V A .., . - ;.vf-.v-.-' 'v JVv; L M. WALKER, PrMldnt III selecting a school I Rene w Consider th Succeu or Failure of Iti Graduate In the. World of Service. The Ilehnke-Walker Duilneu College Radiate Succeaathe School Meeting Every Teat of Thi Character. ' Mora than tSOO Dehnke-Welksr students employed by the leading Arms of Uit Northwest; IN In banking positions tone; an average of three calls xr day the year round. Why not eniwll In a school approved by Um sound Judgement of ear leading business Arms? A eatologue for the asking. PORTLAND, OREGON A POSITION FOR YOU TRAINED Our s-raduatea are always In demand. There ! a rood noeltlon ready for rou Ju HULMIta Training- nwana MONKT. tohhiiin, Mm ;-r.y,:'I; tare im. M xtnn a you can prepare for It. rvwm, There are 227 RKASON3 WHY YOU SHOULD ATTEND IIOI.MKH Eight thousand two hundred tenty-even saUafled students hava pauM through hulmi. uurtng ui psat iwnty-ignt yaara, Hundreds of them are now successful business man with Independent incomes. Our graduetea start at salarlee rangina; from (40 to 1 100 a month. Write for catalogue. BtartNOW. Holmes Business College "Tht School that gets you a good position." rTukiasisi ti Trsis, rVtlesi Or, y 4tA Your Health Back of all good health there must be perfect digestion, liver and bowel activity and pure blood. You can help Nature bring about this con dition with HOSTETTER'S Stomach Bitters NORTHWEST MARKET REPORTS; GENERAL CROP CONDITIONS! If yea ar thinking af baying a Pleeo, da ao fall to writ aa for CATAUXJUK ANU r HICKS. Wa Mil aa Kaay Terats. Sherman.ay & Co. PORTLAND. OREGON. "USE THE RIVER" Dalles-Columbia Line SUU of Washington, for Tha Dalles dally a. Sunday 11 p. m. Leave Dallaa dally ax. Monday U M. Staamara J. N. Teal Inland Umpire and Twin Cities for Upper Columbia and Hnskerire points. Taylor St. Dock. TaL Main SIS. Vilueetti ai Cslsaoia lira- Tma Cs., FsrtliasL BLACK LEG LOSSES SURELY PREVENTED by Ostler's Slsskls Pills. Low arlceit, fresh, reliable: preferred by Western stocsmea becsuet ! ar. teet ariiere elser sassiest tall. Writ for booklet and testlmonlsls. IS-Sees yise. Blums mis si. on St-Ssee ee. Blaekle, pills 4.0S Cat any Injseter. tut cuuera sen, na supsrtorlty af Cutter pioduru U due to ist N yaara of spertsllslng In veselaee ss seruas eel,. Iselst aa Cutter'. Tf lir.r-tslnsMe. onler dlreel. T'lt CUTTIB LAiO-ATOY, Strkelsy, CHIIersle, We pay cash eggs, etc CITY 1 Remit at one and deduct no com m le sion. Ship ua your veal, hogs, poultry. CITY MAKKET. 107 Front St.. Portland. Oregon HAD TO BE TAUGHT FRENCH A Reminder. Dobaon What doea Blifktn remind you of? Hobson Well, every time I meet Bllfkln he remind me of a little debt I've owed him for over a year. Chica go Herald. A Pertinent Question. The Fond Mother Nice girl never put themselves rorward before the men. The Wise Daughter Then how do the men find out that they're nice? Judge. Nabbing Him Quick. Mr. Singleton Do you believe In divorce, Miss YellowleafT Miss Yellowleaf Oh, you men are Just awful! You haven't even asked me to marry you yet! Judge. HERE ARE the FACTS Plates and bridges made in my own laboratory. Office absolutely clean. Instruments thoroughly ster ilised. Prices reasonable. Work guaranteed. Constant endeavor to do work painlessly. nurse in anenaance. Dr. Elof T. Hedlund DENTIST 4&4-4M Morgan Bollding, 4th Floor. Waahlngton Near Broadway, Portland. Oregon. English Horses, In Service of Oalllo Owners, Unable to Understand Word ef Command. A French writer tell a quaint story f tha war. He says that the English cavalry In France found themselves In possession of a number of horses which were not found suitable for cavalry work. By arrangements with the French government they sold them off to French peasant for agricultural work. The farmers were delighted; though tha horse were not adapted for cavalry work, they were better than they had been accustomed to have for farm work. But when they came to work them a difficulty arose. The horse did not understand French. When addressed with "Hue' or a "Dial" (which la Idiomatic French for "Gee up!" and "Way, whoa!") they did not budge. No doubt cartera In France, as In England, have a whole vocabulary of homo talk. Apart from the starting and stopping, there are special cries which tell the horse to turn to the right or left or to take up a particular posture when It Is being groomed. Even In England these carters' and grooms' words differ In different coun ties, but probably that would be no difficulty In the way of transferring a horse, say, from the north of Eng land to the south. For, a the experi mental psychologists tell us, animals do not really understand articulation; what they do understand 1 the tone In which words are apoken. This ha been ald even of dogs, which ar much more Intelligent than horses and much more attentive to the speech of man. Dog lovers, however, deny this, and say that dogs under stand the spoken word In whatever tone It Is uttered or however quietly. However that may be, It would not help the English horses In France, alnce tha French tones expressing the various moods of entreaty or com mand differ even more from the Eng lish than doea the pronunciation of the words. The horse Is not the only animal to which French would be a foreign tongue. In France you call i cat not by a hissing sound, "Tsh, tab.,' or "Psh, psh," as we do, but by some thing between a kiss and a whistle. Hence In France the vocative of "cat I not "Puss" but "MlmL" Stability Wanted. "It's no use," pouted little Froddy. who had Just completed his first weak at school, "I shall never go to school again!" "Hut why?" asked his mother. "What's the use of going T I shall never learn to spoil!" "What do you mean?" "Well, how can I learn to spell when the teacher change the words every day!' Chicago Herald. How Could Hsf you know John Jonoa hasn t "Do said a word all evening?" "Well, he hasn't had a chance." "What's he doing?" "Having a big argument with wife." his On th Safe Side. "So you Intend to bo a soldier when you grow up. Don t you know you II be In dangor of getting killed?" "Who by?" "Why, by the enemy." "Then I'll be tlio enemy." Boston Transcript. The Nameless Spy. Watching artist. '"E didn't ought to bo 'lowed sketch the old castle!" "Why not? 'B ain't got It nothln like!" Punch. to Acquitted. Why do you aay the officer la wrong?" demanded the judge, "when he awears you came up behind him silently at tho rate of 25 miles an hour?" Because the running board always rattles at 10 miles an hour." No Wonder. "Was Mrs. Brown pleased when you asked ber to join the Shut-In society?" "Pleased? Why, she hasn t spoken to me since. How should I know, though, her husband was in jail?" NEW MODERN DANCING. E. Fletcher Hallamore. tha leading Dancing Ex pert and Instructor In New York City, wrttea: "I have used ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE, the antiseptic powder to be shaken Into the shoes, lot tan years, and recommend it to all my pupils." It cures and craventa sore feat. Bold by all Drug and Dens ment Stores, 25c. Sample FREE. Address, Allan o u trusted, ut Kay. ti. X, DENTAL HEADQUARTERS TOR OUT-OF-TOWN PEOPLE reople from all parts of Oregon and washing' ton constantly visit our office for dental treat ment. Our skill la ac knowledged, and our nromDtness in finish ing work In one day when required isappre- cfated by out-of-town patrona. Dr. Wise Is a false tooth expert. There Is "ALWAYS ONE BEST In every calling, and 3 Dr. Wise lays claim to this distinction in Ore gon. 28 Tsars rjpenesca What wa can't guar antee wa don't do, . LOW PRICES FOR HIGH-GRADE WORK. Goad Red Rubber Plates, each fS-00 Tha Best Red Rubber Plates, each 7.50 S-Karat Gold ar Porcelain Crown MO WISE DENTAL CO. RELIABLE PAINLESS DENTISTS. Phones Main 202. A 202. 123H Third Street, Failing Bldg., Portland, Oregon 8. E. Cor. Third Washinandgton. '- : .. - ,.-Ss, i ; ; V - Jv n . a C Gcc Wo Baerassful Hosts Remedies His successful herb al remedies cure all kinds of ailments of men and women with out operation, used from the wonderful Chinese herbs, roots. buds and vegetables, which are unknown to the meaicai eciancv u mi wunir;. Write for blank and circulars. Send stamp. CONSULTATION FREE. Address The C. Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co. 162V4 First St. Portland. Ore. , Mention Paper. I ' P. N. U. No. 41, 111 I yHEN writing to advertisers, pleas Sympathy. A gentleman traveling on horseback not long ago came upon an Irishman who was fencing in a most barren and desolate piece of land. "What are you fencing in that lot for, Pat?" said he. "A herd of cows would starve to death on that land.' "And shure, your honor, wasn't I fencing It to keep the poor bastes out of It!" Philadelphia Public Ledger. Ostensible Occupation. "Doe Bllgglns work?" "No. He has an office downtown so that he can keep out of the way of the servants In hi house." Washing ton Star. Resinol Stops Itching Instantly ussy It Is a positive fact that the moment resinol ointment touches any Itching skin, the Itching usually stops and healing begins. With the aid of resinol soap, It quickly clears away all trace of eczema, ringworm, pimples, blackheads, or similar torment ing, unsightly erup tion, leaving the skin clear and healthy. And the best of It Is you need never hesitate to use resinol soap and resin ol ointment. There is nothing in them to injure the tenderest surface. Res inol Is a doctor's prescription which for twenty years has been ' used by careful physicians for all kinds of skin affections. They prescribe resinol freely, confident that lta soothing, healing action is brought about by medication so bland and gentle as to be suited to the most delicate or irri tated skin even of a tiny baby. Every druggist sells resinol soap and resinol ointment. IN STERLING LIVES A GIRL Who Suffered As Many Girls Do Tells How Sho Found Relief. Sterling, Conn. "I am a girl of 22 years and 1 used to faint away every month and wa very weak. I was also bothered a lot with female weakness. I read your little book Wisdom for Wo- men,' and I saw how others had been. helped by Lydla E. Plnkham's Vegeta ble Compound, and decided to try it, and it ha made me feel like a new girl and I am now relieved of all these troubles. I hope all young; girls will get relief as I have. I never felt better In my life." Mrs. JOHN Tetreault, Box 116, Sterling, Conn. Mossena, N. Y. "I have taken Ly- dia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound and I highly recommend it If anyone wants to write to me I will gladly tell her about my case. I was certainly in a bad condition as my blood was all turn Ing to water. I had pimples on my face and a bad color, and for five years I had been troubled with suppression. Tho doctors called it 'Anemia and Exhaus tion,' and said I was all run down, but Lydia E. Plnkham a Vegetable Com- Kund brought me out all right" Miss iVISA Myres, Box 74, Massena, N.Y. Young Girls. Heed This Advice. Girls who are troubled with painful or Irregular periods, backache, headache, dragging-down sensations, fainting spells or indigestion, should immediately seek restoration to health by taking Ly dia E. Pinkbam's Vegetable Compound. Portland Wheat Bluastem, 90c bushel; forty-fold, 88c; club, 86o: rod Fife, 82c; red Russian, 80c. Oats No. 1 whit feed, 128.60 ton. Mlllfeed Spot price s Bran, 125 ton; short, $20; rolled barley, 127.60 6028.60. Corn Whole, $37,60 ton; cracked, $38.60. Hay Eastern Oregon timothy, $16 fil6 ton; valley timothy, $12(2018; al falfa, S12.S0ftjil8.60; cheat, $9((10; oat and vetch, S1101Z. Vegetable Cucumber, Oregon, 16 tt(j20cdoten; artichoke, 90c; toma toes, 86(20400 box: cabbage, lo pound; bean. iiObie: green corn, 10(50 16c dosen; garlic, 16c pound; pepper, 4 66c; eggplant, 4((05c; sprouts, 8c; horseradish, 12c; cauliflower, 76c rjO $1.26. Creen Fruit Cantaloupe, 86c $1.86 crate; peachei, 66 60 66c box; watermelon, 1 00 1 1 a pound; new ap ples, 76o Co $1.60 box; pears, 80c 60 $1.25; grapes, 60ctiO$1.60 crate; huck leberries, 6o pound; casabai, lc; quince, $1 (jj) 1.25 box; cranberries, $9.60 barrel. Potatoes New, 706086c lack. Onion Walla Walla, 76e sack; Oregon, $1. Eggs Oregon ranch, buying price No. 1, 82c dozen; No. 2, 26c; No. 8, 19c. Jobbing prices: No. 1, 84c do. Poultry Hen, 11 60 18c pound; springs, 1616o; turkeys, nominal; ducks, white, 12Q014c; colored, 86010c; geese, 86010c. Butter City creamery cubes, ex tras, 811c; first, 29c; print and car ton, extra. Prlcea paid to producer Country creamery, 2229c; butterfat, premium quality, sac; Mo. 1, average quality, 81c; No. 2, 29c. Veal Fancy, 11c pound. Pork Block, 8c pound. Dried Fruits Apples, 8c pound; ap ricots, 186016c; peaches, 8c; prunes, Italians, 8609c; raisins, loose Musca tela, 89c; unbleached Sultana, 7ic; eeded, 9c; date, Persian, 10c; Fard, $1.65 box; currants, 816012c. Hops 1915 crop, 10c pound. Hide Salted hide, 16c; salted kip, 16c; salted calf, 18c; green hldea, 181c; green kip, 15c; green calf, 18c; dry hide, 25c; dry calf, 27c Wool Eastern Oregon, 18 60 28c pound; valley, 27 Co 28c; fall lamb' wool, 24 66 26c; mohair, Oregon, 276J 80c. Caacara bark Old and new, 8s64c pound. Pelts Dry long-wooled pelts. 154c: dry short-wooled pelts, lljc; dry shearlings, 10(8 15c each; salted shear' lings, 166025c; dry goat, long hair, 13c; dry goat shearlings, 10 60 20c; salted long-wooled pelts. September, 76c6$l.Z5. Cattle Choice steers, $6.60626.80; good, $0 65 0.25; medium, $6.76 CO o; choice cowa, $5.26 60 5.75; good, $5 6.25; medium, $4.60605; heifer, $660 5.85; bulla, $4.50606; stags, $5.60606, Hogs Light, $6.40 60 6.45; heavy, J5.406t5.45. Sheep Wether, 14.75 60 6; ewes. $4605.60; lambs, $5.606j7. aSi sassau. . IV llll-lat II asf 1 Ad $ure lo rise Vou can't alway make everything "Just to." Sometime you will -. the Sunl Oct In mors shortening than uninl; or make the batter a little thin; or It may not be convenient to put a cake In the oven the momrnt It i mixed; or your oven may not bake evenly and It It necettury to turn the pan around-mon of the little uncertainties make the slightest dlffrrenc In retulU If you um 1 Baking Powder This modern, double-ralt baking powder ha unutual strength and Is absolutely certain to raise your biscuits, cake and pantry llttht and feathery. It generates an abundance of leavening f!a both In the mix ing bowl and In th oven. Tho, raising It sustained until the dough 1 cooked through. Housewives who use K C never have "bad luck" with their baking. Try K C at our risk. Your grocer will refund your money if you are not pleated In evt-y way. 61 I zyy r ru i nHvvvvv An Obligation, "Our friend alway put bl best foot forward, although be 1 a trifle uncouth." "Yes," replied Senator Sorghum, "a man who puts bis best foot forward ought to be careful at least to keep his shoes polished."-Washington Star.' A Hint For Contributor. "I think," said tho editor, "that I will drop journalism and take to as tronomy." "Why?" "Because astronomers have mora apace than they know what to do with." Philadelphia Record. . ii FACTORY POWDER LOADED SMOKELESS SHOTGUN . SH ELLS Good shells' in your gun mean a good bag in the field or a good score at the trap. Winchester Leader" and " Repeater" Smokeless Powder Shells are good shells. Always sure-fire, always giving an even spread of shot and good penetration, their great superiority is testified to by sports men who use Winchester Factory Loaded Shells in preference to any other make. ALL DEALERS KEEP THEM DBSssBBBwlwP Third Alfalfa Crop Put In. Portland Following I a summary of the crop conditions in Oregon for the week, as reported to the local office of the weather bureau by special cor respondents throughout the state : Although showers fell in the West ern counties on the 23d, 24th and in some limited areas of North Central Oregon on the 24th, which benefited pasture and garden to some extent. there is still need for rain In ail por tions or the state. The warm weather has been favor able for the maturing of fruit and gar den truck. The picking and drying of prunes has been about completed and the harvesting of apple and pears has begun. In the Eastern Oregon valleys the peach crop waa very heavy and the quality excellent, but owing to an over-supplied market many tons of the choicest fruit Is going to waste. Threshing has been practically com pleted, and the farmer are preparing the soil for seeding, but little wheat will be sown until the fall rains have commenced. While waiting for the rain, ranchers are hauling their wood and winter sup plies. irrigated crop of alfalfa are very good, and the third crop I being put up in some section. Tomatoes are plentiful and of excel lent quality. Seasonable fruit and vegetables are in the local markets in abundance, and the quality la very good. The Invitation. Hello, Mabel!" "Oh, hello, George!" "How are you, Mabel?" "Just flnel How are you, George?" "Same. Bay, Mabel, let s go through the park this afternoon. What do you say?" "Well ah-ah ahem I I ah I'm kind of well, I'm kind of tired, Goorge." "Then you won't go?" "I'm ao sorry, but, Goorge, you un derstand Just bow It Is, don't you, George, dear?" Yea, I guess so. I suppose I II have to ride with someone else, then." "Ride?" "Yes; my new eight-cylinder road ster came this morning." Oh, George! Did It really? Isn't that just splendid? Say ah George, I guess I d not aa tired as I thought I waa." Well, I wouldn't take any chances If I were you, Mabel. It doesn't pay. I'll take someone else." "But, really, dear, I'm not tired a bit Honestly." "It's sweet of you to say that, but I don't want to take advantage of your kindness.' Good-by, Mabel." Mabel slammed the receiver vic iously on the hook. "Darn it!" she muttered. Why didn't he say so In the first placo?" Michigan Gargoyle, Valued Immunity. "So you bought one of those auto mobiles they tell so many tunny stor ies about?" "Yea." replied Mr. Chuggins, "and it ia saving me a lot of trouble and wear and tear. When your friends toll you Jokes about your car they don't ex pect you to aak them to ride around in It" Washington Star. A New Game. "Let's play pinochle golf this time," suggested the man who always lost. "Pinochle golf," exclaimed his oppo nent. "What Idnd of a game is that?" "It's played Just like ordinary golf," replied the other, "only the man with the high score wins." Philadelphia Public Ledger. Mental Arithmetic. The following question was put to some young pupils In a public school: There Is a family of five children. The mother has only four potatoes to divide among them. She wants to give each child an equal share. What ia she to do?" Silence prevailed In the class room; every pupil was calculating diligently. Finally one boy put up his hand. "Well, Sammy, what would you do?" asked the teacher. Mash the potatoes, ma'am." Phila delphia Public Ledger. LINK'S BUSINESS GQLLE6E "THr SCHOOL OF QUALITY" , ; Portland's Best Buslneai Training Sdhool. Bookkeeping. Shorthand, Typewriting and Penmanship taught by expert teactera. Fat Tern spent Wednesday, Sept 1, 19J5 Many students have already enrolled, kak tor Catalog. . Enroll early. A.T. LINK, General Manager , Phone MAIN 60S3 TILFORD BLDG. PORTLAND, OREOfl Cranberries Are Popular. Tacoma Cranberries are proving unusually popular with the trade and the supply on the local produce market is good. As a substitute for black berries, dealers say, cranberries are what I wanted. The berries are roll ing In from Cape Cod and are of fine aize and color and hold up unusually well in shipment They are quoted wholesale at $9.6010 per barrel. Thi week saw the first appearance this season of grapefruit from the Isle of Pine. The first receipt are a trifle green and are bringing 15 cent each. Commission House Case Dismissed. Seattle That the law providing for I the licensing and bonding of commis sion merchants, enacted by the last legislature, contains a Joker which! makes it inoperative against all but I the smallest commissionTmerchanta was I discovered here when superior Judge Gilliam dismissed the suit against J. B. Powles & Co. The bill, as intro duced in the legislature, was aimed at commission merchants by the shipping I Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets first Dut ud 40 vears aero. Thev rccrulate and invigorate stomach, liver and bow els. Sugar-coated tiny granules. A Pretty Teat. When a young man proposes you should always be careful and test his love," cautioned the chaperon. "But I go one better, auntie," twit tered the pretty Bayswater girl. "Do you see this tiny bottle?" "Yes. Does it contain perfume?" "No; it contains acid. I test the en gagement ring." Philadelphia Public Ledger. Nothing has ever equaled or compared with the medicinal fata in Soott'a Emulsion to arrest the decline, invigorate the blood, strengthen the nervous system, aid the appe tite and restore the couraze of better health. Soott'a Emulsion fa pure health build ing food, without alcohol or opiate. TRY IT 14-41 Accounting For It. "How do you account for the fact that George Washington never told a lie?" asked the teacher. "I guess he never went fishin'," piped the small urchtn at the pedal ex tremity of the class. Indianapolis Star. Raw Remark. "I made a rare discovery yesterday at Mrs. Dingle's dinner." "What was It?" "The steak was underdone." Balti more American. itf- eSHeL Sooner or later you will be wrong In every organ of your body. (Itis awell known fact thatover 956 of airsicknesses are caused by ailments of the digestive organs. If you hava the slighest suspicion that your stomach requires treatment, don't delay a moment Little ills soon grow into serious ilia. DR. PIERCE'S Golden Medical Discovery soon rights the wrong. It helps the stomach digest the food and manu facture nourishing blood. It has a tonic effect and soon enablea the stomach and heart to perform their functions in a natural, healthy manner, without any outside aid. As Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery contains neither alcohol nor narcotics there is bo reaction. For over forty years it has stood the teat of both use end abuse and is today the greatest remedy of its kind in the world. Begin now. Take It home today. Sold by Medicine Dealers in liquid or tablet form, or Sena pus q ut. rierce s jnvaiias Hotel, tsunelo, ft. I ., lor a trial nox. For Sic yaai caa ret the Common Sense Medical Adviser, 1008 rag cloth boawd to pay coat of mailing. laSBIIsUt Writ Pr.T. M.PUrce, poXlaia, ti, X. ffWmifTll J and growers association.