S Ford Hendricks,
Attorneys for the State Land Board
in Wheeler County. School money
loaned at six per cent interest on im
proved agricultural lands at not to
exceed one-third cash value, regard
less of nerihable improvements.
- , ..... ' V
But also Increases the
Value of
For The
aaKaaaaaaaaaaMaHMMaiiM' , .
Spray Water Korks
v ;-y ' ' ftato's ' . ;
wetnfs $150 per month.
Srryato, $1,50 permonth, for 12 m
faivcot 2 hours a day,
Xt t;hh f S. X, Cross .r tfvrj, Show.
Jiro Protection
whether it bo a checking account '
a savings jtcoount, or monoy loft
on intert'bt on a certificitt.; of
tloposit, will be conservatively
handled by
$100,000.00 lleppher, Oregon.
Tfoted as One of tho &ost in fntoripr Oregon.
a special attemtIoh!iyen to tbansiehts. d
c 1 "
O. A. Stafford, Proprietor
&tuo Print Jotbnship Plats
Corrected up-to-date showing names of entrymen, dates of entry,
vacant land, rivers and creeks, fl.00 each A disconot
of 25 per cent will lie allowed on orders .
for five or more plats.
' XanH Script for Sal:
at lowest market prices.
O All kinds ol Land office Business
JVutsort jCand Company, ZA 'Dalits, Ores on.
WkMk Scmirrcl and Gopher Powon . lh
m&iismr b.a.o.andf.m.co. m
Oliver T wo
Deering Mower Assets
A THOROUGHLY dependable mower is a big -asset
at haying time. A'good mower should pa
able to cut grass in any condition satisfactorily, and in this
respect the Deering New Ideal is a pronounced leader.
The flexible movement of the cutter bar which permits close cnttingp
over rough ground, the one-piece main frame with all boles drilled in
one operation to secure perfect alignment of parts, the covered gears,
end the special quality steel ball and roller bearings, etc.
Still another point the ledger plate on the Deering mower extends
the full length of tho cutting surface of the gnard, giving the advantage
of a complete shear cut, whether the knife Bection w olef or new.- Thia
does away with all clogging of the grass between the knif a section and.
. the rear end of the ledger plate. t
Prop in and see. us and we will show yon the mower in detail,
Farmers' Mercantile Co.
to all Patrons,
attended to. over SO year experience.
If ws
ML. M. V V V