Spray courier. (Spray, Or.) 1???-19??, October 30, 1912, Image 4

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Can vt you fancy prices for Wild Ducks
and oUmt vmma In Mason. Writ na for
cash offer on all kind of poultry, pork. ate.
Pearson-Page Co., Portland
Opportunity for Industrious young mnn with
nma Mnitkl ffn hiiv half interest in SD lend id emin-
try business. Well fstabliahed; did Hy,00 last
Cwr. uwwr nevus partner to iwp cover ""
odh for money antes hustler with it. Can
snake back fnvettrd money In six month. Writ
Box 181. Portland, (Jr.. for Mil particulars.
Second-Hand Hachta-
rr homrht, rd and
exchanged: Murines.
feoOers. BawmUls. ate. Ths J. E. Martin Co., 68 1st
C Portland. Sand for Stock List and prices.
Wa loan money on Eastern and Western O rat-on
improved farms. Loans paid off in 20
payments. No renewal commission to pay ov
ary I years. We loan $500 to f i00. Toll as
your wants and state security offered.
n-7l8 Lawis Bide. . Portland. OreffOB
Veal, Hogs, Poultry
It pays to get our prices before selling elsewhera.
Mention this pap?r and send the names of five
progressive farmers: we will wnd you DooKieu
Marketing Instructions to Get Highest Prices, '
F. H. 8CHMALZ & CO. . -Pald-ep
Capital $10,000. -w
141-143 Front Street Portland. Oreroa
, Check sent by return mail.
of $100 or more by buying your
Piano or Player Piano direct
from factory store. '
855 Washington St., Portland, Or.
1 TAUGHT FOB $5. Play a fas-
creating game and prepare for
advancement. Give your child
ren a business education. Compare the
cost with a $100 college course. Write
for information. GRAPHIC PUa CO.
808-312 Abington Vldg., Portland, Ore.
Write about your wants in this line to
183 Madison St Portland, Oregon
On the 8ame Plane.
1 went Into politics," said "the eert-
ous woman, "so that when national
topics come up I can understand what
my husband Is talking about." "And
has your, plan succeeded?" "To
certain extent. It has brought us into
closer mental accord, for I And that
he doesn't understand, either." ,
Painless Dentistry
fcotir piW -or bobby onr study for yesrs and
aow oar IUOO0M, and oars is the best painless work
' to ba found anywhere, no matter bow much jots
pay. Compare our i'rioes.
: f- 3 bridge work for ous
.: 1 01 sown patrons 1
4 one day ff desired.
I free when plates oi
3 1) riil an wnrfe in nril ftp.
-. VVHwUltDllVII re)
7 iu.i.. s nn
nrf ,,lt.t!.- I
,! J22hBrldTHU4.GQ
Sold milnn 1.UU
ERimtl Flllinn 1.00
Silver Filling! . .50
put 6.00
pimm 7.60
. LW.a.WW.hnnmusMuutM
filnleis ExtrMion .50
n nisi imrutHii n pmtusi
All work fully ruarantoed for fifteen years.
Wise Dental Co.,w
Painless Dentists
Wit Building, Third nd WnhlngtM. PORTLAM0. OIK
OlOaeBsara: SA.M. tasr. U. Banian, a lei
Get Well
and you can very easily
Both the American and the Chinese
physicians use medicines made from
Slants and herbs. But the Chinese
are extended their researches and use
Roots, Herbs and Barks that have
never been heard of in this country.
And with these harmless and non-injurious
remedies Dr. C. Gee Wo has cured
hundreds 'of patients of all sorts of dis
eases and who had previously been tak
ing the medicines prescribed by well
known American physicians. He has
testimonials from patients all over the
northwest as to the fine results he ob
tained with the use of these nature
remedies. Should you live out of town
and wish to begin treatment, send 4
cents in stamps for a consultation
blank and circulars.
Office open evenings and Sundays. "
The G Gee Wo
Chinese Medicine Co.
182i First St, Cor. Morrison
I rffjf( BARRELS ))
- - ir? f- . - : 4
" - J 1
- i iiBiwlj .-'
Gee I' yf v tree
Wo A w - Wo
I"" v-ynm .,,:v . '
What is a "tonic"? Av
medicine that increases the
strength or the tone of the
whole system. What Is an
"alterative"? A medicine
that alters or changes un
healthy action to healthy
action. .Name the best "tonic
and alterative"? Ayer'sSar
saparilla, the only Sarsapa
rillaentirely free from alcohol.
Ask your doctor about it
Bilious attacks, sick-hesdaches. indices.
don, constipation, dizzy spelU these
ire some of the results of an inactive
liver. Ask your doctor if be endorses
ayers fills in these esses. The dose
small, one pill at bedtime.
xku kr tn. t. o. atsii oo.. zwii.
Most Centrally Located
Tht school tnal rmet souma wooo mnnm
Positions for the Fair Sex.
Several bank presidents ' in the
smaller towns are women, as well at
clerks, tellers and cashiers. , Gov
ernment experts frequently are among
the fair sex, whose deftness of touch
makes their fingers especially effica
cious for such work as that of the
dead letter office.
Homely Hint.
To clean an enameled bath tub wipe
tt dry and then rub it with a cloth
dipped In turpentine and salt After
ward wash It with clean warm water.
ana it will look hkp a new -tub.
. . t '
Wants Other Women to Know
How She Was Finally
Restored to Health.
Louisiana, Mo.: "I think a woman
naturally dislikes to make her troubles
known to the public,
but complete restor
ation tohealth means
so much to me that
I cannot keep from
telling mine for the
sake of other suffer
ing wo-.. en.
"I had been sick
about twelve years,
and had eleven doc
tors. I bad drag
ging down pains,
rjains at monthly periods, bilious spells,
and was getting worse all the time. I
would hardly get over one spell when I
would be sick again. No tongue can tell
what I suffered from cramps, and at
times I could hardly walk. The doctors
said I mieht die at one of those times.
but I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta
ble Compound and got bettef right away.
Your valuable medicine is worth more
than mountains of gold to suffering wo
men. "Mrs. Bertha Muff, 603 K. 4th
Street, Louisiana, Ma
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound, made from native roots and herbs,
contains no narcotic or harmful drugs.
end to-day holds the record of being the
most successful remedy for female ills we
know of, and thousands of voluntary
testimonials on file in ths Finkham
laboratory at Lynn,Mass., seem to prove
this fact
If you want special advice write to
Lydia E. Plnkham Medicine Co. (confi
dential) Lynn, Mass. Tour letter will
be opened, read and answered by a
woman and held In strict confidence
Teeth for Circular 8aw.
Every other tooth in a new clrculai
'saw for cutting tool steel Is a trifle
'longer than its neighbor, the long
teeth making the center of the cut
and the short ones, which are thick
er, gcuglng out the sides.
Beat Ccnrh. Syrup. Tuts Good. Us
la nns IVua by Urturtiptt. m
J, N. U.
Now 43-12
I WJBI iKlv to
I " Umm thi oiar.
Thousands Weep for Billy Rugh
Hero of Gary, Ind.
Streets Blocked and Funeral Held in
Open Coffin Showered With
Coin for Monument.,
Chicago A funeral Buch as was
never known before was accorded
"Billy" Rugh, "newsboy," who gave
his life that a girl might live. Great
er homage In pageantry and grandeur
has been paid kings and statesmen
beloved by nations but this was a
spontaneous tribute from the hearts
of men and women in honor of a hero.
Fifteen thousand persons, singing
"Nearer My God to Thee, " crowded
about his casket on a street corner in
Gsry, Ind., Sunday afternoon. By
their very numbers they had blocked a
mile long funeral cortege and prevent
ed the holding of a church service.
Strong men of many races, workers
in steel mills that were closed In
Rugh's honor, wept as they formed in
line with their employers and walked
slowly past the coffin of tbe dead
newsboy. Their wives and chil
dren were with them andjmany stretch
ed forth their hands in an effort to ex
press their reverence by offering
money for the erection of a monu
ment . ' -;, ,
Policemen found difficutly in ex
plaining to hundreds of the mourners,
for they all were mourners, although
some could not speak English, that
they must not shower the coffin with
money, but must keet it until arrange
ments for the memorial tribute could
be made. "
The coffin, buried in the floral offer
ings of city officials, fraternal organ
izations and private citizens, was car
ried In a crepe trimmed fire depart
ment automobile from the undertaking
establishment toward tbe First Meth
odist church. Thousands blocked the
streets and the church was filled to
overflowing long before the advance
squad of policemen, leading tbe pro
cession, arrived. r
Then the plans were changed and it
was decided to hold the service from
the church Bteps. But the procession
never got that far. When the corner
before the church bad been reached
the crowd was so dense that this plan
bad to be given up.
Instead, a space was cleared In the
center of the road and there, upon low
rests, the coffin was placed.
Led by the church choir and with
music furnisned by two bands that
had donated their services, tbe crowd
sang old Gospel hymns as Rev. J. M.
Avann stepped into tbe fire depart
ment automobile and utilized the seat
as his pulpit Throngs of persons
upon nearby porqhjroofs joined in the
singing. .
The pastor likened the dead hero, to
the Christ, and quoted from the Bible,
"He saved others, yet himself he
could not save." This was his text.
Greek Gunboats Make Big Haul in
San Francisco Three Turkish ships
were captured and one destroyed Sun
day by the Greek gunboats A and B,
according to a cablegram received here
by T. B. Mountanos, editor of the
California . Greek newspaper. A
Turkish torpedo boat destroyer and
two gunboats were captured in an en
gagement against the Greek port of
Navan. The gunboats captured were
said to be part of a consignment of
five ordered from Germany by the
Turkish government. The cablegram
was dated Athens. -
Money Painter In Prison.
Chicago Louis Gadmore, who
turned his talent as an artist into the
painting of $10 counterfeit govern
ment notes, was sentenced to serve
one year in the United States prison
at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., after he
had amitted his guilt : He was start
ed for prison at once. Gadmore told
the court he bad painted, the notes so
that he could support his wife and
child when he found he could not sell
his paintings. The authorities de
clared the notes were so well executed
that it was difficult to detect them.
v . Explosion Fatal to Five.
Hailey City, Ont Five persons
were killed and three seriously, per
haps fatally, injured when the plant
of the Energetic Explosive company
was blown up Thursday afternoon.
The factory was empletely ruined and
houses throughout the village were
demolished. The cause of the explo
sion is not known. Flames shot 200
feet into the air, and flying roofing
and splintered timbers were thrown
through nearby buildings.
London On the mountainous front
of 200 miles from Kirk Eilesaeh in
the east to Uekup in the west the ad
vance of the allied armies into Turkey
continues. The Turkish army appears
to be acting on the defensive. Its
outposts Hre slowly withdrawing and
are attempting only to screen the way
for mobilization while the main forces
are marching toward the frontier.
Two AvUttons Fad to Death.
Geingen,' Germany An aeroplane
piloted by Lieutenant Weissbarth, a
German military aviator, and carrying
a passenger, fell to the ground from a
great altitude while flyng pear here, I
and both men were killed. j
. Unsatisfying Menu.
: The young girls who work tn the
Paris shops have 60 aen times to
pend tor their midday meal, and
When ehari table society Inquired as
to how the money was being spent
the following list was found to em
body the average: Fried potatoes or
sausage, 10 centimes; bread, 10 cen
times; bonbons, 10 centimes; violets
or other flowers, 20 centimes. The
society no longer had any cause to
wonder why the girls were undersized
nd Ill-nourished.
j All the Qualifications.
' 'Among a large number of amusing
letters received by David Belasco was
the following: "Veneered Sir Wish
ing to go on the stage, would like to
Join your forces. Have been a brick
layer tor Qve years, but having failed
in this branch, have decided to take
up acting, tbe same being easier work.
I am not young, but six feet In my
stocking feet. Have studied elocutllon
and am fond of late hours." Every
body' Magazine.
snake Into Your snoes
ATton's Toot-Eaw s powder for the feet it enna
painful, .wollen. .martin, sweating- feet Make,
new .hoe. easy. Sold by ell Dmmriakaanabho.
Btorea. Don't accept any .ubatituta. Sample
f&EJS. AddreM A. S. Olmsted. L. Bar. N. Y.
National Characteristic.
A national characteristic of the
French people is their habit of family
exoluslveness. It Is very rarely that
a family divides for a holiday. For
one thing, middle-class people in
France do not pay visits except to
members of their own family, and for
another, a Fjench mother likes to
keep her children under her own
eyes as much as possible, both be
fore and after marriage. ;
Mother, win and Mrs. WinsloVi Soothing
Ryrup the beat remedy to use Sag ihelf o&Uilxea
0 uxlng tie tee thins period.
Case of Ingratitude.
When Lord B died a person met
tn old man who was one of bis most
Intimate friends. He was pale, con
fused, awe-stricken. Every one was
trying to console him, but in vain.
"His loss," he exclaimed, "does not af
fect 'me so much as his horrible in
gratitude. Would you believe ltT He
died without leaving me anything in
bis will I, who have dined with him
at his own house three times a week
tor 80 years!" Life.
UVafM. In hlntno. 1. .dilHm-fttlnn. RImM and 1
ter make liquid blue costly. Buy Red Cross Bail
Blue, make, clotnes wmter xnan .now.
i No Difference to Her.
"I nnderstand your husband Is a
candidate for office," said a suffragette
out west to her sister In the cause.
"Are you going to support himT" "Oh,
I suppose so," answered the sister,
somewhat wearily, "I've been support
ing him for the past ten years." Chi
cago Record-Herald. , t
; Don't buy water for Mninjr. Liquid blue to al
most all water. Buy Red Croaa Ball blue, In.
blue that, all blue.
. J. '
Your Hands Experlencedf
A wide girdle at the waist la the
latest fad, so that ths top of the skirt
will coincide with the bottom, and only
an experienced hand will be able to
tell which Is the belt line md which
Is the hem.
Saving Trays. .
When a Japanned tray becomes old
and chipped give it two coats of white
paint and one of enamel, the bottom
as well as the top. Stand it on tbe
edae to dry after each coat It will
be found as good as new, as well as
very pretty. The enamel Is easily re
A "Tempting
has no attraction for the person
with a weak stomach.
- You have no appetite and what
little you , do eat distresses you.
Fry a bottle of
and notice the improvement in
your general health. Your food
will taste good and do you good.
Color more roods trrletiter and faster colors than any other dye. One 10c package
well and ts guaranteed to give perfect
booklet bow to dye. bioacfl, i
3.C0 3.5Q '4.00 '4.50 A"3 5.C0
a-rtKt eae-ei aain uinMlrM
Bay wr W. L. OovqImm $H.OO, n . BO $3.00 Scti9l i
StKmm, saaiaie if emir mill itmmMhrmty eiKawa, Imm
autf-a of ofdinmrf mhom, una mm in amn a mnmm,
W.LDougla. ra'-ei and sells more 3.00.S3.&0 A S4.00 ahoe. Vl
than any other manufacturer in the world. Kj
The workmanship which has made W. L Douglas shoes fauraua the world
over is maintained in every pair.
Ask your dealer to show you W.L. Douglas latest fashion, for fall and win tee
Wear, notice the thort oampi which make the foot look mailer, points in
hoe particularly desired by young men. Alas the conservative ttyltt which
hare made W. L. Douglas shoes a household word eyerywhere. '.
If you could visit W. U Douglas Urge factories at Brockton, Male, and sea
for yourself how carefully W. L. Douglas shoes are made; you would then un-
derstand why they are warranted to fit better, look better, hold their shape and
wear longer than any other make for the price. fait Ooltr EpttU.
CAUTION. To protest you aialnst Inferior abesa. W.L. Donates etaana Ma aaaae aa the be.
torn. Look for the stamp. Beware at aubstttutea. W. L. Douilas shoe, are soM in 78 ewa
. .tores and ahoe dealere everywhere. No matter where yoa lira, they are within yew reach.
If your dealer cannot supply roe, write direct te factory far cataloE ahowiai how te erdae
kv aaaiL SlioeeeentererywlaerewoVtoeiTctaraea prepaid. WAJJeuelas, Brocktoe, Maaa.
tiriXF'Vr ViTT TJTTTT Ti Wearetntbemin business. We ha been here
TT 111111 1UU JjajajLitr fw
I vl U IV i 111 A. 1 the Barn, the Canute or Outbulldinis of any kind. We ship
TT ATTCI? Ti A PTvT every piece, all ready to put together. All you peed to a
II v7 J vDLjf lldJUX) hammer. We even furnish tbe nails, screws, hardware
SHEl). and everything; els. tnat g-oee into the buucUtur.
You'll Save Money by Seeing Our Catalogue
Why pay three or four profits when fyora
bnildY Be your own carpenter. Ws furnish
tree plans, if you like, enabling; you to do
your own building: in your spare time. Every
--i nrniTrr vaitt. I vamn rVDrucro
V ftCUULla IUUil Llfimj EMLlldEaO
. He and Another Man.
a wnmnn who owns a little brown
rowboat, which when not In use is
tied In a sheltered Gape Ann cove, re
sponded to a knock at her cottage
door the other day to find a very di
minutive boy standing on the thresh
old. "Please, ma'am," lisped he, "can
me an another man have the loan of
the brown skiff to go a-cod fishinT'
ilvery Boy and Girl
8 Itf 'M. 9
We want every pipe and cigarette smoker
in this country to know how good Duke's
Mixture is. '
We want you to know that every grain in that big
one and a half ounce 5c sack is pure, clean tobacco
a delightful smoke. ' . . .
And you should know, too, that with each sack you
now get a book of cigarette papers and
A' Free Present Coupon ' :'
These coupons are good for hundreds of valuable pres
ents, such as watches, toilet articles, silverware, furni
ture, and dozens of other articles suitable for every member
of the family. .-. '...
You will surely like Duke's Mixture, made by Liggett
Myers at Durham, N. C.f and the presents cannot fail
Y 7 1
reeulta. Am. dealer, or we will send postpaid t lOci package, write lor bee)
S7 year, and haa never been truilty of aharp .
make ell kind, of mill material for the House,
window, door and other piece all fitted with
hardware of yr-ur own selection. The cheap
est way to build anything, by all odds.
Eat Golden Cereal Foola end recommend them to your acquaint
anecs. Yon set better quality and more for your money. They are ,
made In your home state from th. best Oregon Oata and Wheat,- ,
LanreMiackaiies contain a Handsome Premium and all sooda are
. guaranteed. Ask your aTOeer. . . ? ,.' M ;.'',.'."
Golden Rod Oats. ; ' Golden Rod Pancake Flour.
Golden Rod Wheat Flakes. Ralston Select Bran.-
Golden Rod Wheat Nuts. Golden Rod Chick Foe
Silk Umbrellas. ' "
' Umbrellas when not In use shonH
be left open. ' Never put away whlM
damp, and do not allow them ' ta
stand In a dusty place, as this' rot!
the silk more than any other causa,
When a small hole or cut appears Is,
a silk umbrella it may be mende4
with a piece of black court plaster at
mending tissue.
a Watch! ;
1 ' A. II At tml
' a'
to please you and yours.
'As .a special offery '
during October"
and November only
we will tend yoa
our new illustrated ,
catalog of present
tKh.fc.. Just send . us
- your name and address
on a postal.- " 1 -
&HtoA tnm"DwM? Mixture marl
anortta epiM tags from HORSE
from FOUR ROSES CiftXYe doubU
RETTES, mm HAat tail er emtam
toned bp ms. ":'
rrenuun Pept.
laVvsrwg di.
colors sOk, wool and cotton equal!