y PAGE T W » FARM INCOME 10 M K E I H E iR THURSDAY, JULY 11. i»3S THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS FOOD PRESERVATION BULLETIN REVISED V a lu a b le T ip s On A ll T y p es Of C a n n in g , D ry in g and M e at C u rin g L isted in B oo klet LIST FIRE RULES IN FOREST ZONES t N EW B U S IN E S S EXC EED S TOWN AND VICINITY PRODUCTION OF LUMBER Douglas F ir O u tp u t Shows Steady C ain Since Lo w W eek W ae CDUNTT AGENTS HAVE BUSY YEAH E stablished M ay 25 Visit at C rater Lake— Mr. and in E astern Oregon—Mi and Mrs. Seattle, Wash.. July 11—A total Mrs. E. W. Albers spent the Fourth ’ W. E. Buell and daughter, Evelyn, To give Oregon hom em akers the R egional F ore ster R em inds of July week-end a t C rater i^tke Oregon Farm ers M a in ta in left Tuesday morning for Moro in of 223 down and operating mills in All Counties In State But N o rm a l P ro d u c tio n ; M eat, m ost up-to-date assi la n c e in pre­ V a c a tio n is ts O f R egulations Busine„ v i. jlor _ Nye or E astern Gregor iraere they expect Oregon and W ashington which re Harney Support Some Kind serving fruits, vegetable«, m eats ported to the W est Coa t Lum ber­ to spend two weeks. P o u ltry , Egg S upply Low In N a tio n a l h Orests ('am p ( ’reek was a busines« visitor Of Extension Work and fish for w inter use, a revised m en's Association for the week ic Springfield Saturday. Attorney For E state—Judge L. T. edition of Extension Bulletin No. Eanii price« took a drop of foui ending Ju n e 29, produced 41.689.- Cooperating with the states in J Every county In Oregon except- H arris of Eugene lias been named 968 board feet of lumber. This was point from mid-May to mid-June on 450, “ Homo Food P re ervation,” forest fire prevention, regional for V isits at P a sc o — Phil J. Bartho- |.ig Harney is now supporting some as attorney for the estate of the has been prepared by Oregon S ta te ' approxim ately 7,000,000 feet over the national price level Index J uki ester ( ’. J. Buck announces the Homew made a business trip to late Julius Fulop. Mrs. Fulop has the preceding week. The average phase of extension service work, receiv ed by the Oregon S tate col following regulation effective July Pasco, Wa hington, Monday. according to the annual report of F. been nainwl as adm inistratrix. lege < xteusion service from Wa. li- the press and ready for distrib u ­ 1, on the tw enty national forests weekly production of this group L. Ballard, vice-director of exten­ tion. Viaits D aughter— Mrs. El’a Frum frgton, l> ( ’. This official data, of Oregon and W ashington: V is it a t Coast— Miss Lulu M< of sawmills in 1935 has ben 68,174. sion. The past year saw a record was here Tuesday form Junction Am ong th e m any i. w fe a tu re s of showing a drop from 108 to 101 1. No cam pfire without a perm it Pherson, Miss Vinnie McPherson, 264 feet; during the ante period breaking demand for services of City visiting with her daughter, confirm s the recent estim ate made I he re v ised puhlicati is tiie di from a forest officer unless the fire Mrs. Stella McPheri on and L a­ in 1934 their weekly average was the organization and notable a c ­ c u ssio n of m ethods of obtaining ¡s ¡„ a Hafe stove or at a forest Mrs. E. C S tuart by the extension economist. verne McPherson spent the Fourth; -393,270 feet . complishments, the report points Tola! farm Income for June, 193. fuller jars, through hot packing in , an,p w here notices are posted that T iie new business reported last Son Born at Home— Mr. and Mrs. holiday on the coast near Florence. out. how ever, war expected to exceed stead of cold-packing foods, and Ilo ( a m pfire perm its are required, S. B. Daniels are the parents of a week by 223 mills was 54,122,451 Closer coordination in adm inis­ P o rtlan d People H ere— M r and lioard teet against a production of June last year as the general fa sealing bofoi .. pi «.< »•< ing. It food is 2. No smoking while traveling In son born to them a t their home on tration helped overcome to some Mrs. Jim Davis of Portland and p rice index in Ju n e 1934 was 85 brought io the boiling point, and ijinber. brush, or g ra areas, except (.'amp Creek on July 3, 1935. 41,689,968 feet and shipm ents of extent the handicaps of lowered in ­ form er residents of Springfield, 48,094,928 feet. T heir .hipm euts against 104 thiH year, and AAA packcii hot j : hi it i jars, it is pos- on paVe1 juice« in | iuehe. wide; aa axe not less than made toward the accom plishment D aughter Born—Mr. and Mrs. 1 I n follow ing 1 h i The index of prices paid by farm p ro c essin g this group of identical mills were 2 pounds in weight or with a of long-time objectives In Oregon V is it M o th e r— M r. and M rs J. Hupkins of M arcola are the par­ ers loot! at 127 a t mid-June, th< m ethod, bow evei th e h om einako handle not less than 26 inches long; over the total in the preceding ent of a daughter born to them agriculture. Glenn Wooey of Modesto, Califor­ same as in March, m aking the in ru n s tiie risk of b re ak in g a Jar 0« ami a bucket of at least a gallon week by about 7,000,000 feet or nia are here this week visiting with at Miss N elson’s m aternity home W o rk on Irrig a tio n H ere dex of liie purchasing power of cusionallv with -um- types oi Jai*. I capacity. It is pointed out that approxim ately 15.2 per cent. in Eugene on Saturday, July 6 Expansion of irrigation in the his mother, Mrs. Ida Wooley. d u e to expaiiHion unlee she 1» ex j ltemH ar(, g,.I)era)iy p art ot a farm products 82 per cent of pre­ A group of 223 identical mills 1935. W illam ette valley, continued dev­ war parity compared with 86 at trem ely careful to pack very hot normal m otor or pack outfit for the W estfir R esidents Here — Mrs.J whose records are com plete for elopment of the sm all seed indus­ die e x p lain s mid May and 70 in June a y ear ago Visiting P arents— Mr. and Mrs both periods show total orders 1935 woods but that cam pers should see Garnet Howland of W estfir Is visit try, and further encouragem ent of 'I’he principal w eakness in farm V ario u s C o n ta in e rs Listed that they a re not omitted from the ing al th e home of Mr. and Mrs Gene England of Minneapolis a r­ to date of 2,034,505,532 board feet, alfalfa growing in w estern Oregon prices develop«*! in truck crops, rived here Saturday to visit with compared with 1,776,612,861 board T. Johnson in this city. The new bulletin contains direc­ list. are among many major accom plish witli th at index down 31 points dur tions for (aim ing m eats, fish, poul­ Mr. and Mrs. John P arrish, Mr. and feet for the sam e period in 1934, a i S pecial H aza rd s C on trolled m euts listed by Ballard in his re­ Visit from Upper River— John Mrs. P arrish are parents of Mrs increase of 14.5 per cent. ing tin month. T he grain group try, vegetables and fruits, e ith er in I U der stricter closure provisions port. Jum ping alfalfa acreage in in and Clifford Wilt of Blue River England index went down 10 points, and tin or glass, and the various meth- p ed al fire hazard areas within tiie The unfilled order file at these years from 2000 to more than 30.- dairy products down 7. O ther group ids recom m ended for each. Tiie use national forests are closed to en were visitors in Springfield S atu r­ mills stood at 395,172,036 board 000 acres means ail estim ated sav­ indexes were not m aterially of the p ressu re cooker is em­ try except with perm it isued by day. teet, approxim ately 3,000 000 feet LUTHERAN MEN PLAN TO ing of $200,000 annually to daily over the week before. TLe aggre­ changed, although som e individual phasized for g reater safety in can- the local forest officer. Such per- Form er Residents Here — Mrs. ORGANIZE UNIT IN N. W. gate inventories of these m ills are and livestock men in 13 w estern items moved up and som e down. ning non acid food. Drying of mil, however, is not required of Fanny Griffin and daughter, Laura, Oregon countie«. W heat prices, moving tow ard a fru its ami vegetables is also dis- any actual settler going to or from a re here from Crescent Lake visit­ 24.6 per cent less than th at a t this Salem, July 11—L utheran men of Four-H club work and home eco­ tim e last year. new crop basis, lost over 10 cents cus. ed, as is the curing of m eats his home. Such districts of special ing friends and relatives. the Pacific northw est, Oregon, nomics extension projects contin- a bushel during the month, reach and fish, sto rin g of vegetables, fire hazard include dense snag used to m eet with increasing favor Here from Dakota— Mrs. Pearl Wa hington, and Idaho, will gather in ’ a level nearly 2 cents under preservation of vegetables by salt­ areas, windfalls, and sim ilar d an­ here Saturday to initiate a regional SMOKERS BLAMED FOR during the year. Membership and Murphy of B rant, South D akota is June 1934, while b u tterfat price* ing, and corning beef. ger areas within the Columbia and unit of the American Federation MOST FOREST FIRES completion in 4-H club activities declined nearly 4 cents to a level | Mount llak er national forests in here visiting a t the E. P. Severson of Lutheran Brotherhoods. The continued to increase even though A num ber of tables a re included j about 1.5 cents over Ju n e 1934. W ashington; and the Mount Hood home. L utheran Brotherhood of Oregon C areless sm okers caused 16 of a the country as a whole showed a showing, am ong o th er things, the O regon C o n ditions i-a vo rab le and W illam ette national forests in Return from Portland—Miss Fay is sponsoring this undertaking. total of 43 forest fires reported on falling off. “Tiie farm price situation in the field of canned product from raw Oregon. Special information as to S tratton returned Monday morn­ Plans for the gathering were s ta rt­ the national forests of Oregon and product, how to make syrup for Leadership is Stressed country as a whole suggests a June ing from Portland where she spent ed at a convention of L. B. O. held W ashington for th e ten day period packing various fruit and the Leadership throughout the year farm price level for Oregon of about may be obtained on inquiry at the a week visiting with relatives. in Portland last December. Head which ended June 30, according to was given in em ergency program s 65 per cent of the 1926-19230 av er­ am ount required for a dozen con­ forest ervice office in the Post of­ quarters for th e convention will be the U. S. F orest Service. Of th e re­ to insure bringing to Oregon farm ­ age, conipured with 58 in Ju n e 1934 tain ers. of w hatever size, the ap­ fice building in Eugene. Visits D aughter — Mrs. H arry the American L utheran church. proxim ate tem p eratu res of steam m aining 27 fires, lightning caused ers the benefits avaijabe under the and 96 as the ‘purity’ level,” says By s ta te proclamation, sim ilar Opie of Boise, Idaho is here this under pressure, and a complete During the afternoon session a 15; unextinguished camp fires 4; agricultural adjustm ent a c t and L. It. B reithaupt, college extension week visiting with her daughter, closure regulations have been made Ime table for canning. compendium of L utheran activities railroads 1; lum bering 1, debris other recovery program s, the re­ economist. “On this basis, the aver effective for specal fire hazard Irene Opie. and institutions will be laid before burning 2; incendiary 1; and 3 port points out. D routh relief and age purchasing power of farm pro­ | areas. D ire c tio n s F o r E q u ip m en t Minor O peration—Maxwell Pohl, the convention by district presi­ from m iscellaneous causes, farm debt adjustm ent work were ducts in Oregon pper to be scarcely D irections and illustrations are! P u b lic A id Is Requested The forest officials point out that either directed or furthered through son of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Pohl, had dents and institutional heads. 70 per cent of ‘p arity,’ compared also included for constructing E'ull cooperation from the public Dr. Arne J. Jensen of the State carelessness with m atches, cigaret­ the extension service, with 82 for the nation as a whole. home-made d riers, racks for boilers, is asked by the U. S. forest service his tonsils removed in a minor operation a t the office of a lo c a l) Teachers College at Monmouth tes, and cam pfires has caused m ere Extension service income for the ‘‘On the o th er hand. Oregon to r m aking a sm all smoke-house for the Hummer fire pevention cam ­ will be toastm aster for the evening than half of the fires on th e na­ year reported on was $67,441,52 be­ farm ers have hud a m ore nearly from a barrel, and for m aking a paign. "From 60 to 70 per cent of physician Tuesday morning. banquet Saturday night, and, on tional forests up to July J this low that for 1930, m aking necessary normal volume of produce to m ar­ sto rag e pit Tor vegetables. On Furlough— Bob W atson is Sunday Max Gelhar, form er direc year. “C arelessness each year js our forest fires are man caused heavy curtailm ent of many projects ket during the past y ear than farm Copies of the new bulletin No. says Buck. "They a re mainly here on furlough from the U. S. tor of agriculture, will speak a t the destroying thousands of acres of excepting the AAA and sim ilar act­ ers had in many states. Owing to 479. may In- obtained free from th e caused by careless sm okers and navy w here he is assigned to the statew ide picnic to be held a t Sil­ good fishing and recreational areas ivities which were largely support­ more favoralile growing conditions sta te college, or from county ex- c a m p e rs. This carelessness is not U. S. S. Mississippi at Bremerton, verton. The Sunday morning pro­ on private and publicly owned ed from special funds. over the country, farm production icnslon offices ; intentional, but it is nevertheless W ashington. gram will open with a worship ser­ lan d ” states th e forest service, and income is expected to approach exacting a trem endous toll each "T his carelessness can be pre­ R ecovering From O p eratio n — vice a t 11 o'clock and a picnic din­ Tonsils Taken— Mrs. Donald normal more generally than last , year from Oregon and W ashington. vented only by an aroused public Toomb underw ent an operation for Mias E dna P latt is recovering from ner at noon. ALASKA BROWN BEARS ' year. It is destroying m erchantable tini intere t on the part of sportsm en removal of tonsils Monday a t the a m ajor operation she underw ent c a rr y o v e r to Be S lig h t PROTECTED IN NORTH her, despoiling fish and game areas, and other thinking citizens.” a t the Pacific hospital W ednesday WHEAT PLAN NEEDED “If grow ing conditions a re about office of a local physician. and mail ing the scenic beauty that of last week normal during the rem ainder of the To p erp etu ate the famous Alaska attra c ts visitors to our W estern EXPORTS CONE, SAID season, and allowing for a normal brown bear« of A dmiralty Island states. SWARTS BUYS PARTNER’S Holiday at Spokane— Mr. anu carry over of certain products af the step have been taken recently by | ____________ The fundam ental problem facing MEAT MARKET INTEREST Mrs. A. T. Peterson spent July 4th end of th e season, the total supply the United S tates D epartm ent of ccx|||DPC| p n id M IIIu r and the following week-end at Spo­ wheat grow ers is w hether they can of food inr (ictiit-Hi ir iiMcia 1935 It j A griculi u i , 1 -, 1 ,, accessary C. E. »wai ts announced this week kane, returning to Springfield Sun­ find an export m arket at a fair ex p ected t la a p p ro x im a te ly one 1 pi n te c tlv e a r e a - to h u n tin g ThiH SAVES LIVESTOCK FEED day. price for w heat grown in excess that he has purchased the interest Is pi;r cent g reater than the 1929-1934 move is th e result of cooperative of domestic requirem ents, Secret- of Ned W illiams in the Sw arts and Lakeview — Lakeview livestock average, compared with nearly 8 effort of the Alaska Game Commls- On Holiday Picnic—Mrs. Rosa) ary of A griculture W allace told W illiams m arket. H ereafter the ORDERING TIME tier cent shortage In 1933 and 4 per ion. the Biological Survey and the men estim ate th at at least $10,060 Montgomery spent the Fourth of j wheat farm er- of principal grain nam e of the flint will be C. E. worth of forage has beeu saved this July with the H erbert Smeed fam- states called to W ashington re- Sw arts Meat M arket Mr. Sw arts cent shortage In 1934, according to forest service For Information from the U. S. B ureau) A dm iralty Island with an a r e a i “p,'il,K by th e P«180“ 1“ « uf «r»und liy of Eugene on a picnic on Gate cently to consider details of the has taken oyer all the accounts of nt A gricultural Economics. The of 1.065,000 acres, is p art of the l squirrels on 256,000 acres of land. Creek on the McKenzie. new wheat control contracts. the firm and has assumed liability supply of m eats, poultry and eggs T ougass N ational Forest, one of The poisoning was done by four "The leadership exerted in the for all debts of the partnership, Has Birthday— U. F. Egglm&ntl will lie a little short, but most tiie tw o g reat national forests of j crew s of men working most of the wheat regions by farm ers them he says. observed Ills six th h birthday Weil other food groups will be above Alaska, and i famous as a hom e mouth of Ju n e under the supervis­ selves has been of such a quality Sw arts has been in the m eat . the average, according to present of th e A laska brown hear, largest ! ion of J. F. Branson of the U. S. tiesday by greeting many of his th at truly rem arkable progress has business here for the past 26 years, friends wlio called. He received a Booth Kelly ■ prospects." been made in learning the funda a part of which time he was asso ot hear species. Specim ens of tills 1 Biological survey, In cooperation num ber of useful gifts. witli Ul’C camps, the Frem ont Na- m entals of th e wheat problem,” elated with his son, Tom, in the hear nine feet long and weighing DR. SKINNER TAKING 1600 pounds have been noted. I I Donal Forest Service and tiie coun- Coast W eather Bad— Mr. and said the secretary, adding th at un m arket. **• POST GRADUATE WORK T hese anim als live most of the tim e, *' a^ellt 8 Mrs. W. W right and family spent til export outlets a re found he be­ in tiie high country or Die island the w eekend on the coast where lieves farm ers will h esitate to give T hurston Man Here—John Travis Dr. laiwreiice E S kinner Is in except for e x c u rsio n s to Die LIME PROVES VALUE of T hurston wa,- a visitor In the w eather was about the sam e as up their adjustm ent programs. l*ortiand taking a post g rad u ate s tre a m s d u rin g salm on sp aw n in g Springfield Tuesday. gy INCREASED YIELD in the valley, cold, cloudy and rain • n u rse in physical therapy under se a so n , a c c o rd in g to Die forest spells, B A P T IS T C H U R C H Dr A rthur (!. Jones. Dr. Jones is service. N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S Oregon City— Lime has again R. E. Rolens. M inister an instructo r at the U niversity of IN THE COUNTY COURT OF II Is pointed out by the forest se r­ proved its value as a fertilizer on Returns to Bend—Mrs. C. F. B ar­ T H E STATE OF OREGON FOR Oregon Medical school. vice that lim ited bear hunting may u m ixture of legume on the Otho ber went to Bend Bunday to visit Bible school 9:45 a. in, I*ANE COUNTY. lic perm itted Imi Dial tile yearly Ritchey farm at Boring, reports witli relatives. She returned home Moruing service 11:00, sermon IN THE MATTER OF T H E ES Guest from W ashington— Mi s kill will never be allowed to exceed County Agent J. J. Inskeep. Lime Thursday evening with Mr. Barber topic: “The Ground of Our Accept TATE OF JAMES W. WELLS, (Hilda Wilson of Roseburg, W ash­ Die yearly increase. Tile present WHs applied to Dlls field at the rate who spent the Fourth across the a n te with God." deceased. Notice is hereby given that the ( ington a r riv e d here Tuesday to cstlinated bear population of the of two Iona to th e acre, and a mix- mountains but was forced to leave Evening service R 00. sermon by undersigned has been duly appoint­ visit with Miss Violet lman island is approxim ately 1,000. lure of legum es and rye grass again by an attack of hay fever. pastor. ed executrix of the estate of Jam es Junior and Setrior B Y. P. U. at W. Wells, deceased.. All persons planted T h e in i xl m c uh l i i i l e t l U i . i i Ja c k ie Burlier Is nMnalning here liaving claim s against said estate 7'00 p. m. j clover, hop clover, alsik e clover. with his father. are hereby requited to present the ! red clover and alfalfu. The red sam e with proper vouchers there-1 . clover, alsik e and hop clover a re for to the undersigned, at the of-1 fice of Gordon S. Wells, Miner I growing vigorously and have doub­ Building. Eugene, Oregon, w ith in ; led the yield of forage over a slmi- six m onths from the date of t l |e ' i lar m ixture on unlimed soil, In­ first publication of this notice, to-1 skeep says. wit: July 11, 1935. DELORA WELLS ANDERSON Executrix of the Estate o f ! Phone Eugene 651 Sees S ister for F irst Time— Mrs. No dessert Is m ore w elcom e in m id-sum m er than James W Wells, deceased. Harold R ow lett and daughter, Jo (Jly 11-18-25 — A 1-g) I Ice cream . Kveryone likes it. It’s n o u rish in g w ithout Ann arrived here Sunday from being heavy, cooling w ithout being too light to satisfy Oklahoma City, Oklahoma to visit hunger. 1 with Mrs. Row lett’s sister, Mrs. JULY FUEL BLOCK PLANER SLAB OAK BODY FIR SECOND GR. COAL Ice Cream... M any Children Accident Victim« Manarad-Huniington A Real Summer Dessert Kggim aun's lee eream hits long been fam ous for Its goodness. FUEL CO. 1 Henry Flwa. This Is the first time the two sisters had ever met. O rder some today. F G G I M A N N ’S "Wherv the Service la Different” : FOE A L IM IT E D T IÚ E Narthwsst Cities Gas Co. Eugene, Springfield INCL UDES INSTA LL A TI O N CHURCH OF CHRIST F ourth atal A St» I. G Shaw, M inister Bible School 9:45 A. M Miss Beulah T hurm an Superintendent. The Men’s class of this school will - meet at T aylor hall at th e Bible Out of the total of 36.006 persons More than 39,06« cldldren under school hour. The Community Men’s Bible class of C ottage Grove killed last year In automobile acci­ the age of five were Injured non- a re the guests of the class, and will dents In thia country, nearly 1.500 fataliy in automobile accidents last of the victim, were under five years year, and 143.006 between the ages present a program of music, of fel of age and around 3.306 others who of five and fourteen were also hurt. low -hip and the lesson. This great met death were between the ages of Around 25.066, or 64 per cent of the Mem’s Bihle class has a reputation five and fourteen, according to fig­ child victims under the age of five, for work that recom m ends It to ures en the results of automobile ac­ were Injured while on the streets ea j ail men. At noon th ere will be a cidents complied by the Travelers pedestrians, and 92,666, or M per I picnic d inner at th e Rugene- cent ot the children between the Insurance Company. ages of five and fourteen also In­ Sprlugfield Auto Park. The men of Nearly $6 per cent of all the chil­ these class««, th eir friends and dren killed under the age of five jured, way be classed as podeetrtana. Altogether the automobile ens­ , ladies It will Ire a "pot luck." were on the streets as pedestrians, ue! ty record last year le this eoan- T he morning w orsaip Is at 11 the total of such casualties amount try Included the deeU j of 5.296 chil­ I o ckn k Communion of th e Ixird's ed to s ’ra t 1.26«. Slightly more dren under the age of fifteen an] the supper The serm on subject will be than 75 per cent of the children be- Injuring of 122.219. WJJIe children "W hat do ye m ore than idhers?” tween the ages of five and fourteen should be taught tc take ears of who were killed, or almost 2,96«, themselves, the large number of C E »roups m eet at S 45 p m •were also on the at rests aa pedes- child victims of automobile aed- T he w orship hour at » This hour trlaaa. denta does no« speak any loo well I will be under th e direction of Mrs. Although many rhildree are killed Goldie IVrguson A missionary pro­ because of play sg In streets, the reo- of the meaner la whlah — ‘ r pe» tons drive tfcetr ears "Drive Q u e gram will be presented and re­ rde for last )ear show that out of fully. Wa Lave Oer OhlMrea* Is • ports from th e recent sta te con « total of approatmataiy J.SOO child safety ■ m agu which ea«M ee ha vention at T urner will be pres athe there were only 1.100 that eiwaye ap firm sat la the atMe ed ••4 f- aytag la the streeta all mocor’.- s 'eated. PRINTING Wh6n you give us an order for printing our one Idea Is to give you a good Job. . . . We will assist you In the »lection of paper stock, type face an layout We have a wide selection of Illustra­ tions and decorative art, for which there le no extra charge Let us make estl mate on your next Job. . . . You will find our prices moat reasonable. LETTERS BROADSIDES BOOKLETS The Willamette Pres« Phone Springfield