Spray courier. (Spray, Or.) 1???-19??, January 13, 1916, Image 1

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    (f f iilMiilftniMP
I dovof l to lh Lot InUrrwt
COUNT. Th.lllwr.lp.lron.
an of tlicllln of thl mo
tlun I nwiiwlfully ulloltl.
PublUhad vrjr Thursday by
SubMripUoa lUUa
VwYmr $1.00
Six Month JO
Tbrao Month M
sntAr. wiiicelek county, obeoojt, tiiuhsday, jaxuary 13, loic.
NO. 48.
Brief Resume of General News
From All Around the Earth.
wasnington, u. u. The secret pro
cedure or the Trade communion,
which, with a majority made up of
Democratic politician, la now "reiru-
latlng" bl(f business, la destined to re
ceive a grilling In both the aenate and I
A domand that light be ahed on the
operationa of what la pronounced the
moat secret agency of an unusually se
cretive adminiatration will be made
"J I"..-.... mvmww Pill! ISIfiV.QIIb-l,aill.IMj ........ ......
ative. when the appropriation, for the mlUIAHT KKO'AKLUNtVi UNIT SAltlT
executive branch of the government
are considered.
Although the commission la nearly a
We Cannot Trust Other Nations,
Says Senator Chamberlain.
The old Sunday blue law of Ore eon
la valid and not in contravention either
of the state or Federal constitutions,
Three United States judges so agree
in a sweeping opinion handed down
Wednesday at Portland, by United
States District Judge Wolverton, which
up&oids the law in every particular
wherein attack haa been made on it in
the Federal court.
The opinion denies the prayer of the
urunswick-Balke-CoIIender company,
manufacturers of billiard and pool
tables and bowling alleys, for a per
manent injunction restraining district
attorneys and sheriffs of 26 Oregon
Live News Items of All Nations and 'i. it haa given practically no (J. S. Offended Central Powers and counties from enforcing the law,
Pacific Northwest Condensed
for Our Busy Readers.
Fakers exact $176,000 from six St.
Louis men.
A Jewish relief day has been auhor-
Ixod by the senate.
A Portland hotel has been leased for
a period of years at a 20 per cent In
crease over live yeara ago.
Opponenta of Oregon's blue law,
which was upheld by the Federal court,
will appeal to the United States Su
preme court.
The house of commons voted 408 to
106 In favor of the Asquith bill which
requires single men of certain ages to
enter the war.
King Ferdinand of Bulgaria will be
crowned emperor of Macedonia at
Monaatlr after a brief vialt to aeveral
leading citlea In Bulgaria.
Mount Rainier National Park Is I
"dry," along with the rest of the state
of Washington, according to a ruling I
made by Secretary of the Interior
The United Statea government haa
ordered constructed 16 aeroplanes,
three of which will have a speed of 80
miles an hour and a carrying capacity
of 1200 pounds.
A New York Federal judge Invites
"hyphenated eltUens" who put the
interests of their native country be
fore those of America to "get off the
face of the earth."
Secretary Garrison presents to the
house military committee his program
for spending six hundred millions In
the next four years to build up and
maintain a standing army of 600,000
public proor or the activity. It la as
serted, In enforcing the laws relating
to business. All complaints of unfsir
competition and violation of the anti
trust acts have been considered and
I disposed of In secret. No business
concern hss been called on openly to
defend itself against a charge of vlo-
if It Does Its Duty Will Offend
Also Great Britain.
' i jrTT V. i . V &mw ,
IS" ? U. , f Vt, f
Pf ' JjaC , ' til ; A
Announcement that Colonel Theodore
Roosevelt will start February 16 'on a
trip to the West Indies, from which he
will not return until April 1, has been
made. He will be accompanied by
Mrs. Roosevelt
Colonel E. M. House, personal ad
visor of President Wilson, who was
sent to "Europe to visit the ambassadors
from the United States, has landed in
London. The purpose of his trip is
said not to be a mission of peace.
The right of hard cider to a place in
dry Oregon Is now questioned. Sam
ples of some cider that was finding an
unusually brisk market were taken by
the Portland police and turned over to
the city laboratories for analysis to de
termine the amount of alcohol.
When the Ford peace expedition left
Copenhagen on a special train bound
through Germany for Holland each
member of the party was known only
Congressman John A. Key of Ohio,
chairman of the house pensions com
mittee, is the author or a bill pro
viding for pensions for the widows
of the men who died In the Spanish-
American, wsr. it carries an appro
priation of about $2,500,000.
lating the law.
Republicana contend that the public acted the part of
aoes not Know wnetner unfair compe
tition is so prevalent that the commis
sion naa Deen swamped with com
plaints, or so rare that few grievances
have been filed,
The commission says that about 200
complaints have been filed, but refuses
to divulge disposition of specific cases,
Although admitting that this secret
procedure is not prohibited by the law.
Republicans charge that it is contrary
to the intent of the statute, which pro
vides that when the commission is
satisfied that the law is being violated
it shall cite the offender to a public
hearing. The commission baa adopt
ed the procedure of confidential inves
tigation of complaints and asserts that
no public hearings have been necessi
tated because in every case either the
accused concern has abandoned the
practices complained of or the accuser
has withdrawn his complaint,
New York The address of Senator
Chamberlain, of Oregon, before the
Republican club of New York Satur
day night came as a surprise to those
present. The senator waa outspoken
In favor of a progarm that should in
clude the military training or every
youth in the country. He declared
this would redound to the physicial
well-being of the youth, even if there
were no war. He said there should
be a standing army sufficient to gar
rison our insular possessions as well as
to man our fortifications. He called
attention to the fact that nearly all
the Japanese In this country are re
servists and had had military training.
He added there were also 100,000
reservists of other nationalities here
who would rush to their colors if
Senator Chamberlain declared fur
ther that the consuls of the various
countries had a list of all these reserv
Speaking of the European war. Sen
ator Chamberlain said the great lesson
this nation had learned haa been that
treaties are not worth the paper they
are written on.
He pointed out that we had had
trouble with Germany and Austria, but
that it bad been adjusted, and urged
that similar measarea-aa were used in
out relatione with these two countries
be directed toward Great Britain.
We have offended Germany and
Austria," said Senator Chamberlain,
and if we do our duty we will offend
Great Britain. The only friends
America has today or will have in the
days to come are tin Atlantic and Pa
cific oceans."
In dealing with smaller nations, he
declared the United States haa always
a bully. "When
An great detail it sets forth the res
sons for rejecting the contentions of
Wilson T. Hume, attorney for the pe
titioning company, as to the invalidity
of the law.
It holds that the principle of the
right of the state to regulate the pur
suit of occupations on Sunday under its
Hayti has a revolution and refuses to
pay her debts," he said, "we send
warships and a few marines and take
charge, but when it comes to dealing
with the greater powers of the world.
instead of acting like a brave, cour
ageous and noble nation, we act like
cowards, I am ashamed and sorry to
West Is Overridden When Ferris
I , ' " , ,
To Bring Out the Full Food Value of
the Grain Requires Skill and
Thought on the Part of
the Housewife.
J. C. W. Beckham, the new senator
from Kentucky, Is a former governor
of that state, having been elected after
'the disturbances that led to the assas
sination of Governor Goebel. Ho waa
born In Bardstown, Ky In 1869.
police power has been conclusively de
termined bv the Orecon Sunreme court
tt . a .a I. . f .
wattrnnwrT Measure Passes nniise mtwo decisions.
ho nnmhnr Rotk man a wnmin nf
the party throughout the trip in Ger- COmplllSOry Military SCTViCC IS
...B.ijr i.iu ucvujv vu KB. IU uid m J D,l L., I . Ml.. Btudv hv wnf r nnwnr .n.rlj . nf .11
iiviii nvii I w ui lu mih ill wv hi i i 1
"" "j wvavwi, v. " I parties.
Washington, D. C The house Sat
urday passsod the Ferris bill, which
would throw open to 60-year leases
public land containing more than three
times as much water power as now is
under development in the United
States. It is estimated that in the. 11
states which it is proposed to enter
there are about 19,000,000 undevel
oped horsepower. - -
The bill is the result of careful
train bearing the number given him or
her. Each number corresponded with
one placed on each passport by the
German consul at Copenhagen and one
in the hands of the authorities of the
General Ian Hamilton's report on the
British operations on the Gallipoli Pen
insula was published in the London
Official Gazette. It tells the story of
the fighting on the peninsula from the
beginning of May to the middle of Oc
tober. The Suvla Bay landing failed to
accomplish its object, the report
shows, partly because the force con
sisted largely of untried troops under
generals inexperienced in the new war
fare, and partly through the failure of
the water supply. The sufferings of
the troops for lack of water made
painful reading.
The Pacific Coast Baseball league
fears that if Sunday games are pro
hibited by the Sunday law, baseball
will be practically put out of business.
Representative McArthur has intro
duced a bill proposing a reduction in
the rate of postage on local delivery
letters from 2 cents to 1 cent an ounce.
Under this bill any letter would be de
livered anywhere in the city where
mailed, or on any rural route leading
therefrom, for 1 cent, and in the same
field patrons of rural routes would send
letters for the 1-cent rate. Mr. Mc
Arthur said that he had found that it
costs the government on an average a
quarter of a cent to deliver a local
Washington, D. C Secretary Gar
rison told the house military commit
tee at a hearing Monday that compul
sory service was the only really ade
quate basis on which to construct a
military policy compatible with the
idea of democratic government.
The secretary made the assertion
merely as an expression of personal
sentiment, he said, and did not elabo
rate on it. Hia statement was regard
ed as significant, however.
Representative Shallenberger asked
Secretary Garrison if universal mili
tary obligation did not make it possi
ble for nations to be drawn into war
despite the wishes of the majority of
the people.
"I do not think France or Germany
would be waging war if the majority
of their peoples did not favor it," re
plied the secretary. "No nation ever
is at war at variance with the wishes
of the great majority of its people."
Suffragists Win Point.
Washington, D. CThe Susan B.
Anthony amendment providing for
woman suffrage was reported favor
ably to the senate by the suffrage com
mittee. "In our opinion, every princi
ple upon which universal manhood
suffrage rests demands the extension of
its privileges and responsibilities to
women," said the report. "They are
subject to the laws, are taxed for the
support of government, and subject
to a common political destiny."
parties. The 60-year lease feature had
the support of Secretary of the Inter
ior Lane.
Party lines were cast aside in voting
on the measure. Minority Leader
Mann was one of its strongest suppor
ters. His Republican colleague, Re
presentative Mondell of Wyoming, and
other Western Republicans fought it,
insisting that Federal control would
delay development of the sites.
Western Senators are planning a
hard fight on the measure in the up
per house.
Control of the power plants under
the bill would rest jointly with the
state and Federal governments, except
by court order, leases could not be
transferred without the consent of the
Secretary of the Interior. States hav
ing public utility boards could exer
cise their full powers in regulating
rates for power and the issuance of
bonds. In states without such boards
the Secretary of the Interior would ex
ercise this power.
Slide Kills Army Officer.
Livingstone, Mont. Lieutenant Jos
eph E. McDonald, Twelfth Cavalry, of
Fort Yellowstone, Wyoming, who, with
four companions, was out sledding Sun
day at the Mammoth Hot Springs, near
Fort Yellowstone, was killed by a
snowslide. All five were caught in
the slide. McDonald's companions
were able to free themselves, but the
lieutenant remained buried for 46 min
utes before his companions could re
lease him. He waa then unconscious.
Supreme court further has uniformly
upheld this principle as being a legiti
mate exercise of the police power of
the state.
It asserts the contention that the
law interferes with religious liberty to
be ill-founded, and declares it essen
tially civil and not religious.
It sweeps aside techincal points
raised against the validity of the law
such as the alleged insufficiency of the
title of the amended law of 1865 and
other irregularities..
Grave Epidemic of Influenza
. Holds Entire Nation in Clutch
Washington, V. U. influenza is
spreading over the United States from
coast to coast in the most serious epi
demic ever known, taking a large toll
in lives and causing economic loss by
incapacitating workers in all walks of
life. Reports from public health serv
ice officers made public by Surgeon
General Blue show that already the
disease has created a grave problem
for many larger cities, and is spread
ing to the rural communities.
New York, Chicago, Philadelphia,
Boston, San Francisco, Seattle, Cleve
land and Detroit reported thd disease
widely prevalent. Cleveland and De
troit each have probably 100,000 cases.
Of other larger cities Buffalo, Pitts
burg, Baltimore, Portland and San
Diego report no signs of an epidemic
French Wires Are Down.
New York Heavy storms in France
during the last few days have seriously
interfered with telegraphic communi
cation, and for this reason the French
Cable company announces that mes
sages for transmission through that
country would be accepted subject to
indefinite delay. Messages received
here from France did not give any de
tails of the damage other than that
gales and heavy rains had broken down
many wires.
We have no fault to And with the
many excellently prepared and co-
called cooked cereals which from time
to time are found appetising and
agreeable in appearance, but there is
also need of cereals which require
long-continued cooking to extract the
full value of the grain and bring it to
a delicious creaminess. In this class
are oatmeal, wheat, hominy, rice and
corn. By whatever nt.me the various
ground preparations are called, they
all need continued, intense cooking to
burst the starch cells, soften the sur
rounding busk tissues, and sutke them
thoroughly fit for human food.
Cracked wheat is a coarse form of
wheat with a particularly nutty flavor.
80-calIed "whole" or "pinhead" oat
meal has advantages over the more
usual "rolled" form. Good hominy,
which is now no longer prepared with
lye. Is another breakfast food which
should be more frequently used,
Corn meal, although fallen Into disre
spect and considered common, per
haps, is one of the best of cool weath
er cereals. It is rich in st&?ch and fat
and thus in heat-producing Qualities.
Oatmeal Is the one cereal containing
the largest amount of protein or muscle-forming
nutriment That is, it is
compare bio to meat or any cereals,
and contains less starch. It Is there
fore, perhaps, too cereal which should
be most frequently given to the grow
ing child. The whole grain must be
soaked all day and then steamed sev
eral hours, but in this form It fur
nishes a splendid and sufficient break
fast cercaL
Next to oatmeal comes wheat with
a higher per cent of starch. It should,
however, be used in as nearly the nat
ural stato as possible that is, the
cracked grain with the outer coat re
maining in which are stored the to
portant mineral elements which make
bone and the best kind of tissue. Hom
iny is almost entirely starch and there
fore needs tho most perfect cooking
In order that the starch shells may be
adequately burst and cooked.
or an oi tnese cereals either a
steam cooker or a tireless cooker is
preferable. Given a half hour's quick
boiling at night they may be placed
in the tireless cooker, pioferably with
the heated radiator under them, and
allowed to cook slowly with the re
tained heat of the tireless. Sufficient
water should always be put on them
to allow perfect swelling of each grain.
Such - cereals, when properly, cooked,
are not a "mush" but of a uniform.
creamy consistency. It ma? take time
rather a little more effort to cook
cereals properly, but the effort Is
more titan repaid in the quality of the
food. The cool weather cereal should
bo a point of special care with the
housewife. .
Paprika Potatoes.
Select Inrge potatoes for baking.
As soon as done slice crosswise, once
each way to the depth of an inch.
Turu up tho ends of the skin loosened
and with a fork loosen the potato well
Inside; season with salt and add a
generous pleco of butter, plenty of
paprika. Stand In the oven for a mo
ment and serve.
Mincad Lamb With Peppers.
Add oae shredded sweet pepper to
remnants cf cold lamb which have
been cbopued fine. Put two table
spoeufuls of butter in a hot frying pan,
add the lamb and peppers, season
well and dredge thoroughly with flour.
Then add enough stock to moisten.
Serve on small squares of buttered
More Than $12,000,000 Damage
Done to Crops by Insects.
This Year's Brood Due to Be Very De
structive In Thrse Year to Corn
and In Two Ysars to Tim.
othy and Small Grains.
White grubs, wherever not con
trolled by cultural and rotation meth
ods, have caused millions of dollars'
loss this year to corn growers in
northeastern Iowa, southern Wiscon
sin, and northern Illinois, parts of
Minnesota, the southern part of Michi
gan, and northern Ohio; also In north
eastern Pennsylvania, southeastern
New York, parts of Connecticut and
New Jersey. A recent survey of the
Infested areas In Iowa, Wisconsin, Illi
nois and Michigan, by government
entomologists, together with reports
received from the other Infested
states, estimates the damage to be
more than 112,000.000.
This particular species of tho white
grub which is so destructive In this
section has a three-year life cycle and,
unless controlled, will do some dam
age In two years and will again be
highly destructive to corn, timothy.
potatoes and strawberries In this re
gion in three years.
In view of these facts the entomol
ogists especially urge farmers In that
region to begin to apply these meas
ures this falL The measures are of
three kinds:
(1) Killing the grubs hatched in
the ground by plowing and disking in
the falL
(2) Destroying the May beetles
while In flight
(3) Rotations of crops which will
prevent the planting of corn In the
third year after a croa of timothy.
sma'l grain, or on weed-covered land.
This rotation Is recommended be
cause the May beetles in two years
will lay their eggs In such land, and
the resulting white grubs unless con
trolled will be particularly destructive
to corn or the other crops, the roots
of which they will attack during the
following summer.
Fall plowir; next summer and fall
(1916) will be especially effective In
destroying grubs of the 1914 or de
structive flight and should be univer
sally practiced In the grub-Infested
Try to get chickens to follow plow,
harrow and cultivator to reduce grubs
and other obnoxious Insects. Fifteen
White Grub and Parent Beetle.
Curried Oysters.
Drain and wash 25 oysters. Make
on an ordinary pancake griddle. Throw
the oysters, three or four at a time,
on the gridtllo and brown on both
sides Lift quickly and place in a
double boilor, which stands beside the
griddle. When all the oyBters are
cooked add to them one tablespoonful
of flour, one-half tablespoonful of salt,
one tablespoonful of curry powder and
dr.ch of cayenne pepper. Stir until
the lngrdints reach the boiling point
snd add one tablespoonful of lemon
ile and one- small onion grated.
Hsn-iy Kitchen Tool.
A fuH jnr wrench la an Itnpinment
which li stzTloM.bls the yedr around
and costs ont a dims. Tbe metal levere
ro h.:cjtil together st one end and
each bears riveted clamps to cluop the
sides of the Jar ltd. Just prus I he
basiUaa tcg'ir and you bars art
Fcr Chocolate Stains.
Bomx, slightly molstnned and left
on the fccrlc for several to m, will re
move, cboorlate stains from white
dresses and tsble linen.
acre fields have been cleared of
heavy infestation of grubs by permit
ting the poultry the run of the field
during cultivation. Hogs also are use
ful agents in ridding a field of grubs.
Ground which- is In corn or baa a
heavy stand of pure clover during the
year the beetles are flying, which will
be 1917 in the infested area referred
to, will ordinarily contain few grubs
since the beetles will not seek such
land for laying their eggs. The beetles
prefer land in smallgralns, timothy.
or covered with weeds for egg laying.
Aside from this rotation, it is desir
able to so arrange the crops that the
least amount of land will be in tim
othy and small grain the year the
beetles (1917) are abundant and the
following year (1918) to plant corn on
corn ground, and use for small grain
and timothy the ground which was
In these crops the previous year.
Do Not Affect Milk Flow, According
to Tests Made at Geneva (N. Y.)
Experiment Station.
The first United States patent cov
ering a milking machine was Issued In
1849. In 1860 two more were granted.
Since that time various devices
have been patented.
Tests made by the New York agri
cultural experiment station at Geneva
prove that machine milking does not
affect the milk flow.
It was also found that milking ma
chines were great time savers. Tbe
total time required to milk 30 cows
was 121.02 minutes, or an average of
4.034 minutes to milk one cow.
Under commercial conditions, the
time could be decidedly lessened.
The milking machine is no longer an
experiment It is being used the world
over by progressive dairymen.
Profit From Fertile 8oll.
There is more profit in growing
crops on one acre of fertile soli that
haa been thoroughl) tilled than there
la in three acres of Infertile solL