The Spray Courier. Thvksimv, July, 8, 9'5 local uiui:i s Sheriff KolHay was in Spray Monday. Emmet Cocheran of Monument brought Mru. Julia Crcms home from the celebration Monday. William Mainord of Foanil passed thru Spray Wednesday. Claude Noris went to FohhH Sunday to celebrate the 4th. Dr. W. A. .Ticdemann went to Monument this week. Chaa. Hill was here on busi ness Thursday. C. F. Waters and family at tendid the 4th of July celebration at Fossil, returning home today. Dayton Jenkins of Waterman was in town today attending to some land business. Johnie Coats returned from tho Foosil country, Wednesday, where he has been working for B. D. Hurtle, Geor.'e May Jr. is helping 11. E. Wright harvest his crop on Parrish Creek. Mr. and Mre 0. A. Stafford went to Portland this week and Mrs. It. E. Wilson has charge of the hotel. Frank Cason is talking of go ing on a camping expediti on in the mountains hunting Coyotes. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Osborn went to the annual meetinjyof the Christian Church near Salem, and attended the dedication of the new Christian Church at Fossil on thier way down. Mrs. Julia Cross has been very nick since returning' from Monu ment. 1 A petition is beinsr circulated to have the President of the United States call an extra cess ion of Congress to empower him to place an embargo on arms and amunition. The Representative of tno Brown Shoe Company of Kansas City was here Thursday. ' NOTICE-, A White Sewing machine For Falc cheap, hes not been used, cost $45, will Bell for $30. I;or particulars call cn J.E. Maniord, Spray, Oregon. There must have been a Bmall water spout above here, as the river has arisen about 12 in. but where, and what damage has been done, we are unable to fay at this time. Austin Campbell and wife D. E. Baxter and ye Editor, went with Emmet Cocheran in his Hupmobile to see the Spray Winlock ball game. When with in about 1-4 of a mile from the ground the rear axle broke and the above named party had to walk the remaining distance. They returned in a Smithmobil e. T- M. and E. M. Price were in Spray this week. The rain Thursday evening prevented F. A. Hale from go ing to Fossil as he intended. E, B. Enyart and family who went to Fo3sil to celebrate, re turned home Wednesday. Commissioner,., .Wright is attending the July lermof Court which convened Wedm sday D- M. Kichey is going to start for Or. ok County in a few days in the interest of the Watkins Medicine Company. , . Joe Stew ai t wss in tewn today with a fine load' of apples. Mv.; Julia Jenkins Is visiting her Uncle Emil Straube at Water man Flat thu weak. The muddy water in the John Day u.uri d by the resent rain, has killed quite a number cf Salmon. Sofne rice cneS( have been found alorg the liver bar.k. SPRAlf- WINLOGK BALL GAME Amid a downpore of rain the contestants battlled on for victory I ONE ROCK'H PKKEAT. July C Tho game played by the Spray-winiock Base ball teams, at f he close of a two days celebration at ''The Notch," was a draw. . The game was to have i begun at 2 o'clock, but it was j long passed that hour before the players assembled on the dia - mornl. About noon a slow steady rain set in and continued all afternoon, notwithstanding the rain, the game preceded, wit - nesaedbyalargecrowdofenthu - .iwucBpccuwrr. i containing 640 a. all fenced 'and Spray was first at the bat.and I we waltfd flbout made one score Wmlock made a Jn tultivation and more can be three points, the last ha f of the :.. . ... ,. .. : 4 . , , ; put in cultivation, first ining. This certainly begun j . to look bad for Spray. At the j An undivided one half iuteiest end of the sixth ining the score, in a 10.000 acre stock ranch. Three stood 3 to 6 in favor of Winlock. :' improved places, five bands of At the end of the seventh the j sheep, 100 head of cattle, 20 head score stood 3 to 6 in favor of j of horses, 200 acres alfalfa from Winlock. It was here that Spray : 500 to 1.000 acres of farming awoke and began to play ball. ! land. Plenty of water for irrigu- In the nineth ining Spray tied ; ting, and on the pasture land for the game the score stood 7 to7. I stock. A bargain for some one The tenth ining was played I with some capitol. without changing the score and j as it was getting late, both sides' Morphine, it. was onllwl a draw and the money eaquelly divided between the players. Lone Rock and Spray crossed bats the first day of the celebra tion which resulted in Lone Rock's defeat, the score standing eleven to nothing in favor of Spray. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior. j U.S. Land Office, The Dalles. Oregon j June 7th 1915. j Nutick is hereby given thnt John R. j JSptiiy, whose post office addrew) is', Spray, Oregon, did on the 2 lib day of October, 11)14, file in thia office! Swoin Statement and Application no. Ol i977 to purchase the skJ nwJ, swj !?!. ltj 'hwJ .Section 7, T .v u'np 10 j Sotnh, Range 2- liast, Will amette M.-ridian, an 1 the timber tli-reon, under the provisions of the act of June 3, 1878. and acts amendatory, known j as the "Timber and Stone Law," at such value as might be fixed by ap praisement, and that pursuant to such application, the, land and timber theteon have been appraised $4.80.00 ! the timber estimated 290,000 boa id j feet, at $1.00 ptr M. and the land ! $190 00; that eaid upplicant will offer final pio')f in support of his applica tion and sworn statement ou the 20th ilay of August, 1915. before David li. lii.xtel. U S. Coimuissioiier at Spray, Oicyn. Any pel son is at liberty to protest this purchase before entry, or initi ate a contest at any time lefore pat ent issues, by filhij; 11 eorrt-bor.iU d aili'iavit in this olBi-.e, alleging facts wbicli would ikfiat the entry. II. FRANK WOODCOCK, Register 17 8 -19 I - I Fixing Up an Elation. 1 a MirimiH lnetdoni once weurred at Pnttmi at an elwthni for pafllumeiit ; Kir Mark Wood, wiin uau m-en one .m j . . . . Its inciiiliia ror stvenii .vwir. iiiiu bis oollwigiie In the mi liaincnt of Sir Wlllinin Congfi've. the hiventor if thi fiiuioiis "Congrevo rocKet." The lattor fosluiird In INW. anil.tlie b:iii uet wished Ills own son lo lill the vn iiuie.v. There were only tlnve voters In tile coiistIUic:ic.v-Slr Murk. Ills sou Mint Ills liuiler. iiiiiucd Ji-iiiilngs hut the son was away ninl the butler h:li! quiiireled with his umsier nn o iortuii!ty was ntTnnled f'i' a slnguhir rtrVi-iiM' Jennings refusal to seeomt Sir Marks iiomlii.itloii of 'i!s sou ninl proiHised himself, and n deadlock was iv,.itwi iiulv bv Sir Murk coming to terms with the refractory hutler. j whose iiomimitliiii he wcimdw! In or ! der to iinlm-e him to net as u seconder j 10 his son. Matters being thus put j formally In train. Sir Mark 11 r ranged with Jennings thnt the former s vote should he nlone given, and the ttnnl state of the poll lit I'attoti's only known contest stood thus: Wood (ToiTi. 1: .leiuihiKS (Mii'i. "busier (!a7.cttii. 0- West- LOOK! BARGAIN Property for sale! j Coral stock ranch. 1685 ucrc.y;5l acres in alfalfa with plenty of water j for irrigating. 1 wo good orchards. Remainder of the land in in grain j jana pasture. Will sell cheap. bargain for yon. Hotel in Spray, doing a good steady business. Well furnished. This property also includes 5 lots! so bv kx feet, irood barn and otlier improvements. Six Thousand acre Ranch. 500 acres farming land, 300 head of cattle, 50 head of horses, $2,000 worth of machinery, machinery and stock included. CJood seven room house, water piped into house. Two good linis r-t '. Iy 100 feet ;..! V-,vl luis all punted. Giaii- lai 20 by 50 feet , long 1 thousand acres nder go d fence, 'divided into four pastures, all ' watered by good !-.prin,js. j SmM stoc.k ranch 8 1Ils.rom! i . . ,im. m . . j Other projKrrty in and around ' Spray. Address INLAND EMPIRIC REAL ESTATE AGENCY Spray, Oregon. AGENTS WANTED Everywhere ' To Sell' Madame Du Four's Face Powder !'!; v,yj. it . j,r.Vv-.,.-..,.'X , Julia Marlow Vmtn and Rccommrnda Madame Dn Four'B Face Fowder. which is prepared an lour colors And Trro Size. 25c & 50c FEU BOX. Send 2o stamp for uatr.Hlfl, De partment D. . The Du Four Co.,Wash., D. G KOTICB FOR FUnLICATIOK Department of the Interior, U. 5. Laud Oflice, The Dalles. Ore. .May 15. 1915 Notice is hereby given thatSimrod Ireinongtr whose post officeaddress is Wateiinan, Oregon, did m the 20th day of Aiiirust. 1914. file in this nfl5ce SWOrn statement and applica tion No. OI37;!8, t piuchase tl;p NW'i, Sec. 9. & NJ NK, SE NK, Section 30, Township 11, south, j range J'.ast, lllamttte Aieriuian, and th;; timber thereon, under th? provisions of the act of .June 11, 178, and acts aiuenJatorkiunv'h' ns the Timber and Stone I. aw, at such value ns might be fixed by nppraisment, and that, pursnaut to such application, the land and timber theieon have been appraised , t-ni.OO. :)0i Posts 8 1 ts. iS2i.0! tj,e vjmber e.-timated 1 10,(X)O board ! fefct at If 1.50 per M. and the land $200.00; that said applicant will offer final prool in support of'j;is ap plication and swoiu statement on ihf 27lu day ol Aug. iwiu, neiore a. iiciiu ; nppraised, .TWio.UU, ai'ii ost at iicts Jr. U. S.-Commissioner at Mitchell, i 15.(H) the timber estimated 2150.000 Oregon. j b:ard ' feet at ifUK) per M, and the Any person is at liberty to protest ' JdOJi OO; that said applicant will this purcha.e befoie entiy, or initiatt : 0ft.r final pipof in support of his ap a contest at any time befoie patent (dicaticn and swovn statement on the issues, by lilinjr a conoborated afti-'; 27th day of August 191 5, before davit in this office', 'alleging fact i'Scott Saiser, County Cletk, at Fossil, which would defeat the entry.' ; Oregon. 11. Frank Woodcock. Register. (1-38-27 It Hit Him. "Tea," observed the e;.'g, "my theatri cs I venture was a great sin-pis. I was 1 A i enst ror I'.ie Heavy viii;i.ii ;mih uuuic r.vmendoi!s INitch. hit." -St I.muIs rnst-llls- BUSINESS CARDS.. jseph k. starr. ATTORNEY - AT-LAW, Will prat-tire in all court in the state ,,.. rR A UTIPnFMANW fc I ' 4 V V y I I m fc-r If If 111 I 1) I PHYSICIAN 1 1 AND j I KUIHJKON. j ! fift;u in 11.- i... ..(..., u. r.,. sp&j(2, o&csoy. H. H. HENDRICKS, ATTORNEY-AT LAW. FCSSIL, vaEIX3 GSUMTT, CREGOR. Mr. llnnili ii'k. inuitiiiitn. a nolldlloii do Iiiii'iinriit. til oitirrt lire liriiil(iiirlr fur tint Vlioulcr Oiiuitj' Alj.trnct Cuirnr ; nn itlau for I lie FomiI lult' Co. jILntracl. j mnilo, I.hikI. Ililcl and folil Hi eonimliwion D. E. BAXTER. United States Ccmmissioncr sod Kstary Public I'lllnu. I'roofa and all La ul )liiltir, a Specialty. liemU mid ;ortBii.'t Carefully Oruwn. A lorn tipplv of l.iuul Hlauk. ke.t ou Itatid Sl'RAY. - - ORKOON. G. W. Hawes BARBER Whiskers amputated without pain or whiskers returned.' OJice in Courier Building. SPRAY, ... OlilXiON SPRAY STUDIO osit Car&fi anb i? Jlljotosraptjss cf all &tar.iariJ gsits jSnlaroino neatly an& properly' executed We. Gaardntcc Satisfaction BURNER BUILDING SPRAY OREGON 3nlan& fimpirc Uveal estate Hocnc Will Sell Your Real Eatate GIVE US A TRIAL WB CAN HELP IOC SPRAY OREGON- SUBSCRIBE For The COURIER NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land office, The Dalles, Ore. May 27th, 1S15. Notice is hereby given that Charles A. Johnson, whose post office addtess is Richmond, Oregon, did, on the 18th dn- of December, 1913, rile in tlii. office sworn statement and application No. 07"ii!H, to purchase the SWJSWJ, Sec. 3. NW-iNWi, SJ NWJ. section 10, Townshi) '.) south, range 22 east, Willamette Jleridian, and the timber thereon, under the provisions of ihe act of June .'!, 1878, and sets amend atoty, known as the "Timber and Stone l.iivv," at such va!ue as might be fixed by appraisment, and that, pursuant to such application, the land and timber thereon have been Auy person is at liberty to protest this p-itchase bt lore enly, or initiate a contest at any time befoie patent issues, by filing a corroborated affi -davit in this oSoe, alliejing facts which wou'd defeat the entry. 11 Frank Woodco , G 10 S 27 CCC0CCCCO00SO30O0O000OCO0CCO0wO00COOOS0000C000C)0O00O I Jl Waists. Ready-Mado House LaClieS gaSS HMlery. Corsfits. CorSPit Covfirs. Union and TAn PIoq - T " w - Underwear. WASH SUITS FOR SMALL CHILDREN. M -vt. Summer Weight Whip Cord Pants, Waist and Bib Overalls, aw jumDerSj Work and Dress Shirts, Suspenders, Ties, Union and Two Piece Underwear, Slip-EasyiColIars, R-sh IrPical Fruits, Meat, Lard, HSM Bolognas, and Orejgon Grown OA 1 Garden Seeds in Bulk. BAXTER k Sl I OSBORN. i 1 , ! acquainted j SGTVICG :is just what business. j become THE ' V maintains a department especially organized to look after the live 1 Try an account with Geo. 13. Dukek, Vros. j F T. Ilurlburt, Casli'ier CONFECTIONERY PATENT MEDICINES j ice cream, soft drinks Stationery, sundries. Woodlark Squirrel Poison JULIA CROSS SPRAY, ORE. 3 it an d- Empire Re iNot Incorporated - Will find a buyer for your real estate. If you have land to sell list it with us. Address all communications to 1 Real Estate Agency, . Spray, Oregon. :lHPoiady rats. ...... r'13 r It . mmmmm i .VWi'VWVdKrlW "6W r . "ut"- w ii your flea -f v vi t V W I VV with a bank whose require in your you ATIONAL BANK stock business.' us. A. Ureiner, Vice Pres. II. M. Rogers, Asst. Cashier QUICK, CERTAIN. KE.IOV FOH'lXKTAVr ISK. al Estate Co AI5VE.1 FAILS. Destroy squirrel?, sonhers. nmii-ln .In... Apply chHv In Suriiiir n,ho. t.'.rS.. VVx, uiny in nitriiiff when tho hnn "wake from Winter's sleep. .Money l over lail.s. "W ood-l Jirli" for !b v llHCK stood every lest. lfu crop Innuninrn vui) r .or huan t Co.