Spray courier. (Spray, Or.) 1???-19??, April 15, 1915, Image 4

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Kronprinz Wilhclm Slips by Foe
Into Newport News.
"The Car that Carries You Safely."
A Car of absolute dependability, consistent in daily perform
ance, economical in fuel and upkeep; refined, improved and priced
low because REO purchasing power and manufacturing con
ditions make low price possible.
Always ready to take the road, be it smooth or roujrh alert,
eager with an excess of reserve power to meet any contingency.
Visit with the nearest Reo dealer, or write to us for full, free
Information about this wonderful car.
The Reo Four $1050. The Reo Six $13S5
F. O. B. Factory.
Reo Service covers every mile of the way from the Canadian
border to Mexico
Distributors for Pacific Northwest F. W. VOGLER, President
Broadway at Couch St, Portland, Oregon.
.... , ,... For Hat of American firms employing- AMERICAS
t the best equipped, most up-to-dte and only
x FIGHT ON HIGH New nd Second-hand Arents forThorand Excel
S 1 1 r prices. Why pay t5 to $10 sior. Write for Cata'oeues and Second-hand priei
y53UfrV fur a pair of slassea when Lists. APEX BICYCLE CO.. 124126 12 ft, ftll Ortta
V first quality lenses a sflVF Vll II R TFFTM
gold Ild frame as low as $1.60? Chas. W. Good-i f " Orllt lUUil I tb I II ",
nan. 809 Morrison St., Portland. Or. Glasses fit- fYlTTIP In hve J"""1 mouth examineil. I
tad by mail. Write for particulars. - I " I use the very latest sclenuiic
. psinls method a. DR. A. W. KEENE, I
, . 351H Washington St.. Portland. 1
A guaranteed remedy for Colds and DORTLAND BARBER COLLEGT?
La Grippe. Price 25c of your druggist. A Teaches the Trade 8 Weeks. Scalp, il
It's food. Take nothing else. Adv. Face Massacre a Specialty. Tools Free.
- Positions Guaranteed. PAY while LEARNING.
Mtk aad Washing-ion Sta, PortUad. Ore,
Rooms with bath, S1.50 per day. Rooms without
bath. 11.00 per day.
AD Outside Roomsfireproof Construction
Special Rates for permanent guests.
Hoes Finnegan. Mgr. Victor Brandt. Prop.
The only strictly Bicycle Salesroom and Re
pair Shop in Portland. Price list on applica
tion. Write 103 13th St. Corner Washington.
293 Hadisoa SU
Portland. Orsjroa
gives absolute com
fort and many cures: payments SI week, witi
money-back miarsntee. Write for FREE book
Jay W. Wilson. 3U2 Commercial Club Huikling
Portland. Oregon.
HOWARD K. BFRTON - Amsrer ana rnenil
Lead.ille. Colorado. Spei'iaieu !ru-et: Gold
Silver. Lei t. ti. UoSd, BUvur. o: Gold. iUc: Zim
or Copper SI. Mailine envelopes a ;d full price lis
ent oa aj'pncai ion. ivmrroi ana timpire worssv
Ucited. lielumnoet UuixuuieMauasal Ban.
One Penalty of Fame.
The Victim "Ptomaine poisoning.
ehT Well, I surely was a blame fool
to eat the BtuhV The Doctor "But,
my dear sir, you can't establish your
self as a recognized epicure without a
touch of ptomaine now and then."
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
"Joha L. Sulliran"
a S-year-old Jack
raised on this farm.
Breeders of
Jacks; Thorooxhbred
Saddle, Belay and
Raanlng Horses;
Berkshire Boca.
Lexington, Oregon.
To be closed out at Actual Cost
We are goimr out of the Bicycle Busi
ness and will sell at Retail all our High
Grade Iver Johnson Wheels at the follow
ing prices:
Ladies' Roadster, Model 1487-L. complete
with Coaster Brake, Mudguards and
Tires. Regular S35 Wheels, at
Mens' Roadster, Model 1487, equipped as
above, regular $35, at
Heavy Service Wheel, Model 1488-S, fully
equipped, The Finest Wheel in America,
regular $50, .
Special, $40.00.
This will be your only opportunity to get
the Highest Grade Wheel manufactured
at actual cost. All wheels fully guaranteed.
- 110 Third St., Portland, Ore.
Insult to the Bee.
, An Insult to the bee is to nu (he
name to denote a crazy or erratic per
son, as the bee is possibly the most
! methodical of all Insects, with the
possible exception of the ant There
fore the expression "He has bees in
his bonnet" is an offensive phrase ex
cept that it may mean a buzzing In
the head, such as president and other
political aspirants are said to be af
flicted with. "She's whiles crack-
brained and has a bee in her head'
was not worthy or v niter Scott,
though "
v. r ' ...
Gwen hud been on u iit at hci
grandmother's. Several days after.
for disobedience, her mother said to
her, "Sometimes, when little girls are
naughty, their mothers give them
away." Little Gwen looked troubled
then suddenly, with a bright smile,
said, "Well, mother, if you are going
to give me away, please give me tc
Sinks 14 Merchantmen in Eight
Month' Cruiae in Southern
Atlantic Ocean.
Newport News, Va. The German
converted cruiser Kronprim Wilhelm,
the elusive raider of commerce in the
South Atlantic, slipped into the port
Monday and asked for fuel and provis
ions. Many times reported destroyed,
the former North German Lloyd liner
had evaded hostile warships for eight
months while she sent 14 merchantmen
to the bottom. Her officers said she
was forced to steal her way past four
allied cruisers off the Virginia capes to
reach this refuge.
We got in without being seen by
the enemy and we can get out the
same way," declared her commander,
Lieutenant-Captain Paul Theirfelder,
formerly navigating officer of the uer-
man cruiser Karlsruhe.
When she dropped anchor, the Kron
prins Wilhelm had less than 26 tons of
coal and scanty provisions for the crew
of 600 men and 61 prisoners from
British merchant ships sunk in the
South Atlantic.
Of 14 ships that the 16,000-ton
cruiser sank, nine were British, lour
French and one Norwegian.
The value of these ships and their
cargoes, othcers or the wtineim estt
mated at $7,000,000.
When the Kronprina Wilhelm ar
rived off Bimble bhoals, after passing
in the Virginia capes, early in the day,
two United States submarines, the G-l
D-2, met her. The appearance of
the submarines caused considerable
surprise among the crew, but there
was no demonstration, as' the little
vessels convoyed the German raider to
quarantine, where Dr. MacCafferty,
United States quarantine officer,
boarded her.
Commander Theirfelder reported 66
of the crew and prisoners were ill with
beri-beri and requested that they be
taken to a hospital.
The Kronprinz Wilhelm followed in
the wake of the interned Prins Eitel
Friedrich, which arrived here a month
ago, after thrilling and effective opera'
tions for the German arms.
In her raid of the seas since she
slipped out of New York harbor Au
gust 3 last as a German merchant and
passenger Bteamer, the Kronprinz Wil
helm never touched land and took 960
prisoners from various' vessels des
Most of these were sent to South
American ports at different times on
German ships, which met the raider in
response to wireless calls.
Latest Talking- Machine Sensation
The equal in tone-quality of any $200 model
At Kf for gg'80
TTT ...AV Z"tT or, Polillr fer those who know the ma.
fill tlwi J!'uf ? ''" marhln In the home, hut who
ij II " VMrSi?Mi.,,M,Uua 'l,ou, prin '!0,, 'or nr,t
"11 . it'.? '"" machine that combine all of the
Jl J"?nl,j ftures of the 1100 machine, that la curreetly
i i.1d "n1. itfr finished and lhat la In every
"eratofe? ' ,um,r ' , machine mad
tfXTX r?,.fnIT w, offer. these splendid new Inatrxi.
fl II n-wU.?' .,h.,.'ow.lH,, ?' tnolud. with
' I I II lfoK b0,if'r without further oharss. a oollaotlon of
Mil J! cor.l,. 't?0' !h,m and the balance
jJI double liters. they Include selection by Constantino,
. Jl MTlbt chuman-Jlelnk and ether world-famou
IL'J'i! W J, liberal supply of new needles
aad other aooeaeerles.
rortland, Oregon
, ' ' 's nuviCaiiuai V
' tcjjs, iter J
-1 if
Ik. 4 ;"
Delivered, everywhere
In tho state, for
Free Trial
Write for actual photographs of this and other new models.
Oils and Greases
an the toods of QUALITY.
Oib u Grteu far AUTOMOBILES.
Oik ui huut W STEAM EKC1NE3.
Oil cornea In 1. &. IS. 33 and HfiL pk(s.
Grease come In 1, 2b. 6. 10. 15, 2t lt and up
Write ua for prices and particular.
rVai bnad 1211 U Fe Si. ratal Or.
Business gives work to labor's
countless hands; buttlness wipes the
tears from the eyes of widows and or
phans; business dimples with joy tho
cheek of sorrow; business puts a root
above the heads of the homeless; busi
ness covers the land with happy
homes; business will feed the hungry,
clothe the naked, educate the Ignor
ant, enrich the world with art Oil the
air with song. lugcraoll.
Tpnj iooj oil u.ssei joj
II Soor lyedojd j.itbd no mou
pu .anSq euqouio)n uv ojuj j
patum pus dJis oq) n paoua; isn AV
lou ssn8 I ipeSunoosip a. ja. nq
;jqio eqj 0) japjoq euo tuojj pi.
eriiu v qia 01 puv jvoa jbbi idis
jno no popaaDsop sjoddoqssojj eqj
jamooq uja)aa. aqi Pls u'de
umox M peiuoog ejaddoqssJ9
Testing Krecious stones.
The science of optics has In the last
year or so given much aid to Jewelers
In making tests that are said to be ab
solutely conclusive as to the nature
of a gem. The refractive lndez, or the
power of bending light rays, la deter
mined as to precious stones in the
same way as tnai or ine spectacle
lenses which the opticians sell.
Germany Sends Sharp
Answer to America
Old English Public School.
Harrow, the famous English public-
school, was founded by John Lynn In
.50 Per Ton
f.'o. b. Warehouse
Full information furnished
418 Corbett Bldg.,
1 Ptone East 6912. Portland, Or.
P. N. V.
NO. 16, 1915
r VSTBES wrlttajr to adrertisers, pie
1 JM ,L. -
For Young and Old
The acute agonizing pain of
rheumatism is soothed at once
by Sloan's Liniment. Do not
rub it penetrates to the sore
spot, bringing a comfort not
dreamed of until tried. Get a
bottle today.
Her What Others Sav i
I tigbly recommend your Liniment I
Mine Dost remedy lor riieumatiam I ever I
I used. Before using it I spent large sums I
of money trying to get relief of the misery I
ana pain in iiridi ana ooay, so 1 tned
your Liniment both internal and external
and I found quick relief, and now am
well and strong again." Geo. Curtis, t$
Here's Proof
"I wish to write and tell you about a I
ian 1 joaa aown iourten stops, and bruised I
my neck and hio verv bad. I noniri nnt I
sleep at all. I sent my wife for a 25 cent I
pottie oi your J-,inunent and in two days' I
time I was on mv feet azain." Churl I
Hyde, Prairie Ave., St. Louis, Mo.
for neuralgia, sciatica, sprains and
AH Drusgists, 2Sc
Send four cents in stamps for a
Dr. Earl S. Sloan. Inc.
Dept. B. Philadelphia, Pa.
Washington, D. C Count von Bern'
storff, the German ambassador, made
public Sunday the text of the note he
recently presented to the State depart
ment, declaring that "if the American
people desire to observe thorough neu
trality they will find means to stop the
exclusive exportation of arms to one
side, or at least, to use this export
trade as a means to uphold the legiti
mate trade with Germany, especially
the trade in foodstuffs."
The memorandum was prepared at
the German embassy, and while it does
not call for a reply, the State depart'
ment already has drafted one which will
be delivered probably within a few
The ambassador, in his complaint, in
forms the United States that, contrary
to the' real 'spirit "of neutrality, an
enormous new industry of war ma
terial of every kind is being built up
in this country, and that this is "sup
plying only Germany s enemies, a fact
which is in no way modified 'by the
purely theoretical willingness to fur
nish Germany as .well, if it were possi
ble. "
future Peace Discussed.
The Hague, via London For three
days there has been a private discus
sion of peaee here'by a conference con
sisting jot about 30 delegates from the
United States, Hollland, Germany,
Austria-Hungary, Sweden, Norway,
England, Belgium and Switzerland,
Only a short record of the work of the
conference, which ended Saturday, has
been issued, as follows: "The object
of the meeting was not to suggest
steps to bring the present war to an
end, but to consider by what principles
future peace would beet be gained.
Packing Plant Wrecked.
Kansas City An explosion wrecked
the seven-story cooling building of the
Cudahy Packing company's plant here
Sunday night.
The loss is estimated at $760,000.
Two men were employed in the build
ing at the time were injured.
Investigation developed no trace of
an explosive. Company officials as
serted there was no gas in the building
and that the cooling - pipes contained
no 'ammonia or other material that
might explode.
rrjr atunine Kj Kerned fur Red, Weak, Water;
Byea aod Granulated ItTelld; No Hmartlti?
I lusWEe Comfort. Write fur Book of the ire
oj mau rree. Murine Kje uemeajr vo., umcatfo.
More Dire Threat.
There was trouble In the back yard.
Six-year-old Billy had thrown a stone
at a boy In the next yard, who was
.making vociferous threats. "If you
throw another stone," he yelled, "I'll
Blck my dog on you!" "Huh!" replied
Billy. "If you come Into my yard I'll
sick my mother on you!" Youth's
The Real American.
America Is the land of labor and by
no means what the English call Lub-
berland and the French Pays de Co-
cagne, where the streets are said to be
paved with half peck loaves, the
houses tiled with pancakes and where
the fowls fly about ready roasted, cry
ing, "Come, eat me." Franklin.
The Aurora.
The Northern Lights, or Aurora
Borealls, are caused by the flow of
positive electricity, off from the earth,
through the Icy mists or clouds that
float above the poles, toward the plan
etary spaces. There Is a close causal
connection between the aurora and the
'sun spots."
Too Witty tor the Lawyers.
A man was excused from a Jury on
his plea that be was a pharmacist. The
next man asking to be excused said ho
had a similar reason, for he was a
"farm assistant" He was not excused,
but he cot to hrar no cases. The law
yers were afraid of him. He was too
Acld-Proof Corks.
Soak tho corks in hot paraffin. This
will prevent the acids from eating
away the corks.
Dally Thought.
It la not wealth or ancestry but ho
arable conduct and a noble disposition
that make men great. Ovid.
Keep KidsKIeen
Th inu pffcll.l, brtllMnl, plitlim
fitment erf Invent nl for rbUUifn I
to i run uf me. Mle in one pinr
HH twin, rasliy Hlpfed on t
off. fa.lir al"-U. Ku It. t,t
rUitlc tutnlf lu pop l'ntUtUtn.
Mail. In tilut tlciilm. inJ Wur and
wbiis hwkuty M.ipr t..f stl lb
yrmt fuital. Ate liilifff weiftii
material tof m mmT WM. All
ffimtifc ttl(tttnr4 tlb tat red at
blue rUtr, Ml In Outrh nni
nf elUw ilmn am4 ttlf b
unit sitil lung times
75c the suit
If ymt dealrf nnM Mipftf ftm,
e will rtiJ fhrn. tbaftra prettaitl
fttt I, rip ul pfi , 7hr rarb.
A New
Mad Bp
LLtvl Straus & Co.. San FrancUco
FREE "5"
Keeps Gutter Sweet
Housekeepers who set butter by the
jar or tub will find that a little char,
coal plcevd In a paper bn and then
put Into the tub or jar will keep the
butter sweet.
In the Expectant Period
Before the coming of the little one women need to be pos
eessed of all their natural strengtii. Instead of being harassed
by forebodings and weakened by nausea, sleeplessness,
or nervousness if you will bring to your aid
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription
you will And that most of the suffer
ing will not make its appearance.
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is the result of a life study of
ailments, disorders and irregularities peculiar to women. Ha continued
supremacy in its particular field for more than forty yours Is your
assurance of the benefit to be derived from its use.
Neither narcotics nor alcohol will be found in this vegetable prescrip
tion, in liquid or tablet form. Sold by druggists or a trial box will be
aent you by mail on receipt of 60 one-cent stamps.
Address Dr. Pierce's lavallda Bote, Buffalo, N. T.
Pr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets reawlate liver and bowels
First in Resurrection.
In some districts of India the east-
era parts of cemeteries are regarded
as the most desirable. The choice Is
based on the belief that the dead in
the eastern section will be the first
to leap from their graves, brush the
dust from their bones and proclaim
their readiness to ascend.
Mexicans Tax Americans.
San Antonio, Tex. Taxes aggregat
ing $1,000,000 have been imposed on
mineowners in the state of Oaxaca,
Mexico, according to private advices
reachinig here from the city of Oax
aca, the state capital. Eighty-five
per cent of the mineowners are for
eigners and 60 ' per cent Americans.
Information Desired.
Wonder who loses all the fault ev
erybody seems to find. Philadelphia
Ledger. .
Wonderful Blood Remedy
That Works in the Tissues
Tha Very Laiest Theory About How and Vfhy tho
Blood is Disordered.
S. S. S. Means Pure Blood Which Insures Long Life and Health.
When you know physicians' have
prescribed reslnol for 20 years in the
treatment of eczema and other itching,
burning, unsightly skin eruptions, and
have written thousands of reports say
ing: "It Is my regular prescription
For itching," "Reslnol has produced
brillant results,' "The result it gave
was marvelous in one of the worst
cases of eczema," etc., etc., doesn't it
make you feel that "this is the treat
ment I can rely on for MY skin-trouble?"
The moment reslnol ointment
touches itching skins, the Itching
tops and healing begins. With the
aid of reslnol soap, it almost always
slears away every trace of eczema,
ringworm, pimples, or other torment
ing eruptions quickly, leaving the skin
clear and healthy. Sold by all drug
gists. Adv.
The great experts in Chemistry and
Physiology now declare) what has all
along been contended by the Swift Lab-
oratory that the germs of blood disorders
nna lodgment In the Interstices of tho tls.
sues. . -
And heroin Is where S. B. 8. goes to
work rapidly, effectively and with won
derfully noticeable results.
This famous blood purifier contains
medicinal components Just as vital and
essential to healthy blood as the nutritive
elements of wheat, roast beef, and fats
and the sugars that make up our dally
As a matter of fact there is one Ingre
dient In S. 8. 8. which serves the active
purpose of stimulating each cellular part
of the body to the healthy and judicious
selection of its own essential nutriment
That is why It regenerates the blood sup.
ply; why it has such a tremendous in
fluence In overcoming eczema, rash, nun
pies, aad aU skin afflictions.
And In regenerating tho tissues S. S. S.
has a rapid and pohIUvo antidotal effect
upon all thoso irritating influences that
causa rheumatism, soro throat, weak
eyes, loss of weight, thin palo cheeks, and
that weariness of muscle and nerve that
Is genorally experienced, by all sufferers
with poisoned blood.
Get a bottle of S. 8. S. at any drug
store, and in a few days you will not only
feel bright, and energotic, but you will be
tha picture of new life.
8. 8. 8. is prepared only In the labora
tory of the Swift Specific Co.. 201 Swift
Hldg, Atlanta, Ga. Who maintain a very
efficient Medical Department, where all .
who have any fcjopd disorder of a stuhr
born nature may write freely for advice.
S. S. B. Is sold everywhere by all druai
Beware of all attempts to sell you
something "Just as good." Insist upon "
S. S. 8. 7
' To expel stomach and Intestinal worms from colts, as
well as older horses, use a remedy that will no "physic them
to death," but will act as a tonic. In this respect 8POHN-8
Is unequalod. Full instructions In booklet with every bottle.
All drugglets or. manufacturers.
SPOHN MEDICAL CO., Gothen, Ind., U.
S. A.
'- . u .