Spray courier. (Spray, Or.) 1???-19??, August 19, 1915, Image 2

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Spray Courier.
ThurclyA. 1,1915.
J'ubiiiUJ vwr"- lMreSay ty
Aug. 13, 1915.
An unouhcenientjunt made
by the ForestService.covering
the,nuing business on the
l?Utipnal Forest for the fiscal
year' ending June SO, 1915
show a decrease of over 100,
Subscription, fi.oo p year
ail vine.
a m t 000 in the number of sheep
i, ivu, ! iMMt-air i n. wroih lrnueU on me f oresw oi vr
and an increase of up-
proxuuuieiy , ii,vw iu me
Frofeaaional Card 76 cts. per month
Display ad One square $0.7i
uv. J CimtJ4iJ -
Julius Csetar mUsed a greet deal la
lot knowing tbe telephone or at least
in aot using It if he knew U On caa
tea the telephone engineer attached to
the tinman poatoOtce endeareiitiev but
without avail, to eel an lustrwinent In
Stalled at the capital and at tbe pal
ace. I am tutruated ujr the emperor
to ar tbnj he doe not'deetr ilicae
bui-barbm tMreltlea. and'ao Thonta
Alva dlouu need . not cittt, .Strain
with bla uMUtWUn'a apparatua." A
hjual blunder: We ran Imairlae what
would Lave happened. "Hello. 128?
riberS la It thou. Artemldorus) I
Qudoratand thou rungat no up 'this
morning. What! Detalla of a plot?
Qo not to the aeuate today beware
m e 1
Ona-lourth column i.to " I Ol Vt asiilllglOtl.
One half column 4.iw " For several vears the eraz-
One column, 8.00 " jing business on the Forests
Busings locals ir hue Crst insertion i 0f Oregon has been in excess
IHIinlter grazed iu the Foret nd I thank thee, Arteruldorue." mil
nave an eztra guara pur, on instantly
and the connilrtor arreated." And
so, although ArturuhloniM wa unable
to giro hi warning In tlio atrwt. he
gave It over the telephone, and ,Cae
lu cents, subsequent & cents.
Special rates for longer time.
Payable in advance in each case.
uuinMuuMsmaooutoaowiOOOoa 1
There was great Democratic
jubilation over the discovery
that in the month of June the
number of idle freight cars de
creased 25,000. This meant "pros
perity, said Mr. Kedf leld s little
of that in Washington, but
the influx of settlers in those
parts of Oregon where good
forage wa9 to be found lias
arTttluubte life aud with It tho for-
tuno of Itome waa tavod. From "If
They Had Thought of It" In Strand
Funeral Souvenir. ,
Weird funeral eouvenlre of Dutch
I 1 .... II.. .... . .1 V . I
i vi ill m vrw i-auru uw.vtm wr
made it difficult for big Stock "dead cukee," With a small , bottle of
, t- 1 , , wine and a pair of glorea twe of iheee
owners to find sufficient win- , ,.... ... .,..
ter raillie for their sheep. tires and friends whom one wanted
w a
This fact combined with the
recent high prices of wool
and mutton, has led many
sheep men to sell out. In
warblers, forxettin that June is! Washington there has not
the annual season of the greatest on lv been an increase in set-
attend the funeral. Tho original recipe
for theae cake, which la said to be
authentic, called for fourteeu pound
of flour, all iMunda of sugar. Ore
pounds of butter, one quert of water.
two teaspoonfals of pearl ash. two
teanpoonfula of salt and one ounce
of caraway need. Theae were baked In
four Inch ttquurea, then fronted and
movement oi coai uu uiai ute . nemeiit, Dut also ail increase jnet friend." Sotuetlmea they were
cars were used for that purpose, j available National Forest I,18" fu0, dinner, but uau
Now there comes to light some i . ...... , . w4-
made a apecialty of "funeral cookery,"
one baker In Philadelphia adsaetlalBf
the apecialty aa recently as 174& New
Tork Trlbuue.
still further disconcerting. De-may t0 into the sheep
apite a decrease of 25,000 idle business. Hence, the Oregon
ars in June, there were 275,111 sheep men found the Wash
idle core in this country at the j ington ranchers ready to buy
end of that month, which was Unejr sheen.
neariy .wu jr Xhere has been an Increase
ago, ana nearly w,uw more
than when the present Demo
cratic Administration came into
power. Railroad men judge of
business conditions their own
and others, by the number of
idle cars; and 100,000 or more is
the barometrical reading for bad
business. What, then, shall be
said of 275,000?
The recalljelection held here
in Wheeler County last Monday
was an expense to the taxpayers
to no profit and for which some
one is to blame. ' It seemes to us
that the whole scheme germina
ted in a brain poisoned by per'
sonal predjudice and spite, and;
who sought to avenge themselves
in the cattle business in both
States, over 10,000 increase
in Oregon and nearly 3,000
head in Washington. Many
of these cattle men were for
merly sheep owners grazing
stock ou the Notional Forest.
by using the recall as a tool. 1 If
the recall petition had been filed
in the office of the Secretary of
State, and the election ordered
before the June term of the Cir
cuit Court, it would have looked
better to the voters. If, as some
believe, it was held 'up to take
advantage of the inefficincy of
the District : Attorney to defeat
justice, an inefficiency more the
result of a combination than fact
it is only an acknowledgement
of guilt, altho defeated, justice
stands out m bold relief and the ! users of
people have expressed . disap- su,,iv
1 i iL 1-.. A.I. ' it. 11.'"
jiruvai ai me puies oi uie meui
ods used Trying to use the peo
ple and the people's money to
carry . out schemes of personal
spite might create a feeling re
actionary that would sink the as
pirations . of some of our friends
into political oblivion,
The water users of the
State of Oregon, especially
those using"water for , irriga
tion, are confronting a seri
ous condition, ine water
supply of most of the streams
' Real Joy of Farm Ovenlng.
I am not .a gentleman farmer, with
a great eatate over which I ride oaoe
la awhile and lea re all the real work
to my Underlings. 1 cannot think there
would be great fun In thla. No; I Uke
to uke bold with my Portuguese mas
and plant and apray and trim and
prune. To be aura, be doea more than
bla ahare of the rough work, and much
of the year I mnat be cultivating other'
kinds of Dslds thsn those that grow
cabbages and turnlpa, but the fun of
farming cornea from being a real farm
er while yon are one. getting cloae to
the soil, becoming tntlmste with every
Hvlng thing, whether It 1e a plant or
animal; loving yoor tomato vines and
raspberry bonbea. taking a real pride
la your eggplants and your bnjaae'a, U
sproota, whether, yon get a prtee for
them at the county fair or DoLllrr
Dr. Fraud E. Clarlc In Countryside
Maga tine and Suburban TJf.
of eastern and southern Or
egon is lower this season
than at any time in the past
20 or 30 years. Many people
are depending cither directly
or indirectly upon the flow
of streams for a hvelyhood.
Those having a prior right
to the use of water may legal
ly demand their full supply
as long as it is available.
This will deprive subsequent
their accustomed
A Recipe For Qhoeta, - ' '
It la gent-rally understood that "see
bag ghoHta" t the renlt of IndtKesMon.
Tbe following noteo may be naeful to
amateurs auxloua to Investigate psy
etiological phenomena: .
Ibeter aalad eaten after midnight,
one ordinary ghoet with chalna.
Two WeUb rabblta and a mince pie.
one myaterioua gray lady emltttns?
Cold roast pork, mixed pickle and
atrong tea taken Immediately before
retiring, a genuine family specter car
rying lila head under hi arm.
A portion of cake, result of dan'gh
ter'e drat lemon at cookery school, a
troop of fearsome blood stained hob
goblin with bluo light ablnlng out of
empty eye socket. New York Jour
President, Woodrow Wilson; of New
Jersey; Vice President, Thomas Mar.
shall, of Indiana; Secretary of Slate,
William Jennings Mr) an, of Nebras
ka; Secretary of Teaaaury, William
II. McAdoo, of New York; Secretary
of War, I.lndley M. Uarrisoii.of New
Jersey; ' Attotney (ieneral, Mr.
Ilrexory, of Tennessee; foatiua!tri.
General. Albert S. Burleson, of Texas;
Secretary of Navy, Joseph us Daniels,
ol North Carolina; Secretary of lute
rlor Franklin K. Lane, of California;
Secretary of Agriculture, lavtd A,
Huston, of Missouri; Secretary of
Commerce, William C. Kedfield, of
New York; Secretary of Labor, Wll
liam II. Wilson, of Pennsylvania.
Sprat Water lOorcs
S?rts ,
walling, $f ,50 pr month,
irrigation, $1.50 psrmontn, for J2 in
fawc9t 2 hours a day
' ...
SPtrnt jnyaSw 9tfr. 5.X. Cntt r fVers- Skimm, ' r
Jro Protection JSP to all Patrons.
i . I l ,, i.iili II 'in I'l ' I. " I I ,111 1' .I'll-TUgfWWW
M. S. Corrigall, President.
J. B. Natter, Vice-President.
T. J. Mthoney, Caihier.
Qyde Brock, Ant. Caihier.
Invitee your banking business.
If you have idle fundseither a large or a
small, amount we will be pleased to receive
them and issue our Time Certificate of Deposit
for either six months or one year, bearing
four per cent.
We have Just installed a new set of steel
Governor ;J.K.Withycombe. Secretary j safety deposit bOX68 111 OUr Vault. Persons
state;Bcn.w.Aico.sccreiaryofhQvlng valuable papers to oare for oan rent
ireasury; i nouns. . n.ay. miorney KftVa,i h fh- vr. nt pasaAnnMa pntaa.
f 1. t t t) o i I ------ - - w"
tendent of Public Instruction; J. A.
Churchill. Printer; R. A. Harris.
Engineer; J. H. Lewis. Labor Com.
missioner; O. P. Hoff. Railroad Road
Commiasiooe; F. J. Miller. Water
Superintendent; G. T. Cochran, Rep
resentatives ; , C. C. Clark and James
S. Stewart. Senator; Mr. Kagsdale.
KonJ and Dairy Commissioner; Dr.
. W. Bailey. Circuit Jndge of 11th
udtcial District: D. P.. Parker.
State of Oregon
Senators; George K. Chamberlain
and Harry Lane. Representatrves;
N. C. McArthur, W. C.Hawley aud N.
J. Sinnott. Supreme Judges; T. A.
Mcllride. Oeo. it. Ilurnett, II. J.
Bean, F. A. Moore, Robert Eakin.
L. T. Harris and Henry K. Benson.
Established in 1887
Capital Stock, $100,000.
Surplus and Profits $40,000.
Whkklkr County
Attorney; Joseph K. Starr. Judge;
J Henry D. Ktyes. ComrtsiMioners; M.
uusegana K.,K. Wright. Clerk;
Scott Sasser. Treasurer; A. B. Lamb.
School Superintendent ; Henry J . Si m
toons. Sheriff; Oscar K cissy Asses-
sor; Peter Hartman. Surveyor; H. F.
C, Heidtman.
By-Prod ucts JOK
"Say Jija, are you going to
.the Legislature this year?"
JJ f "No, I have so many
irtlrs ahead for testimonials
for "headache - dope, ehani
pajgue, cijiarets, cliewing-gum
uhd Lydia E. Tinkham's
A'egetahle (omiMund that
I can't find time for lens
important things."
In view of. the unusual
conditions which prevail, it
is suggested that irrigators
he as economical as possible
in tne use of water in order
that some, wat er may be left
to mature the crops of subse
quent nppropriators below.
From letters received at
the State Engineer's office it
appears that many water us
ers have the mistaken ideal
that to economize in the use
of water su that some will
flow down to their neighbor, j ,1!,?.'!,m,
will detrimentally affect their; "Ur takes the fotiow-nie. and he.
i 4i ' i tbe ml demeanor. "Baltimore Amer
waterriglit." Ifthenrioran-
: -
CUanlng a Wateh Chain.
Oold or allver watch cbatna can be
cleaned with a very excellent result, no
matter whether they be matt or pol
Htbed, by laying tbem for a few o
onda In pure aqua ammonia:' Tbey
abould then be rlnaed In alcohol and
Dually abaken In rlean aawdnat. free
from mud. Imitation cold and Dialed
chain abould be cleaned In beuslne. ! tbrs purchaae before entry, or initiate
tben rlnaed In alcohol and afterward i a conteHt at any time before patent
abaken lu dry aawdiiat-St rute Tie- by filing a corroborated affi-
pMbllc i j davit in this office, alleging facts
Which would defeat the entry,
Depsptment.of The Interior.
P. S. Land O0W The palles, Ore.
May 37, JU15.
Notice is hereby given (bat William
t. Wilson, whose pont oflice address is
Spray Oregon, did on the JItta day
of Febrtmry, J91.r, file in this office
sworn statement and application No.
0J4481 to purchase the mw nw Sec
tion 12, Tbwnship 10 south. Range
24 East, Willamette Meridian, and the
timber thereon, under the provislona
of, the act of June 3, 1878, and acts
arrieridafory; ' known as the Timber
and 'Stone Law," at snch value as
might be fixed by appraisement, and
tost, pursuant to such application,
the land and timber thereon have
been appraised $120. tbe timber ewti
mated 140,000 board feet at SO cents
per M and the land $50; that said
applicant will offer final proof in mip
port of his application and sworn
statement on the 20th day of August,
1015, before David H. Baxter, U. S.
Comini.sstoner, at Spray, Oregon,
Any person is at liberty to protest
fyotea as One of tho Post in interior Oregon,
. O. A. Stafford, Proprietor
Ptue Print Jownshtp Plats
Corrected up-to-date allowing names of entrvinen, dstcs of entry,
vacant land, rivera and creek a. 11.00 each A discount
of 25 per cent will be allowed on orders Z
for five or more plsts.
. Xmmd Jrl Jr Jr.
! ,. at lowest market prices.
Alt kinds ol Land office Mtiainess attended to. over SO years experience.!
No Late Hour There.
OutHt Wliut Ke-d you to move
away off hew to the extreme edge of
the dry?
Host The trolley car stop' running
at 10 p. iu.
"What of that?"
"Walt till you see my pretty laugh
tars." Now Vork Weekly.
Ttialr pivialen.
"I see wier a criminal lawyer ka
taken his dnughter luto partnenblp
How do they divide the
f. 17
H. Frank Wtxxleock, Register.
propriator demands his
pound of flesh this season, it
'will cause the ruin of other
The State Engineer desires
to call attention to these, un
usual condition and solicits
A Urituh . surgeon . is' avt-
thoriiy for tho statement that
eaf-e of incipient baldness
i i '" I , ii
nave neen cnecKen nv service
in the trenches, and' he be-jlhe I'arnonious cooperation
lievns that the open air wiiijan,g water users to the end
ruro baldness. This is onejthat iniur.v to the crops thru
ofthiV 1air raiding experiences' s,,ortaep of , w atPr p"PPlv l
Willie- Wltlia-Vhar a -satirical
touch,';, pa T Papa Willi ft's the fe
low who' riorrytta luuiieyiot yoii and
tben kldx you about. It . whenever., yun
meet Pnek. . "''"'?.
An Eaception. ' V''
Blx So nmn ever uc4-eeded In bnl
ne who ket watrhlnjr tbe clock
Pli OU. I don't knw There' the
rrata dlrpatclmr. Bt'ooklyn Eaxle '
At the froptr
Skeptical. ,"! " '"
Not one mini lu a tlionsand who rolls
down to the bottom of the lilll 'tin
make, the world bollcvf- he did It for
axerciw. -A tj:iuta tJotirtirutloo.iCir -.
Department of the Interior,
U S.Land Office, at The Dalles,
T 't Oregon, July 23, 1915.
''Notice is hereby ziven that
John Alhef of llasin, Oregon, who
on January ' the 20th, 1912. made
Home-iteacl Entry No. 098.T7, for
SKK,' See. 35, T.10 S.R.25 Kast,
Lots 12 and SWNKJ Sec. 2, T. 11
South, Range 2ft K., Willamette Mer.
has filed notice of intention to make
final thrve year proof to establish
claimto the land above described, be
fore 'Jl). now, V, ti. Commissi jner.
Dayyifle,' Oregon, on the I3th day of
Sept. J.915. ' -: :'t i.
t Claihtant names as witnesses j
WV'B. Baler, ; fbartes' V. Bales
3. P, Mori iaou i and ' Ii. ,B. Morris
all of Basin, Oregon; . ' , . -Jt.
sFRANK WOODCOCK, 4 Register.
8.12-9r!fi' "'Jii;J;7';'
IT :t: .
Deering Mower Assets
A THOROUGHLY dcpendabla mower is a big
asset a t having time. A good mower should be
able to cut grass in any condition satisfactorily, and in this
respect the veering: new ideu is a pronounced leader.
Tha flexible movement of the cutter bar which permits close en
ever rough ground, the) one-piece main frame with all holes drilled in
one operation to secure perfect alignment ot parts, the covered gears -and
the special quality steel bail and roller bearings, etc
Still another point the ledger plate on the Deering mower extends
. the full length of tho cutting surface of tho guard, giving the advantage. ;
of a complete ebear cot, whether the knife section u old or new. This
does away witn an clogging ot tbe grass between the knite section and
tha rear end of the ledger plate.
Drop la and see us and we will show yon tbe mower in detail.
Men and Boys Cloathing
Ladies Trimmed Hat?
Oranges, Lemons and Candy
Farmers' Mercantile Co;.'.