The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, July 04, 1935, Image 1

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H P ItlN G F IK L P . LA N K C O U N T V . OKKOON, T i l l KHDAY
». 1*935
NO. 24
Girl Is Killed
C in WILL SEEK e « » « ' ’ ««”
Gets New Held
Near Oakridge
START 00 MONO» “ ■ J " “ '" ’’ QUIET4TH M l
Change Of Rating From 7 To
6 Declared Poaaibla Fol­
lowing Local Survey
Yoncalla Impraggiva
at; Meet Kill« Creek p ev Poindexter To Conclude
y; C. Grove Sunday
Work Here Sunday; Port­
land Man Aeeigned Here
' t'. E. Wheaton)
-I dedicated its new
ba elii
* Munday ufternoon tv
ucalla In a onesided
Suggestion* Given By Engin­ gum«, I a. The Douglas county
eer^ fo r Improving Rate; boys were unable to solve the pitch­
ing of Hwortl who gave up one bit
Commend Old Ordinances
und a run In the third Inning, while
liupruvellieuls lit the fire prole»1' Kprlngfleld plied up u comfortable
lion »«I up lor the »Ity ot Hprlng- lead In the fourth.
Held ■» r«M oluiiiebded to the I ' ouii
The Wright brother«. (Jordon and
< ll by U. M Thurber, who with III» Dick, were out fur scoring and hit­
engineers have Jn I completed s ting honors. (Jordon, getting two
survey of Hie entire city, will be round trippers and a single, while
studied carefully end u« ineuy as Dick got three doubles and a
nru |uuud feaalble el this time will homer
Lloyd Mattison, not to be
In- pul inlu «fleet after wlili b ill« loft out of the hitting spree, lifted
l Ity will uel» a new Inspection with a four ply hit -4u the third inning.
lb« hop»' that a belter Insurance
I'onsford pitched the last two In­
lu iln g may be obtain«»» Decision nings and was very stingy with his
Io aeek lb« lower rat« waa reached hits
All the reserves were called
by ib« Council laal Thursday even- Into the guiue and positions were
xp K alter I lie) hud In uni the de­ changed all arouud
It will lake xome time for the
railed report
t healer Aldrich, <Hy- reenrdur, new diamond to settle, and the out­
has alivady written to the Oregon field needs plenty of work yet, but
Haling Uuieuu for a statement of I he grounds are well laid out and in
the raliae which thia city now lies another year should be In goon
The city want» to know just bow shape
The Kprlngfleld pluyers have a r­
uiaiiv point« they have In the ra t1
log and where each are obtained. ranged for a game with llllls ( reek
Tills 1« u»»«i»»ary before any ef­ 4o be playml Thursday afternoon
fective work can bo don« looking at Hwlmmers' Delight park at 2
towards a »bunged rating.
Next Munday the Kprlngfleld
Rating Made In IS2Z
team will travel Io Cottage drove
Kprlngfleld now baa a seventh
for a game In the thiuth l*u n e city.
grad» underwriters ratlug which
Is Just title glad« above the lowest
ut which any city 1« rated. A sum
mury of the rating aa made by
Thurber on the ba la of tin- last
Inspectlou In 1927 Indicated that
the fire liaxarda and lira alarm
system were both Inferior. W a te r.
supply and building law« were'
llev. Dean ('. Poindexter will
preach his final sermons In Hprlng
field und Coburg Munday as pastor
of the two congregations lie will
move bin family to Halem next
week where lie Is to take over the
pastorate i t the l*eslle Hubert*
Methodist church, llev. J D Mc­
Cormick will come here from P re
mont street church In Portland to
lake over the two church«« In this
The changes were uuoounced
Munday evening at Halem by Bishop
Tltu B. Lowe when he read his
list of uppolntinents for the next
year This Is the major change In
pastorales to be made In lain«
county this year, although there
will be «3 changes or new men in
t h e pulpits of t h e
churches of Oregon during the next
the north side of the block between
ftiu rlh anil Fifth <® Main, but
aurneil ugalnsl tile dangers of a
fire which could eu lly wipe out the
entire block Extreme care un the
purl of all tenants In the block was
necessary to prevent a fire. Thur-
her declared.
Larger F irs Zone Urged
Itestorallon of the old tire limits
from Mill to Meventh on Main
street and extending them a full
block on either side ot the street
was rscomuiend«id In the report.
Tbe flue ordinance which requires
a four-inch double thimble around
the pipe was not observed here en
glneers declartnl, pointing to the
City Hall stove as being an out­
standing example. The ordinance
provides that no stove or smoke
pipe shall be extended through a
roof without tbe proper vise tblm
ble. or through any wall more than
18 Inches above the celling. The
chimney ordinance was lauded as
being one of tbe best, but was not
Au assortment of bridged fuses
sod peunles was exhibited at the
meeting and the public warned ot
the dangers of thia practice. An­
nual Inspection by the electrical
Inspector for all fuae boxes lu tbe
city was suggested In the report.
The electrical he.xards In this city
are bud, said Thurber. In comment­
ing un the schools he declared they
were In good cuudltlon with the ex
cepllon of wiring at the Lincoln
which needed to he repaired.
People Pay the Bill
The people of thia city are pay­
ing the bill regardless of the situ
utloii. They either pay It to the In­
surance company through higher
rales or they eftn pay it out for
which will mean unnual savings for
many years to come, said Thurber
In auinmJiigH up his report. Home
of the changes which he recom­
mended In bringing about an high­
er rating for the city were as fol­
Adoption of the code on haxurds
anti the building code fur small
municipalities, both approved by
the Oregon Bating Bureau; amend
lug the electrical code to Include
all amendments ns passed by the
Bating Bureaeu and repealing of all
ordinances now conflicting with
these codes; an expanded fire de­
partment with 20 to 24 volunteers,
written department regulations, re­
gular drill and regular Inspections
end keeping of complete record».
Most of these have already been
put Into effect here except the
suggestion dealing with the site of
the volunteer department.
Miss Cam was riding In an auto­
mobile wltb another girl and two
troys. The other girl was driving
(be car According lo Information
which Charles P. Poole, coroner,
could obtain, the foar had been at
a dance and had decided to drive
to Oakridge to get something to
eat. Before they reached Oakridge
they changed their mlnda and
start«*) home. Neither ot the boys
In tbe car were able to account for
the accident.
There were no IcdlcaUons of
drinking or of fast driving, said
Poole. All four young people bad
fine reputations In their home com-
munlty at Weatflr.
Mr >n<J Mrg Harry b r ig h t en
u.rlaluet, „ , helr honje her,- San
d>y even|„g w|th a tea and cords
ft>r a oum|,Br of their frlenda from
tliodox church In Rome.
hooka alnce January 4. 1881! prie
videa for the proper storage of
conibUHtlhle materials and penal­
ties for allowing rubbish to accum­
ulate. The police department Is
given authority to enforce this to­
gether with an ordinance requiring
that all wimu I h un vacant lots he
cut during the period between June
16 and 26. Another ordinance pro
videe that a permit must be sec­
ured before any trash or other rub­
bish can be burned outside.
In vindutllng hls report Thurber
Cited a number of Improvements
which Individual property owners
could make to provide better pro-
tectlon and at the same time re-
Old Laws Still Have Teeth
An old ordinano« on the city dure the coat of their Insurants«.
¡®®°bt achievement contest which
,,ndBo Tu«isday night will not be
announced until Tueeday evening
Elizabeth Gullion To T ia c h I of n>.xt ww,g when a potluck dinner
All Classes At Willamette I and Court of Honor will lie held It
was announced today by Dr W N.
Park Pool; All Invited
Dow. chairman of the troop corn-
Hprtngfleld's annual ’ learn to mlttee who has had charge of tbe
Mwlm’ program, given under the contest.
auspices of the American. Red Cross
The dinner meeting for Boy
and sponsored locally by the City, Scouts, their fathers, and all other
will open Monday morning at 9 Interested persons will be held at
o'clock at W'lllamette park on the the Methodist church at 6:30. The
W illamette river one mile south on Court of Honor will be held follow­
the Pacific highway It will con­ ing the dinner with Harry M. Stew­
tinue for 10 days.
art as Judge, and Frank B Hamlin
The clashes are being conducted as clerk.
under the direction of the Sharks
Many valuable prizes have been
club if Kug«ne. Miss Elizabeth Out-
for tbe Boy Scout (mntest
Hon. secretary of the group, will
be the Instructor of tbe Springfield by tbe merchants of this city and
swim classes. Mias Gullion has by Individuals. The capital prise,
Just returned from Hicks Lake In ­ a wool sleeping bag, ha. been don­
stitute near Olympia where she ated by tbe Mona club which spon-
took special training In this type sored the contest.
Springfield Meets H ills Creek
At Swimmers’ Delight
In Baseball Game
A number of smaller gatherings
and tbe customary zoom, bang! of
tbe firecrackers which has been
heard here for the past two week»
is Kprlngfleld'« manner of célébrât-
Ing the Fourth of July today. Many
local people bave gone to tbe coast
and some to the mountains, but
most of the people are »pending
tbe day at home, or visiting some
of the many celebrations whlsh are
being held nearby.
Many plan to spend the afternoon
at Swimmers’ Delight pork where a
special program is being presented
along wltb a baseball game be­
tween tbe Kprlngfleld town team
and the Hills Creek-Ulustina team.
An accurate point system has
Tbe Springfield team was substitu­
been kept each week from the time
ted for the Eugene All-Stars who
the contest began one y r
; were to have played.
and the prospects of winning a
Program a t W illa m e tte Park
prise has greatly aided in stimulat­
At W illam ette Park the Eugene
ing the interest of the boys In the
work, says lenn Martin, scout­ Junior Chamber of Commerce la
sponsoring a Fourth of July pro­
gram with a large fireworks dis­
play and dance In the evening.
) News of the wedding of Helen
Members of th« Past Noble ( jx>yche, French woman, and John
Grand duh of Juanita Rebekah ! N Hamlin, at Rome. Italy on Tues-
lodge will make a quilt for the I. day. July 2. was contained In an
O. I). F. home at Portland It wua Associated Press wire dispatch re-
decided al the monthly dinner celved Tuesday evening. Hamlin Is
meeting held al the local lodge the son of Frank B. Hamlin of this
hall Tuesday noon. Twenty two city and visited here a few years
members and one guest, Mrs. Crys­ ago while attached to the foreign
tal Fogle, Incoming Noble Grand service at Beuuos Aires, Argentine,
of the local lodge, were present.
lie has henu In Italy for two years
I l l charge of the table for the and Is now United States Consul
August meeting tire Mrs. Stella ut Naples,
Eaton, Mrs. Lillian Black, Mrs.
Mrs. Ilum lln Is the daughter ot
Katie Bruniette, Mlsa Eunice tier Caesur Deyche ot Naples. The wed
her, anil Mra. Cora Hinson.
ding took place in the Russian Or
Perry W. Thompson, spervlaor of
the W illamette National Forest,
was principal spi'aker at the week­
ly luncheon meeting of the Lions
club here Friday noon of last week.
The club meets again tills week
with W E. Buell and H. O. Dibble«
In charge of the progruni.
has been signed up for the flr«t|
, *°
,h® P“ rlt « the
camp, and muat of the upeningo * ont
*n 11 ea< < la*'.*' period tak
In the second camp are filled
,, #w ® roer8 h®me Regular
roll call will be m“lntalnwi and
Ed Turnbull of Eugene is chair- : only those enrolled in the class be-
inan of tbe comp committee this ,ng lngtnlcted
the next hour w)11
year. H. B Sallee, regional » c o u t i l B|k)ww, , 0
Qn , he truek
pxecutlve, will have charge of th e ,
Loud Offer« U m of Park
cutup. He will be assisted by James
A B. Loud owner of the park
Monroe, scout
from gj,e Is again cooperating with
Salem. Carl Merryman. water actl- Sprlngflcld’ ln allowing the free use
vltles; Stanley Kidder, first aid; I of hls fac„ ltleg for , hlg gwtm c, m.
Ed. Christie, commissary and head- pa)gn Thlg ,g the
quarter office; and Alfred Tingle. , 0
, he count>. th)g year
merit badge work Bob Baker, cook Many dtgtrjctg are
for , he
for the past aeveral years, will cUaaeg and , he groupg ,n lower
again cook for the bcouta this year areas are being served first this
EUgeue. Mr. and Mrs. W right were
Cement work at the gymnasium married here on July 15, and re­
was compleh.d this week and car­ turned lo their home laat Thursday
penters have started rebuilding of ev»*nlng following a wedding trip
the dreasing nxim i, office and boll to British Columbia.
er r<M>ni In the aoutb end of the
Present for the evening were Mr.
building. Concrete base» have be».n and Mrs. Benjamin Inman, Edwin)
built for the two chimneys and a V. Johnson. Mias Nellie Fennell,1
concrete foundation poured for the Mr. and Mrs. Kidney King. Mr. and LARIMER FUNERAL TO
south and of the building. A deep I Mrs T O. Kaarhus. Mr. and Mrs. |
fill was made In the dressing and Norwald Nelson. Mr. and Mrs Ray­
Funeral services for Mrs. Lot-1
shower rooms and a c-n en t floor mond E. Lafferty, Mr. and Mrs.
Thelmer J. Nelson. Mr. and Mrs. tie M. Larim er who died suddenly
at her home on Lost Creek Monday i
No work lias been done lu the Drew Perkins. Mr. and Mrs. Merle
Mrs. Guy afternoon will be held Friday m orn-,
high school as yet by the carpen­ Maunders. Mr. and
Ing a t 10 o'clock from the Poole
Wright, and the host and hostess.
Funeral home In Eugene. Inter­
ment w ill be made In the I. O. O.
F. cemetery.
- - -
Poole will return to W estfir to
make a further investigation, al­
though It Is unlikely that an In- of work.
clude moving M A. droves of Cot­ quest will be held, he said.
A ll Invited to Attend
tage drove to the Beech street
A slight change In tbe usual pro­
church In Portland and of Rev. C. J.
cedure Is to be observed this sea­
Hall of Milverton to Cottage drove.
son. Instead of having the children
Harold V Myers of Boston llnlver
each bring a nickel a day for the
ally will come to Yoncalla to take
10-day period, they are requested
the Yoncalla-Drain charge and W.
to bring fifty rents with them when
(J. Crooks will move fro .* Yoncalla
they register thia year. Registra- j
to Myrtle Point. W. A Briggs of
tlon will be held at the City H a ll'
Hermiston will come to Halsey.
All Lane county grangers are
Friday. Saturday, and Monday,
The 19)16 annual conference will be
Springfield Troop To Send j morning. All perons who want toi
meeting at Riverside park today
held at Corvallis.
for Pomona grange’s holiday pro­
Eight Boys To Lucky Boy learn to swim or to earn a junior,
Rev. Poindexter came to Spring
featuring a public program
During Third Period
field four years ugo and has takou
with an address by Rev. Milton 8.
award are urged to register as soon <
an active part lu community and
Weber of Eugene.
Kprlngfleld Boy Meouta will be as possible.
civic work along with his minis­
The registration fee Is used to
Those who enjoy the old fashion-
terial duties. He was Just recently represented by a delegation of
elected secretary-treasurer of the eight at the summer camp at Camp pay living expenses of the instruc- Elective and Appointive 01 ed Fourth of July have such an
event planned for them at Cres­
ficers Placed Monday;
l.lou club Mrs. Poindexter has Lucky Boy on Blue River this year tors. The City will furnish a truck
well where the volunteers fire de­
! -----------
taken an
active ------------
part lu -------------------
the church It waa announced today by Glenn to take the swimmers to and from
Past N. G. Pins Given
partment is sponsoring their fourth
1 work and has devoted much time Murtln. scoutmaster. The boys will tbe park.
Class Schedule Listed
New officers were In stalled here annual celebration.
to music. They have two sons, attend the third csrap period which
A schedule of classes, all of Monday night for Juanita Rebekah
People in tbe W altervllle and
Charles and David. The entitre fam­ opens August 4. und closes on Aug­
s h iih will be held In the morning, lodge. They w ill serve for six Deerhorn districts are holding a
ily will he missed when they leave ust 18.
Included among the Kprlngfleld has been arranged as follows:
large picnic and program this after­
this community.
9 to 10 Junior and senior llte
- llev. John Dale McCormack Is a boys who will atteud the comp
Heading the list Is Mrs. Crystal noon.
Fogel, noble grand; and Doris G ir­
former Blblv teacher at W illamette are Frans Ktuart, Bruce Maxey. Bav,D*
Church Folk a t Coast
10:45 to 11:15 advanced swim- ard. rev rding secretary.
University anil at Kimball school Scott W right, Billy Dow, Eugene
Among the groups at the coast
Theulogv. A few year» ago he Fulop, Lawrence Thompson, Wayne, m‘‘rg
Other ofticerj installed are Mrs. today is a large party from the
11 te to 12.00 beginners
loturued to school In the East re- Endicott, and Robert Roden bough
1 Marie Pohl, treasurer; Miss Max-' Christian church which left early
. ___
The first truck wlU le“
The «nouât »«eut
V* U w |*n*>
ine Snodgrass, past noble grand; today Included In this group are
celvlug the degree of doctor of
-uout «amp
«amp opens
?' hal*
8 46 " on<**Jr morning Mlgs Eunic<, Gerber, outside guard Mr. and Mrs. MariOB Adorna and
philosophy. Bev. s lid Mrs. McCor- Sunday for tbe first two-weeks per
inlck are’ expected h> arrive here lod. The entire enrollment of ZIW “'J*1 e“‘ h mornin< thereafter. U p o n ; Mts« Eva Louk, inside guard ) son. Bob. M r and Mrs. Lum F.
Poindexters Active Here
Another crew Is busily at work
hauling dirt from the Lincoln
school grounds lo the high school
playground. They huve also hauled
a lot of river gruvel to tbe high
school gyui to u»e for a fill.
about 21 years of age. waa killed
early thia morning In an automo
Idle accident between Oakridge and
O llie r changes In this district In­
tmth listed as wesk. the fire depart J
»tru.turul condition» of ih.- ¡Worker» Pa«« Half-way Mark
At Lincolni Gym Work
city were commended.
Moving Slower
The water illuallon has changed
since the lost rate was set In 1S27
Carpenters und painters have
At that lime the city had a lDO.u.,0
gullon water supply. The city now completed more thaii half of the
has a reserve supply ot I.AOO.OtiO work to be done at the Lincoln
gallons In a new reservoir. This sth»M*l building under the KEItA
change alone, might make euough project. Tbe entire roof lias been
»inference in the point ratlug to on cleaned off and given a coat of
title Hprlugfleld to a rating of six presarvntlva »>11 and stain.
Carpenters have lenalled tbe »Id
whlth would save taxpayers from
lu lo 15 per cent of their premiums Ing and painter« have completed
painting the north and eaat aides j about July 10.
per year
of the building. The scaffold la be­
F ire D a n g e r in Block
The euglneara did not coudenin ing moved to the oilier «Ides of the NEWLYWEDS
Mitts Velma Cain Lotaa Life
Announce Winners Of Award«
Early This Morning In
Registration At City Hall Fri-j At Court Of Honor in M.
Coast, Mountains, and Local
Automobile Accident
E. Church July 9
day, Saturday and Monday
Resorts Compete For Share
Morning; Many Expected
In Fourth Outing Groups
Miss Velmu Caln of Westfir,
Winners of awards In the Boy
Kprlngfleld ladles who attended
the annual lioiuemakers camp at
«'leawox camp near Florence last
week returned to their homes here
Sunday. Includtsl in the group at­
tending from this city were Mr».
C. L. Aldrich, Mra. C. K. Wheaton,
Mrs. Truman rhuae, Mrs. Roy Carl­
ton, and Miss Namnl Carlton, camp
uur. e. Mr and Mrs. W illis Bertsch
und C. L. Aldrich drove over to the
const Sunday bringing some of the
ladles home with them.
Anderson and son, Frank, and
daughter, Irene, Mr. and Mra. B. O.
Smith and son, Kyle, Mr. and Mrs.
W a it e r Laxton and son, Junior. Mr.
support to the vice-grand; Mrs.
Leona Buell, left support to the
vice-grand; Mias Luiu McPherson,
warden; Miss Vlnnie McPherson,
conductress; Mrs. Rosa Montgom­
ery, chaplain; Mrs. Marjorie Moe-,
hier, musician.
and Mrs. W. A. Taylor and their
nephews, Wilson and Doc, and
their niece. Dorothy. Hazel Nesbitt,
Mrs. Noah Helterbrand and daugh­
ters. Jewel and Pearl, Rev. and
Mrs. I. O. Shaw and sons. Clifford
and Rupert, and their daughters,
Miss Mary Ann Louk. vice-grand, Mrs Gilbert, of Klamath Falls.
AH business places were closed
was unable to be present for the
installation and will be seated here today excepting the drug
stores which maintained Sunday
Mrs. Alberta W alker was re­ hours, and service stations, con­
elected captain of tbe degree staff, fectionary and eating places. The
and also won the senior past noble Booth-Kelly sawmill Is taking the
grand pin. Another past noble day off. and the playground will
grand pin was presented to Miss be closed for the day.
year because the water is too cold
lu the upper valley and mountain
streams at this time of the year.
Life saving awards and other
awardg w ll, be mgde gt the c,oge Maxine 8nodgrass, retiring noble
of the gw(m per,od 8ome gpecU, grand. Presentations were made by
progTam may be arranged for the Miss Eunice Gerber.
r(na, day later on
The Installation was conducted
by Miss Gerber, district deputy
Springfield American Legion post
president, who was assisted by number 4<) w l|, no, 8,ect delegatea
Mrs Glenn Stone, Mrs. W'alker. | to the state convention at Tbe
Mrs. Wanda Myers, Mrs. Bertha Dalles In August until shortly be­
Mrs. Larimer was born ou April
Rouse. Mrs. Leda Freeland, and fore the convention It waa decided
19. 1879 lu California and came
Mrs. Clara Snodgrass.
at tbe flnal meatj ng o( ti,e group
with her parents to Oregon when
Refreshments were served by the for the summer season held laat
four years old. She was married to 1
outgoing officers under the direc- Thursday evening at Taylor hall.
Charles Larimer In 1921 and they
.» _ • u
Two delegates and two alternate«
lived at Fall Creek until four years State Highway Department 10 t
os 1» r
are to be elected.
ago when they moved up on Lost
Resurfacing and Oiling
She Is survive« by her widower,
two sons. Loran and Herschel F ra­
zer of Portland; one brother. Wm.
White, and two sisters, Mrs.
M yrtle Hudelson and Miss Liuflle
Lower Willamette Road
are busy this week re-oiltng the
lower part of the W illam ette high­
way in the vicinity of Pleasant
HUI. Dexter and out to Lowell.
This section of the highway was
surfaced and oiled several years
S lit was a member of the Christ-
ugo but has broken down badly lu
lan church.
( many places. The surface is being
rebuilt before the oiling work is
The section between Lowell and
Hell Gate bridge is In fine shape,
Mrs. Harry Whitney waa honored having been oiled several years
on her birthday here Friday even­ after the lower part.
ing with a potluck dinner at her
The highway department equip­
home which was attended by mem ment is located on the depot
hers of the birthday club. Cards grounds here where the oil Is being
were enjoyed following the dinner. heated and pumped Into truck
Present for the evening besides tanks fur transportation to the oil­
the Whitney family were Mr. and ing work.
Mrs Carl Olson. Mr. and Mrs Dan |
Crites and daughter. Jean, Mr. and YOUNG PEOPLE ENJOY
Mrs. Harry Ktewart and grandchil­
dren, Betty und Ktewart Kausser
of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Elvln
About 20 members of the Christian
May and daughter, Florence, Mr. Endeavor society went on a 'mid­
and Mrs. W illiam Long. Mr. and night noodle feed' Monday night.
Mrs W. K. Darnell.
Mr. and Mrs. Lum F. Anderson and
Nine fires were reported to the
file department during the month
of June according to Hugh Jolltff.
fire chief. Three of these were runs
to buildings, and the other alx In­
volved grass fires. The largest tire
was that which destroyed the Otto
Mennea barn. One house In the city
sustained a loaa of about |1SA
¡an; Mrs. Sarah Johns, right sup-
nobje grand; Mrs. Min-
nIe airard iefl »upport to the noble
grand; Mrs. Genevieve Louk. right
Mr. and Mrs. W llllatn Donaldson
were host and hoetess at their
home here Friday evening for the
regular gathering of the Two-Town
club. The club meets for dinner
and a social evening and Includes
members living In both Eugene and
Mr. B. O. Smith accompanied the
They went down to the
gravel bur below the highway
bridge about 11 o'clock where
noodles were served In tin cups
and eaten with crude home-made
chop sticks. Miss Uldlne Oartln led
the gretp In singing for about
three-quarters of an hour. The
group rae organised by a bugler
who visited the various homes of
the young paopla*
Members of the Neighbors o t ,
Friend i of Miss Maude Chase
Woodcraft drill team elected Alex
Stevens, president, and Marlon gathered at the home of Mrs. Merle
Adams, vice-president, at a sh o rt1 1 ,laae> in Chase Gardens Friday
business meeting held Friday even­ afternoon f o r a miscellaneous
ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. bridal shower. The guest list num­
Noah Helterbrand. Sam Kweeney bered 88 and a large number ot
gifts were presented the honor
Is the new secretary-treasurer.
A social evening was enjoyed fol­ guest. Refreshments were served.
lowing a supper and the business
at M c K enzie bridge
Mrs. Nannie Lynn died suddenly
Tuesday at McKenzie bridge. Death
was caused by cerebral hemorrh-'
age. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn came to
Oregon a few days ago from Okla­
homa and he was working near
Eugene at the time of her death.
The remains are being shipped
back to Oklahoma by the Poole
Miss Evelyn Barber of Tillamook
and Francis Libby, son of Mr. and
Mrs. S. E. Libby of this city, were
married here last Thursday even­
ing at a quiet wedding ceremony
at the home of Mr. Libby's parents
at 8 o’clock. Rev. Ren Hollister
read the service In the presence of
only the Intimate family.
Carpenter», plumbers or ele»--
trlctaus who have unpaid dis­
trict 19 school taxes w ill be
given the opportunity to work
them out at the high echoo! gym­
nasium. it is announced today by
the school board. The rate if
pay will be $6 a day.
Tbe lumber used at the gym-
naslu Is being secured by an ar­
rangement to apply the coet on
taxes so the board hag decided
to extend this privilege to the
skilled workmen needed also.
The arrangement Is expected to
be beneficial both for the school
district and the workmen who
can turn Idle time Into tax pay­
Any skilled workman In the
above trades who wishes to work
out taxes may present h it of­
ficial tax statement to Olenn
Martin, supervisor on the Job,
and make arrangements to go to
work when needed.