THURSDAY. JULY 18. 1935 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAGE THREE said donation land claim and run- is so first published July 11, 1935. iiing thence north parallel with S. D ALLEN and C. A. HARDY, the ea.,t line of said donation attorneys for Plaintiffs, Resi­ land claim 15.724k chains, thence dence and Post Office A ddress north 44 56’ west 13.77 chains Eugene, Oregon. to a point 4.44 chains east aud t Jly 11-18-25 — A 1-8) 4.43 chains north 33° 15* east of SU M M O N S a point 21.68 chum s north of the suuthw est corner of said dona­ IN CIRCUIT COURT OF STATE tion laud claim, thence south 46 OF OREGON FOR LANE COUN­ east 6.41 chains to the westerly TY. line of the Southern Pacific Rail road right of way, thence couth Edna 1. DuPrez, Plaintiff, vs. Le­ roy G. DuPrez, Defendant. 46 east 1.586 chums to the e a st­ To Leroy G. DuPrez, D efendant. erly side ot said right of way, thence soutn 3a 36’ east along IN NAME OF STATE OF ORE­ the n g h e t of way line 6.6a chain, GON. You are required to an ­ to an m lcrsecticu point, thence sw er the Complaiut filed against south 51° 36’ west 14.31 cualus you in above entitled court and to the south line ot sigd dona­ cause w ithin four weeks from July tion 1 uid claim No. 43 at a point 11, 1935, date of first publication 1.64 chains east ot the southw est hereof; and if you fail so to ans­ corner raid D onation Lund Gluitu wer ou or before the last day of No. 43, (th e last two courses the tim e prescribed in the O rder of given tu be considered as affect­ Publication hereof, viz., A ugust 8, ed by a curve having a radius ot 1935, lor w ant thereof, plaintiff about 11,416 feet fitted between will take judgm ent against you, them ), theuce e a st along the and will apply to th e court for the soutn line ot said claim 15.61 relief demanded In said Complaint, chums to the place et beginning, succinctly, th at the m arriage con­ containing 17.15 acres more or tra c t and bonds of m atrim ony ex­ less, exclusive of 6.26 ucres wlla­ isting between you aud plaintiff be lli tüe rig n t of way of the South­ unsolved. Service hereof is made ern i acm e Railroad n g u t ot way upon you by publication in Spnng- excepletl, aau aiso exclusive uf a ticld News publisned a t Springfield, tra c t conveyed to tue trustees Oregon, for four successive weeks ot tne Donna Gotuniuuity P rotes­ by order of said court made Ju n e tan t Giiurcu by Uc-eti recorueu at 27, 1936. page a i l ot Volume 134 oi the BENNETT SWANTON, Jr., A t­ Gane Goumy Deed Records, ah torney tor Plaintiff, Residence, being in sections 27 aim 34 in M arshfield, Oregon. suiu tow nship and range and In (Jly 11-18-26 — A 1-8) Gane couniy, G iegon; miso uegiu imig at m e m ost norm vriy north­ N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S west corner ot the e n a n c a n a i uesiy anti wite D onation Gaud NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: Glaiin n o . 42 in Township 16 T hat the County Court of the S tale soum ot Runge 2 west ot m e Wil- of Oregon for Lane County has ap­ lunette M enutan aud running pointed M argaret A. Fulop as Ad­ tueuce norm »6 56’ east m inistratrix ot the E state aud Last cuatns to a n r stake illumed G. S. Will and T estam ent of Julius in couniy survey n o . iu 69, m enee Fulop, Deceased. All persons Lav­ soum 121 w est 2.47 cnains, tnence ing claim s against said E state are soum 42° 32* west b.iob enalns hereby notified to present the to a point 63 linas north 69° o6* ! same, duly verified, to the under­ east ot a yew sluue uiuraed C. S., i signed A dm inistratrix a t the law tnence soutn 69° 08’ west 3.53 J offices of H arris & Bryson, M iner cuaiuB to a tir stake m am ed C. Building, Eugene, Eane County, tueuce south 12’ west 4.36 Oregon, w ithin Six M onths from chains to a Hr stake m a n e d G. the date of this notice. S., tnence south 89“ 68* w est 3.66 Dated this 11th day of July, 1936. cnains, tnence north 12* east M a r g a r e t A. FULOP, Ad­ I t . 59 chains to the place of begin­ m inistratrix of the E sta te of ning, containing 8.(73 acres ot Julius Fulop, Deceased. land in tn e southw est qu arter of ( J l y 11-18-20 — A 1-8)______ section 26 Township lb soum of Range 2 w est of the W illam ette SUNSHINE FOR POULTRY m erm ian, in Lane county, O re­ BEST DISINFECTANT gon. SUM M ONS WHO IS WHO a n d W h a t T h e y D ojj FOR SALE— In Springfield. 2 lots 4 room b o u s e , outbuilding. AUTO DEALERS Fenced, *276.00. Louise Anderson, Eugene Rt. 2. Jly 25 ANDERSON MOTORS, INC. E xpert R epairing — All Work ARTHUR H. FAY, C arpenter and G uaranteed. Builder. Phone 124-J. J25 Gas, Oil, T ires and B atteries WOOD FOR SALE— Old Growth 5th and A Sts.. Springfield Ph. 49 Block, 1% cords *6.65; (« ) FOR SALE— Good Used Wood Ranges. M ountain S tates Power Co. tf N O T IC E FOR P U B L IC A T IO N Departm ent of the Interio r, U. 8. Land Office a t Roseburg, Oregon, June 19th, 1935. NOTICE is hereby given that John C. Holmes, of Mabel, Oregon, who, on July 10th, 1931, made H om estead entry Serial No. 019714, for N % N & . Section 28, Township 16 8., R ange 1 E„ W illam ette Mer­ idian, has filed notice of Intention to m ake final th ree y ear Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Wm. H. Canon, R egister, U. S. Land Office, Rose­ burg, Oregon, on the 30th day of July, 1935. C laim ant nam es as w itnesses: Port. Birch, of Mabel, Oregon, H erm an Clum, of Mabel, Oregon, Jam es K ingm an, of Mabel, Oregon, Alex Lewis, of Mohawk, Oregon. WILLIAM H. CANON, Register. (J 27—Jly 4-11-18-26) C IT A T IO N IN T H E COUNTY COURT OF T H E STATE OF OREGON FOR LANE COUNTY. PRINTERS DANCING D AN C E AT WINTERGARDEN THE WILLAMETTE PRESS "The Dance T h at's D ifferent” Every Saturday Night Gents 25c Ladies 10c Old Growth Blab, 1% cords, 16-lnch »6.00. Tuhy Fuel Co. Phone 182-J A Classified Directory of Reliable Business Firms and Professional People This Newspaper Recommends to You. Springfield Phone 2 Business S tationery—Office Form s Booklets — Placards — Dodgers, etc. BUICK — OLDSMOBILE — JOHNSON FURNITURE CO. A Modern P rin t Shop Producing PONTIAC Ranges and C irculators Up-To-Date Printing. Motor Cars Several Lines Including Montag. SALES and SERVICE Phone and a Salesm an Will Call. Linoleum—Inlaid and F elt Base 7th and Olive Sts. — Phone 856 A ttractive Prices on F urniture Eugene, Oregon.' and Rugs. See Us Before You Buy BATTERY SERVICE SERVICE STATIONS We Deliver Phone 1188 649 W illam ette Eugene FURNITURE SCHERER MOTOR CO. LANECO BATTERY FACTORY j A ST. SERVICE STATION LAUNDRY Back a t our old location. Less overhead your gain. See our new SPRINGFIELD LAUNDRY m aterial batteries In genuine Gates Floyd Wood, Prop. hard rubber cases before you buy. All p arts handm ade in Eugene. For 309 Main St., Phone 100 capacity—service— price— none bet­ All K inds of Laundry Service. ter. RECHARGING—REPAIRING. We Call for and Deliver. 345 Van Buren - - Phone 1008 Your Patronage W ill Be A ppreciated. ___ BEAUTY PARLORS HOME BEAUTY SHOP PEP.MANENT WAVES *1.50 All W ork G uaranteed Mrs. E lla P a rch er Tel. SO LUMBER The Booth-Kelly Lbr. Co. Furnishes a COMPLETE HOME CREAMERIES Building and Repairing Service. Demand the Best—Costs no More For Service Phone Springfield 65 or if no answ er, phone 34-J. BLUE BELL Springfield. Dairy P roducts Ice Cream, B utter, Cheese, Milk PHYSICIAN-SURGEON EUGENE FARM ERS CREAMERY, Phone Eugene 638 DR. MILTON V. WALKER Surgery and Diseases of Women DENTISTS 4th and Main Sts. Springfield Phone 82-J G eneral Gasoline, Oil and Greases Goodrich Tires "A Home Owned S tation.” 5th and A Sts., Springfield. Ph. 44 Mitchell Service Station ALL RICHFIELD PRODUCTS — Yale Tires — G reasing - B attery Recharging E xpert Radio Repairing by LEE CRAY Phono 48-J 7th and Main Sts. Springfield IN T H E CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON IN AND FOR LANE COUNTY. A lexander Lewis and Maynie E. Lewis, his wife, David Auld and Mary E. Auld. his wife, H C. Auld and K atherine Auld his wife, and F. L. A rm itage as Re­ ceiver, F rank L. Crenshaw , Madi­ son F ranklin Spores and Vada Ellen Spores his wife, Plaintiffs. Vs. Alexander T. McGowan and Em­ ma B. McGowan h 1 s wife. C harles H. McGowan and Je n ­ nie G. McGowan his wife, Isa­ belle Lear and B arclay Leat­ her husband, Abigal S. McGowan, F rank Malin and A nnie Malin bis wife, Sam uel C. Malin and Ida Malin bis wife, Saralr J. Dutton and N. Lincoln D utton her hus­ band, Anna Belle Wilson and H enry H. W ilson her husband, Henry A. Malin and Florence C. Malin his wire, Anna Malin un­ m arried, Jam es Malin and Mrs. Jam es Malin bis wife, William Malin and ................... Malin his wite, Robert Malin and ............ Malin his wite, John Malin and ............... Malin bis wile, Failure Malin, unm arried, and Maude Malin unm arried, N ettie Scott, itouert S cott and Anna Scott ins wife, M artna Ja n e Tryon and John Tryon her husband, L or­ ane Scott S m art and Jam es P. S m art her husband, Lucy Scar­ borough and W. K. Scarborough her husuand, George Scott and Ada Scott his wile, Jam es Scott and ............. Scott his wite, Bern- liart E rler and ............... E rler her husuand, the unknown heir» of FreuencK Mendo deceased; Also all outer persons or parties un­ known claim ing any rignt, title, estate, hen, or in te re st In the the real property described in the com plaint herein, Defend­ ants. To the defendants A lexander T. Mc­ Gowan and tm n ia B. McGowan his w ne, C harles H. McGowan and Jennie G. McGowan, Isabelle Lear and Barclay L ear h er husband, At the Springfield Junction a b ig al S. McGowan, F ran k Malin GAS AND OILS and A nnie Malin his wife, Samuel Service Day and Night. C. Malm and Ida Malm his wife, Grucery Sundries, Tobacco s and S arah J. Dutton and N. Lincoln D utton her husband, A nna Belie Picnic Goods. Wilson and H enry H. Wilson her W est Springfield Ph. Spr. 33-J husband, H enry A. Malin and F lor­ ence G. Malm his wife, Anna Maliu unm arried, Jam es Malm and Mrs. WOOLEN MILLS Jam es Maliu his wife, William Malin and .... ........... Mslin his EUGENE wife, R obert Maliu and ................... WOOLEN MILL CO. Malm his wife. John Malin and .... ........... Malin his wife, Fannie* M anufacturers of Woolens. Maliu unm arried, Maude Maliu uu Specializing In Ladies m arried, N ettie Scott, R obert Scott COATINGS AND SUITINGS. and Annie Scott his wife, M artha R etail D epartm ent at Mill. | j aue Tryon and John Tryon her E ast End 6th Ave. Eugene, Ore. | husband, Lorane Scott S m art and ___________ _____________________ Janies P. S m art her husband, Lucy I Scarborough and W. K. Scar- REBEKAH LODGE HAS borough her husband, George Scott ___ A w ! and Ala Scott his wife, Jam es Scott QUIET MEET MONDAY j ! and auj ............... ........... S cott his wite, Beru- Scott ‘ h a rt E rler and ................... E rler Only a few m em bers attended her husband, the unknown heirs of Frederick Mende, deceased; Also the weekly m eeting of Ju a n ita Re- ------------- , . , , «« .i i all other persons and parties uu- bekah lodge Monday even g. A | known claim eläim ing inä any right, title, " c "“ “ — o~ ---------w paper sack luncheon was held fol- e„ta ^ej ijen or in terest In the real lowing the business meeting. Plans i property described in the com- for the intersectional picnic to be plaint herein, held next Sunday were announced. I you aud of you w e h(jreby OREGONIAN SERVICE STATION IN T H E MATTER OF TH E ES­ TATE OF W. E. STATZER, de­ ceased. B. F. STATZER, Plaintiff, — vs. — DAWSIE STATZER, and other p er­ sons unknown, havit g o r claim ­ And adjudging th at David Auld ing any In terest ns h eirs at law While no disinfectant can be re- and Mary E. Auld his wife, and H. or distributees of the e state of commended as effective in treating G. Auld aud F. E. A rm itage as Re­ DR. G. A. BROWN W. E. S tatzer, deceased, Defend­ ceiver for them are ow ners of the the causes of all kinds of diseases ants. Hours 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. following real property, Viz: Com­ of poultry, nature comes the n ear­ MELVILLE S. JONES, M. D. TO Dawsie S tatzer, and all other | Phone 20-J mencing at the southw est corner est Io supplying such a disinfect- Surgery and D iseases of Women persons unknown, having or claim 5th and Main Sts. of th e donation land claim No. Springfield ing any in tere t as heirs a t law X-Ray and Physiotherapy 43, N otification No. 7649, in 111 ‘he lorin of direct sunshine, Residence 728 A S treet. or distributees of the estate of W. Township 16 south of Range 2 says W. T. Johnson, poultry p ath ­ Springfield, Oregon E. S tatzer, deceased, west of the W illam ette meridian, ologist at Oregon S tate college. F irst N ational Bank Bldg. Ph. 43 GREETING: thence north 21.68 chains on the Leaving the houses and prem ises DR. WM. N. DOW west line of said claim, thence DENTIST You and each of you are hereby east 4.44 chains tJ a point on tile vacant for a period of several cited and required to appear in the X-Ray Diagnosis — H ours » to 12 N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S west side of the county road, m ouths mid thoroughly cleaning above entitled court on or before I 1 to 6 a n - by appointm ent. thence north 33° 15’ east 4.43 the prem ises so as to expose the IN T H E COUNTY COURT OF the 30th day of August, 1935, then chains to a point m arked at soil and houses as much as pos- THE STATE OF OREGON IN and th ere to show c.'.use, if any you, Office Phone 8 — Res. Phone 67 present I y a telephone pole in AND FOR LANE COUNTY. have, why B. F. S tatzer should not F irst N at’l Bank Bldg. Springfield the eaBt side of the county road, ible to drying uud d irect su n ­ be declared and adjudged to be the IN ‘ T H E MATTER OF THE thence south 40° e a st 8.47 chains shine are of considerable value in sole heir a t law of W. E. Statzer, FRUIT PACKERS ESTATE OF MARTHA A. SUI to the west line of the Southern destroying various causes for In­ deceased, and the only person en­ KER, Deceased. Pacific Railroad right of way, fectious diseases, he points out. titled to sh are In the distribution Notice Is hereby given, T h at the thence south 34“ west along said Eugene Fruit Grower’s Ass’n of the assets of said estate. undersigned has been duly ap­ l ight of way 12.68 chains, thence N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S This citation is published pursu­ I Diamond A. B rand F ru it P ackers pointed adm in istrato r of the estate south 31° 49’ west 10.44 chains ant to an order of Hon. F red Fisk, and Shippers. Ice and Gold Storage. of M artha A. Sulker, deceased. All to the south line of said claim, in T H E COUNTY COURT OF judge of said court, m ade and en­ College Ice Cream M anufacturers. persons having claim s against said thence w est 8 links to the place THE STATE OF OREGON FOR k i r tT i r c n c S M F R IF F ’S SA LE i ¡m pm m oned to a p p e a r a n d an sw er tered on the 25th day of May, 1935, {be c o n ip la ln t f n ea a g a in s t you in e state are hereby required to pres­ N o t ic e of s h e r if f s s a l of beginning, situated in Lane LANE COUNTY. Coco Cola—K lst Beverages ordering service of this citation by en t the sam e, with vouchers th ere­ REAL PROPERTY | the a bove entitled cause and court, j county, Oregon. IN T H E MATTER OF T H E ES­ Cider Vinegar publication thereof, and requiring for, to the undersigned a t the of­ TATE OF JAMES W. W ELLS, NOTICE is hereby given th a t by within four weeks from the lirst i And adjudging th at Madison you and each of you to appear in Phone 1480 fice of Clyde N. Johnston, 310 Tif­ virtue of an execution aud order publication of this sum m ons and if F ranklin Spores and Vada Ellen deceased. said court on or before August 30, F erry near 8th Ave E. Eugene, fany Bldg., Eugene, Oregon, w ithin of sale issued out of the C ircuit you fall so to answ er, ior want | Spores, his wife, are the ow ners of Notice is hereby given th a t the 1935, to show cause as aforesaid. six m onths from the d ate hereof. Court of the S tate of Oregon tor thereof plaintiffs will apply to the following described reul prop­ undersigned lias been duly appoint- IN W ITN ESS W HEREOF, I have Dated this 27th day of June, 1935.1 Lane County th is 19th day of June, the court for the relief demand- erty, viz: ed executrix of the esta te of Jam es N O T IC E OF S H E R IF F ’S SALE hereunto set my hand and the seal ARNOLD L. SUIKER, Admr. 1935, upon and pursuant to a de- <-<1 *n the com plaint, viz, tha W Wells, deceased.. All person« of said court this 20th day of June, R EA L P R O P E R T Y of the E state of M artha A. Sul- cree duly given and made by said plaintiffs A lexander Lewis and Beginning a t a point In the having claim s against said esta te .3 5 . ker, Deceased. center of tho county road on the a re hereby required to present the C ourt th e 18th day of June, 1930,' Maynie Lewis his wife are he NOTICE is hereby given th at by W. B. DILLARD, Clerk. (J 27—Jly 4-11-18-25) west line of the William S. lia r sam e with proper vouchers there- in a suit pending therein in which ow ners in lee of the lollowlug virtue of an execution and order of By SIBYL W ESTFALL, Deputy. ley Donation Land Claim No. 39,1 for to the undersigned, at th e of- p ro p erty . Beginning a t a point (J 27—Jly 4 11-18-25—A 1-8)___ sale issued out of the C ircuit Court N O T IC E OF A D M IN I8 T R A T O R ’8 E. J. Iddings and Mamie Iddiugs retd N otificatiou No. 7182 In Town | flee of Gordon S. Wells, Miner on the southw esterly boundary ' of th e S tate of Oregon for Lane were plaintiffs and H. F. Johnson hip 16 south, Runge 2 west o f . Building, Eugene, Oregon, within SALE I County the 29th day of June, 1935, and Selma Johnson were defend ¡ line of the tra c t of land des­ the W illam ette no ridian 5.891 six m onths from the d ate of the cribed in su it No. 13156 in the ' upon and p u rsuant to a decree duly ants, which execution and order of | NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, chains north of the southw est I first publication of this notice, to Lane county circuit court en­ given and made by said Court the sale was to m e directed and com -; titled J. J. Lewis vs. N ettie Scott corner of said claim, and running I wit: Before Junuary 11, 1936. I 28th day of June, 1935, in a suit th a t by v irtu e of an order of the m anded me to sell the real prop­ Court of the S tate of O re­ thence alone the center of said J DELG i RA WELLS ANDERSON, a t al. said point being also on I pending th erein in which Mary E. County erty herein after described to sat- ’ the n o rthw etierly rig h t of way gon for Lane County, In the m at­ county road north 29.30” east 4.0u Executrix of the E state of J Hill, T ru stee was plaintiff and te r of th e E state of Jesse K. Platts, isfy certain liens and charges iu I of the Southern Pacific railroad chains, thence north 18.30 east Jam es W. Wells, deceased. F. H enderson and o thers deceased, made on Ju n e 17th, 193G, said decree specified, I will on I Watchmaker and Jeweler ) L. 12.68 chains, thence north 62° (Jly 11-18-26 — A 1-8) were defendants, which execu­ the undersigned, as adm inistrator Saturday ttfe 26th day of July, 1935, ¡ and which is 14.89 chains north S P R IN G F IE L D west 7.63 chains, leaving the tion and order of sale was t o 1 of said estate, will sell a t private a t the hour of 10:66 o'clock, A. M., j 19° 13* w est from the northeast N O T IC E OF 8 H E R IF F '8 8 A L E So. Paclflo W atch In«protor couniy road, to the west line ul corner of the R obert McGowan me directed and com raanaad me to sale, on and after Monday the 22nd a t the southw est door of the Coun­ REAL PROPERTY said William S. H arley DouatUu F irs t Class W o rk a t Reasonable Donation Land Claim No. 43, Not­ sell the real property herein after day of July, 1935, for cash, or part ty Court House In. Eugene, Lane NOTICE is hereby given th a t by Land Claim, thence south alon Prlese. described to satisfy certain liens cash and good security, th e follow­ Coun y, Oregon, offer for sale and ¡ ification No. 7049, in township the w est line of said claim 20.11 j virtue of an execution and order 16 south range 2 w est of the Wil­ and charges in said decree speci­ ing described property, to-wlt; sell a t public auction for cash, nub-1 lam ette m eridian, and running hains to the place of beginning,, of gale issued out of the C ircuit fied, I will on S aturday the 3rd The South half of th e South­ ject to redem ption as provided by I thence north 52° 11' west 26.93 containing 6.5 acres m ere or less, Court of the S tate of Oregon for day of August, 1935, at the hour of law, all of the right, title and In­ e a st Q u arter; Lots 3, 4, 5 a n d , situated In Lane couniy, Oregon. L ane County this 19th day ol June, chains, to a point on the west ten o ’clock, A. M„ at th e southw est th at p art of Lot 2 lying South of i te re st of the defendants in said And adjudging th a t F rank L. 1935, upon and pursuant to a de­ line of the William S. Harley door of the County Court Hou3e In a line running E a st from the through or under them or any of Donation Land Claim No. 39, Not­ Crenshaw is the owner of the fol­ cree duly given and made by said Eugene, Lane County, Oregon, of­ S outheast corner of Claim No. su it and of all p atties claiming by ¡ ification No. 7182 in said tow n­ lowing described real property, Court the 18tb day of June, 1935, fer for sale and sell a t public auc­ 45, N otification 7188, in Section them , in or to the following des-, ship and range 30.01 chains north viz: Beginning a t a county survey in a su it pending therein In which tion for cash, subject to redem p­ of Pittsburgh, Pa. 18, Township 17 South, Range 1 cribed real property, to-wit: stake 6.10 chains w eit of tile The Pacific Savings it Loan Asso­ of the southw est corner thereof, tion as provided by law, all of the W est of th e W illam ette Meri­ northeast corner of th e Charles ciation was plaintiff and Bennie thence south to said southw eit right, title and In terest of the de­ Beginning a t a point 1.25 dian, containing one hundred and H ardesty Donation Land Claim S. M arsh aud others were defend­ corner, thence east on the dona­ fendants in said suit and of all chains W est of the Southw est th irty acres, excepting the -fol­ No. 42 and running thence west ants, which execution and order of tion line 37.6o chains to the most parties claim ing by, through or un­ corner of th e S outheast fourth of lowing: southerly southeast corner of along tiie nortli line of said claim | ga| H was to me directed and com- d er them or any of them in or to Beginning a t the in te rse c tio n . th e N orthw est quarter of Section 29.45 chains to a county survey j m anded nie to sell the real prop- Donation Land Clain No. 39, th e following described real prop­ Represented By SEVEN in Township FIFTEEN of the South line of th e David N. I stake, thence south 41.24 chains , hereinafter described to sat- thence north 0.74 chains more or erty , to-wit: South, Range FOUR W est o f . to a point on the south line of I js ly certain liens aud charges in Hyde Donation Land Claim No. ¡ess to a point on the southw est W illam ette m eridian; and run-1 E. H. TURNER T he N orth F ifty-eight (68) feet said Donation Land 45, in Township 17 South R angel .i ■ ---• Claim ‘ *-•■— 34.82 i '1 gald decree specified, 1 will on trly line of a tra c t described In of Lot T hree (3) in Block Six­ chains west of the southeast cor­ S aturday the 20tli day of July, 1935, 1 W est, W illam ette Meridian, I ning thence N orth 20.06 chains, suit No. 13156 and south 52° 11' 846 ▲ SL Springfield. Ore. thence E ast 7.64 chains to the teen (16) In Fairm ount, in the ner thereof, thence east on said ut the hour of 10:00 o’clock, A. M , with the center line of the Coun­ east of the place of beginning, middle of the county road, City of Eugene, Lane County, south line 28.72 chains to a coun a t the southw est door of the Coun­ ty Road, said point of in tersec­ thence north 52° 11' west 21.72 thence in and along the center of Oregon, according to the Original tion being 13.92 chains E ast of ty survey slak e 6.10 chains west j ^y House in Eugene, Lane chains more or less to the place said road South 67° E ast 25.06 P lat thereof. of the southeast corner of said County, Oregon, offer for sale and the N o rth east corner of th e Ela- of beginning, containing 55.13 chains and South 63° E ast 15.45 Dated this 1st day of July, 1935. C harles H ardesty Donation Land nor Duff Donation Land Claim acres, m ore or lens, exclusive of sell at public auction for cash, sub­ C. A. SWARTS, Sheriff. chains to the E ast line of the Claim No. 42, thence north 41 24 ject to redem ption as provided by No. 41 of the said Township and 2.52 acres within the right of way By A. E. HULGAARD, Deputy. W est half of the Southeast quar­ chains to the place of beginning, luw, all of the right, title and in­ Range, running thence E ast 16.81 of the Southern Pacific Railroad, (Jly 4-11-18-25 — A 1) ter of said Section Seven, thence containing 119 94 of land In te re st of the defendants in said chains along th e South line of herein excepted, being a strip of South 1.88 chains, thence W est Township 16 south of Range 2 suit uud of ail parties claiming by, the Donation Land Claim ; thence land 100 feet wide, the northw est­ 20.00 chains, thence North 4.61 South 5.00 chains; th en ce W est west of the W illam ette meridian through or under them or any of Form erly W alker-Poole erly line of which extends from IN THE COUNTY COURT OF chains and thence W est 21.25 23.19 chains parallel to th e South and s i t u .' d In Lane county, O re­ them , in or to tho following des­ the beginning point as above des­ THE STATE OF OREGON, FOR chains to the place of beginning; line of said Donation Land Claim EUGENE— 11th SPRINGFIELD cribed south 35° 30' west 17.27 gon. LANE COUNTY. cribed real property, to-wlt: containing 56.06 acres, more or, chains to a point 10.61 chains to the center line of the Connty 228 Main ad C harnelton And adjudging th at you said de­ Beginning a t a point 198.44 feet In th e M atter of the E state of less, of land in Lane and Benton Road; thence N orth 48° E ast east of the southw est corner of fendants eacli and all have no E ast of a point 33.95 chains George W. Johnson, Deceased. Phone 62-J elephone 723 counties, in the S tate of Oregon; along the center of th e County Donation Land Claim No. 39, all right, title, esta te , lien or Interest North 30' W est of the N orthw est Notice Is hereby given th at the Also beginning at a point 36.29 Road 4.17 chains; th en ce North In sections 26 and 27 of said corner of Lot five (6) In Block undersigned, Leslie Hodges, has 89° E ast 4.00 chains to the place chains North of the quarter se c -. tow nship and range, and in Lane in said lands or any of them , and for such fu rth er relief as may be seven (7) of P ackard's Addition been by the above entitled court of beginning, being parts of lot- tion corner in the .South line of County, Oregon, excepting there­ just. to Eugene, and running thence appointed executor In the above en­ 2, 3, and 4, of Section 18, Town­ said section Seven In Township from that certain tra c t convey­ N orth 160 feet, thence E ast 66 titled m atter. All persons having ship 17 South Range 1 W est, This sum m ons is served upon Fifteen South, Range Four W est; ed to Madison F ranklin Spores feet, thence South 150 feet and claim s against said estate are noti­ Lane County, Oregon. and running thence North 4.61 and Vada Ellen Spores by deed you pursuant to an order of Hon. fied to present said claim s duly thence W est 55 feet to the place O F. HklpwHrth, C ircuit Judge, chains, thence W est 1.25 chains, of record at page 449 of Volume verified to th e aforesaid executor ■ Bids will be received a t th e of­ of beginning, excepting a strip thence South 4.61 chains and , 173 Lane County Oregon deed dated and filed July 9, 1935, direct fice of Calkins and Calkins, 210 at the law office of H oward M eight (8) feet wide being the thence E ast 1.25 chains to the records: Also, beginning at a ing th at this sum mons be served Brownell In Eugene. Oregon with Tiffany Building, Eugene, Oregon; W est eight (8) feet of the afore­ place of beginning; containing' point on the south line of tile upon you by publishing the sam<- all sales subject to confirm ation in six m onths from this 4th day of said premise«, all in Eugene, 58-100 of an acre of land, In Lane I Robert ulcCowan Donation Land for four weeks In the Springfield by the County Court of Lane Conn­ July, 1935. Lane County, Oregon. Claim No. 43, N otification No. News, a weekly new spaper pub­ County, Oregon. ty, Oregon. LESLIE HODGES, Executor Dated this 19th day of June, 1936. 7049. In Township 16 south of lished at Springfield, Oregon and Dated this 19th day of June, 1930 I. D. LARIMER, A dm inistrator C. A W INTERM EIER and C. A. SWARTS, Sheriff. Range 2 west of the W illam ette requiring you to answ er the same C. A. SWARTS, Sheriff. WHY WE WEAR of th e E state of Jesse K. HOWARD M BROWNELL, At­ By A E. HULEGAARD, Deputy m eridian, being 15.86 chains west within four weeks from the first E HULEGAARD. Deputy. By A. P latts, Deceased. torneys. (J 20-27—Jly 4-11-18) G L A S S E S ... of th e south southeast com er of publication thereof. This summons (J 20-27—Jly 4-11-18) Business Directory Edw ard C. P rivat Reliance Life Insurance Co. PO O LE F u n e ra l H o m e ? ® Som e people wear glasses be­ cause they cannot see w ithout them. Many people who wear glasses can eee without them well enough to gat along. About the only people who are help­ lessly blind w ithout their glasses are th e ones who wear very strong thick lenses N earsightedness, farsightednee-i. astigm atism and double vision are the eomm onest eye defecL Lenaes of proper cu rv atu ie bring the im age to a focus pre­ cisely on th e retin a and correct the eyesight defects An exam ination Is free at OR. ELLA MEADE Optomntritt «1 w m b Mi - THE FACT FINDERS - and their discoveries By ED. KRESSY (SUPPT n IS Ü I A £ W « W «Ri EUF n ‘ BtlB . THIS 'S THE FR0EES7OR.HE L I TRAVtt (SITU OS M 0 T £ U A U AgOtT IV * SLM ES Wfc VIST HOW u r t i CTASfT r o o T h t W ÏS T U6 » l a j i » < i. li B j R m TT' ti - 'O «u- WAVE K E H UHPCB WAV JUST TEH M J M U T E S .H E rfS SABA » O K IM Û UP toOO t l E T A B O » * S F A L E V E ! . T t o V iB fttM ISLAMPS A M TO n « B K M T . . . SABA is am EXT ih CT /O vxamoa BC u T m oo feo » l E inhabit the too o r this cone . THE V IU A 6 E IS l>s M II.S S IN D IA M E T E R . A B o o t u E D O t SO O E C C T HM M FOBMS a B owl * h w h k x tnb vat A» I i THE HOUSES ARE PAINTFÖ WMI’ i WITH RED ROCH »CAT S k II l DING ATOM E ' W E WAS C -I.E E activity .B oats webe uoweofo ìo oo H et I D THE SEA BY R O EES.NO W HO W EV ER , THE inhabitants u n d it c hea pìr to buy craft . bub - WHERE HAYE TOO S x B IE N THE PAST 1 THESE F S O P lE ARE ÓE DUTCH ANO ENGLISH STOCK SO M E ARE OCSCENDEMTS OtMOetiAHI MEN WMOCAFTGIBED T h e i s l a n d IN I M S