Spray courier. (Spray, Or.) 1???-19??, October 23, 1912, Image 4

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Can set you fancy prlcn for Wild Desks
and other fame In season. Writ na for
cash offar on all kind, of poultry, pork. ate.
Pearson-Page Co., Portland
$12 UP
Host Centrally Located
HOWARD H. BTTRTOW iImm .ni. m,n,t.fL
lAedrllla. Colorado, filiecinien priceai OoliL
Over, Load, 11. Quid, Silver, ?6o; Gold, HJo; Hi no
a. Copper, IL Mailing envelope old full prfcelle,
Spa on application. Control and Umpire workee
muoo. ouuumi tairooneceMeuonaiisaa,
. Becond-Hand Machin
ery bouffht, sold and
ATKhoninwl- asncplnita
fcoflm. Ufftnllll. Th J R Mart In Pa R3 la
, roruana. ena lor block i-lst and prices.
Opportunity for Industrious yonne man with
some capital to buy half interest in splendid coun
try business. Weil en tab) it lied; did 129,000 last
iar. uwner neetia partner to help cover field,
oum for money unleu hustler with it Can
paake back invested money in six months. Writa
box Portland, ur., lor lull particular.
Economical Lighting Co.
Gasoline Hollow Wire Lighting Systems
' Mantles and Glassware
Mantles for Cancheater, Aladdin, all the differ
ant makea of Kerosene Mantle Lampe. ' Junior
nay mantle, ouc per dozen, write ua,
Afeati Wulei,
597 Williams An., Portluj
i School that Ptactt You in a Good Potition
Veal, Hogs, Poultry
It pay to get our prices before selling elsewhere.
Mention this paper and send the names of five
proareMfve farmer; we will send you booklet,
TlarkeUn Instructions to Get Highest Price."
Paid-up Capitol 110,000.
141-141 Front Stmt Portland, Oregon
Check aent by return mail.
of $100 or more by buying your
Piano or Player Piano direct
from factory store.
- SSS Washington St., Portland, Or.
NepAew of Ex-President of Mex
ico Heads Revolt
Vera Cruz Taken Without Opposition
Part of Garrison Accepts ..
. New Ruler, Others Refuse.
Mexico City General Felix Diaz,
nephew of General Porflrio Diaz, the
deposed president of Mexico, has
raised the banner of rebellion at Vera
Cruz. He entered the city with 500
men and seized the arsenal and garri
son, which comprised 600 men of the
Twenty-fifth infantry and one six-gun
Diaz then placed men in charge of
the two gunboats Tampico and Bravo,
lying in the harbor.
The news of the rising created ex
citement here, although there was no
street demonstration. Mexicans gen
erally appeared elated at the new de
velopments. According to reports,
General Diaz found many adherents
when he entered Vera Cruz, including
some of the troops, but the govern
ment is informed that the Nineteenth
infantry and the artillery remain
loyal. Colonel Gutierrez, command'
ing the loyal troops, notified the gov
ernment that he would resiBt. -
The two forces are now in the city
of Vera Cruz and street fighting is
imminent. President Madero has or
dered . the mobilization of 3000 iegn
lars to proceed against General Diaz,
The arrest of alleged partisans of
Diaz in Mexico City is expected mo
The government has instructed the
railroads into Vera Cruz to withdraw
equipment the Mexican to Orizaba,
the Interoceanic to Jalapa and the
Vera Cruz-Pacific to Tierra Glanca.
Believing that a great portion of
the army remains loyal, President
Madero has ordered every available
soldier in the service, both regular
and irregular, into the lines which are
being drawn about Vera Cruz in an
effort to crush with the least possible
delay the new rebellion begun by Gen
eral Felix Diaz.
From Santa Lucrecia, on the Te-
huantepec Isthmus, General Zozaya
has the northern part of the repulic.
where remnants of Orozco's army are
still raiding in large bands. General
Blanquet has been summoned to the
capital with the greater part of his
Write about your wants In this line to
183 Madison St. Portland, Oregon
Let Us Do Our Duty.
. Let us do our duty in our shop or
our kitchen; In the market, the street,
the office, the school, the home, Just
as faithfully as If we stood In the
, front rank of some great battle, and
knew that victory for mankind de
pended on our bravery, strength and
skill. When we do that, the hum
blest of us will be serving in that
great army which achieves tha wel
fare of the world. Theodore Parker.
To Clean Paper.
To make a punte that will clean
'wall paper, mix a quart of flour with
Inve cents' worth of ammonia and
:nough water to make a stilt dough,
I and knead until Bniooth. Then wlps
tha paper with the dough, working
ilt so that a clean surface will be pre
sented with every stroke, and the wall
paper will look like now. New Haven
Journal Cti"" '
! Theory.
, "Why la there no great Americas
dramatist T" asked the art pessimist
i "Because," replied the sardonlo man
ager, "when an American Is capable ot
thinking up a first-class practical plot
ana dressing It up In good speeches,
'he doesn't bother about the theater,
He goes into politics."
Cow Was Drunk, Not Wild.
A Virginia hUBbandman, alarmed by
tha Indecorous performances of an or
dinarily mild and gentle cow after
munching a ration of ensilage, ap
pealed to the sharps of the depart
ment ot agriculture, thinking tha cow
bad gone wild or mad. Investigation
revealed that "bossy" had feasted oa
fermented cornstalks and bad simply
got drunk on the raw bourbon whisky.
Okanogan Indian Prophets Say Se
vere Season is Due.
Wenatchee, Wash. Indian weather
prophets of the Okanogan, including
bam Small, noted observer of the sea
sons, predict one of the most severe
winters on record for the entire North
west. While settlers familiar with
the accuracy of the red man's proph
esies substantiate the forecast.
The Indians base their observations
largely on the prevalence of wild
i and ducks on the lakes and
rivers of the Upper Columbia Basin.
It is said these wild fowls are more
numerous than ever before within the
memory of red man or white. Their
early appearance, too, is taken as en
indication that winter will commence
early. , The thick plumage of the
geese is a sure sign, say Indians, that
there will be much snow. In fac
some snow has already fallen in the
higher altitudes of the Columbia
stretch.'-' ' ,
The People's
for relieving and overcoming such
,' ills as
Indigestion a
Poor Appetite
Flatulency '
and Malaria
is the famous
Stomach Bitters
It invigorates tones
strengthens rebuilds
Presents Plan to Governors for
Cheaper Foodstuffs.
8ays States and Nation Should
' 'sume Responsibility for Hon
est Institutions.
While a prominent specialist was
absent from the consulting room In
Berlin the other day, a lunatlo man
aged to obtain admission, and posed
as tha doctor to the many patients
who called, giving them prescriptions
and advice. There appeared to be
nothing unusual In his manner until
lady who was a constant patient
asked him If he was acting as substi
tute during the holidays. The im
postor laughed, and told her to take
peppermint lozenges for her - lung
trouble. The woman raised the
alarm, and the madman was taken
Into custody. Considerable anxiety Is
felt for the other patients, for whom
he may have prescribed poison. All
the pharmacists have been advised of
the affair. -
afofhera will flnrl ML Wlnninwa Anntnlne
Bvruo the beat remedv to una for thai ohUdran
p uubii, teeuung perioa.
Easily Made Coathangera,
A eoathanger may be Improvised
from a newspaper in the following
manner! Fold a newspaper through
ine center and continue folding or
rolling It until It la a compact piece
about three Inches wide. Bend It
downward In the middle and tie with
cord, forming a loop. It will answer
the same purpose as a hanger of
wood or metal and requires only
few minutes to make.
UiwzttTO good Yrr"I sore
i-illlM roi MaAZM eyes lerila'ia
' Embarrassment of Riches.
"Wealth doesn't always bring happi
ness," remarked the youngster witn
the large spectacles, "Naw," asserted
the other kid. "Look at me cousin
yonder. He's got 'two cents and he
can't decide between lollipops and Ice
cream." Pittsburg Post '
Million in Gold Arrives.
Seatle The steamship Victoria ar
rived from Nome 'with $1,600,000
gold, furs valued at $500,000 and 622
passengers. The Victoria will make
another voyage to Nome, departing at
once, and will carry the last mail and
supplies to the remote gold camps and
orlng out the last mail and passengers.
The steamship Maripose, which ar
rived from Southwestern Alaska ports,
had a consignment of 20 cages of live
blue foxes lor transshipment to St;
Johns, N. B., where they will be used
to stock farms.
' Daily Thought.
And If you do but live long enough
you get past the bad blta of the toad.
Mrs, Humphry Ward.
turn Ocack Byraa, Tum QwA.
ta tin. Bk14 hj r wrte.
Ex-Outlaw Offers. Help.
Chicago Frank James, ex-outlaw
and brother of Jesse James, offered
is services as a member of a body
guard for Colonel Roosevelt In I
message to the Colonel. James said
Utter my services as one of 100 men
as a bodyguard for the remainder of
the campaign. Choose for yourself 99
and allow me to name myself, making
1UU. would choose no one who is not
willing to go into eternal darkness
for you If necessary."
Ball Imbedded in Roosevelt's Rib,
Chicago The first X-ray plate
wnicn detinitely snows the bullet in
Colonel Roosevelt's chest, was devel
ped late Wednesday.
The bullet is shown partly imbedded
in the fracture in the fourth rib about
four inchea from the sternum. The
bullet is much flattened and spread
out of shape. It is crushed into tne
upper edge of the rib. Several small
Bpl inters of bone project near the rib.
Shipwrecked Crew Safe.
Seattle Captain W. J. McAUep
and seven destitue sailors, member
of the crew of the ill-fated schooner
Endeavor which was lost on Mambul
jtiha reef, Gua Island in the Fiji
group, arrived here on- the Canadian
i Pacific liner Princess Victoria. The
Teasel was bound for Suva on the
coast of Vlti Leva Island.
Liquid bine la a weak aolutlon. Avoid it. Buy
Red CroaaBaU Blue, the bluatnat'a ail blue. Aak
your arocer.
Bldnt Concern Him. 1
The tramp did away with a sand
wich handed to him by the latest far
mer wife he had favored with a call
She had wrapped the sandwich in
section of newspaper, which the tramp
scanned with the eye of carelessness
oharacterlstlo of his kind. "My Idea
ot nothln' to git nutty about," he re
marked to himself, after glancing at
a market report, "is th advance of
$1 a ton In th price of car wheels."
Judge. i
But a Symptom, a Danger Sig
nal Which Every Woman
Should Heed.
Backache Is a symptom of ortranic
weakness or derangement If you have
backache don't neglect it To get per
manent relief you must reach the root
of the trouble. Bead about Mrs. Wood-
alls experience. -..
Morton's jiap,Kentucky. "1 suffered
two years with female disorders, my
health was very bad
and I had a continual
backache which was
simply awful. I could
not stand on my feet
long enough to cook
a meal's victuals
without my back
nearly killing me,
and T cri-iilf1 V a vta
(I such dragging sense
H tions I could hardly
bear it I had sore
ness in each side, could not stand tight
clothing, and was irregular. I was com
pletely run down. On advice I took
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound and am enjoying good health. It
la now more, than two years and I have
trot had an ache or pain since. I do all
my own work, waahinjj and everything,
and never have backache any more. I
think your medicine is grand and I praise
It to all my neighbors. If you think my
testimony will help others you may pub
lish it" Mrs. Oixii Woodall, Mor
ton s Gap, Kentucky.
If yon have the allchtest doubt
that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta
ble Coruponml will help you, write
to Lydia E.Iiiitthara Medicine Co.
(confidential) Ivnn, Massif or ad
vice. Your letter will be opened,
read and answered by a woman.
nd held In strict cdnfideace.
Beverly, Mass. Radical legislation
in favor of the American farmer and
consumer as a means of solving the
question of the high cost of living was
urged by President Taft in a letter to
the governors of all the states.
President Taft proposes to reduce
the cost of foodstuffs on the American
dinner table by reducing the cost to
the farmer of producing his crops.
This would be done by establishing in
the interest of the farmer a financial
machine which would give him access
to all the money centers of the world
and afford him ' credit at greatly re
duced rates and upon more advan
tageous terms than he now receives,
The complete development of our ag
ricultural resources which this would
make possible, thinks President Taft
would go a long way toward settling
the problem ot the high eoBt of living.
"What , this .plan offers," writes
President Taft, "is a means to secure
this country greater productivity, at
less cost, from the farms that are now
under cultivation, and, above all, to
give us more farms and more farm
ine pian suggested is based upon
the principles of agricultural co-oper
ative credit now in use in practically
every country in Europe. Uniform
state legislation, in the opinion of
President Taft, is essential to the
successful adoption of this plan and be
has invited the governors of all the
states to a conference upon this sub
ject at the time of the annual meeting
ol governors in Washington in December.
Montenegrins Take Another Fort-
Hospitals Filled. ,
London The Turkish losses in the
battle of Detcbitch mountain were 600
and those of the Montenegrins 400,
according to a dispatch to the Stan
dard from Cettinje. i
Montenegrin Headquarters, Podgor-
itza The battle following the capture
by the Montenegrin forces of the Tur
kish position on Detcbitch mountain
and the fort on Scbipchinck bill, dom
inating the town of Tushi, still con
tinues. . The lighting is now general
on almost the ' whole length of the
Turko-Montenegrin frontier.
General Martinovitch, with ; the
soutnern army, is operating with sue
against the extremely : strong:
Turkish fortress of Tarbocb, which
dominates Scutari from the south.
At noon Saturday the Montenegrins
captured the Turkish fort Rogame
near Tussi.. -
The hospitals here are overflowing
with wounded men brought from the
battlefields. King Nicholas visited
the hospitals and kissed upon thei
foreheads the dead and badly wounded
men. Afterward be addressed the
wounded in tones , of deep emotion,
saying he thanked all of his brave
troops in the name of the fatherland,
'3.00 3.50 M.00 $4.50 AK3 5.00
BoywmmW.L.Oouolma.OO, 02.803.00 Softool k ; . ' v
"- niw ww,,. v.ni.ajj mwiimrmmr few v: : . .
WJLDougUe makea and aella more $3.00,$3.S0'& 14.00 ah oca
than any other manufacturer in th world. li
Tha workmanehip which ha made W. L.' Douglas ahoee famous th world
Over is maintained in every pair.
Ask your dealer to ehow you W.L. Douglas latest fashions for fall and winter
wear, notica the mhort vamp which make tha foot look smaller, points in a
hoe particularly desired by young men. Also th conservative Sty It J which
aav mad W. L. Douglas ahoea a household word everywhere. . '
If you could viait W. L. Douglas largo factories at Brockton, Man., and ae
for youraelf how carefully W. L. Douglaa shoes are made, you would then un
derstand why they an warranted to fit better, look better, hold their ahape and
wear longer than anr other make for the price. fart Ooarf ,(.
CAUTION.-To protect roe asalaat Marior ahoee, W.L. Does laa tramp. Ua name or, th.hot.
ton. Look lor the atamp. Beware of aubatitutea. W.L. Douelaa ahoea are .old In 78 owe
atoreaandahoedealeraererrwhere. No matter where TOO live, they era within Tour reach.
If tout dealer cannot aupplr too, write direct to factorr for caUloi ehowini how to order
braaad. Shoe. Mnt everywhere, deljTerr charfe. prepaid. WXouglaa, Brockton. Aieae.
Likely to Keep Him Susy.
Mrs. Bacon I never saw a puzzle
my brother couldn't &?. He's really
a wonder. Mr. Bacon I wish you'd
take this timetable down to him and
If he can make anything out of it
Yonkers Statesman. -
His Reply.
She (for the eiteen-hundredth, mora
or less, time) "Oh. darling, do ,
really and truly love me?" tit (a
trifle grimly) "Now, ' look-a-har.
Gladys! Do you want me to put f
a cash bond?" Judge.
No natter what you need In build in House,
Barn or a Shed, we will supply all the ne
cessary Building Material, all ready to put
In place, hardware all fitted, requiring only
the use of the hammer to complete build inij.
Each piece is marked and accompanied by
blueprints. Architect's drawintra fur'
niahed FREE OF COST for dwellings vary
ing from $400 to 91500.
You will find our big FREE catalogue very valuable
It will be mailed IMMEDIATELY, upon request It contains a COMPLETE LIST of MILL
MATERIAL, such as doors, sashes, frames, windows, colonades, buffcta. cedar chests, flour
bins, stairways, balusters and floorinir. Prices all quoted in PLAIN FIGURES. Buying -DIRECT
FROM MILL, your SAVING WILL SURPRISE YOU, Place your next cider
with ua. Send for CATALOGUE TODAY. , , -
New Idea for Display of Goods.
Called a "roundabout' a motor
driven display rack for stores Invent
ed In England carries goods to be
shown on the ends of arms that re
volve vertically and at the same Urn
awing around a vertical shaft
- Varying Life of Plants.
The Jvy outlives 200 years; the elm,
800 to 850 years; the linden, 600 to
1,000 years; the locust tree and th
oak, 400 years; the fir. TOO to 1,10
years, and palm trees, 3,000 to B,0M
years. '
Eat Golden Cereal Foods and recommend them to your acquaint.
aneea. You sot better quality and more for your money. They are
1 made m your home atate from the beat Oregon Oata and Wheat '
Larft-e packages contain a Handsome Fremium and all gooda are
guaranteed. Aak your grocer. ...
Golden Rod Oats. i ' Golden Rod Pancake Flour.
Golden Rod Wheat Flakes. Ralston Select Bran.
Golden Rod Wheat Nats. Golden Rod Chick Food.
Watsonville, Cal. The submarine
F-l, champion diver of all the under
sea fighting craft ia ashore near here,
with her nose rammed in the sand,
and two of her seamen are dead. T.
Turbett, of Newark, N. J., and G.
senroeder, of Minneapolis, were
swept from the deck of the little' ves
sel and drowned when it was torn
from i ta moorings at day break.
The extent of the damage to the
submarine, which was grounded after
six hours tight by the 13 remaining
members of her crew, has not been de
termined. , '
Cigarettes Sold to Girls.
Redlands, Cal. Charges that many
Redlands schoolgirls "are addicted to
cigarette smoking crystallized in the
arrest Saturday of William Titus for
selling cigarettes to three girls rang
ing in age from 12 to 18 years. When
arraigned before Justice Mclvor,
Titus pleaded guilty and was fined (30.
Titus, who conducted a pool hall, ad
mitted that for some time he had been
selling cigarettes to girls. His ar
rest is the first result of a cam
paign to break up the selling of to
bacco to minors. ;
Governor Reprieves Four. ,
Phoenix, Aril. Declaring that
capital punishment had no more place
in the present day order than the
burning of witches. Governor Hunt
granted reprieves to William Camp
bell, Eduardo Peres, N. B. Chaves and
Miguel Peralta, all of whom were to
have been hanged here Friday. Gov
ernor Hunt expressed the hope that
the legislature would pass at its next
session a bill abolishing capital pun
ishment i
Under remarkable circumstances a
valuable gold ring, set with sapphires
and pearls, belonging to a resident of
Rochester, near uttoxeter, Stafford
shire, England, has been discovered
after being mltslng for over , four
years. It is assumed that the ring
muat have been carted away with
ashes, for while working on a near-by
farm a bailiff found the Ting In a
field. Although it had been missing
for such a lengthy period the ring
was not In the least tarnished. The
man who was working In the field
with the bailiff happened to remem
ber the 1op "f 'v'-'.
L Said More Than He Meant
The Candidate (having quoted the
words of an eminent statesman In sup
port of an argument) "And, mind
you, these are not my words.' This
Is not merely my opinion. These are
tha words of a man who knows what
he's talking about."
v ! Answered.
Teacher (In lesson on Holland)-
"Why, Willie,, don't you know what
country the geography lesson la
about? , Think hard. ' Who were th
people who made war on skates V
Willie "De Anti-Saloon league." i
Judge. . . .:
No thoughtful person usee liquid blue. It's a
pincn or Diue in a larca ooitie or water. Jtaa
bed Croea Ball Blue, the nlue that'a all blue.
Has Pig for Her Pet
Miss Ethel Albright of Palmyra, N.
Y. has an unusual, pet, a tame pig.
wmch she raised by artificial means.
It was taken from the litter when
few days old. The little animal shows
great affection for its young mistress,
following her about, as would a dog.
and showing Its Jealousy ot her other
pets. , ., ,
- - Unci Pennywls 8aysr
'A girl with several applicants for
her nand is apt to worry because the
demand for her la so much greater
than the supply."
Astor Estat Pays Tax.
Albany, N. Y. A check for $3,
150.000 was received by State Comp
troller Sohmer in payment of the ad
vance inheritance tax on the- estate of
the lata Colonel John Jacob Astor,
who perished on th steamer Titanic
We have had seventy years
of experience with Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral. This
makes us have great confi
dence in it for coughs, colds,
bronchitis, weak throats, and
weak lungs. We want you
to have confidence in it, as
well Ask your own doctor
what experience he has had
with it He knows. Keep
in close touch with him.
Painless Dentistry
la on prldft rar hobby our study for years an4
IMwcmrinocasBtandoiiA is tha b-rt palnlera work :
to ba found anywhere, no matter how nxaoh torn
pay. Compare our jprlcaa.-
f we Bnlafe plate tt
Dnufie work ror on.,
of town patrons la
one rJfty fit desired,
Painlessi axtraotloa
free when plates ot
lindete work la ordar
CoawlUlion free.
MfllwCrnmi $5.00
Gold niilnn 1.00
Esawl FiUinm 1.00
Slrwr Fillirtrs . .50
Good Rubotw .
Platea 5.00
Beit Rm! Rubber. mM
putM 7.50
work fully ruaraanteed for ffteon nut.
Wise Dental Co.. Inc.
Painless Dentists
Sffnnt Bu!ldhta Third and WtshlnftBS. PQRTLAMD, OR,
i&a.Nir.a. .uui, i a.
!, '."77. I
A x. 1
SS. W. a. Will, rraarar u. Kiuau
n tim. mruea. nuniaa
One of Ayer's Pills at bedtime will cause
an increased Sow of bile and produce a
senile laxativ effect the day following.
Formula on each box. Show it to your
doctor. He will understand at a glance.
Dose, one pill at bedtime, )ust one. '
aiaa.ai7t. eeVa. AXU CObaeMU, BUS. -
fw t-r WS
ean (eoelTejiFoiu ot trees
monta of Hoa-rcalstmoata.
Be:ufc&ttdlof nfMcUas
from - . ( .
tha Ohiaeat doetoc.
Try one more if woo hare ben dotrterirjii wttti
lnla one and that on and have not obtained pe
aaanent relief. Let thia great nature healer diaa
aoae roar eaee and preaeribe aonte rerMdr who
action la quick, trare and jfe, fila preacriutions
ara eompoanded from Roote, Herba, ftada and
Barkj that bev btjf-a aatharpd from ererr qnar
torof the globe. TbeaeH-reta of threa mprdioinea
are not known to the outside world, bat hare bee
bouiaxi down from frlhar to ia nh -J
eWLHeaia China. iwscane-
BywHwfrtof tow andosranetnall, wvWfea
armptoja aiana asm aironlac, anlTTatri 4 easts ia
f .-K V
1521 First St., Cor. Morrison
'T Pavtleaat, Ores.. ;
P. N. U.
K 4X-M