The Spray Courier. WEOHESUr, 03T33E3 39. 1312, Subscribe for The Spray Courier. i- Conklin'l Gloves, the near well Wad, for sale by Baxter & Osborn.' ; A. V. Tenipletonruoved his family to town lust Krid iy. Wanted Grain of any kind on 'ufcription to Courier, Stewart Grant and HainpMcGmnis ' paid nsa abort visit Friday. C. F. Waters tnd A. V. Templeton are transacting business in lieppner this week. Full Line of Eastman Kodaks and Supplies always on band at Lamb & Stewart's, Fossil, Ore. Frattcie Gates arrived Thursday from Woodburn to visit relatives and friends here, When you go to fossil put your team-up with Hamilton & Johnson, ti Washington street. ' W. C. Roserillauui came over from Mitchell Friday to go to work with the Hpray Telephone repair crew. Lamb & Stewart pay stage charges n all orders amounting to $2.50 or over. Orders filled same day received Chas. Pales was in from the Big -Basin Friday alter a load of. supplies and renewed his subscription to the Courier. ; Full stock f Winter Woolen Wear and Blankets at Maxter& Osborn 'm. Win. Hales, of the firm of Bales Bros., ami Herman Frost, of the Big Basin, delivered 32'14 head of sheep here Saturday Dales Bros 22UU to Gentry of Heppner,' ami 650 to the J. I). I). Co ; and Frost 414 head 10 the same company. . Complete stock of Dishes autlGlafs ware Just opened at Baxter & Os born 'a store. .'. ' i . Iialeigh Scott, Democratic nominee for assessor; J. K. Starr, Republican nominee for district attorney; Sheriff Kekay find Frof. Greene, independent candidate for school superintendent, are interviewing the voters of this precinct this week. Special Turkey Dinner pt Hrtel Gross on Election Dsy. , rxraxxxxcoQCcoocaoocooooo Fall ' ' A new and complete tine of Rubber Footwrar; Oiled Slickers and Woolen Gloves at Farmers' Merc. Co, Oscar Hale went to Pine Creek last week to visit relatives. He will prob- athly visit outside points before re tor ii in g. . I.. ... f f you are in the market for a new " Parlor Clock call at Prindle's Jewelry i ' Store and see those Normandy Chime Clocks, They are swell goods. " rruf.Greene gave a very interesting , lecture at the school house Monday ,vening,. his subject being "School ' Affairs and Single Tax." Canthrox, Thorox, and Quinzoin, Geo, Morton, of the North Fork, was transacting business in Spray Friday. He called at the Courier office and, in addition to the Courier, subscribed for magazines and papers ( to ine amount ol flO. - Mr. Morton is : a irron t rmir onrl. llio,rttc tit ...n I .. c. .............. ...... ... ... r ingwell posted. ;,r '-''.'!', Enimett Cochran.of the North Fork, has leased out all his liav lands the leasers to attend to the same and .Mr. Cothran furnishing necessary seed and paying the leasers $3 a ton for all hay raised. Mr. Cochran's holdings are so large that he is obliged to have more time to give to his sheep. For Sai.k One male and one fe male registered O. I. C bogs. So,; with litter. For full particulars write or phone , Wakkbn & Uiissk, . Spray, Ore. urnishinsrs and Dry Goods. WILL ARRIVE THIS WEEK. Our new , WINTER STOCK will be complete, and as we are not attempting to carry long credit, are in a position to quote you ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. A complete lineof Calicoes, Burmah's, Apron and Dress Ginghams, Outings, Brocadets, Outing Flannels, Satteens, Galatea Cloths, and English Serges. ? ; Ladies', Gents' and Children's Underwear and Hosiery, Blankets and Com forts, Mackinaw and Sheep-Skin Lined Coats, Wool Sox in fact; everything in WINTER UNDERWEAR. RUBBER FOOTWEAR In Pacsf Overshoes, Felt and Plain Rubbers COW Duroc Jersey Pigs for Sale. A few Pure blood Duroc Jeisey Pigs for sale by the J. I). I). Cc. .Also, a few thousand good, healthy yearling Pear Trees; groA-n without irrigation. Tim J. 1). D. Co. BUCKINGHAM & rlEGHT Are also putting in a stot-k of the famous ROY ROOTS and INDIAN TAN WORKING SHOES. 45 ACKEROID SHOES FOR WOMEN forjyour STAPLE GROCERIES Preservation of Primary Involved. It la Ben Selling and the preserva tion of the direct primary law or Jona- the direct primary law. Mr. Voter, take your choice. There Is no disguising the issue. It Is Selling snd the direct primary oa cne hand vnd Jonathan Eourne an Its repudiation on the other. The sit uation cannot be compromised. The tasuo Is plain and unmistakable. Announcements. .. (P II Advci u i ik ) the latest and best Hair Preparations ma BourDe and the rCpu3iati0j of - sold by l.amo & Stewart, fossil, i , Spray is getting to he q lite a re- - ceiving point for stock, bix or eight . bands of tbeep have been received ' here the past few weeks. New stock of OiitingGalateaClotb, Ginghams and Prints just opened at of y t a -. - . 1 r .. - liaxcer c usDoru s. , Ed Mathews, of Wiulorlc, has sold bis resilience and store to A, B. How : den, . Mr. Howdeti will increase I he stock and do a general merchandise '. '(business. , : . New goods, and up to date, arriving at Prindle's; the prices are light, too: nothing but good quality to select . from. How soon will you need that diamond ring? ' We have them. , Special Turkey Dinner at Hotel Cross Election Day. Mss Gladys Wilson 'returned last week to Fossil, to resume her studies in the high school. . Mrs. Wilson and Misa Alice accompanied her for a Hbrf visit. We have on a fine lineof Men's and '. Women's Woolens, Heavy . Fleeced . Cotton and Derby Ribbon Underwear: also, Overcoats, Sweaters and Caps for winter. Farmers' Merc. Co. ;,, , Mr. and Mrs.' W.B. Potter and their , daughter, Mrs. Luper, went out to Heppner the first ot the week. Mrs. : Luper will return to her home in Salem, and Mrs. Potter will visit with ' relatives in Heppner. Mr. P. H. Peters and Miss Effie .Kirby, of Richmond, were married in " Fossil Thursday evening, October IS , 1912, by Justice E. F. Johnson. Many friends congratulate this popular young couple. Journal. Pure Mercoliied Wax, Spnnnax, and Cbambeilain's Face Cream, the best Preparations for the Face, sold by Lamb & Stewart, Fossil, Ore. Win. Bales and Herman Frost, of the Big Basin, took in the sights of , Spray Sunday, Herman is a strong " supporter of the new parcels post bill, but thinks it should be amended so as to allow barrels of beer to be sent by mail, ' ' . i We are getting in our winter's rap ply of STAPLE and FANCY GRO CERIES. Farmers' Merc. Co. , Haviim received the Dcm icmlic nomination at the piimary i ltd ion fit j Representative for Gilliam. Wlieeltr: and Sherman counties, t 'hereby an turn nee my candidacy for that office, t am entirely in favor of the Oregon system in every way, believing that the people tliould have entire rule. I ill in favor of electing every public official in the United States by direct vote of the people. I am opposed to single tax, to the, state bonding act for public high ways, nnd to any change in the present law which might take the power out of the hands of the peo pie and place it in the hand of the legislature. : I respectfully ask the support of the voters of the dist.ict, and if elected will do all in my po'ver to impartially represent the iuteiests of the people of the whole district, i W. J. Hdwahds, , Mayville, Ore. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of County School Superintendent of Wheeler County, Oregon, at the general elecliun to be held in November, 1912. . R. I.. GlIRKNB. Here is where We shine. Our stock will be complete, and with quality and freight figured, will compare with catalogue prices. Special Gash Prices on Flour and Sugar. BAXTER & OSBORN, SPRAY, OREGON. Tho Store where you get Iho MOST for the LEAST money. BUSINESS CARDS. G. E. LOW. M. D. Oilice at Spray Tburnuicy. SPRAY, .:'.. ' ... OUKGON. Dr.VictorF. lFarland DENTIST. . Office in Cobb Building. FOSSIi., .... , OIUCr.ON. JOSEPH K. STARR, ATTORNEY - AT-LAW, Will practice in nil courts in the state. , FOSSIL. ... OREGON. W. R. BURNER. NOTARY rCHI.lC. mm office. ritAY, - - . ORKGON. srcTjolHls6N" NOTARY I'UBMn. Agent (or Oregon Fira Relief Association and 11 Paul Insurance Co. Offloe at Kaimers' .Mtro.iitll Co. SPRAY, - - . ORKGON. D. E. BAXTER. United States Comnissionsr and Notary Public. Fllinri Proof, nut) alt BnhiM a Sprpiully. Inl Uarlaiara Ciirefull Urnwn. A lnr. upp. of Uraul Uluuk kvi.t on tiuti SPRAY . . .. OREGON. COLLIER & COLLIER. ATTORNEYS-AT. LAW. 61I-632 SPiLBIMG BUILOINB, PORTLAND, . , ' .. ORKfJON. cccocooociooocoocrsoooo JAY BO WERM AN, ' ATTOUNIi Y-AT I.AAV, " 1103 YEOH EUILDIN6, PORTLAND. OREGON. X A. ft. Liwd. :-M:---H :p" :H-:-K-M:- A. E. Slawart . LAMB , & STEWART. I DRUGGISTS DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PATENT MECICINEG CUT GLASS, - TOILET ARTICLES RUBBER GOODS Full Lins of EASTMAN KODAKS and Supplier. Largest Line of STATIONERY In' Wheeler Comfy Only Complete Line of SCHOOL BOOKS in l!io County. H. H. HENDRICKS, ATTORNEY. AT-LAW. F3SSIL, WHEELER COUNTY, Mr. Hfritrlki nlntfilii rolkction fl- rmrtiiiBtiT, hlit amopB nre h-uitqu.irtet tor' the W heeler t'omitv Aistruct Cuti.pnii.viiii(i( In for the KfHM.I R Rttv Co, Abstract mn)e. I.iinili Mtfet'd nnl Mold on r(tnn legion-- a oooooaoooooaoooaooooDoaoao KicooaoooooooooooooooooooQ ' ' v, a ' 2 m Fossil, Oregon. i--i-M-l-l-l-l-l-H-iH-X-I-M-I-W.i. Fortune, ia Face -There's ofien much troth In the dying "her face in her fortnne," but ita never said where pimple, akin eruptions, blotches or other blemishes disfigure it. Impure blood is back of ' them all, and shows the need of Dr ( King's Sipw Life Kill. Tby pmmote health and beauty. Try trjtui. ibcti. - as al drujjibts. Having received the Democratic nomination fur Representative fr Gilliam, Wheeler and Sherman coun ties; also, having received 'more than two votes in the primary election, as I stated in the Condon Times last week. and assuring the voters that my nom ination is legal, or my name n'pnU not be on the ballot, I respect(ully solicit the support of the voters at the general election W. F Jackson. I:.'- X;:r6.H:;' J' You are just as welcomed at the PALAC;HDTEL$ at HEPPXER, OREGON, S in Overall as the banker or. millionaire in broad- v O cloth. O O o We wish to announce that owing to the new methods being used by the business world requiring shorter, stricter terms, we are obliged to make several CHANGES IN OUR POLICY ; FOR THE FUTURE. CWWWWWWWWVWVWWWVWNWWWWWVWWVW Saved By His Wife. She's a woman who knows just what to do when her husband's I'fe is in danger, but Mrs. 11 J. Flint, Brain tree, Vt., isof that kind. "She insisted on my using Dr. King's New Discov ery," writes Mr. F "for a dreadful cough, when I was so weak my friends all thought I had only a short time to! live, and it completely cured me." A j quick cure In coughs and colds, it isj the most safe and reliable medicine I for many t'iroat and lung ttoub'trs j grip, bnmchitis, croup, whooping! congh, quinsy .tonsilitiK hemm rhages. j A trial will convince yon. 5M. an l tl. Gaarantetd by all drnggijts FRANK PRINDLE, Watches and Jewelry. EXPERT WATCH REPAIRING, Largest Stock of Jewelry, Clocks, Silver ware, Etc., in tfie County. Fossil, - - . Oregon. We will allow a discount of 5 percent, on all cash purchases excepting Sugar, Tobacco and Stock Salt. We will allow a discount of 5 per cent. o on your account if paid promptly on the first of the month. 8 Wo will carry no accoiints longer than 90 days unless g specitil arrangement is made; in that case, wo will ex g pect a secured note, Account transfers and gram sale3 will bo mado for cash only. Wo will also add that we expect people who aro rat ting accommodations from ua to spend their money it. in us ui tu uppiy ik nil uui;iuill. Thanking you for your patronage durinir our nast two years', and thanking you in advance for your patronage in wiu juiure, we are, yours ior your ousiness, Farmers' Mercantile Co. INCORPORATED. SPRAY. OREGON 8 vv.- i