THURSDAY, JULY 18, 1935 THE SPRINGFIELD NBWB PAGE TWO T H E S P R IN G F IE L D N E W S Pnbllahad Every Tharaday at Springfield, Lane County, Oregon by THE W ILLAMETTE PRESS H. E. MAXEY, Editor Entered as second class matter, February 24, 1903, at the pualufiice, Springfield, Oregon M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T E One Year In Advance _ Two Yqara in advance >1.60 >2.50 Six Months ................................>1.00 Three Months ..................... 60c THURSDAY, JULY 18, 1035 NOW IS T H E TIM E TO START Eugene continues to allow people to be killed on h er “nine w orst railroad cro ssin g s in O regon,” leading into F ranklin boulevard and it is ab o u t tim e for a n o th e r slau g h ter of a pedestrian on th e P acific highw ay betw een the tw o cities. T hese ac cid en ts o cc u r with too freq u en t regularity. T he tim e h a s com e to elem in ate th ese h ighw ay c ro ss­ ings. G overnm ent m oney is available to pay fo r th is elim ­ ination. T he tim e has com e to estab lish all p rim ary h ig h ­ w ay through th e E ugene-S pringfield area. T h is problem in its m ajor prem ises should be left to th e planning h oards and highw ay engineers. We m ay agree or d isag ree with a n y plans o r su rv ey s m ade but we m u st all a g re e now is th e tim e to s ta rt. ¿Most people who have studied th e traffic situ a tio n be­ tw een Eugene an d Springfield a g ree th a t th e ro a d w ay s be­ tw een cities and F ran k lin boulevard m u st rem ain s u b s ta n ­ tially w here they are now because m ore th a n half th e tr a f ­ fic is local, and th is is th e sh o rte s t an d m ost con v en ien t route. This is tru e w h eth er th e p resen t ro u te re m a in s the Pacific highw ay o r not. T h e tim e h a s arriv ed to p u t thii traffic a rte ry in shape an d to m ake com p reh en siv e plans for tieieg into this ce n te r th e Pacific, W illam ette a n d Mc­ Kenzie highw ays. T he p resen t route calls fo r im m ediate b e tte rm e n t c o n ­ stru ction. T he re s t of th e p ictu re calls for in tellig en t p lan­ ning and com prehensive surveys. Now is the tim e to sta rt. -------------- * -------------- PRO TECT YOUR SCHOOL PR O PE R T Y School houses in this city a re being p u t into first class rep air by the board in co operation w ith SERA. T h is is for th e purpose of providing a decen t and h ea lth y place for children to go to school. T h ere h a s been too m uch v an d a l­ ism around the school d u rin g vacation tim e and evenings in th e past. Dozens of w indow s h av e been broken and o th er depredations have been com m itted. People in the neighborhood would do them selves and th e d istrict a service by re p o rtin g to police children o r ad u lts seen on school g rounds out of hours, th ro w in g ro c k s o r p u n ch in g sticks th ro u gh windows. T he school g ro u n d s are only open to th e public w hen em ployees o f th e d istric t are on duty. T he school board is determ ined to pro tect school pro p erty from dam age even if it m ust do so by prosecution. -------------- e-------------- COURT HITS AAA ALSO T he AAA h as been ruled u n c o n stitu tio n a l an d seem s to be going out by th e sam e ro u te th e NILA. So fa r a s we are concerned here in Oregon it is ju st as well fo r if e ith e r had a purpose th a t purpose lias been ab o u t served. Corn and hog processing tax es m ay have helped som e individual farm ers but they levied a fa r g re a te r toll on the consum er» of W estern O regon th a n th e b enefits paid back. T he whole plan is artificial and c o n tra ry to n a tu re , it is hut a "shot In th e a rm ” w hen it com es to a solution of th e ag ricu ltu ral m ark etin g problem s. T his econom y of g e ttin g som ething for nothing sim ply will not work. P ra c tise d in governm ent it will eventually he th e rock on which th e ship of s ta te will flounder. ♦ -------------- CROOKED REASONING Som e of th e o u tsta n d in g so-called liberals in th e s ta te have signed a petition for release of Llewellen A. Hanks, Medford publisher convicted of m u rd erin g a policem an. It is signiflcent how som e of th ese liberals think, who a sk us to hand over governm ent to them , w hen they sign su c h a petition. Any body who excuses th e m u rd er of an officer on duty is surely afflicted w ith crooked re aso n in g pow er. B anks had a fair and expensive trial, w as found guilty and sentenced to th e penitentiary. T h ere he should rem ain" ♦ ------------- - Good salesm anship is selling goods which w on’t com e back to custom ers who will. ---------------* _________ T hose who w atch (lie clock a t 20 a re w atchm en at 60 -------------- * -------------- All you’ve got to do, do w ith all you've got. ---------- «.---------- C~Ke FAMILY / DOCTOR JOHN JOSEPH GAINES MO COUGH A SYMPTOM Most everybody know s thut a cough Is not a disease It is merely a sym ptom of h disease of th e air-jm ssages. C oughs are of m any varieties, due to (lie c h a ra c te r of the irritation. A Dry, painful cough, com m on in children, certainly needs an ex p ecto ran t. W ith dry. painful co u g h s th ere Is most certain ly fever at c e rta in ho u rs an d fever is a sym ptom which should alw ays be heeded. T h e baby with a loud ’b a rk in g ” co u g h , thut m ak es the little fellow cry from the pain afte r th e peroxyein, should be a tte n d e d to at once.. An ounce of syrup of ipecac should lie kept w here th ere are children in tlie fam ily. To give baby from th ree to ten drops every tw o h ours, should relax th e irrita te d bronchial passages and p ro m o te free loosening of th e s e c re ­ tions. ipecac is an ex p e cto ran t of old and established value In event of m arked feverishness, call th e d o c to r you fnay have a ease of pneum onia, w h ere th e re is alw ays fever and painful cough. • Adults with cough w ithout fever need not us a rule be alarm ed at a bit of bronchitis it m ay be n ursed Into re ­ covery by observing the s tric t rules of stay in g In, keeping the body and feet warm , and tak in g stim u latin g hot d rin k s at bedtim e Sw eat it o u t and d o n ’t v e n tu re ou t in to cold wind, o r over sloppy ground until you have fully recovered. But w atch th e cough th a t " h a n g s o n .” T h e re is noth* lug m ore treach ero u s. T he e o u g h t th a t persists. C onsult you. d octor and follow Ills advice. If your b ro n c h itis in ­ vades the sm aller air-tu b e s it m ay becom e form idable. I d o n 't like ro u g h s th a t h an g on till spring th ey m ay be dangerous, if th e cough is loose, d o n ’t w a ste tim e w ith ex p ecto ran ts; so m eth in g to quiet th e sp asm s of co u g h in g is needed. I can th in k of n o th in g b e tte r th a n codeine fo r a distressing ro u g h th at keeps th e p atien t aw ak e nights. Many cough m ix tu res c o n ta in codeine, and they m ay be tak en w ith g o o d re su lts; no d a n g e r of habit. GOOD COTTAGE CHEESE EASY TO MAKE AT HOME RECREATION NEW USE FOB FOREST CIVIL SERVICE LISTS EXAMINATIONS FOR JOBS will be made R the new program for making the entire year’s pay­ ment at one time. . However, a proposal was tentatively approved 00356309 to retain a second payment an.l make it somewhat flexible in amount, according to changes in the market price of wheat during Oregon Farmers To Recjivo strongly advocated giving county 4c More Per Bustel From committees more discretion in making local adjustments as to Process Tax Surplus base acreage and other details. An increase of four cents a uu- shel on wheat allotment benefit payments for the 1935 crop has YOUNG MEN GET CHANCE jeer announced by the Agricul­ NOW TO BUY OWN FARMS tural Adjusem^nt administration, although the proce sing tax on Young farmer : and tenant farm­ wheat has been continued at the ers now have the best opportunity former figure of 30 cents a bushel in hLstory to finance the purchase The additional adjustment pay of a farm of their own, says C. F. ments to farmers are made pos­ Hyde, secretary-treasurer of the sible througii reserves accumulated First National Form Loan associa­ from the tax on- wheat production tion of Eugene. by farmers not under allotment contracts, according to an explana­ “The farm credit act of 1935, re­ tion received by the Oregon State cently signed by the presiden6t, college extension service. The in­ opens the way for more effective creased payment will not result in loan service in several important any deficit in the wheat budget respects," Mr. Hyde explains. since available funds are ample to “Commissioner loans, made on cover the Increase, the Washing­ either first or second, mortgage ton announcement stated. •ecurlty not exceeding 75 per cent Means $370,000 in Oregon The increase in payments will of the appraised normal value of mean more than >370,000 additional the property (within the limit of to cooperating growers in Oregon. >7500) are now authorized for fin­ The entire benefit paymelnt S ot ancing the purchase of a farm as 1935 for Oregon growers will well as to refinance old Indebted­ amount to approximately >3.082.- ness. Furthermore, when secured wholly by real estate, Commis­ 000. It is estimated. sioner loans, which are made out Compliance forms for Oregon are the Land hank, may be amortized being filled out rapidly and are be­ over a long period of years cor­ ing forwarded to Washington as responding to the term of a regular soon as completed. Work of audit- of a special fund administered by ■ig the compliance reports started Land hank loan., except that the ¿he second week in July, according Interest rate remains at 6 per cent. to Washington officials, and will he followed shortly by actual dis­ bursement of checks covering the final payment for 1934 and the first payment for 1936. W HEII GROWERS The United States Civil Service I ( ounul slot) has an.ounced open competitive examinations as fot- > lows: Animal husbandmen Iswine, and Cottage cheese, a nutritious and Communities Benefit By Pro­ ' beef and dual-purpose cattle), >3,- i easily digestible protein food, is moting Tourist Business Agriculture. made in small quantities home Reports Forester 200 to >4,600 a year. Department of line by a very iniplu proceH» and Poultry husbandman, various with ordinary household equip­ The recreational use of the na­ ment, nay» Dr. G. H. Wilster, prof­ tional forests has large economic ! specialties, >2,600 to >4.600 a year, essor of dairy manufacturing at i as well as social potentialCies, ar i Department of Agriculture. A sociate agronomist, cytologist, Oregon State college. Dr. Wilster cording to a statement by chief for­ offers tlie following suggestion ester F A. Silcox. Washington. D. fiber technologist, geneticist, path­ I for obtaining the most palatable I C. He says that scores of com ologist. and physiologist (cotton I. ! product by the easiest method. j inunities within or adjoining the ;3.200 a year. Department of Agri­ The first essential, he say . 's to national forests, previously depend- culture. Senior metallurgist, >4.600 a j start with good qu.ility milk. Al- ! ent upon mining or logging or other , though left-over milk that has be- commercial activities which have i year. Med2.600 to >3,800 a year. ! arate, fresh milk is more satis­ fiiercial and industrial activity. Statisticans, >2.600 to >5,600 a factory for cheese making because The forester further points out it is possible to direct and control that “where a summer home is I year. Bureau of the Census, Depart- the souring. erected under nermit on national i ment of Commerce. Add 8oui' M ilk to Sweet ’»rest land at an average rental of The best method Is to allow »16.00 per year, the counties’ share CCC GET RED CROSS sweet skim milk to remain in a 'n that rental is >3.75, plus the LIFE SAVING TRAINING clean, warm place at a tempera­ taxes on the improvements, and ture of about 70 to 75 degrees F. 'here are 12,218 such permits now The American Red Cross is con until It clabbers, when it should in effect. Where a national forest ducting 11 “Life-Saving schools’ have a clean, sour and pleasant area Is occupied by a hotel, resort, training swimmers who are CCC flavor, Dr. Wilster explains. This o” outdoor camp, at an average camp leaders in 16 districts with­ ordinarily take« from 25 to 30 rental of perhaps >50.00 a year, the in the ninth corps area, A. L. Sch­ hours, but the process may be counties’ share in the rental is afer, manager of the Pacific branch hastened by adding two or three >12 50 plus taxes on the improve­ of the Red Cross, announced today. tablespoonsfu) of good flavored ments. There are 1270 such per­ Throughout the nation 56 such sour milk to each gallon' of fresh mits now outstanding." schools are under Red Cross sup­ milk. ervision. Need Full Utilization When thickened or clabbered, the Training periods are set from "The forest service feels very milk Is cut Into pieces about two strongly," says Silcox, "that In re July 15 to July 20 and from July Inches square and stirred thorough­ lation to the national forests the 22 to July 27 during which time ly, being careful not to break up principle of multiple use, control­ 350 specially chosen" men will re the curd too much. The next step is led and coordinated by a single ad­ ceive Intensive instruction in watel to heat the curd This is most con­ ministrative agency having full safety methods. After the leaders veniently done by placing the con­ responsibility for all activities with­ return to their respective camps tainer in hot water to heat it to in a given unit of administration they will be assigned to the duuv 100 degrees F. The curd should be Is much the superior method. Inten­ of training others and also direct held at this temperature for about sified recreational development al­ the recreational swimming for the Deduction« to Be Lesa 30 minutes, during which time It ways bears an intimate relation­ camp personnel. The first 1935 payment will should be stirred for a minute at ship to the utilization of timber, again be 20 cents a bushel on tlie 5 minute Intervals. forage, water, or mineral resources MERRIAM DIRECTOR OF allotments, while the final pay­ Drain Through Cloth. or fire prevention or imp, ovement FARM CREDIT GROUP ment, under the present three- The curds and whey are then construction; and all these activi­ K MILL-AND LESS year contract, will be at least 13 poured Into a colander or strainer ties In turn vitally influence the Plans for giving local farmers cents a bushel, leas the necessary N e x t tim e y o u g o to C a li­ over which a pleci of cheesecloth practicability of maximum recrea­ fo rn ia, try the train. L e t the has been laid. After five or 10 tional use. If all the elements of still more efficient and economical deduction for local cost. Oregon ex­ e n g in e e r drive yo u safely, minutes work the curd towards the the problem can be adjusted and loan service were developed by the tension men say the deduction this s w iftly ,o v e r the sm o o th e s t center of the colander with a .spoon, the crop year. The growers also directors of the Willamette Produc­ year will be somewhat less than highw ay yet invented. I t ’s the tion Credit association of Salem last, when the average for the state econom ical and com fortable raising and lowering the ends of coordinated by a single responsible at a conference held at Portland way to go. R ailroad fares are was 1.3 cents a bushel on allot­ the cloth to help make the whey agency of government, the net re­ touching bottom at 2c a m ile drain faster. To complete the drain­ sult usually will be far more sat­ on July 11 with E. E. Henry, presi­ ments. and less. Pullm an charges are dent of the Production Credit cor­ The change in benefit payments ing, tie the ends of the cloth to isfactory.’ a th ird less than form erly. poration of Spokane. for 1935 has nothing whatever to gether and hang it up until the Silcox says that the forest ser­ Directors of the Willamette PCA do with the pending new contracts, whey ceases to flow in a steady vice is fully appreciative of the are: which may be available sometime stream. growing Importance of the recrea­ C. Buchanan, Corvallis; G. H. this summer, Washington officials The curd is then emptied from tional use of the national forests the bag and worked with a spoon and now recognizes it as a major Fullen wider, Carlton; E. W. Me- emphasize. Farmer:- from many or butter puddle until smooth and service in many regions. ItH plan, Mindes, Astoria; H. S. Merriam, parts of the country, who were in about the consistency of mashed he says, Is to develop the recrea Goshen and John W. Ramage, conference with the AAA officials potatoes. Sour or sweet cream tional resources as fully and as Woodburn. J. M. Thorne Is secret­ recently, made a number of sugges­ tions fur inclusion in these new may be added to increase the rapidly as its authority and approp ary-treasurer. S o u th e r n P a c if ic smoothness and improve the flavor, riations and the demands of other Although the Willamette Pro­ contracts. See yo u r agent, o r w rite J. A. O rm andy, Price Effects Payments and, salt Is added according to economic and industrial interests duction Credit association started It Is possible that arrangements 7 0 5 Pacific B ld g ., P ortlan d, O regon taste, about one teaspoonful to one will permit. from “scratch” little more than a year ago. it has become a well est­ pound of curd. One gallon f skim ablished credit Institution offering milk makes abut l \ i pounds of LUMBER PRODUCTION crop, live-stock, and general pur­ cottage cheese. LOWER WEEK OF FOURTH pose loans at a present rate of 5 per cent to farmers of good credit — BORERS ARE BURROWING Seattle, Wash., July 18, 1935—A i standing. IN OREGON PRUNE TREES total o f 223 down and operating Part of the association’s ori­ Cool, refresh in g d rinks and delicious ice cream mills in Oregon and Wa hington ginal capital was supplied by the Control W o rk Necessary To Pre­ a re the things th a t m ake hot w e ath er bearable. Our which reported to the West Coast Production Credit corporation, a vent Serloua Damage To service is one th a t you will enjoy especially in hot Lumbermen's association for the unit of the Farm Credit Adminis­ F ru it Trees In State w eather. week ending July 6. produced 34,- tration, through the corporation's E g gim ann’s soft d rin k s have long been fam ous. Serious damage to prune trees 900.940 board feet of lumber. This investment in Class A non-voting T hey are richer, finer flavored and m ore tem pting th an in old Oregon orchards is being was approximately 6,700.000 feet stock. However the association is th e ord in ary kind. done by peach and prune root-bor­ under the preceding week, the re­ intended to stand in a self-support­ ers, according to orchard studies duction being due to the Fourth of ing way on its own feet, with the being made this summer by O. T. July holiday. The average weekly fundamental responsibility for sue We invite you to com e in som e time. McWhorter, extension hortlcultur- production of this group of saw­ cessful operations falling upon the mills In 1935 has been 66,939,333 local directors who are elected bv alist at Oregon State college, and feet; during the same period In member-borrowers. Just as soon as the various county agents. Examination of two orchards In 1934 their weekly average was 69. the association builds up its own “Where the Service la Different” capital assets through holdings of one county showed 16 out of 25 667,465 feet. The new business reported last Class B. voting stock by members, trees checked in one orchard were seriously Infested, while 21 out of week by 223 mills was 44.803,154 and through earnings from sound 26 trees had root-borers in another board feet against a production of lending operations, the corpora­ orchard. The borers damage the 34.900.940 feet and shipments of tion's stock will be retired, ulti­ trees while they are in the larvae 43.559.362 feet. Their shipments mately giving borrowers full own­ stage from early fall to late spring were over production by 24.8 per­ ership. the following year. By boring Just cent and their current sales were beneath the ground line they parti­ over production by 28.4 percent. ally girdle the trunks, rendering The orders booked last week by APPLIANCE RULE FOR the trees less efficient. Sometimes this group of Identical mills were FEDERAL LOAN CHANGED | the tress are killed by complete under the total in the preceding week by about 9.300.000 feet or ap­ 1 girdling A change in regulations concern­ proximately 17.2 percent. ing the purchase of appliances and Treatment Perfected A group of 223 identical mills Experiment station entomologists whose records are complete for equipment under the terms of the years ago worked out a positive both periods show total orders 1935 National Housing Act. eliminate and simple treatment for the Beach to date of 2.076,936.974 board feet, the necessity for purchasers of and prune root-borer, It consists of compared with 1.806.808.718 board equipment such as refrigerators, a p p ly in g paradlchlorobenilne, feet for the same period In 1934, washing machines, mangle ironers, more commonly known as ’Paradi,’ an Increase of 16.0 percent electric ranges, water heaters, etc. during the hottest weather from The unfilled order file at tnese to have these various home appli­ about August 16 to September 16 mills stood at 393.003,246 board ances permanently attached to the Examination of orchards will feet, approximately 2.000.000 feet home or dwelling continue throughout July In the under the week before. The aggre­ Willamette valley counties, to be gate inventories of these mills are followed by a more intensive cam­ 24 4 percent less than at this time ARMY TO SEEK LARGE paign of eradication than has been last year ENLISTMENT IN DRIVE undertaken for several years. Prune orchards east of the moun­ SALT AND STRYCHNINE Two units of recruiting officers tains are also bothered by this DESTROY WOODCHUCKS will leuve Portland soon on a state pest Three years ago trees In one j Bend \ little salt and strych­ wide tour of ail towns of 500 popu section were found to he from 50 nine a r e all that Is neceneary to lation or over for the purpose cf to 86 per cent Infested. A large clean up had infestatious of wood meeting candidates for enlistment number of growers treated the or­ chucks, according to tlu Hagglund In the United Stales Army which chards following that tuveetlgatiou county agent. Mr. llagglund and Is lo lie enlarged trim 118,000 to Few Realize Damage Dons Fred H Sankey of the V. St. Biolo­ approximately ISti.OiM) under pro­ The method of treatment la so gical Survey recently demonstrated visions o f the National ilmple and certain that the main this method to farmers of the coun law j problem is to get growers to real­ ty at uieetlugs held on the farms About 15.000 of the 45.000 in j ise the damage that Is hel:ig done of H M. Eli.v. Terrebonne, and crease. Is expected to be effected ¥•>. life m the 80 s meant countless trips up lo their trees, extension wen find Jesse Tuck. Redmond The mater­ by September by regular recruiting Station Circular 10» entitled ial is mixed at the rate of oue agencies of the army. and down the cellar steps to keep the food ' "Control of the Western Peach and ounce of strychnine to one pound Numerous vacancies exl.-t in from spoiling. How different is the modem Prune Root-Borer," is an illustra­ ot salt and placed oil rock iu the Army branches at the present ted bulletin on the subject, whfch d els and runway's of the wood­ home with its automatic refrigerator silently I it me. including assignments to the may be had free from the college chucks The material is inexpen 7th infantry at Vancouver Bar­ manufacturing a constant supply of ice cubes or from most county extension of alve and very effective, and little rel ks. Waah'ngton. 3rd t’oa t Artll —eliminating food wastage— actually paying flees time is required to handle It. Ilagg leiv Fort Stevens. Oregon, and the for itself in food savings . . . the automatic lund says Chemical Warfare Service and MUMPS CONTINUE TO refrigerator costs but five to eight cents e Coast Artillery in the Philippine Islands. Vacancies for Infantry. BOTHER LANE PEOPLE MAN’S HEART SKIPS day to operate! See the latest modek. BEATS— DUE T O GAS China, and 7th Infantry. Chllkoot Five cases each of the tnumpe Barracks. Alaska, are available >o and whooping cough, and one case W. L Adams was bloated so with former *ervlce men Inquiries re­ of measles were reported the past gas that his heart often missed garding enlistments should be ad week to the State Board of Health beats after eating. Adlerika rid dressed to the Army Recruiting Elghty-two percent of the doctors him of all gas. and now he eats Office 313 New Post Office build­ B in ati» States Power Coapacy anything and feeta fine Flanery'a' of the county reported Drug Store. ( ing Ui Portland Sweet M ilk Preferred For Home Use; O. S. C. Man Lists steps in Preparation Hot Weather Relief E G G I M A N N ’S BÄCK IH THE SO’S - food was kept cool in the cellar