The , . Spray Courier, w 1 Thumhav, Aur, 10, 191 j D. . Baxter and family, O.A. Stafford fend wif 9 and Mimt Bu lah Moore, who have been spend in their vacation in the moun tains returned . lost week well supplied with game and big fih stories. Hugh Jordan, who haa been herding sheep for Vzz French of Heppner.was in Sprny last week. C. F. Waters returned from a trip to Fossil and Mitchell Sunday. His boy, Charlie, who has been under the care of the Doctor at Fossil returned with him and has about recovered from the injury sustained by his pony falling with him. , lump McGinnis is getting to be an expert auto driver. If any young ladies (widows not ex cepted) wish to take a joy ride, Hamp will be there at any time and will give them the ride of their life. Only one at a time preferred, however. G. W. May, Jr., gave a dance election night and the Spray young folks tripped the light fantastic to some excellent mu sic furnished by f. R. Smith and C. W. Temple ton. R. R. Stafford, who has been spending a few days in town with his son Orliff, returned to Pendleton Monday. ' Stewart Grant of Big Basin was in town Monday. Roy Osborne of Mitchell was in Spray Tuesday. . The farmers , now have their second crop of alfalfa in the stack and most of them antici pate a very'godd third crop. The harvesting is about over, and the wheat is not so short as it -was at first expected. ' No pUce like the farm. CARD OF THANKS. We wish to thank our many friends for their kindness and sympathy and the assistance so gladly given us in the sickness and death of our little son and brother, J. B. Dyer and Family. Mrs; E. H. Vinson and her daughter, Iva, of Junction were trading in town Tuesday. J., Cv Wilkes of Left Hand started to Condon Tuesday after a load of freight for the Spray merchants. Rev. and Mrs. D. W. Moore and children were in this neigh borhood Saturday. R. E. Wright and 0. A. Staf ford made a trio to Fossil yester day. I. N. McCoy, the father of Mrs. L. E. Morse and well known to the people of Spray, died at Hood River AuguBt 6th. E. H. Stewart and wife and C. L. Morse have gone to the mountains for a few days vacation.-''" - ' - j E. L. Snabel and son Johnnie , started yesterday for a few days outing. . . It is generally thot by all good authority; that the next move in the World War will be Germany advancing westward against old England. Haiti is not in the Union but she acts very much like" one of the Southern states. And inas much as the recent develop ments in Haiti indicate that in the event of its annexation to the United States it should be taken on as an extra county of Georgia; for as one of our ex presidents was once mentioned for the rulership of Albania, so Sheriff Kinkead emerges in the nick of time to be considered by thi Ha?tiansK NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF WHEELER. NOTICK 01' SAI.K 1'OMhCUJURU Ami M, Draper l'Uttitlfl; ' vs. ' HuifhP. Cox, and Jessie' M, Cox, bin wile, Dcfcmlanta Hy virtue of execution on a juilge. meiit, decree and order of sale issued out of the above entitled cotitt, in the above entitled cause, and to me directed, on Hie 2J clay of July. 1U10, upon a judgement rendered and en. tercd in said Court on the 18th day of June 11115, In favor of Auric Si. Draper, plaintiff and against Hugh F. Cox and Jennie M. Cox, liia wife, defendant, for the turn of five hun dred doliara (f&uO.OO) with interest tbertou from the 8tu day of Hep tember, 1U13, at the rate of 8 per LOOK! BARGAINS! Property for sale Good stock ranch. 16K5 uereMy.s acres In alfulfa with pleily of water for irrixuting, Two good orchard Remainder of the Irind is in grain ofrxrcotiom jn ! "' pasture. WiirVH "Hieap. A bargain for you, Hotel in Spray, doing a good steady business. Well furnished. Thin proju-rty aim include 5 Jots 50 by 100 feet, ' good haru and other improvement. t-' . Six Thousand acre Ranch. 500 acres fanning lund, jjtxj head of cattle, 50 head of horses, $i.oiu worth of machinery , machinery and .stock included. Good seven room house, water piped into house. Two good barns 50 by 100 feet each. JUtildings all ainted. Gran ary 20 by 50 feet long. . r our thousand acres nder go-xl fence. all BUSINESS CARDS. MBC,. Pints. Quarts and H n BIT , la TQ Half Galons. Lidn JOSEPH K. STARR, ATTbRXl AT-LAvV, ..." ClM I Will praqtta: tri all f&mrts in the atatr annum until paid, and the iuui of hf ty-oneand zaiOUuoilau (.ii.2U)taxe divided into four pasture, pam oy piaintiti witii tmereat at wulered by good springs, per cent per annum from Oct. 28, IU14, until paid, and the fuither sumoffif. Small t'X"k ranch 8 ins. from ty dollar (SoO.OO) attorney 'afeea, ar.d town one 111. from school, the further aum of sixteen and 1)5. 100 j containing 640 a. all fenced and (416.01)) dollars costs and disburs- cross fenced, well waterd, about 60 menu, and the costsof and upon aaid j 8. in cultivation and more can I and Rubbers. From two Qt. to Six Galons wnn vovers. f V" B ' V A SfirMnlAf a lis.., a Kf t.. DR. A. W.T1 EDEM AN N , j Nl QnPQ Ware in Plain China and ' ' ' V 1 TUn knt A -i 1. 1 iic udoi nssui uiieill ever shown in Spray. Call and look it over. AN1 M!?l.HOX. 1 :' aV Ofliirein the Prophet lluildinjt. Jewelry otocsoy. Hrk HENDRICKS, ATTOItNKV-AT.r.AW. FOSSIL, WHEELR:C0UHTY. OREGON. Clll-v Mu,e Millinery. Royal OSCfn Ififi Chinook Cow-boy Boots Gall Cure Mr. Hrndrb'k. uimIhihIm a rollmrtluu Am-! (mrinmliii HI uttkemt urm krailijiiitrtor. fur th. WliMlrr Cuuuljr Altrat ttu'pmuf ik1 I hIw, for th riMll lUrmltr t'u. Abatrari uiwl. . I.11O1J. Ilatrtt ud mutant onuiuil Guaranteed Horse Collars. $3.75 up to 21 Inch. GROCERIES. DRY GOODS. HATS, SHOES. HARDWARE, and AMMUNITION. --BAXTER & OSBORN. b: E. BAXTER, UniUel States Commissioner. , y and Kotarf Public. wiit, commanding me to make sale of the following described real property, to-wit: All 0! the YVJSJ' and the HJSWJ of Section 31 iu Towuabip ten (10) South of Kange Twenty- five (23), Hait of the Willamette Meridian, containing one hundred aixty (100) acres and aituated in Wheeler County, Oregon. ; Now therefore by virtue of aaid ex ecution, judgement, order, decree, and order of gale, and in compliance with the commands of aaid wiit, 1 will on Wednesday the 15 day of September I' one o'clock, P. M., at the front door of the County Court House in Fossil, Wheeler County, Oregon, sell put in cultivation. An undivided oue half intei est iu a acre Mock ranch. Thrice improved places, five Iwnds of sheep, ioo head of rattle, 20 head of horses," 200 acres alfalfa from 500 to 1. 000 acres of. farming land. Plenty of water for irriga ting, and on the pasture land for tock. "A bargain 'for some oue with some capitoi. One Drug storebuilding, fixtures, small stock of patent medicines and confectionery, living rooms in rear, lot 50x100, doing a good business will sell cheap for cash or will con- . KlUba. Proof. himI nil BmIimm a Sim-Inky. ImI bihI tonrltnqn Crrnlly ItrnwA. A lrf .ni.ulv of IkhI HUuk. SI'RAY. - WHY MOT become acquainted with service is just what you a bank whose require in our OK,:r'ON'; business. pa 1 11 ,0. W. Hawes BARBER Whfak-ent aiiipiitale1 without or wliisLrr.t returned. in Conner Building. SPRAY, - - - OKlvOON Office CONDON THE NATIONAL Other projerty Spray. Address at public auction (snbject to Kedemp- j tion) to the highest bidder for cash in j sider some trade band, all the right, title and interest which the within named defendants, or either of them, bad on the 8th day of September, 1909, the date of the said , mortgage herein foreclosed, or since j INLAND EMPJRK RKAL that date have acquired, to sat isfy said execution, Judgement, order and decree, interst, costs and accru ing costs. Given under my band and dated tuisard day of August, 19I.V Oscar Kelsay, Sheriff of Wheele County Oregon. First issue August Vi, 1UI5. Last issue September V, 1915. SPRAY STUDIO BANK j maintains a department especially organized j to look after the live stock business. ' Try an account with us. A . (ireiner, Vice I'res 1 nil., , in; 1, 1 an.'. K. M. Rogers, Asst. Cahir Port Cart ant iflounttb ;("0- R IH,k k- Oi' ' 11 M II II t 1 matmwhi of all J- ",,ni,,irI-' i,s,1,or v am r r k. m m - proper eyecmeo We Guarantee Satisfaction KSTATK AGKNCY Spray, Oregon. BURNER BUILDING SPRAY OREGON SUBSCRIBE ; For The - - COURIERS i3nliint Empire "Kcal ; . Estate Hocnc Will SeiyToor ReaiBaiate . GIVE t!S A TBIAL ' ' ' , ' WE CAX HELP IOt' : NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION; Department of the Interior. U.S. Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon June 7th 1915. N'oT i Ci! is hereby given t.bat .lolm R. Hpray, whose poHt office address is Spray, Oregon, did on the 2iiu day oC October, 1914, file in his office Sworn Ktateruenl and Application mo. 013977 to purchase the skJ nw. swj j.2Cth day of, 1914. file iu th ke, eJ swj Section 7, Township 10 joflice swoni statement and applica. South, Range 25 lvast. Willamette tion No. 013798, to purchase the Meridian, and the timber thereon, 1 NWf Sec. 29. & S NKj. SE under the provisions of the act of June ', NKj, Section 30, Township 1 1 south, NOTICE It lit PUBLICATION Drpartmeut of the Interior, 11. S. Land Office. The Dalles. Ore. May 15. 1915. Notice is hereby given that Nimrod IrenionRer whose post office address is sterman, Oregon, did on trie i. , SPRAY OREGON- 3, 1878, and acts amendatory, known as the "Timber and Ktone Law," at such value as might be fixed by ap praisement, and that pursuant to such application, the land and timber thereon have been appraised $480.00 the timber estimated 21)0,000 boaid feet, at $1.00 per M, and the land $19000; that said applicant will offer final proof in support of his applica tion and sworn statement on the 20th day of August, 1915. before David K. Jtaxter, U Oregon. range 25 East, Willamette Meridian, and the timber thereon, under the, provisions of the act of .June .1, 1878, and acts amendatory, known as the Timber and Stone, Law, at such value as might be fixed by iippraisiueut, and that, pursuant to such application, the land uud timber thereon have been appntlaed f 434.00, 300 Posts 8 ct.s. ' $24.00, the timber estimated 140,000 board feet at 1.50 per M. and 'the S. Commissioner at Spray, , land $200.00; that said applicant will I offer final prool in support of his ap- Any person is at liberty to protest ! plica'' and sworn statement on the ttiritiiitiM KafVrai mttt r? nr attiti. 27th dnyof Autr. 1UI5. before A. Helms I .: v.-r i Jr. U. S. Commissioner at Mitchell. ! Oregon. Hie u v,mci Ml niiv- uue urunc iJnlf ' - m ... . ' . rt ent issues, by filing a corroborated i euu. Any person is at liberty to protest this purchase lefbieentrj-', oi1. initiate a contest at any time before patent j issues, by tiling a corroltotatedvatri I davit in., this office, alleging-facts, . which would defekt the entry,,,,,,, , II. Prank Woodcock. , , . ' . . Register. (5-38-27 NOTICE FOU PUBLICATION1. ' Department of the Interior, U. S. Land office, The Dalles. Ore, May 27th, 1915. ; ; Notice is hereby given that Charles 'A . 'Johii.sonV'A'hose P'JSt office address ' !t Kichmoiid. Oreeon. did on the 18th of December. 1013, tile in this office sworn statement and application ' No. 07520, to purchase the SWJ SWJ. Sec' 3. NWfNWf Sj N , st-ctiou 10, Township 0 south, range 22 east. Willamette Meridian, and the timber; ' ih cTCoti, under the' provisions of the act of 'June 3," 1878, and acts amend : atory, known as the "Timber and ' Stone Law," at such va'.ue as might , be fixed by appraismeut, and that, ; pursuant to such application, the j land and limber thereon have been i appraised, $440,00, 300 post at Acts j (15.00 the timber estimated 200.000 h,ard feet at if I .K per M, and the i bind $105.00; that said applicant will offer final pinof in MipHrt of his ap- j plication and sworn statement on the 27th day of August 1015, befoi I Scott Sasser, County Cleik, at Fossil PATENT MEDICINES ICE CREAM, SOFT DRINKS STATIONERY, SUNDRIES. Woodlark Squirrel Poison JULIA CROSS SPRAY, ORE. Inland Empire Real Estate Co iNot Incorporated Will find a buyer for your real estate. If you have land to sell : list it with us. affidavit in this office, alleging facts which would defeat the entry. II. FRANK WOODCOCK, Register 0 178-19 AGENTS WANTED Everywhere) I r . JnEa Marlow n naaamo y Da Faai Xovf Ae TbeDuFourCo.,Wash.,D,C To Sell Madame Du Four's Face Powder which la praparad In (our color. ' Aad Twa Staea. 25c & 50c PKR BOX. 8nd to tam for aarapla, Da- partraeiit D. lltlrllll rl ! WatfiJeftf-4,V uwt i Any person is at liberty to protest this purcjiase before cnty, or initiate a contest "sit any time liefore patent issues, shy filing a c-orrohorated affi daVit in this office, ' allieging fm-tsj I which would defeat the entrv. ' , H Frank. Woodcok. . Kegister. THE "GREATER OREGON" Wit acw balMinK. lM-ttr aaulDuMnt. vn- aca-M erounda, and autar aMltioa. to Its U vMTmivM www win i,ojeia iia rurtleth jrwar. 'rueailay. SrvUtauber 14. 110. v. Rliaclal tminlnK In Cemuiaroa, uournalUra, Architecture, Law, .-((eillolna. leadline. Mhra rt WorV, IIukIc. Pkynlml Tmloina aad Kiae Art". jraiidi(truncdi.tirtuuiitai,r l.llr al ;duntion. : Library ur morr than Su.000 vnlmnm. Uilr tavu Lnlldlac. rulljf roii.ed. twu fnltnlld aramaataaia. " ulUun -ree. THrnitor for aianand for wwntsa. KaiMnar. Ixtt. 4'ltaforfraaautaloct.addrawlnt Rrl. mr UNIVERSITY OF OREGON Kt t-NK. ORKOON . 1 I - 1 M'V" , 'SkJ6i Address all communications to Real Estate Agency, Spray, Oregon. 3VO0D-LAM" JKOIS ON QUICK. CERTAIN. . DEADLY HBAOr FOR INSTANT VK. siiiaa kails. ... i Dcitroy .qulrrel., rophers. prairla don. .ua rata. Apply early in Swln whtt tui "uniT? pasta twit, from Wlnter a.laap. Mon.y back if it aver fails. "Wood-Lark" 'for ii ' yaara i ", !od ovary ta.t. Ia crop Insurani; f ' wrn. t""t'- " 'Ur d,',r h" Clarke, Woodwarti Drug Co-l ! B JOMNSOAt Hall . VV ' ., ABMm.MriM au, O O ' CBJBffWIWalSCffBffaTSpPTJBBBaftSltStttt a vaasHAIIV, WMrlll ,1 ,