The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, July 18, 1935, Image 1

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Indian Era Of Pioneer Life To
Be Presented Sunday By
Cast Of 100 People
A t Lost Creek
Fellows From Eastern
Western Oregon Plan
Eugene and Springfield Clubs
• McKenzie Outing
To Hear District Gover­
nor At Noon Friday
unty Odd Fellow and
Proceeds Past
NO. 26
hold Elections
1. S. Gym Taking New Ap­
New Officers and Delegates
pearance Inside; Lincoln
To Be Chosen At Summer
Mohawk Nine Topples Hills
Will Use Millrace Water To
Paint Work Near Finish
Meeting Of Post
Creek Last Week To Put
Increase Current Where
Locals Back On Top
Sewage Pours Into River
Work on the gymnasium at the
Members of the Springfield Am-1
m em bers
Eugeue and Springfield L io n s1 hl« h 8ch<*» was proceeding very PLAY ON
COM M UNITY ENTERPRISE g ath er at L ost Creek ran ch u on the , c,ub
memberg wi„ mee, joinUy at rapidly th is week with a large
p“ ’ "“,nber 40 hav,i COUNTY
.»en asked by Al Pohl, commander,
to m eet a t the Armory tonight a. D u m
r o u n d T o C e t N ew
Town Team Outclasses K. C. I 8 □ clock for the purpose of elect
_ . ,
Lari Thompson To
Group In Game Of Comedy Ing new post officers and two dele-1
Manage Siuslaw Camp
and Errors At Park
gates to the stale convention.
The state convention will be held
Effort; to divert all th e w ater
M ajor interest in the Cascade
at The Dalles In Augu J Two alter­
from the mill race directly into the
league baseball team standings will :
nates will also be chosen for ;he
side channel of th e W illam ette
center on th e Marcola Springfield
convention delegates.
where the city sewer now empties
encounter .cheduled for tile Mill
stre e t ball park Sunday afternoon | Heading (he Legion post for the v.-as started Monday.
I>ast year have been Pohl as post
A county dragline outfit has been
a t 2 o’clock.
commander. W alter Gossler, adjut obtained and the upper end of the
Ever since the tv.o team s open-¡
ant. and J. M. Larson, finance of­ channel will be cleared and the
ed lile local season here May 12 I
ficer. T here posts together with a mill race w ater directed through
and Marcola forced Springfield in­
vice-commander and an executive it. It is hoped that by Increasing
to an overtim e period the Mohawk J
comm ittee will be filled at the i ha line most of the sew age now
nine has been a dangerous rival, j meeting tonight.
being damped Into the river will
W ith their 6-7 victory over Hills |
i lie carried away Instead of settling
Creek Sunday the M arcola nine be­
I into stagnant water causing a
comes a more threatening factor
stench which nearby residents pro­
in Springfield’s winning the league
test every spring.
title, especially since Springfield
upper McKenzie highway Sunday T#
h&11 p
noou tQ heur crew of SERA carpenters augm ent-
Sunday S c h o o l , Services for the third annual in tersectional _ ,,
, ed bv om e local m en who have
Business Meet and Musical picnic. At th e ranch the Lane lodge
- .
speak. F ath er W atson is a Catholic been employed by th e d istrict to
group will m eet sim ilar groups
Program Planned
If the present
priest at Tigard and was elected
from across th e Cascades in E a st­
sized crew can be m aintained for
Pioneer history will be portrayed ern Oregon.
A program , picnic
convention of Lions clubs a t The the next week the m ost of the work
again Sunday when th e Mohawk dinner and spo ts have been a r­
Dalles this sum m er and will m ake w ithin th e building will have been
Pioneer A ssociation presents un- ranged for th e day’s outing.
an official visit to the local clubs. completed by th at tim e thinks Glen
other of the episodes of th eir pion
C harles P. Poole, past grand
F ath er W atson lia been very Martin, supervisor for the project,
eer pageant at the Stafford school m aster of th e 1. 0 . O. F. for Cfre
it is expected th at work on the
active in the work of th e Lions
gou will be the principal speaker clubs lit Oregon. He was respon- j south end of the building which
The days activities will begin tor the day. A lbert Julian , presi­ sible for Tigard club gaining sec-; is to house show ers, dressing
with Sunday school at 10 o’clock dent ot th e in tersectio n al group Gild place as the fastest g ro w in g 1'oom s, a locker room, supply room
and morning worship a t 11. A bas­ will welcome th e visitors together club in the United S tates a few office and furnace room will be
ket dinner a t uosr will be followed with Perry A. Thompson, speaking years ago, and be has taken an cirpleted this week Most of the in­
by a business m eeting at one tor the W illam ette N ational F orest aclive p art in all d istrict conven­ terio r of the building will also be
o’clock and a pioneer program at stuff, and W. F. W alker of Eugeue tion gatherings.
sealed up and all windows cased In
1:30. The pageant, w ritten and di­ will respond. The Poole qu artet
Dr. Melville S. Jones and M. C. liy th e end of the week.
rected by Ehoe Neal, will begin ai will furnish en tertain m en t and K irkland are m em bers of the en ­
The bleachers have been rebuilt
2:30. The Elks o rch estra and the ML» P a til-a S ta rr of Eugene will tertain m en t com m ittee for the and new electric wiring Is being in
Davis family m usicians from Eu­ give a tum bling skit.
County Loans Equipment
gene will furnish music. More than
P resen t plans call for the use have a postponed gam e to play
Several lodge m em bers are plan­
At tile meeting of tile club last
The county is cooperating with
100 persons a re in the cost for the ning to drive up the McKenzie S at­ week P. J. Bartholomew was of plywood panels on tile ceilings. later.
the city in the work by furnishing
S p rin g fie ld A t T op
urday for an overnight cam ping named secretary -treasu rer of the The floor is being enlarged so as
the equipment charging only for
1500 See Last Episode
Springfield now stands at the
trip a t the picnic site.
d u b to succeed Rev. Dean C. Poin­ to provide a regulation sized bas­
actual hours operated and for the
E ast year 1500 persons attended
During the afternoon a program dexter who resigned when he ketball floor. The partition wall at top of the heap in the num ber of Fatal Accident At Highway gas and oil, according to Earl
the pageant and plans are being of sports and stu n ts will be pres­ moved to Salem recently.
the n orth end of the building has gam es won and lost, having drop-'
Thompson, councilman. T here is no
made for an even larger turnout ented under th e direction of H arold
been removed and a low railing ped only one encounter. Hills Creek i Junction; Minor Mishaps
rental charge being made on the
this year. A public address system Roberts and E lm er Pyne. Prizes
will be placed at th e entrance to has two losses chalked against
| machine.
the gym to replace the old ones them . Ball fans are assured ol’ a '
will be Installed so th a t everyone will be given w inners of the
It is adm itted th at th e present
R. D. Brown. Corvallis, bus
will be able to h ear all of the dia­ events.
which are badly battered and worn. real gam e at the new ball park on
work will provide only tem porary
At the Lincoln school crews are Mill stre e t Sunday.
logue and music.
A large delegation from Spring-
died early Sundry morning at the relief from the sew age problm as
finishing the painting of the school,
Each year the association pres­ Held have already m ade plans t o :
Springfield and the Casey's ball Pacific hospital of injuries re­ the channel excuvattd this year
and an o th er week is expected to team s played ai Swimm ers' De­
en ts only one phase of the pioneer attend the picnic.
will probably be filled in again
find most of this work completed. light Sunday and the game was ceived about 1 a. in. the sam e day
developm ent. L ast year th e them e
during the higher w ater of the win­
P ainters will s ta rt on th e high w itnessed by a large audience ot
»u. th at of a prioneer trading po3t, j
while crossing the highway ter. The city has no money avail­
Native Of Oregon Passes At' school gym when they finish at the K. C.’s. The day was the annual mobile
and this year the scene will be th a t i
intergectlon or the Pacl. able with which to carry on ex­
Marcola At Age 81; Many I «rad® school
of an Indian village, in the por­
picnic of the K. C. lodge, and up | fk. „„„ McKengle lllghwayg. Glell pensive perm anent im provem ents
A nother crew is continuing to to the sixth inning it was a close
trayal will be seen Indian sq u a w s1
Relatives Survive
a t this time, but Is anxious to Im­
haul d irt from the Lincoln grounds and interesting contest. Springlield Wetzel of Springfield, driver ol' the
a t work grinding corn, m a k in g 1
prove an adm ittedly bad condi­
F uneral services for George W. to the high school to fill in the low- made three run in the third in ­
bread, and Indian w ar dance and
tion which brings frequent pro­
Savage of M arcola who died Mon­ a rea west of th e gymnasium.
wedding will lend excitem ent and j
ning, leading 3 to nothing, but in stepped into the path of the auto­ tests to the Council meetings.
Miss Eva Louk Becomes day evening following a long ill­ P a rt of th e new floor in the m an­ the seventh the blow-otf started.
rom ance to the story.
New Bridge Needed
mobile which was said to have
Bride Of Leo Lockman at ness were held a t th e I. O. O. F. ual train in g shop has been placed
The entire affair is a community
F our hits, two bases on balls, been traveling between 25 and 35
The bridge across the creek at
hall th ere this morning at 10; 30.
venture. Only residents of the Mo- j
and a few tim ely errors produced miles per hour.
the dump grounds will be rebuilt
Quiet Home Ceremony
Rev. Norman W orkm an officiated science d epartm ent is being built. four runs. In the eighth, six hits,
haw k valley tak e part in the page­
An arrangem ent has been
Brown leaves his widow and i» o
At an im pressive home cerem ony and Veatch chapel in Eugene h a d ,
an t and a cordial invitation is ex­
more free pas es, and errors, one children. The body was sent to Cor­ made with the county bridge crew
last evening, Miss F lora Eva Louk charge of arrangem ents.
tended everyone to attend.
hit, a hom er by Gordon W right, vallis where the funeral services to build the structure. The city will
Savage was born in Benton coun­
and Leo V incent Lockman were
ruined a perfectly good game. The were held Tuesday.
pay the actual cost of th e man
Principals of Cast
ty, Oregon on D ecember 8, 1953,I
C asey’s put in all three pitchers,
power and will furnish necessary
Principals in the cast a re Vir­ m arried a t th e home of the bride’s
Clingon A rthur W ltham reported
and spent his en tire life in th is
m aterials, said Thompson.
but base hits greeted each one,
ginia H am m itt, Indian, bride; Glen parents, Mr. and Mrs. F red Louk,
that the rear of his car was struck
state. He was a m em ber of th e
finally owing to the heat, and the
Thompson has gone to Clack­
Snicer, groom ; R. Berry, sheriff; 306 N orth D street. The ring cere­
Sunday evening as he was turning
Christian, church a t Marcola.
amas to attend a gathering of
plate ur.m pire becoming disgusted
Marvin Spores, gam bler; H arry
i into a camp site, Mary E. Foljy
Surivors include his widow, Mrs.
T ransient Relief Camp worker*. He
the gam e was called with one man
Hill, hold-up m an; H orace Myers, Shaw, pastor of the C hristian
! was reported as driver of the other
Mary Savage; three sons. Sidney
Is expected to be aw ay for two
Indian c h ie f;’ Cloo Hill, S arah
The bride wore a d ress of white Savage a t Reedsport, E dgar and Community Gathering Plan-; runners as the game ended Spring-
weeks a fter which he will go to
Spores, Lydia Edgell, E th a Kobley,
j A sim ilar accldert happened near Richardson where he has been
H a rrie tt Stephens, L ena Anderson, silk and net with orange blossoms, j Lee Savage at M arcola; and four ned Tonight; Games To Be [ Held 19, K. c. 3.
i Foley Springs the same day when chosen m anager of a relief cam p io
daughters, Mrs. N ettie King, of
Played, Refreshments Set
Libby T ries Pitching
Ethel Davis and Phyllis Moore,
' Henry A. Schnorenberg's car was be established for county road work.
were carried ou t with flowers, and Salem, Mrs. Mintie N orton and
Shull started pitching for our j rammed in the rear by an Albany
a bower of flowers form ed the M r:. B ertha Price, Marcola, Mis.
P lans fo r the first of a series of team and worked like schoolboy
Thompson will organize the camp.
Mrs. Ray Sunderm an, M argaret
a lta r for th e ceremony.
com m unity m eetings to be held on Rowe a t his best, and no runs were | machine.
Stafford, R. B erry, and Ted B ender
Additional survivors include one the Springfield playground a t the
Mr. Lockman is form erly front
scored off hi pitching, giving but
will be soloists.
brother, Thom as Savage, a t W ood­
Poplar, Montana.
B rattain school tonight have been I th ree scattered hits in six innings LOCAL PEOPLE INVITED
N orm an W orkm an is president
Mrs. Lockm an is well-known in
announced by Mrs. C hester Aid- At this point m anager Davis began |
of the association. O ther officers Springlield, having graduated from | Mrs. Ju lia H olburt, Albany, Mrs.
rich, secretary of the Playground scotching his players for a little j
are Blane Anderson, vice-presi­
the high school with the class of Mary Morrow, Portland, Mrs. Ida association.
|n^ ~
to peopIe of I
d ent; Mrs. R obert Neal, secretary ;
McAllister, S alt Lake City, and 17
All adults in the com m unity are the hill, and Doc Taylor catching. Sprlngf,eld who w)sh (Q p,|lnb
E tta Robley, tre a su re r; and Vic
The couple will be a t home at grard ch ild ren and 12 great-grand­ invited to m eet a t the playground A fter hitting one batter, a base on ' Sollth Sistpr mountaln
Jol„ ,hfi;
H am m itt, F rank Stafford and John
Sixth and “A ” streets.
a t 6:30 w here a com plete program ball and a hit, Ed Russell was ())> ldian party whlcb ,vll, makp ftn , ormer Springfield
Spores, m em bers of the finance
Those presen t for th e reception
of gam es and recreation will be substituted and finally got t h * |agcent
tbe peak nex, Surdav
com m ittee. New officers will be
following th e cerem ony were M r.,
provided under the supervision of side out letting in three runs.
wag ,sguw, tfK,ay by ohsldlan ,ea„.
elected Sunday.
and Mrs. F red Louk, Mr. and Mrs. I
local supervisors. G ilbert Sprague,
Town Ball Player
Dick W right had a g reat field ers. Those who wish to make the
¡A rth u r Louk and his son and wife,;
supervisor of the Eugene play­
day, getting four hits for live times climb are urged to register for tli
_\]r and j j rg V erne Louk of Green
William Neal Sword, well-known
grounds will be here to a ss ist in
up, and Dunn collecting th ree for trip and obtain necessary lnstruc- Springfield high school graduate
SU TTLE LAKE IN S T IT U T E field, Iowa, Mr. and Mrs. E d g a r!
the program .
tions at the Dotson Photo shop at of the 1932 class and pitcher for
j Louk, Miss Mary Ann Louk, Miss
The idea behind the program is
Eleventh and Oak streets la Eu­ the town baseball team, took his
Sixteen Springfield young people jean, Louk, Mrs. Mary Howe,
to have th e adults of the city play
own life Saturday evening with a
left Tuesday morning for S uttle grandm other of the bride, and Miss j
the sam e gam es, tennis, volley ball,
The Obsidians have taken hun­ Hhotgun. The body was found near
lake to attend the annual in stitu te I W illoughby Howe, both of Cres ■ Children Between 2 and 7
croquet, checkers, etc., as t h e i r .
Years To Hall Tuesday
dreds of non-members on climb i Io the Ferry street bridge.
of the M ethodist Epworth leag u e .' well, Mrs Stephen Proctor, sister
children do during the afternoon !
the tops of this mountain peak
Sword, was active In baseball
They will spend one week a t the of th e groom, Mr. and MrB. C. F.
Annual pre-school free clinic for
without any serious trouble, and and football while in high school
in stitu te w here they will enjoy a Eggim ann, and Rev. and Mrs. I. G
, the playgrounds, but each fam ily ■
children between the ages of 2 and
last Sunday led a large party to here. He had been working in Eu­
program of religious instruction, Chaw.
I „
... , .
, ,, ,
. is asked to bring a paper sack I
. ,
. o
¡7 years will be held in Springfield
the sum mit of the Middle Bister. gene for the past three yarn.
recreation, and entertainm ent. R e v .1 Mrs. Lockman was honored with
, , „„ . ,
lunch which will be eaten a b o u t,
, Tuesday morniug. July 23. between
Of the party of 24 which tarted the
He was born In Portland a n
dark. Coffee will be furnished on |
Dean C. Poindexter, form er pastor a show er given a t the home of her j
the hours of 8:45 and 12.
Funeral Rites For Leonard' Climb, only three failed to reach O c to b e r 9. 1911, and attendod
of the M ethodist church here is parents last T hursday evening by
the grounds.
C ooperating in th e work will be
Bauer Held Monday; Died I ,he ,op
school at Lebanon before coming to
dean of the in stitu te.
Mis. Eggim ann. A large num ber of
Doctors Melville S. Jones, Milton
Glen Simms will lead the trip this city. He was a mem ber of the
A ttending from Springfield, are! p^rgo,,« were invited and the honor
V. W alker, and W. H. Pollard, who
Sunday and will be assisted by sev-j Christian church In Springfield.
V era Ja n e B abbitt, Dale Carson, j guest received
many beautiful
will give th e physical exam ina­
' ral other experienced members of, Funeral services were held from
B eatrice Carson, Carl H orrell, Flor- j gifts.
tions. Dental exam inations will be
i he Christian church here Tuesday
ence and Charline Fish, Mrs. Louis i
who fell from a haymow to a cow he club.
F uneral services for Vernon E.
made by Doctors W. N. Dow and A.
morning at 10 o’clock Rev. S. Earl
stanchion and was m ortally injured
Shipley, Marian Shipley, F rances D R POLLARD RETURNS
Hendricks, Wondlii.g, who died
G. Brown.
j Childers of Eugene officiated. Mil­
Tuesday of last week, died S atur­
" w y n ^ v i“
' Bartholomew,
The clinic is held under the aus Saturday m orning a t the Eugene
le r
m ortuary of Junction City
day a t the Bugene hospital. He hail
pices of th e Lane County H ealth hospital a t the age of 27 years,
ENDEAVOR IS TONIGHT hail charge of arrangem ent*.
received fractured vertebrae of til •
Miss Brood, Bob Brown and Faye:
w H p o ,Iard retu rn ed Mon.
association and all parents with were held Monday m orning at
Survivors include his m other.
neck in the fall
day from E vanston, Illinois where children who a re to s ta rt school 10:30 a t th e Veatch chapel In Eu-
Monthly business meeting of the Mrs. Cecil Ford of Lebanon, bis
They will return home July 22.
Mr. B auer was born ill Germany
he attended a national com m ittee coon are urged to bring th eir chi!- gene. Interm ent was made a t the
Christian Endeavor society of the father, E. D. Sword of Loe Angales.
P leasant Hill cem etry with Dr. E. in 1867 and eauie to the United Christian church will be held this and two sisters, Betty Marie and
m eeting of th e M ethodist church. - dren to the free clinic.
INSURANCE RATING MAN I While at E vanston Dr. Pollard was
The clinics were organized sev V. S tivers In charge of the service S tates 53 years ago, living first nt evening at 8 o’clock. The meeting Ruth, both of Cascadia,
V IS IT S C ITY ON FRIDAY made chairm an of th e com m ittee eral years ago and have proven
H endricks was horn at North Lincoln, N ebraska before coming will be held at the church and will
in charge of church benevolences very beneficial in pointing out to Bend, W ashington on N ovem ber 6. Io C reswell in 1928.
follow the weekly prayer service.
E. B. Morrison, rep resentativ e of j A minimum of th ree million dollars parents the d efects or m inor ail-; 1907, com ing to Oregon with his
He is survived by his widow,
At the executive committee
the Oregon Insurance Rating Bu for benevolence work of the church 1 m ents of thei rchildren. which can lurrents in 1910. He was a mem ber Mrs. Daisy Bauer; three daughtei
breakfast held Sunday morning a t '
reau a t Portland, was In Spring- was set by the com m ittee for the lie elim inated or rem edied b e fo re , of the F irst C hristian church at Mrs. Anna McNealy, Mrs. G ertrude t |„. |loniP
mirh cidlne Garlin
Members of teh Kensington club
field Friday on business In connec-j next year. This will be ap p o rtio n ed , school opens thus preventing th j | P leasant Hill.
Gage, and Mrs. Rosa Forem an, all ,.|ang were made to contact young
ei tertalned about 76 m em bers of
tion with the rating of Springfield , through the d ifferent areas and | child from startin g school with un
His wife, Lucille, and th ree chil pf Lincoln. N ebraska; one step-son, people of the other churches toi
the Happy Hour. Happy Evening,
property for Insurance. He will pre- down to the individual congrega- nece sary handicaps. No work o r dren. IgiVerne, Darrel, and Donna .Martin Bolsen, also of Lli» oln, plan a Joint picnic. They also dis- i
Civic, N eedlecraft and
pare a detailed report to be su b -! tions.
treatm en ts a re given at the clinic. Belle, survive.
and two -top-daughters, Mrs. K en­ cusserl sending a delegate to the Aeneas,
Pr)M.,„„ c,obg
„ ,awn
m itted to the city later. With this
The w eather wa not extrem ely This is merely Intended for examlD
convention a t Turner.
the home of Mrs W N Dow on
Mrs. C harlotte Rock of Altoona,
report it will be possible to deter- warm in the Middle W es; and the at ions and if u n natural conditions VISITOR FROM SEATTLE
Several Endeavorers responded
m ine what changes or Improve- [ tr ’p. made in a ir cooled coaches, are found they a re so reported to
to a request for help-at the Com-
Serving were Mrs. C larence
m ents can be made to change t h e ' was very com fortable, said D the parents.
Two brothers, Philip Bauer. Phil­ mnnlty Playground.
Cbage „ „
Murphy> M l„
rating of the city.
Pollard on his retu rn here.
Mem bet's of th e com m ittee In
Ray Sawyer will be entertained Pau| BaH,()rd Mrg 1>ow Mrg M
Miss F lorence G arrison wag hon­ om ath. and Mike Bauer, Corvallis,
ch arg e of the work this year are
ored Monday evening with a party also survive as do two slsteri, with a supper and service In the V. Walker, and Mrs. H. W hitney.
ENCAMPMENT TO PUT ON Mrs. Jam es Laxton, Mn OHwe which was given by Mrs. O. M. Mrs. B arbara H arnoff of Corvallis, near future. The Endeavorers will They were dressed In Japan»««
Rebhan. Mrs. Clifford Wilson, and
M enne at h er nome on route 1. and Mrs. K ate 8<-hweerbarth of al o contribute a dollar a month costume*.
Red Oak. Iowa.
to help Rend him to Japan. Tbei In charge of the reception were
Miss G arrison Is visiting a t the
He was a m em ber of the Oerman group also decided to take up the <\jrR w K Barnell Mrs I-avrence
Apple and pear tree* should be
T he Royal Purple degree will be
Mennes hom e from Seattle.
G uests a t th e party w ere Jack
«^uri-h, and of the order work of publishing a bulletin of May Mrg p j Bartholomew, and
-prayed now to stop co d d lin g ! conferred on th ree candidates at G IR L SCOUTS TO RETURN
Sandgathe. C hester
h -ster Perry.
D lsqu-
,,f Hp!ma"
< hurch B u.lne*.
M|„a Kdna 8 warts
moths from doing considerable the reg u lar m eeting of W lm awhela
P erry, Dlsqu>
F uneral service- were held Mon
dam age to these crops later tn the Encam pm ent of th e I. O. O F at Springfield Girl Scouts attending Smith. Stanley Zlolkowskl, Howard
Featured on the program was a
season according to C. E. Stew art Eugene Odd Fellows hall Friday the annual Scout cam p a t camp W ilder, Dorothy K arns, D eE tta f|a> afternoon at 2 o c lo c k from the TH IEVES TAKE BLANKETS style show, readings tfc Mrs. Mar-
Cr veil
county fru it toepector.
evening, according to reports. A Cleawox. n ear Florence, will re Sandgathe, C aroline Zlolkowskl, Schw ering chapel in ____
FROM BERNARD CABIN ion Adams and cum bers by Miss
num ber of m em bers live In and turn to th eir homes Sunday follow Ethel Severson and Miss G arrison
Dorothe Mae Potter.
R efreshm ent ing a two-weeks outing on the
Albany People Here — Mr sud around Springfield
Eight blankets and a quantity of
Mrs. D W Gerber and fam ily ot will be served following the degree coast. The Springfield scout troop! California People Here— Mr. and
CONVENTION NEWS ,<xx* *' r,‘ »toleo from the Arch
To Visit M other^M r and Mrs
Albany were here Sunday visiting
Is well re p re ented this year a t Mrs. Jam es Hammock of R iverside,
Bernard cabin on tne McKenzie Leland M. Hover are expected here
at the heme of Mr. and Mrs. H. E
Home on Leave—E v erett Lajoie the camp.
C alifornia arrived h ere Saturday
M embers of Iuka circle 37. met river east of Springfield some time this week end from Phoenix, Ari-
Gerber. O ther visitors a t the Ger- arrived home S aturday from San
---------------------------evening a t the home of Mr. and Thursday at 8 o’clock a t the home last week tn a second visit to the zona to spend a vacation visiting
ber home included Mr. and Mrs. Diego He has Just completed h lc
Both Arma Broken —Robert Cui- Mrs. H arl M cPherson. T hey were of Mrs. Alice Doane for th eir re- • abln by burglars.
i with her mother. Mrs. W P. Tyson
Dale C heshire of C heshire and M r., prelim inary train in g In the bar- ver sustained two broken arm s ( called io Oregon by the death of gular meeting. R eports ot the sta ts
The cabin was entered sometime They will also spend some time
**rs. George Petersen of lrv- racks before being assigned to a W edne day when be fell from a her fath er, N athan W. Hnchene, at . convention held a t Portland were during the week by breaking out with hl« parents In Eugene and at
' McMinnville, Friday
a window.
Young P oiks Are
Wed Last Night
Pree Clinic Por
School Children