HE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TH1RTY-BBC0ND YKAlt Kl’ItINOFIKhb, LANK COUNTY OREGON, T H l’KHOAV, JI’LY 11,1935 NO. 25 SCHOOLSSME ON M ENDEAVOR GflDUP 'L « ™ <» s » ™ ’ C M TAKES STEP ,L B U O C F ' P L 1 H S BOS) M Ï h " t f 10 SAVE LIENS * " £ - Diatrict Operates 92,513. Under Budget During Year Ending First Of July RECEIPTS NOT K. C.-Springfield Move Camo Beginners Class Has Enroll­ Springfield Church To Send To Scene Of Knights Of Executive Committee Are To ment of 32; Program Con­ Finance Committee Can Over-i Large Delegation To Suttle 23 Teachers Given Contracts Annual Picnic tinues One More Week Breakfast At 6:30; Many Lake On Tuesday bid To Protect Improve­ For Year; Three Janitors z 'olumbus i Attend County Gathering . s ment Back Assessments Are Retained For Term fluid*« town baseball (•utili ______* • Sp rin gfield a annual Ixmru to Between IA arid Zb young people «I. NORMAL of L Û Dellgh. High School Per Capita Cost 2 o ' i 'I ih (lit* Nlr«ligtiii-io«l K nlghls Young people of Urn C hristian Program aUrted Monday t« Omni »1 H w lininer» Church are planning a busy w««k- m o c n iM e t W illa m e tte Park wlUi T O Hunda) a fle n u « x i at mal «(artlug Friday evening — ¿ . I 43 atuileutu unrolled In four claase« _ ,j. It« third and filia l (lia. tim e .be Lxmderahlp . i«u« w li I e llio u illl'r W ill’ ll lllMHI tl’UIIIM I hl« hold a lueellug ut the church. Bub- 1 «««on. day morning the »MecuUve comma T h e m im e w as m oved from Eu t« will meat wlU. Misa Uldlne Car H prlngfleld » i -I iimj I dlatrlct nuiii- 1 gene to Lb« resort park u> an added (lb. Tho u ie e lliis will he in the form her IS cloeod Ilo* filtriti p u r July I, all ruction for III« bln K, C picnic of it « 30 hreukfaat. w llh a huiluni bulniK'u nf »2.613 42. iu lm lii’lil at I lie park tliat day The Kuuday eveuiug at 6 10 Uie bis» Of u lillui tlUdgl-l of 112 USI, 00 lll’l Ktuint will aUtrl promptly ul 2 an ktliool Endeavor wot lely will meet lum i ■■ipi-iiilliurua hiikiuii I m I *“ I H im pronruiii of «port* event« ran ul the homo of Miau Muriel Tyson »40,18167 lm run oft aftiv tin- bull nain« fui u atudy period on the topic, T h e buliniti i ' oiii purlann tu pre Another nain» will huv» In be "Heaven« ln-< lare the Glory of partiti hy Bavert Juc-iUmmi, dlntrlct until« up mi lb» Hprlngfl«(d «eh« God." clerk. ahuw» un overdrnft lu Iwn dulu a« u r«»ull ut th e ruin Hunduy. The tegular Young People'« En- H a ll i« w llh bulino«« III «i-Van Hitler Only III» Yunralla Hill« Creek di-avoi lueellug will be held ut the Items. «uine wu. pluyed und the Dougin« ,luri.„ u, 6 <5 w„ „ Mury Hadley The «uni of IWI.'I wna budget'«), county teem offered plenty of op. : us leader. Till« will he a wor«hl| for Renerei conim i with un s i tuai j p,>«lilon In the encounter I und consecration service The final expenditure of »459 48, leu villa un »XX, a , I W“ “ M,n "“‘"“«er Of l b . , lc UI,der d l.cu s.lon unexpended halance of ♦ 4 u 4 hi. i team , hopes Io Mchialule double will he taken up. ttupervldun and lu »liu cllin i exceed header gam»« with both M areola J,u«l Sunday aflcrnoou and even­ ed I he liudgiu of 123 440 00 hy and CiMIuge Grove. One game wltu ing the local groups were ho«ts for 174.74 Operation of the plant each of Iheae learn« have been u section C. E. rally. Ml»» Florence am ounted to »3,448.23 out of a postponed during the «eaeon and a« Vail leader for the afternoon meet­ budget o f 13,720 00 leaving a ba I the team« are to meet once more ing, mid Mlae Dorothy arkaou led ance ’.Hlexiiended o f 1271.77 Ibivla simui no reason wtiy the the evening meeting. Repair» Kat Up Fund« game« cannut he playttl double Mondav afternoon 1 incmbjr» of Malulenanco and repair» exceed header Instead of hanging the aex- tin local C. E. went to Vaughn to cd Ihe budget of 11.700.00 by on over beyond the eluetog date attend the county convention dur 1302.21, The auxiliary agencies of August 11. lm; the a'ternoon and evening. A »bowed a budget halanra of 160 21 At thl» time 11111» Crock 1» lech wclncr ruast waa enjoyed during out of a budget of 1210.00 Capital i»lcal holder of first place In the (he i upper hour. outlay Hem« ahowod an unexpend­ Cascade league. Springfield ba» __________________ ed balance of »60.68 lu a budget of played eight game« and won aeveii »080 00. of them. Two were puatponed lllllx KENSINGTON CLUB TO BE Fixed chargni were 18c below Cueek h . Played 12 gam e, and H 0 § T T 0 OTHER CLUBS Ibe budget of 1280 A lulu) of , ha» null 11 of them. 174 06 wax expended from lhi< am ! — — — A ll Social O rganisation» In City cigency fund of 11(0, Invited To Afternoon A ffa ir ! LOCAL GIRL SCOUTS AT During Ibe year 16,600.00 waa On F riday ANNUAL SUMMER CAMP paid on bond principal, and lie 107 46 wa i paid on bond lnter»«4. Member» of the Kensington club Warrant Internet payment totaled T w o W eeks Camp Open« N ear ure entertaining Friday afternoon, Florence Sunday; Second Camp 186(1 31. fur a total of 10.467 04 out July 12, for member» of all other Period Being Planned of u budget mm of 111.610 lor debt -octal group» In the city. The affair »ervlcn. Several Springfield girle are ut 1» to Lie held at the borne of Mr». Hiph 6«hool Coat» Ll»t«d W. N. Dow on Emerald Heights A «egreggllon of high »chool camp Cleawox near Florence now between the hours of 2:30 and 3 eu 1» »bowed that the lolal coat of attending the annual summer out­ o'clock Aahout one hundred guests operating Ihn high school last year ing of thè Girl Scouts. They left are expected. Sunday and will be away for (wo was 114.303.04 This wa« an aver­ Groups Invited Include the Prls- age of (61 42 per pupil for a nine week* Included among the Springfield I t'Hla. Happy Hour and Happy Even nioutha term l-a l year the coet was »64 71 for the eight mouths nl ■’ ***** *'“ h*P * r* Ethel Ruth, -«<- Nandlecraft, Aeneaa. und ( Ivli 95Ö.42; 913,773,21 Paid On Old Warrants BOARD 10 OPEN L SEPT. IS of the Methodist church will lea»« PAY BOND IN T E R E S T , -, . _ '« »>•« ‘ unducim» by Mia. Eiixabein Promoter Wants County B om '¿ulHon of E ugene. T he 10-day In »«rucilou period will con tin u , | throuab Thuraday of neat week ing License Under Spon- sorship Of Springfield ber» Tuesday noratas for Buttle T O ! lake to «pend u week ut the annual Suttle la k e Epworth Ixmgue In- j xtltute of (he Melhodlet church The iuetKute will open Tuesday and will continue through the fed lowing Monday Rev Dean C. Poindexter, former pastor of the Methodi-t Uiurch here, will be dean of the Inalilu’e. Re*. llarobl E Hhellhart of Wend! ing will huve charge of the recrea- Uoo, and Rev C. F Ki»tow of Eu ;ene will be life work secretary. A full program «tartIng at 6:1(1 ach morning lias been planned. PAY SAME S A L A R IE S Board Buys Fire Hose To Re- Place Old Equipment In High, Lincoln Schools A reeolutlon passed by the City The opening of the next school Moul of the atudenla lhb< year ure beginner« The uendlineni InI Council M outlay night grant».! term wa» set as September 14, 1935. and contracts for teacher« thl« claau which meet« from 11:26 i authority to the llriuuce committee for a nine months' term were until noon la 32. Eight are enrolled to ai t for the city In matter» con awarded at tbe school board meet­ In the Intermediate group, and one netted with sheriff »alee of real ing Monday evening. Twenty-three In tbe udvanced clue- Two seek properly for delinquent luxe» on former faculty members were mail­ the junior and senior Red Crona llle which the city ha improvement ed contracts today There are but saving certificate« which will he lien« three vacartcle« In the Springfield uwarded at the conclusion of the ‘ Under u new «tale law the county «chool if they are able to puau the 1 clerk 1» required to notify the city school system —one woman and Ie< order at once o f each and every I A m orning watch service w ill be two men teachers are needed. The (» (a required. Claau»» are held during the morn­ hki submitted for tax delinquent conducted by (J R Vincent of Hood board ha on hand a large number ing hour» ouly. Can of the park property located within the city River and breakfast will be served of applications to choose from The three Janitors, W allace tarilltiex are being donated by A. The city then btm 20 day» In which at 7 :3 nient a«-eimnn-ut» and other taxes Mission», recreation hobble«, and at a salary of 7(t per month. The The city has tbe right to purchase personal relatlon»hlp«. I-eaders will board authorised the purchase of for the past several year». tbe property ahkad of the bidder. | be Dr. Loul Magiii, district super 250 feet of fire hose to replace Prom oter S p eak s Intendext, 8. Raynor Smith, L. A. worn out hose in tbe high school Dun Campbell appeared before Wood, H. S Shellbart. John Cas- and Lincoln school buildings. the council and spoke on the sub- teel. Ristow and Poindexter, Teachers Listed The following teachers at the ject of county boxing and wrestling Among those from Springfield license. Campbell wants to promote -,.ao plan to attend the institute same salaries as paid In the sys­ a number of athletic events In varl- are Charllne Fl«h. Florence Fish. tem last year were awarded con­ oum part of the county, but must Carl Horrell. Dale Carsoo. Beatrice tracts : High school: Marion Hall, Mary operate under the control of som e Carson, Mr. and Mr». Alwyn Davie, city athletic cr>-nml»slon before a Faye Parson-. Coleen Cornell, E. Whitney. Marguerite MillhoUen, Bruce Maxey Wins First Prize county license will be granted. He Fraaces Cornell. Fern- Cornell, Don Iowa M. Carlton. May Hewee. Clara In Advancement Work; Wagner, Robert Chatterton. would like to operate under the Brown. Jamee Davis. Delores Caa- B Hotior Court Held Springfield commission. The city t®ei, Roy Crandall, and Ila Bar Glen L. Martin, Bernice Conoly, and Glyde Dilley. would receive a percentage of his tholomew. bruce Maxey won the first prise gross revenue In each match. HD Grade schoola. F. B. Hamlin. Roy Mlgg , la Bartholomew. Phil Bar of a sleeping bag in the Boy Scout reque-t was referred to the police tholomew, and Rev. J. D. McCor­ P. Quiney, Emma Rodgers, Altle achievem ent contest which closed co^,m itte mick will furnish car» for transpor Manning. Leota Roden bough, Allene lavt week II was announced Tues­ T. Basford. Edna K. Platt. Cynthia Payment of »120 of bond Interest lat|on to the lnstltute. day evening at the dinner aud due August I, was authorised b Hobbs, Thelma Sweeney. Opal y __________________ Court of Honor held at the Meth­ the counrilmen at the meeting. Roberts. Crystal Male. Miriam odist church. The prlxe waa dona- Male, and Ella Lombard. The State Health Board reported LOWELL COUPLE IS ted by the Lions club, sponsor» ; (ha( water samples taken from Regular monthly bills allowed at MARRIED ON FRIDAY of the troop, as capital prlxe fot in three different parts of the the meeting were as follows: the contest which continued for one U)Wn had been ,.xam ined and Irish-Murphy __ _________» 3.26 ML-s Dorothy Davis, daughter of year. Maxey had garnered 301J {ound to Krade ..A~ Scott» Drug Store ... .......... ... 2.15 Mr. and Mrs. Ed Davis of Lowell pointe. NW Cltiee Gas ....... ........... 1.8» Sewer Problem Up Again was married Friday. July 5, to eth er prlxe winners, their prixes John Harris _____________ ... 1.25 Residents living near the sewer Maurice McLaughlin, son of Mr. aud donors were as follows: State Accident Com.......... 41.10 outlet were representd again at and Mrs. L. J. McLaughlin also of Second, Billy Dow. hatchet from El le M Pollard ...... ......... 25.00 the meeting by Claude Crandall Lowell. _ Larson Wright; third, Fran a , W N. Long ____________ _ 7.30 I who spoke on the sew age condi- The ceremony was read at the dtuart p^ok sack tr-on. John Pyle Springfield Cabinet Shop 1.50 Gons. He was informed that the ■ home of Rev. E. V. SGvers near th . regular term T b h d'd «.». !>. I ^l<»P ’ *•«*> W right. Betty Jans | club ' fourth. Scott Wright, camera from W illam ette Press 12.75 Mrs. W. K. Barnell It chairman Scotts Drug Store, fifth, Pete Council is making a survey of the Goshen with Miss Louise Davis sD- Tohmpson. and Roberta Rebban elude the final month which was Mt. States Power Co. .... _ 44.93 A total of 48 gtrls are attending (or the affair and Is to be assisted I Adamg Feed »*»«r extension proposal and Is ter of the bride, ard Floyd Mc- paid for by iju federal government W right and S o n s ____ __ 369.01 - - . . I «, «, u r.ii— u ------ “a t • ® __ 'considering several solutions for laiugblln. brother of the groom at ____ annual ____ report o( „ tho district <»>• ftrat camp. A secoud camp Is by Mrs. M. V. Walker. Mrs Harry ajd Sw>d 9 , o r e . Blxlh Henry Tin- cle’rk .ut suhmlt'ted to the School 10 • tart l»«4M|Ut4ly fol- Whitney and Mr». P J Barthclo- l £e huatjn, kuRe froIn Herbert the problem, but were unable to attendants. Only relatives a n d ! Total ............................... »612.03 I make any announcement as to their ' close friends of the two families Board nt the monthly meeting Mon *"*"»« »>»• first one sveenth, L a w r e n c e Dibblee, course of action at this time. were present. day howed a lotnl of 26.074 lo bel I Mr* P*11* - - D eupervls - I i Thompson, first aid kit from Dr. Mrs. McLaughlin wore a dress of M onthly B ills Allowed PASTORATE EXCHANGE raised by district lax for tbe bud ln* th*' ‘’a***** **»l" >’”Sr, A regular ISSIONARY SOCIETY Milton V Walker; and eighth., the powder blue rough crepe with Monthly bills allowed at get. and actual receipt« from this i rou,,ne program le followed e - « —e *,»• /-\cc-ir» c-D c i !' loyd <-'orn*11- hatchet. meeting for the month of June were white accessories. She had a shoul- MADE HERE WEDNESDAY ELECTS NEW OFFICERS source were »10.646.86. Total re- end features dramatlus. swimming, New Contest Starts der boquet of pink and blue s w e e t' as follow s : craft« and bobbles Rev. and Mrs. Dean C. Poindex­ i’«lpls for (he year were »64,188.21 Mrs. D. B. Murphy wae reelected Winner« of prlxe. were allowed » 2.09 P«aa Pacific Tel and Tel Co. a« compared with »64.»60.79 for th« ter and two sons, Charles and i president, und Mrs Ren Hollister »« th oo«s thelr owu Prlxt“4 from ttle 54 15 Tbe couple left immediately for James K. King ................ ptsvk-u« year Rape mt ltu ISO the WESTFIR MAN KILLED I Vlce-pr.wl.lent of the Womeo's Mis ! 1“’'Fe number donated for the con „ . Tennant. California where they w li David, moved to their new home 12.o5 . , . Howard-Cooper Corp. PS«i year were »63.164 81 as com at Salem W ednesday afternoon and IN LOGGING ACCIDENT «lottery society of the Christian The contest will be continued mage their home. pan-d with elpeodllure« of »64.- Rev. and Mrs. J. D. McCormick 37.40 __________________ G. V. Breese ----------- church Tue-dny evening at t t , ^ » « ^ . lor m oth er year, .»m e more 063 96 for ihe previous year. of Portland arrived here during the Irwin J Gough of Westfir who bomg of Mrg bum p Anderson, capital prixes will be offered and 3.00 C. Meacham ............... — Operating Debt »12,89» 20 00 SERVICES SATURDAY FOR morning and took up their resi­ died Monday when crushed be Mrg MarJorie Moahler wna ckonen man> •»'« »«“ »•*» P1-'*«“ lhls Mrs. Eltxa Wlnxenreld The wsrraxit debt s i th s ckise of tween two logs while working, will IM.crtqar) gn(i Mrg Gertrude P el | yeur wl11 be offeree again in a con- 10.38 RESIDENT OF CRESWELL dence in the Methodist church par Edna Severson ...... — aonage. the school year wa« »16.123.63 he burled Friday ut Mahama Fu­ eraon, ireemurer. 4.00 ,M,t tu end duly 1#36' ^ * * d ln g Dr. W. H. Pollard Rev. McCormick is the new min­ Wllh a cash balance of »3,233.40 neral services will be under the . __ to Or. W. N. Dow. chairman of the 20.80 Funeral services for Earl Attder- j W illam ette Press ............. Mr*, kliner Parguaoa and Mrs. ister of the Springfield and Coburg this leaves an actual debt of »13,- direction of (he lkiole Funeral Scout committee. 7.00 son. 40. of Creswell who died in Eu- Dodd Miller ....................... I Peterson had charge of the pro 896 18 from thia source ITevlous home In Eugene. Advancements during tbe court 8.50 gene last Thursday were held Sat- j Methodist churches, and Rev. Poin­ Bostitch Sales & Service . dexter goes to Salem to the Leslie year's warrants totaling »13,773.21 of Honor which waa presided over Gough whh born at Scio on Octo­ Gen. Petroleum Corp......... 56.00 urday afternoon at 2 o'clock from were paid together with »860 21 In­ ber 26, 1900. He attended school of (he Missionary part of the recent b y'llarry Stewart as Judge and F. > 4.95 the Schwering chapel in Creswell Memorial church. C. A. Swarts, sheriff — church convention at Turner. Mrs. Sussana I->rter, mother of terest during till« yer.r. at Portland and O. S. C. He was B. Hantlln as clerk were listed as Mt. States Power Co........ 282.16 Rev. Melvin P. T railer officiated I T hese two ladies and Mr. FVrgu- Mrs. Poindexter, left Wednesday Bond« out«landlng against the married two and one-half yeara ago follows by Glenu Martin, scout­ 1.00 and interment was made In the Mrs. Rosa Montgomery for Hood River where she will visit district lolal »67,000 on an esti­ to ML« Irene Lord, who «urvlves Ron will have charge of the even­ master. 14.00 Creswell cemetery. John S. Lorah — ....... with friends for a while. mated Ni-ie«il plant valuation of as doee his father, C. G. Gough, ing service at the Christian church Second class advancement: Pete A1 Pohl ............. .............. **•76 Mr. Anderson was born in Cleve- Sunday eveuiug telling more of the »70,000 I'ortlaaul; two sisters, Mrs. G. Wag t'hace, seootyl class merit b ad ges, Lloyd Townsend 14.8S |an,j county. Oklahoma on Febru work of the coiiventlasi-. Receipts Q lv tn Floyd Uornell, carpentry; Billy tier. Mahama. and Mr«. W. John­ Carl O. Harrell 3-60 arv ¡j JS95. Besides his parents. DR. POLLARD ATTENDS Receipt- for the year were seg ­ son, Scio; and om- brother, Dee Dow, leathercraft, pereoogl health, Ernest Dahl ................... Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Anderson of LIBRARY GIVEN BIBLE regated as follows: Cash on hand, Hurry at Multnomah. CHICAGO CHURCH MEET handicraft; Bruce Maxey, printing. Payroll (Mo. of June) 321.26 Creswell, he leaves two brothers. | July 1. 1934. »1,896.84; district tax IN THREE VOLUMES bookbinding, personal health, wood- ; Warrant int. pd. (June) Sidney and Oliver in Edmonton, A l-, Dr. W. H. Pollard fo In Chicago »20,566.86, ixMinty school fund, ------------ oarving and photography; Frank LOMBARD HEADS HOME --------------------------- ! berta, and two step-sisters, Mrs. attending national m eetings of »6,609.90; i-leroi-ntary school fund, A beautiful Bible printed oil Stewart, personal health aud poul­ WORKERS PROGRESSING Elsie Craiger and Miss Bessie church boards of the Methodist OWNERSHIP PROJECT iarRO sh eets and bound In three try keeping. »3,486; state school fund. »B9b; ON SCHOOL PROJECTS Bow1«« of CreawelL church. He served as a lay delegate high school tuition fund, »4,831.36; volumes with board and art leather First ¿'laas advancements: Billy Frank lxvmbard, eon of Mrs. Ella from Oregon at the last national Waltervllln tuition, »2,322.46; from covers was presented to the Spring- Dow, Frank Stuart, and Lowrence| “ _ . | Lombard of this city, has recently conference of the church and was other sources, »382.46. Thompson. First class m e r i t 1 ,rp'’" “ * * “ ' * , REBEKAH MEMBERS PLAN field Public library this week by . . „ , , ing up the Inside of the gymnasium earned to membership on several The school census showed a total been elected rbgmiait of a com­ Rev. and Mra. Herbert Higgembot- „ badges: Joe Keever, woodcarving. MONTHLY SOCIAL JUNE 15 com m ittees which hold yearly meet­ of 416 boy« and 396 girls or a total mittee of government em ployees tu liam of the Community Liberal w oodtum lng.i carpentry; Scott ,ng , he w dreggln< room. glorage ings in the Middle West. of 881 children liotwvvtr» the ages Washington seeking a plan where­ churuh in Eugene. Wright, cooking, civics. unit, and showers for both boys aud Monthly social meeting of Juan- by these employees might obtain of 4 and 19 Another recent contribution to glr|g ' Its Rebekah lodge will be held next fed«Mal loan» with which to buy or the library was made by Wm. G. , Painters at the Lincoln »chool Monday evening at the I. O. O. F. CRESWELL MAN INJURED build their uwn home«, Another SUSPENDED ON POSTAGE RATES REMAIN group within the sums unit have Hughes who donated both fiction LICENSE hall. All members whose names IN HAYING ACCIDENT RECKLESSNESS CHARGE expetled compl,* e p