T IIV R H D A Y . JU L Y I I . 1H3G TH E SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAGE TWO THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Published Every Thursday at dprlngfield. bane County. Oregon by TH E W IL L A M E T T E PRESS (he river and then paini II « dlt |»f* #l,ln« ,<*r our ,lr"‘ rW* ln SALES OF FARM LAND BY llu t so m eh o w hi othei Spanker" this afternoon, and w ere LAND BANK SHOW S CAIN the people In Star t'ovo got wist (Olili lo tabe Nellie, Helin and and I ute supper atuiiilln' up for Anna ninna Inn Spink Is c a illttg A giM|»hl< ph'tur« oí Improving ti month and so dill the other kids louder an I II have Io go now do l l g l l t u l t u i u l llllo lit lollM III tllH , ‘ mi , long vou a ll! fit North w* i In ihow n by tho in Due day I hit on a swell Idea »THE ENDi vr«*UN«* In Mulrw o f R e q u ire d ( u u u Why uol hire a beat mid pul on piDp«*il> by III«« K*«Uiul L um i bur swluimln' suit ami go out on USE OF RADIO SPEEDS UP o í Hpokuii«* fo r U m * ilk tu o tit I ih ' pwi the water hi the wharf mid save I entile from di'oiviiillug when thev FOREST COM M UNICATION I« m I «« «Hug J u in 30 fill III'*" I asked T h e num b» I of fill IHN ll iMpONI'll S h o t t wav«* r a d io ui«Mi«ag**H a All the kills thought til WUM 4 «peedlng ov«*i ili«* I w eld > out to n a l o f «Ini lu g tlo > f lr a t n I x iim itlh a of 7“ fe re til co lei “SANDY” By CLARA M. BROOKS H. E MAXEY. Editor CHAPTER VIII us kids Shi* would »ticker her old hr u d u p 1*1 the ulr when »lit* passed The Circus Comet to Town ns and give us u ro g rl go by Spink Tbe clrcu , tin* one with the 'll Dttu Just th night II W HS (1111,11 M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T E magic title of ll.iinum uiul Bailey, a d laugh, d about II. lull l»t»y. oh 31.00 One Year In Advance ___ 31.60 Six Months was coming Io town! Everything hoy, it mude mo see red over) MW««II i(|«*N HD W l* (l«‘ t h l i l l 111 t r y I I foientN ol O h goti a n d W aw h ln g to i Hilf« co m p iti « «I w ltb ti lin llu i p e r 50t Two Years In ad van ce 32.60 Three Months a m i e v e r y b o d y w as III a wild bustle time (lint Illume cat pit isl mo hi I inuiiugtHl Io Mil Hom«* iitotiay o u t H um HeuMoii, «ai l o n g In fo i m u tto n loti I iih I \» m * i h I k i W n U il«*« b led hi and buatle of excitement over the One tl.iy Spluk and Otto uu I me oi my ply h u n k m id ho tllil S p in k «ai ili«* a» «I w e a tlie r * «»ndlllom«» uu«l « ITIIN«* In Ille n u in b e i of u ii II n no |«I T H U R S D A Y . J U L Y 11. 1035 event itiippt nod to go down Io (ho whan o w«> w«»rc i I k * I minnvu , unit I wu* tig h te n in g up o ig o iilta ilo ti p la n Mul« Velum«' ill n ir. t e l u l l i d I 4.IH Us kids Were kept busy peering W EST S PR IN G FIELD IM PR O VEM EN T «< t h o l e was liuthi’lg wise to do, I I k * main I kuim '« nun «* tt wum m y f» un lucren* i- of 171 410 3H t t>en around Its nook ( h e p « n < l l l u g e I f «'U m | | I» h «*IV«*t| u d u u d y ¡ltd«* c r u ft, u n d o v o ry d u ) (I k * in d io «l«’\ e l t ip lio n ! p i o j e t t I McVey point to the S pringfield bridge. Everybody in tins i It gee' What did I ever do to Why hello Sandy." said Delia fo u n d uh out by tlo* w h u rf w g (tln < | lb«* I S b o re n t S ervi« •*. P o r tla n d • > ii nu I c i f f u i tllN b rin ig li tb«* Isanti co m m u n ity should do th e ir part to help our neighbors deserve a sister, especially o n e lik e I >«*| n r lm ni « lu rln g tb«* f im i nix soon ns he sutv us " t'o n te on dow fo r p eo p le Io fu ll ill ho w e co u ld » < iv g o n secure this im provem ent. N ellie’ liem i I in tf ltf3f> r e f le c l Im p ro v e d s a v e th e m with us Io the edge of the dook rii«* O h m p n h u lh m u l loi«*Mt In I wanted to go to mat circus an West S pringfield lost $50,000 in the 1027 flood We W eil. we d id n 't bav i uuy lu c k iit> i I It w ««Nieru W iiM hlughm topN I h* (IM I l e n i t i l i U l « e l l d l l i o i lN U l l d t h è «|e So of course we .talked along till bad. but when I klnda hlntel all kuow that there is considerable more im provem ent in I with them, und when w, ;ot U.ei to r u lx iu t u w e e k , u n d th e n o u r I in I in n u in b e i *»f fo re t iu«llo e lu Nirutillll> of i«*ul «’»«Iute un u ii hi about II to dad. he said: «••«ti u è n i . näyn SS'niil K N i'W com b, West S pringfield than in 1027. They t ame hack and built g u id in g u n g e l muMt h a v e h«dpt*d uh Della said. "Hold this tat u n iln u l H o ii . h . a« « oi «hug to l l o r h m , w ith Ul "Well, young man. It you want k b . p i« * I d e i l i I I I c b u i g e of t h e I . i l l e i m ore and better im provem ents. A flood now o f the pro­ out fo r Hotnehow o r o th e r w e w«> «* MtutioiiN In un «« r ile ('lo d a li n a tio n please." : ml h 'liid etl II to me t o see that circus. kit ye a Job and portions o f the 1027 disaster would tlo a great deal more still don't know why I did. hut g u id e d rig id to til« * * pot wIltM" al fo re a t, w ith li«»udquuite r » In <»L I b ’,H«i I iiK’lit " T b e |M « r c < * liltig « * « if earn «muff money to go." pro p e rty damage and m ig h t endanger many lives. before you could atty "Slilve. my P rofeuH or H a m ilto n fell In to lb«* aiio g an . W uM hlugtou. ruukw »<4oml « un |» i « ««* h « m I 4 m lu ltlu l p a y iiie u tu And as luck would have It, I timbers," I Jest hurled that pore w u ter? A fter a lot of inatiuv« t ing w ith a ta th m u n d tlo H lak ly o u wtt* le ’u rlv line«* ( lin e a t b e u i i i o i i n l We all have an interest in West S pringfield as the con­ 1 managed to get a Job watering the ■ at right down Into the water u ro u n d . we iuuiiag«*d to gll tin* big llUtloiUll fol«*Hl I I I N t t U l I l w< i t e i o pulii hi n » Im llui p«’i'l«» Iu te p U rc h u a e a u p and yelling for me to Jump In and w h a lin g v «* hmc I a n d hud J um I c a u g h t Th«’ g u a l c ì p u tt ol Uh* « q u ip l e I I I I «*«’ f o l l i I b i i of uppruiM eil v u h l« , levee project w ill be well spent. were going to do Billy it,Hiker, the suve it. When all of a sudden Dcllu a prli«* w h a le W e g o t him n u fe h m e a t I m a d e u p ol poi tubi«* it sup. mowed lawns und earned a n d w ltb III«’ new le w lnle|i«N l nil«** Dill straightened up und Jumped U hhore, an d w h ile h«« w e n t to p o u n d u n d Hi p o u n d r a d io Iru u n tu h enough money for two ticket»—one grunt«*«! ferat- a bock of wood deal' "My itMMT young follows." In- ,,r m>- smoko i liu s.-is in oritvt ing in this country. Front 1928 to 1934 the export lum ber that I ain't got no girl. Why If I I dosed my eyea as the blue began as soon as b eg o t buck, "you i hut (boy muy b«« conutuotly in com . did Ud have to mow lawn» to git business o f W ashington and Oregon dropped fro m 1,629,- oluil figure with the brown hair havo suvtsl m.v life amt by iloluu niunli utl. n with lookouts unit i a n a B O Y C Y C L IS T IN J U R E D her a ticket to the clrcu». Geo 000,000 board feet to 719,000,000 hoard feet. D uring the und small white fuoe went under so. you have suv.nl a large firm ,.r statiuUu while flgbllug fit. whix! same tim e B ritis h Colum bia's export trade rose fro m 381, IN A U T O M O B I L E C R A S H the water. I thought sure she was from going hunkrujit Tomorrow These smallest sots h a v o a worklug Well, the day of the circus c u n ie 000,000 to 830,0o0,000 board feet. dead, and I wanted to Jump In after my wife, my son. ami mysolf are) range ->f about 3t) inil.-s. ivc.-ivina at last, and I got up real bright and I H o b « > rt J o h l lM O l i o f E u g e n e re her, but somehow I Just couldn't departing for Now York, and before messages by vote- und transmit It w ill be noticed that B ritis h C olum bia now does an early intending to slip off without < e lv o d lu c e r u to u a o n b o th elb o w * , move. I go. I would Ike to do something! ung by code. export lum ber business greater than Oregon and W ashing­ Nellie, but site was up too. , , , . just about hulf a minute after that would dhow my gratitude t.ii w ith these portable radio sta ore* ig h t f u e in n * o f (I k * «*lbow. and to n combined. H er business is fo u r tim es as great as O re­ Why ain t little Billy Rooker Jumped off the dock, that you boys. Now is there anything 1 thins, a few minute., work will pul o t h e r < ut* u n d brula«*N a b o u t (h e g o n ’s. Codes, regulations, strikes and other things th a t coming after you? (I said this aw- [.oreiito guy came running up. you would especially enjoy hav u,o most isolated forester Into h e a d M ortdtn m o r n in g w h e n th r o w n have w orked hardships on the in d u stry have made it d iffi­ ful sarcastically, but she didn't 1 fro m I i I n b h kt le In u c e llla lo n at "Oh! What is the matter? Whe ; touch with the nearest lunger sta c u lt to compete w ith o u r Canadian neighbor. ev >n n o tice!) E lflh u n d M ain atr«M*ta w ith a c a r is my dear Della?" he asked. We looked ot each other, uud H o n . sad thouce with forest head "No. I’m going to meet him down d r iv e n by I nuui i ’|l;»e. Silently I pointed down Into the then Spink »poke up quarter», according to Horton, lust C a lifo rn ia is com ing to Oregon quite strong this year. there." she replied. water. And say! That guy didn't Yea air. we would like to hare year these small radio atatloua N o o ik * w an w illin g Io p l a i e tl « "Well come on then." I said A visit to any o f the lakes reached by road or along the M c­ hesitate one second but dived into ** boat. | proved Invaluable In the search lor r e p o n illd ltty fo r lire a c c id e n t catching hold o' her sweater and ■ Kenzie and W illam ette highw ays as w ell as the coast sec­ “A boat. eh. replied the l*ro( ! lost person», at.d In other enter , the water after her! Spink and I tions w ill convince one. Usually m ore than h a lf o f the cars pulling her out the door. We finally i grabbed a rope that happened to be essor. Well, you shall have It. I'll! geliclo» of tho forvat They are used parked o r seen on the roads have C a lifo rn ia license plates. got there. Right away up came ly'lng there and threw one end ship It down here tomorrow, and I by Isolated field crew# and newly Billy looking like a banty rooster C onversation w ith m any o f these to u rists are th a t they . down to Lorenxo. He had one urm now I must go Goodbye m> young Rotated t't'C cutups where forest u u « Uu*« u t a D & .K K IM a «lU U giy r« and strutted off with Nellie, and II« V M • ( . > b l u a l i l » « . » ( • • i t e «Ml iK Z r ll have been in this c o u n try before and come hack every vaca­ aroued Della and with his free telephone communication is nut u p p e r am « idW ft b,-w«iB. • iww« y e u (u the last thing I heard her say was. ea ( a n d « iee p io»>tl, «a»>«A. IN eF eu g b tio n o r so. W ith the m any miles of good roads and resorts I don't know whether any of us | available. Under the preeeut fire hand he grabbed the rope We care­ • e llu n . > • ( e n t ir e ly « e n t i« a n d «a fa and cam ping spots unlim ited o u r o p p o rtu n ity is here to en­ “Now Billy, you dear boy." Ugh! fully hauled them up 'til we could auNwered him or not. hut I think control gygteui, central control of It sure made me sick! te rta in hundreds o f thousands o f to u rists— C alifornia and git ahold of Della, and then Lor­ we were all too stunned fleers ure keeping lookout uud I proudly handed the white slip o th e r states as well. We should not miss the o p p o rtu n ity The very next day the boat caiue ruugei Htutiona informed of weather enzo dived back after the cat Dellu Flnnery » Drug Riore which said I was water boy to the to sell Oregon. wasn't dead, but the cat was. Boy, she was a beauty, and were j conditions uud other developm ents ticket taker and walked In. Jest 1 walked right up to Ixirenzo and kid» proud of her! We couldn't affecting the forest fire »Ituatlou 'fore I went in I told Spink 'n Otto said. "Well, where did you ever decide what to call her though I - The m oving o f Dean Poindexter to a Salem church who were waiting for a chance to learn to dive like that?" said that I thought "The Mayo" Washington Man Here — U. B takes fro m us a m inister who was most popular and a posi­ sneak in. that I would tell them all I apose it was kind of rude, but would b ean uwful nice nriin- H n -1 Wlllcock of Vancouver. Wa blng tiv e force fo r good in the com m unity. Some preachers seem about the circus when I came out. the very Idea of that guy diving lly we decided to name her "The ton. was a business vleltor In to th in k th a t they can not be like o th e r fo lks and accom ­ The circus had started before or even swimming would make a Spanker," and we had a »well Springfield Monduy. plish th e ir m ission in church w ork. Dean Poindexter was the animal keeper said I could stop parrot laugh. ertnony when we chrlstlned her. n o t only one o f his flo c k but a citizen o f his co m m unity watering the elephants. I walked From Eastern Oregon— M r u u d , "My uncle taught me, my friend,' Old Uapt'n Brewster hobbled over « M IL E — A N D LESS w ho participated actively in all its a ffairs. His counsel a m into the main tent and finally Mr». E W Knox and J A. Stork, j to where It was anchored and gave "My uncle taught me. my friend." personality w ill be mirsed b u t o u r loss w ill be Salem ’s gain. managed to squeeze in between N ext lim » veu go to Cali- ail oi Ontario, were visitors in ¡ he answered, and then I remember­ her a »eamnn's hleKslug as s h e , _ , torni», try ili» train. L»t (be I S p rin g f ie ld Monday Spink and Otto. Gee whiz! Here ed that hl» uncle wes a very fam­ rocked on the waves I am the cap­ «nginccr drive you «afely, they'd gone and snuk In and got to ■wiftly,over th« >niootb«»l “ It is a general e rro r to suppose the loudest com plain- ous diving champion over In Eng­ tain and Spink Is the first male see the whole show without payin' highw iyyctinvcntrd It'lth e ers fo r the public to be the most anxious fo r the w elfare,” VARICOSE VEINS land. and Otto la the bo's wain The cconumicil »nd comfortable w ro te th e great econom ist Burke. H ow tru e th is is in the or workin* or nothin', while I'd Well, we hurried the cal and no other kid are sailors cept Walt way to gu. Railroad lare» are watered the old elephants and had­ ARE QUICKLY REDUCED case o f H uey Long. one said much about It. But say— Westover, and he Is second mate touching bottom et Jr • mile n’t gotten to see the first o' the - — ♦ -------------- - every night for about a month Long ubout noon here came Lor and Iraa. Pullman c hargea art circus either! I didn't enjoy the No sensible person should con a third I r t i than formrrly. afterwards. Jest after I went to bed enzo to «ay goodbye linue to suffer from disfiguring and first part of the acts I saw one bit! A Chicago wom an outsm arted a bandit by pretending and closed my eyea. I'd see a cat ’ Mr dear friends ' he said. "It often painful swollen vein» or | to fa in t and fa ll in his arms. It was too m uch— the bandit Down ln the front seats were bunchea when the uew powerful ran leaving the loot ra th e r than have a w om an on his hands. Billy ’« Nellie and Lorenzo and In a blue dress with a long white grieves me sorely to think of part- yet harmless Inhibitory uutlaeptic tall and brown hair n a small white Ing with you I hope that you en­ Della eating popcorn and candy. lace doing fancy diving stunts In Joy many delightful day» skim called Emerald Dll cam be procured ' at little coat. Lorenzo had his arm around Della the water Then I d gee myself with mlng over the foamy wafer. In Everyone agrees there are too m any autom obile A»k uuy good druggist for a two fa ta litie s b u t the liv in g do n o th in g about it and the dead and Billy had his arm around N el­ a rope around my neck and a black your new boat Perhaps we shull ounce original bottle of Emerald lie. Oh, boy! would I have some­ can’t. mask over my eyes waiting to be meet again some day. let us hope Dll (full alreugtht and refu e nub thing to tell on her that night. I hanged Dr I'd see a whole bunch so. and now good bye." He shook stltute.». Uae us directed uud In u started in feelin' a little better al­ of ghosts with greenish blue eye« hands with everyont. of us und few days note Improvement Then coutinue until the wollen veins are ready. The w orld w ar cost the U. S. 50 billio n dollars, Ques and white tall» come and pick me marched off the whurf and out of further reduced. It Is guaranteed to | See your «gent, of write J. A.Crruaod). tion is how m uch w ill the New Deal cost us? Perty soon along came a big fat up and bury me alive. So I'm warn­ 703 Pacific Bldg., Portland, Oregon I our lives None of us kids shed unv give satisfaction or money bark. guy walking up to us. ing you fellerr don’t ever drown ' tears al the parting, athough I did "Show me your green slips, a cat. especially I* It belongs to kinds' hate to see him go. If it Some failures in public life resign, But we don’t know p le a s e ." be said. some girl! th e ir names. hadn’t been for hi» old man. we So I held mine up ’cause the CHAPTER X ■'ouldn't have got our dandy new animal keeper had given me one boat, ao I said: A Dream Come True P o rk has become so high it is reported th a t pigs w ill and the fat guy took It, You see "If I ever find a wishing Ting, "Goodbye Lonzle, I hope you have the boss of the circus had the men not associate w ith o rd in a ry cows any more you know what I would wl»h for?” | lott'aa fut» readln' your books und --------------> ------------- who took the tickets, give each I asked Spink one day. things for the rest o' your vaca­ person a green slip tellln j that he I f the League o f N ations can not stop Ita ly and Ethopia "Nope," answered Spink. tion,” had bought a ticket. This was to going to w ar then it m ight as well be disbanded. "Well, I'd wish for a boat, Yes He smiled und said. "Oh, I b a n k keep people from sneaking In ---------------_________ _ sir! If they’s anything that I want you my friend.” and thou walked cause If they didn't nave a green excepting to not have a »later. If» j off. The L ib ra ry o f Congress reports its busiest year Brain lip they were kicked out. (I found to have a boat. I could even en I truBters reading up we suppose Well. I’m getting aorta tired or out all of this sometime later.) dure Nellie If I only had one." writing I don't think I II ever write Then the big guy looked at Spink Spink 'n Otto ’n I had thought another book, hut I Juzt thought N ovelty Is what we prize m ost h ig h ly in all things. and Otto. up Ideas of how to git one lots of I'd write this one so yon all could ---- "Why— why we haven’t any time», but they never seemed to see how us kids In .Star Cove »pend T o follow foolish precedent is easier than to th in k slips,” stammered Spink. work. Once we were already to part o’ our time during summer. -------------e------------ "Hey, Scoop,” yelled out that Tat swipe one and hide It farther down I hear Spink calling me—us kids feller, “come here and throw these Entered as second class matter, February 24, 1*03. at (he poaiofltce. Springfield. Oregon S to m a c h G as AsD U E R I K A 2* AUTOMATIC HOT WATER -- «•-- Q & FAMILY , DOCTOR. p JOHN JOSEPH GAINES MQ BITES AN D STINGS In hot weather, when people are m uch out o f doors, w ith children playing on the grass, wounds o f a varying de­ gree o f severity are common. Spider-biteB alwoys produce more o r less te rro r fo r m others such insects being con- sideed p a rtic u la rly venomous. I can rem em ber when death fro m some unknow n cause was a ttrib u te d to the sting of a venomous spider. A il guess-work. In these m odem times, it is very easy to obtain good professional a tte n tio n — and it is always the wise th in g to do. A sm all bottle of ‘‘S pirits o f A m m onia” is a good th in g to take along on y o u r picnic; It is a good application fo r the stin g o f any tly in g insect, such as bees, wasps, yellow jack- ets, etc. The wound should be kept wet w ith the am m onia solution, u n til the pain is gone. I never advise gouging around an insect sting w ith any sort o f household in s tru m e n t; you are as lik e ly to spread in fe ctio n as you are to correct It. We have o r at least I have— revised by ideaes of procedure in bites and stings o f Insects, and I believe 1 have no regrets w ith the change. It doesn't do any harm to h a th t an Insect wound w ith soap and w ater, especially if the site be dusty or on a per­ sp irin g surface. And then— If you are fo rtu n a te to have the KIN G OF EMERGENCY REM EDIES w ith you a b o t­ tle o f T in c tu re o f IODINE. It is a good application in all cases, regardless o f th e ir origin. Your d o cto r w ill te ll you the same, as soon as he arrives if you call him. Do you rem em ber when the “ fa m ily alm anac” sagely advised th a t we rem ove bee stings by pressing the wound w ith a w atch-key? The c ru d ity —the h o rro r o f It! Watches required keyB to w iuu them in those days. two brats out!" The whole crowd turned around and rubber-necked at us when Scoop came up and ordered Spink and Otto to vamoose pronto. I sat up very stiff and straight and cast , pitying glances at my two fellow I i men. Finally the circus was over and I started for home. Perty soon, zoom! By my ear zipped a large rock uncomfortably ' lose. Then there followed one. two, I three, four and on up to ten atones ! in rapid succession. ' picked up! about half-a-dozen rocks and turn-! >d around to hurl ’em at my enemy. Who was It bet Spink and Otto? Well then we had a real nice' ' little rock fight and when we got I through we were— well we were a ! Ight! I was the worst sight sceln' that they were tr/o to one, but thsy ■ didn’t resem ble Orlando Lorenzo! Hamilton by any means either, so I wasn’t worried. After they quit firin’ rocks I walked up to them , and yelled out "Quit fellers’” and ’ so we shook hands and parted pals ' as usual CHAPTER IX □•Ila’s Cat Well as the old sayin’ goes, "There’s always sumpthln* taking way the Joys o' life,’ and I firmly | agree with It. The thing that was j j burdening my pore sou! now was [ 'D ella Dill's cat! Thet cat was a pure white color with greenish blue eyes, and had a big bushy tall which It waved around like a flag floatin' In tho breoze. And that dog gone cat actually snubbed SORx y , s u < E very room is taken ' / with plenty of hot water Why don’t you TELEPHONE AHEAD? A TELEPHO NE CALL to hotel or reeort will give the management every opportunity to have your accommodations ready and waiting for you. How much inconvenience and travel expense that eaves I It easy to call ahead and the cost it small. THE P A C IF IC TELEPHONE AND TELECRAPH 12# - 4th S treet "High-ho! Time fo r my bath, mummy! I m glad we have AUTO M ATIC HOT WATER, cause I never have to wait for my bath . you just turn the faucet and there it is . . . plenty o f grand hot water to splash in. Doctor says it leaps me healthy, too." COMPANY Telephone 72 M ouniain States Power Company CHEAPER' RPTTTP