Spray courier. (Spray, Or.) 1???-19??, March 18, 1915, Image 4

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Dim Hotreton. Prop. H. B. Thorsnea. Mar.
Tnerouffhlr modern. 101 Rooms of comfort, Mod
erate Pi-tree. Three minutes' walk fmm Union
Depot Write (or retem. 11 H So . fOSIUXft WL
Teach, the Trade I Week. 8calp, JLi
Pace Massage a Specialty. Toole Free.
Positions Guaranteed. PAY while LEARN INQ.
K Msdlsoa St, rortUad, Oresoa.
IflnmA In and have your mouth examined.
VUMIC JUlu th. Try lateet erlentifla
j palp
nainlesa methods. DR. A. W. K KEN K.
gait Trawmnsrwm pi., raniiM.
Rubber 8tarapa for Fruit Boxee. Made on altar,
eat notice. Write WNITI ITAM A (UL C.,
turn W Also, PtMTUNO, MEeM
A guaranteed remedy for Colds and
La Grippe. Price 25c of your druggist.
It'a good. Take nothing else. Adv.
Just put a few drops of Sloan's
on the painful spot and the pain
stops. It is really wonderful
how quickly Sloan's acts. No
need to rub it in laid on lightly
it penetrates to the bone and
brings relief at once. Kills
rheumatic pain instantly.
ilr. Jamtt S. AUxandrr. of North
Barpwell, Mt.t writ; "Many strains
in my back and hips brought on rheu
matism in the aciatio nerve. I had it so
bad one night when sitting in my ehair.
that I had to jump on my feet to gnt
relief. I at once applied your Liniment
to the affected part and in less then ten
minutes it was perfectly easy. I think
it is the beat of all Liniments I have
ever used."
Kills Pain
At all dealers. 25c
I Send four cents in tamps for a
Dr. Earl S. Sloan, Inc.
I Dept. B. Philadelphia, Pa.
Remembered That
Jock Robinson, having been making
merry with some boon companions,
finally took his leave and got aboard
a street car. Soon he was fast asleep,
but was finally aroused by the con
ductor calling "Robinson street!"
Sleepy and befuddled, Jock made an
swer, "It's no. I treated last time."
Portland The local wheat market,
for the first time in several weeks, is
entirely independent of Chicago.
Prices her were firm and higher,
whereat in the Eastern market the
close found May wheat lc lower. The
Chicago- decline followed renewal of
peace talk and consequent fears of a
cessation of export demand, but in the
Portland market local conditions alto
gether governed prices.
There was buying for European ac
count here, as well as inquiry from
Japan, and also evidence of support
from millers. Wheat in the North
west is believed to be now generally
in strong hands.
Considerable stress is laid by the
wool trade upon the possibility that
the exportation of wool from Australia
to this country is about to be facili
tated. The fact that purchases have
been made in the commonwealth this
season by Boston nouses ac ngures
which make the scoured cost laid down
here ridiculously low, compared with
quotations in the American market, is
considered important. It is believed
that the ability to get the wools com-
twe L mmhU kevA exineiriarnhtti riAar.
ing on the primary domestic markets.
in view of the fact that the Australian
wools have been secured so cheaply.
Some defective wools have been bought
at figures which mean less than half a
dollar laid down in Boston, the scoured
pound. Such wools are very cheap,
even should they have to be carbon
ized. On this basis, therefore, it is not
strange that developments in Mel
bourne, Sydney and London have been
watched carefully by wool men, with
an eye towards ascertaining the possi
bilities in regard to shipments of me
rinos. The latest reports, in connec
tion with the arrangement involving
the Textile Alliance, is that "the
British board of trade, insofar as the
requirements of Great Britain and
allied countries will allow, will grant
licenses to export merino wool, tops.
noils and black face wool to the United
States, if consignment is made in ac
cordance with an asrreement entered
into with the alliance.
The assortment of early vegetables,
mostly from California, is steadily in
creasing. Green peas are now being
offerd at 1820c. Asparagus was
firmer at 1820c, owing to cold
weather in the South. Sweet potatoes
have advanced steadily and are now
quoted at 3Jc Local hothouse rhu
barb was in fair supply at Il12c.
Millfeed Spot prices : Bran, $27.50
28.50 ton; shorts, $29.60; rolled
barley, $3334.
Hay Eastern Oregon timothy, $14
tgiio; vaney timotny, $iz.bu; grain
hay, 108)1Z; alfalfa, $12(3)13.
Vegetables Cucumbers, hothouse,
$1.251.50 dozen; peppers, 3035c
pound; artichokes, 75c dozen; toma
toes, $4.50 crate; cabbage, lie pound
celery, $3.75 crate; cauliflower, $2
sprouts, 89c pound; head lettuce, $2
crate; hothouse lettuce, 75c box
squash, lie pound; spinach, $1.25 box
notnouse rnuDarD, lutmizo pound; as
paragus, 1822c; eggplant, 80c; peas.
isfdIZOc; carrots, $1.25 sack; beets,
$1.25; parsnips, $1.25.
Green Fruits Apples,
If you suffer from poor Ap
petite, Sick Headache, Bloat
ing, Indigestion, Dyspepsia,
Cramps or Constipation, you
will be greatly benefited by
a f air trial of
Stomach Bitters
The digef tive system has be
come weak and Nature needs
assistance right away. The
Bitters has for over 60 years
been recognized as the real
'first-aid." Try a bottle.
The genuine has our pri
vate stamp over neck.
$5 Sends a Splendid Grafonola to Your Home
With Individual Record Ejector $85
Or with 23 double disc records (46 selections) all for $100,
Can he had on new easy payment plan of $8 a month
A small first payment secures Im
mediate possession of thia incom
parable instrument of music and
a fine set of 46 selections (23
doubla.diie reorla). Ruvari
. may order them by title or
number or we will supply
0. subject to exchange.
Various ComoanleMhlpa.
If one s Intimate In lovo or friend
ship cannot, or does not, share all
one's intellectual tastes or pursuits,
that is a small matter. Intellectual
companions can be found easily In
men and books. After all. If we
think of It, most of the world's loves
and friendships have been between
people that could not read not spell,
Oliver Wendell Holmes.
If you have been waiting for the ODDortunitv
to buy a tpecially good instrument come fime
at a price within reach, and on your terms,
here it is. This new "Leader" is equipped
with the many exclusive Grafonola features.
and will most certainly come up to your ex
pectations for tone, tone volume and conven
ience. We will be glad to send it to your
home on approval. Write for our catalogs
they are free.
lieedville. uolorwuo.
Sliver. Lwid. d. Gold. SUvar. tool Gold, (He: Zinc
I Leedville, Colorado, Hpvriiueu prlcesi lii'li
aeaayer ana Chemist,
or Copper li. Mailing enrelopas e id full price list
wniosiiipiifwion, iroiiroi ana umpire wurasw
Hailed, lleleranoei OmrbanNeiloBaJllealL
How to Drive a Nail.
Drive a nail home and clinch It sc
faithfully that you can wake up at
night and think of your work with
satisfaction. Thoreau.
Tay $8 a
month or as
Urmcn aaiAArfcJomL
BilrS O mi ding
Finest Talking Machine Dem
onstration Rooms in Town.
Only plare la Cortland where all makea
( pkenosrauba are to be roaanarvd laa
partially aid by aide.
The Nation's Largest Talking Machine Headquarters, Broadway at Alder St., Portland, Ore.
The Word "British."
"The ITnlted Kingdom of Great Prlt-
aln and Ireland' has, Blnce January 1,
1801, been the official title of the po
litical unity compoBod of England,
Scotland and Ireland. In this Bt-nso
the word "Drltlsh" applies to Ireland,
but in no other. Politically the "Drlt-
PHYSICAL WRECK RESTORED TO ,8h l8le8" ,noIude EugIan1' ScotlaJ,,
ana ireiana.
Giant Leaves.
The leaf of the cocoanut tree Is
nearly thirty feet long; while a single
leaf of the parasol magnolia of Ceylon
will shelter fifteen to twenty persons.
Unpopulir Listeners.
"I really dislike to talk to her; alio
has such a habit of finishing one's
sentences for one. You know the
kind?" "Yes; they listen faster than
you can talk to them,"
Nature's Justice.
Nature is Just toward men. It rec
ompenses tlimn for thulr sufferings; It
renders tlimn laborious, because to
the greatest tolls It attaches the great
est rewards. Montesquieu.
Use for Damaged Diamonds.
Diamonds that cannot be worked are
sold under the name of "bort" and
used for various purposes. Splinters
of bort are made Into delicate drills
for drilling artificial teeth and other
exceedingly hard substances, gems, etc
Quick Relief When
Utterly Worn Out
Getting the Blood in Order
Is Required By Most
If you think you have gone to smash and
6t only tor the discard, try 8. 8. 8. for the
blood. It will surprise you to know what
can be done for health once the blood la
released of the excess of body wastes that
keep It from exercising its full measure of
bodily repair.
If you feel played out, go to any drug
tor and ask for a bottle of 8. 8. 8. Here
la a remedy that gets at work In a twink
ling; It just naturally rushes right into
your blood, scatters germs right and lett,
op and down and sideways.
Ton feel better at once, not from a stim
ulant, not from the action of drugs, but
from the rational effect of a natural medi
cine. The Ingredients in 8. B. 8. serve the
active purpose of so stimulating the cellular
tissues of the body that they pick out from
the blood their own essential nutriment and
tnus repair work begins at once. The relief
Is general all over the system.
Do not neglect to tret a bottle of 8. 8. 8.
Bwlrt Bldg., Atlanta, Oa. Send for their
free book telling of the many strange con
ditions that afflict the human family by
box; cranberries, Sll12 barrel.
Potatoes Oregon, $11.10 sack
iatuma, i(g;i.zt; idano, 31.10 new
potatoes, 10c pound; sweet potatoes,
3ic pound.
Onions Oregon, selling price, $1
sacK, country points.
rggs resn uregon ranch, case
count, 1819c, according to quantity
candied, zuc.
Poultry Hens, 13J14c pound
broilers, 1820c; turkeys, dressed,
20c; live, 16c; ducks, ll16c; geese,
Butter Creamery, prints, extras,
34Jc pound in case lots; Je more in
ess than case lots; cubes, 2829c.
Veal Fancy, lliffil2c pound.
Pork Block, 99Jc pound.
Hops 1914 crop, 1315c; 1913
crop. 1314c.
Hides Salted hides, 15c; salted
bulls, 10c; salted kip, 15c; salted calf,
ic; green hides, 13ic; green bulls,
9c; green kip, 15c; green calf, 19c;
ary niaes, 20c; dry calf, 28c,
Wool Eastern Oregon, coarse, 22
Zbc; eastern Oregon, fine, 1820c;
valley, Z5c, nominal; mohair, new
clip, 2627c.
Oascara bark Old and new, 4Jc
Cattle Prime steers, $7.607.80;
choice 87.257.60; medium, $6.75
f.z&; cnoice cows, $66.60; medium,
$56.25; heifers, 56.25; bulls,
3.bOb; stags, S4.606.
Hogs Light, f 6.257.20; heavy,
Sheep Wethers, $67.6a; ewes,
$56.60; lambs, $78.60.
Tacoma Hay Clover, 1617 ;
wheat, $1415; Ellensburg, $1719;
mixed, $1718; alfalfa, $14(&15.
Feed Corn, $37; wheat, $48; whole
barley, $3536; rolled, $37; shorts,
$33; bran, $31; oats, $39; rolled oats,
Cabbage Baldhead, 2c; Wining
stedt, 2ic; flat Dutch, 2.
Potatoes Yakima, $20 ton; White
River, $1718; sweets, $3.60 cwt;
Early Rose seed, $50.
Fresh Meats Steers, 121; cows,
12c; heifers, 1212Jc; wethers, 121c;
dressed hoga, 111c: trimmed sides.
day. It will make ou feel better in Just TwTZ, n " f: " ' 1 u '
few minutes. It Is prepared only In the lie' combinations, 15c; lambs, 15c;
boratory of The Swift Specific Co.. 630 Diamond T. C, 151c; yearlings, 14c;
P. N. V.
No, 12, 1915
WHKN writina- to advertisers, pleasa 1
" tloa this paper.
ewes, 111.
Poultry Ducks, live1 012c; hens,
dressed, 16 -18c; live, 10 14c;
springs, dressed, 22c; live, 1416c;
squabs, live, $2.50 dozen; drewsed, $6;
turkeys, live, 18c; dressed, 2830c;
geese, 20c.
Butter Washington creamery, 83
Eggs Fresh ranch, 2022c,
I feel it my duty to furnish you with
my testimonial as to what your rem
edy Swamp-Root did for me when I
was a physical wreck from kidney and
bladder trouble.
Some years ago I was not able to
do any work and could only just creep
around and am satisfied that had it
not been tor Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Hoot
I would not have lived. After using
tne preparation lor one month I was
able to work some and when I had
used ' $8.00 worth of Swamp-Root I
could do a good day's work. I used
about $10.00 worth altogether and
would not take $10,000 for the good
that It did me. I consider it a God
send to suffering humanity for the
diseases for which you recommend it
and have recommended it to many
Sobol. Okla.
Personally appeared before me this
20th of September, 1909, N. L. Hue-
gins, who subscribed the above state
ment and made oath that the same is
true In substance and In fact.
W. A. PAGE, J. P.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets rcmi-
ate and invigorate stomach, liver and
bowels. Sugar-coated, tiny granules.
Easy to take as candy.
Useful Cement
To make cement for stoppitig leaks
tnd holes In Iron pipe, etc., secure
ibout two pounds of Iron shavings or
wrings from a foundry; add one
unce of powdered salammonlao and
)ne ounce of sulphur. Mix with water
o a paBte and use at once, as it hard
ans very fast. This will resist heat
ind water and will be found useful
for many purposes. Steel wool or
shavings may be secured from any
paint or drug store.
Letter 'jo
Dr. Kilmer & Co.,
Bingham ton, N. Y.
Prove What Swamp-Root Will Do For You
Send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co.,
Binghamton, N. Y for a sample size
Dottle, it win convince anyone.
will also receive a booklet of valuable
information, telling about the kidneys
and bladder. When writing, be sure
and mention this paper. Regular
fifty-cent and one-dollar size bottles
for sale at all drug stores.
Finally Restored To Health
By Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound.
SSii ) Just a Word WithYou!
Daughters I J msm
A woman's organism Is a very delicate thing it very cosily
gets out of order just like a delicate piece of machinery, it
requires more than ordinary care and attention.
a There are many slims which point todlsordor.auch aa headaches, unaccount
able palna in various parte of the body, listleaaneea, nervousness, irritablnnesa,
d 11x111 ess, faintneaa, backache, low of appetite, depression, and many others.
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription
baa been the means of restoring thousands of suffering woman to natural health
and strength. For mora than forty years It has been successfully carrying on
at work. Today it is known throughout the length and breadth of every
Women everywhere look upon it aa a helpful friend. Let it aid you.
baa been the means of restoring thousands of suffering women to natural health
this groat work. Today it is known throughout the length and breadth of every
SolJ in lioalJ or tabltt form tr drattUl; or trial bnn rnalltj
jwa for 60 cents front Dr. Pitno't LHtpontary, Buffalo, N. Y.
Dr. Piercer's PlMsant Pellets retrulate Stomach, Liver and Bowels
ris "!''''"is"'' ' ' """"" n'f""i''" J '-'-"'I" "MM-'H"',' .!- 'H"'J"-JIH'."'Wei j
'il-iado-id esj3A8J on saop
pn pd33op suioosq sbu, jfisBq eqx
-tiSnous jtpdBJ BjanpoJd 9bb.h eq; jo
jCjjbo ouub3 jfaqj esnsaeq '8DBd 2u
5fB 8(133 eq) JO U0HB3X0U JO PU(5
b pa 'ifipjdBJ patunsuoa 2uaq s)03tn
310 SuuiBsns eq jo nB 'poq eq?
U( saSusqa Boiuiaqa ujBjjaa Xq J3S)(
B.ttoqs enancj ?Bqi u.viouji s j
snBuej jo siinsan ouiog
Heirs Got Three Cents More.
Once a tightwad went to the store
to get a piece of rope. The store
keeper sold his rope at eight cents per
pound. Mr. Tightwad said is he only
wanted to tie up a calf he would take
five cents worth. He got the rope.
That evening bis folks found him bang
ing In the barn dead.
Sound Advice.
"Don't ax de good Lawd ter send
prosperity. Let him see you wld yo'
coat off an yo' sleeves rolled high,
tryin' ter pitch hard times over de
fence, an' prosperity will be settln'
at yo' breakfas' table nex' mawnin',
and yo' needn't wonder how he got
dar! Atlanta Constitution.
In spite of attempts to Introduce the
alpaca Into countries away from Its na
tive habitat, failure has attended
them. It Is rarely found below an
altitude of 6,000 feet. Its wool Is
of an exceedingly fine luster and qual
ity, and occasionally attains a length
of six Inches.
Bellevue, Ohio. "I was In a terrible
You state before I took Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Com
pound. My back
acheduntil I thought
it would break, I had
pains all over me,
nervous feelings and
periodic troubles. 1
was very weak and
run down and was
losing hope of ever
being well and
strong. After tak
ing Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound I improved
rapidly and today am a well woman. I
cannot tell yoa how happy I feel and I
cannot say too much for your Compound.
Would not be without it in the house if
it cost three times the amount" Mrs.
Chas. Chapman, R. F. D. No. 7, Belle
vue, Ohio.
Woman's Precious Gift.
The one which she should most zeal
ously guard, is her health, but it is
the one roost often neglected, until
some ailmert peculiar to her sex has
fastened itself upon her. When so af
fected such women may rely upon Lydia
E, Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, a
remedy that has been wonderfully suc
cessful in restoring health to suffering
If you bare the slightest doubt
that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta
ble Compound will help you, write
to Lydia E.Pinkham Medicine Co.
(confidential) Lynn.Mass., for ad
vice. Your letter will be opened,
read and answered by a woman,
and held in strict confidence
If you have eczema, ringworm or
other Itching, burning, unsightly skin
eruption, try rcBlnol ointment and res-
Inol soap and see how quickly the
Itching stops and the trouble disap
pears, even In a severe, stubborn caso.
Hesinol ointment Is also an excellent
household remedy for pimples, dan
druff, sores, burns, wounds, chaflngs,
and for a scoro of other uses where
a soothing, healing application Is need
ed. Every druggist sells resinol oint
ment and reslnol soap. Adv.
Came Together.
Ooorgo and Robert are twins. One
day when they were about eight a
little playmate neighbor boy of about
the same ago came running up to
where they were playing In the yard
with this startling exclamation: "Oh,
say, I got a little brother at my
houflo; he came lust night." "Huh,
that's nothing," said Georgo, "I
brought my brother with me when I
Old Valenclan Industry.
The making of glazed tiles or "azu
lejos" Is the only ancient Valenclan
industry which has retained Its im
portance through the centuries up to
the present day. These wall and floor
tiles enter Into the construction of
nearly every modern building through
out the region, and the local consump
tion alone Is sufficient to keep the
factories running.
Ancient Writing Implements.
When writing, Confucius used a
small brush, like a camel's-halr brush,
for a pen, and so did his ancestors for
centuries before his time. The reed
came Into use for writing in the
marshy countries of the Orient It
was hollow and cut In short lengths.
To Remove Mildew Stains.
Mix a small quantity of sort soap
with the some proportion of powdered
starch and salt and the Juice of a
lemon. Apply this mixture to both
sides of the stain with a small brush,
and, if possible, let the article lie on
the grass all day and night until the
stains have quite disappeared. Then
wash in the usual way.
Try Murine Eye Itemed y lor Hed, Weak, Watery
Eyes and Orauulated Kyellds; No Hinarting;
juatEye Comfort. Write for Book of the aye
by mall Free. Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago,
Attacked in Front and Rear.
A youngster of our acquaintance
who has a faculty for getting Into
scrapes recently expressed the wish
that he was a pontage stamp. When
asked why, he answered: "Because a
postage stamp can only be licked
once." Whereupon we pointed out that
the stamp received, besides the lick
ing, a severe punch in the face.
Keep KidsKIeen
Hi most practical. biltMul, pliyllm.
f irmeitu ever liivenirit fur children I
lo I ynrt of ace. Mails In one piece
with drop baric Eaillr alliiDrd on or
off. F-iaily waalird. No Urtit
elanie Dandt lo amp circulation.
Made In blue denim, and blue and
while birltory Hrlpra for sll the
year round. Alio llcblrr weljln
material for rummer wear. All
Cirmetiia trimmed wlib fart red or
blue rallies. Made in Dutch neck
Kith elbow tlecves and blh
neck sud lout slcevea,
75c the suit
F your dealer cannot auprlv you.
We will lend tbem. chart ea prepaid
on rereipt or price, 75c each.
A New
Mado By
JLevi Strauas & Co., Saa Francisco
a ivuii Kip
and Catttrrital TrauhUm
Cured by Pe-ru-na
A cold Is aoute oatarrta.
Peruna Is a recognized standard
remedy for catarrh.
Copy "Ills of Life" Free.
Optimistic Thought.
If you want clear water always Craw
it from the spring.
V;:.r .48
In 1M aa acre Sslzar's Cabbage brought sue i en acre Onions, MM.
wpeeiae iBwaaseues mieiaeouea rer tee
TTbea OMem maran ailed his hosts at Kedron, he selected but SOO QTTALTTY men to wta
his great Ylctory. So Salzer for (ortr-oue years has been selecting. Improving and origi
nating new Vegetable varieties, until to-day his list contains only the cream, the Terr,
very beat I Only QUALITY SEEDS I We do want yon to test them and hence gladly nwiil
you, for lie eeetauje, our big Seed Catalogue tree, with one generous package eacni
I Mis. Fleet Catty Cabbage Kirlri Carrot t Ssrly Onenmner
AUSoasSMtLoaaUMsse: Illxtu at Oslaui Jidae suatah.
AH sis packages for but lie, eoatsins enough seed to rut -iy yoa with rich, fates' vast,
tshlss, and lots and lots of. them, during the early spring ana jnmmer.
Jjead tne KM River Potato Klna't Boevmne in gnlsefe Ckissloaws.