THURSDAY, JULY 4, 1*36 TUB BPRINOTOCLD NKW8 WHO IS WHO and W h a t T h ey D o ARTHUR It FAY, I'arpvnter aixl J36 Ihithtcr. Phone I 24 J * £ A Classified Directory of Reliable Business Firms and Professional | Psople This Newspaper Recommends I to You. PAO« TH1UBB FORESTS SHARE IN RELIEF FUNDS Actual Work In Oregon To Start Early In May Thinks Regional Forester PRINTERS DANCING SURVEY SHOWS LOSS DUE TO LUMBER STRIKE LUMBER OUTPUT 1‘GRTLAND. Ore., July 8—A graphic picture of employment loss due to strike conditions In the Ore­ gon snri Washington west coast lumber Industry Is contained In a Production R im s From 22 To district survey In tbe current Issue 35 Million F»«t; Half Of of (he Four-L Lumber News, pub- Weekly Average II bed here. "This survey,” says the Lumber Seattle Wash.. July 3— Lumber News, “is not a mere guess or production has Increased four coo estim ate It Is the result of an ex- hauctlve plant by-plant, dlstrlct-by- secntlve weeks from a low of 22,- 900.000 feet tbe week ending May dlstrict contact with the operations 25 to 36.500,000 feet the week if covered. . . . Jnne 22. an increase of 66 per cent "In the weet coast districts of according to the West (.'oast Lum­ Washington, a total of 243 logging ber men's Association Productlou operations and 418 lumber manu­ now is approximately 50 per cent facturing plants (sawmills, planing of the average weekly since Jan­ m ilk, shingle mills, plywood, door uary 1. More mills are operating sod Box factories) employed 34.496 each week and several since the m e n before tbe strike. Of this nnm- strike started. Inclndlng the Booth- ber, 27,606 were Mie becaose of Kelly company sawmill at Spring strike conditions on June 28. Held, have opened double shifts. "In Oregon west coast districts, Operating mills, moat of which are a total of 224 logging operations In Oregon, generally report full and 339 lumber manufacturing time «cbedulee. plant* employed 18,986 men before A total of 619 down and operat­ tbe strike Of this number 1440 ing mills In Oregon and Washing­ were Idle because of strike condi­ ton which reported to the associa­ tio»« on June 28 tion, produced 36,663.677 board feet "Our survey covered a total of of lumber. Thia was approximate­ 1224 operations, employing 61,460 ly 1.400,600 feet over the preceding persons Just prior to tbe strike, of week. The average weekly produc­ wbleb 21.946 were Idle on June 28. tion uf thia group of sawmills In “Those unfamiliar with the lum­ 1936 has been 71.086.326 feet; dur­ ber industry may queatlon tbe ing the same period In 1934 their statem ent that 663 Oregon opera­ weekly average was 79.648.989 feet, tions employ only half as many feet. men aa do tbe 661 Washington . operations. The eiplnnatlon lies In , The new business reported last week by 619 mills was 48,806,633 the fact that Oregon has tw ice as | board feet against a production of many »mall camps and mill« as 35,563,677 feet and shipments of Washington, employing fewer men 38,102 424 feet. Their shipments per operation." w eie over production by 7.1 per cent and their current sales were PUBLIC INVITED TO SEE over production by 37.2 per cent. MUSEUM ON OSC CAMPUS The orders booked last week by this group of Identical mills were When vacationing through the under the total In the preceding Willamette Valley, motorists are week by about 3,000.000 feet or ap­ invited to stop and visit one of tbe proximately 5.4 per cent. most Interesting historical and A group of 426 identical mills scientific collections In the North­ who e records are complete for west. located in the Museum build­ both periods show total orders 1956 ing. off Jefferson street across to date of 2.018,599.000 board feet, from the College armory at Cor­ com pared with 1,821,780,000 board vallis. feet for tbe same period In 1934. an In the museum are remains of increase of 10.8 per cent. reptile* and huge animals which Tbe unfilled order file at these roaeed the Oregon country. Pro- m ills stood at 396.197.802 board historic bones, teeth and fossils ( are on display from many places of feet, approximately 9,400,000 feet Oregon. Including the W .llamette over the week before. Th aggregate Valley. Many historical pictures Inventories of 426 mills are 21.5 grace the walls and a corner of the per cent less than at this time last building ha* been given over to year. AUTO DEALERS____ Oregon will receive »601.267 from WUOll FUIt SALIC- Old Growth the Emergency Relief funds for li AN C E liluck, i n curd« 46 46, old A N D K H SfIN M O T O R S , INC. AT W 1N T E R O A R D E N T H E W IL L A M E T T E P R E S S use on the nstlonal forests In the Expert Repairing — All Wurk Uruwlh Blab, 1V9 curds, It lucb ntate according to a telegram ns- Springfield Guaranteed. "The Dance That's Different" |6 00 Tuliy Fuel to . Phone 182 J | celveE at 1‘ortland this week by C. Phone 2 Uaa, Oil. Tires and Batterie« i j Buck, regional forester. A sum Every Saturday Night bib and A Hla . Hprlogfleld Pb 4b of »629.621 has been set out for use (lenta 26c Ladles 10c llualnees Stationery—Office Forms PGR SALE Good Used Wood _________________________________ ■ in Washington. Booklets — Placards — Rauges Muuulalu State« Power \Voik projects, according to Mr. Dodgers, etc. FURNITURE M Co. HCriUUUK MOTOR CO. A Modern Print Bhop Producing Buck, will Include coustrsctlon and BUICK OLDBMUUILE maintenance of flrebiewks. forest WANTKIP— Woman to help wltn JO H N S O N F U R N IT U R E CO. Up-To-Date Printing PONTIAC (Ire lookout stations, telephone house cleaning Writ« 1*. G bos Rangua and Circulators Phone end a Baleaman Will Call. Mu tor Cara ! lines, forest roads and trails, tree 228. Springfield, Oregon Several l.lnee Including Montag MALE» and MERVICE planting and nursery work, timber Linoleum -Inlaid aud Felt Rase NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION 71b and Olive Mis. — Phone »66 land Improvement, forest fire pre­ A ttractive Prices un Furniture Department of the Interior, U. B. SERVICE 8TATIONS Eugene. Oraguo. vention and control, fire haxaid and Rugs. Land Offloe at Roseburg, Orason, reduction, development of recrea­ June 19th, test. Ma« Ua Rafura You Ruy BATTERY SERVICE A S T . S E R V IC E S T A T IO N : tional facilities, lneect aud disease We Deliver Phune llbfc NOTICE la hereby given that 44b W illamette Eugene General Gasoline. Oil and Greases control, forest range Improvements, Juhu C. Holmen, uf Mabel, Oreguu, LANECO timber, forage, water and wild life Goodrich Tires who, uo July 10lb, 1921. made lloiuaelaad eulry Serial No 01*714, BATTERY FACTORY surveys, and other forest Improve­ "A Howe Owned Station." LAUNDRY lur NSgNSs, Sectlou 28, Township 6th and A St».. Springfield, Ph. 44 ment work. Rack at uur old location, 111 B.. Range 1 E.. W illamette Mur SPRINGFIELD LAUNDRY ycur gain. Mae our naw Take Men From Relief Rolle Idlau, baa Uled notice of Ui ten lion uvsrbead Floyd Wood, Prop. material ba tier lea In genuine Gates tu utake Huai three year Proof, tu bard rubber cases before you buy. Men tor the work will be select­ Mitchell Service Station eetabllab claim to the laud above All parts handmade In Eugene. Fur 30b Main ML, ed from employables on the state Phone 100 ALL RICHFIELD PRODUCTS described, but ore Wiu II Canon, capacity—a w vice— price— iprne bat- relief rolls, according to Instruc­ All Elude uf Laundry Service. — Yale Tire« — Uaglaler. U. S. Iwud Office, Rose tar. RECHARGING—REPAIRING. tions received. Under an executive burg, (Ireguu, uo the 30th day ul Greasing - Battery Recharging We Call for and Deliver. 316 Van Rurun - Phone 100» July. 1986. order signed by the president, sch e Expert Radio Repairing by Yuur Patronage Will Re dulea of monthly earnings In tbe Claimant uauree aa wllueeeea Appreciated. LEE CRAY BEAUTY PARLORS various types of areas throughout Phono 48-J Pori. Ulrch. of Mabel, Uregun, Herman Clum. oi Mabel. Oreguu, 7th and Main Rts. Springfield tbe United State* have been estab­ HOME BEAUTY BHOP LUMBER James Klngmau, uf Mabel, Oreguu. lished as basis for wages on the Alex Lewis, of Mohawk, Oreguu PERMANENT WAVES »1.60 works program For purposes of O R E G O N L .N T h e B o o th -K e lly Lbr. Co. All Wurk Guaranteed WIL14AM H. CANON. Register thia schedule, the United States Furnishes a S E R V IC E S T A T IO N tJ 17 Sly 4-11 18 26) Mrs Ella Parcber Tel. lb ha- been divided Into four regions C O M P L E T E H OM E At the Springfield Junction Oregon and Wasblngtoo are In Re­ CREAMERIES - GAS AND OILS Building aud Repairing Service. gion 1, having tbe highest wage C IT A T IO N Service Day and NlghL Fur Service Phune Springfield 66 schedule In the country. Claasllt Grocery Sundries. Tobacco’« and IN THE COUNTY COURT OF Demand the Meet—Costa no Mure ur If nu answer, phune 24-J callous are setup for common, THE MT ATE OF OREGON FOR U L U E B E L I. Picnic Goods. Springfield. semi-skilled, skilled and profes­ I.ANK COUNTY. Dairy Producta West Springfield Ph. Rpr. 33 J sional workers. A further break­ Ice Cream, Rutter, Cheese, Milk PHYSICIAN - BURGEON IN THE MATTEK OF THE EM down In wage rates Is made wlln- TATK OF W E 8TAT7.KR. de EUGENE FARMERS CREAMERY, WOOLEN MILLS In a Region by counties, based on ceased U. F. MTATZKII, Plalatlff DR. M ILTO N V. W A LK E R Phune Eugene <3* tbe population of tbe largest muni­ — »a. — Surgery and Dlaeaaee of Women EUGENE DAWSIE STATZEH, aud utbe- per cipality within the county. 4th and Main Bta. Springfield W O O LEN MILL CO. eons uuknowu, bavlt.g ur claim DENTISTS Phone 884 Manufacturers of Woolens. lug any Interest ae heir» al law Wage Scale Is Set ur distributees uf the estate of S peclalliing In Ladlea DR. O. A. B R O W N Under this set-up. common labor W E Mtataer. deceased. Defend M ELV ILLE S. J O N E S , M. D. COATINGS AND SUITINGS. wages vary from »40 per month to Hours * A. M to 6 P. M ah la. Surgery aud Disease« uf Woman Retail Department at Mill »66 per month. Tbe rates paid on Phone 20 J TO Dawsle Mtalier. and all other X-Ray and Pbyalolherapy East End Stb Ave. Eugene, Ora. thD program In the 3,000 odd coun­ Springfield pereune unknown, havlug or claim Mb and Main Bta log any Intere t aa hairs at law ties In the United States were Residence 721 A Street. Springfield, Oreguu or dl.trlbuteee uf the estate ul W typically determined by a local First National Rank Bldg. Ph. 48 CASH TO CREDIT RATIO E. Mtataer, deceased, wage comm ittee consisting of one DR. WM. N. DOW GREETING: HIGHER IN THIS STATE representative of oualnees, one re­ DENTIST NOTICE TO CREDITORS You and each of you are hereby presentative of labor, and tbe cited and required to appear In the X Ray Diagnosis — Hours * to 12 The Mulluomah County housing IN THE COUNTY COURT OF local reliel administrator. These above entitled court un or before 1 to 6 i o . by appointment survey has revealed that »8.00 is THE STATE OF OREGON IN the 30th day uf August, lbS6. then Office Phone 8 — Rea. Phone 47 wage data were supplemented and AND FOR LANE COUNTY. beiug spent in cash to every 81.00 and there tu show eawa, It any you. MATTER UF THE borrowed through the modernisa­ checked by other wage Informa­ have, why R F. Mtataer should uol First Nat l Rank Bldg Springfield IN THE tion, including civil works earn­ early pioneer articles. ESTATE OF MARTHA A BUI- be declared aud adjudged (u be the tion credit plan. The national KER. Deceased. The collection of indian relics ings, tbe Bureau of Labor statistics gq|a heir al law uf W E Blatter, FRUIT PACKERS Notice Is hereby given. That the ratio h a s b e e n variously estimated data on weekly earnings In private and stone artifacts are considered deceased, and Ibe unly person on undersigned has been duly ap­ at 6 to 1 and 4 tu 1 lu Florida the' titled tu «bare In (he dletrlbulluu industry, construction wage data, one of the most complete on the E u g e n e F ru it G ro w e r's A ss'n pointed administrator of the estate uf (he aai-ele uf said estate. ratio 1« 7 to I. tbe agricultural labor rate* com Pacific i-oa-t. The mineral and fos­ uf Martha A. Sulker, deceased All Diamond A Brand Fruit Packer« Thia citation la published purso- ant lu au order uf Hun. Fred Flak. and Shipper*. Ice and Cold Storage. persons bsvlag claims against said A------------------------------------------------- | piled by tbe Bureau of Agricultural sil collectioD L most Interesting. NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE Judge uf said coart, made and eu- College Ice Cream Manufacturer«. estate are hereby required to pres Economics., and tbe United Stales There are about 350 mounted eul the same, with vouchers there­ REAL PROPERTY tered un the 16th day uf May, 1116. employment service placement birds and 160 stuffed animals In Coco Cola—K 1st Beverage* for, to ibe undersigned at the of­ ordering service uf Ibis citation by NOTICE Is hereby given that by the museum. You may see quite fice of Clyde N. Johnston, 310 Tif­ virtue oi on execution and order data. Cldar Vinegar publication thereof, and requiring fany Bldg.. Eugene. Uragou. within According to Mr. Buck, it la ex­ an Interesting collection of Imple­ you aud each uf yuu to appear In Phone 1480 of uale issued out of the Circuit six months from the date hereof. Court of the Slate of Oregon for pected that releases of the funds said court un ur before August 10. Ferry near 8th Ave E. ments used by the natives of the Eugene. Dated this 27th day of Juue, 1*15. ' Lane County thia 19th day of June, 1*36. to show cause a» aforesaid and actual start of tbe work should Philippines and South America; be- ARNOLD L. SUIKER. A dtnr/ 1935, upon and pursuant to a de IN W1TNMRM WHEREOF. I have of the Estate of Martha A. Sul J cree duly given and made by sold come som etim e early in July. sides many other articles of Inter­ hereunto set my baud aud the seal FISHERMEN DRIVE TO ker, Deceased | est. including some recent acquisi­ uf said court this 20th day uf June. Court the 18th day of Juue, 1936. (J 27—Jly 4 11-18-26) COAST OVER ROUTE F Elected Convention Delegate— tion* of art. The gun and war- .3 6 . lu a suit pending therein In which W H DILLARD, Clerk ADMINISTRATOR’S E. J. Id dings and Mamie lddlngs Mrs. Harry Wright was elected trophy collections are In the Mem­ M. A. Pohl aud N. L. Pollard drove NOTICE OP SALE Ry SIBYL ’VESTFALL, Deputy were plaintiffs and H F. Johnson delegate from the Eugene Busi­ orial Union building. (J 17 Jly I l H U t - A l b) and Selma Johnson were defend ness and Professional Women’s to Tackenltch lake Sunday and v.a s i i i i s iw e- - - x s j .j . . er Attendants are prepared to show NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, ants, which execution and order of brought home a large catch of nuu- sale waa to me directed and com­ club to tbe national convention to flili The two men made the trip that by virtue of an order e f the manded m e to aeil the real prop­ be held at Seattle, July 14-20, at you the Museum and to help you County Court of the State of Ore­ over (he route "F" road weal from gon for Lane County, In the mat­ erty hereinafter described to sat­ the club meeting Thursday of last in your particular In terest Honrs Eugene A fine road waa encounter ter of the Estate of Jesse K. Platts, isfy jertaln liena and charges in week. Mrs. Wright is new presi­ are 10 to 5 dally, and 2 to 6 9unday afternoon. ed until they reached Auata. The deceased, made on June 17th, 1935, said decree specified, 1 will on dent of the club. the undersigned, as administrator Saturday the 2t)th day of July, 1936, lower 14 miles were )u«l passable, Watuhmakur and Jeweler of said estate, will sell at private at the hour of 10:00 o'clock, A. M., LUMBER COMPANY FILES N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F ’S S A L E they reported. sale, on and after Monday the 22nd at the southwest door of the Coun­ ■ P R jN o n a L D REAL PROPERTY day of July, 1936, for cash, or part ty Court House In Eugene, Lane ae. Faeifle W eteh l i * FORECLOSURE LAWSUIT NOTICE Is hereby given that by cash and good security, the follow ­ County, Oregon, offer tor sale and F irs t Ctaae W u rk a t NOTICK TO CREDITORS ing described property, to-wlt: sell a l public auction (or cash, tub- virtue of an execution and order I Suit to foreclose wag filed The South half of Uie South­ Ject to redemption as provided by of sale Issued out of the Circuit against Louis Kramer, and H. A. Notice 1« hereby given that the east Quarter; Lots 3, 4, 6 and law, all of the right, tlU« and in­ Court of the State of Oregon for undersigned has bean duly appoint­ that part of Lot 2 lying South o f 1 terest of the defendants In said Lane County this 19th day of June, and Mildred Hillstrom last Thurs­ ed Executor of the estate of Han­ a line running East from the through or under them or any of 1936, upon and pursuant to a de­ day by the Booth-Kelly Lumber nah O'Neel, by the County Court Southeast corner of Claim No. suit and of all parties claiming by cree duly given and made by said company. The lumber company of Lana County .Oregon; any and 46. Notification 7188. lu Section them, In or to the following des­ Court tbe 18th day of Juna, 1986, claims the sum of 8687.36 1« due all persona having claims against in a suit pending therein In which 18. Township 17 South, Range 1 cribed real property, to-wlt: the said estate are hereby required The Pacific Savings A Loan Asso­ them for materials used In con­ West of the W illam ette Meri­ .to present said claims, duly veri­ uf Pittsburgh, Pa. Beginning at a point 1.86 ciation was plalnUff and Bennie struction of a building at Vida. dian, containing one hundred ana fied ae by law required to the un- chains W est of the Southwest 8. Marsh and others were defend­ thirty acres, excepting the fol­ derslgued, at the office of W ells corner of the Southeast fourth of ants, which execution and order of lowing: A W ells, Attorneys, 103 Bank of Visiting In Portland— Miss Mabel the Northwest quarter of Section tale waa to me directed and com­ Beginning at the Intersection Commerce Bldg., Eugene, In Lane Seim sen Is visiting with friend« in SEVEN In Township FIFTEEN manded me to sell the real prop­ of the South line of the David N, j County. Oregon, within elx months Hyde Donation Land Claim N o .1 South, Range FOUR W est of erty hereinafter described to sat­ Portland this week. from the date of this notice. Represented Rf 46. In Township 17 South RAnge ' W illam ette meridian; and run­ isfy certain Hens and charges in Dated and first published June 1 W est, W illam ette M eridian.1 ning thence North 20.00 chains, said decree specified, 1 will on IN THE COUNTY COURT OF IS. 1*36 E. H. TURNER with the center line of the Ccor.-1 thence East 7.44 chains to the Saturday the 20th day of July, 1935, THE STATE OF OREGON, FOR EVERETT C. O'NEEL. Execu­ ty Road, said point of Inters««-. middle of the county road, at the hour of 10:00 o ’clock, A. M.. A RL Agt-lagfleM. O r*. LANE COUNTY. tor of t he »state of Hannah at the southwest door of the Coun­ thence In and along the center of lion being 13.92 chains East of' In the Matter of the Estate of O'Neel, deceased. said road South 67* East 26.04 ty Court House In Eugene, Lane the Northeast corner of the m a ­ George W. Johnson. Deceased. WELLS A WE. .133, Attorneys for chains and South 63° East 16.46 County. Oregon, offer for sale and nor Duff Donation Land Claim Notice Is hereby given that the Estate. chains to the East line of the No. 41 of the said Township and sell at public auction for cash, sub­ undersigned. Leslie Hodges, has (Je 13 20-27—J 411) Range, running thence East 18.81 West half of the Southeast quar­ ject to redemption as provided by been by the above entitled court chains along the South line of ter of said Section Seven, thence law, all of the right, title and In­ appointed executor In the above en­ NOTICE OP the Donation Land Claim; thence Scuth 1.88 chains, thence West terest of the defendants In said titled matter. All persons having PINAL SETTLEMENT South 6.00 chains; thence W est 20.00 chains, thence North 4.41 suit and of all parties claiming by, claims against said estate are noti­ 23.19 chalus parallel to the South chains and thence West 21.26 through or under them or any of fied to present said claims duly Notice Is hereby given that the Form erly W alker-Poole line of «aid Donation Land Claim chains to the place of beginning; them. In or to the following des­ verified to the aforesaid executor undersigned. Rika deBroekert, Ad­ to the center line of the County containing 56.08 acres, more or cribed real property, to-wlt: ministratrix of ‘be estate of G. M. at the law office of Howard M. E U G E N E -11th SPRINGFIELD Road; thence North 48* East less, of land In Lane and Benton Beginning at a point 198.44 feet Brownell In Eugene. Oregon with deBroekert, deceased, has filed her along the center of the County and Charnaiton 228 Main counties, in the State of Oregon; East of a point 38.95 chains In six month* from this 4th day of Final Report and Account as auch Road 4.17 chains; thence North Also begluniug at a point 36.29 • North 30* W est of the Northwest July. 1936. Administratrix with the Clerk of Telephone 721 Phone 81-J 3b* East 4.00 chains to the place chains North of the quarter sec­ corner of Lot five (6) In Block LESLIE HODOES. Executor. the County Court of lA ue County, of beginning, belug parts of lots tion corner in the South line of seven (7) of Packard's Addition C. A. WINTERMEIER and Oregon; and that Saturday, the 2, 3, aud 4. of Section 18, Town said section Seveu In Township to Eugene, and running thence HOWARD M BROWNELL, At­ 13th day of July, 1916, at 10:00 ship 17 South Range 1 W est, torneys. Flfteeu South. Range Four W est; North 160 feet, thence East 66 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, Lane County, Oregon. t Jly 4-11 18-25 — A 1) uud running thence North 4.81 feet, thence South 160 feet and In the County Court Room In the chains, thence W est 1.26 chains, Court House at Eugene, has been thence West 66 feet to the place Bids will he received at the of­ (hence South 4.61 chains and of beginning, excepting a strip set by the Hon. Fred Fisk, Judge fice i f Calkins and Calkins, 210 thence East 1.26 chains to the of said Court, as the lim e and place Tiffany Building, Eugene. Oregon; eight (8) feet wide being the On« 4o«« of A D L ttI K A place of beginning; containing West eight (8) feet of the afore­ for hearing objections to the same, all sales subject tu confirmation 11«v«« m blontin». oloaA« o«t VOTM upp«<* am ! lower bow els allow s yen to 68-100 of an acre of land, In la n e said premises, all In Eugene, If any, and for the final settlem ent by the County Court of Lane Coun­ oat and aieep good. Qulob. tborough County, Oregon. Lane County. Oregon. of said es'ate. ty. Oregon. action, yet entirely te a t la and safe. Dated thia 19Ui day of June, 1936. RIKA deBRDEKEHT, Admin Dated this 19th day of June, 1936. I. D. LARIMER. Administrator C. A. SWART8, Sheriff. C A. SWARTS, Sheriff. Istratrlx. of the Estate of Jesse K. WELLS A WELLS, Attorneys. By A. E. HULEGAARD. Deputy. By A. E. HULEGAARD, Deputy. I’latts, Deceased. Flanery's Drug Store (J 20-27—-Jly 4-1118) (J 20-27—Jly 4-11-18) (J 20-27—Jly 4-11-18) (Je 18-20-27—J 411) Business Directory Edward C. Privat Reliance Life Iasnrance Co. PUBLIC IS INVITED ON GEOLOGY CAMP TOUR Corvallis— A chance to see and under*tand some of Oregon’s geo­ logic wonders and perhaps find specimens of prehistoric fossil re­ mains will be afforded the general public this summer. Dr. E. L. Pack­ ard. dean of the school of science, will head a three-day auto camping tour through interesting natural formations of central Oregon. The trip, open to all who furnish their .own transportation and camping equipment, will start from the Sup- lee summer geology camp the morning of July 10. It will con­ tinue south to Paisley and back north through Fort Rock and Bend along a prepared detailed Itinerary available here at the school of science. MRS. OLSON HOSTESS TO KONTRACT PLAYERS Mrs. Carl Olson entertained at her home here last Thursday after­ noon for the Kontract bridge Klub. A 1:30 dessert preceded the play­ ing. High honors were won by Mrs Donald Toomb. A M IL E -A N D LESS POOLE N ext tim e you go to Cali­ fornia, try the train. Let the engineer drive you safely, swiftly,over the sm oothest high» sy yet invented. It*s the economical and comfortable way to go. Railrokd fares ere touching bottom at 2c a mile and less. Pullman charges are a third less than formerly. Funeral H o m e S to m ach Gas A D LE Rl K A DON'T LET EYESTRAIN R-O-B Y O U ....................... Eyes that see perfectly are al­ ways alert and ready for action. They "take” perfect pictures, easily, Instantly, without distort­ ing what they look at. Do not let your eyea cheat you. Four-flftha of all that we know reaches us through our eyes. These, the most seuilU ve organa we possess, can be driven long after It I safe to strain them to see. But only I t the expense of physical and mental energy. Have Your Eyes Examined by DR. ELLA MEADE Optomatrlat 41 Waa» I 9th Eugene THE FACT FINDERS - and their discoveries Southern Padfle See your sgent,or writeJ.A-Ormandy, 705 Pacihc B ldg., Portland, Oregon By E D . K R E S S Y CM0N FOLKS, LET BUO'N BUB »T O M T O M *’JUWKIM O F "■ Rk.TKU-ttM U« MOW THAT TOWN MV» w ve SOME b o » » i IMTCRESTIM0OR n i iNUiUALElTÎ O IUFORMAH0« BITS OF MOOT à ü A PAKT I OF TUS P i YOU HAVE A AORU .PBBMF » LG66HÇMKKEMOE AXPftAI XbMDWEft-M-LAW IMYCUR f t g n IT8 M A M t ............ ■ e r'< ÙO z »W M LETS HAVE ASMAPiMOP OR STORY O F'EM .n***!' ,~ J K M 0 tf,r rW U M O T 5 0 U > M A 6 O WISH IMPURS ANP BUFFALO ROAMED E M iff AU) 6 A fM S «P IM6REA1 HCRM OM TUEBAGKS OF IMS 5U$QULHAUMA ARP PASTUREP tmsrs ATOMS meticum RNM T.TMt BUFFALO AW Pt A O S A R FICLP IM THE SOMSWMAT RUO6EP C O U N T R Y ...- _Ml* ARIMO WAS STOMBUDUFOMPY MMRATIMO MPtAD TRIBES AMP EARLY WWTS «TTlÏRS.MSRSTMtY JET UP A APTOPTOATBLY b tokay n « fiin iw e r to pmkjywahms BCHLEMT MUMTIHA OROUMPt WMERS MOW flAME R U S K THAN At THE IMOIAN QAM- CL4AEFIILP It IM TMS MUST OP , A N ..... O ItO ~ V M ..............................