Spray courier. (Spray, Or.) 1???-19??, July 06, 1916, Image 4

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    The SpinoIogUt
success rows
Special Summer Rates
British Capture fricotirt From Germans
After Desperate Battle.
Court Room, Single, 75q Double, tl
OutikU Room, Single, $1 DoubU, $1.50
(Blh privilege Included)
Rooms with Private Bath, Single,
$1.50) DoubU, $2.00.
When you Register Auk the Clerk, fur
Summer Hat.)
Ah to-But Meet Train.
All Can from Union Depot Pm Our Door.
Cor. Washington ft Fifth SU PORTLAND. ORG
One? Human Spine
In 1000 Is Perfect
Teutons Retreat Before French Drive
Near Hardecourt Lose Many
Trenches Also to British.
New Houston Hotel
Four Blocks from Union Station. Under now
management. All room newly decora ted.
Rite 50c. 75c. St. $1.50 Per Day.
If you are Sick your Spint is out
of alignment After a thorough spinal
examination I am able to tell you all of
your physical troubles, without ' you
telling me, and with my Specifics!
Spinal Adjustments and your aid as per
my instructions, I will invigorate your
Bystem with renewed energy. No med
icine, vibrators, electricity, massages.
Only Spinal Adjustments. 6000 in and
, about Portland I have relieved and
cured. All Female Troubles and chil
dren's ailments reached by my system
regardless of age. I will tell you which
Eye or Ear,, whether Catarrh of the
Nose, Bronchitis or Asthma. Whether
you have had Fever or Lung Trouble,
Liver or Stomach, Kidney or Bladder
weakness, Piles (blind or itching). Con
stipation, Lumbago, Rheumatism of
Arms or Legs, Dropsy and Varicose
Veins. Most all Skeletal Deformity
corrected. " .
Nine years in Portland. The only
system to bring nerve life to all para
lyzed organs.
Class '07, Palmer School of Chiropractic. Daven
port. Iowa.
Res., East 2464; Office, Main 8608.
Royal Building, Broadway and Morrison
Office hours; 10 to 12 a, m.; 2 to 6 p. m.
Sundays and Other hours by appoint
ment. . Portland. Oregon.
Oregon Hernia Institute
Rupture treated mechanically. Private
fitting: rooms. Highest testimoniala. Re
sult guaranteed. Call or write. :
411-412 AJisky Building. Portland. Oregon
London Fricourt three miles east
of Albert, the scene of desperate fight
ing between the British and Germans
since the entente allied offensive was
begun Saturday morning, has been cap
tured by the British, according to an
official statement issued Sunday night.
The statement Bays :
"Substantial progress has been made
in the vicinity of Fricourt, which was
captured by us at 2 p. m.
"Up to noon some 800 more prison
ers had been taken in the operations
between the Ancre and the Somme.
bringing the total up to S500, includ
ing those captured on other parts of
the front Saturday night"
The official statement by the French
war office at Paris says that south of
the Somme the French have forced
their way into the second line of the
German entrenchments at several
places and have captured the village of
Fries and the Mereaucourt wood. The
number of unwounded prisoners taken
in the two days' battle now is said to
be more than 6000.
Sunday night's statement by the
French war office said that in the
fighting south of Arras Saturday the
French took a total of 6000 prisoners.
In the course of the night French
troops captured the village of Curlu,
about seven miles southwest of Albert
A heavy German counter-attack on the
village of Hardecourt north of Curlu,
was repulsed, the statement adds.
After repeated assaults the Germans
were obliged to retreat in disorder.
London July 2. The British troops J
in their great drive in France have'
captured a German labyrinth of
trenches on a front of seven miles to a
depth of 1000 yards and the villages of J
Montauman and Mammetz.
North of the Ancre valley, according
to the official statement the British
have not been able to hold sections of
the ground gained in their first at-
lacics. two thousand uerman pris
oners nave been taken.
Portland Y.M. C. A. Auto School
Day and night class. Expert training
In repairing, driving and machine work...
Including forge, lathe, shWper, drill press,
trarton. otc. Timi unlimitnt. OOMPH
If you cannot come to
Portland to get your
eyea fitted. I will send
you my method
tng eyea
aa desirable
a! eervice
better than
out glasses needed or
trying to lit yourself.
Outfit sent on application. STAPLES, the Jew.
star-Optician. SUM Morrison at Portland, Oregon
rmall. Not -f.X gf V
e as person. TJr.f f 1
but much I
going with . 3
Tl 1
Teachers for all kinds of teaching position.
Prompt replies to all Inquiries. We furnish the
beat teachers for all positions. Send add rem and
we will mail you full particulars. J. N. KLLIOTT.
614 Journal Bldg., Portland. Oregon.
The War Children of Paris.
How beautiful they are, the war
children! How well cared for, how
thriving, and how showered with love!
Their prolonged siestas in the Bols or
in the gardens have freshened the
bloom of their cheeks. Their immacu
late plnk-and-wklteness seems to tes
tify to the girl mother's loving care of
tbe now sovereign baby who for two
years has bad no rival. Tbe mother's
entire time is devoted to His Majesty,
the baby, nor is he ever forgotten ex
cept occasionally when her thoughts
wandering to the absent one, she
traces In the baby's dimpled face tbe
sometimes fugitive, .sometimes strik
ing resemblance to his soldier-father.
Sacred moments these when in the
twilight tbe curly head and downy
cheek resolve themselves Into the pale
or sunburnt features of one "some
where in France." Cartoons Maga
zine. : ' ,
Portland Wheat Blusstem, 96o
per bushel; forty fold, 86c; club, 83c;
red Fife, 83c; red Russian, 83c.
Hay Eastern Oregon timothy, $23
24 per ton; valley timothy, $lodtl9;
alfalfa, $14(((15.
Millfeed Spot prices: Bran, $2(!(C
26.60 per ton; shorts, $29(29.60; rol
led barley, f31.6CKiii32.B0.
Corn Whole, $37 ton; cracked, $38.
Vegetables Artichokes, 76ffj$l per
dosen; tomatoes, $1.60 (j8 1.66 per
crate; cabbage, $2(j'j2.25 per hundred;
garlic, lOe per pound; peppers, 26c
eggplant 10c; horseradish, 8c; let
tuce, $1(($1.26 per crate; cucumbers,
76c(L$1.15 per dosen; spinach, 4($5c
per pound; asparagus, 75cfJt$l per
dosen; rhubarb, 1 GO 2c per pound;
peas, 4c; cauliflower, $1.25 per .crate;
beans, 8($9o per pound; celery, llcji
1.15 per dosen; corn, 66(j76c.
Potatoes Old, $1.60; California,
new, zZc per pound.
Onions California red and yellow,
$3(3.25 per sack.
Green Fruit Strawberries, 75e(fi
$1.25 per crate; apples, new, $2 per
boit; cherries, 3(ii5c per pound; canta
loupes, 50c(($$2.2S per crate; apricots,
$1.35(1.75 per box; peaches, f KsCl.10
per box; watermelons, 2c per pound;
figs, $1(151.60 per box; raspberries,
$2.25(0)2.75; plums, $1.35; prunes,
Eggs Oregon ranch, exchange
prices: Current receipts, 211c per
dosen; rots and cracks out 22c; ex
tras, 231c. Jobbing prices: Oregon
ranch, candled, 25c.
Poultry Hens, 14c per pound; stags,
10c; broilers, 17i?18e: turkeys, live,
20 21c; dressed, choice, 23 6il 25c;
ducks, 1520c; geese, 10 12c.
Butter Cubes, extras, 25c; prime
firsts, 241c; firsts, 24c: seconds, 221c.
Jobbing prices: Prints, extras, 27($
29c; butterfat No. 1. 27c; No. 2, 26c,
Veal Fancy, 10Jllc per pound.
Pork Fancy, lOlOJc per pound.
Hops 1915 crop, 8H)llc per pound;
1916 contracts, nominal.
Wool Eastern Oregon, fine, 23(j
252c per pound; coarse, 80tij)32c; val
ley, 8033c.
Cascara Bark Old and new, 4c per
Cattle Steers, good, $7.60(J7.75;
cows, choice, $6.75(7.60; good, $6.25
6.60; heifers, $5.60(3)6.75; bulls,
$35.75; stags. $4.607.
Hogs Prime light $8.058.25;
good to prime, $88.05; rough heavy,
$7.50(3)7.75; pigs and skips, $6.60f
Sheep Yearlings, . $6.60 g) 7.60;
wethers, $5.506.60; ewes, $4.756;
lambs, $78.25.
Six feet through at base, 4 feet
6 inches through at top, five feet above
ground. i Cnant Mumping
Powder did a clean job, taking out
roots and all without tearing a big hole
in the ground, farmers who have used
them know that
always save them money, time and work. They save money
because they lift and heave as well as shatter, and o further than
high explosives that merely split the stumps. They save time
and work because they get out the stumps big or little, Krn or
dead in a condition easy to handle, "I get better results from
Giant Powders than from any other powder I have used," says
A. E. Adkins, Woodburn, Ore.
There are two Giant Farm Powders, both nude especially for Pacific
CoaBt farmers'. Eureka Stumping Ponder la moat economical for dry
work and Giant Stumping Ponder save money la Hump blasting in wet
soil Try these two. Compare them with the powder you have been
using, and you will always me Clant In future. Write ui and will
have our nearest distributor supply a trial case at the lowest market price.
Five Blasting Books FREE
Better ways of removing stump and boulders, making
ditches, planting trees, and breaking up the subsoil ate
described in our five illustrated books. They were written
for western farmers, to meet the condiiions that yen have.
Write us for the book, on the subject you are Ititereitud In.
THE GIANT POWDER CO., Con., &,S.Y San FrancUto
" Everything for Blotting "
Breach Off lee i Seattle, Spokane, Portlead, Sail Lake City, Denver
Kill All Flies!
Start the year by getting Hanford's
Balsam. Tou will find frequent use
for it Adv.
Plsssd saywhers.Ostof fly MUer atnv .Is sad kills all
ties. Meat, eieaa. enauaeatai, eseveMent, sad sheep.'
Daley fly Killer
S.WI sv eeetere. er eMrt
fcr ',mm. ettM. It .wl
HamLO SONUS, IS OeKsik aee BrMklr., N. v.
afAM fv Granulated Eyelids,
6 JIT 3 Eye inflamed by expo-
auxero 9ss, vuaiana wwe
E wjmn quickly relieved by Marias
W &T 5 Eye Bemedy. No Smarting,
. just Eye Comfort. At
Your Druggist's SOc per Bottle. Murlae Eye
Salve inTube 25c ForBsokeflbeEyeFreeask
Druggists or Murine Eye Benedy Ce.t Chicago
Getting It All.
The doctor told him he needed carbo-hydrates,
proteids and, above all.
something nitrogenous. The doctor
mentioned a long list of foods for him
to eat He staggered out and wabbled
into a Penn avenue restaurant.
"How about beefsteak?" he asked
the waiter. "Is that nitrogenous?"
The waiter didn't know.
"Are fried potatoes rich In' carbo
hydrates or not?"
The waiter couldn't say.
"Well, I'll fix it," declared the poor
man in despair. "Bring me a large
plate of hash." Pittsburg Post
I Hushes Plans Tnp to Pacific
Gypsies Use Automobiles.
"Even gypsies are abandoning
horses for motors," says the July Pop
ular Mecnanlcs Magazine. "A band
of about 40 of these nomads recently
Higher Prices for Beans Are
Named in California Advices
Portland There was some talk of
an 11-cent bean market Wednesday,
but jobbers were adverse to putting
lOaSl UlieS lirSl Ol AllgUSt visited Columbus, Ohio, traveling in out such an extreme quotation, not-
Bridgehampton, N. Y. Unless he
changes has plans, Charles E. Hughes,
in all probability will inaugurate his
campaign for the Presidency in the
second week in August starting on a
tour which will take him to the Pacific
Coast The present purely tentative
arrangements provide for addresses in
about 10 leading cities, ' probably St
Paul, Portland, Or.; Seattle, Wash.;
San Francisco, Los Angeles, Salt Lake
City, Kansas City, St. Louis and Chi
cago among others.
-. Mr. Hughes intends this swing
around the circle as merely prelimi
nary to one or two whirlwind tours.
He hopes to avoid rear-platform speak
ing on the first long trip.
Mother and Baby Washed Away
three covered automobiles which had
been purchased a short time before.
Each motor was fitted up in true Kiusy
fashion, and portions of the tops were
painted in the bright colors character
istic of the familiar gypsy wagons
In all, three families inhabited the
three cars. The sage of the group
was a woman 75 years old; the young'
est of the children was three months
The Best Liniment
For falls on icy walks, sprains and
bruises, rub on and rub in Hanford's
Balsam of Myrrh. Apply this liniment
thoroughly and relief should quickly
lollow. Adv.
The Usual Way.
Out of a letter that came to us
other day we grab this little bit:
Tdu can tell a man your troubles,
You can weep and moan and wall.
You can tell him you'll go bankrupt.
For any.
sam. Adv.
cut ' use ' Hanford's Bal-
Ru 1C Fn UMI Uf,r, That you l maybe go to Jail.
vj ij-iuui. nau vi iiatu You
When to Make Concessions.
When a man knows he is in the
right he should stick to it, come what
may, unless his wife Insists on having
her own way. Philadelphia Inquirer.
Veal, Pork,
Beef, Poultry,
Butter, Eggs &
Farm Produce
To the Old Reliable Everdin? house with a
record of 45 years of Square Dealings and be
assured of .
Top Market Prices.
45-47 Front SL,
Parts over SO makes and models, at half the reg
ular price. Buy your used auto ports from an
old-established and reputable dealer, who has a
reputation to protect and conducts the largest
parts store and carries the largest complete as
sortment of used auto part of any company this
aide of Chicago. Our price are less, and for this
reason we outsell all other. All parts are guar
anteed to be in first-class condition.
323-325-321' BURNSIDE ST, FORUMS, OR.
P. N. U.
No. 28, 1916
WEEN writinc to adrertlsen, pleas ;
I " tieatais paper.
Pendleton, Ore. Mrs. M. C. Mc-
Cabe, a rancher's wife, and her infant
boy were . drowned Saturday night
about 6 o'clock when a cloudburst
broke over upper Butter Creek canyon,
43 miles southwest of Pendleton, and
a wall of water swept down upon their
home. Mrs. McCabe s body was found
five miles further down McDonald can
yon Sunday morning by a searching
party. The baby's body was found la
ter. Mr. McCabe, her three children
and some men were in the McCabe
house and knew nothing of the flood
until it struck the bouse, tearing it
asunder and carrying away Mrs. Mc
Cabe and the child. The .other chil
dren were rescued by the men.
I. W. W. Leaders Threaten.
St Paul Declaring their personal
liberties as citizens have been violated
by the order of Governor Burnquist for
the sheriff of St Louis county to dis
arm all striking miners, nine I. W. W.
leaders at Virginia, in a telegram re
ceived Sunday night ask if they are in
Russia. The message is a demand
that the ' chief executive of the state
remove all mine guards from within
the city limits of mining towns on the
range. "Otherwise, " the statement
reads, "our miners will be instructed
to defend themselves."
Italians In New Attack.
Rome, via London Continuing their
offensive in the Trentino. the Italians
have begun an attack on the Austrian
fortified positions between Eugna Tot-
ya and Foppiano, says the Italian offi
cial statement issued Sunday. The
Austrians were driven from sections of
trenches north of Pedescala, the dis
patch adds, and some more trenches
were carried between Selx and Monfal
cone. In the latter battle 195 Aus
trians were taken prisoners.
can tell your inmost secret.
You can bare your life's one blot
And he'll say: "I want to help you,
But what assets have you got?"
Detroit Free Press.
fellow's got his
nerve with
"What's the matter now?1
"He actually asked me to lend him
a couple of gallons of gasoline until
next Saturday." Detroit Free Press.
The 8mile of Serenity.
"That man is surely an optimist.'
"How do you know?" '
"He smiles continually."
"Maybe he's an optimist and maybe
ne s a diplomat." Washington Star.
withstanding the further advance in
the South. In fact Portland jobbing
prices are below a parity with Califor
nia. It is believed' there are enough
beans here to meet the restricted re
quirements during the remainder of
the old-crop year, but if the supply is
exhausted, it cannot be replenished at
existing prices. While the main fac
tor in the strength of the market is
the government demand, there is little
doubt that speculation has played an
important part in bulling prices in the
South. The available supply of white
beans in California is limited, and ap
pears to have passed into strong specu
lative hands.
Advices received from San Fran
cisco said small whites were practi
cally cleaned up at shipping points at
9J cents and very few Lady Washing
tons were left at 9 cents. There was
a good demand for Limas, which were
advancing in sympathy with the high
prices of white beans.
Baker Wool Not Sold.
Baker, Or. Out of 148,000 pounds
of wool, practically all fine, offered
this week in Baker at the annual wool
sale, only 23,000 pounds were sold, al
though other deals which may be
closed later were pending. High bids
on fine wool ranged from 23 cents to
25 cents, while for 4000 pounds of
coarse wool from the Sels-Ashford
ranch, in Grant county, a high bid of
28 cents was received. Isador Kosh
land, of Portland, was the bidder.
With the exception of 10,000 pounds
sold by Walter Steiger, of Baker, at
25 cents, to John Glorieux. of Woon-
socket R. I., all the clips offered were
from Grant county. The only other
clip sold was that of J. C. Moore, who
sold to Mr. Glorieux at 24 cents.
Mrs. Kenneth McRae. of Prairie
City, had the largest clip for sale, 615,
000 pounds. It is understood that a
private bid made tops the price being
offered openly. Mascall & Ringsmyer,
of Dayville, were offered 23 cents for
their 40,000-pound clip by Mr. Kosh
land, while C. H. Green, of Portland.
offered to take over the 16,000 pounds
of fine wool from the Sels-Ashford
ranch at 23) cents.
Her Proof.
Tbe reading class was in session
and the word "furlough" occurred.
Miss Jones, tbe teacher, asked If any
little girl or boy knew the meaning of
the word. -
One small hand was raised.
"Furlough means a mule." said the
"Oh, no, it doesn't" said the teacher
"Yes, ma'am," Insisted the little
girl. "I have tbe book at home that
says so."
Miss Jones told the child to bring
the book to school. Tbe next morn
lng the child came armed with a book
and triumphantly showed a picture of
an American soldier riding a mule,
under which was the caption:
"Going home on his furlough."
Philadelphia ledger.
Paid for But
terflies, In
sect. I buy
hundreds for
museums, art-work, study ; urpones and
private collodions. 5c to 7 each paid.
8-pp. folder FREE. Easy outdoor em
ployment SINCLAIR
Bom 244, D 108. Los Angeles, Cal.
For sore feet rub on Hanford's Dal
sam. Adv. '
At the Top.
Justice Hughes was talking about
the American business man.
"It Is his hard and endless work,"
said the Justice, "which puts the Amer
ican business man at the very top of
the tree. He doesn t know the mt'an
ing of the word leisure.
a uttie ooy said to his rather, a
millionaire business man:
"'Pa, what's a leisure?'
"The father looked up from the en
velope on which he was figuring with
his gold fountain pen, and answered:
'"Leisure, my son, Is spare time
that Providence affords us for clean
ing up various jobs of unfinished
work.' " Boston Transcript.
A Mistake.
your business an
"Of course not, daughter.
makes you ask that?
"Because I heard you telling uncle
about your gross receipts." Baltimore
How It Happened.
"Strange, one of your twins is
blonde and the other is a brunette."
"Well, we never could afford a maid.
I washed one child and my husband
washed the other, and that one grew
up dark." Louisville Courier-Journal.
Farm Machinery Driven By Motor Car
To enable a motor car to be used
for driving various kinds of machin
ery, a convenient, although wasteful,
power-transmission Jack has been de
vised by a Minnesota man. Two paral
lel shafts carrying dlsh-shupcd rollers
at either end are mountod on a heavy
timber frame which supports them
several Inches above the ground. This
forms a cradle for the rear wheels of
a machine, permit',lii3 It to run
smoothly and without any strain on
Its working parts. A pulley held at
an end of otto of the shafts receives
a belt that Is extended to whatever
machine Is to be operated, as, for In
stance, a circular saw. A car Is run
onto the rollers by backing It over
planks forming a track laid parallel
with them. From tho July Popular
Mechanics Magazine.
Quick Action.
"MesHenRor service Is mighty good
out my way."
"Yep. No delay about messages
consigned to us. Our place is near
the ball park." Louisville Courier-
After the Honeymoon.
Wife (angrily) What do I get for
doing the cooking for you? Nothlni?!
Hub And what do I get for your
doing the cooking indigestion. Bos
ton Transcript.
To and from all points on housohold iruud, planus,
and nutomoblles. Information cheerfully arivi-n.
Pacific Coast Forwarding Co., Iz'ort
Ruling Thought.
Belle Harry says he is for fair
elections all the time.
Nell Yes, Harry always did like
blonde effects.
Fabulous Country.
"What Is this Never Never Land?"
"That's where the good cooks come
from," Louisville Courier-Journal.
We want in you Iwe. Write for prices end shipping tags
THE H. F. NORTON CO. Portland, Ore, Seattle, Wi
Double Tread Pandora Proof Tires
Made from your old one. Last Ions
as Brand New TIHICS Writ us.
EGO Washing-ton tiU. Portland. Ore.
Boucht, Sold, Rented and Repaired
Burnside, cor. luth. Portland, Or.
Mnaak a s ,
Growers To Be Helped.
Hood River The Apple Growers'
association has just sent out letters
asking all affiliated growers to desig
nate the different kinds of commercial
fruits grown by each. Where the as
sociation does not handle the product
of a grower, it will guide ihe rower
to the trade that will handle it. Royal
Ann, Governor Wood and Centennial
cherries are maturing this week. The
fruit has been sold to the cannery at
The Dalles for a net price of 61 cents
per pound. The prospects for black
cherries are better than ever before.
, Is soothing; to th organs of breathing- and la a won
derful remedy for coughs, eohls, sore throat, catarrh
and heaves, and when fever is present it removes it
quicsiy wunoui injury u uie animal.
Dr. Korinek'i Gall Powder
Heals while the '
sail. or shoulders, wlr cuts and old ulcerated sores.
Dr. Korinek'i Absorbent Blister nStminnt
of spavins, ring-bonos, side-bones, lumnv.lsw in eat.
tie, bonr enlargements and promoting the ripening process of ahcesses.
reeemmended 0"owin" remedi Quickly correct any of th ailment for which they ere
ftp ra,l3.1IlrLtita 9KV,V!& D& KORINEK'S TONIC CAPSULES.
ask your dealer for Kori nek's Remedies. They are guaranteed.
nuninuk remedy CO., Kenton
Or wrfte direct to
Portland, Oregon