CALVES IMPORTED TO COUNTY grange Medina Held at Winlock. (: U)ST VAiLEY WANTS MAII SERVICE ENSLEY TO LEAVE .COUNTY Rrof. Potter to study live stock in County ... StocH shipped to market . Road; Supervisor has narrow escape NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior U. S. Land Office nt The Hallo Oregon. June Will 15)10. Notice is heiby given that Peter Ilartmau Jr, one of the heirs and for tlie heirs of IWcx lluttiuan Sr,,dc censed "of Winlock Oregon, who, on September 2$th li09, made homestead entry No. 05330, for WJSWJ.SEJSW 1, Sec. 1 & NENWJ, Section 12, Township & South, Range 23 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice ot intention to makr Final Five year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Scott Susscr, Clerk of the Circuit Court, at Fossil the 4 la day of August W. L. Millet of Lonerock courage that which will teach has Purchased, a car load of the young peonW aLtoihiy as o inn sl.nrt timo. will fill Ortgon, on the Uh day :.-i"jt 15)16. vamey H V 8ui uur juuvw, nuuiu claimant names as witnesses.: theua. oa hi place. 1 Here caa aid them, the stronger James s. Hunt, ja,mes u. Medloek, is sobc.6. o,ue&tk)a as to. the a- 'and better will the futuro be. Edward K. Mathews, Ralph v.Ame, toclf to stand outrange con- jour, fair- in many ways, aud ditioass. so. we. wilt all b$ in- if you- can offer soma sugges- J teres!! fa koiw thiis-experi- UiOiUi that will be of benefit ti fii:-i...i. f It. Frank Woodcock, Register G-2'J 8 3 tioa, that wwfc be we Avill highly appreciate the NOTICE FOR, PUBLICATION. Just In. &Ri4e. of' the. Bain.a,ncl courtesy ow jor i i i snudi the. Pomona Grange wop. us a cam liflld ita auajfterliv nieetins in r oars irui) , w- Winliock wiithi abou sixty present. Speeches were niade by Mr. AVeiDke ot koiodon, Immediately after the Aus Mr Jackson of Moro and Mv. I traliaix Gommonwealh order- stead Entry No. i i John Stewart Soc'y. Department of tbe Interior, U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, May 20tb 1916. Notice is hereby given that George Gilbert, of Winlock, Oregon, who on Sept. VJlb J12, made Home stead Entry No. 010737 and on June 4th. 1914. made additional Home- 013358, for S EL Wise of the Fa.rraei'i) ekvator L(i aa absolutely tight era- Action 21. EjNEi, swjNKi, se pf Condon,. - A fioe dinner bnrgo on. w00l, domestic ' rVv T j, . rr ft . Range 23 Fast, Willamette Meridian was served! ab noon dealers marked up their pri- has fiw notice o int.ntin ton,flw gates, were present from. Lone ces from two to five cents a Final Three Year Proof to establish IiOCk. JJOSSlL MaVYlUe and Dnrt,.l 'minil' As hnosferstc'1"" to the land above describej Itnp.khnrn. t ...a -T Ul U.UUL JL IVf'-O VVUiUivuu r - sioner, at spray ujegon, on me om A proposed mail' route to to a Jburopean. war ana an day cfjuiy, 1916. extend, from Trad Fork to Australian, embargo. Uut do claimant names aa witnesses: I . 1 r.... t?..i ir..i t 1 tha Tct. V1Wmw m hot trv to make us be heve ""' ., 1 j - t n j. 1 t o 11..-. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY EsKtUTIVB DKMIITMKNT President, Woodiow Wilson; of New Jersey; Vice President, Thomas Mar", shall, of Indiana? Secretary of State, Robert Landing, of Pennlvania ; Secretary of Treasnrj, William (1. McAdoo, of New York j, Secretary of War, Liiulley M. Garrison, of New Jersey, Attorney-General, Thomas W Gregory, of Tennessee; Poatiuui'tei General. Albert S, 13urleson,.of Texas Secietary of Navy, Joseph us Dnniels, ol North Carolina: Secretary of Inte rior. Franklin K. Lane, of California; Secretary of Agriculture, David A Huston, of Missouri: Secretary of Commerce. William C. Kedfield, of New York; Secretary of Labor, Wil liam 11. Wilson, of Pennsylvania; Secretary to the Piesidewt, Joseyh P. rumulty, of Mew Jersey. Spray ftates , wotting $1. 60 por month. Srrfy aton, $. 5 0 pormontk, fawcot 2 hours a day, for It 2 m being, worked for by the peo- that the free wool proviso in pie who. would be benefitted the Underwood tana law by SJiplx sericev Petitions made wool go up in this are ' being prepared and will country. We are; not so. gul- soop be circulated. lible ; Ben- Kinsley of Lost yiallie' all of Winlock, Oregon. H. Frank Woodcock, Register, 01 -"7-6 is about to, trade place fpp a, fajn ia the Valley. We will) all be- sorry to. see binn and wishi him! suc cess in, his; new,- honu..- ..v- - stock KPTICEFOR:PrjBUCA.riON Isolated Tract PjUblic Land Sale. Department of tbe Interipr, 0. S. Land Office, The Daljes, Ore, June, 16, 1916 Notice is hereby given that, as di ! rtftoA ft? tA ftmmisciniifr fT 1 1 1 P lpg snipppo, o.rDrtiana, Dy Generai iLand offipe , under, provisions OUpty men. Pfiices of. Sec. 2455, R.S.. pursuant to. the dropped' Some- ii the past application of. AJice Iremonger, Se- t0. hold, Stock, and ljt some- less, than $3.00 per acre, at 9-45 . tmes. pays tOi turu. it e;Qn: if: o'clock A. MP on the 23rd day of Aug. tViA.. Triflrk-fit is a little w.&ak. at- this office, tbe following .'rt . i f fc r i j. tiiTlnitrl r a. I tm riiiH W Township. 11, South, Range: 25, East EpliOlrii ftavQ. snipped :,3fcOCJKI Willamette Meridian (40 AcresV dui'ing the past week, - The sale will kept; open, but . " ; wjIIi belideclaredi closed, wnen thoe irpfessor.; IjOtter-i Ol,y; A. preSentatthe hour named have ceased Gl WillO. W.aS Stock iudsre at bidding. The . person makine tbe the. county. Fair several vears be?st bid-will be requiredo imme 1 1 . ( J:ii . .i r : i. - - . i- . 't, . uijticiy pay. io iuc receiver uie a- Y ip-,nwf viF,v ni.a n,tUDt thereof. fiQIpp. tp, niajae, a, Study Ot Any person claiming adversely the 3jag.COpditdppS, Itis hpped: above-described gland, are advisedto HiiA-lfi. rriflv havfi d. t.r,. file their claims, or objections, on or - j . ill Ui. bifiie utoigiiaitu ivi caic; jpqi, ui(: iccMJB'viV" L. A- Booth. Receiver. ancL possibly, make a talk or 7-6W8-17 woitljratbpcQunty. v CQUNTYFAIR. The County, fair-is to each ipdividtial. 'county Avliat. the (State, Fair, is to ,the -.State as a whole. . Loyah s u pp,o r t s.hould be given-every couqr t,y fairy, by every interest in, a.nd tributary thereto,' Anyone-, connected! with a, local fair, must sacrifice much.time and; Jabori working' for-only qne purpose; to. benefit the . epmpQunity,. tp advertise , its resources:' ands. to. bring to gether, ffiendts andt neighbors qnce. a, year, tor recreation nd; informatipn.. To. cr- JphiVi Tilley w,hije out auto NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION riding Saturday- fell- into a. isolated tract. wind. hnl .no,P. ".V,- Pr!I Public Land SaleDepartment of the Banch.and; was rescued, by a r; , , ' , n , T ,' ' ' ' . U.St Land Office.The Dalles, Oregon. ord, John, says the. mud Junel4tll 1916. hole wasn t on. his, part of Notice is hereby given tuatj as di. tlie TOadi ' rected by, the Commissioner of the C. L. JamisOn.Gounty Agqnt. -Geneal Land Office, under provisions of, Sec. 2455, R. S., pursuant to the application of Dayton A. Jenkins Se rial Np. 015332. we. will offer at public sale, to the highest bidder, but at not less than $2.50 per acre, at 10.30, o'clock. A, Mv, oa the-17th day of August, next, at this office the following tract of landj SA of SEJ NEJSEi, Sec. 10 and NwSVVlSec. 11 T, 10, S. R24, East. V. M. (1C0 Acres), "This tract is ordered into the market oa a. showing that the greater, portion thereof is mountain ous.or too rough for cultivation," . The. sale will not be kept open, but will be declared closed, when those present at tbe hour named have ceased bidding. The person, making the highest bid will be required to imme diately pay to theReceiver the amount thereof, . ' . ' Any persons claiming adversely the !bove-described land are. advised to file their claims, or objections, on or before tbe time designated tor sale. L. A. Booth Reciver- G-.29-8.A NOTICE OF CONTEST Department of the Interior, . U.S. Land. Office, The Dalles, Ore, - . June 2. 1910. To Francis Eleanor Kyle of Spray Oregon, Contestee: You are hereby notified that Eli G-. Phillips who gives Spray, Oregon as his post-office address, did on April 20, 1911J, file in this office his duly corroborattd application to contest and- secure the cancellation of your homestead Entry No. , Serial No. e April. 5, 1913, for NEJ- SWJ, NWSEi. Section 28j Town- ship 9, South, Range 25, East, Wil' latuette Meridian, and-as grounds for his contest he; ' alleges that said entry woman, has not. established residence upon said land. You: are, therefore, further notified that the said allegations will be taken as confessed, and your said eu try will be canceled without further right to be heard, either before this office or on appeal, if you 'fail to file in this office within twenty days after the FOURTH publication of this notice, as shown below,, your j answer, under oath, specifically re sponding to these allegations of con test,, together with due proof that you have served a copy of your answer on the said contestant either in person or by registered mail. You should state in your answer the name of tbe post office to, which you desire future notices to be sent to you. IL Frank Woodcock, Register. Date of first publication June 15 1916 " "seeond " 22 " ' " third " " 29 " " "fourth " July 6 " State of Oregon Senators; Georg E. Chambcolaia and Hairy Lane. Represeutatxves; C. N. McArthur-, W. . Hawlcy and N. J. Sinnott. Supreme Judges.;. T. A. McUride, Geo. II. Burnett, U. J Bean, F. A. Moore,. Robert Eaktn. L. T. Harris and Henry E. Benson Governor ;,J.E. Withycombe. Secretary of State; Ben W. Aloott. Secretary of Treasury; Thomas, li. KLay. Attorney General; G. M. Brown. Superin tendentnf Public Instruction; J. A. Churchill. Printer; R. A. Harris, Engineer; J. II. Lewis. Labor Com. missiontr; O. I'. Holt. Kail Kond, Commissione; F. J. Miller. Water, Superintendent; G. T. Cochran. Rep resentatives; C. C. Clark and James. S. Stewart. Senator: W. II. Ragsdal. Food and Dairy Commissioner; Dr. J. W. Bailey. Circuit Judge of 11th Judicial District; D. 11. Parker. Wheeler Count .Attorney; Joseph. K. Starr. Judge; Henry D. Ktyes. Commissioners; M. Dukekand 11. E. Wright. Clerk; Scott Sasser. Treasurer;. A. B, Lamb. School Superintendent ; Henry J. Sim. nions. Sheriff; Oscar Kelsay Asses sor: Peter Hartman. Surveyor: Robert Hendricks. BUSINESS CARDS.. VVVVSAVWWVVVWVWVVVVVV &nt pnymbl t 7rs. S. X. Cross or J&ery Jjiown, om o iobro (ho 20lh or oacA month. Protecton to ait Patrons. YOirit ruNKiisVr tuisiness ' whether it bo n cltucking; iwonnti a saving account,, or money left on interest on a certificati; off deposit, will be conservatively handled by Capital Til E Fl UST N ATION" A L HA N Kr $100,00.00 Ueppwer,, Oregon. HOTEL CROSS Tfotod as One of the SBosi in Sntorior Oregon, CL SPECIAL ATTENTION CIVEH TO TRANSIENTS : ' ': O. A.. Stafford Proprietor SPRAY, - OREGON.. S&iuxt Print Jownshp Plats JOSEPH K.- STARR; ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, Will practice in all oourts,in the FOSSIL. - OREGON; D. E. BAXTER. United States Commissioner and Notary Public. Piling. Proof, andi M I-ulid Dii1iihi a Specialty. Lieed and MorIi"ffe Carefully Prawn. A. larice tiipplv of I-ocal Blttuk kept on hand SPRAY. - . . OREGON. G., W. Hawes . BARBER TODAY'S With Its Mar.7 Improvemeiits V!LL: DELIGHT" YOU Most Subcrlher coceidcr TODAY'S a genuine uecesity ."because it actually Ivflps to toUe almost, every problem ot the wife, mother and homeaiakr. You will find the clever fiction, and ronionOij stones from reel life lie rrfreMuni; br-czrs over htico ct flowers. . You will love TO DAY'S not ey btcsuiMit. is pra.-ii-cal andj ccper.dublc, but because rycry number will bring into year home joy, intpiiation, encour agement acd good cheer. A year aubicription costs you only 50. cent. Many ansle issue will be -worth that ts you in money-saving ideas and pleasure. Subscribe today. TODAY'S MAGAZINE CANTON. OHIO P.S tf your eharch needs money, write (or free of TODAY'S JICO.OO Cub Oiet to Every Cinueh. Send for free tn.;4c copy. pain Whiskers amputated without or whiskers- returned. Office in. Courier Building. SPRAY, - . OREGON H. II. & Ford Hendricks,. ATTORNEYS.. AT-LAW. FOSSIL, WHEELER COUNTY, OREGON. Attorneys for the State Land Doard in, Wheeler-County. School money loaned at six per cent interest on im proved agricultural1 lands at not to exceed1 one-third'cash value,, regard. Jess of perishable improvements. , GOOD ROADS MAY INCREASE. TAXES A LITTLE But also Increases the Value of - PROPERTY' 50 PER CENT! SUBSCRIBE For The QOUBIER Corrected up-to-date showing names of entryment date of flnrty, vacant land, rivers and creeks, l,L00 cnch A discount oft Uf per cent will be allowed on onloaw' for five or more; plats. t k. Cand ScrZit JFor Salo, , A at lowest market prices. A, AH kinds of Laud office Business attended to. over 30 yearecpericnce.? Judon' J2and Company, ZAo 7)Mos, Oropon, g 'rGA iortirrel and Gopher Poison t - m w ancf Guarantee? ay B.&O.ANDF.M.CO. T WHITE SWAN FLOUR BEST ON THE MARKET Oliver T wo Way and oulky WWW - - - a i i nw Deermg Mower Assets A THOROUGHLY dependable mower, is a biff, asset at haying time. A good mowershould be-. able to- cut grass in any condition satisfactorily,. anLin this, respect the Dering New Ideal is a pronounced leadfer. The flexible movomcnt of tho cutter. bar.whicli permits close cutting' over rough ground, the one-piece- main .frame with allholes drilled in, one operation to secure perfect alignment'of parts, the covefled gearsi tnd the special quahty steel ball and roller bearings, eto. Still another point tho ledgcrplate on tha Deeng.mwe extendsi the fulllenpth of tho cutting surfaceof the guard, giving the advantarsi . of a complete-shear cut, whether the knifo section is oidoruew.. This does away with all clogging of the grass betveea the knife eeotioa nd . the rear end of the ledger plate. Drop ia acd see .us and we will show you .the mower in detail. Farmers' Mercantile Co. INCORPORATED; SPRAY. OREGON.