The Spray Courier. Thukrimv, APRIL, t5, 1913 I I,OCAI, llltllU'H I J. W. Forrest waa in town Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Mote were town visitors last week. Go to the Spray Studio and have your picture "tooken." William Templeton is spending a few days in town. Hubert Kirby, of Richmond, was in Spray Saturday. I. F. Rued and son Robert were in Spray Sunday. C. F. Waters and family spent Sunday in this city. Oliver Trent came down from the W.B.Potter ranch Sunday. James Frost, who haB been her ding a few days for the J. D. D, Co, is back in town. Peter Morrison and Stewart Grant came to town Sunday from the big basin. Charles P. Branson fell and fractured one of his ribs last week. Robert J. Carsner and family were in town last Friday trading with our merchants. Do not forget the prayer meet ing. Every Thursday night at the church. ' Mrs. Lou Murdock and her daughter, C. B. Bisbee, were shopping in town Saturday. The John Day River is the lowest known for years at this season. Uncle Billie Gates has been spending a few days in town. He walked most of the way down from the ranch. A. W. Anderson and Angelo Flor will have the river road from the Service school house to Alder Creek completed by the first of May. . -, Charles Hill, wife and two of their children were trading' in our burg Saturday. Charles said that he was feeling fine. Elmer Mathews, the real es tate man, was in town recently. He had with him a prospective buyer. Prof. F. W. Hawes had an exciting time one day last week j when his horses took fright and ran away. No serious damage. A fellow came to town the other day looking like he might have just aroused from a Rip Van Winkle sleep. But when the assistant barber had shorn and shaved him, we discovered that he was our friend, Johnnie Spray, who had been herding sheep for a few weeks. SPRAY STUDIO ost Cart anb iflotintfb JMjotoaraphtf of all fetnnbarti &i;e jEnlarolno neatly nnt property crecuteo We Guarantee Satisfaction BURNER BUILDING SPRAY OREGON BUSINESS CARDS, JOSEPH K. STARR, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, u Will practice in all courts in tbestntr FOSSIL, . ORKGo'v. Questions and answers (ll'n offer this Column to our rem tern to nsk tin question the nee Jit, on the Utile, Jistor, or 11 ii-ll subject that will be of inter' ext. QuesHomi to be nuked 11 ml omui-cred bit our remlem. A'o subject of 11, controverUible mi fine will be. eimnUlered or mblished an tee do md offer thin column for the dear minion of l)o$imm or ereeiU, but for the benejit of those who desire infrnuilion. Ed.) BIBLE QUESTIONS 1 Why did Moses give up the riches of Egypt? 2 What was Philip's answer to the eunuch's first question? 3 What are the scriptures able to do? 4 By what ia man to live? 5 By what animal was the Medo-Persian empire represented 6 What beast came out a- gainst that animal? 7 What was the result of the conflict? 8 What nation did the beast represent? 9 What is usually symbolized by the term waters! 10 What is symbolized by the "little horn" which subdued the ten horns; ? 3nlano Empire Veal : jeotateflaehes Will Sell Your Real Ealate OIVB Ui A TKIAt - ' WB CAN HELP lOt SPRAY - - OREGON- NEW SPRING GOODS oooooooooooooooxooooooooooooooooooooooooocoo f - 1 Waists, Ready-Made I 3(11 Dresses, Hairnets, H oooooooooooooooxooooooooooooooooooooooooocooooooooo House osiery. Petticoats. Night Gowns. Corsets, Corset Covers, Union and Two Piece Underwear. WASH SUITS FOR SMALL CHILDREN. m The Dalle. 812 I.iat no. ONMU NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION U. 8. Land Office The Dalle, Or. March 9, 1916. Notice ia hereby given that the Northern Pacific Railway Company, whose post office weld reus ii St. Paul, Minnesota, has tliii 1st day of Mar. 1015 filed in thin office its application to select under the provisions of the act of Congress, approved July 1, Mens 5 18!8 (30 Stat. f97. 620.) SW1NK4 Section 25, Township 9 South. Range Summer Weight Whip Cord ! w. m. f t r 1 i r- 1 11 i a 1 -1 1 - . . 1 . . nuy niiuiui pciaons riawMif adver sely the land described, or desiring to object because of the Mineral charact H. H. HENDRICKS, ATTORNEY. AT. LAW. FOSSIL, WHEELER COUNTY, OREGON. Mr. Hendricks inaliilulna collection de partment. Hi. office! are headquarter, for tli Wlioeltr County Abstract Coirpaar (and also for lite Voe.ll Ueslty Co. Ab.treet. m de. Lands Ilstrd end oM on commission Pants, Waist and Bib Overalls, limners. Work and Dress Shirts, Suspenders, Ties, Union and Two Piece Underwear, Slip-Easy Collars, Tropical Fruits, Meat, Lard, Bolognas, and Oregon Grown Garden Seeds in Bulk. Fresh BAXTER & OSBORN. DRA.W.T1EDEMANN, PIIYKH'IAN ANI ; suhc;kon. Ofliice in the Prophet Building.' G. W. Hawes BARBER i Whiskers amputated without pain or whiskers returned. j Office in Courier Building,- J SPKAV, - - - OKHGON.i WHY NOT become acquainted with service is just what you business. a bank whose require in your er of the land, or any other reason, to the disposal to applicant. shonld file their affidavits of protest In this office on or before 15th day of May, 1915. H. Frank Woodcock, Register. Published in 8pray Courier Looated at Spray, Oregon 41 5 G NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office, at The Dalles, Oregon, Mar. 16, 1915. Notice is hereby given that Daniel E.FIory.of Fossil, Oregon,wh on Nov. 4, 1911, made Hometead Kntry No. 09031, and on April 2nd 1914, made additional Homestead ! Entry. No. 012695, for EJNVVJ, Wf - ; NKJ, EJSWl,VJSEJ,Sec. 17, T. 8 8., j Kange 23 East, Willamette Meridian, I has filed notice of intention to make j final three year proof, to establish j claim to the land above described, be i fore gcott Sasser, County Clerk, at 1 Fossil Oregon, nn thr 4th rim.- nf maintains a department especially organized May, 1915 CONDON THE NATIONAL BANK D. E. BAXTER, United States Commissioner and Notary Pofalio. to look after the live stock business. Try an account with iis. Geo. B. Dukek, Pros. FlUnus Proofs and ell Lend Buslimaa Hclu1ty. Deed, eud MortsKaee Carefully j F. T. Hurlburt, Cashier Drawn. A large supply of t,es;al HI auk. kept on baud SPRAY, - OREGON. A. Ureiner, Vice Pres. R. M. Rogers, Asst. Cashier Claimant names as witnesses ; Frank Wilkinson, Sprav. Oregon, j George ltoland, Fossil, " j Charles Adams, " " Lester C. Beeson. " H. FRANK WOODCOCK, Register. 3-254-29 . Watch inaiuspriiig.s properly j gauged and fitted, $1.00 guarenteed j for one year or new spring free, j Return Parcel post charges V. S. Moreland Fossil Ore. SUBSCRIBE ; For The COURIER CONFECTIONERY Watch Clock and Jewelry, Kepair- j ing done at reasonable prices. Ke jtum Paicel Post charges paid, j W. S. Moreland, Telephone build- ing Fossil, Oregon. Paids NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior. U.S. Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon March 25th 1915. NoTiCK is hereby given that Charles A. Matbena, of Spray, Oregon, who, on May 22nd, 1908, made Homestead Kntry no. 16021 Serial no. 020G2, for Mrs. Julia Cross desires to dispose of her stock of confec tionery, patent medicines, etc, as she wants to spend a part of the time at Monument and Ham ilton visiting relatives. We wish to thank D.E. Baxter and Prof. R. L. Greene for their kindness in getting out the Courier during our recent illness, and we feel sure that our readers enjoyed the opportunity to again read after their pen. Dr. Tiedemann, D. E. Baxter and Prof. Greene have been depositing another lead mine, ! this time on thelRoyse Ranch. If they killed any of the rodents that inhabit the place you could not miss them. Andy Cress wa3 in town, Fri day on his way home from the Rtchmon d country. He informed us that E. R. Shown 's horse fell with him and that Ed. had the misfortune to get his head cut very badly on a stone. Dr. Jenkins of Mitchell was called and dressed the wound and Ed is getting much better. Mr. Cress also informed us that Henry Trent was thinking, of starting his sawmill on Indian Creek in about two weeks. ESTRAY NOTICE-One bay horse, solid color with heavy mane, weight about 1050 lbs. and branded Ii on left stifle. Any one giving information lead ine to his recovery, or return said horse to Corn Cob Ranch will be T' jTi' , , , 2i, lownship 7 South, Range 25 East ! Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Final Five Year i'roof, to establish claim to the land above described, before David E. ltaxter, U. S. Commissioner, at Spray Oregon, on the 10th day of May, 1915 Claimant names as witnesses: T. M. Breeding, Clarence Robison, Charles Hill. Oscar Breeding all of! Spray, Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, Register 4 8 5 13 j Telephones, both, wall and desk J sets, batteries and all phone sup plies, repair and rewire your old rewarded C. W. McCilvary, Winlock, Or. C. W. Brown, Condon, Or: PATENT MEDICINES ICE CREAM, SOFT DRINKS W STATIONERY. SUNDRIES. PpricreWe. : , I W. S. Moreland. Telephone central Fossil Ore. Woodlark Squirrel Poison JULIA CROSS SPRAY, ORE. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY LOOK! BARGAINS! Property for sale Good stock ranch. 1600 acres. 95 acres in alfalfa with plenty of water for irrigating. Two good orchards. Remainder of the laud U in grain and pasture. Will sell cheap. A bargain for you. Hotel in Spray, doing a good steady business. Well furnished. This property also includes 5 lots ! 50 by 100 feet, good barn and j other improvements. j Otlter property in and around j Spray. Address 1 INLAND KMPIRK REAL ESTATE AGENCY Spray, Oregon. STATEMENT OF THE -OWNERSHIP MAN AGEMENT, CIR CULATION, ETC. Required by the act of August NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Office, The Dal le., Oregon April 7th 1915, NoTipa is hereby given that David Grieve, of May ville, Oregon, who, on September 7th 1911, made Home stead Kntry No. 09400, and on July 23id 1911 made additional Home, stead Entry No. 013615, for WJSWf SWJNWJ, Sec. 25, SJSEJ, Sec. 26, & ENKJ, NEiSEi, Sec. 35, Township 8itoutu, Range 23 East, Y illatuette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Final three year l'roof, to establish claim to the laud above de- j scribed, bef re Scott Sasser, County Clerk, at Fossil, Oregon, on the 22ud day of May 1915. Claimant names as witnesses: Ren Glen, Peter Hartman, Martin Johnson and William Steers, all of Winlock, Oregon. II. Frank Woodcock, Register, ' . - 4 155-20 24, 19 1 2, of Spray Courier, pub lished weekly at Spray. Oregon, for i, 1915. Editor, Russell D.Price, Spray.Ore: Managing Editor, Russell D.Price, business Manager, Russell D.Price. Publisher, Russell D.Price. Owners: (If a corporation, give its name and the names and ad dresses of the stockholders holding 1 per cent or more of the total i amount of stock. If not a corpof-1 ation, give names and addresses 1 of individual owners.) RusseU D. Price, Spray, Oregon. Known bondholders, mortgagees and other security holders, holding 1 per cent or more of total amount of bonds, mortgages, or other se curities: (If there are none, so state) None. RUSSELt D. PRICK, Editor and Publisher. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 5th day of April 1915. i ; David E. Baxter ' Notary Public. (SEAL).. j (My commission expires Aug.29'1,.01 ! WOOD-LARK" TRADF Maaw OISON QUICK, CERTAIN, HEADY FOIt I.V.ST A T I SK. NEVKll PAILS. roy squirrels, gopher., prairie doss, sage 1 awake from Winter leep. Money bick ever fails. nVouii.l ji.i.'' ?fte iTs I' our dealer hasn't Clarke, Woodward Drug Co. BfkllTt ........ " 1 Executive Department j President, Woodrow Wilson ; of New I Jersey ; Vice President, Thomas Mar shall, of Indiana; Secretary of State, William Jennings Bryan, of Nebras ka; Secretary of Teaasury, William G. McAdoo, of Xew York ; Secretary of War, Lindley M. Garrison, of New Jersey; Attorney - General, Mr. Gregory, of Tennessee; Postmaster General. Albert S. Burleson, of Texas; Secretary of Navy, Joseph us Daniels, of North Carolina; Secretary of Inte rior, Franklin K. Lane, of California; Secretary of Agriculture, David A. Huston, of Missouri: Secretary of Commerce, William C. Redfield, of' New York; Secretary of Labor. Wil liam B. Wilson, of Pennsylvania. t it !:(; v FOR SALE BY BAXTER it OSBORN, MRS. JULIA CROSS Inland Empire Real Estate Co ,Not Incorporated Will find a buyer for your real estate. If you have land to sell list it with us. Address all communications to Real Estate Agency, Spray, Oregon. j State of Oregon s j Senators; George E. Chamberlain (and Harry I.ane. Representatrves; j .V. C. McArthur, W. C.Hawley and N. '.I.Sinnott. Supreme Judges; T. A, j McBride, Geo. H. Kurnett, H. J, ; Bean, F. A. Moore, Robert Kakin. 1 r.. T. Harris and Henry E. Benson, j Governor ;J.I?.Withycombe, Secretary ! of State; Ben. W. Alcott. Secretary of j Treasury; Thomas. B. Kay. Attorney General; O. M. Brown. Superin tendent of Public Instruction: J. A, Churchill. Printer; R. A, Harris, Engineer; J. H. Lewis. Labor Coin missioner; O. P. Hon". Railroad Road Oommissione; F. J. Miller. Water Superintendent; G. T. Cochran, Rep resentatives ; C. C. Clark and James S. Stewart. Senator; Mr. Ragsdale, Food and Dairy Commissioner; Dr. J. W. Bailey. Circuit Judge of Uth Judicial DUtiict: D. II. Parker. Whkrlrb 'CnvMtv Attorney; Joseph K. Starr. Judge; Henry D. Ktyes. Commissioners; H. Dukek and K. K. Wright. ... Clerk; Scott Sasser. Treasurer; A. B Lamb. Senool Superintendent ; Henry J. Sioi oions. Sheriff Oscar Kelsay Assev sor : Peter Hartman. Surveyor : ii. P: C. Heidtuiaa. ;