THURSDAY, JULg_18>_193S_ THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS In California— Mrs. Leota Roden- 04333437 the present adm inistration, but they bough left Saturday for San Fran­ are wholly impersonal and non po­ cisco. litical and are aimed entirely at the basic principles Involved.’' V isitors a t Bend— Mr and Mrs. Desirable Changes Proposed I H. H. Myers and daughter, Lois, Caretul study by his organization, Friday V isitor — Miss Vivien . vi ited friends in Bend Sunday. Gets New Car— W . K. B arnell is Mr. Hecht said, had resulted In a Thompson of Vida wa a visitor In driving a new Ford V-8 coupe a number of suggestions for construc­ Leaves for Seattle— R obert R ich­ Development Of Sanitation tive revisions in the bill which he m anager of the M ountain S tates Springfield Friday. ardson is leaving thi week for Many Eastern People To See B 'siness Men and B n k c rs subm itted to Congress. Un the other , i'ow er company office here Traced During History Of B leaks Arm— Vernon L orentz of Seattle. Displays; Fairgrounds Im­ Mankind In Country hand, he declared that many of the , Agree in Objecting to Po1 ti- ■Ole P eterson has | the Coburg road d istrict fell and changes proposed by the act in ex- R eturns H er Grove Man Here— Verne Smith proved For Show cal Control Over Banks isting laws "are of a constructive returned to Springfield from Phoe- j broke hi right ai m Saturday, of C ottage Grove was a visitor in 1 When a plum ber comes to your nature and should have the support nix. Arizona where he spent tin nom e a fter August 12. dem and th at County exhibit» of most counties Here from Newport— Mrs. Elea­ Springfield Tuesday. hankers, If the method of appoint­ pa t year. he show you his certificate of com­ In th e state a re w anted at th e 1935 AMENDMENTS SUGGESTED of nor Smith T urrell is here from ment and tenure of olhce of the Visits P arents— Mrs. Lynn Che petency says the Oregon S tate 74th annual Oregon state fair open­ N ewport visiting with her m other. Homs from Oklahoma — A J. members, of the Federal Reserve sh irt was here Monday visiting Board of H ealth This is your as- ing at Salem August 31 and closing P olitical O A im it io n 0« Federal Re Board, In whose hands It is planned F .h n etzk y ha returned from O kla­ w ith her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. urance of safe, sanitary plum bing A t Exposition—The Misses Iowa Septem ber 7 according to Solon T. to concentrate g reater power than homa where he was calk'd to at- te rv e Board Declared to Be and Naomi C arlton left Friday for S. Johns. installations by com petent m edian W hite, new sta te directo r of ag ri­ ever before, could be so altered as 1 | en d the funeral of a brother., U ndesirable for Depositors San Diego to visit the Pacific Ex­ ics, and value you have every rig h t culture who is m anaging his first to insure, as lar as possible, ttie ab­ B rother Visits— Glen P riv at of as W e ll as T h e ir Banks. A ttends Meeting — T heliner J. position. solute Independence of the Board sta te fair this year. S eattle stopped here Monday to to expect for your money. The c er­ from partisan or political considera­ Nelson sp en t the week-end in In w riting to th e countlee, W hite visit his brother, Edward Privat, tificate or com petency Is for your T onsils T aken— Ed Zoulek of WASHINGTON, D. C. Business tions." He added. Salem attending the Lutheran protection. s ta te d : P e n g r a had his tonsils taken out while enroute to Medford. Brotherhood conference In com m enting 011 the new state Suprem e C o u rt of Ranking "T his year will be an especially meu and bankers alike who have up at the office of a local physician peared before r-ommittees of Con- . N ebraska Folk Here— Mr. aud law which placed the jurisdiction good one to show our E astern and gress to present views regarding the I "Since the passage of the Federal Saturday. W alterville People Here Mr. Mrs. Ueorge Sweeney and son,, over plumbing regulations In liie Reserve Act over 20 years ago, opin­ Mid-we.vtern friends Just w hat we Banking Act of 1935 have found com and Mrs. F rank Page and Mrs. Je rry of Ravenna, N ebraska, are state of Oregon under the H ealth ion in Congress and among bankers Take Out T onsils— Bobby Cas- have. moil cause for crlticlmn in those pro­ E lizabeth Page of W alterville were Board the following statem en t is sill, son of Mr. and Mrs. Guy fa s- here visiting with relatives. “ W e pledge you o ur full and v is io n s which th’-y agree would cre­ has been striving towards tile ideal visitor in Springfield Saturday. sill, had his tonsils rem oved S at­ com plete support In any exhibit ate the means ior undesirable polltl "t making the Federal Reserve made. M other Visits Here— Ml E. W. P lu m b in g May Be Dangerous you may bring and extend a sincere cal control over tin Federal Reserve Board a body of such independence from Y achats — Elton urday a t the office of a local phy-I Strong of Monmouth Is here v isit­ System and thereby over individual and prestige that it might be de- , Plum bing is essentially a health and cordial invitation to you and banks throughout the United States. I b rib e d as the Supreme Cour of | Thomas, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ad siciau ing a t the home of h er son-in-law banks throughout m easure, but unless it is installed rien Thom as of Yachats, is visit­ your county. Falls from Car— Donna Olson, and daughter, Mr. and Mrs W. K. by skilled men with a thorough They have made the point that this Finance and Banking. We believe “If It is convenient, will you ing a t th e home of Mr. and Mrs. undesirable condition would affect daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D F. Barnell. knowledge of the principles of sa n i­ please let up know w ithin the next depositors in banks even more than Paul Myers near Hayden bridge Olson received a ut on th e head few days as to w hether or not you the banks themselves. C alifornia Folk Here— Mr. anti tation, it may easily become a men- Visiting Mother— Kenneth De- and body scratches Sunday when Mrs. Shaw and daughter, Virginia ance to tlie life and health of the can be here. We w ant you This view has been stressed In j Ixrssus Is here this week from she fell from the family autom obile. Prem ium lists were deliverer! to criticism s by the Chamber of Coin Lee of Van Nuys, C alifornia, a r­ people instead of a source of pleas­ I San F rancisco visiting with his fair headquarters this week and merce of the United Slates, and the Home from Hospital— Miss Edna rived h ere last week-end to visit ure and comfort. m other, Mrs Riley Snodgra.-s and The past twemly five years have m ailing will be started a t once to question of partisan control over P latt was brought home from th ei at the H. W. H orrell home. other relatives. those who have requested the book­ banking was the central theme of a w itnessed a g reat change in the Pacific hospital Sunday. She un­ Fishing Good— Floyd Hilliker, H. statem ent presented by R. S. Hecht, 1 lets. Back from Arizona—Mrs. P. C. derw ent a m ajor operation about | ' St haffenberg. Donald Toomh and plum bing industry. Now the com parativeiy low co t of fixtures and A large sunken flower garden President of the American Bankers ( Scott and children, Myrtle, Hazel, two weeks ago. ! Dodd Miller spent the week-end Installations have placed good has been constructed In the center Association, who appeared before j I and Jim m y, have returned from the Senate Sub-Committee on Bank- j G uests at Hotel—G. E. Austin of I tishiug near Bend. They reported plum bing within the reach of all. of the A griculture building on the : Phoenix, Arizona w here they spent lug and Currency hearings here. Mr. ' good catches. Portland was a guest a t the Spring- f lr it floor. A large fountain has Hecht declared that his organization T here is hardly a farm house th a t tin* winter. field hotel Friday evening. G ilbert been Installed and plaus a re to is actuated by a desire to he helpful ! Visiting P arents— Mrs. C harles cannot boast of a m odem b ath­ V isits on C oast— John Nelson Jive of N ewport was another guest Wilson of independence was here room, kitchen and laundry. Less m ake the flower display one of the to Congress “In enacting effective J drove down the Coast highway to the sam e evening. and workable bunking legislation in fair show places. over the week-end visiting with than tw enty years ago, a hath room I North Bend Sunday. He niude the Fences a re being repaired around the Interest of all our people." He her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R ay­ m entioned in a for-rent advertise­ B reaks Arm Bones— Thelm a | trip by way of Drain and S cotts­ the grounds and a tem porary ticket said in part: m ent tn. paper was considered a mond Bates. Fletcher broke both bones in her "If ft is Anally decided th at ii Is burg. office arran g em en t is being con­ draw ing card. left arm Saturday when she fell I Cuts Finger in Car Door—Betty structed a t th e Main entrance necessary to carry this legislation , Sanitation Need Grows while playing a t h er home. She Simmon. , niece of Mrs. Susie H in­ through at this session, we are ' through the park grounds. Beauty Gets Furlough—V erne G erber is is the seven year old d aughter of S tressing the need for sanitation strongly of the opinion that special son, who is spending the sum m er is being considered as well as care should be taken to keep our here from San Diego visiting with Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Fletcher. and plum bing in modem, tim es the here, caught her finger in a car Mrs. G erber and his parents, Mr. utility In the work going on. R. S. HECHT credit control ami banking tnechan- statem en t continues: door Friday and cut it so badly T he race track is being gone over lgm tree fron) any sorl of political Recovers From Fall — W arren and Mrs. H. E. G erber. He is on a W hen our prim itive forefathers there is g reater need now than ever 15-day leave from duty in the Towlerton, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. th at several stitches had to be again, following the auto races, so , considerations roam ed singly or in sm all groups “In making this statem ent I do not before for realizing this ideal.” J. Tow lerton, has recovered from taken a t th e office of a local phy­ over the land, they had on need to th a t It will be in fine shape for U nited S tates navy. Mr. H echt emphasized th at it Is wish to appear to question the pro­ 'b is fall from a second story win­ sician. fa s t horse racing during the fair. worry about sanitation. But as the "the genuine desire of the banking dow a t his home last week, accord­ New paint for th e buildings need­ priety of the Government’« exerting fraternity to he helpful and coil R eturn To Idaho— Mr. and Mrs. A ttend Convention — Mr. and need of compianlonshlp and m utual a certain atnouni of control over ing to his physician. ing it, w hitew ashing of the fences Sam Richmond a n d daughter, protection developed, they g ath er­ hanking operations so far as they structlve in making suggestions in Win. A. Pyne, and Mrs. Fay and other decorative work is now affect the nation's currency and gen­ connection witli this pending legis­ U tterback of H azelton, Idaho, will H elene, accom panied Rev. and ed into tribee, so family life began. in the process of being accom ­ eral monetary policy. Nor do we ob­ lation. The changes we are urging leave today for th eir homes a fter Falls from Hayloft— L ester Sam ­ Mrs. 1. G. Shaw to R oseburg this Even then they could pick up their plished. ject to broad powers of supervision are we believe essential to the con visiting for the past two weeks at uel - of Camp Creek fell from a hay­ week for the annual convention of possessions when the camp site be­ over the operation of our banking tlnued Independence of the Federal the home of Mr. and Mrs. E lm er E. loft into a load of hay S aturday th e Spanish-American. W ar v e te r­ cam e unbearable and move to a Institutions because of the semi-pub­ Reserve System.’ but th e im pact was enough to an and th eir auxiliary. Rev. Shaw new location. B ut as th e trib es be­ "We have made it clear th at we Pyne in Springfield. W. A. '.’yne is lic responsibilities they carry. But the fa th e r and Mrs. U tterback a crack several of his ribs according was one of the official speakers came larg er th is was no longer do not object io a m easure of public when It conies to such m atters as to a local physician who treated Sunday. The convention closed yes- feasible. They conceived a desire ister of Elm er Pyne. the granting of credit and the mak­ control in tile national interest for 1 him. for perm anent homes and posses­ terdey. ing of Investments by our banks, proper coordination of our manifold sions. I11 tim e cities were built. Coast W eather Fine— Persons these are questions of business poli­ credit operations,’ he said, "and we V isitors Leave— Mr. and Mrs. E. Then w ater supplies and sewage North Bend Folks to Leave— Mr., cies that surely should not be under do not believe the sponsors of the | spending the week-end on the coast the sole control of a hoard so conctl- legislation desire any political doml- eporte(, the w eat|,e r ¡deal Sunday and Mrs. Buford R ig h t will leave R ichard Page and son, Edwin, of disposal became a serious problem. ----------- I tuted as to be dependent upon parti- . nation over these activities through with very m oderate tem perature. tom orrow for their home at North Norman, Oklahoma, left Monday to W ith enorm ous labor, w ater sys­ continue th eir tour of the W estern tem s and canals were constructed. California To Need Many R e - j san or political considerations under , our Federal Reserve System, Among those at tile N ewport Bend. Mr. R ight arrived here W ed­ placements; Heifer Grow- anv adm inistration. "Under such circum stances 1 « we feel U nited S tates a fter visiting here B aths were dedicated to th e Gods, nesday for a short visit and Mrs. beaches were Mr. and Mrs. Fred that our recommendations should be with his uncle, Mr. and Mrs. L. K. and became the m eeting places for ing Proving Profitable favorably acted upon because they Louk and daughter, Mary Ann and R ight has been here for nearly a T h e Basis of Sound C re d it week visiting with her parents, Page, for several days. They had the patricians. would enahie the reconstructed Fed­ Jean, and Mr. and Mrs. A rthur "The real conditions th at create With the price of dairy cows vi ited Mexico, the San Diego Ex­ eral Reserve Board to function free­ Look of Iowa. T urning back the pages of h is­ Mr. and Mrs. Karl Girard. rapidly returning to a m ore profit­ the necessity for the expansion or ly as a nonpolitical body actuated position and other places before tory, we find efforts to im prove contraction of credit arise from the able basis, In terest in raising heif­ coming here. They w ere to visit sanitation closely follow on tlie needs of agriculture, Industry and only by the dictates of sound finan­ ers is increasing throughout the trade themselves, wholly independ­ cial and economic policies conceived 1 tin- Yellowstone park and other heels of civilization. Human excre­ state. It Is estim ated th a t because ent of the adm inistrative policies of in the interest of all of our people. places on their hom ew ard Journey. m ent and urine are the deadliest of the tuberculosis eradication the party which happens to be In Mr. Page is affiliated with the U ni­ enem ies known to m ankind; when "The adoption of our suggestions cam paign In California, as many power. We feel that the Ananctal re­ would botli plan- operation of the ! versity a t Norman. His son is a the .natural laws of sanitation are as 150,000 head of dairy cows and quirements of the nation's business Federal Reserve System wholly and j student ,' < n' er ' nt° 1,8 C°m' CHECK FROM O. & C. FUND at L eaburg for a few weeks. Calif.. Is visiting Mr. and Mrs. c o st of production of heifers than Recent visitors a t the home of Bunking Act would central- i ' , , „ tile m arket price of cows, the de­ lze "The P ete R oberts of P leasan t Hill. lu the Federal Reserve Board at j I.a ne county receive a c ei 01 Mr. and Mrs. Louis B ittle w ere the Mr. and Mrs. Miller who live on tailed survey reveals, although W ashington means aimed to control $57.588.93 this week from W ashlug- fam ilies of Mr. and Mrs. George the form er L attin ranch a re in only about half of such total costs the supply of money in P- j country, ; Ion, as 80 percent of th e total Mansfield. Long Beach, Mr. and S eattle w here Mr. Miller Is in a a re In cash outlay. which term Includes the sum total am ount due from th e Oregon and Mrs. J. C. C urtis. San Diego. anitorlum . Mr. and Mrs. Carroth- S ta rt W ith Good Stock of currency In circulation and de- California land-grant fund for the Mr. and M r;. R. E. G uthrie have 'T he largest Rem of expense In I niand deposits In the hanks which r 1933 a total of $95,981.55 had ers a re taking care of their ranch. raising heifers Is, of course, feed [ become current through checks. ” The been certified as th e to tal am ount The P leasant Hill woman's club returned to McKenzie B ridge to make their home. Mr. and Mrs. costs, hut a very heavy expense ! powers which It Is proposed to gtva due the county for the en tire year. will m eet with Mrs. C. E. Jordan G uthrie (E lsie Miller) were m ar­ beyond that come from d eath and the Board are Intended to enahie It W ednesday and do quilting. Money received from tills fund to lnAuence the quantity of tilts de­ ried about ten days ago at Van Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Hutson and culling losses," says H. E. Selby posit money through opeu market is intended to com pensate the coun­ couver. W11. A group of friends farm m anagem ent specialist ut O operations, the discount rate and ties for tax funds which they lost family who have been living on the gathered and gave them a noisy Idiot!— I had the right of way and you know Itl ». who was in charge of »lie I reserve requirem ents. Heigel ranch have purchased the when a large p a rt of th eir areas welcome at th eir homecoming. 50 acre tra c t of land adjoining the detailed study, "tin 218 farm s were Included in th e national fo r-, Mr and Mrs. Fred W illiams and The NeeJ (or Independence th a t had uu death o r culllug loss, McKenzie ranch here, known as est areas ami taken from the tax "T hat la the reason why we are Shirley of Leaburg, and Mr. Wil­ th e average coat of raising lielfors part of the old M athews place •o strongly 111 favor of making the rolls. liam s' brother, Don, California, to freshening was nearly 60 tier Federal Reserve ___________ They plan to build soon. ____ T he Com m issioner of th e Gen Board a body of e n jo y e d a trip through several of vent less than on 98 fainis wlik li , such Independence and prestige that 'e r u l Lund Office has assured the liie O re g o n a n d California national C A L L FOR W A R R A N T S had a death and culling loss of 2a wohij |,e definitely removed from ' county that the balance of th e fund Notice is hereby given that parks. per cent or more. all political thought, Influence and ,jut, will be paid the county when School D istrict No. 19 in Lane "A certalo amount of culling Is 1 dictation. Its members should be v ¡8 available. C alfiroria Folk Here— Mr. and county. Oregon, will pay at the of­ necessary, but It Is being greatly free to study and to act in a c c o r d - ___________________ ' Mr . Hugh Cowart of San F ran ­ fice of clerk of said district, all reduced by many dairym en who Jo - n c . with, .he needs and conditions yoW N SEN D CLUB MEETS w arrants to and Including 4189. cisco are here visiting a t th e home careful culling of the calves before j of ™ T A y L 0 R HALL FRIDAY dated F ebruary 22. 1935. Interest ! of th eir parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. sta rtin g to raise them and then have no reference to the politics or . _______ ! J. Cowart and Mr. and Mrs. B ert ceases July 19, 1935. who use careful methods so as to the changes In politics of the nation Members of the Springfield SEVERT JACOBSON, Clerk. H arper. reduce death loss to a minimum. 8j »gmlnlstratlon , Townsend d u b will m eet a t Taylor > Fesd Costs the Same 1 "In our studies of the bunk bill, we hall Friduy evening. July 19, for a "It cuets very little more to raise | have been strongly Impressed with oeial evening. A pie social will | u gisst heifer than r poor u u e , Mr the fact that It would set up a situs- Selby conthwied. " '.lie slight extra i Hon under which the Federal Re- I be held. Esvh persou is to tiring cost of rulslng good heifers comes Board and Ils policies might his own cup. and the ladles are asked to bring pies. A sm all charge .„lo lly from a a.gher birth value. cal adm inistration of the country in for refreshm ents will he made. while the retu rn s front rulslng saying this I do not charge that It good heifers are far aheiul of or­ Is the Intention of the present ad­ PARTY GIVEN FRIDAY dinary ones." ministration to bring shout any un­ In this connection Belby points due control over the nation's hank­ FOR ROBERT WATSON out th at a good bull Is a gixxt In­ ing mechanism. The point ts that If Bob W atson, on leave of absence vestm ent from the standpoint of the bill passed as now proposed, op­ the value of tho calves alone The portunity for control would he there from tile United S tates navy, was birth value of calves from bulls for the use of the present or what guest of honor at a party given Fri- ever future adm inistration might he worth 1200 or m ore was Just four day evening at the Cornell home In power. lim es the value w here hulls worth "Our criticism s of the bill are not north of Springfield. About 22 $100 or less were used. aimed, therefore, at the motives of young people wore Invited When you give «a sn order A supply of skimm ed milk is of NOTICS N O T IC E for printing our one idea la linportutice In reducing the cost of OF FINAL SETTLEM ENT OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T to give you a good Job. . . . raising heifers, the survey showed, We w ill assist you In tbs Notice is hereby given th at the Notice 1» hereby given th at the a s whole milk i the moat costly part of the feed Oood pasture ts undersigned. Retta M Tem pleton, undersigned Ella K S trik er Ex «< lection of paper stock, type . ... Executrix of the E state of J C. ,.,-utrix of the E state of Aaron faces an layout. W’ e have * ulao an Importar ta to In redu Tem pleton, deceased, has Hied her » . S triker, deceased, has filed her i-8 c wide selection of illustm- Why don’teha look where you’re gologl lug tlie cost of production. Station |e|na| Report and Account as such fin a l Report and Account as such tl ms and decorative art, for rs u ttix n r ass, g i r o K full ru n d u etails r a a w of 01 r Executrix .* r , u u i* m ,iu the C lerk ... .. .. e r Executrix .V C V U irn with sun m e Clerk V u-l a i of s th m e e g j ., Holnia, !J « l Bulletin 324. giving with of th the B111 th8 w widely-known For Jaywalkers «very y»ar Is leap which there Is no extra the stud», with many o th er sug County Court o f Lane County. Ore county Court of Lane Couutv. Ore- ‘ '' year. eu*«en- LETTERS n ... «on; and that Saturday, the t7th gon; *,ld th at Saturday, the t7th « rto o m st. has given some cl arge. . . . Let us make estl geetlons for re f u tin g costa, may be (|ay * Augu„ 1>35 10:00 „ d o ck (Uy l>f Auku„ „ 10 00 o’clock “ ons ,or ,he Prevention of automo- Be sure the only crank In the ear mats on your next Job . . BROADSIDES had free tn the forenoou. tn th e County fn ' the forenoon, In th e County bile accidents. Hi* advice, appear- Is tn tha tool hoi. Yon w ill find our prices most Court Room of th e Court House at Court Room of th e Court House at !u< in a new booklet on tho traS c A pedestrian ts a man who missed BOOKLETS r> isonable Eugene, l a n e County, Oregon, has Eugene, la n e County. Oregon, has problem puh’lshed by the Traveler* the payments on his ear. Io w a P e o p le H e r e — M i . a & 4 S ir A rth u r la n k ( la r f ir ld Iowa s i t ,h * ,,o n Flak. set by the Hon. Fred Fisk Insurance Company, 1« as follow« A rth u r Ixyitk of U arrield. Iow a me of C )u rt |||e Ume o( t|mt> I f you must hsvs a blowout have Check the wheel—make sure that here visiting at the home of Mr ^ d place of hearing objections to a„d place of hearing objections to It at horns. s loose nui Isn't holding IL and Mr» Fred Louk. Mr 1-ouk Is a th e sam e. If any th e re are. and for ,|le if any th ere are, and for A bird at the wheel Is worth two Be sure the Miss in the m otor ts b rother of Frwi Ixiuk and Is treae-