THURSDAY, JUL' TH R SPR IN G FIELD NRW 8 DELAY ACTION ON WOOL LICENSE Wheat Contract* To B* Sign- •d During Next Month For Four Mor* Years RED CROSS HAS OWN EXHIBIT AT SAN DIEGO Teacher III— Mies Edna Platt III at her home here this week V isits at W e s tfir— Mrs. Bert Doane spent Bunday visiting at W e s tfir where M r Doane is em ployed. * Visits Howard lug w ith law. M r. from Corvallis— M rs Ida of Corvallis is h eie visit her sister and brother-ln and M rs. O. 11. W addell Minor Operation— Miss Ellen Moskop underwent a m inor opera fects the Individual services ex­ tlon at the office of a local physi­ act tended by the Red Cross are por­ cian Friday. O ther sections of the amend­ trayed through paintings made on Orsgoman W r ite r Here— H al M ments. draw n to conform to tne canvas from actual photographs recent NR A decision, provide that taken on the field of operations m in the future the secretary of agri-1 culture w ill Issue orders re g u L ^ n x ^ “ * " ^ par,s of the COUB,r’r Some of the scenes Included a the handling of m ilk, fruits, nuts and vegetables In the current of view of a fam ily sitting, hopeless Interstate o r foreign commerce, or and bewildered, among the few w ith I broken bits of household goods in substantial competition they have been able to collect aud such commerce. , return to the ru lnr of th eir home Growers Scan Contracts New wheat contracts w ill prob- following a recent tornado In N orth Another scene comes ably be ready for producers* signa­ Carolina. tures sometime in July or ea rly from a home where the Red Cross August, according to latest word nurse is assisting and Instructing received from W ashington by the In ‘ nfant care. Moore, political w rite r for the M orning Oregonian, visited w ith friends in Springfield Tuesday Visits from C alifo rn ia— Mrs. Roy McCracken, sister-in law of M r ', Leota Roden bough, Is here from San Francisco for a visit w ttb re­ latives subject: "Faith.*’ C. E. groups m eet at 6:45 p. m. W orship service 8 p. m. Sermon subject: "T h e price of a haircut." "T h e church where you are a stranger but once.” SPRING FIELD M ETHO DIST "T he H e a rt of the Gospel and the H e a rt of M an," the the theme of the message for the eleven o'clock hour. T he evening message at 7:30 w ill be from the tex t: " I have call­ ed you Friends.’’ T he messages w ill be by Rev. Dean C. Poindexter. T he Sunday Church school w ill meet at 9:45 and the Leagues at 6:30. Sundai from Bend visiting at the I . Iinige ot the llrlc e Shull home Hom e from Seaside— M orns S te w a r t h a s retu rn ed Ironi Stiusld. Here from Cam p C reek— W a lte r where he has been w orking for sev Ebbert and daughter of Camp eru l w e e k s Creek w e ie business vH itors In Hom e from Coeet— Albert Vik S | ringfieiii Tuesday spent the week end here with Ills S u n d a y V is ito r — R o b ert B road fam ily lie Is employed on (he high w ater of C orvallis was a visitor way bridge at Florence here Sunday at the home of M r Sailor on Leave— Louis Shipley and Mrs. R L. Drury 1« here from Los Angeles visiting To V is it S ister— Mrs. M ary Kn w ith Mrs Shipley and relatives He sehede of Forest Grove le expected Is on furlough until July 13 when here Friday to vlelt w ith her els he w ill return to duty In the U. S. ter. Mrs F ra n k 11. W halley for a navy. week or 10 days. Bend People V le lt— Mrs. Ethyl H ere for W eek-end— Miss M a iin e Scott of W a lle rv llle and her daugh Snodgrass came home from Albany ters. M rs. G rv llle Ross, Mrs. E rta Satardav evening to speud the Shultx aud Eddie Lou Shultx. a ll of week-end here w ith her parents Bend, were here Monday visiting Mr. and Mrs Riley Snodgrass w ith frleuds. Guests at Hotel— J M C affery of ere fo r H oliday— M rs Freeda Portland and E. N. Eggleston of Peterson of Dallas arrived here Seattle. W ashington, were over­ Wednesday to spend the Fourth of night guests at the Springfield July w ith M r. and Mrs C. F Eggl- hotel Monday. maun. Oregon State college extension Return Home— M r. and Mrs service. T h e new contract la to ex­ DORIS MARIE ROBINSON Harold Bell W rig h t left Sunday for tend over the four-year period be­ WINS U. O. SCHOLARSHIP th e ir home at Tucson. Artaona ginning w ith 19SS. Miss Doris M arie Robinson, m em ­ To consider final suggestions for ber of the senior graduating class a fte r spending several days here im proving the new contracts, grow at Springfield high school in June, fishing on the M cKenxle. er representatives from wheat has been awarded a scholarship at Daughter Born— M r. and Mrs. producing states were called to the U n iversity of Oregon for next Fred Baker of Springfield are the confer in W ashington July 1 and I year. T he scholarship is valued at parents of a daughter born to them 2 with Cheater C. Davis, adminis 854. Stanley W o jn iak of M ohawk at the Eugeue hospital on Sunday. tra to r, and George E. F arre ll, head high school also received a scholar June 30. 1935. of the grain division of the A A A . I ship. C alifo rn ia Folk Here— M r and W ill Steen, chairm an of the U m a ­ Others who have won scholar tilla county wheat control associa­ ships to state schools from this dis­ Mrs. W a lte r Parrish aud son of here tion. is the Oregon representative tric t are G rover Kelsay, Dexter, to M arysville. C a lifo rn ia are who sat in on this meeting. T h e Oregon N orm al school, and M y r u a ' visiting at the home of M r. and conference of producers follows L aird. Pleasant HUI. to Oregon Mrs. F ra n k Parrish. the referendum of a month ago State college. F orm er Reaidents H e r» — M r and when wheat growers voted 404.417 T he scholarships are intended to to 63.303 to continue wheat produc­ cover cost of tuition at the schools Mrs. A. A. Anderson of Nehalem , arrived here Sunday for a few days tion adjustm ent. for a period of one year. visit w ith friends. M r. Anderson operated a barber shop here for CHURCH OF CH RIST MARGARET MORTENSEN several years. Fourth and A Streets U ldine G artin, choir director. K yle Sm ith, pianist. Bible School 9:45 a. m .; Miss Beulah Thurm an, superintendent. W orship Service 11 a. m. Sermon In Hospital— Dr. E. V. Slivers was adm itted to the Eugene hos pttul on Monday. Form er Resident V isita— W illia m Sutton Is here from Burns renew ­ ing old acquaintances. Sutton Is a form er m ayor of Springfield and has been teaching school In Burns fo r many years. Portland People Here— M r. and Mrs. B E. Simmons and their daughter. M rs. Dollie Lee. a ll of Portland, were here visiting friends Friday. They are form er residents of the city. Inju res Finger— D. W . employee of the Goshen company was treated at gene hospital Monday. H e mashed fing er when snapped. B a rre tt ecllonul rally forces Springfield People Wed Mm rluge license« have been Is lied during the past week by the county clerk Io the following isrw re n te C rabtree and M ildred j H a le s , both ul S p rin g fie ld ; I.» -lie < Depew, H alfw a y , and C h lo e lla Boll U ell. Reseda, C a lif . Ferdlliund Hel ler. and I. yds M iller, both of M ar cola. Keuneth Vwley. Drald, und M ary Massie. M e rlin . John Houle und E lin o r Ellingson, holli of E u ­ gene: Yeruou Idles. Eugene ami Vlolel F lllg lno , S e a ttle , Arnold Scott arid C la re W agner, both of S p rin g fie ld , Harold How ard. Wost fir, ami Selma iavfioon. Collage Grove. CALIFORNIA DEER LOOK OUT! FARMER TO SHOOT Brother Stops— E rw in H o llister, brother of Ron Hoi 11 ler, stopped to visit with him here Saturday. H e wus enroute to his home ut Med­ ford from Alaska where he has been employed ou a flailing boat. G ardeners at Cannon Beach re­ ported having trouble keepiug elk from devouring th e ir crops evident­ ly ore uot alone In th e ir troubles. Judging from an Item In a recent Issue of I he Pacific H ural Pre*«, V isiting from Idaho— M r. aud prom inent C alifo rn ia farm paper, Mrs. W m A. I’yne and Mrs. Fay which Is as follows: U tlerh o c k arrived In Springfield W P. H a ll, H a t ( reek rancher Wednesduy evening to visit with E lm er Pyne and fam ily. T hey came uear Redding, has been granted a over the M cKenxle pass and were p erm it to shoot any kind of deer th rilled w ith the drive. M r I'yne any tim e he wishes, If they happen is the futher and Mrs. U tterbe ck a to be on his property. T he pertn't date« from May 16 Io Decem ber 31 sister >f Elm er Fyue. and was granted a fte r H a ll com­ plained the anim als were (ceding N O T IC E OF S H E R IF F 'S SALE REAL PROPERTY on his a lfa lfa fields, causing au esli-iiatod loss of five tons of hay N O T IC E is hereby given that by virtu e of an execution and order of annually." Lum ber the Eu sale Issued out of the C ircu it Court of the State of Oregon fo r Lane received County the 39th day of June, 1935, a cable upon and pursuant to a decree duly given and made by said Court the 38th day of June. 1936, In a suit Return to C alifo rn ia— M r. and pending therein In which M ary E Mrs. Byron Cowart left Saturday H ill, T ru stee was p la in tiff and L. F. Henderson und others for th e ir home at San Francisco were defendants, which elocu ­ MARRIED WEDNESDAY a fte r visiting here w ith th e ir par tion and order of sale was to Miss M argaret Mortensen, daugh­ Shoulder Injured— Mrs. N ancy, ents, M r. and Mrs. A. J. Cowart me directed and commanded me to sell the real property h ereinafter ter of Dr. R. P. M ortensen of M ed­ burns, mother of Cal Burns, fell a t . an,i *'*r - an*1 ^*ra- J ° hn Cooley, described to satisfy certain liens ford and Mrs. Ray W rig h t of Eu­ her borne. 638 M ill street. Sunday Return to Coast— M r and Mrs. and charges In suiit decree speci­ gene was m arried W ednesday and dislocated her shoulder. She j fied. 1 w ill ou Saturday the 3rd Fred Buell le ft Sunday for th eir afternoon at 1 o'clock to Lucine O. was taken to the hospital but re­ home at Tillam ook a fte r spending day of August. 1935, at the hour of ten o'clock, A. M „ at the southw e-l Miles of Marcóla. T he wedding was turned home rg a in la te r In the day. the week-end here w ith th e ir par­ door o f the County Court House In perform ed by Rev. B ryant Wilson ents. M r. and Mrs. W . E. Buell, and Eugene, Lane County. Oregon, of­ at the home of M r. and Mrs. Harold | fe r for sale und sell at public auc­ Injures Head— L u th e r Adams M r and Mrs. W . N W illiam s. Parsons in Eugene. Follow in g a tion for cash, subject to redemp­ sustained head Inju ries Friday short trip the couple w ill make tion as provided by law, a ll of the when he was struck by a snapped Estella -Jlg b t. title and Interest of the de­ Visitors Monday— Mrs. th eir home In M arcóla. logging cable. H e was taken to the Findley of Sodaville accompanied fendants In said suit and c f all Eugene hospital. He Is an employee Miss M axine Snodgrass here from parties claim ing by, through or un­ der them or any of them in or to SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS of the G iustlna lum ber company. Albany Monday evening fur the the following described real prop­ HAS PICNIC OUTING regular meeting of Juanita Rebekah e rty , to w it: T h e N orth F ifty-eigh t (58* feet Brother Visita— M r. and Mrs lodge. M em bers of M rs. A. B. Van V al- of L ot T h ree (3* In Block Six­ zah's Sunday school class at the Gleen P riv at stopped here over­ teen (16* In Fairm ount, In the Sunday Visitor»— M r. and M rs. J. M ethodist church held a picnic night F riday w ith his borther and C ity of Eugene, Lane County supper and outing last Thursday sister-in-law , M r and Mrs. Edw M. King and fam ily and M r. and Oregon, according to the O rig inal Plat thereof. evening a t the home of H e rb e rt and i P riv a i. T h e y w ere returnin g to Mrs. Dale Cheshire of Cheshire, Dated this 1st day of July, 1936. Edith H orning. A num ber of young th eir home at Seattle follow ing a uud M r. and Mrs. George Petersen C. A. S W A R T S , Sheriff. people from Springfield and Co-1 m otor trip Into Mexico and to the i of Irv in g were Sunday visitors ut By A. E. H U L G A A R D . Deputy burg w ere present. | San Diego exposition. I the H. E. G erber home (Jly 4-11-18-36 — A 1) 1986 1 1 ■*— it SECTIONAL RALLY FOR YOUNG PEOPLE SUNDAY l.ow ell Folk Here— M r and M r«J Constructed and designed In the J M F a rrie r of I .well e r e vlsl Members of the Young Peoples ■ headquarters of th-> A m erican N a ­ tors In Springfield Saturday ' - “ ‘I «*••’ •»•«“ Christian Ln tional Red Cross In W ashington. a i Ut’MtOI •Vi'ivUvN Will ••llUMlUll» Ul Tonsils Out— Mrs. Crystal Male Down From Blue Rlvee—Charles colorful exhibit lecturing the varl underwent a tonal) operation at the Hadley of Blue R iver was a bust V a c a tio n on C oast— M r and M r« Reellonnl rally here Sunday after gj,,, cnrl.-tlan church start °** r*a»'«*-tlme ervicea o f the Rod o ffice of a local physician Monday ness vl llo r in Springfield Friday I I E. G erber and fam ily are apend | lltH,„ Croa In ail se.-tlons of the country Ing I he Fourth en the Coasl Ing at 3 o'clock Following a apeak Fail Creek Man H a re — Glenn W Business in Portland— D r and arlll be placed ou u is play thia week lug program a poi luck supper w ill III at Hom e— Mrs W a lter Taylor at the C alifo rn ia Pacific In tern a Law o f Full Creek was a visitor In Mrs. lutwrence K. Skinner made a he served Euch person la request business trip to Portland Friday Is repented to be III al her home cd to Itrluat th eir own eating liu tlonal Exposition under the apon Springfield Saturday. this week aorship of the San Diego Chapter, plómenla. Tonella Out— Buster Mason un Here from W aehingten M is Red Cross. This announcem ent was Leaves for C alifo rn ie— M arl Muu T in regular E n d e a v o r meeting derw ent a tonsil operation a t the Gwen Thomas is here from Wash made today by A. L. Cchaffer, N a n ger left Tuesday for Redwood City. 1 o ffice of a local physician Friday Ington to visit w ith relatives w ill lie held ul 7 o'clock with Miss egar of the Pacific Branch. San C alifo rn ia for an extended v l’ ll. i Vail as leader on the Francisco. Dearborn Man Here — K a r l To C alifo rn ia— Everett Squire Bend People Here— Mrs. D G loplc. "G ul Reach ill Service “ The The central background of the Thiene« of Oeerhorn was a bust left for San F ra n c is c o F rid a y w h o le Ross and E lm er Ross w e e here ' veiling church servie«, w ill be in display la a massed group of Red neas visito r In Springfield Friday he w ill visit w ith his si ters. The hearing on a proposed lic­ ense for wool and m ohair dealers previously scheduled by the AAA to be held In wool m arketing cen­ ters. including Portland, has been poetioned indefinitely. The P o rt­ land hearing had previously been set tot J uh- 15 and 16 T he postponement was taken CrOM fla * a unfurled before an ar- pendlng the result of congres.lonal “ « « < * » * P **“ ’ « * «X * W t * action on the A A A amendments | ‘ end,n« loftlneas now b eirg considered Thia action **" U>e a re n a w ill determ ine the s ta tu , of woo, " a g b a n k , o f green fern form a fittin g foreground and a de- and m ohair under -he act. .ig h tfu l contrast against the sharp M eanw hile the W ashington o ffi­ color in the flags and the modern cials have announced that theee designing employed In the border pending amendments clearly pro­ decorations. vide for continuance of existing In eight panels 'nominated by a m arketing agreements and licenses system of concealed lighting ef­ under the agricultural adjustm ent 1. G. Shaw. M inister ■ r- w m o r a l crop Light Early Summer Rainfall Threaten* To Affect Fruit, and Nut Yield* Of State I ut liters (hroughoul western Ore gnu are rnshiin; installation uf I, m i irrigation p lan t* Io save cl«*: u Ironi • vere loss caused h / extrem e shortage of rain in the , i*t three u io rlh s . reports A rt Klug, extension soils sp< clallsl u> . regou State «'»liege Culls for a Islam « hei auic so numerous that an additional man was assigned to ,i i-igatiup dul« by the extension .ervice during (he emergency At mo I p>«.i«< In western Ore­ gon lets than an inch of effective la in fell during A pril. May aud up io the last week In June No single ruin during I hat period was morn ih.tu a half ‘nch. the amount con- «iilcreu navi x itr y to heueflt m ajor ci ops by uiidliifc usable m oisture to ,h,< soil Sonic other showers. Ill < reusing llie total hoyuml an Inch, wen- *o slight In e.xletu a * to be of ■io real benefit, Klug reports Muu> grow er Installing e m e r­ gency systems expect them to pay for Iheuiealve« In crops thia year. Many prune and n et crop« w ill be greatly rtaluced if not destroyed unit's-, heavy ra in * come or Irrlg a tlon wale* Is provided, Klug be lievoH I'o uu ly agents are prepared tu get assistance for those who s till waul Io establish syateiua, says Klug RESTORE PORT FUNDS ASKS HARBOR GROUP Restoration of the 120.000 annual federal appropriation fo r harbor main lens nee w ork at Florence was asked by the executive com m ittee of the Hluslaw H a rb o r and Route F Development league In a resolu­ tion upproved Thursday evening at T ria n g le l.s k . T h e fund bad been received at the Florence port u ntil six years ag«> P J. Hortholotnew alteuded the meetiug a« a reprea- e iita liv o of the S p rln-.-flelil City Council. Irish-Murphy Co. ^vmmssmsM w m a ■ i. .♦. m*«a*aaa*a> ■J———w - —n—g-.- gg - — . -.g—|--|—r-i ~wr The THRIFT PARADE Marches To Our Store Daily A ll our foods belong Io the blue-ribbon t lann. book at the brandn, look ut the j* r i c «> » und y o u 'll realize once und fo r ull why you can nave extra dollars every week when you shop w ith tin. A big fresh stock and a large corps o f clerka are here at y o u r service. We try to serve you better. CARNATION Rose Ware OATS WITH PREMIUM Pkg. O 9 C COBURG M E T H O D I8T Dean C. Poindexter "T h e S p irit of the Lord,” la the them e of the message for 9:45 a. m. T h e Church school meets at 10:46. Drink Water With Meals G ood F o r S t o m a c h I BLUE BELL HARD WHEAT FLOUR »9 Lb. Sack S I.4 9