TH U R SD A Y, JULY 11. 1936 PA O » TH RU» T H » H P I U N W I E L D N F W fi rid donation land claim and run- is so first published July 11. 1835 S D ALLEN and C. A HARD' , tiing thence north parallel with attorney* for Fleln’lff*. Reel the east line of said donatlou | dence and Post Office Address land claim 16.72% chains, thence A Claasified Directory of Reliable Eugene. Oregon. north 44* 66* west 13.77 chains j (Jly 11-18 26 — A 1 « ) to a point 4.44 chains east and Butinas» Firms and Professional Al< xander la*wl* sod Maynle E. 4.43 m a in s north 33* 16' east of SUM M O N» Lewis, bis wlfs, David Auld and a point 21.Sk chains north of the People This Newspaper Recommends Mary E Auld. his wife, II. (' southw est corner of said dona IN CIRCI'IT COURT OF STATE Auld and Katherine Auld his to You. tto'i lane claim, thence outh 40 OF OREGON FOR LANE COUN­ wife, and F L Armltage as Re 47 halt to the we uerly TY ■ elver, Frank I, Crenshaw M«di orti Pacific Rail it son Franklin Hp*»i an-I Van I Du Pr« l. Plaintiff, l.e ot Ellen Spores his « Pl, i miff Du Pre i, Defendant isl 1.646 chain* to the east 4*. Vs. To loiroy O. DuPrei, Defendant, DANCING PR IN TE R S erly side or said right of way, ider T. McCowan ami Em­ Alexander thence south 3a- 3b' cast along IN NAME OF STATE OF ORE ma it. McCowan b i « wife, DAN C K the rlgh*-t of way line ti.35 chain GON. You are required to an < liarle* II McCowan und Jen to an intersectli n point, thence swer the Complaint filed against A T W I N T E R !¡A R D E N T H E W IL L A M E T T E P R E S S hie G McCowan hl* wile, l*u south 31 .10’ west 14.31 chain* you in above entitled court and belli- I .ear and Barclay Lear Springfield to the south line of said dona cause within four weeks from July "The Dunce That's Different" her liu band, Ablgal S McCowan. Phone 2 tlon land claim No. 43 at a point 11, 1836, date of first publication Frank Malin and Annie Malin bla Every Saturday Night 1.34 chains e a .t of the southwest hereof, and If you fall so to ans­ wife, Suinuel C Malin and Ida corner raid Donation Land c lalm wer on or before the la*t day ot (lents 26c Ladles 10c Business Station* ry Office Form* Malm bl* wife. Surah J Dutton No 43, (th e last two course* the time prescribed In the Order of Booklets — Placards and N Lincoln Dutton her hus­ given to be considered a affect­ Publication hereof, via.. August 8. Dodgers, etc. band. Anna Belle Wilson and FU R N ITU R E ed by a curve having a radius of 1835, for want thercgif, plaintiff Henry 11 Wllsou her husband, J about 11.410 feet fitted between will take judgment against you. A Modern Print Shop Producing Henry A Malin and Florence C tneiiij. thence east along the and will apply to the court for the J O H N S O N F U R N I T U R E CO. Up-To-Date Printing Malin hl* wife, Anna Malin un south line of said claim 16.01 relief demanded in said Complaint, Ranges and Circulators Phone and a Salesman Will ('all. married, Junto* Malin and Mrs. chain to the place of beginning, succinctly, that tbs marriage cob Several Lluea Including Montag. James Malin bis wife, William containing 17 16 acres more or tract and bonds ot matrimony ex­ Malin und Malin hl* Linoleum Inlaid and Felt Bass lens, exclu sive of 0 20 acre* with­ isting between you aud plaintiff be wife, Robert Malin and in m e right of way of the tkiuth ui-isolved Service hereof is made Attractive Prices on Furniture Malin hit wife, John Malin and ern t acitli Railroad right ot way u[mu you by publication In Spring- SER VIC E STA TIO N S and Rugs. Malin hl* wife, F an n ie. excepted and also exclusive of a field News publlsned at Springfield, bee Us Before You Buy Malin, unmarried, and Maude tract conveyed to the trustees Oregon, for four su ccessive weeks We Deliver Phone 1188 | A S T . S E R V I C E S T A T IO N I Malm unmarried, N ettie Scott, I u l tne iJonna Community Protes­ by order of said court made June Robert Scott and Anna Scott hi tant church by deed recorded at 27. 1836. 649 W illamette Eugene General Ga-ollne, Oil and Greases wife, Martha Jane Tryon a n d ) page 611 of Volume 134 of the Goodrich Tires BENNETT SWANTON. Jr., At John Tryon her bu hand, Lor I i.ane County Deed Records, all torney for Plaintiff. Residence, "A Home Owned Station." LAUNDRY ane Scott Smart and Jame* P tieiug in se ctio n s 27 and 34 in Marshfield, Oregon. Smart her husband, Lucy Scar 6th und A Sts., Springfield, Ph. 44 said township and range and in (Jly ll-lk-26 — A 1-8) borough and W K. Scarborough j lam e county, Oregon; Also begin S P R I N G F I E L D LAUNDKY her bUMband, George Scott and; uing at the most nortneriy north Floyd Wood. Prop. N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S Mitchell Service Staticn I Adu Scott bi* wife, James Scott' west corner ot the Charles Har­ Scott his wife, Bern- 308 Main St., Phone 100 ALL RICHFIELD PRODUCTS ( and NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN desty and wife Donation Land hart Erler and Erler her All Kluds ot Laundry Hervtce. Claim No 42 In Township 14 I That the County Court of the State — Yale Tires — husband, the unknown heir* o f ; soutn of Range 2 west of the Wll-1 of Oregon for Lane County has ap Greasing • Battery Recharging We Call fur and Deliver. Frederick Mende deceased; Also llm ette Meridian and running j pointed Margaret A Fulop at Ad- Expert Radio Repairing by Your Patronage Will Be all other persons or parties un , thenc-e north 88“ 68' east, minlstratrlx of the Estate and Last known claiming any right, title, i chain to a fir stake marked C. S i Will and Testam ent o f Julius LEE CRAY Appreciated. estate, Ben, or Interest In the I in county survey No. 1688, thence Fulop, Deceased All persona hav Phon > 48-J the real property described In south 12' w est 2.47 chains, thence Ing claim* against said Estate are 7th and Main S ts Springfield the complaint herein. D efend- LUMBER south 42“ 32' west 4.184 chains j hereby notified to preeent the I ants. to a point 83 link* north 88 68' i same, duly verified, to the under- OREGONIAN g ,1-w stak* auurtMd ( . *.,|aigBaece»«ed Court the 18th day of June. 1836., «*1™ » l^ w ls his wife are th e , (J 27 Jly 4 11 1836) center of the county road on the In the County Court Room in the in a suit pending therein In which owners in fee of the following E J Iddings and Mamie ladings ' real property Beginning at a poiut ‘ west line of the William 9. Har- ' court House at Eugene, baa bMn _ a » * ■ » tk x o x u-nntoel v hmin/lQrV on the southwesterly boundary- ley Donation Land Claim No. 39. et by the Hon. Fred Flak, Judge NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATOR'» were plaintiffs and H. F. Johnson line of the tract of land des­ N otification No. 7182 in Town- ' ol said Court, as t h . Urn. and p lac. SALE and Selma Johnson were defend cribed in suit No. 13156 in the ship 16 south. Range 2 w est of tor hearing objections to tha aaaaa, NOTICE IB HEREBY GIVEN, ants, which execution and order of Lane county circuit court e n -! the W illam ette m. ridian 5.39 j if any, and for the final .«tU em aat that by virtue of an ordsr of the sale was to me directed and com titled J. J. Lewis vs. N ettie S c o tt' chains north of the southw est ! oi said estate. County Court of the State of Ore­ uiauded mo to sell the real prop­ at al. said point being also on 1 corner of said claim , and running I iu R A deBROEKERT, Adnsia- gon for Lane County. In the mat­ erty hereinafter described to sa t­ the northwetierly right of way , ih en ee along the center of said i lsu atrix. isfy certain Hens and charges in ter of the Estate of Je*ae K. Platts, of the Southern Pacific railroad county road north 29.5° east 4.00 WELLS st WELLS, Attorneys, deceased, made on June 17th. 1835, said decree specified, 1 will on und which is 14.89 chains north chains, thence north 18.5“ east j (Je 13-20-27—-J (-11) the undersigned, ub administrator Saturday the 2t)th day of July, 1835, 19- 13' west from the northeast 12.58 chains, thence north 62* — — — — — — — of said estate, will sell at private at the hour of 10;00 o'clock, A. M-, corner of the Robert McCowan | west 7.63 chains, leaving the NOTICE OF SHERIFF'« SALE »ale, on and after Monday the 22nd at the southwest door of the Coun­ Donation Land Claim No. 43, Not-1 county road, to the west line of > REAL PROPERTY day ot July, 1836, for cash, or part ty Court House In Eugene, Lane Ideation No. 7049, in tow n sh ip ! said William 8. Harley Donation NOTICE is hereby given that by cash and good aecurtty. the follow­ County. Oregon, offer for sale aud 16 south range 2 west of the W il­ Land Claim, thence south along virtue of on execution and order sell at public auction for cash, mh- ing described property, to-wlt; lamette meridian, and running the w est line of said claim 20.11 , ol sale issued out ot t h . Circuit The South half of the South- Ject to redemption an provided by thence north 52" 11' west 25.93 chains to the place ot beginning, Court of the Ptate of Oregon for eaat Quarter; Lota 3. 4, 6 and law. all of the right, title and in­ chains, to a point on the west containing 6.5 acres more or less, Laue County thia 19th day of J a n ., that t«rt of I-ot 2 lying South of terest ot the defendants in said line .o f the William 8. Harley situated in Lane county, Oregon. 1935, upon and pursuant to s 4s u line East from the through or under them or any of Donation Land Claim No. 39, Not-1 And adjudging that Frank L. cree duly given and made by said Southeaat corner of Claim No. suit and of all parties claim ing by itlcatiou No. 7182 in said town Crenshaw is th e owner of th e fol­ Court the 18th day of June, 1»86. 46. Notification 7188. In Section them, in or to the following des­ ship and range 30.01 chains north lowing described real property, in a suit pending therein in which 18. Townahlp 17 South, Range 1 cribed real property, to-wit: of the southwest corner thereof, vix: Beginning at a county survey- The Pacific Savings 4k Loan A*M>- Weal of the W illam ette Merl-. thence south to said southwest i stake 6.10 chains west of the ciation was plaintiff and Beanie Beginning at a point 1.25 dlan. containing one hundred aud ; corner, thence east on the dona-| northeast corner of the Charles 8. Marsh and others were defend­ chains Weal of the Southwest thirty acres, excepting the fo| lion line 37.60 chains to the roosi | Hardesty Donation Land Claim ants. which execuUoo and order of corner ot the Southeast fourth of lowing: southerly southeast corner of | No. 42 and running thence west , gale was to m e directed and com- the Northwest quarter of Section i l / x n i r trv a a n / v e l 1c l i n o s n F a n i . l /v I n f re , » __ _ Donation Land Claln No. 39. j along Beglnulug nt the Intersection the north line of said claim manded m e to sell th* real prop­ SEVEN in Township FIFTEEN thence north 0.7 ■ chains more or of the South line of the David N. i 29.45 chaias to a county survey erty hereinafter described to aat South, Rango FOUR W est of Hyde Donatlou I-and Claim N u .' less to a point on the southwest stake, thence south 41.24 chains isfy certain lien* and charge* la W illam ette meridian; and run crly line ot a tract described In to a point on the south line of said decree specified, 1 will ea 46, In Township 17 South Range tiing theuce North 20.00 ch ain s.1 suit No 13156 and south 52° 11' 1 West. W illam ette M eridian,; said Donation Land Claim 34.82 Saturday the 20th day of July, 1935. thence East 7.64 chains to the with the center line of the Coun-' east of the place of beginning, chains w est of the southeast cor­ at the hour of 10:00 o'clock, A. M.. middle of the county road, thence north 52“ 11' west 21.72 ty Hoad, said point of Intersec­ ner thereof, thence east on said at the southw est door ot the Cooa- thence In and along the center of tion being 13.83 chains Eaat of chains more or less to the place south line 28.72 chains to a coun ty Court House lo Eugene, Laae auld road South 67* Eaat 26.06 the Northeast corner of the m a ­ of beginning, containing 55.13 ty survey stak e 6.10 chains west County, Oregon, offer for sale aad chains and South 63“ East 15.45 nor Duff Donation Land Claim acres, more or less, exclusive of ot the southeast corner of saJd sell at public auction for cash, sub­ chains to the East Une of the No. <1 of the said Townahlp and 2.52 acres within the right of way Charles Hardesty Donation Land W est half of the Southeast quar­ Range, running thence East 18.81 of the Southern Pacific Railroad, Claim No. 42, thence njrth 41.24 ject to redemption as provided by ter of said Section Seven, thence , herein excepted, being a strip ot chains along the South line of chains to the place of beginning, law, all of the right, UUe and in­ 8outh 1.88 chains, thence W est; the Donation la n d Claim; thence land 100 feet wide, the northwest­ containing 119.94 of land in terest of the defendants In said 20 00 chains, thence North 4.611 erly- line of which extends from South 6.00 chains; thence Wa*t Township 16 south of Range 2 suit and of all partlos claiming by. chains and thence W est 21.25 23.11 chain* parallel to the South the beginning point as above d es­ w est of the W illam ette merldiau through or under them or any of chains to the place of beginning; line of said Donation Land Claim cribed south 35“ 30' west 17.27 and situ; ted til la n e county. Ore­ them, in or to the following des­ cribed real property, to-wit: containing 56.06 acres, more or to the center line of the CoAnty chains to a point 10.51 chains gon. Beginning at a point 198.44 feat less, of land In Lane and Benton Road; thence North 48* East east of the southwest corner of And adjudging that you said de­ counties, in the S tate of Oregon; East of a point 38.96 chains ulong the center of the County Donation Land Claim No. 39. all fendants each and all have no Also beginning at a point 35.28 j In sections 26 and 27 of said right, title, estate, lien or Interest North 30' W est of the Northwest Road (1 7 chains; thence North corner ot Lot five (5) In Blvdk 88* East 4.00 chains to the place chains North of the quarter sec-1 township and range, and in Lane in said lands or any o f them, and tlon corner In the South Une oí | County, Oregon, excepting there­ for such further relief as may be of beginning, being parts of lots seven (7) of Packard's Addition 2. 3, and 4, of Section 18, Town said section Seven In Township to Eugene, and running theaee from that certain tract convey­ Just. ship 17 Route Range 1 West, Fifteen South, Range Four W est; North 160 feet, thence East M ed to Madison Franklin Spores This sum m ons is served upon Lane County. Oregon. and running thence North 4.61 feet, thence South 15o feet aad and Vada Ellen Spores by deed you pursuant to an order of Hon. chains, thence W est 1.25 chains, thence W est 65 feet to the place of record at page 449 of Volume G F. Skipwtvrth. Circuit Judge, Bids will be received at the of­ thence South 4.61 chains aud of beginning, excepting a strip 173 Laue County Oregon deed dated and filed July 9, 1935, direct­ fice of Calkins and Calklna. 210 thence East 1.25 chains to the eight (8) feet wide being the records: Also, beginning at a ing that this summons be served Tiffany Building. Eugene. Oregon; place of beginning; containing point on the south line of the upon you by publishing the same W est eigh t (8) feet of the afore­ all sales subject to confirmation 58-100 of an acre of land, In la n e Robert McCowan Donation Land for four w eeks In the Springfield j said prem ises, all In Eugene, by the County Court of I-ane Coun­ Claim No. 43. Notification No. News, a weekly new naper pub­ Lane County, Oregon. County, Oregon. ty. Oregon. 7049, In Township 16 south ot lished at Springfield. Oregon and Dated this 18th day of June, 1935. Dated this 19th day ot Jana, 1936. I. D. LARIMER, Administrator Range 2 west of the W illam ette requiring you to answ er the same C. A. SWARTS. Sheriff. C. A. SW ARTS. Sheriff. ot the Estate of J e tse K. meridian, being 15.85 chains west within four w eeks from the first By A E. Hl'LEGAARD, Deputy. By A. E. HULEGAARD, Deputy Platts, Deceased. of the south southeast corner of p lblicatlon thereof. This summons (J 20-27—Jly 4-11-18) (J 10-17—Jly 4-11-1») (J 20-27—Jly 4-11-18) SU M M O N S IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON IN AND FOR LANE COUNTY WHO IS WHO and What They Do ARTHUR II KAY, Carpenler un I Builder. I*kuae 114-J, J26 AUTO DEALERS W o o l) F o il HALE Old Uruwlh Block. I Vk cords *6.66; Old ANUKIISON MOTORS, INC. Expert Repairing All Work Growth Mali, I VS cords, 16 Inch Guaranteed. *6 ( mi Tuhy Funl Co. Phone 1 hii j (la*. OH. Tire* and Batteries HO bih and A St* . Springfield Ph 4» F o il HACK Good Used Wood Rang«* Mnunlulu Htstiwi Power Co tf S C H E R E R M O T O R CO. g llll'K OLDHMOBILK To Visit Relatives— Mr* <’ II PONTIAC Snyder I imm none Ur Klmnulli Falls Motor Cars Io v is it with relative* SALEM and SERVICE rO T lC E l-OH P U B L IC A T IO N 7th and Olive Sts. — Phone 866 Departm ent of the In te rio r, U. B Eugene, Oregon. Lend Office at Rosebury, Oreyon, June ISth, I »35 BA TTER Y SERVICE NOTICE Is beroby given llrui John C Holme*, of Mabel, Oregon, LANEUH who, oil July loth, 1»31, made Homestead entry Serial No. I)l»714 BATTERY FACTORY lor NVyNVs, Section 28, Township; lb S . Rango 1 K , W illamette Moi , Rack at our old location. loo* Idlan, bu* filed notice of lutoutloo 1 overheud your gain, bee our new Io mult» final Hire« yeur Proof, to; material batteries In genuine Gates »»lubllsh claim Io the luud uhuve, hard rubie r cases before you buy deucrlhed, Ireforw Win II. Canou, All parts handmade In Eugene. For I(»gl*l»r, t S lau d Office, Ruse ' capacity service- price- none hel­ ler RECHARGING-REPAIRING. l o n g . O le g o ii. o n H o .lo ili d ity ol 34b Van llurm Phone 1008 July, 1936. claim ant names u* wltii»«ee* BEAUTY PARLORS P oll, Ullch, ol Mubol, Oregon, Herman Cluin, of Mubol, Oregon. HOME BEAUTY SH O P Janie* Kliigiuuu, ol Mabel, Orogun. A les l.«wl», of Mohawk, Orvgoii. PERMANENT WAVKB H .60 All Work Guaranteed WII.UA.M II CANON, Register iJ J7 Jly 4-11-18-26) Mrs Ellu 1'urclinr Tel. 30 CREAM ERIES - CITATION IN THE COUNTY COURT OF Demand the Rest—C o .is no More THE »TATE OF OREGON F o il BLUE HKLL LANE « o l M V Dairy Products IN THE MATTER OF THE ES Ice Cream. Rutter, Cheese. Milk TATE OF W E. STATZER, do EUGENE FARMER» CREAMERY. reused ti. F. STATZEH, Plaintiff. Phone Eugene (311 — va. — UAWSIE STATZEIt. slid oths" pur hou * unknown. bauli g or claim D EN TISTS log any Interest us heirs at law or distributee* of the estate of DR. 0 . A. BROWN W. E blatter, deceased, Defend Hours » A M to t P. M sflts. Phone 10 J TO Daw*le »talker, sud all other Springfield persons unknown, havlug or claim 6th and Main His. lug any luterò t a* heirs at law Residence 71k A Street. or distributees of the estate of W E. blatter, deceuied, DR. WM. N. DOW GREETING : DENTIST You mid each of you are hereby cited and required to appear In the X-Ray Diagnosis — Hours I to 11 1 to ( sn.. by appointment. above entitled court on or before the 30th day of August. 1935, then Office Phone g — Res. Phone <7 aud (here to show cruse, If any you. First Nst'l Hank Bldg. Springfield have, why 11. F blatter should uot be declared and adjudged to he the F R U IT PACKER» ' sole belr at law of W. K Hunger, dveeaaed. and the only person en titled lo share In the distribution Eugene Fruit Grower’s Aan'n of the as sts of said estate. Diamond A Brand Fruit Packers This citation Is published pursu­ ant to su order of Hon. Fred Fisk, and Shipper*. Ice and Cold Storage. Judga of said court, made and en College Ice Cream Manufacturers. tsred on the 26th day of May, 1935, Coco Cola—Klst Beverages ordering service of this citation by Cider Vinegar publication thereof, and requiring Phons 1480 you and each of you to appear In Eugene. esW court on or before August 30, Ferry near 1th Ave K. I »35, to show cause a* aforesaid IN WITNEbH WHEREOF, I have NOTICE OF SHERIFF’» SALE hereunto set my band and the seal REAL PROPERTY of said court ibis 30th day of June, .16 NOTICE Is hereby giveu that by W 1) DILLARD, Clerk virtue of an execution and order of ily SIBYL WESTFALL, Deputy sale Issued out of the Circuit Court (J 87—Jly 4 i l 1H-I6- A 1 By of the State of Oregoo for Lane ■ ' i j - . ; j ; 1. " . .!■ J - ■ .— r— County the 29th day of June, 1335. upon and pursuant to a decree duly- given end made by said Court the 2kth dwy of June, 1835, In a suit pending therein In which Mary E Hill, Trustee was plaintiff and L F Henderson and others Watchmaker and Jeweler were defendants. which execu­ tion and order of sale was to SPRINGFIELD me directed and commanded me to Be. Fsolfle Watch Inepeotor sell the real property hereinafter First Class Work at Reasonable described to satisfy certain liens I’rlcsa. and charge* In said decree speci­ fied. I will on Saturday the 3rd day of August. l»3b. at the hour of ten o'clock. A. M.. at the southwest door of the County Court House In Eugene. Lane County, Oregon, of­ fer for sate and sell at public auc­ tion for cash, subject to redemp­ tion as provldid by law, all of the of Pittsburgh, Pa. right, title nnd Interest of the de­ fendants In sa'd suit and of a» parties claiming by, through or un­ der them or any of them In or to the following described real prop Represented By erty, to w it: The North Fifty-eight (681 feet E. H. TURNER of Lot Three (3) In Block Six­ teen (16* In Fairmount, in the 84« A HL Hprtagfleid. ore. City of Eugene, la n e County. Oregon, according to the Original Plat thereof. Dated this 1st day of July. 1»35. C. A. SWARTS. Sheriff. By A K HULGAAttD. Deputy (Jly *-U-l»-»> — A D Business Directory E d w a rd C. P riv a t Reliance Life Insurance Co. POOLE F u n e ra l H o m e Formerly Walker-Poole EUGENE—llth ■ ltd Charnelton Telepboue 723 SPRINGFIELD 328 Main Phone (1-J DON’T LET EYESTRAIN R-O-B Y O U ..................... Eyes that see perfectly are al­ ways start and ready for action. They "take'’ perfect pictures, easily, Instantly, without distort­ ing what they look at. Do not let your eyes cheat you Four fifths of all that we know reaches us through our eyes. These, the moat Sensitive organs we possess, can be driven long after It I safe to strain them to see. But only at the etpeuse of physical and mental energy. Have Your Eyes Examined by DR. ELLA MEADE Optometrist 41 West Mh Eugene IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON. FOR LANE COUNTY. In the Matter of the Estate of George W. Johnson. Deceased. Notice Is hereby given that th« undersigned. Ix>*lle Hodges, has been by the above entitled court appointed execu|nr In the ahova en­ titled matter. All person* having claims against *a|d estate are noti­ fied to present said claims duly verified io the aforesaid executor at the law office of Howard M Brownell In Eugene. Oregon with In six month* front this 4th day of July. 1835. LESLIE HODGES, Executor. C. A. WINTERMEIFR and HOWARD M BROWNTCLL. At­ torneys. (Jly 4-11-18 85 — A 1) THE FACT FINDERS - and their discoveries By E D . K R E S S Y STROMQLV «D P F E O IW 7N» CLG1CKM OF SCURFS AHO S G W IS TITIO M t-W H Á TJ M •UÍÍMBUB? O w H jrrw ) Kt œ m » COLUMBIA THE WIZARD OF TME IN- I k m in S umatra T ae _____ WHO OO TMB SOWIHO.HAVt A CUSTOM OF LETTIk*« TMESOWIMO,«AVE TWEIO HAIR HAMO lOOSt BELIEVING THAT THIS W ILLCAtrtC THE RJCC VO OROW LUXURIANT ANO HAVE WAÑ TRIBES AMUEVAN IMAGE OF A FISH ___ saw