THURSDAY. JUNE 27. 1»H THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAGE FOUR — COAST BUSINESS OUTLOOK HAZY FRUIT JUICES MAY BE BOTTLED FOR FU TU R t — — — i ■ — III at Homo— Mrs Emery Rich at her home this week ardson Is III ONE INJURED WHEN AUTO LEAVES MOUNTAIN ROAD Irjures Hand— Ed Tomselli In- Surplus Juices M ay Lie S tored A w ay F o r Use In J e llla a Or A t U el.e o u t D rin k s MI mm .MlIdled K*uUiiiu>»'i of l aid wvll, Idaho mum I u Invìi u broken *»l lumber company plant here vestei now, oioHvii colmruoti«. and au lu day when a plank dropped ou it. juive, ahouldoi aud other hrulaaa ■’M a huii mu* * uh thrown from au Findings Of Investigators To > Recover, After Operation— Miss automobil«* whlvii left Ihv McKati Be fold At Open Meeting , Violet Italian Is recovering uow foi- ah» highway IU lull«« Ihla aida of At City H all at /:3 0 |i wl g an operation fur appon-llci thv MUiniiill Tuawduy. T h e vai want * | forilu il last weekend ovar u fool bunk lla r rompan i euplc <>i h p riiig lletd are Invited Ion who wu*« «liivinä Ib a »ui Wim in a tte n d a m e e tin g ul the i tty h at. R e tu rn , Home— Miss Era Dell not Injur. »I Kolb wonivn ara from Ii.u .g u el Ml . 39 al which tim e U. i M urphy left Sunday for her home Idaho ,.i ttiuiuer. Inai gj.ei c l the public al I.os Augeli*s. C alifo rn ia a fte r le iu tlu llg ile p a liU ie lil ul th e G enet visiting w lih her pureula. Mr and W uED INSPECTORS FOR b. l i i s u i a l i i e co in « a n y w ill r e p u ii Mis. I E Murphy. Ill Eugene aud lu the city conned (lulling * ul hl« COUNTY APPOINTED with her brother and st ter In-law e n g lu e e ls will) u a r e J11 t completed M r und Mrs D. It Murphy. Waad Inspector* ware m uovi g survey ul the lire and Tuaadgy b) thv Couuty Court ou da a » ,a id s lu this city. Return from O uting — Mi ami : Mr. Tliurber and three associates » oiuiiH'iidutton oi C. h. iK a w a rl. Mrs (I II Turner were aadly aur ' uty t illit inspector. They will speut a week In Springfield during Ju •>! I I EÏ h i d at iho I* kith Ki lly M o nd ay V isito r- —C S Quest at Hotel— Bert Tauuhtll of Mooney ! Newberg was a guest at the Spring of Fall Creek wa a business visit . which mav : field hotel Monday evening I or !-■ Springfield Mondin lU it ju Vatio Home Building Shows Gains; he Jelly sup- he ured Industrial Output Slows At T u rn e r— M i. and Mn» Klm«»i Business Vielt»’'— R K. Chase reahlug and Pb o. Down During Month easily and ! of Camp Creek was a buttava» PtMgUsOD |»»H I'll ‘*«du\ fo| Tut IHM healt ul drinks. I Or«» gun bottled during the berry I visitor In Springfield Saturday quick Business was somewhat less ac­ says Miss Lucy A. Case. sensi In from Camp Creek— Murto:i Vida Folk Here—Mr. and Mrs tive In May than In April In the nutrl.ion speclali-l at Oregon State Chant» a hualnen* t tailor from Arthur Mlnney of Vida were here Twelfth Federal Reserve district. college. Camp C iv -k Tursday afternoon Friday on business. Industrial output declined and mea­ one of the most Important points sures of trade turned downward Visit at New port — Miss Ed a Patient Leave»— Irvin Clark wa remembered In canning cr during the month. Residential ,ii ug fruit Juices is that at no > discharged front the Bromley Con- Seteison spent the w eeken d visit bulldlni; continued to rise, although Ing at Florence and Newport. i during the process should valescent home here Tuesday. permits a I awards tor other types n r the fruit or tha Juice be ah Hom* _ o rval Eaton has, W e e k e n d in P o rtla n d — M r uml of construction declined. boil says Miss Case, as _ ___ „ ‘ AOWC'I returned from Portland where he M r Ernest Black and lam ily » In the Paciitc Northwest, Indus m i* spoils thv flavor of the Juice, has been studying at an optoaietry the week-end In Portland trial operations were sharply cur­ in laded directions, prepared by school. Pc raion Speaker—Win E. Par- prised last week » hen they took J bure . barge of the enforcement of which time they Inspected local tailed by the strike of lumber mill tiie bureau of home economics of tae I’. S. department o< agriculture, W a lte rv ille Man Here — Lawr­ rieh of Eugene was Mpeaker al the a week's outing at Loon lake t o ■ the thistle cttulrol program busluees aud rvsldeullal propel ly worker and loggers In the Doug­ ence Millican of Walterville w u a Townsend club meeting here last find the lake being used for log and also mads a careful check uf las fir area. In other sections of the arc as follows: Appolutiueuls made for Ibis u»c the schools glug purposes. Fishing at ihla oncei district, alter allowance lor a more First wash the berries or other : business visitor in Springfield Sat Thursday evening dealrahle place has been rulued , litui of the county lucludv O. E. Tonight Mr Tliurber will make a than seasonal decline in vegetable m i l l . Then mash a small portion urday. in fro m Camp Creek—Mrs Jesse canning which followed unusual of the fruit in a kettle and stir! Visitor from Washington — Mrs Oates of Camp Creek was a busi for some time says Turner They ! Erereou. Creawell. Cloverdale and I cuuiplete report of Ills tludlugs aud Guabeu, B 11. Jacobs. Pleasant I will otter suggestloua by which peo activity In April, no material w hile heating it quickly Just to the Daley Bumgarner of LaCrosse. ’ uess visitai in Springfield Satur returned Friday lllll, Jesse Gates, Camp Creek and pie ui Ibis ctly cau lower tlielr change in output of other Indus boiling point, but not allowing it to Washington Is here visiting at the day Leaburg, W II Scott. Fail Creek lire Insurance rating which would Visitors Tuesday Mis laillle tries was indicated by available boll. Remove at once and strata the Visiting Daughter— Mrs O II Crawford of Oregon City stopped aud I'ppur Willaiuelle; Waller Ira Young homo. mean a direct savlug lu all person« data. Operations at automobile as­ heated Juice through a heavy Jelly Long Is here from Taft Io visit Chrtstengea, Cubuig uorth; Carl bolding Insurance policies. sembly plants and tire factories bag. The Juice that runs from the Albany Man Here— Frank Tay with her daughter. Miss Florence here Tuesday to visit with her sister. Mr W II Pollurd Mrs llupklus, Coburg, Urti. Mlnney. were moderate. On the other bag » ithout pressure is generally lor was here from Albany Tuesday IxlUg Crawford was enroute home front Upper McKenzie, E C. Cole. Weal FERGUSON GETS POST hand, output of both crude oil and clearer than that obtaiued by pres­ on business fur the Mountain Springfield and Eugeue; J. W refined petroleum products was sure. aud may be bottled separately States Power company. Visitor Saturday— Albert Bint Palo Alto with her son. Randall, AT CHURCH GATHERING Slormvnt, Mohawk; and C. J. Hau who graduated from lwtund Stan somewhat greater than in the pre­ if desired. | moils of Camp Creek win u bust stay, W ilia ken,la Visits in California— Mrs Karl tor university this sprlug They ceding month. Activities at motion Sugar Retains Color ■ ness visitor In Springfield Satur­ D E. Ferguson of Bpitagttahl was Klrard left Friday for Lincoln. Cal­ were accompanied by Mrs. Craw picture studios were expended and Less Juicy fruits may require a day named Wednesday u a member of ford's daughter. Mrs. Jean Rapp mining and development work ou little longer cooking at the simmer-1 ifornia to visit with Mrs J A. me iiomiuaiing comiulllee for the BIRTHDAYS OBSERVED of Baker, und Mrs John French of Lindsey. Vieits in Washington — Mrs non-ferrous metals properties ing point and a small ainouut of , Katie Bruniette has gone to Ocean Oregon City. W ITH PICNIC SUNDAY annual stale convention of the were well maintrdned water, about one-fourth cup to a Leaves for Calfornla— Miss Bar Churcbea uf Christ la u iegoa which Park, Washington to visit with of fruit, is sometimes bara chandler has gone to Long la uow In session at Turner Reflecting in part a large decline pound The birthdays of Fred IxNik and f. lends. I Beach. California to spend some I in lamber shipments, industrial needed. Mary Anu Ixruk, his daughter, were Sugar uray be added to the I time visiting with friends H e r« from Medford— Miss ixiuls.'i freight carlondings decreased, obeerved with a picnic gal her lug RUTH POLLARD SINGS Juice if desired—about I strained Cowden arrive«) here Monday from TO F O IL BANK CRO O KS whereas a moderate expansion is at Bwlmiuer'e Delight part Bunday IN RECITAL TUESDAY Parents of Son—Mr and Mrs A. one cup to a gallon of Juice, it | Medford Io st>end the sum mer with customary in May. Merchandise Thirteen were preseuL helps to retain the color and im­ J. Beebe of Coburg are the parents her mother. and miscellaneous loadings also Miss Itulh Pollard, daughter of NEW YORK. Tbs American proves the flavor of the juice, but of a son born to them at the tarn Dr. aud Mr». W. H. Pollard Was declined. Recession in department Dinner Gueet»— Mrs. C. A. Hankers A ssociation Protective is not necessary for preservation. ilv home on Monday. June 34. 1935. Mason» Take Vacation Committee has developed a plan of presanted aloug with six other store sales was larger than usual, Guard M arch— Mrs. M. B Swarts and daughters. Helen and bank Inspection to bring out expo The meeting Tuesday evening votlta, voice aud piano students of particularly In the Pacific North­ if used, it should be dissolved by Maxines, were dinner guests at the sure hasards or weak spots ta re was the final one of the summer west where a marked improvement stirring Just before the Juice i s . Hunt|y gp<,nt t|,e week-end in Pori- C. E. Swarts home Sunday. Mr. and Mr». Buford Roach at the specl to attacks by criminals based season for Liberty Maaoulc lodge. Eugene hotel Tuesday evening. reheated. | |antj «-here she viewed the Oregon was recorded in the preceding on Its loug-eslabllshed. nation wide Never Allow To Boll ; National Guard on parade Tuesday. Home for Week-end—Miss Max experience In Investigating bank The next mealing will he held In Miss Pollard, aoprano. sang. "By month. Sales of new automobiles The strained juice is reheated to tae Snodgrass spent the week-end burglaries, holdups and sneak thefts. September. declined substantially from the re­ -.bine Boug," by Grieg; the simmering point—185 degrees Walterville Man Here— Norman here al the home of her parents. Marla", Bchuherl;' and "Robin latively high levels of April. An In The Inspection covert eighty lead F. or 85 degrees C.—and poured Anderson of Walterville was a busi- Mr and Mrs. Riley Snodgrass. She tag questions and seventeen rsconi- crease in intercoastal traffic during Bong" by White. tato hot, sterilixed bottles, filling, ness visitor In Springfield Satur- mendatlous which are lustrudlve In is employed at Albany. May approximately offset a sharp to within one inch of the top if ■ day. the prevention of such crimes decline in April, associated with crown caps are to be used, or two ! V is it M cK enzie Sum m it— Doris These relate to such subject* as the At the annual iiieellng of public I WO BRIDGE GROUPS TO the recent strike of tanker seamen. Back in Town—T. E. Bennett, MEET IN SPRINGFIELD Girard. Mr and Mrs Kenneth Gir­ use of alarms and other protective school district No. 1 at Pleasant inches if corks are to be used. The | Eastbound petroleum shipments former resident, is back in Spriug- ard. Mrs. M. Soderbach and daugh equipment, also the condition of lllll. Cecil Wheeler was elected to bottles are sealed, either by cap­ ! field after five years spent at were double those for April. Mrs. Carl Uleon 1* entertaining ter. Georgia, drove to the top of windows, doors, skylights and other i serve 3 years on the school hoard ping or by corking tightly, before Loans and investments of dis­ processing. Corks may be made entrances which have facilitated the at her hottie today with a 1:30 des­ spor the McKenile pass Sunday early morning entry of bandits who and Mrs. Lucille Miller was chosen sert bridge party tor member» ot trict banks showed little change safe by pushing in tightly and then visit in Portland— Mrs. W. A. clerk for one year. Improvement» during the five week period, but a Return Home— Mrs Edna Yar­ kidnap bank employee, from their the Kontract Kiub. Mr». Walter moderate decline in deposits oc­ placing a double square of cheese x ay|<,r. her nephew and niece. Wll- nell and daughter. Edna June, re homes during the night,or break Into ’ In the achoul building, playground Bcott will entertain at her bume cloth over the cork and tying it gon aBd Dorothy Taylor, and Cllf- J L the hank premises and hind and gag equipment were discussed during curred. This circumstance reflects, down with a suing around the ford 9haw went to Portland Tues- ! Friday al 2 o'clock for members ,o ,helr hom* Monmouth the employees until one rnmes along i the meeting. in part, a substantial net transfer Wednesday after spending a week who la capable of opening the rum of the Gala contract club. neck of the bottle below the collar. ; day At the annual elect loo for dl- of funds out of the district for the vi-ltlng with friends here. hlnatlon locks on vaults or safe* The sealed bottles are placed ou j i rector to serve five years on the account of banks and their custom­ a rack in a large container of warm M a rria g e L icen se R sport Visit» Daughtsr Mrs. Ralph Junction City Folk Hors— Me. Pleasant Hill high school board ers which was only partially off­ water on the stove, and brought Martin of Wendllng was a visitor Among the marriage llcenae* I* and Mrs. I. M Feterson and fam­ Bert Beaver of Enterprise wa* FARM ACC O U N TIN G set by Treasury disbursements in to the simmering point and kept 1»»» sued at the oil Ice uf the Couaty home ° f her »on 1 chosen to succeed himself excess of collections in the district. there for 10 minutes, but not allow ta law and daughter. Mr and Mrs ily of Junction City were visitors Clerk during the past week ar* the One of the nisjoi acriculturnl sc- ta Springfield Wednesday a fte r­ Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Beach aud following: Berthel l.udlngtou and United States Treasury collections l tlvltle* of ’ h f|- -':i |’.:n‘ r* As ( ed to boil. The bottles are best Ted Davenport. noon. ) family of Corvallis, Jimmie Apple- la-ona Fisher both of Ur*awell; were unusually large because of a sodatim i I* farm accounting A Birthday Dinner — Mrs. James gate <>f Corvallis, Mr aud Mrs. Leslie Aldrous and Elisabeth Vin­ return by bank- of additional laid on their sides, with the watei Return Hom»— Mr and Mis. lla iik -r F a rm -i lli« tltire was i Id at least two inches over the topi Majng gave a dlnner Sunday in postal savings funds and because with a nrogr.'i.i b illi around ih l, Striker aud family, Mr. aud Mrs. cent both of Walton; Willis Doug Walter Percy and daughter. Flor­ mwuwu . by national lal'er- The bo»11«* are «f**“ re ! honor of her husband’s birthday.) Deau Morrow and family. Mr. and *ubje< I The tauikeis p r e s e n t of further « deposits retire liability for their ul0Ted and *Uowed t0 c° o1' Wheri Relatives and Mrs. A. B Van Val- ence. left Tuesday for their home pledg’-'l to Interest live of ihelr farm ­ .Mrs. Wesley Halites and family, la uf Salem and Gpal Mae Brood banks to of Bpilngfleld; Floyd Davidson. Eu at Portland after visiting at the corks are used it is best to dip zah wefe pregent er cic imners lu adopt ng *landurd circulating notes. Otto Mennes home for several fum i ui cour.tlm r«< ord« Forty fa; m Mr. aud Mrs. Jeppy Jensen and gen«, and Vada L. Swinney of 0 » the cork and top of the bottle in family and Mr and Mrs. Henaou qullle, France« Libby. Hpringfleld, semi-liquid paraffin or sealing wax Health Better—Mrs Lynn Ches- days. era present signed up. and family all of Eugene were and Evelyu barber, Mohler, C lar ERGATHA CLASS PLANS Label and store in cool, dark, dry , hire is reported to be greatly lm guest* at the Harold Roberta home race lieadiuond aud Mary Dow proved this week following a serl- RECREATION EVENTS place i Sunday both of Coquille. Robert Franklin. --------------------- — | ous Illness at the home of her Mr. aud Mrs Eugene B Tinker Creawell. and Lottie Craudaii, Of I mother. Mrs. Sarah Johns The Ergatha class of the Meth­ i> turned Bunday night fiom a bust Springfield; Delbert Plersoh, Ma­ odist church will sponsor an even­ MONDAY DAY FOR NEW Visits Son— Mrs F. HUliker ot neaa trip to northern California. bel, aud I-eta Titus, Maroola; ing of adult recreation on the DRIVER'S LICENSES Albany left yesterday for her home They motored down the coast high­ Elmer Luud, Florence, sad Angle Springfield playground once each after visiting at tilf worne of her way to Arcata und then over the Farmer. San Francisco, All driver's licenses Issued ta month during the summer months Marlen E. Pew of Editor and =on, Floyd HUliker. of t i* U "i ! mountains to Redding This road it was decided at the meeting of Oregon prior to thL month expire tain States Power company office Publisher Regards Auto* which wss under construction last CALL FOR W A R R A N T ! Sunday night, June 30. New licen­ the class last week. year, they found lu very good con­ mobile Accident Problem Notice Is hereby given that ses are Issued od receipt of proper Falls on Wlr*— Jean Barreau, dition, although construction work School District No. 19. In Lane as Part of Thia Ruthless ly filled blanks accompanied by one five years old, was badly cut on his is still going on and there Is a ten county, Oregon, will pay at the Age — Condemn* Coarse dollar to ail persons now holding a hand Saturday when he fell Into mile detour. At W«>avervllle and office of clerk uf said district, all Individualism. Several events of general Inter­ license. Persons whe have not a barbed wire fence at his home Shasta, old mining towna, they warrant to and including number est have made the past week a been licensed ta the state or whose on the McKenzie. found prospectors at work, lu (he 4151, dated January 31, 1935. In­ ability to handle a motor vehicle busy one. Performs Wedding—Rev. Melvin HOLY CO M M AND IS CITED old worked over creek beds, many terest ceases after June 28, 1935. is questioned must take the state Funeral services were held st Trailer went to Corvallis Sunday of them making good money. S E V E ItT JACO BSO N. C lerk the Walterville church for H. C. examination. Blanks on which tc "It is my view that the continuing Mr. und Mrs. E. E. Kilpatrick to officiate at the wedding of Miss make application for license may Page, Walterville resident since Phyllis Baslack of Corvallis to Jack slaughter and maiming of human und daughter, Betty, are living In N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S 1994, and a leader in Presbyterian be obtained from C. E Wheaton, beings ou the streets and highways Eugene this summer where Mr. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF Quigley of Creswell. Justice of the peace. of this country is part and parcel of church activities. Rev. Ralph THE STATE OF OKttQON IN Kilpatrick is working for his mas­ Clark conducted the service. Daughter Borrv—Mr. and Mrs. A. our bewildered, ruthless and un- AND FOR LANE COUNTY. ter* degre«- at the University of I IN THE MATTER OF THE Tuesday afternoon a shower was F. Dickson of Jasper are the par splrltual age,” writes Marlen E. Pew, Oregon. ESTATE OF MARTHA A. HUI given at the home of Mrs. Walter ents of a baby daughter born to editor of Editor and Publisher and Harold Robert* was taken to (he tbs Fourth Estate, In a booklet on KER, Deceased. Carter for Leaburg and Deerhorn them at the Eugene hospital on the traffic situation published by the Notice is hereby given, That the Pacific hospital Tuesday where he Miss Mildred Price left last Sat­ Thursday. June 20, 19366 friends of the honor guest, Mrs. Travelers Insurance Company. underwent un eiuergeury operation undersigned has been duly ap pointed administrator of the estats Everett Brown, about forty were urday for Portland where she will “As a people, we do not hold ta for acute appendicitis. • injure» Hand—Charles Forsythe, of Martha A. Bulker, deceased. All M A R LE N E. REW attend .summer school. present. high respect the holy command of Ixirris Miller wa* re-elected di­ pel -unis havlag claims against said Mr aud Mrs Melvin Buell mo­ •on of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur For­ all ages and of all religions: Thou The annual high school meeting strict and uniform traffic rules, re­ rector of the Trent public school estate are hereby required to pres sythe who are summering on the ShaltNotKIll. We do not even honor, was held at Walterville and Thurs­ tored up from Roseburg last Wed­ specting not only speed and safe and Mrs. Bessie Kimball was re­ I ent the same, with vouchers there­ ton union high school Monday P. nesday. They returned home on McKenzie from California, received ta practice, the common tenet of all driving rules, but the upkeep of car for, to the undersigned al the of- elected clerk. flce of Clyde N. Johnston, 310 Tif­ M. at Walterville (M. H. 8.) "John Thursday and Miss Heersma went a badly mashed band and finger civilized peoples that man's first efficiency, entailing regular Inspec­ The annual picnic at Trent will fany illdg . Eugene, Oregon, within duty Is to protect his neighbor as tion and the condemnation of dang­ Klckbuscb was re-elected director, with them to spend some time ta fracture Saturday. himself. lie held Huturday, June 29 The six months from the date hereof. erous vehicles and also roads; I and It was voted unanimously to hopes of beneflttlng her health. Returns from Coast—F. B. Flan- Dated this 27th day of June. 1936. Bunday school has charge of the "These strictures are not based favor the limitation of heavy truck Mrs. Alberta Davenhlll a n d ery and son. Richard, and daugh­ upon a condition that Is unavoidable, transport the students to Spring- ARNOLD L. 8UIKER, Admr. prop rani. There will be a lunch traffic, both as regards number and of the Estate of Martha A. Bul­ daughters, Jean and Shirley, are ter, Dorothy, spent the week end on for It 1» well established by now that field. size; many lighting methods are counter sponsored by the Ladles ker, Deceased. visiting Mrs. Davenhlll'» parents, the coast. Mrs. Flanery was unable a high percentage of motor acci­ now Inefficient; I favor the limita­ .Aid. tJ 2 7 -J ly 4H-IM25) Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Mathew-i. They to leave his business for the Yel­ dents might easily be prevented. We tion of speed at the source, which Is kill thousands and Injure approxi­ the automobile factory; I favor a CHERRY GROWERS spent the past winter ta Lon An­ lowstone trip he planned. mately a million men, women and system of scheduled fines for viola­ geles, Calif. PLEASE NOTE New Settler«— Frank Green of j children, every year, because st tions, calculated to discourage reck­ The annual high school meeting Cherries are wanted and will was held Monday evening. Roy Hixton, Wisconsin, Is here visiting | bottom the uveruge driver and lessness and rule from the road pedestrian figuring In such accidents persistent violators; I favor the be bought for cash by Baker, Kdmlstun was re-elected director. with his sister, Mrs. J. B. Endicott, j Kelley A Co., Salem packers, They are holding a meeting Wed­ and his brother, H. E. Lepley. Mr. I Is either himself reckless or is the bonding ot persistent violators to Insure the collection of damagee; I and will be received and accept­ nesday evening to vote on whether Green's family Is enroute to Oregon victim of another reckless person. Results Discouraging favor the continued lavish eipedl- ed at Bean Truck Line Ware­ or not to build a gymnasium for to make their home ta this com­ "For years I have witnessed the ture ot public funds fur good roads house. 385 Lawrence St., Eu­ munity. the high school. more or less apathetic and stagger and for traffic control. gene. Call at any time or tele­ The Ladles Aid will hold a silver , ing attempts of government, Fed- Shams« Civilization phone 187. Royal Annes, Bings tea al the home of Mrs. Farrel Me At Church Meeting—Mrs. Emma ! eral and local, to cope with this hor- " If men will not respect the Uvea and Lamberts. | Olson left ye-terday for Salem to ! ror and I have seen the effort» of of others, or their own, they must Quinr next Friday afternoon. i attend the annual meeting of the omny worthy organization», social, be put under arrest and that Is the Methodist church. She will go on political and economic, to »tern the condition we are facing In this to Tacoma to visit with her bloody tide The result» are bitter­ country today. The appalling cas­ ly discouraging. Nothing has been I brother, John Hallln, before re­ said, nothing done, which has any ualty list shames civilization, ex­ ceeds all reason, violates all the turning to Springfield. meaning to th- brazen motorist who laws ot God and man. It Is right, Is more Intent upon arriving at hla of course, to go on trying to Incul­ Do vour plans for HDrinK Visit at Roseburg— Mis» Mar- destination through the exercise of cate the spirit of safety and Inspire activities Include need of well N E W A U T O M A T IC R E N T A L »1.40 M O N TH | garet Oorrle drove to Roseburg coarse and Inhuman Individualism and educate drivers and pedestrians, printed matter, business or STORAGE HEATER ON 24 G A LLO N SIZE , Sunday afternoon taking her thsn he Is to conserve decent safety hut the present condition Is such social? . . . If so we are In for the lives of other», or Indeed, hl» mother, Mr». C. I. Oorrle, Sr., Miss own precious hide. It Is a kind of that patience may lack virtue. position to render most ex- “For one« we might no to the root Jeannlne Withers, and Ml»s Edna madness, which historian» of the fu­ c -’ient service. prn*” ntlv. In­ Platt and Mr» A. B. Van Valzah ture will regard a» of a piece with of this aril, a* a people demanding expensively a n d correctly that It ba brought under control by with her. the dare devil spirit of the American tha same forces that we use to com­ done. . . No matter what vour people in this aga, ’’•IntlP0’ lob mav be we can bat other antl-eoclal conditions "1 believe In lighting th L monster which till our world with needless har'tie the lob In the manner Visitors from Wleconaln— Mrs. that you want It done. . . . No C. Mastee and her daughter, MIJs realistically, »oieb call* for lews to dangers, aufferlng and grief. Reck­ tnske motor driving a serious re­ obligation on your part to ask Margaret Massee of Menotnonia sponsibility, with reckless guilt lessness la a species of trims sad uh to make an estimate. WlBConsIn are here visiting with mad» p»r«ousi and highly ex- should ba so regarded ta reference Mr». Everly Emery, sister-in-law if je o itv *. | helleva in preventive to automobile driving and pedeatrl- anlim. Unavoidable accidents are Mr». Ma»»ee They have been i.ieasures ot the moet rigid nature, bad anough, but tha ever rising Springfield Eugene, visiting relative« in J’ortland and lemandtag -.hat no person shall take tide of death and Injary whleb traces will return home by way of Cali­ the wheel ei*e{ t as he has quail- directly to Indlvtdaal Irresponsibil­ Phone 2 #th Street fornia and the Pacific Expedition «»4 as t «river; I believe la the ity and lack of law and arder, i policing »f -oads tad streets and «rouse public Indignation.** at San Diego. ‘£. Upper Willamette Calls Recklessness In Use Of Cars a Species of Crime McKenzie Valley Thurston Prompt Service FOR A L IM IT E D TIM E LESS THAN 5 PRWrWG c A D A Y R E N T A NEW GAS H O T W A T E R « EATER Northwest Cities Gas Co. The Willamette Press INCL UDES INSTA ELA TION